THULQADA 4, 1442 AH MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021

16 Pages Max 45º Min 32º 150 Fils Established 1961

ISSUE NO: 18459 The First Daily in the Arabian Gulf

Museums, cultural centers Ambassador Koytak: Turkey offers Anti-junta movement shows Djokovic makes history with 19th 2 welcome visitors again 3 safe tourism and easy travel 7 viral support for Rohingya 16 Grand Slam in French Open final

MP urges shelters for female victims of domestic violence Lawmaker accuses government of collecting indirect taxes By B Izzak provide shelter to female victims until the law is fully implemented. KUWAIT: MP Ali Al-Qattan yes- Meanwhile, MP Osama Al- terday proposed that the govern- Munawer yesterday asked ment should establish special shel- Commerce and Industry Minister ters for women who are victims of Abdullah Al-Salman if he has domestic violence, saying domestic authorized the allocation of gov- violence cases have increased dur- ernment industrial plots to a com- ing the coronavirus pandemic. pany owned by a minister appoint- Qattan said a law to establish homes ed in the latest Cabinet formation. to shelter all types of victims of Munawer said the company, which domestic violence was issued in was granted the plots, is owned by September last year. The law stipu- the minister, whom he did not lates the establishment of special identify, and his first degree rela- shelters for female victims. tives. He asked if the minister But the law has not been imple- approved the allocation or if he mented due to a lack of funding was aware of it. and because of the coronavirus Opposition MP Hamad Matar pandemic. The lawmaker said the yesterday accused the government number of domestic violence cas- of imposing taxes in an indirect way, es has increased during the pan- saying the interior ministry had demic because of lockdowns and recently started collecting KD 2 for curfews that forced family mem- the technical inspection of vehicles. bers to stay longer together, He claimed that this represents the resulting in tensions. As a result, imposition of indirect taxation and he proposed that temporary warned that the government could KUWAIT: Vehicles drive along a highway during a dust storm yesterday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat homes should be established to extend this to other public services.

at least 15 percent. While the agree-

News in brief ment is the first step in a long process UAE aims to before it can become a reality, caught WHO to open Kuwait office in the crosshairs are tax havens that remain magnet attract firms such as Amazon, Apple, KUWAIT: The opening ceremony of the World Google and Facebook. The United Health Organization’s official office will be held for investors Arab Emirates entered the world’s top tomorrow, the ministry of health said yesterday. 10 tax havens for the first time in DUBAI: This came in a press release after a meeting Tax advantages paired with March, according to the Tax Justice between Health Minister Sheikh Dr Basel Al- a life of luxury have long drawn for- Network. Sabah and representative of WHO in Kuwait Dr eigners and multinationals to the UAE, Modestly called “jurisdictions with Assad Hafeez on the occasion of taking office. which is aiming to remain attractive no or insignificant taxes” by the The meeting highlighted mutual concerns and whether or not it signs up to a global Organization for Economic Co-opera- ways to enhance relations between Kuwait and tax initiative. The Group of Seven tion and Development (OECD), the the WHO. — KUNA wealthy powers this month endorsed havens include the Bahamas, the an “unprecedented” agreement on a British Virgin Islands, Guernsey, global minimum corporate tax target- Jersey, the UAE and many others. 40,000 jabs given in Lebanon ing major companies seen as not pay- Both the UAE capital Abu Dhabi and ing enough, especially tech giants. freewheeling Dubai, the biggest draw BEIRUT: Lebanon administered more than The objective is a minimum tax of Continued on Page 2 DUBAI: A restaurant cruiser sails by the Dubai Marina Beach on June 9, 2021. — AFP 40,000 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in a weekend inoculation drive to contain the COVID pandemic. On Saturday and yesterday, of many Gazans who lost family members during 11 and the couple’s four other kids did not survive. “I nearly 50 centers across the country adminis- Post and present days of Zionist bombardment last month when the can’t stop thinking about my sister and her children, tered jabs on a walk-in basis to anyone over the local health ministry says 66 Palestinian children who might have been alive for hours under the age of 55 who had not yet received a single and teenagers were killed. ruins,” said Ola Ashkantana, who turned down the dose. Disabled people above the age of 16 were trauma time bomb From May 10 to May 21, the Zionist army pum- offer of anti-anxiety medication. “I’m in shock. Now also eligible for vaccination. — AFP meled the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire by I’m afraid of losing my own children.” hangs over Gaza militants of the Islamist movement Hamas which In the next room, Riad holds Suzy on his knees, France to invest €3.8bn in Egypt rules the coastal enclave that is home to two million as Hassan Al-Khawaja, a Gazan doctor specialising GAZA CITY: Her eyes glued to a cellphone photo people. One of the strikes devastated the Al-Rimal in mental health, encourages him to try psychother- CAIRO: French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire of her sister and four children killed in a Zionist district of Gaza City and demolished the building apy. “I’m suffocating. I’ve even thought of going to yesterday signed agreements with Egypt to strike on Gaza, Ola lets out the painful words: “I was where Abeer, Ola’s sister, lived with her family. live alongside them in the cemetery,” said Riad, invest €3.8 billion in the most populous Arab hoping we’d find them alive.” The Gaza City resident Ten hours after the raid, rescue teams miracu- whose family says has hardly spoken since the war country’s public transport and renewable energy in her thirties wipes away tears as she stands before lously pulled Abeer’s husband, Riad, and their eight- tore his loved ones away. “I’m traumatized. sectors. France will finance Egyptian projects a psychologist from a local organization. Ola is one year-old daughter, Suzy, from the rubble. But Abeer Continued on Page 2 with French companies to the tune of €1.8 billion. The first tranche will be for transport giant Alstom to supply 55 underground trains for Cairo push to regain the West’s cohesion Metro’s Line 1, for a total of €800 million. Nine G7 takes on after the tumultuous era of his prede- other projects will be financed to the tune of one cessor Donald Trump. billion euros between 2021 and 2025. — AFP “We will harness the power of COVID, China, democracy, freedom, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights to Jordan to build desalination plant climate change answer the biggest questions and overcome the greatest challenges,” CARBIS BAY, United Kingdom: AMMAN: Jordan said yesterday it plans to build G7 the leaders said. But the pledge on leaders yesterday vowed to start a Red Sea desalination plant operating within five vaccines for poorer nations fell drasti- delivering one billion doses of COVID cally short of the 11 billion doses that years, to provide the mostly-desert and drought- vaccines and to step up action on cli- campaigners say are needed to end a hit kingdom with critical drinking water. The cost mate change, in a summit call to arms pandemic that has claimed nearly four of the project is estimated at “around $1 billion” by a revived democratic alliance that million lives and wrecked economies and will be built in the Gulf of Aqaba. The plant is also confronted China and Russia. In a around the globe. expected to produce 250-300 million cu m of final communique issued at their first “I’m afraid there will be smiles (at potable water per year, and should be ready for physical summit in nearly two years, the G7) but they are not solutions,” operation in 2025 or 2026. — AFP (See Page 9) the leaders of the elite club largely former British prime minister Gordon ST IVES: Extinction Rebellion environmental activists put on a performance as they hewed to US President Joe Biden’s Continued on Page 2 protest in the streets of this Cornwall town during the G7 summit yesterday. —AFP 2 Established 1961 Monday, June 14, 2021 Local Kuwait reaffirms support to Yemen’s stability and unity Griffiths briefs FM about latest developments in Yemen KUWAIT: Kuwait Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Mohammad Al- Sabah reaffirmed support to Yemen’s unity IOM diplomat praises and stability, as well as all efforts towards a sustainable peace. Sheikh Ahmad, also Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Kuwait relief efforts underlined importance of the Saudi peace initiative in Yemen, the GCC initiative and KUWAIT: Head of the as he expressed appreciation of its implementation mechanism, outcome of International Organization for the efforts made in many countries. national dialogue and UN Resolution 2216 Migration’s (IOM) in Kuwait He also stressed the importance of to achieving peace in Yemen, a foreign Mazen Abulhassan praised, yester- this meeting, noting that there will ministry statement said. day, Kuwait’s role in promoting be more cooperation in the future Sheikh Ahmad, who made the remarks humanitarian aid programs and in especially to help Syrian refugees during a meeting with UN Envoy to Yemen facing crises and disasters, as it in Lebanon and Turkey. For his Martin Griffiths at ministry building, said gained UN and humanitarian part, Al-Sayer affirmed KRCS Kuwait backed endeavors of Griffiths in organizations’ trust and apprecia- readiness to cooperate construc- Yemen. Griffiths briefed Sheikh Ahmad tion. In a statement to KUNA fol- tively with humanitarian and com- about the latest developments in Yemen. lowing his meeting with the munity organizations to provide He expressed gratitude for Kuwait’s Chairman of the Board of aid to countries that exposed to humanitarian contributions to Yemen, as Directors of the Kuwait Red disasters. This meeting also tack- KUWAIT: Kuwait FM Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Mohammad Al-Sabah holding talks with UN Envoy Crescent Society (KRCS) Dr Hilal led KRCS assistance provided to well as its efforts to reaching security and to Yemen Martin Griffiths. — KUNA stability in the war-stricken country, and Al-Sayer, Abulhassan said KRCS those affected and its role in com- alleviating suffering of the Yemeni people, humanitarian role help in improv- bating the emerging COVID-19 said the statement. Houthi militias against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, he reaffirmed, stood firmly by ing many people living conditions, virus, he added. — KUNA Sheikh Ahmad, meanwhile, con- which were “a direct threat” to Gulf and Saudi Arabia in restoring its security and demned the systematic attacks by the Arab national security. The State of stability. — KUNA

Museums, cultural centers re-open

KUWAIT: Head of IOM in Kuwait Mazen Abulhassan meets Chairman of KRCS Dr Hilal Al-Sayer. — KUNA

area after renovating them inside the MoI opens institutions. They included the backyard and entertainment sports playgrounds, as part of the humanitarian and societal role of the KUWAIT: Cultural centers and museums receiving visitors. area for inmates security establishment. It said the improvements aim at achieving psy- KUWAIT: Cultural centers and museums re-opened yes- must wear their face masks, as a protection against the KUWAIT: Interior Ministry chological comfort for inmates and to terday and started receiving visitors, in line with a communicable disease, COVID-19. They will be also sub- Assistant Undersecretary for Reform get away from daily routine, and pre- Cabinet’s decree stipulating that visitors are obliged to ject to check their temperature before entry, and inside Institutions and Sentences pare them for return to normal life. adhere to health precautions. The centers were com- the facilities, they are compelled to keep social distanc- Implementation Talal Maarafi along It said leaders are keen on imple- pletely prepared to receive visitors. However, all guests ing to ensure safety. — KUNA with the sector’s officers opened menting health protocols put forth by several entertainment and sports health institutions.

ears, human body parts around me, smoke. I couldn’t Post and present stand because I was hit by shrapnel.” G7 takes on Bilal, who says he is not a fighter, had to crawl to safety. Seven other people in his neighborhood died. trauma time bomb... He looked haggard and distracted in his hospital bed, a COVID, China... far cry from the young, full-of-life man in the photo his Continued from Page 1 father had brought. Mahmoud Awad, a Palestinian psy- Continued from Page 1 chologist working with Doctors Without Borders Brown told Sky News, calling the summit “an How will my feelings and thoughts ever change? I (MSF), is monitoring Bilal’s “acute reaction to stress”. unforgivable moral failure”. “Millions of people will will never again be who I was before.” Awad hopes to prevent trauma from settling in and go unvaccinated and thousands of people I’m afraid Ola and Riad are not alone. The latest Gaza war, the ravaging the young man’s psyche. “We are trying to get will die,” said Brown, who helped coordinate inter- fourth since 2008 in the Zionist-besieged territory, saw him to talk. It’s the most significant trauma of his life national responses to the world’s last major eco- some 1,000 apartments, offices and businesses and we want to avoid its escalation into PTSD,” Awad nomic shock in 2008. destroyed. But the few psychiatrists and psychologists said. “Right now he’s suffering from shock and denial; Likewise, the G7’s pledges to deliver more aid for in the enclave know that rebuilding will have to go far he tends to generalize everything... without talking countries at the sharp end of climate change, and to beyond physical reconstruction. “It’s not the first time much about himself.” phase out fossil fuel investments, were decried as that we have a war in Gaza,” said Khawaja, who says The 2021 war was shorter than the previous Gaza- too little, too late ahead of a UN summit in much of the population suffers from post-traumatic Zionist conflict in 2014, causing fewer deaths and dis- November. “The G7 have failed to set us up for a stress disorder. “We have to work on multiple traumas.” placements. “But the psychological repercussions are successful COP26 as trust is sorely lacking between “I expect a PTSD crisis in the coming months,” he going to be more severe,” said Yasser Abu-Jamei, rich and developing countries,” said Greenpeace said, explaining that with each new trauma and war, director of local non-profit Gaza Community Mental International executive director Jennifer Morgan. many Gazans faces relapses and acute stress disorder, Health Program. “How can you comfort your child “We need authentic leadership and that means with symptoms including shock and denial. If such when a bombing is happening and it does not stop for treating the pandemic and the climate crisis for stress is not addressed quickly, it can progress into 20-30 minutes?” he asked. “It is impossible. We always what they are: an interconnected inequality emer- PTSD - meaning the work of mental health care teams say to people you need a safe place, to feel secure, but gency,” she said. is vital in coming months to prevent an explosion of here, for 11 days, there was no secure place.” Nevertheless, British Prime Minister Boris cases. At Al-Awda hospital in Jabalia camp, northern Zionist strikes killed 260 Palestinians including some Johnson, the summit’s host, said the G7 wanted to Gaza, Bilal Daya has a broken arm, a hole in his calf and fighters, the Gaza authorities said. No university in the “drive a global Green Industrial Revolution to trans- his left leg in a splint. But it’s not the 24-year-old’s Gaza Strip offers a specialty in psychiatry, and the form the way we live”. “There is a direct relationship WINDSOR: US President Joe Biden speaks with physical injuries that concern doctors the most. Bilal available mental health services can’t keep up with between reducing emissions, restoring nature, creat- Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II at the dais in the was drinking tea outside his home in eastern Gaza demand. Some specialists even question the whole ing jobs and ensuring long-term economic growth,” Quadrangle of Windsor Castle yesterday. — AFP when a Zionist strike injured a neighbor. “He was concept of PTSD in Gaza, where, as psychiatrist Samir he said. Johnson also touted a G7 pledge to get 40 screaming for help,” Bilal said. “I tried to carry him, but Zaqout put it: There is no “post-trauma - because it is million more girls into schools over the next five another missile hit. There was an enormous buzz in my ongoing trauma”. — AFP years, as part of the post-pandemic reconstruction. are interned in camps, and in Hong Kong. A White House official agreed the three-day And they pressed China to let experts from the gathering in Cornwall, southwest England, had been World Health Organization (WHO) investigate fur- The UAE, which relies on its image as an interna- an “unusually substantive and productive G7”. ther how COVID-19 first emerged, amid suspicions UAE aims to tional hub, “will be keen to be seen as part of the global Angela Merkel, attending her last G7 as German that the coronavirus may have escaped from a system rather than a tax haven”, said Scott Livermore chancellor, said Biden had brought “new momen- Chinese laboratory. The allies adopted a US initia- of Oxford Economics Middle East. “The upsides of tum” to efforts to tackle the world’s problems. India tive to counter China in infrastructure funding for remain magnet... remaining on the outside of the agreement is limited, and South Africa, who took part in the G7 talks as poorer nations, promising to “collectively catalyze” especially if approved by the G20 and OECD coun- guests, had pressed for the gathering to waive intel- hundreds of billions of investment. Continued from Page 1 tries,” the Dubai-based economist told AFP. lectual property rights on Western vaccines. But The “Build Back Better World” (B3W) project is According to Livermore, even if businesses in the Britain and Germany were notable holdouts on that. aimed squarely at competing with Beijing’s trillion- for investors out of the UAE’s seven emirates, country see an increase in tax burden, the govern- Campaigners also complained the G7 had failed dollar Belt and Road infrastructure initiative, which are home to thousands of companies that have set ment was likely to “consolidate and simplify fees”, to flesh out how it will pay for a newly agreed has been widely criticized for saddling small coun- up regional offices there. as is the case in Luxembourg and Malta, where mul- “Nature Compact” - to protect 30 percent of the tries with unmanageable debt. And the G7 demand- UAE officials have yet to issue a statement on the tiple exemptions lower the final bill considerably. world’s land and oceans from despoliation by 2030. ed that Russia “credibly explain” the use of chemi- G7 agreement and did not respond to an AFP “Already the authorities have realized the impor- The leaders committed to nearly halve their carbon cal agents on its soil, end its “systematic crack- request for comment. But this week Dubai tance of broader business and social environment emissions by 2030, relative to 2010, and to phase down” on opposition groups and media, and “hold announced plans to reduce in the coming months for attracting and retaining foreign investment and out the use of “unabated coal”-fuel whose emis- to account” criminals waging ransomware attacks. government procedures as “part of efforts to reduce talent,” he said. “This has been demonstrated by the sions have not gone through any filtering - “as soon A lingering row between Britain and the the cost of doing business and further boost eco- raft of visa and business reforms announced over as possible”. They vowed to end most government European Union over post-Brexit trading arrange- nomic growth in the emirate”. the past year.” support for the fossil fuel sector overseas, and to ments in Northern Ireland hung over the talks. But Hard-hit by the coronavirus pandemic, the UAE Many foreign executives are attracted to the phase out petrol and diesel cars. London sought to bring all sides together using the has already launched a series of reforms, including lifestyle in Abu Dhabi and especially Dubai. The two The G7 had sharp words for Beijing and “soft power” diplomacy of Queen Elizabeth II and to allow foreigners full ownership of businesses, emirates are air hubs and offer a variety of luxury Moscow, in the buildup to a NATO summit in her heir Prince Charles, at a Friday night reception whereas before it was capped at 49 percent unless services that depend on a migrant labor force large- Brussels on Monday and Biden’s first sit-down for leaders and EU chiefs. Joined Saturday by coun- based in certain free trade zones. Economy Minister ly from South Asian countries. The UAE’s low tax with Russian President Vladimir Putin in terparts from Australia, South Africa and South Abdulla bin Touq Al-Marri said the changes were a regime has been a “major carrot to dangle” before Switzerland on Wednesday. They demanded Korea - with India also taking part remotely - they bid to boost the “competitive edge” of the country, investors from abroad, said Robert Mogielnicki, China end abuses including forced labor in then enjoyed an evening beach barbecue around currently 16th in the World Bank’s ease of doing senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Xinjiang, where activists say up to one million fire pits, featuring a sea shanty band and toasted business rankings. Institute in Washington. — AFP people from Uyghur and other Muslim minorities marshmallows. — AFP Established 1961 3 Local Monday, June 14, 2021 Kuwait, Mauritanian officials hold talks to boost relations Discuss boosting economic cooperation

