

M'ECIAL NOTICES. THE PORTLAND DAILS FROM iston & Auburn Horse Railroad to use «team TRESS, AUGUSTA. Co., THE CABINET. of M bu' a year l.t-r was smile and hearty grip of the hand. Most all the Colored Men. or electricity; act to the Maine Life Uuivfirbity ss'ceipol, Well-to-Do Published every dey (Sundays excepted) by the incorporate IranMnrrtd 10 ttii l iw h>r>. Hi was and Accident and Insurance Co. proft«M>or visiting military civic organization which [Frank Carpenter in Mall and Expreas] J. D. PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, elected to t* e Kortv- h ri and F rtv-foarth bad not previously called in a body were well CHENEY, HOD1F. The Hon. W. ex-member "WITH At 97 Exchange SJtkket, Poktland. Ma. Passage of the Temperance Bill a Congretwe o( th» û itt«U Sate". H» lï'-t »t- represented in the line. Gov. Patterson of George Williams, Resolve in President Cleveland Sends tlie favor of copying tho muster-out tmcii J bin mnuio.a- and Btaff were a and author of the 3ΝΓ. Ε. leans: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subecrlt- l'ouxHeoth a'tKUttoD by Pennsylvania presented in of the legislature ΟJIGA^JST CO. SoTon Foregone Conclusion. tolls was be on and h» lias ers, Dollars a Year, if paid in advance. passed in concurrence. Names of His Advisers to tali'iv C!iarl«s Su nner, body. of the Colored Race In Kates of : ever mu "History America," Advertising One inch of space, the on an c« held a prom'nent'placein publie life. Tiatio Forte and Tuner of Legislation inexpedient was reported Organ and Be- length column, or twelve lines nonpareil consti- the Senate. H" r ,18 elected to tNe UiiU »l Siatei Sn'i'l i*< iil is a lightekinned, well dressed mulatto of tute· a order to 70 of pairer, "square." to relating amending sec. 21, chap. and wcart- THE OLD Bill Establish a Reformatory for 1876, ltc iil iu 188J Mr. Liuar WORLD. 35. He is now here $1.60 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per E. so perhaps engaged (io No. week 8., that the order of sale therein provided wi l be 60 »μκ old ilii* lull, bat he look* 5. Free Street Block. after; three insertions or continu- on the lets, $1.00, Women Indefinitely Mr. Η» in β atiovo Washington) his second volume of fel>14: ing every other day after first 50 cents. Postponed. for may bo made by tbe without public Bird's Confirmation Opposed by jonnger. peculiar looking u.ao, TELEPHONE 744. en4w week, judge Hie Half three or mni'ain htulit, with a in of Reconstruction." I asked him square, Insertions less, 75 cents; one notice, if he deems Mr. studeut-stnop News by Cable from Different "History week, β 1.00; (50 cents per weok after. expedient. Kiddleberger. t'">e blion 1 ii- rs nun incliner) to be ut, ■ b'xictα Special An act to for of life in- to-night to give me some facte as to the rich Notices, one-third additional. Final Adjournment to provide the taxation not a ptr.,1 g αιιη ph\eral:y. H- haï a l »rg", Countries. Under head of Probably of "Amusements" and "Auction surance companies caaoe from the Senate long In an, aod bi. brjwn ha'r is negroes the . He replied: Sales," $2.00 toi, per square per week; throe insertion! Take Place To-day. Waîhiîîqtok;, March 8.—President Cleve- Cnuibed utr tight e.c'i Bide of hti bead or less, $1.50. amended. After debate by Messrs. Mattocks, up upon "The colored Deople are amassing fortunes land jeni to Ibe Senate the nomina- into a thick ma-s, whiilt cirla at Ihe back of following S g:is of Discontent Against British and I know of a THE MAINE Hale, Houston and Littlefield, the amend- hi* r eck. A inu very rapidly, great many STATE PRESS. ButioiiH to be members of his long, giayieh brawn t cbe to Cabinet. They Published ©very Thursday at a Special the Press. ment was adopted. and bxard Ii deb,β mnutti and chin, but t ie It ile i i lucre who are worth from a hundred thousand to Morning, $2.60 are He s»u>e as i'gjpt slug. yoar: if paid in a announced about a week ago: bidts of lita sallow face are «ιβί< tli shaven. He advance, $2.00 year. Aûgûsta, Mar. 5. Mr. Houston moved to amend so as to in- a million dollars. Here at Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State Secretary of State, Thomas F. Bayard of IJela ieapnormiD) with the simplt. inextnnalve Washington Pbesb has REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN. clude the taxation of stock. Re- «aie. (which a largo circulation in every national bank a rt there are one hundred worth over of part habite of s;udeDt, with tin ff ati-hiw or negroes the State) for $1.00 per square for tiret insertion The House concurred with Secretary of the Treasury—Daniel or Anxiety Regarding the of the Senate in in- jected. Manning display, and h

/ THE ADMIRAL· PREBLE. Dr. Engene W. Bro«Ua. ON THE ROLLGB8. Belgrade. NEW ADVKn riSKMElVTS. auction hau.u» PEES8. Dr. Eocene W. Brooks died at his residence Moderator—Thomas Eldred. nuous gloucesters 2. C. Mosher. in Ibis 3; Clerk—J. oit; yesterday, after an illness of aboat Selectmen—C. H. Wyman, E. F. F. Ο. BAILEY & CO., FRIDAY MARCH 0, Funeral Services at the First The Bijous won a good victory last night, defeat- Yeaton, C. A. MOUSING, four duration. He was tbe son of the Yeatou. jears' the club in the Massachusetts àoctioneeis and Commission Merchants Parish Church ing leading league, Agent-C. II. Wyman. late Ο. M. a and — 81· Yesterday. Brooks, dry goods merchant, the celebrated Gloucesters, 3 goals to 2 in le3s than Treasurer L- W ■ ltachelder. ttaleerooui 18 JUxchaoge was born F. D. W. Allen. CITY AKD VICINITY. in this city in 1848. He attended half an hour, actual playing time. The game was Supervisor—H Wyman. F. O. Bimnr, 0. foustables-F. G. Yeaton, Henry Fletcher. lectures at the Brunswick Medical School, and not as interesting as the last one with the Bnv Some Interesting; Historical Reminis- Sexton—S. H.Dunlap. Regalar Sale of Purnîtnre mid General Merctan- York States, but there were brilliant plays uni narrow a. NEW AOVERTINEItlENTM TODAY. subsequently graduated at the New Col- All