Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015) A Bargaining Mechanism for One-Way Games Andres´ Abeliuk Gerardo Berbeglia Pascal Van Hentenryck NICTA and NICTA and NICTA and University of Melbourne Melbourne Business School Australian National University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract information plays an important role and game theory and bar- gaining games can explain inefficient outcomes. We introduce one-way games, a framework moti- vated by applications in large-scale power restora- Other real-life applications are found in large-scale restora- tion, humanitarian logistics, and integrated supply- tion of interdependent infrastructures after significant disrup- chains. The distinguishable feature of the games tions [Cavdaroglu et al., 2013; Coffrin et al., 2012], human- is that the payoff of some player is determined itarian logistics over multiple states or regions [Van Hen- only by her own strategy and does not depend on tenryck et al., 2010], supply chain coordination (see, e.g., actions taken by other players. We show that the Voigt (2011)), integrated logistics, and the joint planning and equilibrium outcome in one-way games without the control of gas and electricity networks. Consider, for in- payments and the social cost of any ex-post effi- stance, the restoration of the power system and the telecom- cient mechanism, can be far from the optimum. We munication network after a major disaster. As explained in also show that it is impossible to design a Bayes- [Cavdaroglu et al., 2013], there are one-way dependencies Nash incentive-compatible mechanism for one-way between the power system and the telecommunication net- games that is budget-balanced, individually ratio- work.