A'STUDY ON LAR(;E SiZE VILLAGE MANAVEL Y VILIJAGE DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS PONDICIIERRY CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. District Map 3. Village Map 4. A Report on the Large Size Village 5. Hamlet \\ise Comparati\e Statement on Certain Amenities 6. Comments; Views of the Directorate Regardmg Village Schedule 7. Filled in Schedules (I) Consolidated Schedule (2) Manavely Hamlet (3) OdaiYely Hamlet (4) Sinnaveerampattinam Hamlet (5) Nonankupparn Hamlet 8. Instructions Manual INTRODUCTION Union Territory of Pondicherry consists of 4 Districts VIZ, Yanrnn, POlldicherl)', Mahe and Karaikal and lie scattered in South India, Pondicherr) is {he Headquarters of the Union Territo!)'. Among (he 4 Districts, Yarmffi and Mahe Districts are entirely Urbrul Pondichcrry and Karaikal Districts hare Rural areas, Each District has 5 Commune Panchayals, From Census 1961 to I <)<) I, Census village(a hamlet of Revenue Village) \\ as adopted for data tmnlysis. In 200 I CenslIs, as per the instruction of Office of the Registrar General, India, a Revenue village is adopted as a lower unit o[ Rural area There are 92 Revenue Villages in both the Districts. Out of 92 Villag~<;, (l3 Villages are in Ponuichcr!)' District ,Uld the remaining 2l) Villages are in Karaikal District. Among the <)2 Viliages, IJ VIllages ha\'e been identillcd as Large Si/.e Villages as per 1991 Census of \\ hieh 10 are in Pondichen} District and the remaining 3 are in Knraikal Dislrict The following details of the 13 Large Size Villages viI., Name of Commune Panchayat. Name of the Village, Area or (he Village, Population of the Village is ellclosed ill the Annexure. Manavely Village of Ariankuppam Commune Panchayat in Pondicherry District has been selected for the purpose of Pilot Study. TABLE SHOWING LARGE SIZE VILLAGES HAVING MORE THAN 5,000 POPULATION 1991 CENSUS ~-r~-- ~---- --- --~---- --_--- - -- ----- SI. Name of the District Name of the Area of the ----Total Populahon-- No. Commune Panchavat / Village Persons Males Females Village 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PONDICHERRY MANNADIPET 1 Mannadipet 405.95 6.663 3.373 3.29D VILLIANUR 2 ~u~_l:l1"__ 384.02 ~425 2,564 _________ __ __ _ 22_8§_L - --- --- ~ - ~ - -~- - - - - - ---- - -- ~-- _------ ARIANKUPPAM 3 Manayely 502.81 8,023 4.139 3.884 I 4 Puranankuppam 406.50 5.776 3,003 2.773 NETTAPAKKAM 5 Madukkarai 307.77 5.159 2,6] 3 2,546 6 Kariamanickam 393.06 5.952 3,042 2.910 BAH OUR _- - _-- ------ --- -- -------- --- - - _. -- - t------~- --- ---- -~-- -~---- 7 Kirumampakkam 460.25 5,929 3,073 2,856 8 Bahour 887.92 8.093 4.144 3.949 9 Manapattu 612.91 5,268 2.714 2,554 10 Kuruvinatham 473.25 5.414 2.760 2.654 I KARAIKAL KOTTUCHERRY -- - -- - --- --- - -_ -- --- ---- -- --- - -- - -- - -- -- --- --_ - -- ----- - -_-- -_ ~-- ~- II Kottucherrv 648.23 5.981 3,029 2.952 TIDRUNALLAR 12 Thirunallar 432.55 5.282 2,592 2.690 T.R.PATTINAM 13 T.R Pattinam 309.76 10374 5,087 5,287 --------------------------------------------~--------------.------------------ PONDICHERRY U.l. PONOICHERRY DISTRICT , I"~""'II .~~ ,. ).._.'~~ ... " ..... ¥ f t I ( OZHUK, l .!l?A~Al J I~) tl" 13 f.... m -"" (J <4( • .It~' j~ 6J@ ~~i l ., J I,,~.