CONTENTS 1. Introduction

2. District Map

3. Village Map

4. A Report on the Large Size Village

5. Hamlet \\ise Comparati\e Statement on Certain Amenities

6. Comments; Views of the Directorate Regardmg Village Schedule

7. Filled in Schedules

(I) Consolidated Schedule

(2) Manavely Hamlet

(3) OdaiYely Hamlet

(4) Sinnaveerampattinam Hamlet

(5) Nonankupparn Hamlet

8. Instructions Manual


Union Territory of consists of 4 Districts VIZ, Yanrnn, POlldicherl)', Mahe and Karaikal and lie scattered in South , Pondicherr) is {he Headquarters of the Union Territo!)'.

Among (he 4 Districts, Yarmffi and Mahe Districts are entirely Urbrul Pondichcrry and Karaikal Districts hare Rural areas, Each District has 5 Commune Panchayals, From Census 1961 to I <)<) I, Census village(a hamlet of Revenue Village) \\ as adopted for data tmnlysis. In 200 I CenslIs, as per the instruction of Office of the Registrar General, India, a Revenue village is adopted as a lower unit o[ Rural area There are 92 Revenue Villages in both the Districts. Out of 92 Villag~<;, (l3 Villages are in Ponuichcr!)' District ,Uld the remaining 2l) Villages are in Karaikal District.

Among the <)2 Viliages, IJ VIllages ha\'e been identillcd as Large Si/.e Villages as per 1991 Census of \\ hieh 10 are in Pondichen} District and the remaining 3 are in Knraikal Dislrict The following details of the 13 Large Size Villages viI., Name of Commune Panchayat. Name of the Village, Area or (he Village, Population of the Village is ellclosed ill the Annexure. Manavely Village of Ariankuppam Commune Panchayat in Pondicherry District has been selected for the purpose of Pilot Study.


~-r~-- ~------~------_------SI. Name of the District Name of the Area of the ----Total Populahon-- No. Commune Panchavat / Village Persons Males Females Village 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PONDICHERRY MANNADIPET 1 Mannadipet 405.95 6.663 3.373 3.29D 2 ~u~_l:l1"______384.02 __ ~425__ _ 22_8§_L 2,564 ------~ - ~ - -~------~-- _------ARIANKUPPAM 3 Manayely 502.81 8,023 4.139 3.884

I 4 Puranankuppam 406.50 5.776 3,003 2.773 5 Madukkarai 307.77 5.159 2,6] 3 2,546 6 Kariamanickam 393.06 5.952 3,042 2.910 BAH OUR _- - _------_. -- - t------~------~-- -~---- 7 460.25 5,929 3,073 2,856 8 887.92 8.093 4.144 3.949 9 Manapattu 612.91 5,268 2.714 2,554 10 473.25 5.414 2.760 2.654 I KARAIKAL KOTTUCHERRY ------_ ------_ ------_-- -_ ~-- ~- II Kottucherrv 648.23 5.981 3,029 2.952 TIDRUNALLAR 12 Thirunallar 432.55 5.282 2,592 2.690 T.R.PATTINAM 13 T.R Pattinam 309.76 10374 5,087 5,287


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Name of Village: MANAVELY

Name of Dhtrict: PONDICBERRY

Name of U.I. : PONDIClI:KRRY

Manavely Village consists of 4 Hamlets namely Manave)y, Odaively, Sinnaveerampattinam and Nonankuppam. This village has been selected on the basis of the criteria issued by the ORGl.

Manavely village posses urban qualities and situated adjacent to the Urban OutgrO\vth of Pondicherry iu Ariunkupprun Comrnune l'Rllchnyat of Pondicheny Difltrict. This village is 9 Ian. away from the Dish"iet Headquarters and within 2 km. from Commune PanchaYRt Headquarters. Ariankupprun Commune Panchayat comes under the Ariankuppam C.D. Block and its Headqnruier is in KariknJrunpnkknm villlage of N{'ttnpakkrun Commune Panchayat n'wut R kill. away ii'om the rv1an8vt"ly villnge.

The total populntion of the Manav€'Jy villuge IS 11,243 and the number of Household is 2,519 as per 2001 Census. The hamlet wise population in respect of tvtwmvely, Odaively, Sinnaveerampnltinnm and Nononkuppam is 6,.59.5, 1,641,677 and 2,330 respectively. The total population has increBBt'd from 8,023 to 11,243 i.e. 40.13 per cent during the decade 1991-2001.

The Total Workers IS alAo increased fi·om 2.746 to 3,871 \·"herea13 the percentage of workers to total population iR more or less Ole same during the decudc. Like wise the Non-workers is also increru;ed by 2,095 i.e. from 5,277 to 7,372. The percentage of Cultivators and Agricultural Labourers are decreased from 7.62 percent to 4.62 and 34 89 to 16.79 percent re8pectively, whereas the workers engHged in 'Other work' has incr('ased fi'om 16.21 per cent to 76.75 percent dw"jng the decade.

EDUCATION: In Mrumvely hamIel, the Govemment Primrulr School and Higher Secondary School have both the medium of instructions i.e. Tamil and English from I to X class under one roof The Higher Secondary education i.e. ClruJses XI and XII is exclusively for Girls. TIle Govenunent has approved one private Computer company viz. Everron Computers to install 2 Computers in the School lUld impart training to the Students during the school hours .. After School hours the Government has ruso permitted the compWly to train the local people below the age group of 15 with nominru cost.

ME DICAL: A J),-jvnte Medicn1 College viz. Mnhatma OflJ)dhi Medicn..l ColI£'!g£'! Md Research Institute at Manapattu Village which is 8 km. away fi'om pilot village maintaining a Urban Health Centre at this vi lingo. In the Urban Health Centre, two Doctors and 2 Nurses provide free consultation and medicine to the people. A Specialist in Paediatrics and Gynecologist are visiting this centre once in a week. Blood and urine tests ru-e also done here. But Inpatient treatment is given at their Hospital only.

NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION: Two Non Governmental Organisations run BaJwadies for children below 5 years. They provide free food, milk etc., regularly and books and dress once in a yeru-

LOCAL BODIES: 1110 'RS( Election for local bodics was held in 1969.. 'nlcre after no election was held A Special Officer and Commissioner of Commune Panchayat appointed by the Government are looking after the welfare measures of the entire Commune Pallchayul including the pilot village.. However, the sWlclioned strength of the member of VillH8e Panchayat, income from taxation Blld other sources are collected from the Commune Panchayat and shown in the respective column.


Name of Y Educational Medical Post & Telegraph Hamlet E Facility Facili!y_ -- A p M H HS PRe PHS PO PTO Phone R it li if 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Manavely 91 1 - - - - - T,TW - - ~ BS PIt 01 3 1 1 1 1 - T - - 100 BS PR Odnively 91 1 - . TTW ~ BS PR - _._--- - -~------1------~ .. ~- ..__ . ------01 1 - - - T - - --_-._20 ------DS ----PR Sinnaveernm- 91 1 - - - - T,TW - - - DS PR paitinam - 01 1 - - - T - - -- 20 BS PR N onankuppam 91 1 1 - - - - T,lW ------_. BS PR 01 1 1 - - - 1 T - - 50 BS --PR Number of Schools at Primary] Middle, High Bnd Higher Secondary hwels have been increased during the decade of1991-2001 Census. During the 1991 Census there were no Health Centre in any of the hamlet of the vill!Jge Now one Private Urban Health Centre maintained by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College und Research Institute and one Government Primarj Health Sub

Centre is availnble. Phone connections 9J80 available in rut the hamlets.




A 2 Permanent l.ocatlon Code Number: The number of boxes may be increased ii-om 12 to 16 for incorponrtion of StatefUT Code(2 digit), Di~trict Code(l digit), Tahsil Code(4 digit) and Village Code(8 digit).

Name orC.D. Block also be included in Identification pru-ticulars


D 3 At Col. 6 of the Table one more codl' may be givt'll for

In some villages number ofhamlels may be more than 5. Honea 10 Rows may be provided in the schedule.


Co1.5 Number of Schools: exclulively for Girls may be bifm-cated. One for Government and another for Private SchooL Type of Institution; If a School have both medium of instructiolls like Tamil and English, whether it should be treated as a separate School for each medium of education or not.

F.3 ME DICAL FACILITY: Necessary provision Rhould be given to record a cCHeaJth C~ntre" nm by Private Medical College in the village.

F.7 POWER SUPPLY: The question may be modified as follows:

[Yes I No I

Is the Village have Power Supply? 1 2

ffyeFJ, the power supply available for (1) Domestic purpose only 1 2 (2) Agricultural purpose only 1 2 (3) Industrial pm-pose only 1 2 (4) For all purpose 1 2

F.I0 HYGIENE AND SANITATION: Above the sub heading "Method of dbposal of night 50ir\ the following line should be added:- If'yes' inF 10.1fF 10.2 then,.

G. OIHER AMENITIES Question on avajlnbility of "Ration Shop" in the village may also be included lu:·re .


J 1. Wap, the Village affected by any Nalrn-al Calamity in the preceding two cal elldar years Yes No 1 2

If yes, Specify the Natural Calamity (Cyclone may also included for coastal area)

Earthquake·- 1

Flood - 2

Drought - 3

Cyclone -4

Others - 5

GENERAL: For "Amenities not available", the distance I Place at which available may be n.'3ked in all concerned questions.

$ $ $

Office of the Registrar General, India Government of India New Delhi

Study on availability of ce:iain amenities in large size villages


A. 1 Name of the Village I

A.2 Permanent Location Code No. of the Village

A.3 Name of the sub-district (e.g., Tahsil, Taluka, Mandai etc)

A.4 Name of the District

A 5 Name of the State/Union territory .,£


B.1 Name and distance (in kilometres) of the Village from: Name Distance B.1.1 C 0 Block Head Quarters

8.1 2 Sub-district Head Quarters

8.1 3 Dis!rict Head Quarters 9

8.1.4 Nearest NatiooaVState Highway Within the Stale/UT

8.1.4 2 Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not within the State

B.1.5 Nearest all weather road

B.1.5.1 Within the State/UT

B.1.52 Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not within the State

8 1 7 ~rest Statutory IQ\lill 8.1 5 1 Within the State/UT 9 B 1.52 Outside the State/UT, if n~arest one is not within the State J

Village Survey Schedule: 1- ,r 11', ;. BRIEF HISTORY & LAYOUT MAP (Co//ect mformation on a plain paper on settlement /1Istory, from Survey Selllement Report, District Gazetteers, oral hlslory of llle village from elderly and knowledgeable persons m the vIllage.)

C.1 Collect information on the history of the village highlighting tile earliest settlers, tile events - both tragic and mmorable associated with the village, important landmarks in the course of the history, the heroes and the achievers. In short collect information on brief history of the village and its people.

C 2 A layout map depicting the landmarks on the ground through hand drawing over a sheet of paper. By looking at the layout map one should get the feel of the village, its roads and dwelling units, its agricultural fields or the places of religious importance - temples, mosques or gurdwara, or the river that flows by, or the railway tracks, etc. Use the 2001 Census layout map of the village to mark the changes. that you may see on the ground .


0.1 Number of Housebolds (Census 2001) o 1.1 Normal households 0.1 2 Institutional households 0.1.3 Houseless households Total:

Name No. of HH o 2 Name of the three largest castes, tribes or communities in the village along with their approximate number of households

D.3 Names, number and other details for each hamlets! habitations in the village (Note: For measuring distance identify first the original or the oldest hamletlhablfation) lodh;;ate if

I n:~'~~~~ from rnQstl~ inhabited by HamleV Habitation the main Name NQ of HH Population SC-1/ST-2 Number hamlet (in population kilometres) (Ci[~le ODe .c..Qde) 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.3.1 Hamlet 1 H J:l \, ( l (.: t.") gt) p" q,) Y r', . \ ~ S -3 1 2 L:_, 0.32 Hamlet 2 C ')6·,1 \, ( L Y ~'l , 'GlA\ 1 2 NJ..1 'v \": u.:'.t-l!)...,j }jl:n j Uv D 3.3 Hamlet 3 8l ~ "lUi ~ \~ ); (~, II 1 2 0.34 Hamlet 4 Irv('~ l,.}jJ c l'(C I 'eJI.I·;n :.) .. 'J ~\,Q .?. :~ ":) C) 1 2 0.3.5 Hamlet 5 1 2

0.4 How many multi storey buildings (three or more) are there in the village?

Village Survey Schedule: Page 2 of 16 E: AMENITIES Note 1: Fill separate schedule for each hamleUhabitation 2. Do not give separate information on any harnleUl1abitallon Wllich has less than 300 persons


E.1.1 15 a public drinking water source available in eacb bamleVbabitation7

Yes No

E.1.1.1 HamleVhabi!ation 1 .(1" 2 E.1.1.2 HamleUhabitation 2 (1 2 E.1.1.3 HamleUhabitation 3 (f 2 E.1.1.4 HamleVhabitation 4 ci 2 E.1.1.5 HamleVhabitation E 1 2

E.2.1 Is domestic power supply available in each bamieUbabitatlon7 Yes No E.2.1.1 HamleVhabitation 1 (] 2 E.2 1.2 HamleVhabilation 2 (I 2 E.2.1.3 HamleUhabilation 3 (f 2 E.2.1.4 HamleVhabitation 4 U.T' 2 E.2.1.5 HamleVhabitation 5 1 2

E.3.1 Is a primary school ayailable in eacb bamleVbabitatioo? Yes No E 3.1 1 HamleUhabitation 1 ('1 2 E.3.1,2 HamleUhabitatioo 2 (r 2 E.3.1.3 HamleVhabitation 3 _(f 2 E.3.1.4 HamleVhabitation 4 U 2 E.3.1.5 HamleUhabitation 5 1 2


F.1 Drinking Water

F.1.1 Do the villagers have access to public drinking water Yes, most of them source within the boundary of the habitation Yes, some of them No EB F 1 2 If not accessible within the habitation, how far one has Within 500 metres 1 to go to collect drinking water Within 1 KM 2 (The answer should only be a general impression) Beyond 1 KM 3

Village Survey Schedule, Page 3 of 16 F 1 3 What are the two most common sources of drinking water used CQmmunity (Questions not applicable for boxes shaded) Well Tap Tube-well (3' 3 Hand pump 4 Tank! Pondl Lake 5 5 Spring ".. l 6 _...... ,I River 7 <. .j Other (Specify) 8

Yes No F.1.4 Is drinking water distributed in the village by taps? 2 F.1.5 Is the drinking water available from community source Treated Not treated

F.1.6 Did the village face scarcity of drinking water any No Cf' time during the last calendar year? Yes In summer 2

In winter 3 I During Monsoon 4 I

F .1. 7 Are the villagers required to pay monthly or annual charges Yes for the drinking water supplied, if any No EE

F.2 Educational Facility

F.2.1 Types ot educational facility ayailable.:. (Indicate the name of eacl1 educational institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code Exclusively which Type of Institution Run by Govt private Number for girls available agency (Give distance code)

1 2 3 4 5 6

F ~ 1 1 Prtm8ry School (CIClss I to V) S 1 - - F.2.1 2 Middle School (Class VI to VIII) - :') - - - F 2.1 3 Secondary School (Class IX to X) , ~ ------

Village Survey Schedule. Page ,1 of 16 F.2.1.4 Senior Secondary School (Class XI to X") F.2.1. College (Arts, Science, Commerce)

ping Institute

ocational Centre (Drawing, Painting etc) F.2.1.11 Computer learning centre

F 2.1.12 MusiclDance school

F.2.1.13 Tailoring/Embroidery/Needle work

F.2.1.14 Other (SpecIfy) (Yr' (" lo.;;'\' (Que5tion5 not applicable for boxes sIJaded)

(Dislance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 10 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - Do nolknow')

F.2.3 Number and type of English medium school in the village? Type Number

Nursery I Primary ~ Middle \ Secondary \ Total: S

F.3 r®dical Facility

F.3.1 ]j_pes of medical facility ayailable: (Indicate the name of each medical institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code No. of beds which Type of Medical facility Run by Govt. private Number available available agency (Give distance code)

1 2 3 4 5 6 /,f, F 3 1 1 Primary Health Centre D/ F 3.1.2 Primary Health Sub-centre . ~I:.' :...: :' :',: '4' ',' 1': - Village Survey Sclledule : Page 5 of 18 F 3.1.3 1 Allopathic F.3.1.32 Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F. Unani

F.3 1 4 Hospital: F. Allopathic F . Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F. Unani

Maternity Home F. 3.1. 5.1 Part of Hospital F . Independent

F.3 1.5.3 Nursing Home F ICDS! Anganwadi Centre

F.3.1.S.S Dental care centre F.3.1.S.6 Optical care centre F. T B clinic (Independent) F.3.1.S.B Laboratory for pathological tests F . Operation Theatre (Allopathic)

Number Distance Code F. Private doctor (General) F. Private doctor (Specialist) (Specify) F. Lady doctor (General) F. Lady doctor (Gynecologist) F.3.1.S.14 AN M F.3.1.S.15 Private Nurses F Other (Specify)

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - '00 flot Kllow') Note: 1. Questions not applicable ror boxes shaded 2. The availability of medical facility outside the village, a sought for in Col 7 above, could be in avillage or in a town. Put the distance code.

F.4 Post. Telegraph & Telephone:

Code If not available, distance at Type Number Number which available (Give rilstcmce code) ------_.. _------1 2 .- . 3 'I --

Village Survey Schedule : Pag~ 6 of 1G F.4.1 Post Office F.4.2 Sub-Post office FA.3 Telegraph Office FAA Telephone Connections FA.5 PCO FA.6 Access to mobile phone

FA7 Facility to send and receive Fax

FA.B Facility to send and receive E-mail Yes(1Y, I 1\ LL II ....__N_o F~ \ -) F.4.8 Cyber cate L-y I FA.9 Others (Specify)

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', J - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 I(M' 5 - 'Do not know')

F.5 Banking Facility (Indicate the name of each Bank in the Annexure)

If not available, distance at Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 4

F.S.1 Nallonalised Bank ~ 'Q I

F.S.2 Other Commercial Bank ~ 4 F.5.3 Agricultural Bank ~ ,j F.5.4 Cooperative Bank (Govt) - ~ F.5.5 Private Cooperative Bank - - (Specify trade) F.5.6 Other (Specify) (Distance Code: 1 - Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to J KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know')

F.5.7 Is locker facility available in any of the banks Yes 1 indicated above. No 2 J F.G Transport Services

Available (1 )/Not If not available, distance at Code available (2) Type which available (Give Number (Circle distance code) appropriate code) 1 2 3 4

F.6.1 Bus Service (Govt. operated) (f 2 F .6.2 Bus Service (Private operated) F.6.3 River Ferry service F 6 4 Railway service

Village Survey Schedule' Page 7 of 16 F 6 5 Cycle Rickshaw F.6.6 Auto-rickshaw F 6.7 Taxi (Jeep, Matador etc) F.6.8 Tonga/ Camel CarV Bullock Cart etc.

