Red Bank Register Volume Lxxi, No

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Red Bank Register Volume Lxxi, No RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXI, NO. 2. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1948 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Shrewsbury Council P.U.C Approves Mrs. Thompson Forms Planning Board Firemen's Fair Military, Civil A planning board was formed In County Delays Bus Rdte Rise On Official Staff Shrewsbury Tuesday night. Headed At Hazlet Starts by Mayor Alfred N. Bcadleston and Dig down for the extra two cents, Councilman Herbert Schlld, th« friend. Tho Public Utilities com- Of Riverview group also consists of Irving Reist, Tomorrow Night mission Friday granted a two-cent John H. Hawkins and Arthur School Proposal Tests OK Ocean fare increase to the Boro Bus Co. Moore. of Red Bank and the Coast Cities Accepts Responsibility The board, appointed by the ma- To Award Merchandise Coaches, Inc. yor according to state statute, last Monmouth Officer, However, Blame* The new rates went into effect As Technical Advisor night was sworji into odice. They And Cueh Prizes Merit Of Vocational Program Sunday. The Boro bus routes prev- also held their organization meet- iously five cent* are now seven At Local Hospital ing and discussed work which will Valued At $1,000 State For Inadequate Water Te»U cents, while the ten-cent routes are make up their first year of activity. Praised, But Cost Needs Study now 12 cents. Fifteen-cent rides re- Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson of Announcement of their plans will The 1948 edition of the Hazlet C»pt. Homer E. Carney, medical main the Bame. Brookdale Farm, Lincroft, is now be made at the August 3 meeting Firemen's Fair commences tomor- After one year of Intense study, inspector of Fort Monmouth, has The routes affected are Red Bank- technical advisor at Riverview hos- of the mayor and council, row night and with the exception which included on-the-spot survey! criticized the system of seasonal Long Branch via Eatontown, Red pital. She assumed her official du- of next Sunday will operate on suc- Little Silver Board of vocational school systems in teiting of bathing water* of theMilk Prices Eank-Asbury Park, Asbury Paik- ties as such last Thursday, July 1. censlve nights through Saturday, Middlesex and Ocean counties and North Jersey coast by the State De- Oceanport, Rod Bank-Alfred Vail Mrs. Thompson, who Is one of the July 17. The event will be held on at Allentown, Pa., the board of partment of Health as "totally in- Given Boost Homes-Long Branch and Red Bank- foremost social workers in NewFour Score And the company's grounds on State To Call Election freeholders has decided against any adequate" for public protection. Long Branch via Occanport. Jersey, and possibly in the East, Highway 35. immediate establishment of a cen- Tbo officer, who also is a college Other Boro bus routes affected has [or some time been greatly in- Several new booths will be In op- tralized vocational school in Mon- professor in bacteriology and lec-In Shore Area are the Red Bank belt line, the terested in the humanitarian work Ten Years Old eration this year and one of the Approvul Of mouth county. tures frequently at New York Uni- Red Bank-Highlands routs and the rendered by Riverview hospital, Highlands-Long Branch route. features will lie an enclosed play- In an extensive report submitted versity and other Institutions, told Mrs, Thompson has been presi- ground for small children which $3,000 Kxpciiiliturc for public study, the county board Tho Register this week that water Rise In Minimum The West End-Long Branch dent of the Monmouth County Or- On The Fourth will contain slides, swings, seesaws explained it was convinced it had analyses should be maintained on a Route 7 and the Asbury Park-Long ganization for Social Service for A resolution calling a special "no moral right" to embark upon Branch Route 7-W arc Cities and sand boxes. This playground regular schedule of at least "once Levels Ordered By many years. equipment has been purchased out- election was recently adopted by a new venture of this kind at tin • week" for safety. Coaches routes affected by the new She has lived at Brookdale Farm John C. Warden the Little Silver school board. At present time, because it would add rutes. right by the company and will ho At the same time, Capt. Carney State Director since her marriage in 1896; has supervised by wives of the firemen. tho election, tho taxpayers will vote to the citizens' tax burden aa been a member of the State Board Enjoys Trip To anncunced that the bathing beach Free ground prizes will be award- on thb expenditure of $3,000 for an amount not yet possible to