KUWAIT: The State of Kuwait and the Islamic and his accompanying delegation. Republic of Mauritania held official talks yester- Meanwhile, Finance Minister and Minister of day at the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry headquar- State for Economic Affairs and Investment ters. The discussions were chaired from the Khalifa Hamadah held talks with his Mauritanian Kuwaiti side by the Foreign Minister, Minister of counterpart Mohamed Al-Amin Ould Al-Thahabi State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr Ahmad on issues of joint concern, means of boosting Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah, with atten- cooperation in various spheres.The Kuwait dance of the Minister of Finance and Minister of Ministry of Finance said in a statement that the State for Economic Affairs and Investment Mauritanian side, during the meeting, endorsed a Khalifa Hamadah. number of economic and financial accords that The Mauritanian side was headed by the had been previously worked out between the two Foreign Minister Ismael Ould Sheikh Ahmed. countries. The State of Kuwait had unilaterally The Kuwaiti and Mauritanian officials discussed endorsed the agreements. The accords, one deal- means of boosting further solid relations ing with economic cooperation, another with between the State of Kuwait and the Republic averting double taxation and a deal on boosting of Mauritania, explored the close cooperation and protecting mutual investments, have now in various domains, namely avenues for enhance become in the execution phase. The meeting was the coordination for serving mutual interests. attended by Farouk Bastaki, the Managing Moreover, they examined latest developments Director at the Public Investment Authority, and on the regional and international arenas. the director of the Arab and Gulf economic coop- The talks have been held as part of the official eration and the acting assistant for economic KUWAIT: Kuwait, Mauritanian officials held talks at the Kuwait Foreign Ministry headquarters yesterday. — KUNA visit to the country by the Mauritanian official affairs, Talal Al-Nimesh. — KUNA

their destination. Ambassador Koytak: Turkey offers KT: Does the embassy receive visa ACK renews cooperation applications? Koytak: Kuwaiti citizens do not need a agreement with MoD safe tourism and easy travel visa for their touristic travels to Turkey. Foreigners who need a visa can apply at KUWAIT: Turkish Ambassador to the Turkey Visa Application Centre. Our Kuwait Ayse Hilal Sayan Koytak spoke to visa center has been operating in Sanabil Kuwait Times about travel to Turkey and Al-Babtain Tower (Sharq - Jaber Al- measures in place against the COVID-19 Mubarak Street) since July 2018. It is run pandemic. Some excerpts: by a company authorized by the Turkish Kuwait Times: Tell us about Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am glad that tourism relations between Kuwait and since the opening of the center, we have Turkey. How many Kuwaitis visited been providing a more comfortable, Turkey last year? effective and fast visa application process Ayse Hilal Sayan Koytak: Tourism to our brothers and sisters in Kuwait. between Turkey and Kuwait is remark- KT: Is digital registration needed for able. Kuwait is the country that sends the entry into Turkey? most tourists to Turkey in proportion to Koytak: All passengers must complete its population. In 2019, more than their digital entry registration at 374,000 Kuwaitis visited Turkey. Last within 72 year, this number surpassed 120,000 hours before entering Turkey. After the despite COVID-19 travel restrictions. Turkish Ambassador to Kuwait Ayse Hilal Sayan Koytak registration is completed successfully, Tourism sector is not only economically you will have a personal HES code. The profitable, but also contributes to better HES code must be presented in digital or understanding between our peoples. and are vaccinated. printed form at check-in and the passen- Therefore, I wish to see more Turkish KT: Are there any curfews or lock- ger must have it with them during their tourists visiting Kuwait too. I hope downs in Turkey? Are the touristic, his- holiday in Turkey. KUWAIT: The Australian College of always been solid and we are so hap- Kuwait will ease travel restrictions espe- torical and shopping facilities open? KT: What is the HES code and what Kuwait (ACK) has renewed a cooper- py to collaborate closely with them cially for our businesspersons and per- Koytak: There is a curfew from 10 pm does it do? ation agreement with the Ministry of again and strengthen it. We are fully sons who travel for essential purposes. to 5 am from Monday through Saturday, Koytak: The HES (Hayat Eve Sigar - Defense (MoD). This significant equipped to support them in the field KT: What is the latest situation of the and a full lockdown in effect during Life Fits Into Home) is a 10 or 12 digit agreement was signed by Eng Sager of education and training and we are COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey? Where Sundays beginning at 10 pm on Saturday number that you will use to obtain a ticket Al-Sharhan - Assistant to the looking forward to constant coopera- can we find up-to-date information on and ending at 5 am on Mondays. to travel within Turkey by public trans- President for Support Services at tion with other official entities in the Turkey’s COVID-19 situation? However, foreign tourists are exempt from port. The code is used to prevent and ACK and on the Ministry of Defense’s country, for the favor of our beloved Koytak: Turkey has become one of the COVID-19 restrictions applied in Turkey. slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It side, Head of the Military Education country and our students.” most disciplined and successful countries Museums and cultural sites are currently provides information to passengers who Authority Major General Fahd It is worth mentioning that the in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. We open only to foreign tourists. Restaurants, have been exposed to the virus or who Mohammed Al-Tariji. School of Aviation at ACK had suc- took early measures to protect visitors historical and archeological sites and have been in contact with COVID-19 The agreement included the pro- cessfully introduced the B1.1+B2 and citizens. These measures proved shopping venues re-opened with strict patients. It provides information about viding of training, where the college combined course providing its B1.1 effective. On May 31, 2021, the Turkish measures. Public beaches accept visitors the risk level of the area. It helps to be uses its expertise and specialized graduates additional progressive path, government announced a gradual normal- with strict rules. communicated with quickly in case of any competencies to introduce education- which also allows them to pursue their ization period. Turkey announced a four- Strict hygiene and safety measures contact risk. It is obligatory to submit the al and technical programs, whether in education and earn recognition local- tier system on local COVID-19 related apply to gastronomic facilities. In fact, HES code at the entrances of gastronomy the establishment of training courses ly, regionally and internationally. Upon restrictions. Provinces are now divided gastronomy is also included in the “Safe facilities, hotels, shopping centers and or the preparation of specialized cur- course completion, students may then into four different risk groups: Low (blue), Tourism” program. Restaurants partici- public transportation vehicles, as well as ricula and consultations. apply for B1.1 and B2 AME licenses. medium (yellow), high (orange) and very museums and cultural centers. Commenting on this success, Eng This combined course will grant high (red), based on infection and vacci- KT: What happens if visitors catch Sager Al-Sharhan, said: “The relation- ACK’s students an advantage and pri- nation rates. Our government provides No PCR test, no COVID-19 during their holiday in ship between ACK and MoD has ority in the job market. information on daily cases as well as Turkey? weekly summaries, including regional quarantine for Koytak: Within the framework of details. You can reach it at the webpage vaccinated the “Safe Tourism” certification, accommodation facilities with a room Fire put out in animal fodder KT: How about the tourism sector in visitors capacity of 30 or more are obliged to Turkey? Is it safe to go on vacation to allocate isolation areas for visitors. If Turkey this year? a visitor is diagnosed with COVID-19, Koytak: Turkey is one of the world’s the visitor and his/her relatives are top 10 travel destinations, welcoming provided with rooms determined for more than 45 million foreign nationals pating in the program can be reached at isolation, for the duration and condi- every year. Turkey introduced the ‘Safe the webpage tions specified in the accommodation Tourism Certification Program’ last year. cafe-category-en/. Taxis are allowed with contract. If the patient shows severe It is one of the first of its kind. Thanks to certain rules. Rent-a-car services contin- symptoms, he/she is referred to the it, we hosted over 15 million tourists ue. Visitors are expected to follow the hospital. despite pandemic restrictions. This year, instructions of the authorities. Using KT: Will health insurance cover the the tourism season started following the masks in open areas and maintaining treatment costs of guests who contract holy month of Ramadan. We are ready to social distance are among these rules. COVID-19 during their travel in Turkey? host our Kuwaiti brothers and sisters in KT: Are Kuwaiti citizens permitted to Koytak: Not all international health our safe tourism destinations this year. enter Turkey? Is a negative COVID-19 insurances may cover possible treatments KT: What is the “Safe Tourism” con- test required for entry? in Turkey in case of infection with the cept about? Koytak: Kuwaitis can travel to Turkey. SarsCoV-2 virus. Therefore, I would Koytak: The ‘Safe Tourism Direct flights to Turkey continue by advise that it should be checked individu- Certification Program’ defines and Turkish and Kuwaiti airlines. When enter- ally before the start of the trip. Travelers advises an extensive series of measures ing Turkey from Kuwait, passengers will to Turkey can take out additional private to be taken with regards to transporta- not be required to submit a negative PCR health insurance before entering the tion and accommodation of all Turkish test result if they submit a document country. There is a list of insurance com- citizens and international visitors who issued by the Kuwaiti official authorities panies authorized by the Turkish Ministry will spend their holidays in Turkey, as stating that they have been vaccinated at of Health to issue “COVID policies” for well as the well-being and health condi- least 14 days before entering Turkey foreign tourists coming to Turkey. It can tions of passengers/guests and of and/or have had the disease and recov- be reached at the webpage employees working at touristic facilities. ered within the last six months. The ‘Safe Tourism’ certificate has been Quarantine measures will not be applied KT: Are accredited PCR test centers made compulsory for all hotels with a to these passengers. only available at airports in Turkey? capacity of 30 and more rooms. If passengers departing from Kuwait Koytak: In addition to international The Safe Tourism Certification logo is cannot submit a vaccine certificate or airports such as Antalya, Mugla, Bodrum, placed at visible areas inside the verified the documents proving that they have Izmir and Istanbul, around 480 accredited facility. There are QR codes on all logos had the disease according to the stated test centers offer passengers the oppor- and through these QR codes, all guests rules, submission of a PCR negative test tunity to take a COVID-19 test before and customers have access to the facili- result made maximum 72 hours before they leave Turkey. You can reach the cur- ty’s inspection data. This way, the whole entering Turkey or a negative rapid anti- rent list at the webpage process is transparent. List of certified gen test result made maximum 48 hours In facilities can be reached at the webpage before entering Turkey will be deemed KUWAIT: Fire Force said firemen put out a fire in animal fodder in vari- addition, within the scope of the ‘Safe ous areas on Wafra Road KM 7. It said three fire brigades from Al-Kout, sufficient. On the other hand, people Tourism’ certificate, accommodation en/. Furthermore, all employees employed entering Turkey may be subjected to a Mina Abdallah and backup centers responded and put out the fire and facilities with 30 rooms or more provide kept it from spreading. No injuries were reported. in the tourism sector are given priority PCR test on the basis of sampling at COVID-19 test service upon request. 4 Established 1961 Local Monday, June 14, 2021

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Established 1961 The First Daily in The Arabian Gulf

THE LEADING INDEPENDENT DAILY IN THE ARABIAN GULF ESTABLISHED 1961 Founder and Publisher YOUSUF S. AL-ALYAN Editor-in-Chief ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-ALYAN EDITORIAL : 24833199-24833358-24833432 ADVERTISING : 24835616/7 FAX : 24835620/1 CIRCULATION : 24833199 Extn. 163 ACCOUNTS : 24833199 Extn. 125 COMMERCIAL : 24835618 P.O.Box 1301 Safat,13014 Kuwait. Email: [email protected] Website:

KUWAIT: Sheikha Hussa Sabah Al-Salem Al- KUWAIT: People watch the sunset behind the Kuwait Towers in Kuwait City on June 7, 2021. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Sabah was honoured with the Medal of Honor from the King of Belgium which was dedicated to her for the devoted efforts, valuable servic- es and outstanding contributions to preserve the history of the Islamic world through the House of Islamic Art Collections ‘Dar Althar Al Islamiya’ in Kuwait. Diplomatic Women’s Committee - Kuwait also congratulated Capital’s governor praises KFH Sheikha Hussa for receiving this award. economic, environmental, social role KFH supports governorate’s initiative to beautify its buildings, roads KUWAIT: The Capital’s Governor Sheikh Talal Al- Al-Roshood added that KFH has taken the initia- Khaled Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah praised KFH participa- tive recently to settle the debts of the troubled tions on economic, environmental and social levels, debtors against whom court judgments and arrest thus highlighting the bank’s remarkable role, through warrants have been issued, in cooperation with the its banking and finance activities, in supporting Ministry of Justice. Debts have exceeded KD 20 mil- national companies and development projects and lion while troubled debtors approximated 10,000 praised the bank’s distinctive social role which it debtors. KFH has also made contributions to the played at the private sector level through its various Kuwait Institution for the Advancement of Science, initiatives which had a remarkable positive impact National Labor Support Program, Institute of on society. He emphasized that these efforts match Banking Studies and made other social initiatives. the state goals to enhance social development and Al-Roshood indicated that KFH has fulfilled its serve the public interest of the country. obligations towards the state and the society during The governor, while welcoming the KFH acting the COVID-19 pandemic through several various Group CEO Abdulwahab Essa Al-Roshood, praised participations, mainly KFH large share in the KD 10 the remarkable and outstanding role which KFH has million fund established by CBK to support the State played in providing job opportunities for the Kuwaiti efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus. KFH youth and the development of their abilities and has also made a separate solo donation to the fund, skills, thus supporting the state efforts to provide thus becoming one of the largest donors in the fund. employment for the Kuwaiti youth. He considered KFH has also participated in giving support to the that this matter stands as a motivation power to the Red Crescent Society, Ministry of Interior and the local economy and a cornerstone to continue devel- Ministry of Health through various initiatives. He opment and growth depending on highly skilled and emphasized that KFH continues to fulfill its social KUWAIT: Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled and Abdulwahab Al- creative Kuwaiti youth. responsibilities through its effective strategy of Roshood. He clearly highlighted the fruitful cooperation with social responsibility and sustainable growth. KFH in several initiatives, thus stating that Capital Al-Roshood emphasized the significance of sus- He reiterated that KFH exerts all efforts to sup- Governorate and KFH have well established and tainability and the perseverance of environment port the growth plan as part of Kuwait’s Vision strong ties in various fields. through responsible investments and highlighted the 2035. KFH finances development projects and Al-Roshood, on the other hand, affirmed KFH bank’s role in this respect through “Green Sukuks” or supports small and medium enterprises. KFH con- commitment to its social responsibility. He empha- “Green Sustainability Sukuks”. The funds of these tinues its labor settlement efforts where it sized that KFH has a long history of participations sukuks are meant to be allocated to environment- achieved remarkable results. organized in cooperation with the governorate in friendly projects related to the development of infra- Al-Roshood concluded his speech by stating that various social programs e.g. Iftaar (breakfast) cam- structure, production of clean energy and other sus- KFH shall strive to continue leading the Islamic paigns in Ramadan which KFH is keen on organiz- tainability related projects. Banking Industry and enhance Kuwait’s honorable ing every year, Ramadan Canon Program and other Al-Roshood added that KFH has achieved position worldwide through its effective role in the social activities to achieve benefit for all segments remarkable geographical spread through its 65 Islamic finance industry worldwide. KFH has a global of society. branches, 10 smart branches (KFH Go) and the digital branch network spread and enjoys tremendous glob- He emphasized that KFH supports the Capital’s banking services provided on smart phones and al ratings for its leading position e.g. that latest award landscaping campaign entitled “For a Beautiful platforms. These services contribute to the enhance- as the World Best Islamic Financial Institution 2021 ICSK Junior Kuwait” which aims to develop and beautify the ment of financial comprehensiveness while serving by the highly reputed global magazine “Global holds Pearl Fest Capital’s buildings and roads. economy and society. Finance”. KUWAIT: ICSK Junior is forever determined to give our students every opportunity to discover Al-Shaheen wins themselves. Though the pandemic has compelled us to maintain social distancing, ‘Pearl Fest - 2021’ the silver at World virtual Art Fest that was conducted, brought our school’s vision to life. The quest for brilliance, among our students. Pool Championship Pearl Fest was organized on 7th, 8th and 9th of June 2021 for the students of the school. Art, in all KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Deputy Director General of its form and glory was then presented by the bud- the Public Authority of Sports, Saqr Al-Mulla, ding stars that left us amazed with their talents. It on Saturday congratulated Omar Al-Shaheen on featured events covering different genres giving winning silver medal at the World Pool our students ample choices to suit their styles. Championship, recently held in London. In a Items like: Cookery show, Origami, Shadow art, press release upon Al-Shaheen’s arrival to Rangoli making, Instrumental music, Dance, Kuwait, Al-Mulla hailed Kuwait’s players, point- ing out that this medal reflects the country’s Singing, Mobile photography, Digital art, Mad Ad KUWAIT: Public Authority for Sport officials celebrate with Al-Shaheen upon his arrival in the country. — KUNA Show, to name a few, kept everyone involved for ability to compete in various sports, regionally and internationally. Al-Mulla also conveyed con- three consecutive days. Shaheen said that he tried to snatch the title happiness on securing the silver medal nonethe- Principal Sherly Dennis inaugurated the 3-day gratulations of Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Abdurrahman from the seeded one player, the Austrian Albin less, as he is the first Arab player to do so in a festival in the virtual inaugural ceremony. The cere- Ouschan, who won 13-9. Al-Shaheen voiced his World Championship. — KUNA mony started by invoking blessings of the Almighty Al-Mutairi to Al-Shaheen. On his part, Al- followed by lighting the decorative lamp, symboliz- ing the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. long-term strategy that es in women’s football in particular and women’s Sherly Dennis urged the students to strike a bal- KFA board member can rescue the most popu- sports in general, yet Kuwait sports as a single unit ance between art and life and enlightened our stu- lar game in Kuwait from its is in dire need for comprehensive evaluation by dents with tips on improving their skills. C. Sheeja, submits resignation miserable situation through adopting a scientific method to find the faults, then Vice Principal in her address, advised the students realistic vision that relies present solutions for deep-rooted changes that can about managing their time wisely during the vaca- KUWAIT: Kuwait Football Association board on scientific studies and improve sports in all fields. tion. A foot tapping Bollywood fusion dance per- member and chair of the association’s women’s international expertise. Hayat said football tops the table of sports that formance, an enlightening speech followed by the committee Fatima Hayat submitted her resigna- “There is no seriousness to need comprehensive reform through a realistic National Anthem on keyboard, were the highlights tion “due to the continued failures of our national improve the sports system strategy that uses young Kuwaiti talent as a launch of the inaugural ceremony. football team”. She said it is not acceptable for despite our attempts to Fatima Hayat pad towards a future that fulfills their ambitions. “I The Pearl Fest was a grand success underlining negative results to continue in international and correct the path and mis- find it a must not to continue as member of the the importance of co-curricular activities in school. regional events although Kuwait has a good takes by recommendations board, hoping our sport gets someone who believes The curtain fell, with a smile on each face after sports history and had qualified for the Asian and and frank opinions during my membership, but to that public interest is above all other considerations, having enjoyed the class party, making the festival World Cup finals. no avail, with regret,” she said. and sound planning is what will achieve our youth’s even more memorable. Hayat said the association lacks vision and a Hayat said although there were notable success- sporting ambitions,” she added. International MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021 Iraq opens mass grave to identify 123 IS victims Myanmar’s anti-junta movement shows viral support for Rohingya Page 7 Page 6

SHIYAN, China: Workers search for victims in a building damaged by a gas line explosion which left at least 12 people dead and nearly 140 others injured in Shiyan, in central China’s Hubei province yesterday. — AFP Gas blast in China kills 12, hurts 140 Rescue workers uncertain how many are still trapped under debris BEIJING: At least 12 people were killed and nearly near the explosion site told the newspaper. ment said. Around 900 residents in the area have issued a statement urging local officials to “learn 140 others injured when a gas line exploded in a State broadcaster CCTV showed footage of been evacuated as surrounding buildings may have profound lessons from the incident” and double residential compound in central China’s Hubei buildings with charred walls and shattered windows. been damaged by the blast, the city government down on efforts to prevent such incidents. “All province yesterday, local officials said. Rescuers were seen lifting large slabs to pull out said. About 2,000 rescue workers have been regions and relevant departments must draw les- Rescue workers are uncertain how many people those trapped underneath. The blast occurred in a deployed on the site. sons from one another... investigate various safety may still be trapped under the debris, according to two-story building that earlier housed a vehicle Images verified by Health Times show a firefight- hazards and prevent major emergencies,” he said. a statement from the disaster management bureau frame manufacturer. Several survivors told local er who was also injured and a fire truck damaged Industrial accidents are common in China due to in the city of Shiyan. Videos shot by witnesses and media that the gas pipeline had fallen into disrepair by a second, smaller blast. The severely injured weak safety standards and corruption among offi- verified by Beijing News show several buildings after the factory was moved last year. “In March, were airlifted to bigger hospitals. Long lines of vol- cials tasked with enforcing them. reduced to rubble and rescuers carrying shocked workers from the gas company came and asked unteers were seen outside blood banks as local The blast comes a day after eight people were survivors on stretchers. The blast ripped through a whether I got a smell of gas,” one survivor who runs hospitals put out a call for donors. The Ministry of killed and three others injured when toxic methyl vegetable market that was filled with shoppers and a stall in the market told local website Health Times. Emergency Management has also sent a team to formate leaked from a chemical handling facility in people eating breakfast, an eyewitness told state- “After asking around people they just left.” assist with the rescue operation. the southwestern city of Guiyang. A massive 2015 run Global Times. “I heard a loud bang and immedi- The explosion took place at about 6:30 am local explosion at a chemical warehouse in the port city ately ducked under the table, thinking it was an time (22:30 GMT) and an investigation was under- ‘Profound’ lessons of Tianjin killed 173 people in one of the worst earthquake,” a man who owns a small restaurant way to determine the cause of the blast, the state- In a rare move, Chinese President Xi Jinping industrial accidents in China in recent years. —AFP