F.6.9 BoaUShip (GovULocaI8ody) F.6.10 BoaVShip (Private) F.6.11 Other

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do flot know') QUestions not applicable for boxes shaded ~

~ F.7 PQwe_J Supply Yes No : F.7 1 Is domestic power supply available 7 (r.--,J 2 j

If 'No', Is elctrical power available for: F. 7.2 Agricultural use 2 ~ F.7.3 Industrial use I : 2

F.7,4 Are the following eQuipmeDts available aDd used as the Yes No sQu[ce of lighting io the village?

F,7.4.1 Generator Set F.7.4.2 Inverter F.7.4.3 Battery operated lamps

F. 7.5 8re the followiog facilities available in the village Yes No

F.7 5.1 Windmill F.7.5.2 Solar electricity F.7.5.3 Others (Specify)

F.7.8 Is there street lighting in the village 7 2 F.7.8.1 If yes, what is the type of street lights? Bulbs 1 Tubelights C%' Mercury/Sodium Vapour 3 lamps Solar Energy 4 Other (Specify) 5

F.B ~~ Entertaiommt

(Circle appropriate code) Available Not Available F 8.1 Public library (excludes private and school library)

Village Survey Sctledute : Page 8 (,' F.B.2 Reading room facility (for public use) 1 (2 F.83 Daily newspaper supply (Give name(s) and (1' 2 numbers in the Annexure) F.B.4 Magazine supply (Give name(s) and numbers in 2 the Annexure) cI F.B.5 Receives only Doordarshan programmes (f 2 F.B.6 Dish antenna to receive Satellite Channels Ci".. 2. F.B.7 Cable TV ,'f \, 2 F.B.8 Audio Cassette Shop 1 a F.8.9 Video Cassette Shop 1 a F.B.10 Cinema House (f 2.

F.8.11 Video Parlour(s) 1 (1'

F.8.12 Theatre/Auditorium (Open air) 1 (2-"

F .8.13 Theatre/Auditorium (Indoor) /~. 1 '2\- (,- F.8.14 Others (Specify) J 2

F.9 Internal Roads

Internal Roads within the village are (Circle one}

F.9.1 Mostly coal tar roads (1'

F.9.2 Mostly metallic (WBM) 2

F.9.3 Metallic (WBM) and earthen 3

F.9.4 Mostly earthen 4

F.9.S Brick roads 5

F.9.6 Only earthen 6 F.9.7 Others (Specify) 7

F.10 Hygiene & Sanitation Yes No F 10.1 Availability of Community ToileULatrine (Free) G' 2 F.10.2 Sulabh Suchalaya or other paid community toilets

Method or disposal Qf night soil

F 10~ Flush/Pit latrine 2 F 10.3:. Sewage System for disposal of night soil 1 F.1 O.~ Carrying night soil by others 1

Village Survey Schedule: Page 9 ot 16 F.10.5.1 Mostly on surface

F.10.S.2 Mostly closed 2

F.10.S.3 Both types found 3

G Other Amenities

Available (1 )/Not If not available, distance at Code Type available (2) which available (Give Number , (Choose distance code) code) 1 2 3 4

G.1 Fire Service G.2 Police Station G.3 Civil Court (includes criminal courts) 4

G.4 Public Park/Garden G.5 Public Play Ground

G.6 Govt Oak Bungalow/Guest House

G.7 Eating Place/Restaurant (with facility for preparing meals/ snacks)

G.8 Hotel G.9 Dharamshala

G.10 Kerosene shop G.11 Petrol (in shop) G.12 Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1G'

G.13 Petrol/ Diesel Pump cf2

G.14 Medical Store (with or without General Store)

G.16 Jeweler's shop

G.17 Beauty parlour (12

G.18 Whether one can purchase the followiog items in the village: Yes No

G 18.1 Color Television G.182 Fridge G.18 3 Washing Machille

Village Survey Sci, ' i" P""q<;; 10 of 16 Services available IAvaiiable I Not available I

G.19 Advocates (f 2 G.20 Ufe/Property Insurance Agents C 2 G.21 NGO (engaged in development work in the village) (Give names) cf 2 G.22 Homes (Charitable Institutes) run by religious bodies 1 c1 G.23 Other social clubs (Rotary/Lions/Jaycee, etc.) 1 (2' G.24 Old Age Homes 1 (1-' G.25 Public Cremation grounds (f 2 G.26 Public Burial grounds (1 2 G.27 Religious places (f 2 (Give name and number in the Annexure) G,28 Working Girls Hostel (! G.29 Paying Guest Facility a G.30 Veterinary Centre (1' 2

Yes No G.31 Weekly haatl market (within or near the village) C%

G,32 Oay(s) for Weekly haatlmarket

H. Local Body:

H,1 Name of the Local Body (e.g., Panchayat, Village Council)

H,2 Number of members in the local body Sanctioned ::

HA Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes Sanctioned I Current Strength ....-

H.5 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes Sanctioned - Current Strength -

H.6 Term of office for the Local Body S ~jfuJL~

H.7 Are the seats filled up by election or nomination? (Indicate number of seats filled by elction / nomination) Election I ~ ~ Nomination I--_":"'---I L-___---J

H 8 When was tile last election held? (IndIcate year e g., 1989, 1999 etc) Village Survey Sclledule : Page 11 of 16 --- H.9 Activities undertaken by the local body from its own funds Yes No ~

.. ~ ~ H.9.1 Education 1 G H.9.2 Public works (such as roads) ~ 2 H.9.3 Street lighting (1""" 2 H.9.4 Public health and sanitation cf 2 H.9.5 Agriculture 1 C1' 1 H.9.6 Veterniary 1 ~ H.9.7 Industry 1 ® H.9.8 Tree planta~ion Cf 2 H.9.9 Other adminisatrative duties (f 2 H.9.10 Salary of employees (1 2 H.9.11 Libray/Reading room 1 C1' H.9.12 Miscelleneous Q~ 2

H.10 What is the budget of the local body in the last financial year? r------_.~ IRs. r(r) I


H.11 What were the income on the following heads in the last financial year?

H.11.1 Taxation Rs l1t~~3V , H.11.2 Income from other sources Rs. l~'oo 'H.11.3 Grant from state governement Rs. ~4'~~/~3c H.11.4 Fund received from central ~ government Rs. - (~

H.11 5 Total: (~ H.12 List the three important problems the local body expects the gQYernment to solve in improving the Quality of life of lhe community I(

H.12.1 Problem 1 :

H.12.2 Problem 2:

H.12.3 Problem 3: '\ I" h/_,('C'. C'\')

H .13 What are the immovable assets owned by the local body? (SpeCify) (.' H1311tern1 ~(_~__ T.i_)_I_r,_~._')_'_;\_1'rj~~1~c_\~\ ______~

Village Survey Schedule: Pa!:le 12 of 16 H,13.2 Item 2 1))\,\, ') S,llf ~ \c "'-- H.13.3 Item 3 H.13.4 Item 4 H.13.5Item5 H.13.6 Item 6 H.13.7 Item 7

I Handicraft

1.1 Which are the important handicrafts produced by the people in the village? (Give name and brief description)

I I. 1.1 Handicraft 1 i f>,lJ b r) 1~\

1.1.2 Handicraft 2

1.1.3 Handicraft 3

1.2 Which are the castesl tribesl communities mainly engaged in the preparation of the Handicrafts?

(Give the name(s) of the casters) I tribe(s) or community (ies) in the box for each Handicraft)

1.2,1 Handicraft 1 \'c r)'1~1(,\.L-

1.2.2 Handicraft 2 , \, c, '!)'f' i C>_. L~

1.2.3 Handicraft 3 ~_\__ C_'_I_)_J_~_(._(._\_· ______j11

J Natural calamity

J.1 Was the village affected by any natural calamity Earthquake 1 in the preceding two calander years? Flood 2 Drought 3 Other (SpecIfy) 4

J.2 Can the village be described as prone to Yes 1 the natural calamity indicated above? No (Z I '

Vill::Jge Survey Schedule: Page 13 of 16 K Any other important highlights/activity of the village, you wish to record. ! :

Village Survey SC~ledule Page 14 of 16 Census Information Sheet

I Name of the Village:

2 PLCN of the Village

3 Name of the Tahsil, District. Stat~

A populatioo as per Census 2001 - A.I Persons sc.~ -") \ \ :) Li :s A.2 Males J \ \ ~)_./ r ("; '-)-, C)

A.3 Females "~~J- 4c _) , ~I\-' S~l3 .-, c A.4 Sex Ratio c, ~:;I )1 (1 ({'q A.S Decadal Variation (1991-2001) in population (%) ~ ~c \ ;'r,

B.1 Number of Households

C Populatioo (0-6) C.1 Persons 'i i ~-j.') ~ 0.;;: ~ C.2 Males \t)(\~ ?q n C.3 Females ~) )" (~, ~.G C.4 Sex Ratio (0-6) ,\ r,C) ''':IJ,)._

o Literacy Ra~ 0.1 Persons (-0>'lS (- ~ \] 0.2 Males ~cl .c,G ll,'9.5

03 Females h 1:'"\, >: ,_)_ L j ,\,) ~\{-

E ProportioD of Workers/NoD-workers

Workers' E,1 Persons ;:) I t ~ " :~;;:, 1\ E.2 Males ~ (' (',c, ":'. \_~ ::J , E 3 Females (-, -11 ,,;:::_~ (,()

Maio Workers;

E 4 Persons ,..J""tCCl ') .\ ~~. :;. 13

E 5 Males ;) r:, h J .":J ~j .t) \ E 6 Females () ~1 (-.•?;, ,::;"

Marginal WQrkers' E 7 Persons

ViUage Survey Schedule' Page 15 of 16 E 8 Males E.g Females

NoD-workers. E.g Persons ~:~ll l-~l~ E.10 Males ::{ I:, 'l C .::;)It~~ E.11 Females "?-;, ~, '{ h t. J .~

Percent workers in Cultivation E,12 Persons \' [':,~ tl' G~ E,13 Males ~ -1 (, ~, ,'S(~ r n E.14 Females \ -~~ __-:_) \ .' \_\ \

Percent workers in Agricultural Labour E.15 Persons '?,L)'. ~ 9 \~, 19 E.16 Males -:n. l' ') \ ~ ',) ~ E.17 Females (./l-(,1 <::,1 .&~

Percent workers in Household Industries E.18 Persons " \ . ~ ~ E.19 Males ~ ~, [)9 E.20 Females .- 1,. 8 ~

Percent workers in Other Work E:21 Persons \ ~ '') \ IS'l~ E.22 Males ~ -1 ''13 /Sc:.. ,S3 E.23 Females r (, .cQ) G'· ))~

E.24 Distribution of Workers by NIC (Compile list)

E.25 Distribution of Workers by NCO (Compile list)

Village Survey ~" I't"!dule . Page 16 of 16 ANNEXURE

F.2 Educational Facility.

1. Go\i. Primary School, Manayely 2. Thanthai Periyar Go,,'emment Higher Secondary School. Manayely 3. Govt Primary School. Toll Gate 4. Radha English School, Manavely 5. GO\1. Primary SchooL Odaively 6. GOYt. Primary School, Sinnaveerampattmam 7. Go\1. Middle SchooL Nonankuppam

F.3 l\'ledical Facility:

1. Urban Health Centre in Manaveli village is Maintained by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research located at a distance of 8 km. in Manapet village 2. Primary Health Sub-Centre. Nonankuppam

F. S.3 Daily Newspaper Supply:

1. Daily Thanthi (Tamil) - 31 2. Dina Malar (Tamil) - 15 3. Malai Malar (Tamil) - 8 4. Dinakaran (Tamil) - 5 5. Hindu (English) - 2 6. New Indian Express (English) - 2

GS.4 Tamil Magazine Supply:

1. Ananda Vikaten - 10 2. Kumudam - 10 3. Rani - 12 4. Devi - 5 5. Junior Vikatan - 5 6. Nakkeeran - 4

G. 21 Non Governmental O.·ganisation:

I. Thiru Vi Ka Mandram 2. Adi Parasakthi Self Financing Scheme 3. Albammal Madhar Sangam 4. Througpathy Amman Mahalir Mandram 5. Community Sewa Sangam 6. Madharasi Madhar Sangam 7. Indira Gandhi Madhar Sangam 8. Vanchinatham Narpani Mandram 9. Sethilal Narpani Madrarn 10. Agricultural Debate Team

G.27 Religious Places:

1. Amman Temple - II 2. Pillaiar Temple - 5 3. Murugan Temple - 4 4. Perumal Temple - 1 5. lyyanar Temple - 2 6. SiYan Temple - 2 7. Prayer Hall (Christian) - 2 8. Kaman Temple - 1

Office of the Registrar General, India Government of India New Deihl

Study on availability of certain amenities in large size villages


A. 1 Name of the Village

A,2 Permanent Location Code No. of the Village I I I I I ! I I I 1111

A.3 Name of the sub-district (e.g., Tahsil, Taluka, Mandai etc)

A4 Name of the District L--______.. j

AS Name of the State/Union territory


B.1 Name and distance (in kilometres) of lhe Village from. Name Distance B.1,1 C D Block Head Quarters '------'-----]

8.1.2 Sub-district Head Quarters '---____-l- ___J

8.1.3 Dislrict Head Quarters

8.1.4 Nearest National/Stale Highway Within the Slate/UT Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not within the State

8.1.5 Nearest all weather road

B.1.5.1 Within the State/UT 1 j B.1.5.2 Outside the State/UT, If nearest one is not within the State i L-______~______I

B.1 7 lli;~..1ill.\J1Qry Town [3 1 5 1 Withlll tile Slate/UT l B 1.52 Outside the State/UT, If n"~arest one is not within the State I

Village Survey Schedule : ~) ,r 1'3 ;. BRIEF HISTORY & LAYOUT MAP (Collect rnformation Of) a pld'" paper all setlfemenl/llsiory, (rolll Stlfvey Sell/ement Report, DIs/fie! Gazetteers, oral history of tile vIllage from elderfy and knowledgeable persons in the village.)

C.1 Collect information on the history of the village highlighting the earliest settlers, the events - both tragic and mmorable assOCiated with tile village, important landmarks in the course of the history, the heroes and the achievers In short collect information on brief history of the village and its people.

C.2 A layout map depicting the landmarks on the ground through hand drawing over a sheet of paper. By looking at the layout map one should get the feel of the village, its roads and dwelling units, its agricultural fields or the places of religious importance - temples, mosques or gurdwara, or the river that flows by, or the railway tracks, etc. Use the 2001 Census layout map of the village to mark the changes that you may see on the ground.


0.1 f'jumber of HQusebolds.l1&a.s.us 2Q01} D,1,1 Normal households 0.1.2 Institutional households 0.1.3 Houseless households Total:

Name No. of HH 0.2 Name of the three largest castes, tribes or communities in the village along with their approximate number of households C,_=_--'-_~ 0.3 Names, number and other details for each hamletsl habitations in the village (Note: For measunng distance identify first the ongmal or the oldest hamletihabitation)

~ rrmt!y_ i Distance_1[olJl HamleV HabitatiQO lh_e.JD.aiI.L lnhabil.e!1.hy_ Name riQ. Qf HH E'OQlJlatiQIl Number hamlet (in Sc -1 lSI - <-I population kilometres) (Ci[clf ODe.. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.3.1 Hamlet 1 1 2 1 0.3.2 Hamlet 2 1 2 0.3.3 Hamlet 3 1 2 0.3.4 Hamlet 4 1 2 0.3.5 Hamlet 5 1 2

0.4 How many multi storey bUildings (three or more) are there ill [ the village?

Vl1l8ge Survey Schedule: Page 2 of 16 E: AMENITIES Note 1: Fill separate schedule for each hamlet/habitation 2. 00 not give separate information on any hamlet/habitation which has less than 300 persons


E 1.1 Is a public drinking water source available in each hamlet/habitation?

Yes No E.1.1.1 HamleVhabjtation 1 ·CD 2 E.1.1.2 Hamlet/habitation 2 1 2 E.1.1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.1.1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E.1.1.5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2

E 2.1 Is domestic power supply available in each. ham!et/bab.i1.atJQ.01 Yes No E.2 1.1 Hamlet/habitation 1 cD 2 E.2 1.2 Hamlet/habitation 2 I 2 E.2 1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.2 1 4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E 2.1 5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2

E.3 1 Is a primary scbool available in each hamleUhabitalliml Yes No E 3.1 1 Hamlet/habitation 1 CD 2 E.3 1 2 Hamlet/habitati01l 2 1 2 E.3.1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E. 3 1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E.3.1.5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2


F.1 Prinking Water

F 1.1 Do the Villagers have access to public drinkinq water Yes, most of them source within the boundary of the habitation Yes, some of them No

F 1 2 If not accessible within the habitation, how far one has Within 500 metres to go to collect drinking water Within 1 KM 2 (The answer should only be a general Impression) Beyond 1 KM 3

'/IIIr.tge Survey Schedule' Page 3 of 10 F 1 3 What are the two most common sources of drinking water used Private (Questions not applicable for boxes shaded) Well Tap Tube-well Hand pump

Tankl Pondl Lake 5 5 Spring 6 River 7 Other (SpecIfy) 8

Yes F .1.4 Is drinking water distributed in the village by taps? F.1.5 Is the drinking water available from community source Treated Not treated

~ F.1.6 Did the village face scarcity of drinking water any No (1) time during the last calendar year? Yes In summer 2 In winter 3 During Monsoon 4

F.1 7 Are the villagers required to pay rnontllly or annual cllarges Yes for the drinking water supplied, if any No t=E I

F.2 Educational facility

F.2.1 Types of educational facility available: (Indicate the name of each educational institute in the Annexure)

Number I If not available, I distance at Run by Code Exclusively which I I Type of Institution Run by Govt private Number for girls available agency (Give distanc~ code) I

1 2 3 4 5 6 _I

F.2.1.1 Primary School (Class I to V) I 'L \ F 2.1 2 Middle School (Class VI to VIII) j \ F.2.1 :3 Secondary School (Class IX to X) j ~ --~-- . --_ ------~------

Village Survey Schedule. Page ·1 of 16 2 5 F.2.1.4 Senior Secondary School (Class XI to XII) t F.2.1. College (Arts, Science, Commerce) F.2.1. College (Medical, Engineenng)

F 2.1.7 Industrial Training Institute

F 2.1.8 Adult Literacy Centre

F 2.1.1 ocationat Centre (Drawing, -.. Painting etc) F.2.1.11 Computer learning centre

F 2.1.12 MUSic/Dance school

F 2.1.13 aiioring/Embroidery/Needle work

F.2.1.14 Other (SpecIfy)

(QuestIOns not applicable for boxes shaded)

(Dis/ance Code: 1 - 'Will"" 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know')

F 2.3 Number and type of English medium school in the village? Type Number ,

Nursery , Primary 1 Middle I Secondary I rota I: t5

F.3 ~I facility

F 3 1 Types of medical faciiJty available' (Indicate the name of each medical institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code No of beds which Type of Medical facility RUn by Govt. private Number available available agency (Give distance code)

1 2 3 4 5 6

F 3 1 1 Primary Healttl Centre cB F 3 1.2 Primary Health Sub-centre

,.. IH' F 3.1 3 1 Allopathic F 3.1. 3 2 Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F 3.1 3.4 Unani

E..3...JA Hospital: F. Allopathic F.3.1 42 Ayurvedic :;\": }:':';: .. ',' : ..',) :.; ;','~ J ,," ",;, c'; "'.]j F. Homeopaltlic . . , ~ . (.: .~.'. ~ .. , .~ .... , ~ .. . . ~ ... . F. Unani " .'~"., .~ . " .