Democrats. liae every Saturday, cowuR'ucin# aw 10 o'clock cences of the chances to make it decidedly ο ω. elicited oet8d Family. lege of Physicians aad Surgeons. He began enough exciting. TU Ceor|«isw·. MOI DRE & CO. CouMignmext» ENTERTAINMENTS. Gloucesters their te»m to a man. OWEN, practice at Naples, and remained there several played regular Moderator—Benj. F. Grand Opening—Falmouth Skating Parlor. Hinckley. They were Doe, captain and rusher; Ferry, 2d rush, Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor— I l V ADVKKI l«K,*IE!VT!i. Rev. Joseph Cook—City Hall. The remains of Maine's years. He then removed to Portland, and distinguished Bear- er; Watson, cover point; Viator, centra; McKay, \ K. W. Kiggs, Benj. ltowo and James Oliver. SPECIAL FO R FRIDAY. FINANCIAL NOTICE. continued iu active practice here until about Treasurer—Martin Tratton. Admiral, George Henry Preble, arrived in this half back and Smith, goal. They wr,re all ho ivy Que hundred genuine Mara ;illes Quilts at $1.00 each. of I'ortl Constable—Geo. Berry. Moore & Co. Parish church Medi- profession, with the exception of th me«u ores, UPONpermission to erect a Staline iry steam En- Owen, yesterday afternoon. I.orcU. Stock ef Family Groceries for Sale. cal Association and the Medioal Socie- and Doe seemed well ver-ed in he gine of dix horse power at 184 Commercial Street, It is in to the County especially funny are both about Notice- Ε. B. Shaw. noticeable, regard fanerai of Moderator—C. K. Chapman. We consider that these half the regular notice is taereoy given, that the Hoard of Mayor He leaves a widow but no children. which a little advantage Ox.ull be Lost -Gei man Eye Glasses. the that both his ty. businese, by Clerk—Marshal Walker. prices, and invite ladies to ixamine for themselves. and Aldermen will give a hearir g tu all In- Admiral, uncle, the distin- When the ball was b * irick wa- partie» was gained. spotted Assessors and terested in the above named at the Alder- To Let—Suviny Iioom. Dr. Brooks a care- ■ Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor— petition, guished Commodore and his thoroughly educated, to get a hit at it just a* the wh i« bl î%, and so Dissolution of Preble, father, liirnes Walker, Albert M. Harri- men'B Room oo Monday, April Oth. J K8S at 7.80 Co-partnersbip. ful and conscientious In the four get a start. But Orne played lu sime game Kimball, George To Let Rooms. Enooh were physician. good man. Ά 10 CE3TS. p.m. Per order, GEO. C. Captain Preble, honored by pub- and rather the beet of him several titu«e. Al- CURTAIN SCR1 BURU'.SS, years in which he was in active be got Treasurer—Chas. H. Brown. marBdSt C ty Clerk. lic funerals in their native practice, rather at tiiuuS. We have on« case of city. When Com- though they played h»*vy they Supervisor—Edward C. Walker. bought PxijgK«>fed Nci iiu in short lengths at a reduced price; Damon aur most THE now sion, not only by his medioal knowledge and play doing wonders in the healing art at the concourse of people frooi the neighboring done in some of the past a »m»*s, l»uu tuoir μ η iug Hartland. any purpose are in lexig Lhs to suit customers, skill, but by his admirable as a averaged quite well and for <>n«e lu<'k d idu'L *eem 0. We them under price, and iu order to City Hotel, cannot remain after March 14 b. towus business was many qualities Moderator—J. Bradbury. bought assembled, suspended, to be them. The Gloucester* wer. rn.:h*r W. Miller. sell them sha 1 make the price 10 man as well. His nature against Clerk—A. quickly make this colors kindly and purity of a They announcement thus early eo were displayed at half-mast from the dispirited at the result and pronounced it Vu k" Selectmen, etc.—J. O. Bradbury, D. W. Ham, R. cents per yard. At ret til only. character had endeared htm to a circle of game. But if they knew h w luck h >.ι favosa the E. Lottv. •very one may bave an to see shipping and and a large opportunity public buildings, large in the wouidu'c bet on who will feel bis Bijous past they v~ry heavy School Committee—Flora E. McOaueland. acqaintauoes, keenly less, » ILTUAl l> before procession escorted the a were to wi bv l'aura w*r* Sev- HSHS they go. by military marched to game they luck. Treasurer aud Collector—K. S. Williams. the fact that his ill- eral chance shots that di>i good the MO or-: ε & co. the Eastern where the remains notwithstanding lingering \sork, l-ut Glou- OWEN, Cemetery, cesters had their shar* ot lhem JBucl&Jleld. m*r6 dit ness which for several years past has Superior Cvurt. were interred with Masonic ceremonies,—the given Foster got the first ru-b, mm h to the deiglvt of Moderator—^Thomas S. Β rid g h am. scarce ground for of his bad in the The lasted tti»-ee nduuits and Selectmen, etc.—A. P. Ν. N. Hutchln- BEFORK judge: bonney. most imposing scene, says Willis, Portland hope recovery, spectators. goa* Bonney, was won Watfou fo b Glouoe te i, a §on, A. S. Bessey. II. a measure them for his A by by Thursday—J. Groves vs. Theophilus Mor- had ever witnessed. preuared departure. shot f ha f from ti e ceo ie to Treasurer—A. P. IN3UMNGE straight 'om May the Bonney, LIFE COMPANY. Acii-n upon an account annexed 10 recover a | and When number of years ago Dr. Brooks united with goal. Doe go& the seconu au*!i, and att*r a half ; Collector Constable—Cbas. A. Warren. tan.fiance due for KrocHries Defense ρ «ymenr.. De- Capt. Enoch Preble'a funeral was mluute'eplay there wa- a wait fo·· a bio*ea ekate. Koad Commissioner—A. W. Spaulding. cision for the for $12.5 « without cjsis the Becond Parish church, and he was a mem- plaintiff observed, the fligs on the were half- In half a minute af'er the ball staned ag Foster School Committee—Alfred Cole. OF MAINE, A. W. for shipping .in, Bradbury defendant. ber of it at the time of his death. had it in the GIouj fiers* cage I; behind M. A. toi plaintiff. masted, the city bells tolled, and a large con- Jay. Floyd their goal and the .r go d tender ,.pe«t around to in 184$. Albion Burbnnk vs. Reuben Action to re- course of citizens Selectmen, etc.