Algerians snubbed the ballot boxes. Algeria awaits The low turnout confirms the strong trend towards rejecting the vote,” results after read the front page of French-lan- guage daily Liberte. President Erdogan: US Can Abdelmadjid Tebboune, himself elect- voters snub poll ed on an official turnout of less than 40 percent in late 2019, put a brave count on Turkey ALGIERS: Algeria yesterday await- face on the figures. “For me, the ed the results of a parliamentary turnout isn’t important. What’s impor- after Afghan pullout election boycotted by the long-run- tant is whether the lawmakers that the ning Hirak protest movement and people elect have enough legitimacy,” ISTANBUL: President Recep Tayyip marked by widespread abstention. the president said. The Hirak protest Erdogan yesterday said Turkey would be the Turnout was just 30.2 percent, elec- movement, which apart from a hiatus “only reliable” country left to stabilize toral commission chief Mohamed due to the coronavirus pandemic had Afghanistan after the US pulls out its troops, Chorfi announced after Saturday’s held twice-weekly demonstrations for indicating Washington could rely on its vote-the lowest in a legislative poll at reform until they were effectively NATO ally. Erdogan also said he would dis- least 20 years. banned last month, rejected the polls cuss the issue in his first face-to-face meet- ALGIERS: Algerian elections staff count ballots for parliamentary elections He said the shape of the new as a “sham”. The movement has urged ing with US President Joe Biden on the mar- at a polling station in Bouchaoui, on the western outskirts of the capital assembly should emerge yesterday boycotts of all national polls since it gins of a NATO summit in Brussels today, Algiers. —AFP but it would be 96 hours before offi- mobilized hundreds of thousands of after strained relations between their two cial results are announced. Fewer people in early 2019 to force longtime countries. “America is preparing to leave than one percent of registered voters president Abdelaziz Bouteflika and his detained dozens of people, rights trary” arrests. “I believe you have the Afghanistan soon and from the moment they cast their ballots in Kabylie, a mainly cronies from power. groups said. Two prominent journalists right to know that two journalists... were leave, the only reliable country to maintain Berber region east of Algiers, and the But voting day was mainly calm, detained on the eve of the election and subjected to arbitrary arrest and deten- the process over there is obviously Turkey,” cities of Bejaia and Tizi Ouzou. except in Kabylie, where ballot boxes released Saturday, Khaled Drareni and tion for no apparent reason,” Drareni Erdogan told reporters at an Istanbul airport “As expected, the majority of were ransacked and security forces Ihsane El Kadi, condemned their “arbi- wrote on his Facebook page. — AFP yesterday before leaving for Brussels. The United States is in the final stages of completing a military drawdown, alongside NATO forces, by September 11 — 20 years Shelling kills 18 in No nuclear deal after they invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taleban. Turkey has reportedly said it is Syria’s rebel-held Afrin this week, says prepared to keep troops in Afghanistan to protect Kabul airport, the main exit route for BEIRUT: Shelling of the rebel-held city of Afrin in western diplomats and humanitarian workers. northern Syria killed at least 18 people on Saturday, Iran negotiator Erdogan said yesterday that Turkish officials many of them when a hospital was hit, a war monitor had informed their American counterparts said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said TEHRAN: Iran’s chief negotiator at international about Ankara’s plans in Afghanistan after the a doctor, three hospital staff, two women and two talks on its nuclear program said late Saturday he US troop pullout, without providing details. children died at Al-Shifaa hospital in the city which did not think they could conclude this week, ahead They are “pleased and happy. We will be is held by Turkish-backed rebels. A rebel command- of the country’s June 18 presidential election. able to discuss the Afghanistan process with er also died at the hospital, the Observatory said, Russia’s representative at the talks made a similar them,” he said. Turkey has made clear its AFRIN, Syria: A member of Syria’s Civil Defense serv- adding that 23 people were injured. point after emerging from talks in the Austrian cap- intentions to stay in the war-torn country, but ice (White Helmets) inspects the damage yesterday in An AFP correspondent shot footage of white-hel- ital Vienna, saying a few more weeks were required the details remain unclear. A Turkish official one of the rooms of the Al-Shifaa hospital, a day after meted aid workers in the hospital courtyard strewn to finalize the existing text, according to a state- said Turkish troops could remain “as long as it was hit by artillery shells in the rebel-held northern with bodies. “The shelling targeted several areas of ment on Twitter. “Personally, I don’t think that we certain conditions including legal and finan- Syrian city of Afrin, reportedly fired by pro-regime the town and hit the hospital”, Observatory director can manage to reach a conclusion this week,” Iran’s cial are met.” “If Turkey is to stay it will do so forces, killing at least 18 people, and wounding more Rami Abdel Rahmane said. “Most of the victims died Abbas Aragchi told the Iranian state broadcaster under which frame: under NATO umbrella or than 23, according to a war monitor. —AFP in shelling on the hospital,” the monitoring group said after the sixth round of talks resumed in Vienna. bilateral terms? And if it will be under NATO in a statement, warning the casualty toll could rise Iranians will vote on June 18 to elect a successor auspices, under which authorization?” asked further with some of the wounded in a critical condi- rebels, regularly witnesses targeted killings, bomb- to President Hassan Rouhani, who has served the the official, who wished to remain anony- tion. The artillery fire originated from northern ings and shootings. Syrian regime shelling on the maximum two consecutive four-year terms allowed mous. The official also confirmed that Aleppo province “where militia faithful to Iran and opposition-held Idlib enclave killed 12 people by the constitution. Several analysts have already said Western powers were willing to let Turkey the (Syrian) regime are deployed, near the zones run Thursday, one of the deadliest violations of a 15- it was unlikely any deal would be concluded before stay and protect the Kabul airport. But, the by Kurdish forces”, the Britain-based group said. The month-old ceasefire, the war monitor said. the election was over. Representatives from Britain, official added, “why should Turkey try hard if Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) issued The conflict in Syria has killed nearly 500,000 China, France, Germany, Russia and Iran are meeting nobody is going to give support? These a statement denying any involvement in the shelling. people since it started in 2011 with the brutal in Vienna to bring the US back to the Iran nuclear issues need to be clarified.” —AFP The region, like all areas held by pro-Turkish repression of peaceful demonstrations. — AFP deal and Tehran back into compliance with it. — AFP 6 Established 1961 Monday, June 14, 2021 International Iraq opens mass grave to identify 123 IS victims Badush prison massacre, one of the worst IS crimes

BADUSH, Iraq: Iraqi authorities said yesterday The remains of up to 12,000 people are the remains of 123 people killed by Islamic believed to be buried in these graves, the UN State group jihadists had been removed from a says, which has accused IS of having commit- mass grave in a bid to identify them. The ted genocide in Iraq. One of those waiting for Badush prison massacre was one of the worst closure in Iraq is Abbas Mohammed, whose crimes IS carried out after it seized control of a son was jailed at Badush following his arrest by third of Iraq in a lightning offensive in 2014. In US forces in 2005. “After 17 years of not June that year, IS fighters attacked the north- knowing whether my son is alive or dead, I western prison, freeing Sunni Muslims inmates need an answer,” he told AFP. and forcing 583 mainly Shiite prisoners into Iraq has been struggling to identify remains truck, before driving them to a ravine and of people from several violent episodes in its shooting them. recent history, and is still discovering mass In recent weeks, dozens of family members graves from the regime of executed dictator of the victims have given blood samples, which Saddam Hussein. will be compared to the DNA of the remains, The task has been challenging, as remains which were found in the mass graves in 2017. have often been burned or exposed to the ele- “Thousands of families are waiting to know ments over the years. “Work conditions are what happened to their relatives,” Najm Al- difficult,” Saleh Ahmed, a member of govern- Jubburi, governor of the Nineveh province ment commission tasked with identifying the where the prison is located, told AFP. “martyrs”, said at the site of the Badush mass The mass grave, discovered after Iraqi grave. “The heat is overwhelming. Some forces took control of the area in March 2017, remains are entangled, and there are snakes is one of more than 200 the extremist group and scorpions everywhere,” he said, as 30 BADUSH, Iraq: This aerial view shows human remains, reportedly of victims of the 2014 Badush prison mas- left behind in its rampage of brutality, accord- workers carried out the grim task of removing sacre committed by the Islamic State (IS) group, after being unearthed from a mass grave in the northern ing to the United Nations. bodies from the grave. —AFP Iraqi village of Badush, northwest of the city of Mosul. —AFP

News in brief A cultural shift Spain’s Podemos Having two leaders in charge “is not within the organizational culture of Lebanon stops sea crossing elects Belarra Podemos” which is more accustomed to the super-charged leadership of BEIRUT: The Lebanese army yesterday said it inter- Iglesias, said Paloma Roman, professor cepted a small boat carrying 11 people, mostly as new chief of Political Science at Madrid’s Syrians, attempting an illegal sea crossing out of the MADRID: Podemos, the junior member Complutense University. A native of crisis-hit country. A statement said a naval force the northern city of Pamplona, Belarra spotted the boat off the northern port city of Tripoli of Spain’s ruling coalition, yesterday formally appointed Ione Belarra as its has worked for the Red Cross and for and that its passengers were all detained and referred the Spanish Commission for Refugee for investigation, the army added. The boat was car- new leader, putting two women at the helm of the radical left-wing party fol- Aid and been a Podemos activist since rying “10 people of Syrian nationality and a the very beginning. A trusted member Lebanese national,” it said. Their journey’s end was lowing the departure of its founder. Belarra received 89 percent of the vote of Iglesias’ inner circle, she was not specified but neighboring Cyprus, a member of appointed a junior minister within the the European Union, has been a popular sea smug- in a week-long ballot to be named the new secretary-general at a party social affairs ministry that he headed gling destination in recent months. In May, the when Podemos entered government in Lebanese army intercepted a boat near Tripoli carry- assembly in Alcorcon near Madrid. “Podemos must grow” and “continue January 2020. ing 60 people, including 59 Syrians. —AFP When Iglesias stood down early to work to conquer new social ALCORCON, Spain: Newly elected Podemos’ party secretary-general Ione last month, Belarra inherited his role advances,” the 33-year-old said fol- Belarra (center) raises her fist during a party assembly in Alcorcon, near lowing the vote by her party, which has as social affairs minister, while Diaz Madrid yesterday. —AFP took up his position as a deputy Attack on top Niger politician seen declining support in recent years. The vote followed the departure of prime minister. As secretary-general, Belarra will be surrounded by some of Defence Minister Margarita Robles origins to manage a society that is ABIDJAN: A machine-gun attack on the home of Seini founder Pablo Iglesias, who did not Iglesias’ closest allies, including his the right’s “favorite minister”. Diaz, “suffering a lot and is resentful”. Oumarou, president of the National Assembly in Niger, attend the gathering in a gesture to partner, Equality Minister Irene however, has shown herself to be Having two at the top “is going to killed one of his guards and seriously wounded a sec- show that he no longer exerts any Montero, with whom she studied psy- more conciliatory. be quite complicated” in that ond, the authorities said Saturday. The attack, which influence over the party he estab- chology at university. A former lawyer and Communist Belarra will want to have “a very happened overnight Friday to Saturday, was carried out lished in 2014. But Belarra has the full activist whose father was a well- strong and well-controlled party, by two men on a motorbike, Osseini Salatou, an advisor blessing of Iglesias, who decided to Very different approaches known union leader, she has negotiat- and not leave room for Yolanda Diaz to Oumarou, told journalists. “They machine-gunned the withdraw from politics following a From yesterday, the two ministers ed with employers and unions to set to do things her way”, said political guards (posted in front of his home) killing one of them” crushing defeat to the right in the will share the party leadership. And up a furlough scheme that has been scientist Jose Ignacio Torreblanca. “I and seriously wounding the other, he added. Niger’s May 4 regional elections in Madrid. although both are outspoken feminists critical for avoiding mass layoffs dur- don’t know if Belarra will be able to interior ministry confirmed the attack in a statement Running against two unknown candi- and share a passion for addressing ing the pandemic. In a recent speech get the upper hand over Yolanda Saturday evening, adding that the two attackers had dates, Belarra was the overwhelming wage insecurity, they have very differ- to Podemos MPs, Diaz called for Diaz” who has “her own image and tried unsuccessfully to drive off a 4x4 vehicle parked in favorite in the week-long vote. But ent approaches. Belarra takes a more “calm and composure” in the face of ideas”, he added. The main “fight” front of the building before leaving the scene. —AFP although she takes the helm, it will be Labour Minister Yolanda Diaz, 50, confrontational style, and has not held the anxiety generated by “Twitter will be over who drafts the program who will head the list for Podemos back from highlighting the differences politics” where the party has tradi- for the next general elections and and its allies in the next general elec- between Podemos and the Socialists tionally been very belligerent. And she the choice of candidates who will be in government, such as branding Clashes after Tunisia demo tions, due by January 2024. urged a return to its anti-austerity on the party list. —AFP

TUNIS : Youths clashed with officers again Saturday evening, hours after a demonstration in the Tunisian cap- extended family was much larger than we could have ital, Tunis, to protest police violence following the latest Canada pays final ever imagined.” Another speaker at the event, Sajid Ali death of a man arrested by police. In the working class Mohamed, noted that the attack on the Muslim family district of Sidi Hassine, several dozen young people has been described as terrorism, instead of being blamed threw projectiles, including fireworks, at police near the homage to family on mental illness. “If it’s not a turning point, at least it’s a station, an AFP reporter witnessed. Police responded nudge in the right direction,” he said. The funeral cortege with tear gas. The district has been rocked by angry killed in truck attack then headed to a cemetery-as people lined the route in a protests since Tuesday, when the man died after being show of solidarity-for the private burial of Salman Afzaal, arrested by police on suspicion of dealing drugs, LONDON, Canada: Several hundred people gathered in 46, his wife Madiha, 44, their daughter Yumna, 15 and according to local media. His family has accused the London, Ontario on Saturday to pay homage to a Salman’s mother Talat, 74. Many people wore either police of having beaten him to death and the authorities Muslim family deliberately mowed down by the driver of green ribbons, in support of the Muslim community, or have opened an investigation, but the interior ministry a pick-up truck, in an attack that has shocked Canadians mauve ones, Yumna’s favorite color. denied Thursday that he had died from ill treatment fol- and which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau denounced as lowing his arrest. —AFP “terrorist.” Four members of the Afzaal family-a man and ‘Hate kills’ his wife, their teenage daughter and his mother-were out The attack has badly shaken the Muslim community LONDON, Canada: Mourners and supporters gather for for a walk in their London neighborhood Sunday when a and other Canadians as well. Numerous vigils and a public funeral for members of the Afzaal family at 20-year-old man in a black pickup truck drove into them solemn commemorations have taken place across the Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario in London, Canada. —AFP Pope prays for famine-hit Tigray on purpose, according to authorities. A fifth family mem- Canada in recent days. On Friday, several thousand peo- ber, a nine-year-old boy, was seriously injured. ple joined in an ecumenical walk through the streets of ROME: Pope Francis yesterday offered his prayers to On Saturday, hundreds of people filled a large park- London, which is home to some 30,000 Muslims. Many understand this phenomenon,” he added in excerpts the people of Ethiopia’s conflict-wracked Tigray region, ing lot and a football field next to the London Islamic bore posters reading “We are all human” or “Hate kills.” of the interview released ahead of its broadcast yes- which has been hit by famine. “I am particularly close to center, where a private ceremony was held, to join in a People also paid homage Friday in Quebec City, where a terday. Twenty-year-old Nathaniel Veltman, who has the people of the Tigray region in Ethiopia, struck by a public remembrance around the family’s four caskets, January 2017 mosque shooting claimed six lives. The lat- no criminal record and no known link to any extremist serious humanitarian crisis which exposes the poorest each covered with a Canadian flag. “The very fact that est attack has fueled debate about the prevalence of group, has been charged in the attack with four to famine,” he said during his Angelus prayer. “Today their coffins are draped in the beautiful Canadian flag is Islamophobia in Canada and, within the Muslim commu- counts of first-degree murder and one of attempted there is famine, there is hunger. Let us pray together a testimony of the fact that the entire Canadian nation nity heightened fears that outward signs of religious murder. for an immediate end to the violence, for everyone to stands with them,” Pakistan’s ambassador to Canada, affiliation can make a person a target. In an interview Police say the attack was planned and motivated by be guaranteed food and health assistance, and for the Raza Bashir Tarar, told the crowd. The ceremony, with with the CBC network, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran hatred, and have not ruled out adding terrorism-related return as soon as possible of social harmony.” The UN brief remarks and prayers, was broadcast live on major Khan said the attack had shocked people across charges. Trudeau has promised to step up the fight has said that over 90 percent of the more than five Canadian networks. Pakistan. against extremist groups. Following the attack, Canadian million people in the Tigray region need emergency “We are not alone in our grief,” said Ali Islam, an He called on the international community to take deputies adopted a nonbinding resolution, introduced by food aid, and has urgently appealed for more than uncle of Madiha Salman, one of the victims. He stressed action against “hate websites which create hatred the left-leaning New Democratic Party, calling for a $200 million to scale up its response. —AFP that the outpouring of support “has been the first step amongst human beings.” “Some international leaders, national summit on Islamophobia this summer-as many towards finding a way to heal.” “We realized that our or leaders in the Western countries, actually don’t Canadian Muslim organizations have demanded. —AFP

party to be co-led by Baerbock, who is to be the in the last state election in 2016. In addition, inaccuracies on her CV that have German Greens candidate for chancellor, and Robert Habeck. Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) scored a since been corrected undermined the Green’s Baerbock, 40, was clearly relieved at the result, and resounding win with 37 percent of the vote, pushing message of improved transparency. Comments by voiced regret for “errors” that had “really bothered” the far-right AfD into a distant second place with 21 Habeck on a visit to Kiev last month that back weakened her and which have weakened support for the envi- percent. The strong outcome put wind in the sails of appeared to back supplying arms to Ukraine ronmental party ahead of general elections sched- CDU leader Armin Laschet, Baerbock’s main oppo- added to negative headlines, even though he leader Baerbock uled for September 26. nent to run Europe’s top economy after 16 years quickly rowed them back. Green proposals for She thanked party delegates for providing a “tail with Merkel at the helm. A national poll this week by hiking petrol prices and cutting back domestic BERLIN: Members of the German Greens party on wind, especially after the headwind of recent public television station ARD had the CDU at 28 flights in favor of rail and bus connections have Saturday officially nominated Annalena Baerbock as weeks”. A week ago, the party was hammered in a percent, while the Greens slipped by six points from also gone down badly in some quarters. Senior their candidate to replace Chancellor Angela regional vote in Saxony-Anhalt as its focus on cli- the previous month to 20 percent. Baerbock is held Green officials admit it will now be an uphill battle Merkel, despite recent setbacks and slip-ups that mate protection failed to resonate with electors in responsible in large part for the drop, owing to her to counter conservative bids to paint them as a Baerbock herself acknowledged. Green delegates Germany’s poorest state. The Greens garnered just failure to declare to parliament a bonus she had party for latte-sipping, electric vehicle-driving voted by a huge majority of 98.5 percent for the six percent of the vote, less than a point higher than received from the party. urbanites. —AFP Established 1961 7 Monday, June 14, 2021 International Myanmar’s anti-junta movement shows viral support for Rohingya Activists, civilians take to social media in posts tagged ‘#Black4Rohingya’