&'eil Q~[6!lbi MaT8;Q8)(b1u4 ~6lJ6mw. @~~ 61I1ru~lJlrrm. \ Co$[L(b1I:J UL~6uI0l;I~6Ifl!lJfl,!6Qjwl "~IIWJiQjtD 6lJ6'Il~1lJ aru~@w I ' \ \ I . 'I -< i'i ~ \;' '\ l'1 ~~d~ ~nAlr ,.. .., .. ' .. , [ t] I I ~) ., " ", [E 10 \ ,f' ) * , . ~ ¢' 0 ........ _"'­ I - \ j a' \ t '" '" ,,'.::== 1 t ~ il--:- (0L .li ~~-- ." ", +H+l1~1""" if .. ':;.~I I ,mil"''' """'\... ",-,,," -~"' .... , _ __IE !. .I1l."'/ I ~ ""--v u I I ~. ·'I~Ia@UUlmLlli1lli~..... [I I 0 I , ~U4M!: I1 ' I ( ~lUljII4@(IJfIM-euiT) .f ~ ~"4 I , ~IBeULllII)I\)IHI .. , I ,' I (I ~, I , ~ { r kJ '" tliiiltHHtlt ~-- ,I ~I .. :..~ ~ ... _.JE ! "I -"""",:,,:_j I '" @r d' I W\1dfl_,~,~p l~J! I I~ ~]UiJ lnJ[llJ , o _",--'1 ... .--- " ___ ' 00~m .I . __....,p ----.- I • __ ' __ ' _.... ..--'" ___ ._, ..---,--..---' ... a " " -- 'J '~ ~ _:.' J ,~ I (~~E, ~J _ ~rk;\J~ ~ r-------~~----~~ MGIPK~ 10 HGl/NUm 9)-5-1-1000--4,00,000 Cps (~I'< I ~,_i.W~I~6'J;8J ~8;1 ,il ~1~n6ll16 t$mr~Q8i@U4 ~6lJ6m~, ~~~ 61II6lJ~lDrr6b1 ~QJULOnrnl a5nL.®UUL~ ~~Qt!l@~lt II UI-f )rfI~ml£6lj~, ~~lUnt$6lj~ 6lJ6Il~lU ~6\J6m®~ / .,,_-- - . --.--:--r------.-----I----------~---------, • ___ ' l' ~~ :L 0'-- r G j " f' -. ~I -J. th \ I 1k~ ~ cci , ~ f :, ~,~ ~ r-~cl;" ,f [? ~~ (\ . 11 ,'\ '1 \ '" / .b S'." c? ./ ~. I I I I / I / I :l- f " I! nlR~ ('TO nATE o}r ('1\ NSlTS OPERATIONS rONDICIlRRR Y A REPORT ON THE tARGE Sll.E VILLAGE Name of Village: MANAVELY Name of Dhtrict: PONDICBERRY Name of U.I. : PONDIClI:KRRY Manavely Village consists of 4 Hamlets namely Manave)y, Odaively, Sinnaveerampattinam and Nonankuppam. This village has been selected on the basis of the criteria issued by the ORGl. Manavely village posses urban qualities and situated adjacent to the Urban OutgrO\vth of Pondicherry Municipality iu Ariunkupprun Comrnune l'Rllchnyat of Pondicheny Difltrict. This village is 9 Ian. away from the Dish"iet Headquarters and within 2 km. from Commune PanchaYRt Headquarters. Ariankupprun Commune Panchayat comes under the Ariankuppam C.D. Block and its Headqnruier is in KariknJrunpnkknm villlage of N{'ttnpakkrun Commune Panchayat n'wut R kill. away ii'om the rv1an8vt"ly villnge. The total populntion of the Manav€'Jy villuge IS 11,243 and the number of Household is 2,519 as per 2001 Census. The hamlet wise population in respect of tvtwmvely, Odaively, Sinnaveerampnltinnm and Nononkuppam is 6,.59.5, 1,641,677 and 2,330 respectively. The total population has increBBt'd from 8,023 to 11,243 i.e. 40.13 per cent during the decade 1991-2001. The Total Workers IS alAo increased fi·om 2.746 to 3,871 \·"herea13 the percentage of workers to total population iR more or less Ole same during the decudc. Like wise the Non-workers is also increru;ed by 2,095 i.e. from 5,277 to 7,372. The percentage of Cultivators and Agricultural Labourers are decreased from 7.62 percent to 4.62 and 34 89 to 16.79 percent re8pectively, whereas the workers engHged in 'Other work' has incr('ased fi'om 16.21 per cent to 76.75 percent dw"jng the decade. EDUCATION: In Mrumvely hamIel, the Govemment Primrulr School and Higher Secondary School have both the medium of instructions i.e. Tamil and English from I to X class under one roof The Higher Secondary education i.e. ClruJses XI and XII is exclusively for Girls. TIle Govenunent has approved one