Maternity Home ( 9 b. -1~~ ) F. ParI of Hospital :~A,;". ~ F. Independent

F,3 1.5.3 Nursing Home F ICDSI Anganwadi Centre (~(. L~ :t> 11 ..-~~,~) F.3.1.S.5 Dental care centre F.3.1.S.6 Optical care centre - F ,3.1.57 T 8 clinic (Independent) F. Laboratory for pathological tests F.3, 1.5.9 Operation Theatre (Allopathic)

Distance Code F,3.1,5 10 Private doctor (General) F 3.1.5 11 Private doctor (Specialist) (Specify) F.3.1,5.12 Lady doctor (General) F. Lady doctor (Gynecologist) 3 F.3,1.5 14 AN M F.3.1 5 15 Private Nurses F 3.1.5 16 Other (Specify)

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 fa 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know') Note: 1 Questions not applicable for boxes shaded 2. The availability of rnedical facility outside the village, a sought for in Col 7 above, could be in avillage or in a town, Put the distance code.

FA Post. Telegraph &. IelephQoe~

Code If not available, distance at Type Number Number which available (Give distance code) 1 2 3 ..-f

Village Survey Schedule Page 6 of 1r F 4 1 Post Office ._._-- ~ F 4.2 Sub-Post office ~ - F.4 3 Telegraph Office - c':( FA 4 Telephone Connections 100 FA.S PCO ~. , Yes , ,' /' F.4.6 Access to mobile phone (1)/V H.;,: .,,'''''. : . "," " ' ' ; .. ,~. > , . , No (2) "', .. ,~ :.;". . : F 4.7 Facility to send and rec.eive Fax Yes (1)1 No (2)/ 4 F 48 FacIlity to send and receive E-mail Yes (1)1 No (2)../ ~ f------F 4." Cyber Caf~ f---+- 11_ F 4;fcOthers (Specify) ~

~ • \1) (Distance Code. 1 - 'Wi/hin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 . '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - '00 flot know')

F.5 Banking Facility (Indicate the name of each Bank in the Annexure)

If not available, distance at Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 t1

F.5.1 Natlon(3lised Bank - :2. F 5 2 Diller Commercial Bank - ~ F 5.3 Agricultural Bank - a F.S.4 Cooperative Bank (Govt) - ~ F,5 5 Private Cooperative Bank ~ - (SpeCify trade) F.S 6 Other (Specify) (Distance Code: 1 - 'Wit/lin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 . 'Above 5 KM' 5 - '00 not know')

F 5,7 Is locker facility available in any of the banks Yes indicated above. No

F.6 Jrans(JQ[t Services

Available (1)/Not If not available, distance at Code available (2) Type which available (Give Number (Circle distance code) appropriate code) 1 2 3 4

F 6.1 Bus Service (Gov! operated) 2 F 6.2 Bus Service (Private operated) (j) 2 F 63 River Ferry service F 6 4 Railway servIce

VIllage Survey Schedule' Page 7 of 16 F 6 5 Cycle Rickshaw F 6.6 Auto-rickshaw

F.67 Taxi (Jeep, Matador etc)

F.6.8 Tonga/ Camel CartJ Bullock Cart etc.

F.6.9 BoaUShip (GovULocal Body) · ,', ;"~~ :';: :.,...... ~ ..'\.:..

F 6.10 Boat/Ship (Private) ~ •.:. : : ~:~ ;:,:'.'.. I,r/ _{ ',- . • .~.,' ~ F .6.11 Other

(Distance Code' 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know') QuestlOlls not applicable for boxes s/lOded


Yes No

F.7.1 Is domestic power supply available? 2

If 'No', Is elctrical power available for: F.7.2 Agricultural use 2 F.7.3 Industrial use 2

F 7 4 Are the [ollowing eguipmeots available and used as the Yes No--:J source of fightina in the yilla~

F 7.4.1 Generator Set F.7.4.2 Inverter F.7.4.3 Battery operated lamps I

F.7 5 rue the [ollow;m; facilities available in the village Yes No

F 7.51 Windmill F.7.5.2 Solar electriCity F.7.53 Others (Specify)

F.7.8 Is there street lighting in the village? 2 F.7.8.1 If yes, what is the type of street lights? Bulbs 1 Tubelights G) Mercury/Sodium Vapour 3 lamps

Solar Energy 4 Other (Specify) 5

(Circle appropnate code) Available Not Available F 8 1 PubliC IIbr8ry (excludes private and schoolllbr8ry)

Village Survey S' I, "ule: Page 8 (~r • ~ F.8.2 Reading room facility (for public use) 1 (j) F 8.3 Dally newspaper supply (Give name(s) and 2 numbers In the Annexure) CD F 8 4 MagaZine supply (Give name(s) and numbers in 2 the Annexure) CD F 8.5 Receives only Doordarshan programmes Q) 2 F .8.6 Dish antenna to receive Satellite Channels 0 2 F.8.7 Cable TV G) 2 F.88 Audio Cassette Shop 1 ® F 8 9 Video Cassette Shop 1 @ F 8.10 Cmema House CD 2 F B.11 Video Parlour(s) 1 @

F.B.12 Theatre/Auditorium (Open air) 1 ~) F.B 13 Theatre/Auditorium (Indoor) 1 C?l - F.8.14 Others (Specify) C.() O!m".d'~~j Q) l.

F.9 Internal Roads

lo\emal Roads within ~a~ (Circle onel

F.9.1 Mostly coal tar roads CD

F 9.2 Mostly metallic (WBM) 2

F 9 3 Metallic (WBM) and earthen 3

F.9.4 Mostly earthen 4

F 9 5 Brick roads 5

F 9 6 Only earthen 6

F 9.7 Others (Specify) 7

F.10 Hygien!L-& Sanitation Yes No F 10 1 Availability of Community ToileULatrine (Free) 2 F.10 2 Sulabh Suchalaya or other paid community toilets

It (J9 ~ / MettlQd of disposal of nrgb_!__s.Q1J

F 102 Flush/Pit latrine 2 F 10 lkSewage System for disposal of night sot!

F 10 ~. Carrying night soil by others

F 10 5 T_ype..QlD.Lalllage_Sy_s.LerrLLC)lQQSe_Qn.el.

Village Survey Schedule' Page 9 at 16 F.1 O. 5 1 Mostly on suriace

F 10.5.2 Mostly closed 2

F.10 5 3 Both types found 3

G Other Amenities

Available (1 )/Not If not

G.1 Fire Service G.2 Police Station G.3 Civil Court (includes criminal courts)

G.4 Public Park/Garden G.5 Public Play Ground

G 6 Govt Oak Bungalow/Guest House

G 7 Eating Place/Restaurant (with facility for preparing mealsl snacks)

G.8 Hotel G.9 Oharamshala

G.10 Kerosene shop 2 G.11 Petrol (in shop) I--;:_( ~ .::::;@:__f------G.12 Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1~

G.13 Petrol! Diesel Pump

G.14 Medical Store (With or without General Store) <1)2

G.16 Jeweler's shop

G.17 Beauty parlour

G 18 Wtlether one can purchase ttle following items in the village. Yes No

G.18.1 Color Television G 182 Fridge G 18 3 Washing Machine

Village Survey Sci' I . p.,w; 10 of 16 IAvailable I Not available

G 19 Advocates CD 2 G.20 Life/Property Insurance Agents dJ 2 G.21 NGO (engaged in development work in the village) (Give names) CD 2 G.22 Homes (Charitable Institutes) run by religious bodies 1 ~ G 23 Other social clubs (Rotary/Lions/Jaycee, etc.) 1 @ G 24 Old Age HOl11€s 1 G) G.25 Public Cremation grounds cD 2 G.26 Public Bur1al grounds G) 2 G.27 Religious places CD 2 (Give name and number in the Annexure) G 28 Working Girls Hostel 1 G 29 Paying Guest Facility G 30 Veterinary Centre 2

Yes No G.31 Weekly haatl market (within or near the village) @

G 32 Oay(s) (or Weekly haatlmarket

H. Local Body:

H.l Name of the Local Body (e.g., Panchayat, Village Council)

H.2 Number of members in the local body Sanctioned (Only include the elected representatives, exclude Current Strength nommated ones) H.3 Number of seats reserved for WOlw,m Sanctioned Current Strength

HA Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes Sanctioned Current Strength

H 5 Number at seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes Sanctioned Current Strength

H 6 Term of office for the Local Body

H 7 Are the seats filled up by election or nomination? (Indicate number of seats filled by elciJOfl I nomination) Election I Nomination ~======-:

H 8 When was the last election held? (1IJorc

Village Survey Sclledule . Page 11 of 16 H.9 Activities undertaken by the local body from its own funds Yes No 1 2 H 9.1 Education 1 "2 \ H.9.2 Public works (such as roads)~ . 1 2\ H 9.3 Street lighting , 1 2 H.9.4 Public health and sanitation 1 .~ H.9.5 Agriculture 1 2 H.9.6 Veterniary 1 2 H.9.7 Industry 1 2 H.9.8 Tree plantation 1 2 , H.9.9 Other adminisatrative duties 1 2 H.9.1O Salary of ernployees 1 2 H.9.11 Libray/Reading room 1 2 H.9.12 Miscelleneous 1 2

H.10 What is the budget of the local body in the iast financial year? RS !L---. _---lJ:

H.11 What were the income QIlJlle follQwiog beads in tbe last finaocial year? H.11.1 Taxation Rs. . H.11.2 Income from other sources Rs.

H.11.3 Grant from state governement Rs. H 11.4 Fund received from central Rs. government

H.11.5 Total: I,-R~_. ______.I~

H.12 l.ls_Uh_e th[ee important p[oblems the IQcaLhody_exp.e..e.tsJb.e.. government to solve in improving the Quality ot lire of the community H.12.1 Problem 1 : ! H.12.2 Problem 2 : ] H.12.3 Problem 3 : j

H.i3 What are the immovable assets owned by the local body? (Specify) H 13.1 Item 1 1

Village Survey Schedule: Page 12 of 16 H.13.2 Item 2 H.13.3 Item 3 H.13.4 Item 4 H.13.5 Item 5 H.13.6Item6 H.13.7 Item 7

I Handicraft

1.1 Which are the important handicrafts produced by the people in the village? (Give name and brief description)

I. 1. 1 Handicraft 1

1.1.2 Handicraft 2

1.1.3 Handicraft 3

1.2 Which are the castes! tribesl communities mainly engaged in tile preparation of the Handicrafts?

(Give the name(s) of the caste(s) / tnbe(s) or commur)/Iy (ies) in the box for each Handicraft)

1.2.1 Handicraft 1

1.2.2 Handicraft 2

1.2.3 Handicraft 3

J Natural calamity

J.1 Was the village affected by any natural calamity Earthquake in the preceding two calander years? Flood Drought Other (Specify)

J.2 Can the Village be described as prone to Yes the natural calamity indicated above? No 2

Village Survey Schedule' Page 13 of 16 K Any other important highlights/activity of the village, you wish to record.

Village Survey Schedule Page 14 of 16 Census Information Sheet

1 Name of the Village:

2 PLCN of the Village

3 Name of the Tahsil, District, Stat~

A ~s per Census 2001 A.1 Persons A 2 Males A 3 Females AA Sex Ratio A.5 Oecadal Variation (1991-2001) in population (%)

8.1 Number of Households

c E_~tion (0-6) C 1 Persons C.2 Males C.3 Females CA Sex Ratio (0-6)

o Literacy R~ 0.1 Persons 0.2 Males 03 Females I E Proportion of Workers/Non-workers

Workers E.1 Persons E.2 Males E.3 Females

M;;!lO WQ[ker~ EA Persons E.5 Males E.6 Fpmales

j@[gjllill.'iY_Q[)5.eL:i.. E .: Persons _J

Village Survey Schedule' Page 15 of 16 E 8 Males E.g Females

Non-workers E 9 Persons E.10 Males E 11 Females

EeKent workers in Cultivation E .12 Persons E.13 Males E.14 Females

percent workers in Agricultural Labour E.15 Persons E.16 Males E.17 Females

percent workers in Household Industries E.18 Persons E.19 Males E 20 Females

Perceri't'workers in Other Work E.21 Persons E.22 Males E.23 Females

E.24 Distribution of Workers by NIC (Compile list)

E.25 Distribution of Workers by NCO (Compile list)

Village Survey ~, ! lI:dule . Page 16 of 16 ------

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( I \. \,,~, \, \ Office of the Registrar General, India Government of India New Delhi

Study 011 availability of certain amenities in large sIze villages


A.1 Name of the Village

A 2 Permanent Location Code No. of the Village [II I II I I I 1111

A 3 Name of the SUb-district (e.g., Tahsil, Taluka, Mandai etc)

1\.4 Name of the District

1\.5 Name of the State/Union territory


B 1 Name and distance (in kilometres) of the Village from: Name Distance B 1.1 C D Block Head Quarters

B 1.2 SUb-district Head Quarters

B 1.3 District Head Quarters

B. 1 4 N~slli~~LHalionaI/State fjigbwa¥.

B.1.4.1 Within tile SlatelUT

B.1.4 2 Outside the Stale/UT, if nearest one is not within the State

B, 1. 5 Nearest all weather road

0,1.5.1 Within Ole State/UT B 1 5 2 Outside the StatelUT, if nearest one is not within the State E--f----l._1

8 1 5 1 Within the State/UT

B 1 52 Outside the State/UT, if nparest one is not within the State

Village Survey Schedule: I' If 16 ;. BRIEF HISTORY & LAYOUT MAP (Collect mformatlon on a plain paper on settlement hIstory. from Survey Setllement Report, District Gazetteers, oral history of tile village from elderly and knowledgeable persons in tile vIllage.)

C.1 Collect information on the history of the village highlighting the earliest settlers, the events - both tragic and mmorable associated with the village, important landmarks in the course of the history, the heroes and the achievers. In short collect information on brief history of the village and its people.

C.2 A layout map depicting the landmarks on the ground through hand drawing over a sheet of paper. By looking at the layout map one should get the feel of the village, its roads and dwelling units, its agricultural fields or the places of religious importance - temples, mosques or gurdwara, or the river that flows by, or tile railway tracks, etc. Use the 2001 Census layout map of tile village to mark the changes that you may see on the ground. ,

D: POPULATION COMPOSITION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERN , 0.1 Number of Households (Census 2001) 0.1.1 Normal households D.l 2 Institutional households 0.1.3 Houseless households Total:

Name No. of HH o 2 Name of the three largest castes, tribes or communities in the village along with their approxim'ate number of households

o 3 Names, number and other details for each hamletsl habitations in the village (Note. For measuring distance identify first the original or the oldest I7mnlAflllabitalion) ImliQate it mostly j i Distance from InlJabiled by l::iamletL l::i~bitatiQn the main t:lam.e No. Qf HH PQPulatjQl) SC-1IST-Z Number hamlet (in population kilQmetres) (Qin;;le Q(]f! ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.3.1 Hamlet 1 1 2 o 3.2 Hamlet 2 1 2 0.3.3 Hamlet 3 1 2 0.34 Hamlet 4 1 2 0.3.5 Hamlet 5 1 2

0.4 How many multi storey buildings (three or more) are there in the village?

Village Survey Schedule: Page 2 or 16 E: AMENITIES Note 1: Fill separate schedule for each hamlet/habitation 2. Do not give separate information on any hamlet/habitation which has less than 300 persons


E.1.1 Is a public drinking water source available in each hamleUhabitation?

Yes No E.1.1.1 HamleUhab,itatioo 1 1 2 E. 1.1.2 HamleUhabitation 2 1 2 E. 1.1.3 HamleUhabitation 3 1 2 E. 1. 1.4 HamleUhabitation 4 1 2 E.1.1 5 HamleUhabitation 5 1 2

E 2.1 I..s...domestic power supply ayallable in each hamleVhabitation? Yes No E.2.1.1 HamleUhabitation 1 1 2 E.2.1.2 Hamlet/habitation 2 1 2 E.2.1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.2 1.4 HamleVhabitation 4 1 2 E 2.1 5 HamleVhabitation 5 1 2

E.3 1 ts_a_prjmary scbool ayailable in each hamletLhabitaUQu1. Yes No E.3.1.1 Hamlet/habitation 1 1 2 E.3,1.2 HamleUhabitatioo 2 1 2 E, 3, 1.3 HamleVhabitation 3 1 2 E 3.1.4 HamleUhabitation 4 1 2 E,3, 1,5 Hamletlhabitation 5 1 2


F,1 ,1 00 the Villagers have access to public drinking water Yes. most of them source WiUltrl the boundary of the habitation Yes, some of them No

F,1 2 If not accessible within the habitation, how far one has Within 500 metres to go to collect drinking water Within 1 KM 2 (The answer should only be a general Impression) Beyond 1 KM 3

Village Survey Schedule. Page 3 of 16 F 1 3 What are the two most cornman sources of drinking water used Community Private (Questions not applicable for boxes slJaded) Well Tap Tube-well Hand pump Tanki Pond! Lake 5 5 II Spring .' I 6 ...... I ... ., 'i River 7 ' ..-: j Other (Specify) 8

F .1.4 I s drinking water distributed in the village by taps? L-_Y~cD~S__ ~ ___ N~;__ ~1 F .1. 5 Is the drinking water available from community source Treated Not treated

I F .1.6 Did the village face scarcity of drinking water any No CD I. time during the last calendar year? Yes In summer 2 • In winter 3 I During Monsoon 4 I

F.1 7 Are the villagers required to pay monthly or annual charges Yes I~\ for the drinking water supplied, if any No ~I

F.2 Educational Facility

F.2.1 Types of educational facility available: (Indicate the name of each educational institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code Exclusively which Type of Institution Run by Govt. private Number for girls available agency (Give distance code)

1 2 3 4 5 6

F.2.1.1 Primary School (Class I to V) 1 .....- - ( F 2.1 2 Middle School (Class VI to VIII) - -._ - , F.2 1 3 Secondary School (Class IX to X) ~ --~ - - \ .------

Village Survey Schedule. Page /1 of 16 F .2.1. Senior Secondary School (Class XI to XII) F.2.1. Science,

F.2.1 ical, Engineering)

F 2.1.

ailoring/Embroidery/Needle work

(Questions not applrcable for boxes s/1aded)

(Distance Code,' 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know')

F.2.3 Number and type of English medium school in the village? Type Number ,

Nursery ~ Primary - Middle - Secondary - Total: -

F.3 Medical Facility

F.3.1 Types of medical facility ayailable: (Indicate the name of each medical institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code No. of beds which Type af MedIcal facility Run by Gavl. private Number available available agency (Give distance code)