YANGON: Anti-junta protesters flooded cry from previous years, when even using the term Myanmar’s social media with pictures of themselves “Rohingya” was a lightning rod for controversy. In wearing black yesterday in a show of solidarity for 2017, a bloody military campaign in Myanmar’s the Rohingya, a minority group that is among the west sent some 740,000 Rohingya fleeing across most persecuted in the country. Since the military the border into Bangladesh carrying accounts of ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi from power rape, mass killings and arson. The military has long in a February 1 coup, an anti-junta movement claimed the crackdown was justified to root out demanding a return to democracy has grown to insurgents, and Suu Kyi also defended the army’s include fighting for ethnic minority rights. conduct by travelling to the Hague to rebut charges The mostly Muslim Rohingya-long viewed as of genocide at the UN’s top court. interlopers from Bangladesh by many in Myanmar- The Myanmar public was largely unsympathetic have for decades been denied citizenship, rights, to the Rohingya’s plight, while activists and journal- access to services and freedom of movement. ists reporting on the issues faced vitriolic abuse Activists and civilians took to social media yes- online. Prominent Europe-based Rohingya activist terday to post pictures of themselves wearing black Ro Nay San Lwin told AFP the online campaign is a and flashing a three-finger salute of resistance, in yearly effort to raise awareness-but Sunday was posts tagged “#Black4Rohingya”. “the first time” he had seen it go viral in Myanmar. “Justice must (be) served for each of you and “I am so happy to see those inside Myanmar each of us in Myanmar,” said prominent rights joined this campaign. I am more hopeful to have a activist Thinzar Shunlei Yi on Twitter. Local media stronger solidarity from them,” he said. A recent also showed a small protest in Myanmar’s commer- announcement from the shadow “National Unity cial hub Yangon, with black-clad demonstrators Government”-made up of ousted lawmakers work- holding signs in Burmese that said they were ing to topple the junta-has also extended an olive “protesting for the oppressed Rohingya”. By after- branch to the minority group, inviting them to “join noon, the #Black4Rohingya hashtag was trending hands... to participate in this Spring Revolution”. on Twitter in Myanmar, with more than 180,000 The NUG has been branded as “terrorists” by mentions. the military regime, while junta leader Min Aung YANGON: Protesters make the three-finger salute as they take part in a flash mob demonstration against the Yesterday’s show of support from the mostly Hlaing has dismissed the word “Rohingya” as “an military coup in Yangon yesterday. —AFP Buddhist, ethnic Bamar-majority population is a far imaginary term”. —AFP

Mia’s mother had lost custody of her daughter Malaysia deports and was no longer allowed to see her alone or speak with her on the telephone. Investigators believe Daillet, known to police as a proponent of conspiracy theorist extremist conspiracy theories and a populist Moscow announces takeover of the state, may have helped organise the wanted in France abduction. car raffle to boost Yesterday, Daillet, his partner and the children were taken under tight security to Kuala Lumpur KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia yesterday deported a airport and put on a flight to Singapore, a source leading figure in conspiracy circles who is wanted vaccination drive familiar with the case, who spoke on condition of in France over the kidnapping of an eight-year-old anonymity, told AFP. Once they arrive in Singapore, MOSCOW: Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin girl, sources told AFP. they will board an Air France flight later in the day said yesterday that residents of the Russian Remy Daillet, his pregnant partner and three for Paris, the source said. “All of them are in good children were arrested late last month on the holi- capital who get their first coronavirus jab will health,” the source added. day island of Langkawi over their residency status. now take part in a lottery to win a car. A legal source, who declined to be identified, VILLEMUR-SUR-TARN, HAUTE-GARONNE, France : The Frenchman and his family were deported from The move comes as authorities seek to also confirmed that the group “have been deported Midi-Pyrenees region leader Remy Daillet-Wiedemann Kuala Lumpur International Airport and are by immigration”. French prosecutors in April issued takes part in a “Greve du Froid” outside the Molex speed up Russia’s vaccination drive that has expected to arrive in France early today. an international arrest warrant for Daillet, who had plant in Villemur-sur-Tarn, to protest against the clos- stagnated while new infections in Moscow The girl, identified as Mia, was taken in mid- been living in Malaysia for several years. ing of the auto-parts manufacturer site. Malaysia yes- and across the country are on the rise. “From April from her grandmother’s home in France by But he was detained over his residency status, terday deported Daillet. —AFP June 14 until July 11, 2021, citizens who get several men employed by their mother. Six men making the process of deportation quicker. Daillet and the mother were indicted over the abduction their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine will is a former regional leader of France’s centrist following an intense five-day search that ended in There was absolutely no kidnapping.” become participants in a car lottery,” MoDem party before he was excluded in 2010. Switzerland. According to some of the men, the In earlier videos he has supported the idea of a Sobyanin announced on his website. Every After the abduction, Daillet posted a video in which mother’s associates were activists who believe coup d’etat and voiced opposition to taxes, vac- he said that his organization “returns children kid- week five cars will be raffled out, each worth that children in care are unfairly taken from their cines and masks. Mia was returned to her grand- napped by the state to parents, at their request. around 1 million rubles ($13,900). parents. mother’s care. —AFP “But of course the main gain for those who get vaccinated cannot be compared to any car-it is their own health and peace of mind,” Fujimori clings to Sobyanin said. The mayor-who was vaccinat- ed with Russia’s Sputnik V in May last year- fraud claim in Peru added that two days ago he got a booster jab and “feels well”. as vote tally nears end Sobyanin sounded the alarm over the LIMA: Right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori insist- spike in cases earlier this week and ed Saturday that Peru’s presidential election was announced the reopening of field hospitals marred by fraud, as final vote counting dragged on and introduced a “non-working” week until with her leftist rival slightly ahead. June 20. “There was fraud in the voting process. There All non-essential workers will be out of was manipulation in the voting process,” Fujimori office but will retain their salary. However, said in a briefing with foreign reporters without they have not been ordered to stay at home. providing evidence, as her chances of becoming president seemed to narrow, six days after people The mayor also reintroduced a curfew for in politically turbulent Peru cast ballots. bars and restaurants that bans them from She alleged there was fraud in the counting of serving customers between 11:00 pm and votes, too. “I am going to recognize the results but 6:00 am. A government tally reported 7,704 we have to wait until the end,” said Fujimori. She new virus cases in Moscow yesterday, a six- says irregularities in the vote count favored her month high. leftist rival Pedro Castillo, who is ahead by a slim Despite introducing a strict lockdown 51,000 votes, with 99.88 percent of the votes counted. after the pandemic swept across Russia last Fujimori risks imminent trial on corruption spring, authorities lifted most restrictions by charges if she loses to Castillo, who has already mid-summer in an effort to protect the cast himself as the victor. Political commentators LIMA: Supporters of leftist presidential candidate Pedro Castillo of Peru Libre display a giant national flag dur- struggling economy. Russia started its mass say with Castillo apparently poised to win, Fujimori ing a rally in downtown Lima Saturday while electoral authorities continue to review allegations of electoral vaccination campaign in December, with the is trying to sow doubt about the legitimacy of the fraud made by right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori of Fuerza Popular. —AFP homegrown vaccine Sputnik V-touted by election so as not to look like the loser and salvage Russian President Vladimir Putin as the best her political image. “She is clinging to the fraud don between them to prevent clashes; and in oth- As in Peru’s three previous presidential elec- in the world-that is free and widely avail- claim because if she does not, everything she has er cities around the country. tions, the tail-end of vote counting has been slow accomplished comes tumbling down. It is her way due to delays in delivering ballots from rural and able in Moscow. Since the registration of of avoiding failure and collapse,” said Hugo Otero, Castillo called for cool heads to prevail. jungle areas, and from abroad-where one million of Sputnik V in August, Russia has approved who advised former president Alan Garcia. “Today is the moment that Peru needs serenity the country’s 25 million eligible voters live. three more vaccines for public use- Fujimori has asked election authorities to annul and needs coolness, not to fall into provocation, Whoever wins will lead a nation battered by reces- EpiVacCorona, CoviVac and the one-dose around 200,000 votes. The national election board since we are in a critical moment,” said the 51- sion and the world’s highest coronavirus death rate, Sputnik Light. on Friday announced a two-day extension of the year-old teacher. with more than 187,000 deaths among its 33 mil- Foreign-made vaccines are not available in deadline to file challenges to voting results, then lion population. Two million Peruvians lost their Russia. So far, 18 million people or 12 per- later backtracked. An election observation mission Three presidents in one week jobs during the pandemic and nearly a third now from the Organization of American States cast Peruvians voted last Sunday for their fifth live in poverty, official figures show. cent of the population has received at least doubt Friday on Fujimori’s rigging claims. president in three years after a series of crises On the campaign trail, Castillo said Peru’s one dose of a vaccine with polls showing that But it called on authorities to wait until chal- and corruption scandals saw three different lead- mining, oil and gas resources “must be national- a majority of Russians do not plan to get lenges to the vote had been resolved before call- ers in office in a single week last November, the ized” as he vowed to raise taxes and increase immunised. The Kremlin said Putin was vac- ing a winner. “The Mission has not detected seri- last one being the country’s caretaker leader state regulation. cinated against the coronavirus in private but ous irregularities,” the OAS mission said. Francisco Sagasti. Seven of the country’s last 10 Free-market defender Fujimori has sought to did not reveal which jab he used. —AFP Supporters of both candidates held rallies in Lima leaders have either been convicted or are under portray Castillo as a communist who would turn Saturday, with dozens of police setting up a cor- investigation for graft. Peru into a new Venezuela or North Korea. —AFP

efforts to tackle global challenges, German The G7 gathering of leading economies was Cornwall gathering, has been invited to visit Merkel says Biden Chancellor Angela Merkel said yesterday as Biden’s first as US president and touted as an the White House on July 15. The G7 summit the three-day summit wrapped up in Cornwall, opportunity to rebuild ties after the discord of was Merkel’s 15th and final one as German southwestern England. “It’s not like the world Donald Trump’s four years in power. The sum- chancellor. brought ‘new no longer has any problems because of the mit focused heavily on the pandemic fallout The veteran leader plans to step down after election of Joe Biden as US president,” Merkel and climate change. a general election in September. Asked momentum’ to G7 told reporters. “But we can work on solutions Merkel said Biden’s decision to bring the US whether she had been given any special to those problems with new momentum. And I back to the Paris agreement had made G7 cli- mementoes by her G7 peers to mark her swan CARBIS BAY, United Kingdom: US President think it’s very good that we have become more mate discussions “much easier”. Merkel, who song, Merkel said she had “received well- Joe Biden has brought “new momentum” to G7 concrete at this G7.” held one-on-one talks with Biden during the wishes, not gifts”. —AFP Established 1961

MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021 Business Marginal drop in Kuwait GDP due to decline in oil prices, pandemic CBK publishes 49th economic report for 2020

KUWAIT: Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait in support of individuals and of small and medium tions, transfers, and dif- Dr Mohammad Y Al-Hashel announced the publica- enterprises and companies negatively affected by the ferent types of state tion of the 49th issue of the Economic Report, pub- crisis, and to help the banking sector counter shocks subsidies) which take up lished annually by the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK). experienced in 2020, the CBK adjusted its instruc- the biggest portion of The 2020 Economic Report covers key economic tions and its macro-prudential instruments by reduc- public spending within developments, including the most recent data and ing regulatory ratio requirements in terms of liquidi- the State budget. The statistics available on various aspects of economic ty, capital adequacy, and lending ratios. This policy budget is also heavily performance in the State of Kuwait during said year. relaxation as well as the banks’ resilience, capitaliza- reliant on oil revenues, The report addresses these developments in six tion and liquidity, owing to prudent CBK monetary which make up almost parts, each covering a major topic in detail. and supervisory policies, enabled them to fulfill their 90 percent of revenues, The global economy suffered an exceptionally vital role in the economy and encouraged them to with oil exports also tough year due to the COVID-19 pandemic that extend more loans and financing. accounting for almost caused the worst economic shock in a century. 90 percent of exports of Precautionary and preventative measures went as far Exchange rate goods. The oil sector’s as total shut down of many economic activities in the As for the exchange rate, the Kuwaiti dinar contribution stands at Dr Mohammad Y Al-Hashel first and second waves of the pandemic, putting a remained relatively stable against main currencies about 45 percent of hard stop to a considerable portion of economic within its peg to a special weighted basket of curren- GDP, which indicates its continued dominance and activity locally and abroad, shocking supply and cies of Kuwait’s main trade and finance partners. influence over all facets of the Kuwaiti economy and demand. Due to the pandemic and its serious ramifi- Stimulatory monetary policy interventions and CBK augments the risk of over-reliance on oil through its cations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) esti- prudential polices boosted confidence and warded fluctuating price. Additionally, long-term threat to mates that the global economy had retracted by 3.3 off credit crises, and also provided sufficient liquidity lowering demand for oil as world leaders are more percent in 2020 compared to a growth of 2.8 percent to support economic recovery. Indicators reflected seriously addressing climate change through several in 2019. As global and regional economies suffered the banking sector’s performance, most especially for measures including the issuance of new legislation recessions, a retraction in both global demand for oil the second half of 2020, with the credit awarded to regarding CO2 emissions, denoting compounded and in oil prices, directly or indirectly affected the private sector growing by end of year. The damage. On the one hand, such global trends threat- aspects of economic activity in the State of Kuwait. growth tempo in local liquidity levels for said year en the oil sector which contributes significantly to increased. Money Supply in the broad sense (M2) the GDP, and on the other, they pose a threat to GDP estimates went up 3.8 percent compared to its drop of 1.2 per- financial stability since Kuwaiti banks extend Initial estimates indicate that Gross Domestic cent the year before. Residents’ deposits with local immense facilities to oil sector projects and would low productivity and disguised unemployment. Product (GDP) at constant prices for the Sate of banks continued to make faster growth, going up 3.8 be negatively affected by any slump in the sector. Estimates suggest that for the next five years, Kuwait has dropped by an average of 9.9 percent in percent compared to 0.3 percent the year before. Therefore, the CBK’s credit and regulatory policies 100,000 more Kuwaiti nationals shall enter the job 2020 compared to an average growth of 0.4 percent And despite slower growth in the balance of local continue to aim at bolstering social and economic market, therefore the government sector would be in 2019. The value of GDP at current prices also credit in 2020, growth remained positive reaching 3.5 development while, at the same time, directing the unable to accommodate the majority of them. It is dropped by almost 23.2 percent, mainly driven by a percent despite the lockdown. The continued positive banking sector to set up buffers and reserves to off- accordingly necessary to address the salaries item drop in the average price of Kuwait’s Export Crude growth rate of credit facilities is undoubtedly indica- set exposure to the oil sector. as part of medium-term financial reform. The private (KEC) per barrel to $41.5 in 2020, slipping 35.2 per- tive of the efficacy of the CBK accommodative mon- sector has to play a bigger role with enhanced pub- cent. The inflation rate measured by the Consumer etary policy measures. Looking at the Current Private sector lic-private sector partnerships, as well as increased Price Index (CPI) came up to 2.1 percent in 2020 Account of the State of Kuwait’s Balance of Second among imbalances is the dominance of competitiveness and ability to create jobs. compared to an increase of 1.1 percent in 2019. Payments, the figures show a realized surplus of KD the government sector over economic activity and Privatization needs to be pushed ahead with to Available data also indicate a drop in the total popu- 6,849.9 million for the first three quarters of 2020, at limited contribution by the private sector in stimulat- enable the sector to become the main employer for lation by end of 2020 by 2.2 percent compared to a a drop of KD 390.6 million or 5.4 percent against the ing economic growth. Over the past decades, public nationals. The government sector meanwhile should growth of 3.3 percent at end of 2019. corresponding period of the previous year. spending remained at high levels and accelerated simplify the salaries and pay structure and ensure its In terms of monetary and banking developments The governor also noted that despite the strong further in recent years with marked leaps in current fairness and its compatibility among all State entities in 2020, Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) swiftly and indicators of banks’ financial soundness and their expenditures that went all the way up to 88 percent in a manner that does not cause nationals to shy decisively responded through monetary and pruden- ability to withstand shocks, evidenced by stress of overall actual expenditures in the 2019/2020 away from seeking private sector employment. tial policies since the onset of the pandemic. The tests conducted by the CBK in view of the pandem- budget. Government spending to GDP ratio came to Confronting all these immense challenges, we all Bank dedicated its efforts and resources to counter- ic, the Bank shall maintain its diligent supervision 52 percent, which is the highest within the GCC have to counter them through strongly founded con- act the negative effects of the pandemic, and did not and regulation of the banking and finance sector region and among the highest in the world as the solidated and harmonious efforts to bolster financial hesitate to utilize all tools at its disposal without while maintaining a prudent and flexible approach global average is 30-38 percent. However, this gen- and economic stability and realize sustainable abandoning its goals aimed at maintaining the atmos- allowing banks to remain able to provide high-effi- erous spending does not come with excellence or growth and prosperity for all. Unless serious and phere of monetary stability and financial stability. ciency and uninterrupted services to all sectors of efficiency in services and the quality public services impactful financial and economic reform measures The CBK adopted extraordinary accommodative the national economy. CBK will keep a vigilant eye still lags behind that seen in countries of comparable are taken, economic stability and sustainability policies to support sectors of the economy and help on developments in economic and banking condi- financial and economic conditions and level of public would be unattainable, and we would see the further them weather the storm, focusing on the need to pro- tions until the current crisis is overcome safely. The spending. A third imbalance is seen in the employ- lowering of sovereign credit ratings and deteriora- vide an environment that builds confidence in the Bank would continue to bolster monetary and finan- ment market where the majority of national staff is tion of the State’s economic and financial conditions. national economy and its ability to recover. The Bank cial stability, which are two vital conditions for real- employed with the government. This poses chal- This would further lead to higher cost to public took a swift pre-emptive monetary decision in March izing sustainable economic stability, though not suf- lenges for the government to create job opportuni- finances, should borrowing from external markets be 2020 lowering the Discount Rate to a historical low ficient on their own. ties for the ever-increasing numbers of nationals, opted for, and serious damage to a financial reputa- of 1.5 percent, followed with a reduction in the Repo In this respect, the CBK constantly stresses the which is in turn a result of the government sector’s tion that had been renowned for years. The lower Rate as well as monetary market intervention price. importance of speeding up implementation of overall dominance over economic activity. The government rating would also have an impact on the banking This resulted in a drop in all indicators of local inter- reform of the structural imbalances in the economy. sector alone employs 81 percent of the Kuwaiti sector in the country, which had long maintained est rates for 2020 compared to the year before. Most specifically, balance sheet imbalances with on- workforce, clearly causing budgetary inflation and high credit ratings supported by the State’s sover- On the supervision and banking regulation front, going expenditures (including workers remunera- further spreading bureaucracy, poor performance, eign credit rating.