private Computer company viz. Everron Computers to install 2 Computers in the School lUld impart training to the Students during the school hours .. After School hours the Government has ruso permitted the compWly to train the local people below the age group of 15 with nominru cost. ME DICAL: A J),-jvnte Medicn1 College viz. Mnhatma OflJ)dhi Medicn..l ColI£'!g£'! Md Research Institute at Manapattu Village which is 8 km. away fi'om pilot village maintaining a Urban Health Centre at this vi lingo. In the Urban Health Centre, two Doctors and 2 Nurses provide free consultation and medicine to the people. A Specialist in Paediatrics and Gynecologist are visiting this centre once in a week. Blood and urine tests ru-e also done here. But Inpatient treatment is given at their Hospital only. NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION: Two Non Governmental Organisations run BaJwadies for children below 5 years. They provide free food, milk etc., regularly and books and dress once in a yeru- LOCAL BODIES: 1110 'RS( Election for local bodics was held in 1969.. 'nlcre after no election was held A Special Officer and Commissioner of Commune Panchayat appointed by the Government are looking after the welfare measures of the entire Commune Pallchayul including the pilot village.. However, the sWlclioned strength of the member of VillH8e Panchayat, income from taxation Blld other sources are collected from the Commune Panchayat and shown in the respective column. HAMLET WISE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT ON CERTAIN AMENITIES 1991 - 2001 Name of Y Educational Medical Post & Telegraph Hamlet E Facility Facili!y_ -- A p M H HS PRe PHS PO PTO Phone R it li if 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Manavely 91 1 - - - - - T,TW - - ~ BS PIt 01 3 1 1 1 1 - T - - 100 BS PR Odnively 91 1 - . TTW ~ BS PR - _._--- - -~------1---- - --- -~ .. ~- ..__ . ------- ----- - -- 01 1 - - - T - - --_-._20 ------DS ----PR Sinnaveernm- 91 1 - - - - T,TW - - - DS PR paitinam - 01 1 - - - T - - -- 20 BS PR N onankuppam 91 1 1 - - - - T,lW - - ------ _. BS PR 01 1 1 - - - 1 T - - 50 BS --PR Number of Schools at Primary] Middle, High Bnd Higher Secondary hwels have been increased during the decade of1991-2001 Census. During the 1991 Census there were no Health Centre in any of the hamlet of the vill!Jge Now one Private Urban Health Centre maintained by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College und Research Institute and one Government Primarj Health Sub Centre is availnble. Phone connections 9J80 available in rut the hamlets. DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS PONDIClIERRY COMMENTS I VIEWS OF TIlE ])JRRCTORATE REGAR])ING VILLAGE SCHEDULE A. IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS: A 2 Permanent l.ocatlon Code Number: The number of boxes may be increased ii-om 12 to 16 for incorponrtion of StatefUT Code(2 digit), Di~trict Code(l digit), Tahsil Code(4 digit) and Village Code(8 digit). Name orC.D. Block also be included in Identification pru-ticulars D. POPULATION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERN: D 3 At Col. 6 of the Table one more codl' may be givt'll for <Others'.
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