1 2 3 4 5 6

F 3 1 1 Primary Health Centre F 3.1.2 Primary Health Sub-centre

1------1-----1-----, '---' ---._--

Village Survey Schedule: Page 5 ~, 1(3 F 3.1 3.1 Allopathic F. Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F.3.1,3.4 Unani

E..3....1A. Hospital: 4 F. Allopathic 4- F. Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F. Unani

Maternity Home F Part of Hospital F. Independent

F.~ 1 53 Nursing Home F 3 1.54 ICDSt Anganwadi centreE--:~~>d 11.,. .1.~ .(: foe. l':..7

F.3 1.5.5 Dental care centre F.3 1 5.6 Optical care centre F. T B clinic (Independent) F .3." .5.8 Laboratory for pathological tests F.3 1'5.9 Operation Theatre (Allopathic)

Number Distance Code F. Private doctor (General) c:( F. Private doctor (Specialist) (Specify) .3 F 3.1.5 12 Lady doctor (General) ~ F.3.1 5.13 Lady doctor (Gynecologist) 3 F. AN M V'I ():, r F.3.1 5.15 Private Nurses F 3.1.5 16 Other (Specify)

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 I

F.4 post. Telegraph & Telephone:

If not available, distance a Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) ., 2 3 tt

Village Survey Schedule: Page 6 of 1e F 4.1 Post Office FA.2 Sub-Post office FA.3 Telegraph Office F.4.4 Telephone Connections FA.5 PCO F.4.6 Access to mobile phone Yes (1 )/V) h:,:;;./·::, J . ... , No(2) ,,,.';".»":;':';'.' " ") I-----f:-.... '.:,/ i'~:/' .:.:',' . F.4.7 Facility to send and receive Fax Yes (1)/ No (2}v) F 4.8 Facility to send and receive E-mail Yes(1)f No (2) v') F.4.8 Gyber Gaf~ F.4.9 Others (Specify)

(Distance Code. 1 - 'WIthin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know')

F.5 Banking Facility (Indicate the name of each Bank in Il7e Annexure)

If not available, distance at Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 4

F.S.1 Nationalised Bank - :) F.S.2 Other Commercial Bank - .:( F 5.3 Agricultural Bank - ;) F 54 Cooperative Bank (Gov!) - ~ . F 5.5 Private CooperatIVe Bank - (SpecIfy trade) F.56 Other (Specify) (Distance Code: 1 - 'Wtlllin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do flot know') 1\. C<..Nc. .\ Qs,£\Q. F.5.71's locker facility available in any of the banks Yes indicated above. 1--~N:"':0:""_-4---2":__--:

F.6 Transport Services

Available (1 )/Not If not available, distance al Code available (2) Type which available (Give Number (Circle distance code) appropriate code) 1 2 3 4

F.61 Bus Service (Govt. operated) F 6.2 Bus Service (Private operated) F.63 River Ferry service F 6 4 Railway service

Village Survey Schedule' Page 7 of 16 F.6.5 Cycle Rickshaw F.6.6 Auto-rickshaw F.6.7 Taxi (Jeep, Matador etc) F.6.8 Tonga/ Camel Cart! Bu"ock Cart etc.

F.6.9 BoaUShip (GovULocal Body) F.6.10 BoaUShip (Private) F.6.11 Other

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know') Questions not applicable for boxes shaded

F.7 Powe,r SJ.UW.ly,

Yes No

F.7.1 Is domestic power supply available 7 2

If 'No', Is elctrical power available for: F.7.2 Agricultural use 2 F.7.3 Industrial use 2

F 7.4 Are the following eguipmeots_ayailable and used as the Yes No, _source of lightiog in the village?

,F 7.4.1 Generator Set F.7.4.2 Inverter F. 7 .4.3 Battery operated lamps

F.7.5 Are the [allowing facilities available in the village Yes No

F 7.5.1 Windmill F.7.5.2 Solar electricity F.7.5.3 Others (Specify)

F.7.8 Is there street lighting in the village? CD 2 F.7.8.1 If yes, what is the type of street lights? Bulbs 1 Tubelights (Z) Mercury/Sodium Vapour 3 lamps Solar Energy 4 Other (Specify) 5

F.B ~Ji9.£L.&_j;ntertalome_ill

(Circfe appropriate code) Available Not Available F 8 1 PubliC library (excludes private and schoo! library)

Village Survey Sctledule : Page 8 t" '~ F.l0 5.1 Mostly on surface

F.10 5.2 Mostly closed 2

F.10.5.3 Both types found 3

G Other Amenities

Available (1 )/No! If not available, distance at Code Type available (2) which available (Give Number , (Choose distance code) code) 1 2 3 4

G.l Fire Service G 2 Police Station G.3 Civil Court (includes criminal courts)

G.4 Public Park/Garden G.5 Public Play Ground

G.6 Govt Oak Bungalow/Guest House

G.7 Eating Place/Restaurant (with facility for preparing mealsl snacks)

G.8 Hotel G 9 Dharamshala

G.10 Kerosene shop G.11 Petrol (in shap) G 12 Liquefied Petroleum Gas

G.13 Petrol! Diesel Pump [

G.14 Medical Store (with or without General Store)

G.16 Jeweler's shop

G 17 Beauty parlour cI\2

G.18 Whether ODe can Rurchase the following items in the village: Yes No

G.18.1 Color Television 1 (JJ ~ G 182 Fridge 1 (5) G 18 3 Washing Machine 1 (j 4 ~------

Village Survey Sci' P"'f1"! 10 of 16 Services ayallable IAvallable I Not available I

G.1g Advocates 1 (1l G.20 Life/Property Insurance Agents 1 ~ G.21 NGO (engaged in development work in the village) (Give names) 1 ~I G.22 Homes (Charitable Institutes) run by religious bodies 1 @ G.23 Other social clubs (Rotary/Lions/Jaycee, etc.) 1 (Z) G.24 Old Age HOrTl€s 1 (J) G.25 Public Cremation grounds 1 {] G.26 Public Burial grounds (J\ 2 G.27 Religious places C] 2 (Give name and number in the Annexure) G.28 Working Girls Hostel G 29 Paying Guest FaCIlity G 30 Veterinary Centre \

Yes No G.31 Weekly haatl market (within or near the village) C]) 1.6 ~~J G.32 Oay(s) for Weekly haatlmarket

H. Local Body:

H.1 Name of the Local Body (e g., Panchayat, Village Council)

1-1.2 Number of members in the local body Sanctioned (Only include the elected representatives, exclude Current Strength nominated ones) H.3 Number of seats reserved for women Sanctioned Current Strength

H.4 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes Sanctioned Current Strength

H 5 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes Sanctioned Current Strength

H.6 Term of office for the Local Body

H 7 Are the seats filled up by election or nomination? (IndIcate number of seats fIlled by e/ction I nommation) Election I Nomination :======:

H 8 When was the last election held? (IndIcate year e g., 1989, 1999 etc)

Village Survey Schedule: Page 11 of 16 H.9 Activities undertaken by the local body from its own funds Yes No 1 2 H.9.1 Education 1 2 H.9.2 Public works (such as roads) 1 2 H.9.3 Street lighting 1 2 1-1.9.4 Public health and sanitation 1 2 H.9.5 Agriculture 1 2 H.9.6 Veterniary 1 2 H.9.7 Industry 1 2 H.9.8 Tree plantation , 1 2 H.9.9 Other adminisatrative duties 1 2 H.9.10 Salary of employees 1 2 H.9.11 Ubray/Reading room 1 2 H.9.12 Miscelleneous 1 2

H.10 What is the budget of the local body in the last financial year?

H. 11 What were the income 00 the following beads in the last fi.o.ao.cia! year?

H.11.1 Taxation Rs. . H.11.2 Income from other sources Rs.

H.11 3 Grant from state governement Rs. H.11.4 Fund received from central government Rs.

H.11.5 Tolal: IL-R_s ______..Ill

H.12 List tile three impQrtant p[pb~exue_c.t.s_Um_ government to solye in imp[oYioQ the Quality of life pf the community

H.12.1 Problem 1 :

~------~~ r------______~, H.12.2 Problem 2 : , H.12.3 Problem 3 : j

H. 13 What are the immovable assets owned by the local body? (SpeCIfy)


Village Survey Schedule' Page 12 of 16 H.13.2 Item 2 H.13.3 Item 3 H.13.4 Item 4

H.13.5 Item 5 I H.13.6 Item 6 I H.13.7 Item 7 I

I Handicraft

1.1 Which are the important handicrafts produced by the people in the village? (Give name and brief description)

I. 1. 1 Handicraft 1

1.1.2 Handicraft 2

1.1.3 Handicraft 3

1.2 Which are the castes! tribes! communities mainly engaged in the preparation of the Handicrafts?

(Give the name(s) of tfle casters) / tribe(s) or commuIlIly (ies) in the box for each Handicraft)

1.2.1 Handicraft 1

1.2.2 Handicraft 2

1.2.3 Handicraft 3

J Natural calamity

J.1 Was the village affected by any natural calamity Earthquake in the preceding two calander years? Flood Drought Other (Specify)

J.2 Can the village be described as prone to Yes the natural calamity indicated above? No 2

Village Survey Schedule· Page 13 of 16 K Any other important highlights/activity of the village, you wish to record.

Village Survey Schedule· Page 14 of 16 Census Information Sheet

1 Name of the Village:

2 PLCN of the Village

3 Name of the Tahsil, District, Stat~

A Population as per Census 2001 A1 Persons A2 Males A.3 Females I A.4 Sex Ratio A5 Decadal Variation (1991-2001) in population (%)

B.1 Number of Households

C f:_Qpulation (0-6) C.1 Persons C 2 Males C.3 Females C.4 Sex Ratio (0-6) I I

D Literacy Ra~ 0.1 Persons D.2 Males D.3 Females

E Proportion of Workers/NoD-workers

Workers' E.1 Persons E.2 Males E 3 Females

Main Workers: E.4 Persons E.5 Males E.6 Females

Marginal WQrkers: E 7 Persons J

Village Survey Schedule' Page 15 of 16 E 8 Males E 9 Females

NoD-workers E.9 Persons E.10 Males E.11 Females

Percent workers in Cultivation E.12 Persons E.13 Males E.14 Females

Percent workers in Agricultural Labour E 15 Persons E.16 Males E.17 Females

Percent workers in House bold Industries E.18 Persons E.19 Males E.20 Females

Percent workers in Otber Work E.21 Persons E 22 Males E.23 Females

E.24 Distribution of Workers by NIC (Compile list)

E 25 Distribution of Workers by NCO (Compile list)

Village Survey ',. Il~dule' Page 16 of 16 f 1 )("\\.~ J ~'v (1.1. \p,.j 'I, L

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S\nnOV~QJlom otllncV)} Office of the Registrar General, India Government of India '\--\O-N"'~ ~ New Delhi ------,------

Study on availability of certain amenit.ies in large size villages


A 1 Name of the Village

A,2 Permanent location Code No, of the Village I I I I I I I I I 1111

A3 Name of the sub-district (e,9., Tahsil, Taluka, Mandai etc)

A 4 Name of the District

A 5 Name of the StatefUnion territory


B.1 Name and distance (in kilomebes) of the Village from: Narne Distance B, 1. 1 C D Block Head Quarters

B.1 2 Sub-district Head Quarters

B,1.3 District Head Quarters

B.1.4 Nearest t!ationalfState Hjglliy_ay_

B.1 4 1 Within the State/UT B 1.4 2 Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not 1______.__ .____ -I,------l._J within the State

8_ 1,5 Nearest all weather road

R 1 -5.1 Within the State/UT

R 1 5 2 Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not within the State L....____-I--J

B, 1 _7 tie.a.resLSlaMQry Town

B 1 5 1 Within the StatefUT

81,52 Outside the State/Uf, if ll~Mrest one is not within the State

Village Survey Schedule' I' ,( 1'3 _;. BRIEF HISTORY & LA YOUT MAP (Collect mformatlon on a plain paper on settlement history, (rom Survey Setllement Report, District Gazetteers, oral history of the vIllage (rom elderly and knowledgeable persons in the vIllage.)

C.1 Collect information on the history of the village highlighting the earliest settlers, the events - both tragic and mmorable associated with the village, important landmarks in the course of the history, the heroes and the achievers. In short collect information on brief history of the village and its people.

C.2 A layout map depicting the landmarks on the ground through hand drawing over a sheet of paper. By looking at the layout map one should get the feel of the village, its roads and dwelling units, its agricultural fields or the places of religious importance - temples, mosques or gurdwara, or the river that flows by, or the railway tracks, etc. Use the 2001 Census layout map of the village to mark the changes that you may see on the ground. ,


o 1 Number of Hou~eholds (Census 2001) 0.1.1 Normal households 0.1 2 Institutional households 0.1.3 Houseless households Total:

Name No. of HH 0.2 Name of the three largest castes, tribes or communities in the village along with their approximate number of households

0.3 Names, number and other details for each hamlets! habitations in the village (Note: For measuring distance identify first the Original or the oldest hamlefllJafJilation) lodicate i[ mostly Distance from inhabited by [JamletL [JabitaliQo tile maio t::I.am.e No. o[ HH Population SC ·1 1ST - 2 Number hamlet (io population kilometres) (Ci[cle Qoe CQde) 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.3.1 Hamlet 1 1 2 032 Hamlet 2 1 2 033 Hamlet 3 1 2 034 Hamlet 4 1 2 035 Hamlet 5 1 2

04 How many multi storey buildings (three or more) are there in the village?

Village Survey Schedule. Page 2 or 16 E: AMENITIES Note 1: Fill separate schedule for each hamlet/habitation 2. Do not give separate information on any hamlet/habitation which has less than 300 persons


E.1.1 Is a public drinkioQ water source available in each hamleUhabitationZ

Yes No

E.1.1.1 Hamlet/habitation 1 1 2

E.1.1.2 HamleUhabitation 2 1 2 E. 1. 1.3 Hamletlhabitation 3 1 2 E.1.1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E. 1. 1.5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2

E 2.1 ~fu;.J].ll'lier supplU'iailable in each_hamle.tLhabitatlonl Yes No E.2.1 1 Hamlet/habitation 1 1 2 E.2 1 2 Hamlet/habitation 2 1 2 E.2.1 3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.2.1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E.2.1 5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2

E.3.1 Is a primary school available in each bamlet/habitation? Yes No E.3.1.1 HamleUhabitation 1 1 2 E 3.1 2 HamleVhabitation 2 1 2 E.3 1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.3.1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E.3.1.5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2


F.1 Drinking Water

F 1.1 Do the villagers have access to public drinking water Yes, most of them source within the boundary of the habitation Yes, some of them No

F 1 2 If not accessible within the habItation, how far one has Within 500 metres to go to collect drinking water Within 1 KM 2 (The answer should only be a general impression) Beyond 1 KM 3

Village Survey Schedule Page 3 of 16 F 1 3 What are the two most common sources of Private drinking water used (Questions not applicable for boxes shaded) Well Tap Tube-well Hand pump

Tank! Pondl Lake 5 5 Spring 6 River 7 Other (Specify) 8

Yes No F.1,4 Is drinking water distributed in the village by taps? 2 F.1. 5 Is the drinking water available from community source Treated ~I Not treated ~(

F.1.6 Did the village face scarcity of drinking water any No CD I time during the last calendar year? Yes In summer 2 • In winter 3 , During Monsoon 4 (

F.1.7 Are the villagers required to pay monthly or annual charges Yes ~(' for the drinking water supplied, if any No ~(

F.2 EdUcational Facility

F.2.1 Types of educational facility ayailable; (Indicate the name of ead1 educational institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, I' distance at Run by f Code Exclusively which Type of Institution Run by Govt private Number for girls available r agency ,I (Give distance I' code) J 1 2 3 4 5 6 II

F.2,1.1 Primary School (Class I to V) J \ .--' - - I F.2, 1 ,2 Middle School (Class VI to VIII) ~ - ~ '1 j F 2.1 3 Secondary School (Class IX to X) - - 2- ,~ - ----_- I

Village Survey Schedule . P;lq~ '1 f)f 16 Senior Secondary School (Class XI to XII) College (Arts, Science, Commerce) College (Medical, Engineering)

Industnal Training Institute

F 2.

Other (Specify)

(QuestIOns not applicable for boxes shaded)

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Wit/lin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - '00 not know) F 2.3 Number and type af English medium schoal in the village? Type Number.

Nursery - Primary - Middle - Secondary - Total: -

F.3.1 IYQ_e_s of med~aU.acility available: (Indicate tlJe name of eacf7 medical institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code No of beds which Type of Medical facility Run by Govt. private Number agency available available (Give distance code) ---- 1 2 3 4 5 6 - ---_ - -

F 3 1.1 Primary Ilealth Centre F 3 1.2 Primary Health Sub-centre


--- .• ---_--'-______--'_.______L ______-'

Village Survey Schedule: Page 5 of 16 F.3.1.31 Allopathic F. Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F.3.1.34 Unani

E.1...1A Hospital: F. Allopathic F. Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F. Unani

Maternity Home F. Part of Hospital F. Independent

F. Nursing Home F ICDSI Anganwadi Centre ,

F.3.1.5 5 Dental care centre F.3 1.5.6 Optical care centre F. T B clinic (Independent) F. 3.1 .5 8 Laboratory for pathological tests F. Operation Theatre (Allopathic) -

Number Distance Code F. Private doctor (General) F . Private doctor (Specialist) (Specify) F Lady doctor (General) F.3.1 5.13 Lady doctor (Gynecologist) F. 'v16~r- F. Private Nurses F.3.1.5 16 Other (Specify)

(Distance Code: 1 - ''Nit/lin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - '00 not know') Note: 1. Questions not applicable for boxes shaded 2. The availability of medical facility outside the village, a sought for in Col 7 above, could be in avillage or in a town. Put the distance code.

F.4 east. Telegraph & Telephone:

If not available, distance at Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 -1

Village Survey Schedule' Page 6 of 1(; F 4.1 Post Office FA.2 Sub-Post office FA.3 Telegraph Office 3 F.4.4 Telephone Connections F.4.5 PCO . , FA.6 Access to mobile phone .. ": . '. /

F.4 7 Facility to send and receive Fax

FA8 Facility to send and receive E-mail Yes (1)/ No (2)vI F 4 8 Cyber Car~ .3 FA 9 Others (Specify)

(Distance Code. 1 - Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 51

F,5 Banking Facility (Indicate tile name of each Bank in the Annexure)

If not available, distance at Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 4

F.5.1 Nalionalised Bank - ::< F.5.2 Other Commercial Bank - ~ F 5.3 Agricultural Bank - « F.5.4 Cooperative Bank (Govt) - ~ F.5.5 Private Cooperative Bank - - (SpecIfy trade) F.56 Other (Specify) (Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know')

F. 5. 7 Is locker facility available in any of the banks Yes indicated above. No 2

F.S Transport Services

Available (1 )/No\ If not available, distance at Code available (2) Type which available (Give Number (Circle distance code) appropriate code) 1 2 3 4

F.6.1 Bus Service (Govt. operated) F.6.2 Bus Service (Private operated) F 6 3 River Ferry service F 6 4 Railway service

Village Survey Schedule: Page 7 of 16 F.65 Cycle Rickshaw ~ ... ::~;>/~.:~",: "~C~ F.6.6 Auto-rickshaw F.6.7 Taxi (Jeep, Matador etc) ~~~~.''''>'.~ F.6.8 Tonga/ Camel Cartl Bullock Cart etc. . ._.j . ; F.6.9 BoaUShip (GovULocal Body) .., ":'''''~' -.. \,- J F.6.10 BoaUShip (Private) ...