ment accounts for small businesses, on Airline industry More US finance Monday announced an agreement with Coinbase that allows clients to invest up to giants tiptoe into five percent of their balances in cryptocur- sees long-term rencies. Investment bank Morgan Stanley in March said it would allow wealthier clients rebound for sector crypto assets to invest in bitcoin funds, while Goldman Sachs recently established a team dedicated PARIS: After flying into the financial turbulence NEW YORK: Investing in bitcoin and other to trading cryptocurrencies. The chief exec- of the COVID pandemic, the airline sector digital currencies remains a risky game utives of Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Bank of expects passenger traffic to take off despite where the rules could change significantly, America said at a congressional hearing in concerns about the industry’s impact on climate but the payoff could be big. In response to late May that they are approaching the change. In its latest look at trends for the sector, this dilemma, several leading US financial cryptocurrency landscape with caution. the International Air Transport Association heavyweights are staying on the sidelines, Fidelity Investments, which established a (IATA) said it doesn’t expect world air traffic to while an increasing number are proceeding digital assets division in 2018 to execute resume to its pre-pandemic level before 2023. cautiously into the growing world of crypto cryptocurrency trades for hedge funds and But over 20 years, air traffic should almost assets. “My own personal advice to people: other institutional investors, filed papers double, from 4.5 billion passengers in 2019 to Stay away from it,” JPMorgan Chase Chief with US securities regulators for a bitcoin 8.5 billion in 2039. That is, however, a drop of Executive Jamie Dimon said recently, before exchange traded fund (ETF). The move one billion passengers from IATA’s pre-crisis adding, “That does not mean the clients don’t could potentially expand cryptocurrency forecast. Nevertheless that will be good news expected in Asia and the Middle East, the con- took off in Sweden in 2018 to challenge the want it.” JPMorgan, the biggest US bank by investments to a broader range of individual for aircraft manufacturers, who slowed down sulting firm Oliver Wyman said in a recent study. growing popularity of air travel, which had assets, is currently assessing how it can help investors. production during the crisis as airlines can- boomed in Europe thanks to budget airlines that clients transact in cryptocurrency, Dimon celled orders to stay financially afloat. Airbus ‘Flight shaming’ made weekend getaways across the continent said last month at the bank’s annual meeting. Tougher rules ahead? has already announced it plans to step up the Airbus delivered 19 percent of its planes to affordable to a wider public. In 2019, air traffic Formerly something of an investment Still, many financial players are reluctant manufacturing cadence of its best-selling A320 China, more than the United States, and this declined by four percent in Sweden-but it hit a sideshow dominated by computer geeks, to dive into an investment realm associated single-aisle aircraft and should reach a record trend is not expected to change. In many emerg- record across Europe, according to the air traffic cryptocurrencies are sparking greater inter- with black markets that has sparked interest level already in 2023. ing countries where the middle class is expand- control body Eurocontrol. EHESS’s Ivaldi est among mainstream investors after a big from US and global regulators. Boeing, for its part, forecasts that airlines will ing air travel is becoming possible for more and believes flight shaming will have little long-term jump in bitcoin prices in 2020 and early There is also remarkable volatility, with need 43,110 new aircraft through 2039, which more people. “Among Asia’s emerging nations, impact. “Someone who makes one flight per year 2021. On Thursday, the venerable giant State bitcoin beginning 2021 at around $30,000 will result in a near doubling of the global fleet. one of the greatest aspirational goals is simply in a plane, do you really believe that they will say Street announced the creation of a new dig- and hitting $63,000 in April before falling Asia alone will account for 40 percent of that the ability to fly internationally,” said the Center that it is too polluting and give it up?” he said. ital finance division. On Wednesday, the back to $34,000 in June. “Speculators and demand. As with the September 11 attacks or the for Aviation (CAPA). But countries like Sweden have begun to head of online trading firm Interactive those suffering from FOMO (the ‘fear of global financial crisis of 2007-2009, “the indus- “It is a sign of social and economic maturity reintroduce night trains to give travellers greener Brokers vowed to establish online trading of missing out’) will surely continue to flock to try will prove resilient again,” Darren Hulst, vice and permits experiences which were unthinkable options to travel. France, which is boosting its cryptocurrencies on the platform by the end cryptos in the hopes of achieving huge president of marketing at Boeing, said last year. for their parents.” It noted that these people night trains, is also cutting domestic flights when of the summer. Like its rivals Charles returns,” said Ian Gendler of research firm Marc Ivaldi, research director at the Paris- were unlikely to share the growing sentiment it is possible to make the journey by train in Schwab and Fidelity, Interactive Brokers Value Line. But Gendler urges clients to based School for Advanced Studies in the Social among some people in the West towards reduc- under two and a half hours. Ivaldi believes that to does not now offer bitcoin trading on its avoid cryptocurrency investments, citing the Sciences, noted that only one percent of the ing air travel to reduce one’s carbon footprint. be a largely empty gesture as fast trains have platform, although it does give clients the elevated risk and the lack of a tangible asset population currently uses air travel. “With the “For these new would-be flyers, the whole already taken most of the market on such routes. option to invest in some assets that include compared with putting money into com- simple demographic rise and the fact that people concept of ‘flight shaming’ at a grass roots level The air sector has pledged to cut its carbon cryptocurrencies or bitcoin futures. modities or a company. Bitcoin and other become richer there will be rising demand for air is grossly alien,” said CAPA. “Consequently, in emissions in half by 2050 from their level in Investors who want to trade bitcoin can cur- digital money is also not backed by govern- travel and thus for aircraft,” he said. If the Asia flight shaming is unlikely to gain much trac- 2005. Airlines have an economic incentive to do rently turn to Robinhood or the cryptocur- ments, he noted. “Cryptocurrencies are only biggest aircraft fleets are currently in the United tion,” it added. so, as adopting more fuel efficient planes rency specialist Coinbase. worth what the next investor is willing to States and Europe, the biggest increases are The “flight shaming” or “flygskam” movement reduces operating costs. —AFP ForUsAll, a platform that manages retire- pay,” he said. —AFP Established 1961 9 Monday, June 14, 2021 Business Switzerland on course to reject synthetic pesticide ban proposal Idyllic image of Alpine pastures ruptured by fiery campaign debates

GENEVA: Switzerland seemed on course yesterday become the first nation in the world to turn its home- would also be limited. Environmentalists and the politi- to reject proposals to make it the first European coun- grown food and farmers 100 percent organic. cal left backed both initiatives. try to ban synthetic pesticides following a campaign Switzerland’s national vote on two anti-pesticide The Swiss government called for a double “No” that saw the idyllic image of peaceful Swiss Alpine proposals was the culmination of a campaign marked vote, arguing that the proposals would undermine pastures ruptured by fiery debates. by heated arguments between farmers. The campaign national food sovereignty. Drought-hit Jordan Polling stations closed at midday (1000 GMT) and boiled over in the western Vaud region when arsonists market researchers GFS Bern projected that 61 per- torched a trailer in a field displaying banners calling Anti-terror laws backed to build Red Sea cent of voters had followed the government’s advice for a “No” vote, triggering fury. Under Switzerland’s direct democracy system, ref- and said no to the publically-proposed initiatives. Meanwhile farmers in the “Yes” campaign say they erendums and popular votes occur every few months at national, regional and local levels. Any idea from the desalination plant public can be put to a national vote as long as it gath- ers 100,000 signatures from the 8.6 million popula- AMMAN: Jordan said yesterday it plans to tion. Meanwhile, 50,000 signatures are needed to build a Red Sea desalination plant operating trigger a referendum on new laws agreed by parlia- within five years, to provide the mostly-desert ment. The new anti-terror laws saw the UN and and drought-hit kingdom with critical drinking Amnesty warning that the extended police powers to water. The cost of the project is estimated at prevent future attacks threatened Switzerland’s her- “around $1 billion”, ministry of water and irri- itage as a human rights leader. gation spokesman Omar Salameh said, adding The laws allow the police to take preventative that the plant would be built in the Gulf of action more easily when faced with a “potential terror- Aqaba, in southern Jordan. ist”. If police believe that someone over the age of 12 is The plant is expected to produce 250-300 contemplating violent actions, the law allows them to million cubic meters of potable water per year, conduct greater surveillance, limit their movements and should be ready for operation in 2025 or and oblige them to face questioning. And with a court 2026, Salameh said. “It will cover the need for order, they can also place anyone over the age of 15 under house arrest for up to nine months. drinking water (in Jordan) for the next two The country has so far been spared the large-scale centuries,” he said, adding that the desalinated attacks seen in its European neighbors, but the author- water would be piped from Aqaba on the Red ities nonetheless insist the threat level is high. Sea to the rest of the country. Jordan is one of the world’s most water- COVID and CO2 deficient countries and experts say the coun- The referendum on COVID-19 laws seems set to try, home to 10 million people, is now in the pass comfortably. Any emergency measures intro- grip of one of the most severe droughts in its duced by the government-as with its moves to combat history. the pandemic-are time-limited and therefore need Thirteen international consortiums have firming up if they are to continue. put in bids, and the government will chose The COVID laws also regulate financial aid granted five of them by July, Salameh said. BASEL: People queue at a ballot station yesterday in Basel as Switzerland votes a series of hot topics: anti-terror meas- to individuals and businesses, including compensation Desalinating water is a major drain of energy, ures, COVID-19 laws and proposals to protect the environment through banning synthetic pesticides. — AFP for loss of income, and support for cultural organiza- and the companies must suggest how to run tions. Environmental protection was also at stake in a the plant in Jordan, which does not have referendum on new carbon dioxide laws. GFS Bern major oil reserves. Last month Salameh told Meanwhile GFS Bern said 61 percent also seem set to have been the victims of insults, threats and intimida- predicted the outcome was too close to call within the AFP that Jordan needs about 1.3 billion cubic have approved a COVID-19 law that would extend tion. The first popular initiative, entitled “For a margin of error. meters of water per year. government powers to fight the pandemic and mitigate Switzerland free from synthetic pesticides”, called for The law would use tax policy to cut greenhouse gas But the quantities available are around its consequences on society and the economy. a domestic ban within 10 years, and the outlawing of emissions by 50 percent of 1990 levels by 2030 — 850 to 900 million cubic meters, with the The pollsters predicted that 57 percent had imported foodstuffs produced using such pesticides. including financial incentives to install charging points shortfall “due to low rainfall, global warming, approved controversial sweeping new police powers Under the second initiative, “For clean drinking water for electric vehicles and to market vehicles that con- population growth and successive refugee to combat terrorism, despite warnings from the United and healthy food”, only farms that do not use pesti- sume less fuel. It would also increase the tax on fuel oil inflows”, he said. This year, the reserves of Nations and Amnesty International. cides and use antibiotics only to treat sick animals and natural gas, as well as introduce a tax on outbound key drinking water dams have reached criti- The results are expected to be known by the end of would be eligible for government subsidies. flight tickets. Opponents say the measures would be cal levels, many now a third of their normal day. No major country has so far banned man-made The amount of liquid manure being used on fields, expensive and mainly affect people on low and middle capacity. — AFP pesticides. Bhutan announced in 2012 that it wanted to and thereby potentially entering the water system, incomes. —AFP 10 Established 1961 Monday, June 14, 2021 Business US Fed expected to stand its ground despite rising inflation Powell hints Fed will hold the line on its massive bond buying program

WASHINGTON: Even in the face of rising infla- COVID-19 crisis as businesses rushed to reopen. pool shrinks permanently in the wake of the pan- tion, the lackluster progress on restoring jobs lost But the process has been bumpy and other coun- demic. “No one knows if people are going to go during the pandemic means the US Federal tries have not kept pace, creating a shortage of back to work or not,” Swinton told AFP. “So their Reserve is unlikely to budge on monetary policy supplies and workers. focus on making sure the employment recovery is when it meets next week. Central bank chief That in turn has sent prices surging, with the strong is more important than inflation.” That has Jerome Powell has made it clear the Fed will hold consumer price index hitting a 13-year high of been Powell’s stance: downplaying inflation fears the line on its massive bond buying program and five percent in May compared to the same month while stressing the importance of allowing the rock-bottom lending rates until data reflect last- in 2020. While Fed officials have repeatedly economy to grow fast enough that even low wage ing improvement in employment across all eco- offered reassurances that the increase is mostly workers can find jobs. nomic strata. due to temporary issues-used car prices alone But the recent surge in inflation in the world’s make up the bulk of the rise-some financial mar- New forecasts largest economy is ramping up the pressure on ket players have begun to sound the alarm, as While the official unemployment rate fell to 5.8 policymakers to begin to pull back on stimulus have Republicans opposed to President Joe percent in May, unemployment for Black programs. Hints of whether central bankers will Biden’s spending plans. Americans remains much higher at 9.1 percent, buckle may be seen next week when the Fed’s “We should all be very concerned,” and more than seven million of the jobs lost dur- WASHINGTON: In this file photo, Federal Reserve Chair policy-setting Federal Open Markets Committee Republican Senator Pat Toomey tweeted last ing the pandemic still have not been restored. Jerome Powell listens during a Senate Banking Committee (FOMC) holds its two-day policy meeting. week. “The labor market recovery since the end of last hearing on Capitol Hill, in Washington, DC. —AFP “No good deed goes unpunished and that is “It’s long overdue for the Fed to begin the year has been solid, but it remains far from a the case with the rapid reopening of the econo- process of normalizing its monetary policy.” broad-based and inclusive one,” Kathy Bostjancic hints about the taper plans in August at an annual my,” economist Joel Naroff said in an analysis. Omari Swinton, chair of the Howard University of Oxford Economics said. central bank conference in Jackson Hole, “The upside is that growth is soaring. The down- economics department, said with businesses find- Even if the Fed’s policy remains unchanged, Wyoming. The FOMC at this meeting also will side is that consumer inflation is surging, and ing it hard to fill open positions as they reopen, Powell could reassure the world that the central release the latest quarterly forecasts of the 17 labor problems are pressuring businesses.” or competing with the $1,000 signing bonus bank will be vigilant about inflation, and he might committee members, which are expected to reflect offered by major US employer Amazon, wage and signal they are “talking about talking about” the the improved economic outlook, and show a medi- Focus on jobs price inflation are legitimate concerns. right time to begin to slow purchases of assets, an projection for one interest rate hike in 2023. With widespread vaccinations in recent But the “systemic” issue of the worker short- which have pumped cash into the economy In the last Summary of Economic Projections months and massive government aid, the US age is the more important target of the Fed’s poli- throughout the crisis. (SEP) in March, no increase in the benchmark bor- economy has come roaring back from the cy deliberations, he said, especially if the labor Many economists expect Powell to give clearer rowing rate was expected through 2023. —AFP

test and plan to study abroad. needs and meet their NBK offers customers On this occasion, Yousef Alawadhi, Consumer expectations. Banking Group at National Bank of Kuwait said: “We On the other side, NBK 20% discount on English are keen to support the Kuwaiti youth and develop sponsors various social ini- Rare earth metals their skills, as part of our commitment to our social tiatives aiming to develop courses at British Council responsibility, believing that enhancing the skills of the the skills of the youth in line at heart of China’s youth is a key pillar in our efforts to achieve sustain- with its consistent support KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) is commit- able growth.” of Kuwait National rivalry with US, Europe ted to provide its customers with exclusive offers that “We constantly communicate with our customers Development Plan, which suit the needs of their different segments. In this con- from the youth to identify their needs and introduce accentuates empowering WASHINGTON: What if China were to cut off the text, and in a step showing the special attention given offers that suit their lifestyle, in partnership with lead- the youth and developing United States and Europe from access to rare min- to customers from the youth, NBK offered a 20 per- ing institutions in all fields,” he added. education, reflecting the erals that are essential to electric vehicles, wind tur- cent discount on all English language courses at the Alawadhi mentioned that recently, there is a signifi- bank’s belief that the youth Yousef Alawadhi bines and drones? British Council in Kuwait for its Al-Shabab Package cantly growing interest in Al-Shabab Package are Kuwait’s most valuable At a time of frequent geopolitical friction among Customers. Account, thanks to the services provided by the bank resource and the key driver those three powers, Washington and Brussels want NBK Customers from the holders of NBK Al- to its customers of this age group, as well as the of national development. One of the key initiatives to avoid this scenario by investing in the market for Shabab Debit or Prepaid Card are eligible for this dis- remarkable excellence of its digital services and sponsored by NBK in this regard is “Tamakan” pro- 17 minerals with unique properties that today are count on all English language courses provided by the advanced payment solutions. NBK strives to provide gram, which aims to develop the personal skills of the largely extracted and refined in China. “The expect- British Council till 31 December 2021. its customers from the youth with an exceptional Kuwaiti youth to enable them navigate their way into ed exponential growth in demand for minerals that Through this offer, Al-Shabab Package Customers banking experience combining a package of cutting- the labor market, as well as motivate them to explore are linked to clean energy is putting more pressure can improve their English language skills to help them edge digital services and payment solutions, and a their inherent potentials, and unleash the creativity of on US and Europe to take a closer look at where pursue their educational goals, prepare for the IELTS rewards program and exclusive offers that satisfy their young cadres. the vulnerabilities are and the concrete steps these governments can take,” said Jane Nakano, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. NBK Money Markets Report In 2019, the United States imported 80 percent of its rare earth minerals from China, the US tained its commitment to purchasing 1.85 trillion billion, while reiterating that the pace of purchas- Geological Survey says. The European Union gets Global stocks reach of bonds until March 2022 as part of its Pandemic es will decline alongside the recovery. In April, 98 percent of its supply from China, the European Emergency Purchase Program (PEPP), and kept the BOC had taken the first step among major Commission said last year. interest rates unchanged as widely expected. economies to reduce the emergency levels of Amid the transition to green energy in which all-time highs However, the monetary policy announcement pro- monetary stimulus, hailing a stronger-than- rare earth minerals are sure to play a role, China’s market dominance is enough to sound an alarm in vided no insight regarding tapering after upgrad- expected recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. western capitals. despite inflation ing its inflation and growth projections for 2021 The bank scaled back its weekly purchases by a and 2022. Similar to the US Fed, ECB President quarter billion, and another taper is expected on Christine Lagarde sees the increase in inflation as the July 14th meeting. For the next two years, Cars and turbines KUWAIT: US consumer prices accelerated at transitory. “Inflation has picked up over recent three rate hikes are fully priced in which would Rare earth minerals with names like neodymium, their fastest pace in 13 years, with the consumer months, largely on account of base effects, transi- leave Canada with one of the highest policy rates praseodymium and dysprosium are crucial to the price index rising 5 percent year-on-year versus tory factors and an increase in energy prices. It is among advanced economies. The central bank did manufacture of magnets used in industries of the expectations of a 4.7 percent gain. The reading expected to rise further in the second half of the not comment on pushing back against further future like wind turbines and electric cars. And they represents the biggest CPI gain since August are already present in consumer goods such as year, before declining as temporary factors fade gains in the Canadian dollar, though acknowl- 2008 when CPI saw a 5.3 percent y/y increase, smartphones, computer screens and telescopic out,” Lagarde said at the following press confer- edged the climb alongside commodity prices. So just before the financial crisis led the US into a lenses. Others have more traditional uses, like ceri- ence. Following the highly anticipated meeting, the far this year, the Canadian dollar is up 4.67 per- recession. Looking at the core figure, prices rose um for glass polishing and lanthanum for car cata- euro traded lower against all major currencies. cent against the USD. lysts or optical lenses. 3.8 percent y/y, the most since 1992. Nevertheless, Federal Reserve officials believe This week the US Senate passed a law aimed at Inflation worries Prices remain in range the rise is due to temporary factors, and high fig- improving American competitiveness that includes Looking at the data, prices have outpaced the Oil prices initially fell following the US inflation ures are distorted due to yearly comparisons provisions to improve critical minerals supply ECBs 2 percent target for the first time since data, though later recovered with Brent crude when economic activity was restricted due to chains, following a similar executive order issued by 2018. Eurozone inflation rose 2 percent in May ending the week 1.6 percent higher at $72.65 a COVID-19 precautions. Today, price pressures President Joe Biden in February. Washington aims following 1.6 percent in April, fueling anxiety and barrel. Similar to oil, gold spiked lower as an ini- are continuing to build in an economy balancing a to boost production and processing of rare earths leaving investors disappointed with the ECBs tial reaction, falling below $1,880 an ounce. and lithium, another key mineral component, while rush of demand with shortages in material and avoidance of taper talk in its latest meeting. “working with allies and partners to increase sus- sometimes labor. Investors will watch closely for However, a 13.1 percent y/y rise in euro-zone IEA on oil demand tainable global supply and reduce reliance on the central bank’s monthly meeting this week energy prices was the largest factor driving the According to the International Energy Agency, geopolitical competitors,” Deputy Director of the after vice-chair Randal Quarles called for talks rise. Looking at the core figure which excludes oil demand is expected to exceed pre-COVID19 National Economic Council Sameera Fazili said about trimming the $120 billion of monthly bond these volatile prices, inflation rose to a modest levels by the end of 2022. The agency reiterated Tuesday. purchases. 0.9 percent in May from 0.7 percent in April. that OPEC and its allies needed to “open the Most economists see it unlikely for the Eurozone taps” and boost oil production to match the Boosting US production Markets react to see a sustained period of above-target infla- world’s demand, adding that “the recovery will be The best hope for boosting American production Global stocks rallied despite the data as tion given the hit to the labor market. Millions of uneven not only among regions but across sec- can be found at the Mountain Pass mine in investors assess the balanced forecasts for a California. Once one of the major players in the sec- people lost their jobs during the pandemic, with tors and products”. The IEA also warned that any strong economic recovery. The FTSE global equi- tor, the mine suffered as China rose and ate up its the ECB estimating wage growth had weakened slowdown to vaccine distribution could jeopard- ties benchmark ticked up to an all-time high, gain- market share, aided by Beijing’s heavy government further in Q1 to 1.4 percent. Unemployment fell to ize any rebound. Noting one “wild card” for the ing 1.1 percent for this month. Wall Street saw subsidies. 8 percent in April, its lowest level for 9 months. markets was the potential return of Iranian oil record figures with the S&P 500 reaching an all- MP Materials relaunched the mine in 2017 and Still, 15.4 million people remain unemployed - supply, pending a deal with the US to lift sanc- time high of 4,249. In Europe, the Stoxx 600 aims to make it a symbol of America’s industrial almost 1.3 million higher than April 2020. The tions. The agency expects a rebound in demand shares index rose to a fresh record while the UK’s rebirth, saying the concentration of rare earths at its ECB did present an update to the economic out- by 5.4 million bpd this year, and a further 3.1 mil- FTSE gained 0.6 percent. Moving to bonds, prices site is one of the world’s largest and highest-grade look, with an upwardly revised GDP of 4.6 per- lion bpd the next. This would average to 99.5 mil- maintained a rally that started earlier in the week, rare earth deposits, with soil concentrations of sev- cent for 2021 and 4.7 percent for 2022. Annual lion bpd in 2022. So far, OPEC+ have agreed to sending the yield on the 10-year US Treasury to a en percent versus 0.1 to four percent elsewhere. inflation is now set to reach 1.9 percent this year raise production by 2 million bpd between May 3-month low of 1.4280 percent. The greenback The company’s aim is to separate rare earth miner- and 1.5 percent in 2022. and July. als from each other via a chemical process, and then ended the week mostly unchanged, despite usually In its latest meeting, the Bank of Canada main- by 2025 manufacture the magnets that industry spiking on sharp rises in inflation data. uses-as market-leading Chinese firms currently do. tained its historically low key interest rate at 0.25 Kuwait percent, as widely expected. It will also maintain Kuwaiti dinar The project was supported by the US govern- No ECB taper talk its current pace of bond purchases worth C$3 USD/KWD closed last week at 0.30075 ment, while a Chinese firm is a minority shareholder. On Thursday, the European Central Bank main- Elsewhere, Australian company Lynas has won sev- eral contracts in the United States, including an ore refinery in Texas for the military that was supported Corporate Director for Nursing Services Tina collecting and evaluating by the Defense Department. DHAMAN joins Baramakian said: DHAMAN primary healthcare data related to nursing Complications for Europe centers are currently considered the first med- care from the primary In Europe, Bernd Schafer, CEO and Managing database of nursing ical centers in Kuwait to join this international health centers registered Director of rare earth mineral consortium Eit Raw database. in NDNQI, then bench- Materials, said this month that an “action plan” will Baramakian noted that DHAMAN continues to marking it against soon be presented to the European Commission quality indicators develop its healthcare quality platform in line reports and results of on how to boost production. Europe, however, with international standards to provide the high- similar size and scope faces a more complicated path to achieving this KUWAIT: Health Assurance Hospitals Company est professional levels in the nursing field, thus facilities around the goal, said David Merriman, a specialist in batteries (DHAMAN) announced the signing of an agree- advancing nursing care services for patients and world, to ensure provid- and electric cars for London-based consultancy ment to join the National Database of Nursing community following evidence-based practices ing high standard servic- Tina Baramakian Roskill. —AFP Quality Indicators (NDNQI) developed by the guidelines. es at DHAMAN in com- American Nurses Association (ANA). DHAMAN Baramakian said that this program is based on parison to similar facilities globally. Established 1961 11