—-Roscoe B. P. D Organized Dyer. accompanied the remains to of the Mud. theend to send it y. It ru *>d ack by him in Vaughn, Parker, cover tor 1 faire Eclipne O. Coolidge. Notice. damages allege representations in their last front of the goal, and I' ·» ei was in just the right to the value <»f a c >w for which the re-sting place. He was the last sur- On March there will he a total Clerk-J. Merritt. regard plaintiff Monday, 16th, position to take rui nn goof il. 1 'o* got the third is that the his cow. Defense no false vivor of Treasurer—Warren Leland. hereby given copartnership swapped lepresentations liis father's family, and when he died of the sun visible in and after five minutée of actual the ball bet a eclipse North America. rush, play NOTICEexisting veen Franklin Shirley and Alon- and good trade for plain liif. Decision for defen- and wheu λ'/a School Committee—Frank P. Stone, Rev. Mr. Has had was the oldest native got behind the Bijou*' g>al, Leon Bent zo F. and kt'own under the firm name of thirty-tlve years' experience. dant. resident of the city In New Eogland more than ooo-half of tbe Weston, A. D. Brawn. Lewis, it out, it hit Μ oi way's lojt «ni glanced in. Ju«t as SHIRLEY & LEWIS, is this dissolved. The W. R. Anthoine for defendant. which had from a Collector and Constable—S. Pharnam. day grown town of less than son will be obscured and it will be the it struck his foot vtorsray pi »beU the cage a little stock and accounts have been sold to H. & Strout for greatest W. Cons- Strout, Gage plaintiff. to a or it would have g me outside. Ιό ter got the re- Mkovrkcgan. close the RECORD 19 4,000 city of over 16,000 inhabitants. eclipse .visible in New Eogland since 1831. It ens,who will up accounts and continue bus- maining two rusbe-j. The fourth uoal hud an actual Moderator—L. L. Walton. The Annual of the ioess at the old stand. SHIRLEY & LEWIS. JT» Court. Both of these distinguished iu'nuies an·! w..s Meeting Municipal officers, Com- will be total in some parts of the country. Ti e playing tirae«»f eeven won by Orr Clerk—George S. Webb. Fryeburg, March 2,1885. mar6d3t* BEFORE JUDGE GOULD. modore and for the Bijou* Foster ?euL ilia ball int© the ·· Edward Capt. Eaoch Preble, were width of tbe cr annular ecli.se will be in Selectmen, etc.—Abel Prescott, S. F. Steward, Death losses paid, 71 ring Gloucester go»l tende» '* fret, an-1 in it out $7,892,511 Thubsday.—Monie Smith, William Nolan. In- members of kicking John Weston. Portland Lodge, and the latter the United States aboat 70 but no he moved aw.^y froiu hi·^ goal loo far and the ball fined and costs each. miles, large Txeasurer—George S. Webb. NOTICE. Endowments toxication; $3 was betoie be was In position Dunn PORTLAND paid, 3,140,251 ΐ»β was elected a member of Ancient Lindmark town is included and Earska in Cal caged again. Agent—James B. Dascomb. therein, won the fifth after four minutes The OllCE is hereby that WILLIAM and Brief g<>*l play. Auditor—L. L. Walton. given Joitio^H. Lodge in 1818. Admiral Preble was made a ball was siruoa clear aero.-H tir· and in ad- FKED 15 and 13 hav- Surrendered 84 foroia. and Bozeman in Montana, seem to be rink, S. S. Committee-S. A. Patten, E. F. Danforth, ΑΒΒΟΤΓ, aged years, policies, 5,592,113 The ice in the docks is member to meet it S>uUL and a second left their home at house without rapidly breaking up. of Tolerant Lodge in Lisbon, Portu- tbe most important Tbe will vancing misjudged it, Lizzie R. Miller. ing my liberty, placée. eclipse after it was m the of his that I shall no bills of their from ...... new snuggled unay netting at 2 cent—S. pay contracting Dividends, 4,208,(502 74 The skatiDg rink on Danforth street will gal, and he took so much iuterest in Collector, per A. Bickford. ffiUfUAL FISHING INSURANCE Ancient begin at about thirty minutes past noon; cage. The actuarplaying time wsuj 20 minutes. this date. E.B.SHaW. be to the Palmyra. Maroh 1885. marCdlt opened public Monday evening. Landmark Lodge that he presented that lb. 66m. 18j. m NOTES, Cumberland, 4th, body greatest obscuration, p. ; Moderator—Lewis More vessels the draw of with bis There Wyman. ilOWIMi A TOTAL. PAYMENT to passed throagh father's photograph, bis apron and ends 11 minutes 3 m. will be another obstacle race at Portland Selectmen—H. C. COMPANY eclipse past p. Webber, W. H. Miles, W. J. Ο JIN TO LET.-A few choice rooms at No. of Portland than on other rink tonight. The contestants will be obliged to Thomas. S Policyholders nearly bridge Wednesday any day Masonic relics. The last duplicate copy KO 039 Congress St. House heat entirely by saw wood, go through barrels with cloth heads, and Clerk—J. F. for four months. of the Preble Wcdillag. Harvey. Will be held at tlieir office, oa steam, avoiding fire risks, excellent bath room, family history—on the death of also through paper frames eat oranges, and last of Constable and million* of dol- Treasurer, Collector—J. Q. Adams. flrst-class in every particular. One front The of A very nretty wedding took place at the all will explore the great Hooaac tunuel. This lat- large to meeting "Vincent" Chautanqia, cir- his son—he presented to the Portland Masonic S. S. Committee—Β. P. Hanson. room, 18 18, lays to the eun all TFLE- Twenty-oneLAKS, equal ter will be an amusing part of the race. by day. First Parish chorch yesterday noon. tHONE No. 557 X. cle, arranged for this evening has been Library. Henry The second race for the medal All Republicans. 6-1 championship gold HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- nnatnnnnrl nn« e-ftfit Emerson Wood, of the firm of Wood will cuine off at the Biiou tonight. Fickett. who won East At the hour appointed for the Brothers, JLirermore. between Lincoln Park li \ for each of services, there last Helber. Foster and several Congress St., SIX «*, paid policyholders year was united in to week, McAndrews, 12 Preble a Mre. Helm H. larch and the of Bev. a Boston, marriage Clerk—C. Gibbs. House, pair German the 'β existence. Joseph Cook's lecture, to be given in was large attendance at the First others are to enter. LONT.