F.6.11 Other

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Wilhin 1 KM', 2 - '1 10 3 KM', 3 - '310 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not/mow') Questions not applicable for boxes slwded


Yes No

F.71 Is domestic power supply available? CD 2

If 'No', Is elctrical power available for: F.7.2 Agricultural use 2 F.7.3 Industrial use 2

F.74 Are the following equipments available and used as the Yes No , source of lighting in the village?

F.7 4.1 Generator Set . F.7.4.2 Inverter F.7.4.3 Battery operated lamps

F.7 5 Are the following facilities available in the village Yes No

F.7.5.1 Windmill F.7 5.2 Solar electriCity F.7.5.3 Others (Specify)

F.7.8 Is there street lighting in the village 7 2 F.7.8.1 If yes, what is the type of street lights? Bulbs 1 Tubelights (1J Mercury/Sodium Vapour 3 lamps

Solar Energy 4 Other (Specify) 5

F.8 Recreation & Entertainment

(Circle appropriate code) Available Not Available

F 8.1 Public library (excludes private and school library)

Village Survey Sclledule : Page 8 r'O F.82 Reading room facility (for public use) 1 8) F 8 3 Daily newspaper supply (Give name(s) and numbers In the Annexure) CD 2 F .8.4 Magazine supply (Give name(s) and numbers in 2 the Annexure) CD F.B.S Receives only Doordarshan programmes (1) 2 F.8.6 Dish antenna to receive Satellite Channels 1 @ F.B.7 Cable TV ~ 2 F.88 Audio Cassette Shop 1 (1) F.8.9 Video Cassehe Shop 1 ® F 8 10 Cinema House 1 8)

F.8.11 Video Padour(s} 1 @

F.B 12 Theatre/Auditorium (Open air) 1 @ F.8 13 Theatre/Auditorium (Indoor) 1 81 F.8.14 Others (Specify) 1 ~

F.9 Internal Roads

Internal Roads Within the village are (Ci[C1e onel

F.9.1 Mostly coal tar roads CD

F.9 2 Mostly metallic (WBM) 2

F.9.3 Metallic (WBM) and earthen 3

F.9.4 Mostly earthen 4

F.9 5 Brick roads 5

F .9.6 Only earthen 6

F. 9. 7 Others (Specify) 7

F.1 0 HY.9.LeJ).~.JLSjlllitatjQD Yes F 10.1 Availability of Community ToileVLatrine (Free) F.10 2 Sulabh Suchalaya or other paid community toilets

'L (J~L?, Method of dis(2QS.Q1 of nIght soil T c F.10 2 Flush/Pit latnne 2 F 1 o.~ Sewage System for disposal of night soil 2 F 10 ~Carrying night soil by others 2

F 10 5 lyQQ_Qf DralDage.S~$.t!;.!l1ill1Qose ooe).


F.10 5 2 Mostly closed 2

F.1O.S.3 Both types found 3

G Other Amenities

Available (1 )/Not If not available, distance at Code Type available (2) which available (Give Number , (Choose distance code) code) 1 2 3 4

G.1 Fire Service 1 (i'. 4- G.2 Police Station 1 (,;.'2' ~ G.3 Civil Court (includes criminal courts) 1 (~) It

G.4 Public Park/Garden 1 G.S Public Pray Ground 1

G 6 Govt Dak Bungalow/Guest House

G.7 Eating Place/Restaurant (with facility for preparing mealsl snacks)

G.8 Hotel G.9 Dharamshala

G.10 Kerosene shop 1 @ ::( G.11 Petrol (in shop) 1 ~ ~ G.12 Liquefied Petroleum Gas @ s

G.13 Petrol! Diesel Pump I 1@ :l.

G.14 Medical Store (with or without General Store) I (j) ~

G.16 Jeweler's shop I: ~ lr

G 17 Beauty parlour d)2

G.18 Whether one can purchase the following items in the yillage: Yes No

G.18.1 Color Television 1 ~ _. G.182 Fridge 1 (2) G.18 3 Washing Machine 1 (2) - •

Village Survey Sci' I., P"q<=? 10 of 16 Services available IAvailable I Not available I

G.19 Advocates 1 c] G.20 Life/Property Insurance Agents 1 aJ G.21 NGO (engaged in development work in the village) (Give names) 1 (2) G.22 Homes (Charitable Institutes) run by religious bodies 1 @ G 23 Other social clubs (Rotary/Lions/Jaycee, etc) 1 ~ G 24 Old Age Homes 1 <1l G.25 Public Cremation grounds CD 2 G.26 Public BUNal grounds G) 2 G.27 Religious places (j) 2 (Give name and number in the Annexure) G.28 Working Girls Hostel G 29 Paying Guest Facility G 30 Veterinary Centre

Yes No G.31 Weekly haatl market (within or near the village) (]

G.32 Oay(s) for Weekly haatlmarket

H. Local Body:

H.1 Name of the Local Body (e.g., Panchayat, Village Council)

H.2 Number of members in the local body Sanctioned (Only include the elected representatives, exclude Current Strength nominated ones) H.3 Number of seats reserved for worwm Sanctioned Current Strength

H.4 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes Sanctioned Current Strength

H 5 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes Sanctioned Current Strength

H 6 Term of office for the Local Body

H 7 Are the seats fllled up by election or nomination? (Indicate number of seats filled by e/ction / nomination) Election I Nomination 1------1 '------'

H 8 When was the last election held? (Indicate year e g, 1989, 1999 etc)

Village Survey Schedule: Page 11 of 16 H.9 Activities undertaken by the local body from its own funds Yes No 1 2 H.9.1 Education 1 2 H.9.2 Public works (such as roads) 1 2 H.9.3 Street ligllting 1 2 H.9.4 Public health and sanitation 1 2 H.95 Agriculture 1 2 H.9.6 Veternlary 1 2 H.9.7 Industry 1 2 H.9.8 Tree plantation 1 2 H.9.9 Other admi~isatrative duties 1 2 H.9.10 Salary of employees 1 2 H.9.11 Libray/Reading room 1 2 H.9.12 Miscelleneous 1 2

H.10 What is the budget of the local body in the last financial year?

H. '11 What were the income on the following heads in the last financial year?

H.11 1 Taxation Rs ,

H.11.2 Income from other sources Rs.

H.11.3 Grant from state governement Rs. H 11.4 Fund received from central Rs. government

H.11.5 Total: I,_R_S· ______.JII

H.12 LisUhe.J.t1Ne important problems the local body eXlle.ctsJb.e_ government to solve in improving the Quality Qf life of the community

H.12.1 Problem 1 :

H.12.2 Problem 2 :

H.12.3 Problem 3 :

H.13 What are the immovable assets owned by the local body? (Specify)

H 13 1 Item 1

Village Survey Schedule' Page 12 of 16 H 13.2 Item 2 H.13.3 Item 3 H.13.4 Item 4 H.13.5 Item 5 H.13.6 Item 6 H.13.7Item7

I Handicraft

1.1 Which are the important handicrafts produced by the people in the village? (GIVe name and brief description)

I 1.1 Handicraft 1

1.1.2 Handicraft 2

1.1.3 Handicraft 3

1.2 Which are the castes/ tribes/ communities mainly engaged in the preparation of the Handicrafts?

(Give tile name(s) of the caste(s) /Inbe(s) or commuflIly (ies) in Ihe box for each Handicraft)

1.2.1 Handicraft 1

1.2,2 Handicraft 2

1.2.3 Handicraft 3

J Natural calamity

J.1 Was the village affected by any natural calamity Earthquake in the preceding two calander years? Flood Drought Other (SpeCify)

J.2 Can the Village be described as prone to Yes the natural calamity indicated above? No 2

Village Survey Schedule: Page 13 of 16 K Any other important highlightsfactivity of the village, you wish to record.

Village Survey Schedule Page 14 of 16 Census Information Sheet

1 Name of the Village:

2 PLCN of the Village

3 Name of the Tahsil, District, Stat~

A Population as per Census 2001 A.1 Persons A2 Males A.3 Females AA Sex Ratio A5 Decadal Variation (1991-2001) in population (%)

B.1 Number of Households

c E.QQUiatloo (0-6) C.1 Persons C.2 Males C.3 Females C.4 Sex Ratio (0-6)

o Literacy RaJe. 0.1 Persons 02 Males 03 Females

E Proportloo of Workers/NoD-workers

Workers' E.1 Persons E.2 Males E 3 Females

Maio Workers' E 4 Persons E 5 Males E.6 Females

MarQloal Workers: E 7 Persons J

Village SUf'Jey SCfledule . Pag8 15 of 16 E.8 Males E g Females

NoD-workers' E.g Persons E.10 Males E.11 Females

Percent workers in Cultivation E.12 Persoos E.13 Males E.14 Females

Percent workers in Agricultural LabQill E.15 Persons E.16 Males E.17 Females ]

percent workers in Household Industries E. 18 Persons E.19 Males E.20 Females

percent workers in Other Work E.21 Persons E.22 Males E.23 Females

E.24 Distributioo of Workers by NIC (Compile list)

E.25 Distribution of Workers by NCO (Compile list)

Village Survey;·' IlI:dule . Page 16 of 16 ---~--_--__ --~ --_-~- ---_- ,

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Office of the Registrar General, India Government of India New LJelhi

Study on availability of certain amenities in large size villages


A.1 Name of the Village

1\.2 Permanent Location Code No. of the Village I I I I I I I I I 1111:

A3 Name of the sub-district (e.g., Tahsil, Taluka, Mandai etc)

A.4 Name of the District

1\.5 Name of the State/Union territory


B.1 Name and distance (in kilometres) of ttle Village fran]. Name Distance 8.1.1 C D Block Head Quarters ]

B 1 2 St.lb-district Head Quarters r ]

B.1.3 District Head Quarters

8.1 4 1 Within the State/UT 8.1.4 2 Outside the State/VT, if nearest one is not I--l----I within the State

B.1 5 Ijearest all wealber [orui

8.1.5 1 Within the State/VT

8.1 5 2 Outside the State/VT, if nearest one is not within the St

R 1.5 1 Witt,ln the Stale/U r 8 1.52 Outside ttle State/UT. if tlParest one is not within the State ------f----=-I E ---~------=

Village Survey Schedule' " if 1r, ;. BRIEF HISTORY & LAYOUT MAP (Collect m(ormation on a plain paper on settlement Ilfstory, from Survey Settlement Report. District Gazetteers, oral hIstory of tile village from elderly and knowledgeable persons ill the VIllage.)

C.1 Collect information on the history of the village highlighting the earliest settlers, the events - both tragic and mmorable associated with the village, important landmarks in the course of the history, the heroes and the achievers. In short collect information on brief history of the village and its people.

C 2 A layout map depicting the landmarks on the ground through hand drawing over a sheet of paper. By looking at the layout map one should get the feel of the village, its roads and dwelling unils, its agricultural fields or the places of religious importance - temples, mosques or gurdwara, or the river that flows by, or the railway tracks, etc. Use the 2001 Census layout map of the village to mark the changes that you may see on the ground. ,


o 1 Number of HQuseholds (Census 2Q01) 0.1.1 Normal households 0.1 2 Institutional households 0.1.3 Houseless households Total:

Name No. of HH 0.2 Name of the three largest castes, tribes or communities in the village along with their approximate number of households

o 3 Names, number and other details for each hamletsl habitations in the village (Note: For measuring distance identify first the original or the oldest hamlet/habItation)

IDdi~ate, if mostly I I ~istance from Inhabited by Hamlet! Habitation the main t!am.e No, of HH Population SC -1IS1 - 2' Number hamlet (in population kilometres) (Cin;le Qoe .c.OOel 1 2 3 4 5 6

0.3.1 Hamlet 1 1 2 0.3.2 Hamlet 2 1 2 0.3.3 Hamlet 3 1 2 0.3.4 Hamlet 4 1 2 0.3.5 Hamlet 5 1 2

o 4 How many multi storey buildings (three or more) are there in the village?

Village Survey Schedule: Page 2 or 16 E: AMENITIES Note 1: Fill separate schedule for each hamlet/habitation 2. Do not give separate Information on any hamlet/habitation which has less than 300 persons


E.1.1 Is a public drinking water source available in eaffilJ.amleUbabitation?

Yes No E. 1.1.1 Hamlet/habitation 1 ·CD 2 E. 1.1.2 Hamlet/habitation 2 1 2 E. 1.1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.1.1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E. 1.1.5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2

Yes No E.2.1 1 Hamlet/habitation 1 CD 2 E.2.1 2 Hamlet/habilation 2 1 2 E.2.1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.2.1,4 Hamletfhabitation 4 1 2 E.2.1 5 Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2

E 3 1 Is a primary school ayailable in each bamieUhabitation? Yes No E. 3.1.1 H amletfha bitation 1 CD 2 E.3 1 2 Hamlet/habitatioo 2 1 2 E.3.1.3 Hamlet/habitation 3 1 2 E.3.1.4 Hamlet/habitation 4 1 2 E.3.1.S Hamlet/habitation 5 1 2


F.1 Drinking Water

F. 1. 1 Do Ihe villagers have access to public drinking water Yes, most of them source within the boundary of the habitation Yes, some of them No

F.1 2 If not accessible within the habitation, how far one has Within 500 metres to go to collect drinking water Within 1 KM 2 (The answer should only be a general impression) Beyond 1 KM 3

Village Survey Schedule' Page 3 of 16 ,1' F.1 3 What are the two most common sources of drinking water used EriYate t (Questions not applicable for boxes shaded) Well 1 Tap 2 (J) Tube-well 3 Hand pump 4 c.Y Tank! Pondl Lake 5 5 Spring 6 0" • j River 7 ,.~ : .j Other (Specify) 8

Yes No F .1.4 Is drinking water distributed in the village by taps? ill 2 1: F.1.5 Is the drinking water available from community source Treated Not treated Et~

F.1.6 Did the village face scarcity of drinking water any No (f) time during the last calendar year? Yes In summer 2 In winter 3 During Monsoon 4 I~

F 1 7 Are the villagers required to pay monthly or annual charges Yes for the drinking water supplied, if any No EE~

F.2 Educational facility

F.2.1 Types of educational facility available: (Indicate the name of eacll educational institute in tile Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code Exclusively which Type of Institution Run by Govt. private Number for girls available agency (Give distanc code)

1 2 3 4 5 6

F.2.1.1 Primary School (Class I 10 V) \ .- - ~ F.2.1.2 Middle School (Class VI to VIII) I \ - - - : F.2 1 3 Secondary School (Class IX to Xl - - - ". -- -~-- -.------

Village Survey Schedule. PrJgc 1\ of 16 Senior Secondary School (Class XI to XII) College (Arts, SCIence, Commerce) College (Medical, Engineering)

Vocational Centre (Drawing, Painting etc)

aiioring/Embroidery/Needle work

(Questions not applicable for boxes shaded)

(Oistance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 /0 3 KM', 3 - '3 /0 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - '00 nor know') F 2.3 Number and type of English medium school in the village? Type Number.

Nursery - Plimary - Middle - Secondary - Total. -

F.3 ~!fical Eacilit~

F.3.1 Types of medical facility available' (Indicate the name of each medical institute in the Annexure)

Number If not available, distance at Run by Code No. of beds which Type of Medical facility Run by Govt. private Number available available agency (Give distance code)

1 2 3 4 5 6

.: I, .' "'. ' • ~ ~ F 3 1.1 Primary Health Centre ~:~. #~~..;}.~~~:~ F.3 1 2 Primary Health Sub-centre j·t ~':.~:'-:~:,~.]L.:; .. »<":";~

Village Survey Schedule: Page 5 or 18 F.3.1.31 Allopathic F. Ayurvedic F.3.1.33 Homeopathic F .3.1 3 4 Unani

E..1..1A ~aL F. Allopathic + F. Ayurvedic F. Homeopathic F. Unani

Maternity Home F. Part of Hospital 4 F. Independent

F. Nursing Home l--=--__l----",~k_._' ~ I 4 2 F.}~)~ I __

F.3.1.S.5 Dental care centre F.3.1 5.6 Optical care centre F 3.1.57 T B clinic (Independent) F. Laboratory for pathological tests F.3.1 5.9 Operation Theatre (Allopathic)

Number Distance Code F.3.1.5 10 Private doctor (General) ~ F . Private doctor (Specialist) (Specify) F. Lady doctor (General) F.3.1 5.13 Lady doctor (Gynecologist) F AN M F. Private Nurses F 3.1.516 Other (Specify)

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Within 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 (0 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know') Note: 1. Questions not applicable for boxes shaded 2. The availability of medical facility outside the village, a sought for in Col 7 above, could be in avillage or in a town. Put the distance code.