Monday, June 14, 2021 Business

KAMCO Oil Market Monthly Report Oil prices trade at two-year high on hopes of demand recovery

KUWAIT: Crude oil prices traded above 2-year high oped markets now focusing on accelerating vaccina- region is expected to be back end loaded with most 27.2 percent. Non-OPEC oil supply estimates for levels, over the $70/b mark, backed by expectations tions in developing markets and the rest of the world. of the growth coming during 2H-2021. Meanwhile, 2020 underwent a minor downward revision to show of stronger demand recovery coupled with controlled Brent crude oil basket average at USD 68.54/b, the recent data has shown recovery in jet fuel demand in a contraction of 2.5 mb/d. For 2021, non-OPEC sup- supply in the near term. The month started on a posi- highest since April-2019, after increasing by 6.3 per- the North Atlantic region with growth in passenger ply growth forecast was raised by 0.1 mb/d to 0.8 tive note after the OPEC+ suppliers unanimously cent m-o-m during May-2021. The increase in OPEC numbers in the US and Europe. According to mb/d and supply is expected to average at 63.7 mb/d decided to stick to the existing plan and raise output crude was similar at 5.8 percent to average at USD Bloomberg, passenger numbers in the US have reflecting faster ramp-up in production in the US gradually in the coming months. As per the plan, the 66.9 /b while Kuwait crude grade witnessed a slightly increased by almost 5 percent on average each week during March-2021. group will increase supply by 0.7 mb/d in June-2021, higher increase of 5.9 percent to average at 67.5/b. since early May-2021, whereas flight departures in Supply forecasts for Norway, China, Indonesia and and 0.84 mb/d in July-2021. The remaining 5.8 mb/d According to data from IEA, spending by oil com- the Eurocontrol area have risen by almost 7 percent. Russia were also raised that was partially offset by is expected to be gradually raised until April-2022 based on outcomes of monthly meetings between the producers. Economic growth optimism was also reflected in the oil price rally recently. There was pos- itive news on US-China trade talks as discussions restarted between the two trading partners. In the first call with China, the new US administration has agreed to promote healthy development of coopera- tion with China on trade and investment. Further on the demand front, the EIA has forecast- ed oil consumption in the US to increase at a faster pace this year with an expected growth of 1.49 mb/d to reach 19.61 mb/d. The IEA also pointed to a demand recovery to pre-pandemic levels by 2H-2022. The agency demand to regain the 100 mb/d mark and urged the OPEC+ producers to increase output to avoid unprecedented price rise. CEOs of a number of oil majors pointed to a similar view of strong recovery in global oil demand including that of BP, Equinor, Rosneft and Vitol Group with promising demand trend at least until 2025. On the other hand, panies is expected to reach a six-year low during In the non-OECD countries, oil demand was also lower expected supply from Ecuador, Brazil, UK and oil imports in China declined in May-2021 by 15 per- 2021 with the biggest decline coming from private oil revised higher mainly reflecting higher than expected Colombia. The latest weekly EIA report showed a cent due to the maintenance season, but near-term majors partially offset by higher spending mostly demand in the Middle East region during Q2-2021. decline in crude oil inventory in the US for the third trends are expected to be dictated by how the gov- from national oil companies. The early onset of summer in the Middle East region consecutive week by 5.2 million barrels. However, the ernment sets policies for the independent oil refining According to analysis, if the trend continues, the has seen temperatures soaring, resulting in higher agency reported a significant gasoline inventory build sector in the country. oil market is expected to tighten, even if oil demand fuel consumption for electricity generation. of 7 million barrels and 4.4 million barrels increase in In India, oil demand declined to a 9-month low in sees a decline. According to Rystad Energy, lower Electricity consumption in Kuwait was a record middle distillate inventories. May-2021, but as the economy opens up gradually spending and sale of oil assets by big oil companies high recently due to the heat wave. Elsewhere, oil and vaccinations increase, demand is expected to would result in a decline in proved reserves within 15 demand in China has taken a hit due to the ongoing OPEC oil production & spare capacity pick up from July-2021. In terms of oil supply, years, unless there are more commercial discoveries. investigation of teapot refineries as well as led by OPEC crude oil production witnessed the biggest OPEC+ lowered its supply estimates by 0.2 mb/d seasonal maintenance. According to preliminary data monthly increase in six months during May-2021. The and said that it expects OECD oil inventory to see a World oil demand from the customs, China’s crude oil imports declined group produced at 25.5 mb/d during the month, reg- bigger decline during 2H-2021. Crude production in The OPEC, in its monthly report, increased by 15 percent y-o-y during May-2021 to reach a 5- istering a m-o-m increase of 0.4 mb/d. The increase the US continued to remain around the 11 mb/d mark. demand estimates for 2020 by 0.1 mb/d to show a month low level of 9.7 mb/d. was mainly led by higher production by Saudi Arabia However, the EIA now expects a smaller decline in US slightly smaller demand decline of 9.3 mb/d to aver- that more than offset marginal decline in production output this year by 0.23 mb/d vs. previous decline age at 90.6 mb/d. The revision reflected updated World oil supply by other OPEC producers. According to OPEC’s sec- expectation of 0.29 mb/d to average at 11.08 mb/d, data for both OECD and non-OECD producers. For World liquids production showed a marginal ondary sources, Saudi Arabia increased production while 2022 will likely see production of 11.8 mb/d. 2021, world oil demand growth forecast was kept monthly gain of 0.6 percent or 0.63 mb/d during by 345 tb/d to an average of 8.5 mb/d during May- unchanged at 6.0 mb/d to an average of 96.58 mb/d, May-2021 to average at 93.67 mb/d, reflecting higher 2021. The increase came after produced against a Oil prices still below pre-pandemic levels. However, data at the output from both OPEC as well as non-OPEC pro- higher OPEC+ quota, in addition to scaling back part Crude oil price witnessed consistent gains since individual country level and quarterly trend was ducers. Non-OPEC producers increased production of its 1 mb/d of voluntary cuts that has been in place the start of June-2021 backed by demand optimism updated. According to the OPEC, the OECD by 0.24 mb/d to reach 68.21 mb/d led by higher pro- for the past several months. Iran and Venezuela also seen across US and European markets coupled with Americas and Europe regions reported lower-than- duction from US, UK, Brazil and Guyana. On the oth- raised productions, according to OPEC, by 45 tb/d controlled production by OPEC+ members as well as expected oil demand during Q1-2021 that was offset er hand, OPEC increased production by 0.39 mb/d to and 44 tb/d, respectively, although Bloomberg data by the US. Brent oil futures traded at $72.32/b on 10- by higher expected demand during Q2-2021 in these an average of 25.5 mb/d. The marginal increase in showed a marginal decline in production by the two June-2021, the highest since May-2019 as the rate of regions backed by easing restrictions and the revival output by OPEC producers resulted in a 0.2 percent producers. UAE, Iraq, Kuwait and Libya also reported vaccinations continues to rise globally with devel- of the transportation sector. Demand in the OECD increase in OPEC’s market share during the month to marginally higher production during the month.

by its integrated bezel-less design, which gives it a the needed data to calculate and evaluate performance. Huawei’s smart screen-to-body ratio of 42 percent. The Huawei Band 6 keeps this in mind and packs in This large display is not just sheer size, but also features and tracking features that fitness and sports band brings together brings smartphone-like interactivity, complete with enthusiasts would love and appreciate on an everyday simple swipes, while its overall color quality allows the basis. For instance, the Huawei Band 6 comes with up Al-Tijari announces rich animations to really pop out. In addition to this, to 96 workout modes that are automatically detected smartwatch features Huawei has also used a physical button on the side, and tracked to get the most accurate data. In addition allowing for not just an easier way to interact, but also to this, the Huawei TruSportTM algorithm deeply ana- winners of Al-Najma removing excessive display elements for a more immer- lyzes user’s exercise capabilities based on heart rate KUWAIT: When thinking about the concept of a sive Full View display. variability and exercise data and provide detailed account campaign band there is usually one school of thought, a simple assessments such as oxygen intake levels, recovery wearable that tracks all kinds of fitness indicators and Huawei Band 6 time and training effects, for a more scientific and effi- Commercial Bank of Kuwait con- relays the data to an app or service on a connected 2-week long battery life cient approach to working out. KUWAIT: smartphone. Manufacturers never used to think of Another concern with wearables is having yet All of this is topped off with a range of smart fea- ducted the weekly draws on Al-Najma adding larger and functional displays or more integrat- another device to charge or worry about battery life. tures, which include notifications for incoming calls and Account and salary transfer campaign yester- ed health features, which would be more commonly Wearables are not always the best when it comes to messages, music playback control and a remote shutter day. The draws were conducted in the pres- found in full-fledged smartwatches. However, bridging this matter, but Huawei has implemented into the to control the camera of the connected smartphone. ence of Ministry of Commerce and Industry this gap is Huawei with its newly launched Huawei Huawei Band 6 an extended battery life of 2 full weeks representative Ahmad Al-Basman. The results of the draws were as follows: Band 6, which brings all the meticulous fitness tracking on a single charge, even with all the health and fitness Final Verdict like all-day SpO2 monitoring and a large Amoled dis- tracking features running. Not only does this make it With the Huawei Band 6, Huawei has managed to 1. Al-Najma weekly account - the prize of play to see it all in a wearable that can last up to 2 more convenient to use, but also takes away the hassle tackle some of the key pain points faced by users who KD 5,000 went to the winner Osama whole weeks! of having to charge it every other day. opt for smart bands, bringing solid features making it a Rashed Al-Armeli great choice for both everyday users and fitness enthu- 2. Salary account campaign - the prize of up to KD 1,000 - went to the winner Ahmad All-day SpO2 monitoring Fitness tracking and guidance siasts. It also provides users with a complete smart- SpO2 monitoring essentially refers to the blood Speaking of fitness, one of the main purposes of a watch experience, without having to pay the price of Saeedan Badri Motlaq oxygen levels of the wearer, which by itself is an impor- smart bands is to keep an eye on workouts and track all one, making it a lot friendlier on the wallet as well. The bank stated that the salary campaign is tant health indicator. Having these levels drop down can aimed at customers who transfer their salaries result in fatigue but prolonged drops can result in long- of KD 500 or more to the bank, especially term adverse health effects. Fitness trackers and smart- Kuwaiti employees and residents working in watches today are capable of tracking these levels the government, oil sectors and companies however it is often a feature that has to be turned on listed with the Bank as well as retirees, and separately, something users would only do if they were take advantage of the benefits of this cam- feeling unwell. Huawei, known for being user health- paign and get an instant cash gift from KD centric in designing product features has had this fea- 250 to KD 500 or an interest-free loan of 5 ture in its earlier wearables, but takes it up a notch on times the salary and a maximum of KD the HUAWEI Band 6 by having it run constantly in the 10,000, Kuwaiti pensioner, along with expa- background. The advantage of this is that users get triate customers who transfer their debt 24/7 continuous monitoring of their SpO2 levels, even amounting to KD 10,000 or above to the Bank generating an alarm when blood oxygen levels are low. will receive an instant cash gift of 1 percent But that’s not all, because the Huawei Band 6 also from their transferred debt. tracks other key health indicators. For instance, accu- The bank stated that Al-Najma Account rate heart rate is monitored with Huawei TruSeenTM prizes are distinguished by the highest cash 4.0, Huawei TruSleepTM for sleep tracking and Huawei prize and diversity of prizes throughout the TruRelaxTM for stress measurement and management. year clarifying that the account offers weekly prize of KD 5,000, monthly prize of KD Large 1.47” Amoled full-view display 20,000 and a semi-annual prize of KD Smart bands are not really known for its displays: 500,000 in addition to the largest prize - Huawei decided to change it up with a full-fledged linked bank account payout of KD 1,500,000. 1.47” Amoled display, tackling some of the major pain Al-Najma Account can be opened by points that were commonly addressed with smart depositing KD 100, and customer should bands. The size of the display is complemented further maintain a minimum amount of KD 500 to be eligible to enter all draws on Al-Najma Account prizes. As for the chances of winning, The lucky winners are: tomers to maintain a minimum amount of KD 500 the more balance a customer maintains in Al- Burgan Bank reveals • Noureyah Fahad Alfulaij in their account for two months prior to the draw Najma Account, the more chances the account • Maher Hammad Moubarek date. Additionally, every KD 10 in the account will holder will get to win, the account also offers • Anfal Ali Alqattan entitle customers to one chance of winning. If the additional benefits like the ATM card, a credit winners of Yawmi • Atta Mohamed Hassan account balance is KD 500 and above, the account card against customer’s account and all CBK • Mamoun Abdoulah Hasan holder will be qualified for both the quarterly and banking services that customer can enjoy. account draw In addition to the daily draw, Burgan Bank also daily draws. The bank revealed that Al-Najma account offers a quarterly draw with more chances to win Burgan Bank encourages everyone to open a is available to everyone, and anyone can open higher rewards, offering the chance to one lucky Yawmi account and/or increase their deposit to Al-Najma account through CBK mobile appli- KUWAIT: Burgan Bank announced yesterday the customer to win KD 125,000 every three months. maximize their chances of becoming a winner. The cation in simple steps from anywhere and at names of the daily draw winners of its Yawmi account The Yawmi Account offers daily and quarterly higher the level of the deposit, the higher the likeli- any time. draw, each taking home a cash-prize of KD 5,000. draws, wherein the quarterly draw requires cus- hood to win. 12 Established 1961 Lifestyle Features Monday, June 14, 2021

he ‘Harry Potter’ author is celebrat- ing after her daughter Jessica, 29 - Twho she shares with her first hus- band, former TV journalist Jorge Arantes - got engaged, according to the Mail on yesterday’s Talk of the Town column. Rowling, 55, has two other children - David, 18, and Mackenzie, 16 - with doc- tor Neil Murray. The author’s marriage to Arantes fell apart shortly after Jessica was born and she has called it a “humili- ating” experience. She previously said: “It was my Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee moment. It is the most humiliating thing, actually: you’re supposed to have your relationship disaster in your teens, aren’t you - and then wise up?”