—On Eye company Parish. eipected Thursday, Glasses with black horn case. The tinder will M. Selectmen—R. C. A. H. L. C. be ou Thfl AiRkftt Qro.fi nlana/l în fmnt n# *-*»» Freeman, daughter of J.-.r&d Crane ot this If the Alamedas wl'l cease their oyer the Boothbay, Ford, thia city the 19th in6t., will bo upon the sobbing rewarded leaving the same at the Press Office. «—» defeat of will recall Wymau. AT QiBO P. ~\T. by PBKNENT AH*ET.S ARE city, by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Hill. Tbo bridal Tuesday night perhaps tbey S. S. Committee—Dr. C. H. H. 6-1 «β,3ϋΓ "Chinese Question, and Mormoniam." and was draped with the American On the remark that made last at the first Gibbs, Reynolds IT* OOI 67, while its liabilities are flag. they spring Rev. E. S. Small. JOHN II. RIIISELL, Hcc. only $3,- coupie were auirsa in traveling costume, lfce between them and the Portlands. "The Port- 942,576 3V. B. D. Verrill, Eq., will lecture before the the oaeket reposed the cap, sword and belt of Treasurer—C. H. Gibbs. I*ET.—Pleasant sunny front room with bay Î;atueands may be ia but If we can't Law ushers were Mesura. F. Ο. and D. A. superior scienoe, Collector—Russell TOwindow, furnished, to let with board, at Students this evening on the subject ol the Bear-admiral, and a beautiful floral cross Rogers win science we must use Consider- Karrington. nicely by strength." 341 Congress St., also one other room. 6-1 ΠΑΝ THEREFORE A MURPLU* ·( Curtis ot Porlland, and John Wood of Boston. the fact that has been a "Contracts." and crown, while at the head, enfolded in the ing "strength" prominent Cambridge. Stock of Family Groceries and IT OO according to the Massac h u- Mr. and Mrs. started feature of their playing ever since, it is especially Moderator—Jesse Kimball. setts and of 00 the No. δ the water from on the front of Wood on a short tour in Provisions for Sale. standard, $7'J5.£00 by New Engine pumped the draper; the pulpit, was a sheaf babyish for them to snivel over Tuesday's defeat. Clark—A. H. Bailey. MEETINGS. York standard. the and on wili reside in were because the Granite reservoir on the corner of Federal and Ex- of wheat and violets. South, returning They defeated Uitys plaj- r. m. u. L·, Eoglish ooioubuiou—vxeurgo mxtoneu, oaiiey, select stock on Boston. A number of ed the same kind of a game they are in the habit of prominent thoroughfare, streets The on largo friends witnessed Downing. a on UNION MUTUAL its mu- change yesterday afternoon. pews the right of the broad "They beat them at their own Treasurer—A. SMALLrent low, superior opening. Call To James IV. Winslow, Clerk of recognising aisle, playing. game." H. Bailey. is the most liberal in the wedding, and Kotzschmar at tbe Claude Leavett won in the hunt at Port THEtuality, company its The Democrats at the West End had a bon- near the chancel, were reserved for the rela- presided turkey Agent—George Mitchell. WOODBURY & LATHAM, land rink last Portland Union Railway and dealings with its policyholders. organ. night. S. S. Committee—Walter King. No. 213 Commercial Portland, Me. fire at the hay-scales A Democrat tives and connections of the and W. H. T's vs. at Lewiston St., Wednesday. deceased, Gloucester*, to-night. Conetable and Collector—F. K. Kimball. mart; dins* Back Bay Land Company. were were The of Massachu- POLI t Y CONTRACT is plain and de- said there 3000 peosle present, but anoth- filled by the members of the Cox, City Hotel. champion Plymouth county, are to call a Crie, will enter the race at the as Vienna· hereby requested special finite in all its and no chance for mis- The the setts, Bijou to-night of tbe stock nolders of tbe Portland IT* terms, er account makes it four men and twenty-five Cross, Limson and other well known families. City Hotel, under skilful proprietor- "unknown." Moderator—Henry Graves. SIR:—Youmeeting conception. Ueion Railway and Back Bay Land Company to be Those on of Mr J. W. has Several of the old Biddefords were in to see the Clerk—Henry Dowst. small boys. the left were occupied by Rev. Dr. ship Robinsoa, been com- holden at the office of Locke & Locke, corner of game last night. Selectmen, etc.—Henrj Graves, M. F. Eaton, N. POL1CIE* ARE The people will make extensive Lambert of Charlestown, Mass and the pall pelled to take a new departure. The owners G. Sanborn. Middle and Exchange streets, Portland, on Satur- PAPER day, March 7th, A. D. 1885, at 2.30 o'clock p. m., IT* INCONTESTABLE Treasurer—S. B. BAMNGS of the house Gordon. preparations for the entertainment of the bearers, Col. F. N. Daw, Collector of the have leased the immerse store for the After three years for any oause except fraud. Port; S. S. Committee—A F. Whittier. following purposes: MAINE SCHOOLS. — Hon. now AT —. 1 —For the election of officers for the OraDd Army as soon as the snow disappears. Clark H. Barker, Postmaster of Portland; adjoining, occupied by the popular gro- Agent—Henrv Graves. ensuing year. Τ PAY* DEATH WITHOUT About 3000 men will be there. Col. Charles E. Blunt, United States En- cary of Amos L. Millett & Co.,and will at once Constable and Collector—Lewis Berry. CLAIM*, quartered Annual Report of the State Superin- 2.—To devise measures to settle the liabilities of I DISCOUNT, immediately the proofs are com- a All the constable. the The Bath Times says that Sergeant Dennis gineers; Commander A. S. Crowninshield, (J. remodel it for dining room in order to ac- tendent. Republicans except The Company. plete and satisfactory, and without waiting 60, 90, war debt is now wiped out. which relieyea tbe 3.—To see if they will vote to Bell all the property or any number of Kel ley, who bas twice been on trial for the 8. N.; Hon. Jacob Hon. Wm. commodate the greatly increased natronage of days. MoLellan, town of a great burdeo. Reduced of the Company at public or private sale. The officials of twelve towns and Prices, see of Frank A. at Fort A. W. the house. The Hotel has been a plantations 4.