F.4 East. Telegraph & Telephone:

If not available, distance at Code Type t~umber which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 t1

Village Survey Schedule· Page 6 of 11: F 4 1 Post Office F.4.2 Sub-Post office / F.4,3 Telegraph Office PTO F.4A Telephone Connections FA,5 PCO F 4 6 Access to mobile phone s (1)/ No (2) F.4.7 Facility to send and receive Fax Yes (1)1 No (20 It F t\ 8 Facility to send and receive E-mail Yes (1)1 No (2)vJ F A8 Cyber Caf~ FAg Others (Specify)

(Distance Code, 1 - 'Wit/lin t KM', 2 - '1 10 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know')

F.5 Banking Facility (Indicate Ihe name of each Bank in the Annexure)

If not available, distance al Code Type Number which available (Give Number distance code) 1 2 3 4

F,5.1 Nationalised Bank - ~ F 5.2 Other Commercial Bank - .:2

F,5.3 Agricultural Bank ~ ;;;I_ F,S.4 Cooperative Bank (Govl) - .::l F,5,5 Private Cooperative Bank - - (Specify trade) F,S,6 Other (Specify) (Distance Code: 1 - 'Witl1m 1 KM'. 2 - '1 10 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 KM' 5 - 'Do not know') lb ~o.:(ktd Q F,5,7 Is locker facility available in any of Ille banks r=Y€YNeOs l21 I'indicated abovejN(f-----1----0~---l ~-----~-~~--~ F.6 Tra.nsport Services

Available (1)/Not If not available, distance at Code available (2) Type wl1ich available (Give Number (Circle distance code) appropriate code) 1 2 3 4

F,6,1 Bus Service (Govt. operated) F,6 2 Bus Service (Private operated) F 6.3 River Ferry service F 6 4 Railway service

Village Survey Schedule' Page 7 of 16 F 6 5 Cycle Rickshaw F.6.6 Auto-rickshaw F 6.7 Taxi (Jeep, Matador etc) F 68 Tongal Camel CarU Bullock Cart etc. F.6.9 Boat/Ship (GovULocal Body) F.6.10 Boat/Ship (Private) F 6.11 Other

(Distance Code: 1 - 'Wilflin 1 KM', 2 - '1 to 3 KM', 3 - '3 to 5 KM', 4 - 'Above 5 I

F.7 Powe,r Supply

Yes No

F.7 1 Is domestic power supply available? 2

If 'No', Is elctrical power available for: F.72 Agricultural use 2 F.7.3 Industrial use 2

F.7 4 Are the following eguipments available and used as the Yes No • source of lightlnQ in the Yilla~

F 7.4 1 Generator Set F.74.2 Inverter F.7.4.3 Battery operated lamps I i

F.7 5 Are the (ollowing facilities ayailable in the village Yes No

F.7 5.1 Windmill F.7 5.2 Solar electricity F.7.5.3 Others (Specify) I ~ F.7.8 Is there street lightin9 in the village? ~ 2 F.7.B.1 If yes, what is the type of street lights? Bulbs 1 Tubelights ® Mercury/Sodium Vapour 3 lamps Solar Energy 4 Other (Specify) 5

F.B Recreation & Entertainment

(Circle appropnate code) Available Not Available F 8 1 Public library (excludes private and school library)

Village Survey Sclledule : Page 8 r" F 8.2 Reading room facility (for public use) 1 2 F.8 3 Dally newspaper supply (Give name(s) and 2 numbers in the Annexure} cD F.B.4 Magazine supply (Give name(s) and numbers in 2 the Annexure) ill F 8.5 Receives only Doordarshan programmes CD 2 F.8.6 Dish antenna to receive Satellite Channels 1 ® F .8. 7 Cable TV cD 2 F.8.8 Audio Cassette Shop 1 G) F 8.9 Video Casselte Shop 1 @

F 8 10 Cinema House 1 (])

F.B.11 Video Parlour(s) 1 ~ F 8.12 Theatre/Auditorium (Open air) 1 ~ F.8.13 Theatre/Auditorium (Indoor) 1 @

F 8.14 Others (Specify) 1 @

F.9 Internal Roads

Internal Roads within the village are (Circle one}

F.9.1 Mostly coal tar roads (f)

F 9 2 Mostly metallic (WBM) 2

F 9.3 MetalliC (WBM) and earthen 3

F 9.4 Mostly earthen -1

F 9 5 Brick roads 5

F.9.6 Only earthen 6

F 9.7 Others (Specify) 7

F.10 l:iy'glen~Sanitation Yes No F 10 1 Availability of Community T OIleVLatrine (F reel 1 F.10 2 Sulabh Suchalaya or other paid community toilets .J. t CNY~ esz_ ~ e_ , Vhe.--n Metllod of disposal of night soil

F 1o~ Flush/Pit latnne 2 F 1tX3~ewage System for disposal of night soil 2 F.10@Carrying nigflt SOil by others 2 5 F 10 5 I.ype~.

Village Survey Schedule: Page 9 at 16 FlO 5.1 Mostly on surface

F.ID 5.2 Mostly closed 2

F 10 5.3 80th types found 3

G Other Amenities

Available (1)/Not If not available. distance at Code Type available (2) which available (Give Number . (Choose distance code) code) 1 2 3 4

G.1 Fire Service 4 G.2 Police Station G.3 Civil Court (includes criminal courts)

G.4 Public Park/Garden G.5 Public Play Ground

G.6 Govt Dak Bungalow/Guest House

G 7 Eating Place/Restaurant (with facility for preparing meals! snacks)

G.8 Hotel I·

G.9 Dharamshala .-

G. 10 Kerosene shop @ d.. G.11 Petrol (in shop) 1 CZJ G 12 Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1 (il ~

G 13 Petrol! Diesel Pump (t) ;),

G.14 Medical Store (with or without General Store) ® ~

G.16 Jeweler's shop OJ ~

G.17 8eauty parlour d)2

G.18 Whether oDe can purchase the followiog items in the village: Yes No

G.18.1 Color Television G 182 Fridge G 18 3 Washing Machine

Village Survey Sci' :, P")IJ'? 10 of 16 jAvallable I Not available I

G 19 Advocates 1 ~ G.20 Life/Property Insurance Agents 1 @ G.21 NGO (engaged in development work in the village) (Give names) CD 2 G 22 Homes (Charitable Institutes) run by religious bodies 1 (2l G 23 Other social clubs (Rotary/Lions/Jaycee, etc.) 1 ~ G 24 Old Age Homes 1 _m G.25 Public Cremation grounds CD 2 G.26 Public Burial grounds CD 2 G.27 Religious places CD 2 (Give name and number in the Annexure) G.28 Working Girls Hostel G.29 Paying Guest Facility G 30 Veterinary Centre

Yes No G.31 Weekly haatl market (within or near the village) (?)

G.32 Day(s) for Weekly haatlmarket

H. Local Body:

H.1 Name of the Local Body (e g., Panchayat, Village Council)

H.2 Number of members in the local body Sanctioned (Only include the elected representatives, exclude Current Strength nominated ones) H 3 Number of seats reserved for womp.n Sanctioned Current Strength

HA Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes Sanctioned Current Strength

H.5 Number of seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes Sanctioned Current Strength

H.6 Term of office for the Local Body

H 7 Are the seats filled up by electJon or nomination? (IndIcate number of seats filled by elction / nommation) Election I Nomination 1------1 '------'

H 8 When was the last election held? (IndIcate year e g, 19a9, 1999 etc)

VIllage Survey Schedule. Page 11 of 16 H.9 Activities undertaken by the local body from its own funds Yes No 1 2 H 9 1 Education 1 2 H.92 Public works (such as roads) 1 2 H.93 Street lighting 1 2 H 9 4 Public health and sanitation 1 2 H.9.5 Agriculture 1 2 H.9.6 Veterniary 1 2 H 9 7 Industry 1 2 H.9.8 Tree plantation 1 2 , H 9.9 Other adminisatrallve duties 1 2 H.9.10 Salary of employees 1 2 H.9.11 Libray/Reading room 1 2 H.9.12 Miscelleneous 1 2

H.10 What is the budget of the local body in the last financial year?

H.11 Wtlat were tile income 00 the following heads in the last financial year? H 11 1 Taxation Rs. . H.11.2 Income from other sources Rs.

,H.11.3 Grant from state goveroement Rs. H.11.4 Fund received from central Rs. government

H.11 5 Total: IRs.

H.12 List the three important problems the local body expe.c:1.sJb.e.. government to solve in improving the Quality of life of the community

H.12.1 Problem 1 .

H.12.2 Problem 2 :

H.12.3 Problem 3 :

H 13 What are the immovable assets owned by the local body? (SpeCIfy)

H.131 Item 1

Village Survey Schedule· Page 12 of 16 H.13.2 Item 2 H.13.3 Item 3 H.13.4 Item 4 H.13.5 Item 5 H.13.6 Item 6 H.13.7Item7

I Handicraft

1.1 Which are the important handicrafts produced by the people in the village? (Give name and brief description)

I 1 1 Handicraft 1

1.1.2 Handicraft 2

1.1 3 Handicraft 3

1.2 Which are the castes/ tribes/ communities mainly engaged in the preparation of the Handicrafts?

(Give tile name(s) of tile casters) I tribe(s) or commuf1Ily (ies) in the box (or eac/J Handicraft)

I 2.1 Handicraft 1

1.2.2 Handicraft 2

I 2.3 Handicraft 3

J Natural calamity

J.1 Was the village affected by any natural calamity Earthquake in the preceding two calander years? Flood Drought Other (SpeCIfy)

J.2 Can the Village be described as prone to Yes the natural calamity indicated above? No 2

Village Survey Schedule' Page 13 of 16 K Any other important highlights/actlvity of the village, you wish to record.

Village Survey Schedule Page 14 of 16 Census Information Sheet

1 Name of the Village:

2 PLCN of the Village

3 Name of the Tahsil, District, Stat~

A E.om!latloo as Der Ceosus 2001 A.1 Persons A.2 Males A 3 Females A 4 Sex RatIo A.5 Decadal Variation (1991-2001) in population (%)

B.1 Number of Households

C E_QQ..Ulatioo (0-6) C.1 Persons C.2 Males C.3 Females CA Sex Ratio (0-6)

o Ll1elil_cyBat~ o 1 Persons 0.2 Males 03 Females I

E Proportioo of Workers/NoD-workers

~rs... E.1 Persons E.2 Males E 3 Females

Main Workers: E 4 Persons E 5 Males E.6 Females

Margj_wl Workers. E.7 Persons L__ ---' J

Village Survey Schedule: Page 15 of 16 E.8 Males E.9 Females I: j Non-workers. E.9 Persons E.10 Males E.11 Females J Percent workers in Cultivation E.12 Persons E.13 Males E.14 Females [ I : j

Percent workers in Agricultural Labour E.15 Persons E 16 Males I~ [: E 17 Females =1

Percent workers in l:Iousebold Industries E.18 Persons E.19 Males E.20 Females 1 : :: 1

Percent workers in Other Work E.21 Persons E.22 Males E.23 Females [: E.24 Distribution of Workers by NIC (Compile list)

E.25 Distribution of Workers by NCO (Compile list)

Village Survey ,,, Il~dule' Page 16 of 16 (1 ~-, i 'f_ ~"t h't (_ _ .------~

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I' ~ ) . .~ ~.I) \, \_'(' Ii ~~( ..... Socio-Oernorlraphic Study of LClr qe Sizp.cI Vi"(l~Jes

lnd ia CUI d II Hies 10 live Plll))ClIlly II' ,Is v 11I~\qes ~~ ven a !leI' r i fty years of gailling Independence and beJrl~J the master of her OWIl destiny a 18 r qe propor {lOll of tile populr1 tioll rr.. sll" dep rived of 111811y ilnportant 81llellilles in life. This is InOle so 111 the lural eneas. whele 72% of the Indians live today. Be it health, education, ecollorny or simple recreation facililiert,there is still wide disparity between the rural and the urban areas. Or is it really so in large size villages and urban areas?

To assess the quality of life in large villages, this study aims to collect information on availability of arnenities and other infrastructure in the villages, which contributes towards a better life in materialistic terms. From availability of schools to beauty pel! lours, from playing grounds to cyber-cafes, it is proposed to r-lssess tile illfl asll lIcture and amenities available, which COlltl ibutes lOWC:HcJS healthier and improved qU81ity of life in the villages

For this s(udy, which is likely to be i))c1Lie IllDI e pel iodie, villages with at least 5000 population as per 1991 Census have been chosen. These fairly large sized villages. which. perhaps, have the potential of ~Jfnwinq into UI!J;'Jll <1le;lS. 'Pl'lf~~Pl)t ;:l \lrlnsilolY sln~)e F a ell j ti e SOl i 11 f I a s t I U C t U leo f cit I e s a I IfJ tow 11 S of I !l cJ j ash () ul u IJ e available ill tl1ese lal ge sized villages a Isu. which illlprove their quality of life, cHld in an indirect IHanner contributes in revel sing the flow of populatloll towards urban centles. III this way it is also likely to preserve the tr lie spirit of erel nal India.

Unlike socia-economic study of villages undel taken by the Census Organis(1tion earlier, tile Socia-Economic Study of Large Sized Villages wf)uld be more stCltistlc81 in nrttt!IT~ as it aillls to collect quality infor malion on availability of val jOllS ;:1nl(~l1ltjes etc TIler e is no scolJe for evnllFltflly 01 tllldlllY leaS(')11S IH'ililld t!H~ pilllelll of lift~ tlll_lt exists in these villages 01 about the IlClIUI P Df inlel-l elation between different etlll1lc ljlOUpS 'Why' rInd II{Nv' of ;-lIlY soclClI 0 ;-]llthr()pol()~II(,;" IfIV(I{;lllF11((lfl ill{'Il()llIH' (11'11'1 It\)t·~ 1\IHllllt:l(llUIH Il](!­ sludy is fll(lIP PIP(~ISR III Ilatlile. 11I1IP iJOlllld. ~~j!lqtrl(H About t 3,2 '1-1 vill8ges in India !lave been Ide ntlfied having rnore than 5000 population at the 1991 Censlls This list also includes villages with Illore than 2500 POPUl8lioll ill tlH~ hilly areas 81ld the north easterlll'C"lft of tile cOlintlY wilen vill:lq(l~ nlt3 LlSlIcllly sll)(lller Thelefore slildy Df 1I1eSf:-~ vlll;lq(:"S. ill !Ill" ;lS:;r:Sf,IlH?l1l of availability of infrastructule facilIties and other ClIIIPllitie':_ will IJlovide an illlportant window In understand tllenl.

T 111 sst u cJ Y is U(J ~~ ,~, (j 0 r1 rap I d Ii (:~ Ids l" V e y I 1 1 {~; J L II I II ti 1e v ill ~! ~ e collecting information In prescribed Sclledules. For collecting correct infornlation, visit to various local goverl1lnellt departlnellts, schools, colleges, market centres are prerequisites. Ingenuity of tile research investigator in undel standing tile concepts and nlethodology of collecting accurate inforrnation ill the sllot l tillle available is llle key to success. Study on Infrastllcturc amenities and DeulOgraphy of large size villages (Guidelines for filling up the questionnaire)

All answers must be recorclcd in English except wherever tile responses are expected to be indicated by code numbers.

In case the questions are in sub parts and where codes are to be given for different options, circle the correct codes, as applicable.

Wherever a particular amenity is not available in the village, the nearest place where the arnerllty is available should tJo III(Jicaled by distance rallye codu (e.g" 1 - within one Km; 2 - 1 to 3 Kms.; 3.- above 3 uplo 5 Kms; 4 - above 5 KMs; 5 - 'Uistance not known'). Distance from the village would meall tlYJJothelical average distance of lhe village. ru-em------~~-~~s~~~~l_·_·~~· ____~ln~s~tr=u=c=ti=·o=n_·~s_/~E_x_p_~_n_a~ti_o_n ______~l

Section: A

Idenli ncation A.1 to AS Record the name of the village, its permanent location particulars code number. name of sub district i.e., natTle of TahsilffaluklMandal/Police station as applicable to the Stale/UT. name of the district and name of the Stato/UT as per Ihe final list rJlepalod by the Directorale for Census of India - 2001 . Section: B

location 81.1 to 81.3 This relates to location of village from different administrative Headquarters, statutory town, etc. Record the name of C.D. block, sub district and district headquarters and the shurtest distance in nearest Kilometres from the village against items 81.1 to 81.3.

National/ B.1.4.1 Record the name of the ncarest National Highway/Slale State highway Highway along wilh its distance in Kilometres from the village within the Stale/uT.

81.4.2 Question B.1.4.2 is applicable only when answer to Question B.1.4.1 is not available. Against Question No.B.1.4.2. the name of nearest NationallState Highway outside the 3tate/UT and its distance in kilometres is to be recorded. If the Highway passes through Ihe village. the distance is to be recorded as '0'.

1. All weattler All weather road refers to road which is usable throughout road IIle year, summer or rain. All weather roads include both Pucca road and Kacflctla road but ttle buses should be funning on these roads regularly throughout the year. PUCCB road covers tar ruads, concrete road, Mecadurn roads and metalled roads. Kucl1cha road refers to the uneven sur1aced lTlud loads. If the road passes through the village, lhe load distance is to be recmded as '0',

B.1.5.2 Record the name of the nearest all weather road outside lhe State/UT in case the nearest one is not within the State. The question is applicable when the response to pleyiuU5 question 1.5.1 is 'Not applicable'.

statutory Record the name of the nearest statutory town with its town distance in nearest Kilometre from the village within the Stale/UT.

B.1.6.2 If the nearest StalutOIY lown is outside the Slote/UT record the name of the nearest statutory town outside tlle State/UT along with its distance from the village.

Section: C

Brief History Consult the revenue authorities in the village or at the and tahsil tleadquarters and obtain copies of the available Layout Map written documents on record about the history of the village for authenticity. Discussion wittl two/three knowledgeable viiiClgers will be useful in obtainillg an idea about We history of ttle village,

Prepare the Layout map based on the layout map of the village of Census 2001 and mark the changes. Main impol1ant places sud) as, I eligious or hislol ical importance not stlOWIl. Section: 0

Population 01.1, 0.1.2 and The information should be based on 2001 Census or as . composition 0 ..1.3 per the information furnislled by the Charge Officer at ttle and settlement time of preparation 01 Enumerator's ADstr acts. pattern 0.2 Tile information may be obtained by inquiry hom responsible local lesidenls and the same recorded in descending Older of their strength. Name of the main caste/tribe be mentiuned alol1g to sub caste/tribe name if necessary. (eg. Malia, Gond)

0.3 It is !lut 11 o c;e s.. c;n I y IIlnt eve, y villllge should hove 11101 e Hum one hamlet. III case a village has two or more hamlets, the infoflTlBtioll is required to be filled up sepurately for each hamlet. As for the number of households and population, it is suggested to extract HIe dala at EB level of Census 2001. TIle information on SC ami ST may be worked out from the household schedules or uy lucal enquiry, whichever is feasible. If the hamlet has more than 601% sc/s r population circle (1) for SC and (2) ror ST.

0.4 The infomlstion cun be obtained on enquiry from responsible persons of the village or Pradhan and the reply confirmed by actual observation.

Section E Amenities in 1. Fill separate schedule for each hamlet/habitation. Hamletsl 2. Do lIot give separale information on any habitations. hamleUhabitation which hus less Ulan 300 persons.

Public drinking E.1.1 Whelher lhillkillg waler is available in public domain for water use without any restrictions. Even if drinking water is available from private source this information should be collected.

Power supply If PQwer is a~tuall,. avaitable in the hamlet/habitation, whatever be the 'OHTI of Its use, then the hamiel/habitation is regarded as enjoying the amenity.

Domestic Power E.2.1.1 to E.2.1.S. If the hamlet/habitation is having electricity for domestic supply purposes and the residellts are using the same for domestic use, then it is considered that domestiC power supply is availalJle. If the electricity authority has not given domestic supply to the households on their request and people afe using electficity either stealthily or by any illegal means or misuse tile supply meant for agricultural or industrial purposes, then it is not considered as availability of electricity for domestic purposes. However, if Ihe hamlet/habilation goes out of power due to temporary technical proulems such as, tmnsfonner failures, thert of electrical equipment, etc., it is considered that electricity is available. Supply of electricity Is considered available even when there Is a leillpormy ban on new domestic connections.

Primary School E.3.1.1 to E.3. 1.5 The idea behind this question islo frnd out if every habitation has u Primary School. Schools providIng euuCiltioll from Standald I amj upwards uplo and inclusive of Standard V are classified as Primary Schools. Primary School would also include Nursery School, Kindergarten School, PIe-primary School, Junior Basic School, if any.

3 Section: F Amenities available for the elltire village

Drinking water F.1.1 & F.1.2 Response to Q.F .1.1 seems to know if the villagers have access to dl illkillg wtlter SOUl ce within the village.