deter- at the Fort Hancock Officers' club, Minimum retail milk prices along of Control of tho Department of In- additional first grade teacher and mine. stitutions and Agencies since its in- Sandy Hook ed every night of the fair. These for converting a portion of the which he-said had been closed be- the New 'Jersey coast and cream Sea Bright Now prizes will include; among others, Costs ot establishment of a cen- came of water pollution, was re- prices throughout the state will rise ception, boing the first woman to school auditorium into classroom tralized vocation school, the board sorve on a State board in New Jer- John C. Warden of Mechanic an electric vacuum cleaner, an spui't! The school board decided to opened last Thursday. Jun« 29 tests, sharply July 17. eight foot electric refrigerator, a said, first would have to be care- he said, gave this bathing water an State Milk Control Director Ar- sey. Mrs, Thompson is thoroughly street celebrated his 90th birthday call the election, the date for which fully estimated, as would the Protests Garbage interested in school and health mat- Sunday. He was an attendant at radio-phonograph combination with has not yet been set, when it was Army rating of "fairly good" to thur F. Foran has lifted the floor an automatic record changer, an amount o[ capital expenditure re- "good". Water at the North Long on dairy prices in an order filed ters and the farming interests of the Red Biink Methodist church, learned that the amount tho borquire- d to provide buildings and to Branch enlisted men's beach also the county and state. In June, 1331, and received congratulations not electric blanket nnd a Mixmastcr. ough will receive from the cigarette late last week with the Secretary Council Hits N. V. tho honorary degree of Master of only from the church pastor, Rev, Monday, the 12th, _will be Chil- equip them with essential supplies. came within "allowable limits" of of State. tax will bo $1,300 Instead of $2,000. However, tho board loft open the purity, he laid. On Offshore Dumping Philanthropy was conferred upon Roger J. Squire, but also from a dren's night and two standard size, Affected by the milk decree is a her by Rutgers university. large percentage of the member- fully equipped bicycles will be In the folloivlnj,' statement, the question of future establishment of Cupt. Carney also stated he had narrow shore coastal strip extend- ship of the congregation present, school board explains why thevocational schools, saying: "What Jul a test made of the ocean at ing from Sandy Hook to Cape May, Sea Brlght's mayor and council She was appointed a member of given to a lucky boy and girl. school needs Ihe extra teacher, and we would I'l'e to emphasize is that the State Board of Control of theMr. Warden lias benn a member Firemen's Night will be held on Sea Bright within the past .veck and including parts of Monmouth, has sent New York city's depart- and a regular attendant of the how the funds, if approved, will be y,e think that the need is for dis- and the (sample taken there, off the Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May ment of sanitation, with a copy to Department oE Institutions and Tuesday, tho 13th. A cash prize of expended: cussion of the operation of a voca- Agencies by Gov. Edge February church since 18B7. $25 will go to the company from municipal teach, ni lated satis- counties. Home-delivered milk in the New Jersey Department of He lUIUler cdlelJl'Htcd Ills blrtli= Little Silver, N. J.tional school and not the idea of factory. this area will cost two and one- Health, a sharply-worded protest 28, 1918, for a term ending June the most aistatlt liuinl and tlutu Juiio 11, liMS. such establishment. We think ttit half cents more after July IT. 30, 1925, and was re-appolnted by day Monday by enjoying a trip out awards of $25 each will be made latter Is pretty well settled." However, said the officer, "we will against the too-close-in off-shore Gov. Silzer in 1925 for a full term to Sandy Hook nnd Rarilnn buy on Since February of this year, when not hesitate to close the Fort Han- Foran's order boosts the mini- dumping of city garbage. Much that night. There will be twotlu voters twice rejected the pro- In its survey the freeholder* of eight years. In 1933 she was re- a boat belonging to his nephew, awards for Ladles' Auxiliaries, one posed school budget, several thinga cock officers' beach again and mum price of home-delivered milk refuse has been carried by sea cur- appointed in 1941 by Gov. Edison Harry B. Wliltc of Anbury Park, quoted, as an example of public in- quickly if w« find rising pollution in the shore region from the pres- rents onto ths borough's beach.
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