—To if will vote to wind up the affairs shooting Smith, Fopham, Sonter, Longfellow, Esq., and J. F. City always Weld. they IMMI7EH FOLK I EM em all of the Company and take measures to dissolve the approved and was on sentenced to 18 months in Then hostelry, and wo are to note these (ailed to make the returns required by law, For a few plane, and Its Monday Anderson, Esq. followed Mayor King popular glad Moderator—N. Dummer. days only. same. Γ, lose one-tenth of the State Selectmen—G. N. Portland jail, was Wedueeday granted a new and the members of the Portland City Gov- signs of its prosperity. and, consequently, Coburn, R. E, Scamman, D. M. 5.—To act upon any other business which may be to Teagne. before the prelum· plan and trial on a writ of error. the officers school money. These losses range (rom $2 brought meeting. ernment, of the United States Clerk J. S. Houghton. H. J. LIBBY, AdjustedNON-FORFEITURE INVESTMENT PLAN Charles If. Blake. The totd amount Advertisements appropriately coming under Courts, the Army & Navy, Coast Survey, Cus- $550. expenditures to $1,- Treasurer—A. E. Houghton. J. B. CO Y LE, JR., Atty. are special features of this company and issued by Mr. Charlee H. Blake, the well-known cab- Collector and Constable—Eben Newman. h. mm T. H. WESTON. none other. an 3 j. the toms and Postal 134,080, increase oyer those of 1882 of $26,- & classification Help heads, Wants, Wast- Services. The Aged Brother- S. S. Committee—A. D. L. L. C. E. ci)., Russell, Jones, inet maker and undertaker, died suddenly of of this $82,873 went for new school houses. Proctor. SUCCESSORS TO ■d, Situations Wanted, Fob Bale, To Let, hood was also represented, Admiral Preble 325; Portland, February 25, A. D. 1885. BE ADVANTAGES of thia Company are heart disease yesterday noon at his residence The whole number of scholars in the 8t»te is In compliance with the request of the above nam- STRONG FINANCIAL Board and Booms and 1x>st and Found, not having j jined the society witbin the All Bepublioans, but collector. Τ AGE, EXPERIENCE, past year. in this Mr. ed stockholders representing one hundred shares of CONDITION, LARGE city. Blake was a member of the 213,524, a decrease of 353 since the last report; Albany. SURPLUS, EQUITABLE exceeding forty words, will bo inserted in the The arrangements at the church were all under & stock, and for the purposes named in said request, 1 and ATl'RACTIVE PLANS, and conseryative Mechanics Association and had held several Moderator—Geo. W. Bickler. Marrett, Bailey Co., call a special of the stockholders of Press one week of Charles H. so that the average expenditure per schoHr is hereby meeting management. Daily for twenty-five cents, if charge Major Boyd, of the U. S. Clerk—Wallace B. the Portland Union and Back offices in the a Cummings. Railway Bay Land Call or send to Office for a circular society; member of Maine $5.21. The uu xiber of schools is nine any Agency paid in advancc. When payment is not made Coast Survey, assisted by Messrs. W. H. An- graded Selectmen, etc.—Freeman H. Bennett, Austin offer a large variety of Company to meet at the place and time above desig- of its plans. and John in advance ratas will be and lodge, Machigone Encampment, Portland leas than at last report, and the number of un. Hutchinson, K. Wheeler. nated. J. N. WINSLOW, regular charged. The derson, Heury Deering Augustas Cum- Treasurer—J. H. feb27dtd Clerk. Belief Society of Odd Fellows. He leaves a graded schools is 26 lees than then; but of the Lovejoy. circulation of the Press makes It the best minge. G. Bean. large schools, there is an increase of 90 in Agent—Amos son and daughter. ungraded Supervisor of Schools—Wm. T. medium for these advertisements. Shcrtly after 2 p. m. the under in an of Guptill. organ, the those having classes history, increase Conetable and Collector—Osgood Drew. GILT AND MEDIUM PAPERS JAMES SINKINSON, master hands of Mr. rave 123 io classes in physiology, an increase of 79 No issue. Kotzachmar, forth political — — Konrd of Trade. .turnIt: AND I»KA.T1A. in the classes in AT the notes of that noble voluntary of Mendels- bookkeeping. Penobscot. At the of of the The average wages of male teachers is $32.- Moderator—Hosea B. Ward well. mm IMJRMCE Manager for Maine Agencies, monthly meeting managers sohn's "Cast Thy Burdens on the Lord," HI HENRY'S MINiTEKL·?. 59 an increase of 72 the Board of Trade held per month, cents; Town Clerk—Albert E. Varnum. Less than Manufacturer's Prices yesterday morning, Joseph which was most of female month Assessors sung beautifully byMiss Lizzie Hi Henry's Minstrels will reappear at Port- average wages teachers per Selectmen, and Overseers of Poor- E. Blabon vice president in the Messrs. an of K. John B. Wilson, Uriah B. Leach. ME. chair, M.Brown, Mrs. Messrs.Thurston and is $16.28, increase 92 cents. Seventy- Cyrus Bridges, PORTLAND, Morrison, land Theatre in a few days. Treasurer and Collector—Gilbert These are very desirable Goods mar 4 oodtf Theodore C. Woodbury, M. N. Rich and three school houses have been built, at a cost Littlefleld. Shaw, after which Kev. Dr. Hill read the im- The South Bend Tribune Supervisor of Schools-Sherman Littlefleld. ATLANTIC Walker says: "We are of $82,873: the estimated value oi f.li school and are only ottered as above to Oeorge were appointed a committee to bnrlal the Jackson. pressive service, following it with a voicing sentiments of everyone present property being $3,045,822 make room for the revise and print the by-laws of the with last in a en- board, prayer and the following address: night Baying that better minstrel The superintendent says: "Then" siVfetica Moderator—James W. Wallace. Mutual Insurance a tertalnme-it bas never been in ! Lierk—M. S. Jr. Co., list of its members; also a list of the sub- To the deares. presented this h ow an improved condition of ttie eohwii Stiles, friends of any noble man his While these mastodon I selectmen, etc.