The monks attend the mass inside the church of the Abbey of Keur Moussa, in Senegal. JK Rowling

onks in blue-grey habits lift their mural of the nativity and crucifixion in that allows the word of God to flourish,” account for around a third of the Rowling left Portugal and moved to hands in supplication before which Jesus is represented as an African. says Father Olivier-Marie Sarr, the abbot. monastery’s revenues, according to the Edinburgh, saying: “Edinburgh is beauti- Mbreaking into a chant accompa- Here, seven times a day, Benedictine Standing in the shaded cloisters behind monks, with the highest-quality models ful, has good public transport and did nied by the singsong twang of the kora, a friars sing the glories of God to the sound the church, a burnished-gold cross fetching around 1,000 euros ($1,200). have, then, free museums, and I thought, traditional West African harp. It is mid- of the 21-string kora. In the monastery’s around his neck, the 45-year-old explains Brother Marie Firmin says they sell many ‘I’ll have a much better life here on a low afternoon prayer in the abbey of Keur workshop, luthier-monks also craft koras that using local culture brings worship- instruments in Europe, but that other income with my daughter.’ I could just see pers closer to God. “The kora is like a African monasteries are also big buyers. that broke single-parenthood here would bridge,” Father Olivier says. “It helps us “It is part of our worship,” he says. be easier. “Poverty is the issue. I do say to transcend something, to elevate the that partly out of my own experience, but soul”. ‘Harmony with God’ I am acutely aware when I talk about sin- Most of the roughly 35 monks at Keur gle parents being poor that, for me, it was ‘Part of our worship’ Moussa are Senegalese, part of a small a temporary state and it was always likely Koras have long been the instrument Christian minority in a country where over to be. We were never going to be rich if I of choice for the traditional West African 95 percent of people are Muslim. But had been a teacher, but we were never singers, storytellers and oral historians there are also friars from across French- going to be dirt poor. And I had middle- known as “griots”. speaking Africa, including Guinea, Togo, class friends who could lend me a ten- Plucked with two hands, the delicate Benin, Cameroon and Gabon. “Monastic ner.” Rowling has previously explained and long-necked kora has a sound box life is a calling,” says Brother Bernard, a how she wrote the first ‘Harry Potter’ made of a calabash gourd with a cowhide Cameroonian who studied in Rome for book in a cafe while Jessica slpet beside stretched across it. Father Olivier years. But he explains that the choice of her in a pushchair.— Bang Showbiz recounts how the French Benedictines monastery is down to personal prefer- who founded Keur Moussa in 1963 were ence, and often influenced by magazines amazed at the sound of the instrument, and publications that circulate in the which they found could replace the organ monastic world. when performing Gregorian chant. A Keur Moussa is renowned among kora workshop soon followed. Today, the Catholic clergy for its music. “It was instruments produced in Keur Moussa because of the music that I decided to have become a point of reference for come,” says Brother Bernard, who touring musicians and prominent mem- speaks in the same hushed tone as The monks read during the mass inside the church of the Abbey of Keur Moussa, in Senegal. bers of griot families. “Koras from Keur many of the other monks. Father — AFP photos Moussa are to be found in all continents,” Olivier, the abbot, cast the kora as the says Brother Marie Firmin, proudly. symbol of Keur Moussa, whose “beauti- He and another monk produce ful” music accompanies the unrelenting between 40 to 50 koras a year in a small routine of monastic life. “It allows us to Moussa, just east of Senegal’s capital that are in high demand among profes- workshop dotted with half-finished instru- build a certain harmony between our- Dakar, a tranquil 25-hectare complex sional musicians. Throughout the mostly- ments, woodworking equipment and reli- selves, and harmony with God as well,” filled with fruit trees and herb gardens- Muslim surrounding region, and the wider gious iconography. A layman is also he said. — AFP and famed for its relationship with the Catholic world, Keur Moussa abbey is employed to continue essential work kora. Dozens of monks are singing in a renowned for its harps and their contribu- when the monks are called to church. Kylie Jenner modernist church under a red-and-black tion to worship. “This is an instrument They do good business. Kora sales Man arrested for trespassing at Kylie Jenner’s home

he 35-year-old man refused to leave the property when confronted Tby security and insisted he wanted to see 23-year-old Kylie and profess his love to her in person. TMZ reports that Kylie was not home at the time of the inci- dent and her security detained the man The monks read during the mass inside the church of until the police arrived. This is reportedly the Abbey of Keur Moussa. not the first time he showed up at Kylie’s home in Los Angeles but he has previ- ously left when asked by security. The unnamed man was charged with misde- meanor trespassing before being released. This is the latest alarming incident for the Kardashian-Jenner family after Kylie’s sister Kim Kardashian was recently grant- ed a temporary restraining order against an alleged stalker who wants to “pursue a physical relationship” with her. The 40- year-old reality television star is said to be “scared” after Charles Peter Zelenoff, 32, managed to find her home and “filmed videos outside the edge of her Jean-Paul, a non-monk kora manufacturing worker, takes care of connecting the skin to the ropes of the Kora outside the Brother Marie Firmin, 40, plays kora inside the kora property and she claims he’s getting kora making workshop of the Abbey of Keur Moussa. making workshop of the Abbey of Keur Moussa. increasingly frustrated about not getting inside.” The ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star is particularly con- cerned “because she’s never shared her address.” Meanwhile, their sister Kendall Jenner’s alleged stalker was recently sentenced to 180 days in jail. Shaquan King was arrested in March after he was caught swimming naked in Kendall’s pool, and was later taken into custody for felony stalking after showing up at Kylie’s gated community. And King recently took a plea deal which saw him plead no con- test to one count of trespassing and one count of loitering with the intent of com- mitting a crime. King, 27, will spend 180 Jean-Paul, a non-monk kora manufacturing worker, takes care of connecting the skin to the ropes of the Kora. days in county jail. — Bang Showbiz Established 1961 13 Lifestyle Features Monday, June 14, 2021

A view shows “Bust of the Collector” by British artist A view shows a detail of “Cerberus” by British artist Damien Hirst. A visitor takes photos of “Cerberus” by British artist Damien Hirst. Damien Hirst, as part of the exhibition “Archaeology Now” at Galleria Borghese in Rome.

eneath the sumptuous ceiling of the entrance Disney characters hall of Rome’s Borghese Gallery, under the In the entrance hall, a coral-covered bronze of a Bgaze of a dozen busts of caesars, Damien headless female diver points towards Mariano Hirst’s giant sandalled foot looks only a little out of Rossi’s ornate ceiling, a step away from five bronze place. The giveaway that this is not another piece of Disney characters similarly depicted as if recently Roman sculpture but the work of the provocative found on the sea bed. In an adjoining room, Bernini’s British artist is the laboratory rat with an ear growing “Apollo and Daphne” is surrounded by three Hirst on its back that climbs on the limestone toes. The sculptures, each depicting a chained man and gallery is home to a spectacular collection of classical woman, in various stages of decay. Elsewhere, Roman sculpture, Renaissance paintings and price- Canova’s reclining “Paolina Borghese Bonaparte as less works by Italian sculptors Gian Lorenzo Bernini Venus Victrix” is flanked by two sets of Hirst’s and Antonio Canova. Grecian nudes in bronze and in pink marble. Into this rarefied environment has stepped Hirst, In an interview with the Italian newspaper La for many years one of the most notorious of the Repubblica, Hirst said that Bernini “blows my mind” “Young British Artists” who made his name by bisect- but insisted: “I am not interested in any comparison. ing a cow and displaying it in a tank of formaldehyde. “The world in which we live today is very different While many of Hirst’s sculptures are clearly modern, from the world in which the great masters who are at others blend into those around them thanks to his the Borghese Gallery used to live. Today being an use of traditional materials such as bronze and artist is different.” Put to him that his Medusas-in gold Carrara marble. “They are completely unsettling and silver, malachite and bronze-are on display next works, but even in the (permanent) collection there to a Caravaggio painting, he added: “If I had to are works of strong, terrible and terrifying beauty-as choose between Titian and Caravaggio I would true beauty is,” curator Anna Coliva told AFP. “So this choose Titian. “The light of Caravaggio is amazing. is the place where this poetry (of Hirst) can be exalt- But I love things that are falling apart, that are cor- ed.” Dozens of his works, mostly from his 2017 rupted.” The show, named “Archaeology Now”, runs Venice show “Treasures from the Wreck of the from tomorrow until November 7. — AFP Unbelievable”, have been placed around the Borghese Gallery’s opulent halls, while outside on the A view shows “The Diver” (Front R) by British artist Damien Hirst, as part of the exhibition “Archaeology Now” at terrace, his towering sculpture “Hydra and Kali” over- Galleria Borghese in Rome.— AFP photos looks the citrus trees.

A view shows “Extraordinarily Large Museum Specimen of Giant Clam A view shows “Golden Monkey in gold and silver and black and white A view shows “Extraordinarily Large Museum Specimen of Giant Clam Shell” by British artist Damien Hirst. opals” by British artist Damien Hirst. Shell” by British artist Damien Hirst.

Kathy, 62, told People: “I’m going to handle ‘Paris in Love’, international influencer and the wedding. I’m going to sit down and talk one of the world’s most eligible bache- Simon Cowell Paris Hilton’s with her. And it depends on what month we lorettes is finally ready to walk down the do it. But it will be beautiful and classic.” aisle with the man of her dreams, venture Despite Paris’ outgoing personality, Kathy capitalist Carter Reum. is selling his wedding will be suggested that the ceremony could be “In the 13-episode docuseries, we will more low-key than her fans might imagine. follow Paris Hilton as she prepares for the Kathy explained: “She’s not the fancy per- big day, including the big day itself. From ‘haunted’ mansion ‘beautiful son people might think. “The truth is, she’d bridal dress shopping and choosing the be happy with white teddy bears and uni- venue to designing her dream destination corns hanging from the ceiling. She’s very wedding and participating in what certainly he music mogul only bought the sev- and classic’ easy breezy.” will be a fun and crazy bachelorette party, en-bed property in South West By contrast, it was recently announced viewers will be along for an entertaining TLondon in 2018 and was recently that Paris will let fans in on her wedding and emotional ride and will witness a per- granted planning permission to carry out aris Hilton’s upcoming wedding to plans in a new reality series. The socialite sonal side of Paris that only her closest renovations but he has now changed his Carter Reum will be “beautiful and will invite all her fans to her wedding, as friends and family get to see.” mind and is putting it on the market. A classic”. Kathy Hilton is helping to P she lets the cameras in on the big day for a —Bang Showbiz source told The Sun on yesterday newspa- organize her daughter’s big day, and she’s new reality show titled ‘Paris In Love’. A per: “Simon loved the property when he Paris Hilton given fans of the blonde beauty an insight press release for the show explained: “In bought it, and had a list of changes and into what her wedding day will look like. improvements. “But he seems to have had a change of heart. So while it is not yet on to learn tattooing from me so we can go the market, it’s likely to be listed for sale to Glastonbury to tattoo people. “She again very soon.” The lavish property - called me to go up and tattoo her and which Simon had planned to improve with she ended up tattooing me as well. “She an outdoor pool, a bar, an extended sun- gave me a ‘Kate’ and a love heart on my room and state-of-the-art security - is arm.” When asked if Kate knew what she reportedly haunted by the gay lover of was doing at first, Daniel, 38, replied: Roman Emperor Hadrian, according to “Not really, but it’s Kate Moss, so I was previous owner Christopher Levett. like yeah, let her.” Daniel has also given lessons to Rita Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck he 47-year-old model has been tak- Ora and talking about his celebrity pals, ing lessons from her tattoo artist pal he said: “It was quite painful because Daniel Casone and has even inked they didn’t know what to do and they ago. “She is thrilled that they are back T went quite deep but I thought you know him, by writing her name and drawing a Affleck, Lopez together now.” Ben and Guadalupe spent heart on his arm. He told The Sunday what, I don’t mind.” — Bang Showbiz time together in Las Vegas, and Jennifer Mirror newspaper: “She said she wanted is said to be thrilled that they’re getting reunite in Los along so well. Simon Cowell The insider added: “Jennifer is very close with her mom. It’s very important to Angeles her that the person she is with, gets along with her mom. “Jennifer loves that Ben and Guadalupe hung out in Las Vegas. They en Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have both love gambling and had fun together at The hedge fund billionaire believes he reunited in Los Angeles. The 48- the Wynn hotel.” Meanwhile, Chrishell brought in the soul of Hadrian’s lover Byear-old actor and Jennifer, 51, are Stause has offered to help Jennifer to find Antinous in a statue in 2014 and although rumored to have reignited their romance a new home. The ‘Selling Sunset’ star he donated the statue to a museum, he over recent weeks, and the celebrity duo recently urged the ‘On the Floor’ hitmaker continued to hear strange noises in the have now reunited, after Ben recently to get in touch with her so she can find out house. He previously said: “It was deliv- spent time bonding with the actress’ what she’s looking for in an abode follow- ered in a crate. “When I was locking up, I mother. A source told People: “In the past, ing reports that Jennifer is planning to relo- heard the sound of heavy objects being Jennifer’s mom and Ben were very close. cate to Los — Bang Showbiz knocked over from the drawing room Guadalupe loved Ben. She was sad where Antinous was still lying in his box. when they couldn’t work things out years —Bang Showbiz 14 Established 1961 Sports Monday, June 14, 2021 New Zealand thrash England in second Test to seal series win

BIRMINGHAM: New Zealand overpowered A lively crowd at a sun-drenched Edgbaston England by eight wickets in the second Test at roared James Anderson, making an England record Edgbaston yesterday as they sealed a 1-0 series 162nd Test appearance, onto the field when the No win with more than a day to spare. Set a target of 11 walked out to bat with Stone and again when he just 38 after England tailender Olly Stone was out opened the bowling. But it was longstanding new- to the very first ball of the fourth day, the ball partner Stuart Broad who took the first New Blackcaps finished on 41-2. Tom Latham, - Zealand wicket to fall on Sunday when he had ing the team in place of the injured Kane Blackcaps player of the series Devon Conway Williamson, hit the winning boundary to be 23 not caught behind for three. out after the first Test of a two-match series at New Zealand were in sight of victory when Will Lord’s last week ended in a draw. Young was bowled by Olly Stone. Latham then end- Victory gave New Zealand just a third win in 18 ed the match courtesy of a four down to third man Test series in England, and a first this century after off fast bowler Mark Wood as New Zealand their 1986 and 1999 triumphs. And it means they reached their target in 10.5 overs, with only 52 min- will head into next week’s inaugural World Test utes play on Sunday needed to wrap up the match. Championship final against India at Southampton England resumed on the brink of defeat at 122-9 in in confident mood. “It’s great to get an extra day of their second innings, a lead of just 37 runs, after rest before India but we’ll celebrate as well - we’ve slumping to 76-7 on Saturday. not won here since 1999 so it’s important to cele- Stone then fell for his overnight 15 when caught brate those achievements,” said Latham at the behind off left-arm quick Trent Boult. Matt Henry, presentation ceremony. By contrast, this was one of an extraordinary six changes to the New England’s first series loss at home since a 2014 Zealand side that played at Lord’s, took the first defeat by Sri Lanka. three wickets to fall in a return of 3-36, with Neil Wagner following up with 3-1. Such is the ‘Massively underperformed’ Blackcaps’ strength in depth, however, that either “It hasn’t been our best week, has it?” England bowler could be replaced by the rested Tim BIRMINGHAM: New Zealand’s players celebrate with the trophy on winning the series after clinching victory captain Joe Root told BBC Radio after his side came Southee in the WTC final. on the fourth day of the second Test match between England and New Zealand at Edgbaston Cricket into this match missing Ollie Robinson, with the Henry was named player of the match following Ground yesterday. —AFP Sussex seamer suspended after a promising on-field overall figures of 6-114. “It’s pretty easy to get moti- Test debut at Lord’s for historic racist and sexist vated to play for your country,” said fast bowler Twitter posts. “I think we’ve massively underper- Henry. “We’ve had a strong squad for a while and named New Zealand’s player of the series after he didn’t believe it would go this well,” said Conway. formed. Credit to New Zealand, they have outper- every time you get the opportunity you want to do followed a remarkable 200 on Test debut at Lord’s “It’s very special to win here in England and it’ll formed us throughout the game.” your best.” South Africa-born opener Conway was with 80 in the first innings of this match. “Definitely take some time for that to sink in.” —AFP Clippers claw back Rocked by COVID into series with outbreaks, Copa top-seeded Jazz LOS ANGELES: Kawhi Leonard and Paul George com- opens in Brazil bined for 65 points as the Los Angeles Clippers showed they still have some fight left, beating the Utah Jazz 132- BRASILIA: The Copa America that almost never 106 in game three of their NBA playoff series. Leonard was, opened yesterday in Brazil, overshadowed finished with 34 points and 12 assists and George had 31 by the desperate race to find a host, the with- for the Clippers who had little room for error heading drawal of sponsors and COVID-19 - including into Saturday’s game in front of a pandemic-limited outbreaks on two teams. crowd of 8,000 at Staples Center arena in downtown After more than a year of bad news that culmi- Los Angeles. nated in the last-minute scrapping of original co- “I need my two best players to be able to do that,” hosts Argentina and Colombia, the South said Clippers head coach Tyronn Lue. “They set the American championships will finally kicked off table for everyone else.” The Clippers put themselves in when Brazil faced Venezuela in an empty Mane deep peril by losing the first two games of the Western Garrincha stadium in Brasilia. Conference second round series and they are of But that does not mean a respite from contro- trouble yet as the Jazz are the top-seeded team after versy, or from the coronavirus. Officials con- finishing the regular season with 52 wins. Game four is firmed a day before kickoff that at least eight today at Staples Center. The fourth-seeded Clippers Venezuelan players had tested positive for closed out the game with a 26-11 surge. COVID-19, forcing the country to call up 15 George said he was in the right mindset all game emergency replacements to face the defending LOS ANGELES: Donovan Mitchell #45 of the Utah Jazz passes as Kawhi Leonard #2 of the LA Clippers long. “I got to the shots I am most comfortable with and defends during the second half of a game at Staples Center on Saturday. —AFP champions. I stuck with it,” George said. “It is all about putting In all, 13 members of the Venezuelan national pressure on their defense and staying with an attack team’s delegation tested positive for the virus, mentality all game.” Reggie Jackson and Nicolas Batum bench with the Clippers running away with it. The 24- I will be fine,” Mitchell said. including coaching staff, said the South American added 17 points each for the Clippers in the win. The year-old Mitchell was averaging 41 points heading into Joe Ingles scored 19 points for the Jazz. Jordan football confederation, CONMEBOL. Bolivia later Jazz were playing without guard Mike Conley, who sat game three after scoring 37 in game two and 45 points Clarkson added 14 points, Rudy Gobert contributed 12 said three of its players and a coach had also out his third straight game with a sore hamstring. in game one. points and 10 rebounds, and Royce O’Neale scored 12 tested positive and were in isolation ahead of Donovan Mitchell scored 30 points but missed the He became the first Jazz player to score at least 35 points. Utah trailed 106-95 after a three by Clarkson their team’s debut today against Paraguay. final seven minutes after turning his right ankle. Mitchell points in back-to-back playoff games since Karl Malone with 7:18 left. Mitchell left the game and the Clippers Brazilian health authorities said they were came out of the game halfway through the fourth quar- accomplished the feat three straight times during the smelled blood, scoring 10 straight points, with Leonard tracing everyone the infected individuals came ter after appearing to reinjure the ankle. Mitchell asked 1988 playoffs. Mitchell said he expects to be ready to go and Batum draining consecutive threes to make it 116- into contact with, and would carry out genetic to re-enter the game late in the fourth but was denied in the next game. “I am good. I wanted to go back in but 95 with 5:22 remaining. “They lit a fire under us. We had testing to determine whether they were carrying by Jazz coach Quin Snyder who kept his star on the no need to risk it as we were down 16 or 18 at that point. to protect home court,” George said.— AFP a potentially riskier variant of the virus. The outbreaks are unlikely to derail the tour- nament. CONMEBOL is allowing teams unlimited substitutions for players who are ruled out “I just can’t believe it. I just wanted to come in because of COVID-19 or contact with infected McKeown smashes tonight and blow out the cobwebs,” an emotional people. But the news fueled further criticism of McKeown said poolside in Adelaide with tears in her the tournament, and of far-right President Jair eyes. “It’s been a huge year for me and my family. It’s Bolsonaro for agreeing to host it despite the fact world record, Titmus been 10 months since my dad passed today. So with the pandemic is still raging in Brazil. that behind me and doing that I think he would be very “There are vested interests in making the Copa goes close at trials proud.” McKeown’s father died from brain cancer aged America happen,” said sociologist Rodrigo just 53 and she has a tattoo on her foot which says: “I Moreira of Fluminense Federal University, attempt- ADELAIDE: Australia’s Kaylee McKeown threw down will always be with you.” ing to explain why the tournament was being held, the Olympic gauntlet to American rival Regan Smith by McKeown is shaping up to be a serious multiple given that health experts warned against it. “The smashing her 100m backstroke world record yester- gold medal contender in Japan. She is also expected to government wants to show the country is ready to day, while Ariarne Titmus fired a warning shot to qualify in the 200m backstroke, having recently set the host it, when in reality it’s not. And (organizers) superstar Katie Ledecky with the second fastest 400m fourth quickest time in history, and the 200m individual freestyle ever. McKeown, 19, touched in 57.45sec at medley, where she owns the world’s best time this sea- want to guarantee their profits” from TV rights and ADELAIDE: Kaylee McKeown reacts after setting a new sponsorship deals, he told AFP. the Australian Olympic trials in Adelaide, sweeping son. Veteran Emily Seebohm, silver medallist at London in 2012, hit the wall second in 58.59 behind McKeown world record time in the women’s 100m backstroke past Smith’s all-time mark of 57.57 set at the 2019 final during day two of the Australian Olympic swim- to qualify for her fourth Olympics. Bad to worse world championships, dedicating it to her father who ming trials yesterday. —AFP Originally scheduled for 2020, the Copa died last year. Titmus’ time was the second quickest in history, set- America, the world’s oldest international football World champion Titmus was also red-hot, narrowly ting the scene for a showdown with Ledecky, having tournament, was delayed 12 months by the pan- missing American great Ledecky’s 2016 world record upset her to claim gold at the 2019 worlds in South 4x200m freestyle relay that holds the world record. demic. It nearly had to be called off again when of 3:56.46. She was under the pace for much of the race Korea. “I know it’s going to take a world record to win Chalmers, who stunned the swimming world when he Argentina and Colombia fell through as hosts but just missed out, hitting the wall in a sizzling 3:56.90. at the Olympics with her in the field,” she said. “It gives won 100m freestyle gold in Rio as an 18-year-old, because of a surge of COVID-19 in the former Reigning Olympic 100m freestyle champion Kyle me confidence that I went close to that tonight. “I’m a clocked 1:45.48 to take out the 200m ahead of Elijah and violent anti-government protests in the latter. Chalmers booked his ticket to Tokyo after winning the bit shocked, honestly, I didn’t think I would go that Winnington. Mack Horton was sixth after his failure Bolsonaro, who faces widespread criticism for 200m, while Mitch Larkin, the 200m backstroke silver quick,” added the 20-year-old as tears flowed. to qualify for the 400m as defending Olympic cham- his defiance of expert advice on managing the pan- medallist at Rio in 2016, made his third Games by She will also swim the 200m and 800m in pion. He could still make the trip to Japan as a relay demic, controversially gave his blessing two weeks claiming the 100m back. Adelaide, and is a key member of the Australian swimmer.—AFP ago for Brazil to stand in. But epidemiologists warn the event could exacerbate a COVID-19 outbreak that has already claimed more than 485,000 lives in PGA Championship, defeating Brooks Koepka and lot of pins you can’t go to, you have to play 50-60 Brazil, second only to the United States. After record six Louis Oosthuizen by two strokes at Kiawah Island feet away, and a lot of holes I get overly aggressive, Since then, the bad news has continued piling to become the oldest major champion in history at obviously that’s my nature,” Mickelson said. up. Three sponsors - MasterCard, beer giant runner-ups, Mickelson age 50. “That’s a win I’ll cherish forever,” Mickelson “There’s a proper way to play it and I’ve seen it and Ambev and alcoholic beverage company Diageo said. “It was a very special week.” I want to have the discipline to do it and so I want - pulled their branding from the tournament. chases US Open win Mickelson will turn 51 on Wednesday, the eve of to spend some time out there to develop a good Many players and coaches criticized the event, the opening round of the US Open at Torrey Pines, game plan.” where he has won three times, although not since a Mickelson, ranked 31st, has as many US Open including the entire Brazilian national team. LA JOLLA: After becoming golf’s oldest major Two opposition parties and a labor union filed major renovation in 2001. That’s why he spent the runner-up finishes as he does major wins. Asked if champion, Phil Mickelson takes aim at the greatest past two weeks practicing on the coastal layout. “I’ll the focus he managed at the PGA would enable lawsuits to block it on health grounds. Brazil’s prize he has never won, a trophy that has slipped Supreme Court ruled Thursday the tournament try to put everything I can into that Open,” him to avoid mental errors that have nagged him at agonizingly from his grasp - a US Open title. The Mickelson said. “I’ll try to spend some time out there the US Open, Mickelson, said, “No, after 35 years could go ahead - but ordered the government to American left-hander, a record six-time US Open submit an extensive health protocol. The 10 teams to just get comfortable on the golf course. Honestly of that, it’s just not going to go away.” “Lefty” won runner-up, will be an emotional favorite when the since the redo 20 years ago, I have not played that his first US PGA title in 1991 at Tucson as a 20- will undergo mandatory COVID-19 testing every 121st US Open tees off Thursday at Torrey Pines, 48 hours. Their movements will be restricted, and course as well as I would like to. I tried to force it.” year-old amateur and spent a while chasing major only minutes from his San Diego home. Mental focus and discipline, two of the critical titles, with 17 top-10 major finishes from 1993- they will travel between the four host cities on Mickelson delivered a shocking win for the ages chartered flights. —AFP aspects of his victory on the windy Atlantic Coast 2003 before his breakthrough win at the 2004 by capturing his sixth major title last month at the last month, will be crucial again at the US Open. “A Masters. —AFPr Established 1961 15 Sports Monday, June 14, 2021