Ir the source of 1I1 illkillg wuter is within the distance 01 500 lIlelrus of the villuye, thon dlinklng water is considered to be uvailable. ApaJ1 from this, the number of households having access to drinking water is also to be ascertained through local Inquiries and categorised. If more than 6U% of tile households have access to the public drinking water source, then it is consideled that most of them are enjoying the drinking water facility, circle code 1. Otherwlse if tile villagers have access, that is lesponse is nol, then code (2) should be circled. Cit'cle Code 3 if the villagers do not have access to public dlinking water source within the village.

The purpose of the question is to ascertain whether any improved drinking waler source (community-based) is availalJle. If water is supplied through tap or comrnunity­ based tube well or hand pump to most of the households, the drinking waleI' Is considered to be available In the village.

Tap water. This is a source by which tile drinking water is distributed through pipes fRllj out by Government or local authorities or development authorities or hOllslng estates or similar ayellcies. Tile ur illl\il19 waler supiJlied thlough tap is necessarily treated to make it safe. It is clarified lhal the dlinkiny water dish ibuted through pipes by the house owner by pumpin~l out from unprotected wells, tanks or splings should not be regarded as tap water.

tl~m:t_Qurnp: Hand pump is a bore well on the ground intercepting one or more water-bearing stratulllS. The hand pump Is a mechanical machine operated manually to get ground water.

TlJP~_VfejJ: Tube well is a long pipe or a tube which is bored or drilled deep into lhe glOund intercepting more than one water-bearing stratums. The depth of We tube wells lJIay vary frolll 20 to 50 metres. Gellelally, tube wells are operated by puttlllg electriC pump (suction device) to getlhe groulld water easily.

F 1.3 Circle the two most commonly used drinking water sources sepal alely for comlllunity-based Bnd privalely owned.

4 F 1.4 In some vliluges drinkmg water is distributed to the houses. If the system of distribution of drinking waler through taps exists, then circle T, otherwise circle '2'.

F 1.5 Generally drinking water supplied through tap is treated chemically or otherwise before Its distribution to the public. Somelimes, lhe wells from which drinking water is supplied through top are periodically cleaned alld disinfected by lhe local autholities. But this may not be true in all the cases and therefore, ascertain the position of drinking water supply ill the village from the local authorities and (eCOid the infonnatlon accordingly.

F 1.6 If the legular requirement of dtinkillg water is 1I0t met the village is consldelsd as taclng scarcity. Through group discussion find out jf lhe village faced scarcity of drinking water any tillle dUliny last calendar year.

F 1.7 Record if the villagers are lequired to pay any monthly charge for drinking water supplied. Amount to be paid Is not required to be recorded.

Educational F.2 All types of basic or nOll-formal education are covered racility ull

If there are composite institutions such as a college providing education at degree level and also at Pre­ University level, then such InstitUtions are split up into deglee colleges BIlLl PIH- Univelsity College, Le., Junior College (PUC) and separately counted as If they are indepelldel1t units. Lik.ewise, a composite Pre-University Colleye (Junior College) which has facilities for providing education, say, from StulHjmus I to XII (i.e., frol11 Plirnaty Class up to PUC), it would be regarded as representing one Pre-University College, one High School, one Middle

5 School amJ olle Primm y Schoul and each of lhese units should be· coullted and reported under tile relevant columll us if ~udl ullit is an inuependent institution. Similarly, a scllool with Standards I to X would gel counted under Primary, Middle and High school categories and a CompOSite School with Standard I to VIII woult.l be counted as one Primary School and one Middle School.

If respollse lu Colullllis 3 to 5 'is 'riO', Column number 6 has to be filled up.

P(imary School F.2.1.1 TIle idea behind this question is thai every village must have a Primary School. As already mentioned, Schools providing education {rum Standard I and upwards upto and inclusive of Standard V are classified as Primary Schools. Primary School would also include Nursery School, Kindergarten Scllool, Pre-primary School, Junior Basic School, if any.

Middle School F.2.1.2 Schools providing education from Standard VI and upwards upto and inclusive of Standard VIII are to be classified ~s Middle Schools. A School with Class I to VIII is to be trealed as two units, i.e., one Primary Schoul and one Middle School.

High School or F.2.1.3 Schools providillg education from Standard IX and Secondary upwards uplo and inclusive of Standard X are claSsified School as High Schools. A composite school wilh I to X standald is treated as three separate units and counted separately under the categories of Plimary School, Middla School and High School.

Senior F.2.1.4 Schools and colleges thaI provide education for Secondaryl Standards XI and XII anrj first and second year of the Intermediatel Pre-University COUise fHII undor this category. Thele are PreUnivefsityJ Higher Secondary Schools with Slondard IX and upwards Junior covering StandallJ XII. Thele are also degree colleges College(PUC ) which run two-year Pre-University Course. These composile units ijle, as explailled earlier, divided into different levels, i.e .. Secondary School and Stmiur Secondary School for repol1ing purposes.

Cullege F.2.1.5 This would cover ull educational institutions thut plOvide post-PUc level ellucatioll leulling to University ueyree/difJloma ill allY subject or combinalion of subjects und also post-yrtl(..luute levels 01 education. 1 he college otrering cOUlses ill AIls, Science or Commerce either separately or in comiJination should be covered under this catenary. Medical and F.2.1.G Medical and EIlYllleelillY Colleges (both Government allu Engmeering private). if any, are to be recortJed against ttlls question. College Industrial F.2.1.7 Industrial Trainmg Institutes, if any, in the village set up Training Institute by the Gover11lnent or those affiliated with the Board of Technical Education come under this category.

Adult Literacy F.2.1.B 'nfollnalioll againsl this question is to be filled in only if Classes/Centre adult literacy classes are being conducted regularly in the village.

Typing Institute F.2.1.9 AllY institute conductillg Typewr illng and Short-hand classes, wllelher Government-run or private, is to be recorded against tills question.

Vocalional . F .2.1.10 Any institute conducting DrawillglPainting classes. Centre whether Government-run or private, is to be recorded (Drawing. against this question. Pamting, etc.) Computer F.2.1.11 Any institute imparting training ill handling computer like Learning MS-Offlce, Programming, Web-deSigning, DTP, etc., run Centre by Governmellt or private individuals. is to be recorded against this question.

Music/Dance F.2.1.12 Music/Dance classes conducted by Government or School private individuals, are to be recorded against this Queslion. Classes conduc,led by schools for Ihe school children in tile school premises, which form pmt of extra­ curricular activity. are not to be covered against this question.

Tailoring/ F.2.1.13 TailorillyJElIlb,oideryJNeedle work courses run by Embroidery/ Government or private individuals are to be recOided Needle work. against litis question.

English Medium F.2.3 Total number of English medium schools are to be Schools recorded against oach typo of schools. Composite sclloul~ will be coullted as suggosted In para F .2.

Medical facility F.3 If tile village has hospitals and dispensaries, etc., providing facilities under different systems of medicines such as, Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani and HOflloeopathic, these detaIls are to be qtven separately.

Concepts or Medical Institutions/Facilities

Hospital plUvides facilities for the treatment of in-patients. In several Priltll1lY Health Centre such facilities also exist. Likewise, Matenllty Homes also entertain In-patients but these are conrillml Ollly tu lIIaternily cases. This apart, ill

7 HI! utllel cases except Private NUl sing Homes, arranqelllcnts exist for the treatment of out-patients only. In lucul pmlal1ce however, eve II a Dispellsary is rererred to as a ~fosJ.lilaJ alld tile clinic run by a Plivate Medical PractItioner as a Dispensary Bnd a Private Nursing Home as a Hospital in certain areas. ThiS indiscriminate usage at tUlles leads to confusion.


Ayurvcda Illeans Ihe 'Science of lHe'. Tile philosophy or Ayurveda Is based on the ttleory of Puncllmallabhutas (Five elements) of Wllich all lIle objects alld living bodies are composed of. The combination of Ulese five elements are represented in the ronll of Tri(josl1a, e.{}., Vala, Pilla amJ Kapil. "Tllese thlee 'dostws' are pllyslologlcal entllies in livlll!) beings. In Ayurveda diagnosis include questioning and eight examinations, viz., Pulse, Urine, Faeces, Tongue, Eyes, Visual/sensual and inference. The treatment IS individualised. Two types of treatment, Preventive and Curative, are given in Ayurveda.

HUFlloeopalhy is a system of medicille which believes in a speCialised method of treatment for curing natural diseases by adminisllBtion of Poleillised drugs which hove beel1 experimentally provelJ to possess tile power of producilly similar ar1ificial symptoms on health of human beings. HUnlueopathy is based on lhe five cardlnol principles, viz .. , (i) The law of simjli.lIs, (ii) the law or dlreclloll of CUI e, (iii) the ,.Hlm;lple of sinyle ,ernedy, (Iv) lhe tlleol y of minimum doses and (v) the theory of chronic diseases. Homeopathy has effective treatment for individuals with chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritiS, bronchial asthma, skin allergy and Immunological disollJers, lJehavioulal disorders, menIal diseases, etc. Tfle Unani system of rIIh:dicine is to prolllote Positive ilealth and prevelltion of diseases. The Unani system emphasises the use of 11 £I lUi ally occurring, mostly herbal medicine, though it uses ingredients' of animal/marine oJigin. This system is IJD'.wd on hurnouraJ theory, i.e., presence of blood, pillegrn. yellow bile and black 1.>ile. According to the Ullani t1leOJY, Llle humours and medicinal plants are assigned temperament. Any change In humours brings about a change in the status of health of human body. 1 he tleatment comprises three compoflents, namely, Preventive, Promotive and Curative. Speciality ill Unani system of medIcine is on Rheumatic, Arthritis, Jaundice, Filariasis, Eczema. Sinusitis and Bronchial asthma.

Primary Health F.3.1.1 P,imary Health Centles (PHCs), established in each Centres (PHCs) Community Oevelopmcnt f:3lock, Is maflned by one fll1edical OUic.er, Ollt: Sallildl y Inspector alld Pal a-medical staff like Midwife (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife - ANM) and other stat!. PHC, the filst contact point between village community and the Medical Officer. is established and maintained by the Slute Guvemmenls under lhe Minimum Needs Programme (MNP)/Basic Minimum Services Programme. It acts as a (clelrsl unit for 6 Sub Centres. rite actiVities of PHC illvolve curative, preventive. Plofllotive alltJ Family Wellme Services. While each suLl-· cent! e caters to populutlon of 3000 in the hilly/hibal BleBS and 5000 in tile plain areas, the PHC caters to tile population of 20,OOU ill Ililly/tJibol areas anti 30,000 in the plain 'Heas. III llle IUJul meas, above lhe level of Ihe PHC. one Community Heallh Centre (CHC) functions and calers to the population 01 80,000 in hilly/tribal Bleas and 1.2 lokh in the plain areas. The CHC should also be covered untler tllis question"

Primary Health F.3.1.2 Primary Health Sub Celltres(PHSC). the Illost peripheral Sub Centres contact point between tile Primary Health Care System ( PHSC) and the commullity is manned by one Multi-Purpose Worker (Male) anti one Multi-Purpose Wor~er (Female)/ANM. Majority of Sub Centres are funded uy Oep8ltll1enl 01 Fallllly Welfare while saffle are fUllded under tile Stute MlllimuHl Needs ProyrallllHell3asiG Minimum Selvices PloYl81T1l1le.

Olspensury F. to Dispensary is one of tile medical institutions whele F. meuicines, IIleuical cm fJ alld medical mJvico flI e given to tile IJutients 11 ee 01 tOI 11011111101 cll8lyes. In tllo ulspensmy. oul-doLlr palients ale attended. It is set up t1lld run by Government, Semi-Govermnent. Public sector Um.leltaklJl~s or recoymzed Chantable/Voluntary Olganisations. Tile dispensary does not have any in­ patient JUClllly. llle pltvntc climes set up by the lecogni.led Meulcal Pr'lctltiorlt!rs are 110t covered unuer tllis category.

Maternity Horne F 3.1 5. I If tile hospital provides Illalernily services also, Ille Part of Hospital. maternity palt should be counted sepaJalely.

Maternity Home F 3.1 5.2 If the huspital or the ireall1wnl centre is providing Independent exclusively malernrty services, 1I18n recold tile rnfOlrnatroll against till" Questiull.,lf tile villaye is having both types of facilities lIv311nbie then record tile information accordinyly agtlillst bolll these questions.

Nursing Horne r.J.l.t> :3 A plnce where care IS pr ov lued to old uIll1 sick peoplu who canllot Wke care of tilCfllselves. NurSing HOllie is a 5111Ull private Ilsopltal wllietl plovldes medical, surgical and/or obstellical care tu in-palients (IPO) as well as out-patients for treatment of Val iOLis diseases.

ICDS I F.3.1 54 Record the information if tile Integrated Child Anganwadr Development Sctleme(ICDS)1 Anganwadi Centre set up centre by Ihe Gov!. is availl.ltJle ill tile village.

Uental Care F 3.1 5,5 Hecord it Uentul CUre Celltre run lJy Government or Cenll e pllvale sectOI Il

Optical Caw F.3.I.S.Li HccortJ il all Oplical CHI tl emIlIO r Uri tly Guver rllnerll or Centre pnvale tr aflled doctor s haVing the degr ee of MS (Oplhalmolouy), Diploma ill Opthalmology (DlO) and attendinQ to various types of eye aliments, Includlny eye Slyllt J-lwulelfl is

  • T.B.Clinic F. Ille dIagnOSIs and treatment of TB ole functions of tile uenernl Iwalth services am.! Ilence it is a palt and parcel of Prrrnnry Health Cme. Specialized units SUGII liS tile District rulJelculosls CPIIlre (0 rC)lact as rerellal centres (paltlcuforly for dlfferefltwl dluynosls of smear Ileuutlve cases and Illalli.lyclIlelll uf cases with ulUY reactlOlls). 1.1j CllfllCS we established by tile Government of India lJllI.Jt:1 tile Naliull

    10 level Tuberculosis Unit (TU) are implementalion, monitoring alld supelvision of TB control activities in its designated geographical areas.

    Laboratory for F Laboratory tests before commencement of treatment for Pathological various diseases have become common now-a-days. The tests laboratories may be set up by lhe Govt. or by private tillilled doctors haviny deyree/Diplollla in Pathology/radiology). X - Ray, Blood test for sugar or olher bacterial infections, malaria test, urine test for sugar Of pregnancy and other types of tests are conducted by these laboratories. If lhe facility is available in the village, record the same against this question.

    Operation F. In allopathy, for the trealment of certain ailments Of in threatre some accident cases, trained dOctors, having the specialised degree in surgery such as MS, MBBS, etc.,conduct operations when necessary. If the operation lheatie is equipped to conduct even small operations, then the village Is considered to be having this facility.

    Private um ..in!' F.3.15.10 Private doclo.s include all doctors practiSing Allopathic, Ayurvedic. Homeopathic, Llnoni or otller system of medicine. The Doctors possess a degree from the recognised Institutions, viz., Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India and other authorities under the Indian System of Medicmes. All doctors, whether male of fel11Ble, who are p.acliciny ill the village are to be recorded except tile sJ)ecialist doctors In allopathic system of medicine. This question relates to Private Doctors (General) only.

    Private doctor F. Private doctors who have obtained post-diploma/master's (specialists) degree and practising in tile village are to be recorded aguinst this question.

    Lady cjo(;lor F All the lady doctors practrsmg Allopathic, Ayurvedic, (Gr', l 'ell) HOlT1oeopathic, Unani or other system of medicine in the village are to be recorded against this question.

    Lady rJoGtor f. Latly tloclors having the deYlee or rJiploma in (Gynecologist, Gynaecology, MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) / OGO, both in Gov!. and Private hospitals, ale to be recorded against this question.

    Auxlltar y Nurse F. Qualified Nurses, wllo perforlJls Ute duly of Auxiliary Midwife (ANM) Nurse MldwHe (ANM) arc to be recorded against this questioll.

    Private nurses F.3.'1.5.'15 Ir Nurses are available in private hospitals and clinics in tile VIllage, tllell tOLHI rlllllluer shuulrJ be lecordetl against

    It this question .. Tiley olso incluue traineu 'dais'.

    Others (specify) F.3.1 5.16 Any other medical services available in the village and not covered against to to 3.15.15 may be reported against tills question.

    Post, Telegraph & Telephones

    Post Office F.4.1 Self-explaining.

    Sub-Post orrice 'F.4.2 Sub-Post Office incluues Extra Depar1mental Post oHices and those providing franchise postal services and also palt lime selvices in lieu of some honorariulll. The limiled postal services include sale of stamps, receipt ot leUels alld money ordels and also distribution of lelters.

    Telegraph office F.4.3 Telegraph office is set up by the Government either exclusively or alollg with the Post Office to enable people to send or receive telegrams. If the Phonogram facility is available (though the Telegraph Office may not be equipped with Morse Code Transmitters), the village is considered lu be having telegraph facility.

    Telephone F.4.4 The total number of telephone connections released by conllections lhe Government is lu be recorded against this question.

    Public call Office F 4.5 If the village is having the Public Call Office (PCO), either (peO) '. fUll by lite Post uHice or by individuals or by a privale shop, then the village Is considered to be having pea facility.

    Mobile Phone F.4.6 Mobile Phones ale now very common particularly in urban aleos. Some villayes by vittue of being in close proximity to the urball meas also enjoy the benefit of the telephone service. Even ir a few villagers avail the services of mobile phones, then the village is considered 10 be having access 10 mobile phone.

    Fax facility F.4.7 If the villagers have the facility to send or receive Fax messages eilher thlough Pust office or through privately owned shops, tllen the village Is considered to have tax racilily.

    E-mail facility F.4.S E-Mail is a facility lu sumJ ur receive mailS through HlP Inlclilcl. .

    Cyber Cafe' '"F.4.9 Cyber cales me shops or kiosks owned by private j"diviuuals ploviulng 1I1e Incihly ul surling 01 the Inlemel.

    f2 Oillels (specify) F 4.10 If allY oiller tYJ.)B of IJ05tai or tele-communication facility lIke teleprinter message, pager service, private courier service, etc. is available, the information may be recorded agamst this question. The type of facility should also oe specified.

    Bankiflg facility F.5 Banks deal III moncy alld In substitutes tor money Sllctl as cheques 01 bills of excllUllge. They also plovides B variety of financial services. The basis of their business is borrowing f,oll1 individuals, firms, Blld occasionally Government - i.e., receiving deposits from them. With Ihese resources and also with lheir own capilal, the banks make loans or extend credits and also invest in securities. The bunk mak.e theil plolils by borrowing al olle rale or illtelest and lemJiny at a higher rule and by charging commiSSions for services rendered.

    Nationalised f. 5.1 If ttle village is havmg Rny nationalised bank, the Balik illfUlIllaliulI may lJe givell he.e.List of Ilaliorlalised banks in the country is given in the annexure.

    Other F.S.2 Besiues lhe naliollolisetJ bunks, lhere are other Commercial commercial banks In tile country. If any such commercial Bank UBllk exists ill tile villaye, the information Illay be recorded.