—E. E.Morton, M. S. scribers to tbe Merchants' city. companies which They indicate, generally, zea'ons and wi„t> Stiles, Jr., Exchange. death, at whatever age, if be retain the posses- about G o. W. Deering and Finest Stock OF KEW YORK. travel the country contain on an average efforts on the part of all directly concerned.l'i Largest Mark Down Sale Hon. William W. E. Bla- sion of his powers isa shock, and teems a loss. Supervisor of Schools—Erastns Johnson. Thomas, Joseph ot about one performer of excellence out of school work to lift the fcohooli 10 When the death is sudden, it to those most public larger Treîisurer—M. S. Stiles, Jr. — OF — bon and J. S. Winslow were a is, three, there was one who took in effectiveness." Attention is to ilie INSURE AGAINST MARINE Capt. appointed boand to scarcely part nircciw Collector and Conetable—E, A. closely the departed, donbly painful. last show who did Carpenter. For One Week ^nly. committee to solicit to the hoard night's not rank abovo the need of imptoving the ungraded tubooii·, a r. membership But to those who look on, at a little Λ-TWVm RISKS ONLY. greater average, while a large proportion were suit beet to be obtained tue a o!isba>eiii ·■> and to the Merchants' the shock is aud sense really by Moderator—Nathaniel F. One lot French Kid Button Boot·, square toe, W. Exchange. distance, less, the of loss of rare merit." Weymouth. is the "district system," and the i npmving oi Town Clerk—Divid & G. make, $5.00; former price $7.(*> A public of all the business diminished iu propqrtion to the age of the L. Knowles. Wail This will take risks at their New meeting people ΚΟΤΒ9. the teachers—requiring that they fi. tueia- Selectmen-R. E. M. Papers Company office. One lot Patent Leather Bui tou roots, W. & G. called Stone, J. Chalmers, H. porson away. The honor and useful- York, on Y easel·, Cargoes and Freights, and issue former of Portland at soma future day was talked The Stoddard extra course tickets are selvcs for their work. Cunningham. make, $4.50; price $8.00. ness ol tbo man, also, whhh increase our having of all grades ever shown in this open policies to merchants, making iIsks binding as One lot French Calf Cork Sole Button W. grief a sale. The free schools art ot S. S. Committee-Ε. E. MoCauslin. Boots, over but no present action taken. over an it good "Through England with Charles high spoken highly soon as water-borne. untimely end, assuage when we α.» or.ixi'.o mnrA tinrl m Art· in n nnM) Mak- Co., fïason, burned out the The honored man Bridgton presidential inaugu- The town voted to a Bailey One lot by whose mort il remains wo purchase road machine. Curacoa Kid Low Cut Slippers with velvet ration by a grand ball at Gibb'a Wednes- ing the support of free High schools negatory fire in the Bobinson bnilding will go into bus:- would now consign to the tomb, bad lived Hall, No political contcst was made in the election, bow, $1.00; former price $1.5u. The hall was on all towns of certain p»;pu a ioi ; ('») Making One lot Beet Curacoa Kid Low Cut for to the allotted if we day night elaborately decorat- bat the above are all 190 & 192 MIDDLE ST. $12,938,289.38. Slippers, ness in some other nearly age; and measure Bepublicans. city. ed. Musio was furnished Grimmer's the diplomas of tUa normal chooiu cert bcatte $1.26; former price $1.75. old age by the record of woik by orches- Wilt··. mar4 dlw Mr. William A. who bas been accomplished, tra of Portland of qualification for i* c!nu<; (?) ut ui zing a Mx ivr Ont Interest on amount Out- One lot French Kid Oxfords, Cloth Top,for $2.60; Staples engi- there are few who attain a than greater age more ccurse ot u in Moderator—D. G. Bean. former price $5.00. neer of the F-lmoutli At the Graud Opera House, New Fri- extended uiy normal fttaiHliii* Paid On and Af· Hotel the past ilitte be. Tbe name which he bore ban been honor- York, Clerk—L. P. Hiscock. Script One lot Patent Leather Kid for Messre. Robson and Crane schools. ter Feb. 1885. Oxfords, Top, years, has ed not only in oar ciiy, bot over the civilized day night, presented Selectmen-Gilbert Benson 3, $3.00; former price $5.00. resigned. for the first time in that Miller,Enoch Bridges, world, from before the time of his city, "The Cherubs," W. Brown. One lot French Kid for Dr. George has returned birth; bat TO Μ'Λ KliKCîl'«US ι. Langtry Slippers, $3.00; Way from his visit in which t-viη viviucm ormer it has received new lustre from his achieve- they impersonate brothers, Treasurer—G H. Bass. ιυ jl uiicj nuiucrs mi price $5.00. to as brown whose names are Phidias and Collector—R. C. Fuller. One lot French Kid Sailor for former Vermout, looking and hearty as a ments. Taking up in oarly life tbe nrofessiou Vandyke. The Prviuiui··* in Ties, $2.50; of M«ba|;·. S. S. Committee—W. F Allen. iVrmiiiatlitg 1881, $3.75. bear. which bis uncle bad so drollery Mr. Robaon and the eccentric hu- price highly adorned, he Town Clerk—Ch&rlos One lot French Kid Low Cut Patent maintained for mor of Mr. Crane are pleasantly employed in Pittftton. Slippers, J. Silver, 8. A. New W. nearly halt a century au Se ectmen- J. U P. Γ. C. H. 4© P&R CEIT. Leather trimmed, tor former $3.60. Wilson, York; J. these characters. The was received Martin, Larraltee, Clerk—W. H. $2.00; price honorable rank; not only for those qualities piece McKenney. Dud'ey. Several lots Misses' and Childreu'e Boots for Turner, S. J. with Moderator—B. A. Cox. Boston; Whyte, Springfieldj which belong to a successful naval officer, but laughter. Treasurer .1. C. Γ abb. school wear. Mr. John L. Stoddard began a series of Selectmen—J. R. M. J. F. H. Macs ; L. L. Littltton, Green Biver, Wyom- for a general nobility of lor ul- illus- Agent—J. C. babb. Goodwin, Donnell, Losses Paid in These bargains we ofTer exclusively for cash. character, trated lectures Mooers. Thirty Days Wm.G. tiriug iudustry, strict and Friday morning at Daly's Thea- Supervisor C. ii. Habb. ing; Cross, Rochester, Ν. Y., were fidelity, perseve- New S Treasurer—L. W. Goodspeed. rance in work even