England’s Sterling sinks Croatia as Austria see off North Macedonia LONDON: Raheem Sterling ignited England’s games and we can still reach our objective of mov- Euro 2020 campaign as the Manchester City for- ing into the next round.” ward’s clinical finish sealed a 1-0 win against Croatia in their Group D opener yesterday. Gareth England hold firm Southgate’s side were struggling to break down England host neighbors Scotland in their sec- Croatia until Sterling struck in the second half at ond Group D match on Friday before taking on the sunbaked Wembley. Czech Republic in their final game of the first The 26-year-old’s first goal at a major tourna- stage on June 22. Southgate’s surprise decision to ment - in his 13th game - was the perfect riposte to select Kalvin Phillips proved an inspired move as, critics who questioned Southgate’s decision to along with Sterling, the Leeds midfielder was select him instead of Jack Grealish. Sterling has England’s most accomplished performer. endured a chequered relationship with England fans Manchester City forward Phil Foden, his hair after being hounded following his tame performanc- bleached blond, has drawn comparisons with es at Euro 2016. England legend Paul Gascoigne, who sported the He also struggled to hold down a place with same eye-catching hair cut during Euro 96. Premier League champions City this term, culminat- In the absence of the injured Harry Maguire, ing in his lacklustre display in their Champions Tyrone Mings and John Stones were up to the task League final defeat against Chelsea. But, days after as England’s center-backs held firm to clinch a vic- he was given an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday tory in their opening European Championship Honors List for his anti-racism campaigning, game for the first time. Sterling enjoyed a perfectly-timed moment of Meanwhile, substitutes Michael Gregoritsch and redemption. Marko Arnautovic scored late goals as Austria In a rematch of the 2018 World Cup semi-final sealed a 3-1 victory over major tournament debu- won by Croatia, England were hampered by a lack tants North Macedonia in their Group C opener at of cutting edge until Sterling came to the rescue. Euro 2020 yesterday. Sterling’s winner eased the tension at Wembley and Stefan Lainer put the Austrians ahead early on in got fans bellowing ‘Football’s coming home’ in the Bucharest, but 37-year-old captain Goran Pandev LONDON: England’s forward Raheem Sterling scores his team first goal past Croatia’s defender Sime Vrsaljko hope England can emulate their run to the semi- levelled before the half-hour mark to become the during the UEFA EURO 2020 Group D football match at Wembley Stadium yesterday. — AFP finals when they hosted Euro 96, and maybe even second-oldest scorer in Euro history and delight the win a major tournament for the first time since the vocal Macedonian fans. Macedonians yesterday, Austria struck against the pass too close to Dimitrievski. 1966 World Cup. But Gregoritsch diverted home the deciding run of play in the 18th minute as right-back Lainer But North Macedonia continued to press and “I’m so pleased for Raheem. He was dangerous goal 12 minutes from time and Arnautovic added a met Marcel Sabitzer’s cross at the back post to vol- levelled in the 28th minute as Austria goalkeeper all game. His goalscoring record suggests we should third to ensure Austria claimed their first-ever ley past goalkeeper Stole Dimitrievski. Daniel Bachmann lost the ball as he slid out to col- have faith in him and I think he was motivated to European Championship win and struck first blood Lainer celebrated by holding up a shirt with the lect it after some comical defending, and Pandev show that,” Southgate said. In truth, this was a far in a group also containing the Netherlands and words “Eriksen stay strong” after Denmark mid- gleefully accepted the gift to slot into an empty net. from convincing performance, but Southgate will Ukraine, who meet in Amsterdam later in the day. fielder Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest in It was a record-extending 38th goal for the for- take heart from the way his team kept their nerve on Austria next visit the Dutch on Thursday, while their game against Finland on Saturday. It was the mer Inter Milan forward for his country, making him a pressure-packed occasion. North Macedonia stay in the Romanian capital to first time Austria had taken the lead in a European the second-oldest player to net in the tournament Croatia boss Zlatko Dalic added: “We have lots face Ukraine. Championship game. They quickly threatened a after Austrian Ivica Vastic at the age of 38 against of optimism. We are looking forward to our next After a bright start by Igor Angelovski’s second goal as Sasa Kalajdzic turned Sabitzer’s Poland in 2008. — AFP Czech Republic seek revenge on Scotland for COVID, race rows Muamba says Eriksen GLASGOW: Scotland’s first match at know him so well that I can’t imagine a major tournament for 23 years is him saying anything racist. I also tried collapse brought back laced with acrimony for the Czech to convince the boys in the locker Republic, who travel to Hampden room about that.” today having been forced into a last- On the field, Kudela’s presence will harrowing memories minute change of training camp and be missed. Without him, Slavia were LONDON: Fabrice Muamba has spoken about without suspended defender Ondrej swept aside by Arsenal in the Europa how watching Christian Eriksen receive life-sav- Kudela. Kudela was hit with a 10- League quarter-finals and the Czechs ing treatment at Euro 2020 brought back emo- match ban for racially abusing Rangers are not blessed with strength in depth tional memories of his own cardiac arrest as a GLASGOW: Czech Republic’s players attend an MD-1 training session at Hampden midfielder Glen Kamara when Slavia at center-back. “When it comes to doctor warned the Dane was unlikely to play Prague visited Scotland in the Europa Ondrej and his case, the entire team Park yesterday on the eve of their UEFA EURO 2020 Group D football match against Scotland. — AFP again. Eriksen received CPR as his distraught League last 16 in March. can feel it and we would like to have teammates formed a circle around him to shield The widespread condemnation of Ondrej with us,” Czech Republic assis- the stricken player from the view of 16,000 Kudela in Britain has not been reflect- tant manager Jiri Chytry said this week. the start of Euro 2020 as the Scottish “I personally would be happier if we stunned fans in Copenhagen on Saturday. ed in his homeland, where Slavia and government refused to ease its strict were in a single place and had the base The Finns won 1-0 thanks to a Joel Pohjanpalo many of his club and international ‘Nobody wants to risk anything’ coronavirus rules for close contacts of camp in Scotland. But I also under- header in their first-ever appearance in the teammates have stood by the 34-year- But his ban has not been the only a positive case. Scotland’s own bid to stand nobody wants to risk anything,” European Championship but Eriksen’s plight old and claimed there was a lack of bump in the Czechs preparations. qualify was nearly derailed by those said Burnley striker Matej Vydra. overshadowed the match. Muamba, the former evidence against him. “I fight for Thanks to qualifying automatically, rules when key players Kieran Tierney To stir the pot even further, the Bolton midfielder who collapsed after suffering a Ondra all the time,” Tomas Soucek, months before Scotland did so via the and Ryan Christie missed a playoff Czech FA even failed in a late attempt cardiac arrest during a televised FA Cup game in who starred in the Premier League for Nations League playoffs, Jaroslav semi-final against Israel due to a posi- to get the match switched from 2012, tweeted “Please God” following the inci- West Ham this season told Czech pub- Silhavy’s men had snapped up the tive test for Southampton’s Stuart Hampden due to the strict travel rules dent. “To watch it from that distance and not lication Idnes. Scottish national team’s normal base in Armstrong. that prevent travelling fans from knowing the expectation of what was going to “I believe that he did not tell him Edinburgh with the first two of their Under those rules, one positive case attending without spending 10 days in happen - it’s scary,” he told the BBC. “It’s credit anything racist, there was no evidence, Group D matches in Glasgow before in camp could force a host of players quarantine. By contrast, Scotland will to the medical staff that they’ve come in and they but a lot of people on the islands (the facing England at Wembley. into isolation. As a result, the Czechs be roared on by home fans for the first did an amazing job on Christian.” UK) condemned him and he received a However, those plans had to be will be based in Prague and fly into the time since Nov 2019, with 12,000 in Muamba said he was impressed by how severe sentence. I find it absurd. I changed just over two weeks before UK for all three of their group games. attendance. — AFP Eriksen’s teammates had surrounded him to “pro- tect the whole situation”. “It just brought back emotion that you’ve literally put down there for a promising youngsters and high- long time that you don’t want to re-live,” he said. Uncertainty, COVID chaos end performers arrive without any Doctor confirms “To see it on the other side, when it happened I real sense of what now fills the asked my missus ‘how did you even cope know- curb excitement for Spain void. Since the last World Cup, 61 Eriksen suffered ing this has happened to me’? “I’m hoping that players have played for Spain’s things turn out to be OK for him. I really, really, MADRID: After a week without defeat in Moscow was clear - the senior team as the desire for a really hope he comes through.” training and three years of historic crop of 2008 to 2012 had clean slate under Luis Enrique ‘cardiac arrest’ upheaval, Spain head into their grown old and the style that and, briefly, Robert Moreno, Cardiologist warning COPENHAGEN: Denmark’s team doctor said yes- Euro 2020 opener against placed Barcelona and Spain at the meant opportunities were spread A sports cardiologist who previously worked terday there was still “no explanation” for why mid- Sweden today determined to vanguard of football was painfully far and wide. with Eriksen at Tottenham said the midfielder, fielder Christian Eriksen collapsed during his coun- leave the past behind but unsure out of date. At La Cartuja in But a crystallization of those now at Inter Milan, was unlikely to play again. try’s opening Euro 2020 game against Finland, but about what comes next. Luis Seville today, only Jordi Alba will ideas never really materialized, “Clearly something went terribly wrong,” Sanjay confirmed he had suffered a cardiac arrest. “He was Enrique was appointed to ring remain from the Euro success nine meaning even the most forensic Sharma, professor of sports cardiology at St gone, and we did cardiac resuscitation,” team doc- the changes in the aftermath of years ago, with Sergio Ramos cut observers are struggling to pre- George’s, University of London, told the Press the 2018 World Cup, when going and Sergio Busquets self-isolating dict who will start today’s opener tor Morten Boesen told a press conference. “How Association agency. “But they managed to get out on penalties to Russia had after testing positive for COVID in Group E, which also includes close were we? I don’t know. We got him back after him back. The question is what happened? And made it three consecutive failures last weekend. Poland and Slovakia. Some of the one defib (defibrillation), so that’s quite fast,” why did it happen? This guy had normal tests all to reach the quarter-finals of a And yet while the names bear biggest question marks hang over Boesen added. However, the physician also said they the way up to 2019 so how do you explain this major tournament. almost no resemblance to what the most important positions, with had yet to discover that cause of the 29-year-old’s cardiac arrest?” Sharma, who chairs the Football Association’s The conclusion in the wake of went before, Spain’s fresh mix of Luis Enrique refusing to confirm if heart attack. “There’s no explanation so far,” Boesen Athletic Bilbao’s Unai Simon will said, adding that all tests done so far on the player, expert cardiac consensus group, said there were play in goal, ahead of David de who is still in hospital, have come back fine. That is multiple reasons a cardiac arrest could have hap- Gea and Brighton’s Robert also one of the reasons that he is still in the hospi- pened, such as high temperatures or an unidenti- Sanchez. tal,” the physician added. fied condition. But he said reports after the match Ramos’ omission means Pau The Inter Milan star suddenly collapsed in the that Eriksen, 29, was awake in hospital were “a Torres is expected to be partnered 43rd minute of Denmark’s Group B game against very good sign”. by Aymeric Laporte, the former Finland on Saturday, laying motionless as medical “I’m very pleased,” he said. “The fact he’s sta- ble and awake, his outlook is going to be very France defender who declared for personnel administered CPR. He laid on the field for good. I don’t know whether he’ll ever play foot- Spain last month and would be about 15 minutes before being carried off the pitch ball again. Without putting it too bluntly, he died earning only his second cap and rushed to hospital. The game was temporarily today, albeit for a few minutes, but he did die and against Sweden. Koke, Rodri or suspended awaiting updates on Eriksen’s health, but would the medical professional allow him to die resumed later in the evening after reports filtered Thiago Alcantara could all form the again? The answer is no.” Former Tottenham through that the player was in a stable condition base of the midfield trio while the player and manager Glenn Hoddle, who suffered central striker might be either and awake. It ended in a 1-0 win for debutants SEVILLA: Sweden’s players pose with a banner displaying a message in sup- a cardiac arrest while working for TV in 2018, Finland. Players in the Danish team were given the port of Denmark’s midfielder Christian Eriksen prior to an MD-1 training ses- Villarreal’s in-form Gerard Moreno tweeted: “Thank God Christian is OK. And to sion at La Cartuja Stadium yesterday on the eve of their UEFA EURO 2020 or Alvaro Morata, who was option to continue the game or postpone it, but those who did the CPR, it’s simple, you saved his Group E football match against Spain. — AFP mocked by his own fans in the last yesterday head coach Kasper Hjulmand said he life as I know so well.” —AFP friendly against Portugal. — AFP regretted the decision. — AFP Established 1961 Sport

MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2021 Djokovic makes history with 19th Slam

‘Extraordinary’ Krejcikova doubles up at French Open

PARIS: Novak Djokovic claimed a 19th broke for the first time for a 6-5 lead but Grand Slam title and became the first was unable to serve out the opener as a man in 52 years to win all four majors series of razor-sharp returns put twice when he came from two sets down Tsitsipas back on level terms. In a dra- to beat Stefanos Tsitsipas in a gripping matic tiebreaker, Tsitsipas saw a 4/0 and French Open final yesterday. The world 5/2 lead disappear. He had to save a set number one triumphed 6-7 (6/8), 2-6, 6- point before claiming the opener after 3, 6-2, 6-4 over the Greek 22-year-old 70 minutes when Djokovic fired a fore- who was playing in his first Slam final. hand wide. Djokovic is now just one major away Dropping the opening set at this from equaling the all-time record of 20, year’s Roland Garros was familiar terri- jointly held by Roger Federer and Rafael tory for Djokovic. He had to recover Nadal. It was a second French Open from two sets down to beat Lorenzo crown for Djokovic after his 2016 victory Musetti in the last 16 and lost the opener and adds to his nine Australian Opens, against Nadal on Friday. Tsitsipas, 12 five Wimbledon titles and three at the US years the world number one’s junior, Open. The 34-year-old is the first man broke again in the first game of the sec- since Rod Laver in 1969 to win all four ond set as the 2016 champion looked Slams on multiple occasions and just the increasingly weary in the 30-degree third in history. afternoon heat. He is also the first man ever to win a The Greek edged ahead 5-2 and Slam title by twice coming back from pocketed the second set with his eighth two sets down in same the tournament. ace of the contest. But the top seed was- Djokovic now has 84 career titles in total n’t finished, breaking in the fourth game while yesterday’s win pushed him to the of the third set to cut the deficit. brink of $150 million in prize money. “It Tsitsipas then called the trainer to treat a was an electric atmosphere,” said back problem which also gave him the Djokovic after the four-hour 11-minute opportunity to change the clay-covered final. “It’s a dream. It’s difficult to win the shirt he’d worn since a first set tumble. title against a great player. It was a diffi- Thirty minutes later, it was two sets cult three days physically and mentally.” apiece after Djokovic secured a double Djokovic had also spent more than break. PARIS: Serbia’s Novak Djokovic poses with The Mousquetaires Cup (The Musketeers) after winning against Greece’s Stefanos four hours on court on Friday to knock As the shadows swept across Court Tsitsipas at the end of their men’s final match on Day 15 of The Roland Garros 2021 French Open tennis tournament yesterday. — AFP out defending champion Rafael Nadal. Philippe Chatrier, Tsitsipas’ mood also Tsitsipas survived a nervy opening serv- darkened as he slipped 3-1 down in the became the first player since Mary win in singles and doubles,” said Swiatek in Paris and backed it up the same year ice game, having to save two break decider. As the clock ticked past four Pierce in 2000 to win the singles and who was singles champion in 2020. at Wimbledon. “It was really difficult. points. Djokovic, by contrast, didn’t con- hours, he fought off two more break doubles titles at the French Open yester- Krejcikova on Saturday had become Like yesterday there were so many emo- cede a point in his first three service points in the seventh game but Djokovic day. Krejcikova teamed with fellow the first Czech woman since Hana tions and everything. I didn’t really sleep games. But suddenly he faced a set point was not to be denied his latest slice of Czech Katerina Siniakova to defeat Mandlikova in 1981 to lift the singles title well,” said Krejcikova. “I woke up in the in the 10th game courtesy of an ugly history taking the glory on his second Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Iga Swiatek with a three-set win over Anastasia morning and I felt really tired. I can actu- shank but saved it after a 26-shot rally. championship point. 6-4, 6-2 for their third Slam title togeth- Pavlyuchenkova. Krejcikova and ally say that out loud right now, I’m hav- Fired up by a time violation, Djokovic Meanwhile, Barbora Krejcikova er. “It’s an extraordinary achievement to Siniakova also won the 2018 doubles title ing some pains in my leg.” — AFP