Outdoor Facilities Secondary Classroom

Maker Space Outdoor Lounge


Elementary Middle High Early Childhood Globally School School School Age of 3 Acknowledged Grade 1 to Grade 6 to Grade 9 to to Kindergarden Diplomas Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 12


Leading Academic Programs

We o er a quality academic program that follows the American Common Core standards. The school welcomes learners from Early Childhood (age 3) to high school graduation (Grade 12).

We partner with Common Ground Collaborative to create a dynamic learning culture where our learners become experts who have deep conceptual understandings, high levels of competencies, and a strong positive moral character. Our learning pathway culminates with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma program in Grades 11 and 12 in which students will graduate with the IB Diploma. Early Childhood outdoor playground Innovative Learning

In a fast-changing world, students need new skills and competencies to succeed. United sets a new benchmark for modern and holistic education, fit for the 21st century. Core Tech Curriculum and AI Our students learn in light-filled and high-tech classrooms, laboratories, art rooms, creative hubs and an innovative maker space with a 3D-printer, laser cutter, Beebots, Minecraft coding. They learn Applied leadership and collaborative skills by managing STEAM* their own projects. Through our Student Council Projects and the EMBRACE program, we give our kids the opportunities to learn about leadership, humanitarian e orts and being a global citizen. Our international faculty has several years of international experience from all over the world to Sustainability Emotional give our children the best in international education. Intelligence

Although we have our own 6,500 sqm of outdoor play and sports facilities for the di erent age groups, our sports program is being developed with outside sports facilities to enable * science, technology, us to give our kids a unique PE program that includes swimming. engineering, arts and math

Extracurricular Program

We o er a diverse program for our students to follow their passions, and to learn beyond the classroom. We partner with leading institutions to create experiences unique to United Lisbon students. Our unique partnerships with top providers out there such as Sporting CP Soccer Academy, Shark Coders and Viva Dança give our children the best opportunities to develop their passions.

Lisboa Racket Center Music classroom Dance Studio The United Lisbon Academy Dance • Music • Coding • Fencing • Tennis • Rugby • Sporting CP Soccer Academy