tre, York. His subject was "Versailles Constable—W. Martin. After Proof, at the good under tbe most ad- Supervisor of schools—E. W. Trask. registered Falmouth last night. and Marie Antoinette." His was ex- Collector -Κ. L. Poor. verse circumstances. The and discourse Collector of taxes—Geo. E. Moody. M. G. Mr. Giles O. of soldierly and embel- £rtht {'nyni ^J. PALMER, Bailer the Sunday Times, civiliau virtues ot his grandiather, seemed re- ceedingly interesting handsomely Constable—J. R. Lynn. J. D. JONES, President, lished, and it was beard with a No. 541 accompanied by hi* wife, left last for produced in him as tbey had been in his pleasure by Clerk—Ο. B. Lime. No liuea drawn. CHARLES DENNIS, Vice Président, Congress St., Brown Block. night nncle; numerous audience. H. party febO dtf and his birtb in a Selectmen—F. Witbam, Charles Cole, Henry PURPOSES. W. H. H. MOORE, 2d Vice President, seaport, town led as it Florida where they will remain about a month bim, at the Harmon. Manchester. A. A. 3d Vice had the to the rather "Ixion," Comedy Theatre, begins the RAVEN, President, uncle, navy than to tbe Treasurer— II. f. Luce. Selectmen-Frank J. H. Mr. Bailey's many friends wish him a fifth week of its career, and it i< drawing J. Howins, L. H. Hammon, T. CHAPMAN, Secretary. pleasant army. His duty to his country was never good L. Churchill. E. houses. New and new l'nes Super?isor—Warren Jackson. trip, and trust that he will return with health and the of service which he soDgs havo been neglected; variety introduced into it. Canton. Supervisor of schools—J. W. Haw kes. WOULD YOU was called to Miss Daisy Murdook aD J. W. & restored. upon reader to her, in the forty New &1UNGËR CO., fully peared last week as Cupid, ar.d a of Moderator—C. M. Holland, Dem. Portland. years of his active life, was very great. He mtd'ey C:ORK£4POND£NT(9, the original "Ixion" music wai Clerk and Treasurer-M. Feabody, Dom. Moderator—H. F. Weymouth. BUY THE BEST on never wag censured but and that performed. Lecture* Cookery. once, cen- Alice Harrison Selectmen—A. K. Foster, A. Delano, Rep.·. Clerk—C. H. sure was Miss continuaes to be a reign- Bartlett, Rep. Mrs. D. almost immediately retracted and Selectmen, etc.—A. S. PORTI/AND: 19 12 Lincoln, who has been at the head ing favorite with the audience of this theatre, Voted to raise #824.90 for support of schools, Parsons, Dem., J. F. Con- Exchange St. converted into high praise. In the great war forth, Rep., C. H. Bartlett, Rep. feb3,1885 dlmteodllm&w6wG of the Boston School for five for for of Cooking years tbe preservation of tbe Union, he bore a $1,500 support highways, $5,000 to p^y Treasurer—Ο. H. Clark. will of past, give a course of demonstrative lec- laborious and an honorable part, and we re- meteorological Report for February. town debts and other charges. Supervisor Schools-C. A. Wilber. tures op verently would thank God that the watch- Hebron. Γ33~ PIANO ? cookery at Beception Hall in this city. by Sergeant Liebmann, of the Signal Ser- Sumner. ful and arduous services of such we have The Buccess men, Moderator Truell. Clerk and Treasurer—Z. L. Packard. which the Boston School has gain- still the of vice, furnishes the following summary of —Benjamin Y. blessings liberty under law. But A. Chandler. Selectmen-S. P. Cushman, A. C. W. H. ed has been in a Clerk—George Tubbs, great measure due to the supe- laborious and as the of a meteorological observations at the Portland Allen, responsible position Selectmen, &c.—John H. Robinson, G. M. Small. Cnll at the Old Stand and see the rior modes of teaching which Mrs. Lincoln has naval officer is, it also, of necessity, affords station in February: L. B. Heald. Supervisor of Schools—Rev. S. D. Richardson. leisure and these Treasurer—Η. Β. Chandler. stock of and the of frequent hours, hours our Mean Barometer Madiaon. largest employed, genuine practicability her honored friend 20.U03 Collector—John M. Lane. SOUR did not waste in idleness; but 4th Town Clerk and Treasurer—Dinsmore Cleveland. MILK. methods and their results. the Highest barometer, 30.363 S. S. Committee—Arthur B. During past compiled in them books which will always Lowest barometer, 10th 28.886 Briggs.Dem. Selectmen, etc.—Henry Merrill, D. F. Hobart, C. Absolutely Pure and Healthful. year the calls upon her for outside work have have their value in the historical alcove. Monthly range of barometer 1.478 AU Republicans except school committee. D. Morrill. Thefiretand only powder possessing the digestive The beloved Mean Town Agent—John P. Pianos, Stools and so increased that she has considered it Apostle bas told us that he who Temp 20.3 JRoxbury. Spear. and wholesome properties of Sour Milk. Showing Organs, expedi- doeth 10th 46.1 School Committee—C. D. Morrill, A. E. a economy over Powders. good is of God, and our Lord himself de- Highest Temperature, Moderator—S. M. Locke. Farnham, large Baking Satisfac- ent to resign her position in the school that she Lowest 3d 4.8 H. Salley. tion Sold all Grocers. clared that moral goodness is tbe fruit of a Temperature, Clerk—Albert W. Bobbins guaranteed. by Monthly Range Temp 50.9 Covers. might enter a more general field of work. To- sanctified we test Selectmen—Albert Albert W. AVEE7 LACTATE CO., 23 Court Boston. spirit,whereby may ourselves Greatest daily range of temp., 28th 29.0 Jenne, Bobbins, St., Uasi„U.S.A. and our Brad A. ITlAKRIAtJK*. day two lectnree will be given, one at 2.30 fellowmen. Faith brings salvation Least of 6th 8.0 Ivnapp. p.m., daily range temp., Treasurer· S. M. Locke. Souie rare bargains still remain. through ils it is the well- Mean of 18.9 and the other at 7.30 p. m. The will sanctifying power; daily range temperature FOB SALE BY subjects of and its Mean dew 10.9 Supervisor—Albert W. Bobbins. and to order. spring righteousness, presence is ev- daily point In this Tuning repairing be 'Breakfasts" and "Dessert Dishes." idenced tbe Mean relative 66.8 Collector—Henry Jenne. city, March 6, by Rev. Henry Blanohard, a by purity and