    AYI;cuUUlal F.5.3 AYI icullul al Dank plUviues finallcial services to lhe Bank falllling community and aYlicullural societies. The basis of ils busilless is I eceivillY deposils rlOI11 the public and lending loans 011 Interest to the farmers for purchase of seeds, fe.1iJizers, II uClUI s, pump sets, aglicullural implements, etc.

    Cooperative Cooperative banks consist of all branches ot Slale Banks Coopelahve banks, Central Cooperallve banks, Urban Co-upel iJtive bUllks, Im1usllial Couperative banks covered under Banking Regulntions Ac..i,1949.

    Govellllllelli F.5.4 AllY Cuupe! utiv e Bunk set up by lhe Government ore to Cooperative be covered agmnst tlus questioll. Banks Private F.5.5 Any Cooperative Bank set up by individuals/private trust Cooperalive or suciety is \0 be cuvet eo nULl ills! this questioll. Banks

    OLhels (specify) F.S.O The banks which C]I eliot covered above nra to Oe I eported here. locker lacililly F.5.7 II locker is available III allY hallk ill the village, then tile villuge is cUlIsiumed to be !tuving tile lock.er facility. Transport services

    Govt. bus F.6.1 If regular Government operated bus service is available service for the villdyers to anu hom other places throughout the year, circlo codo 1 n~airlst this question. Otherwise circle code 2.. I

    Private bus f.6.2 If regular bus service operated by private individual or service plivdte II arlsport l;ornpanies is available, circle coue 1 against this questaon. Otherwise circle code 2.

    River Ferry F.6.3 If tile village is located lleBr the river and the river is also service used for transportation even for some time In a year for canying passengers/goods on payment basis, the village is considered to be having river ferry service facility.

    Railway service F.6.4 If the village is having B r ililway station IOGated within the available revenue boundaries and even some trains stop thelf, tl1an the village is cOllsider ed to be having rail facility.

    Cycle Rickshaw F.6.S If tricycle operated monually or with to Illotor to carry passengers rlOm olle place to another is available to the public, tllen the village is considered to be having the racility.

    Aulo lickshuw F.6.ti If Auto lickshaws or tempos run on petlOl, uiesel or eNG for catryiny persons fWIlI one place to another are available in the VIllage, then the vi "age is consiuered to be having this facility. rax, (Jeep, F.O.l If car, jeep, van, etc., is available on hire for persons to Matador, etc.) yo froll! one place to another, then lIle village is considered to be having this facility.

    TOllga/Carnel F .0.8 If velricles r un with the help of animals to COflY public cart/Bullock cart tlOrn one place to another is available, then the village is etc consider ed tu I..H~ huving lIlis [acility.

    BoaUShlp F.6.9 If a regular BouUshlp selvice, duly licenced to trallsport (GovULocol passcngels flom one place \0 another is also available to Body Ihe publlc, Ulcn trw vi"uUe is havillg considered to he IHiviny (his facility.

    BoatlSllIp F.6.10 If a regular Boal/sllll serVice, rUII by private illdividual (private) withuut upprovl:Il 01 lite cOll1petel1t uutllUi ity, then lho v,lIage IS IwvillY consider cd to be havillg this facility.

    Olher s (specify) r- .0.11 If nil)' ulhel Illude ul tlllllSPOl1 Hot coveled abol/e is DV~lrlable, thell tile sarlle rllay be lecordcd. Power supply

    Domestic Power F.7.1 If lhe village is having electricily for domesLic purposes supply and the lesidents are using tile same for domestic use, then it is considered lhal domestic power supply is nvailable. II the electricity authority has not given domestic supply to lhe households 011 their request amJ people Bre using ullnuthorlsed electricity either stealthily or misuse the supply meallt for aglicultural or industrial purposes, then It is not considered as availability of elech icily for domestic pUi poses. However, ir lhe village goes out of power due to temporary technical problems such as, transformer failures, thell or electrical equipment, etc., it is considered that electriCity is available. Supply or elech icily is considered available even when there is a temporary ban on new domestic connectiolls.

    ConnectlollS to residential houses, bungalows, clubs, hostels alld hospitals lUll 011 non-commercial basis, charitable, educational and leligious institutions are all to be included in lhe domestic category.

    Agricultural use F. 7.2 This category includes all electricity connections given to the (armels for conducting various agricultural activities, including irrigation.

    Industriall F.7.3 This cateyUl y illduues HII eleclt icily cOllnections {liven to commercial use industrial and commercial establishments such as factOlies, small establishlllents such as powellool11s, WOI ksllops using power opcroted tools, flour mills, wholesale and letail shops, oirices and business houses, I1os1els, restaumnts, tea s1alls, photographic studios, X­ my installations, advertisements and exterior illuminations, railway stations, bus stations etc.

    Generator set F. 7. 4.1 An eleLiljc device opelol8d by using diesel or kerosene for ploduClng electricity for domestic use. l!lveI1e.. F.7.4.2 All electlUlliclelectlic device used along with battery to store tile eleLiricity which can be used for lighting when power supply goes of r.

    Ballery- F.7.4.3 If tile villagers use legIJlmly Ballmy-operated lamps as opel ated Lamps tile sOUlee of lightlllg, 1I1ell tile village is considered to havlllY this facility. If battery operated lamps are used ollly IJlII ill\) IUlld·sllPddifllJ Ipower cut, llle SUIlIO should nut 1;0 I eckulled liS u 'nellll y. Windmill F.7.5.1 If electricity produce by windmill installed in the village is consumed for domestic, aglicultural or other purposes thel1 the villoge is considered to be having this facility.

    Solar electricity F.7.S.2 If electricity generated through solar system in the village is available, then the village Is considered to be having this facility.

    Others (specify) F.7.5.3 If allY otller type of electliclty not coveled above Is available, then the same may he recorded.

    Street lights F 7.8 If 8ITangements for street lighting have been made by local authorities, then the village is considered to be having this facility.

    Recreation & Entertainment Public Library F .6.1 If the Govelnment or local autholities have sel up a Library for public use where newspapers, magazines and books are available ror reading, reference, etc., then the village Is considered to be having this facility. Private Libraries or Libraries set up in the schools are to be excluded.

    Reading Room F.6.2 If a reading room is available for public use, then the faCility village is considered to be having this facility. Generally, readillg roorns are set up either by local bodies or charitable Institutions.

    Daily Newspaper F.D.3 Name(s) of the newspapers alongwith their cilculalioll supply (supply) In the village may be furnished separately in the annexure. The infolmation should be available with the person who is supplying newspapers to the villagels.

    Magazines F.8.4 Name(s) of magazilles, lJoth English and vemacular, supply along with their Circulation (supply) in Hie village may be fUlIlished separately in the annexure. The peliodicity of the magaz.illes should also be mentioned.

    Doofdarshan F.S.5 If programmes telecast by Doordarslmn channels, Programlnes received through antennu, to the villagers, then the through antenna village is considered to be having this facility but this does not include programmes received through dish antenna O! cDblo network.

    Television F.8.6 If TeleviSion programmes are received tllrouyll dish Programmes antenna in the village, then the village is consideled to tm tllfouyh having this raeility. Dish alltellna Television F.8.7 Plivale upelalOls set up cilule network. ill the villages and Programmes relay TV Programmes to Ole villagers. If such a cable through Cable !lelwul k exists, ltWIl lhe village is considered to be network flaving ttlis facility.

    Audio Casselle F.8.8 " audio cassettes are available 011 sale or 011 hire basis, shop limn the village is considered to be having tills facility. This wuuld alsu covel shops lJaving audio-recording fucihty.

    Video Casselle F.B.9 If video casselles ar e available on sale or on hire basis, shop then the village is cOllsidered to be flaving Hlls facility. This would olso GUver shops lJavillg video- recording facility.

    Cinemo House F.B.10 If reuular Cillernn hOlJses licensed by Government is available, then tile village is considered to be flaYing this facility. TOUting talkies alld cinema houses uf temporary nature are not to be Included.

    Videu Parluurs F.B.11 If Video Padours or shops whiclJ supplies Video cassettes/CDs on hire basis and which screens films in their own p.emises nre uvailable, then the village is considered to be having tills facility.

    Theatre/ F .8.12 Ir a tlleatre or an auditorium (open air) for staging Auditorium dramas, dance and musical programmes, Kavl (Open air) Samrnelan and such types or ente.tainments is available, then the village is considered to be having this facility.

    Theatrel F.8.13 If u theatre or all auditOliUlIl (indoor) for staging dramas, AudItorium dunce and musical progrUllllnes, Kuvi Sarnrnelun and (Indoor) such types ul enleltainmellts is available, then the village is considered to be having this facility.

    01llel5 (specify) F.B.14 If allY otller tyre or recreutioll and elltertainmellt facility lIot covered above is aVailable, tiler! tile same may be lecmded.

    Internal roads

    Coallar roads F.9.1 If roads in lhe village are mostly made up of tar/bitumen, thell cilde code '1 '.

    Metallic roads F.9.2 If roads ill tile villaue are lIIostly matHlliG (Illude up of cement or conclete or stOlle), then circle code '2'.

    Molallic & r-.9.3 If lOads ill lile villlltlU till? L)UIII lIIetullic (Illude up or earthell roods cemullt or COliC. ete or Slolle) and earthen, then ell clo code '3'.

    '7 Eal then I uatJ5 F.9.4 H ruads ill 1I1e villHY~ ale mostly em1hen, then circle code '4'.

    Brick luads F.9.S If r uaus ill tile vill

    Only tH.IItllerl F,9.6 II the vHlnge has ullly eOrlllp.11 (lIlud) rands, thon circle roads cude '6'.

    Olhels F.9.7 If the village has lOads made up of any material other (specify) than the above, then circle code '1'.

    Hygiene & Sanitation

    Community F.10.1 If the local autholities have built Toilets! Latrines for ToileUiatrine' public use and the facility is also available to the villagers (Free) free, then circle code 1, otherwise circle code 2.

    Sulabh F.10.2 If any non-Governmental organization has built Sauchalaya and communily Toilelsllahines and the sume is available for community use by any body after paying some nominal charges, then toilets (paid) lhe village is COllsideleu to be having this facility

    Flush/Pit latline F. '10.3 llle latl Ines attached to tile Pit which Is dug Into the ground for the receplion of night soil are called Pillalrill8s, 1 hose latnnes which have water closets fitted with flushing cislelll or hallo flushillg nml GOIlI1eeted to fI septic tank or an underglound seworago system to remove the faecal mailer without the need for scavenging are called water flush/Pit latrines.

    Sewerage F.10.4 Sewerage system implies the netwOlk of mains and system for branches of underground conduits for the conveyance of disposal of niglll sewelage Inight soillu lhe final point of disposal. If the soli village hos such focillty then circle code '1 " otherwise circle cotJe '2'.

    Carrying night F.10.5 The pra(...iice of removing flight soil in service latrines by soil by others scavengers still exists in lhe rural areas. If such an arrangemellt Is available In the village, then circle code '1', otherwise cilcte code '2'.

    J.)luil_laye sysl~ F.10.6.1 II open nallulls (kactlchu or pucca), built either by the Surface local authorities or by tile resilJents 10 dloin out uomestic drainage waste water, exist in lhe village, then the village is lIavilJ~ this facility.

    Closed dlulIluye r.10.(j.2 II closod Ilulluhs, bUilt oHllel by tllo locul authorities or by lito Icsidenls 10 {haill oul uOlJlestic waste wuter, exist ill tile villu~e, tlWII tllc villu~e is IlUVillY this facility. Surface & F.10.6.3 If both tile above types of nallatl or gutter are available in Closeu a village then Ille villaue is GOllsillered Lo be having til is drainages facility.

    Section: G

    Other -r he questions under tillS sec.:tIOIl are self- explaining and amonities Ileeu no furlilel elucH..Ialiun. The illea behind these queslions in tllis section IS to find out whether the village is Iwviny Ihe facility within tile village itself. If a particular faCIlity is nol available amJ the code '2' is circled, then uistaflce code as per llle I CHI~es whele the facility is available should be mentioned.

    File Service G.1 Self-€}f.JJI oin illg.

    Police Station G.2 This will also include Police Chowky/Beat House located in tile village.

    CIVIl courts G.3 The village lTIay be haviflg a court handling civil and/or CIIIIII1I81 cases, hemjetJ by 8 filsl or Second Class Magistrate. If it Is so, circle code '1 '. If the village Is lIot havillg a court, the distance at which the court is localed Illay be indicated by giving distance range code in ColA. Public Park.! G.4 Self-explaining Gurden

    Public G.5 Self-explafllillg. Playground

    Goverllment G.6 1 lie village ",ay oe havlIlY a Oak Bungalow/Guest House Dak BUlIgalowl run by tlle Revenue/ForesUPWD and other Depar1ments Guest House whele persons on olficiailiuty could stay.

    G.7 to G.1u Self-explainlllg,

    Beauty Parlour G.17 fhe village may oe hallillg a Beauly Parlour whele services like hair-cultlllg, U"eauil1g, manicule, fuclal make-up, lIlassaye, elc .. are rendered on paymellt. Tiley could be run for ladies as well as gents.

    Colour G.1U.1,IU)antl I hl~ Idea beilllltJ 11lis qlJesholl is 10 linll oul whelhot 0110 r elevrsion, 18.:3 call buy 3 colour I elevlsiulI, flltJye ur a WashIng Flillye, WaslllllU Macll;lIe ill IIIe II ,lIaye itself. II Ihese ilems lJI e llvllilalJle, Machine rt is indicativo of tim Uloall clmructer tllut the village IIOS (I(;qllircll. GCllclally, l"c~u itelils wu scarce inlural UltHlS.

    G.HI & G.LU ~cll-cxpIUlrlllIQ. Non­ G.21 NOll-Governmental Organisation (s) may be work.ing in Governmental 1118 village for tile upliftmenl of the community in lhe fieki Organisations 01 educatloll, Ileultll, fumily welllHe and childcme, etc. Its (NGOs) availability (though it may be wOlking for 11 single village or a group of villages) may be indicated by circling code '1', oillerwise circle code '2'. If code '1' is circled, then give the narne(s) of the NGO(s) In tile annexure.

    Homesl G.22 If the village is haviJ1~j HomeslCharilable institutions rUIl Charitable by religious bodies to give shelter, food, etc., to people institutions (e.g., socially deplived, widows, orphans, etc.), circle code '1', otherwise code '2'.

    G.23 Self-explaining.

    Old Age H~~Hnes G,24 Old Age Homes are illstltutions run by the Government, NGOs, religious or chal itable bodies for the old age people.

    G.25 & G.2t3 Self-explallliIlY·

    Religious places G.27 Religious places are those where a group of persons believing ill a paJticular faith assemble or viSit for uffeliny prayers, etc. Religious places include temple, Gurudwara, ChUlCh, Mosque etc, If the sallie is available in the village, circle code -1', othelWlse circle code '2.'. If the re!'jpullse is '1 " Ilumliun lhe 1l0Ille(s) of lhe leliQiollS place(s) IlIl(J their IlUmbOI (9), I Ills will 110t cover rellylou!j slruc..lures raised withill the house or agricultural fieills. Tllis will also not cover family deities.

    WOI king G.28 TIle villaye llIay be havillg hustels exclusively fur WOI king women's/gills women/glrls, which ale run by Government or hostel organizations like the Yuung Women's ChrisHan Association (YWCA). If tillS 1acllily Is available, circle colle '1', otherwise elide code '2',

    Paying Guest G.29 Sume families rellder tillS service to males/females, who facility may be employed or studying, on payment. Such guests may slay 111 the pletlllSes itself where the 1amlly Is residing. The guests lIIay come from some other place IUld tAke food. Holels/mosses are not to be covered ayaillsl this questiull.

    G.3U Sell-explaining.

    Section: H

    Local Body H.1 10 H.B If tile village is havillg a 10CLlI body such as Punchayul, GIIJIlI PUllcllllYlll 01 Vllluue CUUllcil thell the ilifUllllotioll r clutlllq to lIs set up ~lIcll us:tolul stlCllyth of tho oledctl members. number of seats reserved for women. number of seals reserved for SCs and STs. lerm of Office. tolal number of seats filled by election and nomination and tile yeal wilen the last electiolls were held are to be shown against the appropr mte questions. Against question numbers H.2 to H.S, bolli sdllctiolled and current strength are to be repOlted.

    H.9.1 to 1-1.9.-12 If lIle local body !las incurred expenditure 011 any itellis mentioned against question numbers H.9.1. to H.9.12 then the same SllOUld t}e indicated by cilcling the relevaFlt code against this questions.

    H.10 to ,·1,11 Question H.l0 to H.l1 are selr explanatory. The infonnatioll is a\lBlluble with tile Village President I Safpallch I Glom Pradllan.

    H.12 Record tile thr ee most impoltant problems against tile questions H.12.1 10 H.12.3 which the local body expects tile Government to solve to improve tile quality of tile life of the villagers significalltly. It would be apprupriate to

    , , canvass tile question from the local body.

    , ! H.13.·L to H.13.7 1 he local body is expected to have created some Immovable assets in the village for tile benefit of tile villagers. The imlTlovable assets includes Panchayat yllar. ComlTlunity certre, LJllUramshala, Bus shellels,. Dlinking waler hut. LiablUlyl Reading room elc. All the immovable assets owned by the local body are to be recorded against question numbers H.13.1 to H.13.7.

    Section! I

    Handicrafts HandicraHs are valuable part or the countlY's helitage. It displays the creative urge 01 tile community and brings oul Ihe aesthetic sensa 01 lite aulhor. The craltslIloll creates pleasing and artistic goods even while the problem of subsistence besets her/his mind. Several types of handicrafts were produced all over the country. This includes carpet weaving, calico plinting, Hand-woven skIlls, cotton weaving, lace work, embroidelY, pottery, ivory c.:'}fving, jewellery. lacquer work, wood carving, mat making. calle and rattan work etc.

    Handicrafts 11.1 to I 1.3 & The types of handicrafts which are produced by the produced & 12.1. to 12.3 villagers are to be recorded against question numbers I people engaged. 1.1 to 1.1.3. The name of the three Cnstes/Tlibes/Cotnmunities wllo are engaged mainly to producing the handier aHs staled above are to be leculded against question numbers I 2.1. to I 2.3.

    21 Section: J

    NatUlnl J: 1.1 If tile villatle \y;h ;,If·'ctt,;j Ill' ally Iypt" of 11,'11111:11 calamity' calBllllhes <;mJ \ :1:. !.:-.:\I t!1f.ltml\e, Hood, LJll)uyht pte dUIIl1I,~ fIle 1;1:;1 1\,;1) c<1f<.:lId;n 'f';rW,

    J.1.2 A village Iflay be IDenlc(J III a selSllllC belllzolle. It IIIUy L>e vlllllf~mhie to floods or dll)llqht. If Ihis is 11m caSH with Ihn village, it Should 08 considered llS natural calamity prone.

    Section; K

    Any other 1 he above questionnaire could have lelt some important uspeds/at;(ivities of tile village Ullcovel ed. Thel e cuuld "i!.J hJi (.J It t!> tIP SUllll! CIl