excellence and fruit- dally humidity William H. and direction of W Cheeterville. Roberts, Jr., Miss Sarah J. Buck- fulness of a man's character. A really good Prevailing wind, all of Portland. Celebration 1 in Total movement of miles ley, onighl Honor of the New life, of pure of steadfast wind, 5,785 Moderator—John W. Lothrop, In this Feb. Rev. affections, adherence of wind and 41 city, 19, by Ε. T. Pitts. »er to Thomas Towie, land, SI and other Agent—George Flanders, Erwin E. Beynolds, William E. A. Messrs. Stokes considerations. ftlontville. before the rush and White, & Allen, of New York, Tired them are 40 Ladies' early, (Jape Elizabeth—J. F. Loveitt to E. F. Cushman. That Among pairs "MAMMOTH Clougb, Augustus N. Doe, N. P. Packard, the most artistic and dainty Easter offering yet Lovellt, Clerk—Frank Feeling of PAD" land. (1. Selectmen—O. Murray, A. M. Ε. M. Kid and Oil Goat Button hurry Spring Trade, for Albert K. Charles M. issued. It an Platninor, The warm weather has a Boot, 5 «'fnt*. Page, Munroe, Henry is original poem, entitled "East- Freeport—E. Mitchell to A. P. Randall, land and Hamilton. debilitating effect, our Bean. r: those who are within Jumbo, at $1.60, sold everywhere when paper B. Humphrey; secretary, John K. Wightman; er Bells",by H.H., (Helen buildings, $260. Treasurer—Jobn -edally upon doors hangers Bargains in Bfock*, Fade a ni Tablite, Jackson),illustrated Committee—il. L. son. E. with S. S. Pay noct of the time. The peculiar, yet common, at $2.00. One small lot Oil Goat will he overworked. School Bo 'M, Mati»i at treasurer, George Doty. page designs of pansies, anemones, Auditor of Accounts—H. L. Payeon. »-ry,e'c., hepa- known as "that Jeuranliem at Nea. and Collector -B. F. Foster. complaint tired feeling," at regular $2.50. tica, daffodils and narcissus by Susie B. Skeld- Constable $1.90, price Short λ liai Steamer Movement·. E. P. Nichols of of l.i the result. This feeling can be Loring, moil's. the well-known author of Capt. Belfast, master the Etna. entirely Oae lot Misses' Oil Goat at $1.25, m*r2 dlw The Allan liner ing, "Enter Flow- overcome Hood's Sardinian, Capt. Smith, American "Frank now at Selectmen, Assessors and Orencft·* of P©->r— by taking Barsapaxilla, ers". Tbe paper on which the is ship Pendleton," Kimball's usual price $1.75. sailed for via af- poem en- William R. Locke, James Goodeii, O. W. Col.. which gives new life and strength to all HIKING, SHORT k HARMON. Liverpool, Halifax, yesterday Liverpool, has had a on febl8 dim grossed, of the finest white the al- Eng., printing press Town Clerk—J. E. Friend. functions Hen's Grain at ternoon. She carries five four interme- texture, the of the body. Heavy Bals, Luce, cabin, board his vessel the last three or four Treasurer—J. E. Friend. FIGURED GLASS ternate pages containing etch a stinza in tbe years, " less than cost. diate and thirty-five and a of Schools-E. W. Dyer. I could not sleep ; had ne I steerage passengers and publishes a miniature Supervisor appetite. l'or t fac-simile of the author's or in weekly newspaper Collector and Constable—Per^z Fi *kett. took Hood's Don't fail to call at a .V'V^ «lottrs, cnre, fell μ* and cargo of 2tiQ0 tune, including G350 barrels of band-writing, Sarsaparilla and soon began to 209, only tbe clearest The Cilled the Ocean Chronicle. He is editor, I. VjK «'Imiflii'* uiiido to mdrr. all type. designs are exquisite in Winterροι sleep soundly; could get up without few doors below old stand. apples, shipped by Portland parties. and that my Broken delicate and are oomposltor, "printer'sdevil," and does Moderator—E. F. Blaiedel). tired and yZff* lights urn cht tl. The of the coloring, especially noticeable languid feeling ; and my appetite as usual, Peruvian, Allan line, tails next not swear when the forms are knocked into Selectmen-E. F. Blaiedell, Daniel Dyer, Per Repairing for the graceful drawing and of the improved." E. A. Saxtord, Ohio. Thursday, and the Sarmalian is due at Halifax (grouping grine White. Kent, C. H. "pi." P. Hall. FARLEY, flowers. Tbe daffodils and narcissus are the Town Clerk—B. 4 E YCH INKEMT. Saturday. Treasurer—B. P. Hall. best of the if there Strengthen the mar* designs, can be any choice Accideal·. Collector—J. W. Carieton. System eodly_ Mueic aud It» Auditor—J. C. Influences· where all are so pleasing. The covers of the Herbert Lombard of Oray was badly burned Town Agent and Atwood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is characterized by Chartes Β. Overseers of the Poor—J. P. A. W. Dr. CraLdali has Kindly consent- m are a delight to the eye. are of and wrists the EUiugwood, three peculiarities : 1st, the combination of PERRY. pot about the face ex- D. They by premature Hardy, George White. GEO. Money Wanted. ed to deliver his lecture on "Music and Its In- silver sheen with white Superviser of Schools- Jalin W. Miller. remedial agents ; 2d, the the Photographer, fringed silk, a a cannon when proportion; 3d, dtl bearing plosion of members of the ruar2 Ihe marked down prices for cash at both my «hoe fluences," in the Mechanics' Dicui«at< process of tbo active medicinal Pino Portrait· a specialty, free course this delicate frame-work wbich «upports the Easter Inauguration Club left Monday. securing stores will be continued uutil April 1st. Many a lecture which ie not Moderator—W. B. Reed. qualities. Tho result is a medicine of unusual of these goods are marked at less than ha'f ;be evening, only bells in bronze and gold, ringing out the fell the hand of a exceeding- glad A heavy weight upon man Clerk—R. D. Crocker. former price aud must be closed out before but which commends strength, cfTecting cures hitherto unknown, £priog ly interesting, itself to Easter chimes, and enclose a cluster of Eas- at Winalow'e and Selectmen, ABses.orr» *ud Overseers of Poor goods come n. employed nottery yesterday, —J Bend for book additional opposite mmm botfl all lovers of harmony. That there will N. Holt, C. Peabody, S. Ο Μ >τ**. containing evidcnca be a ter lilies »o life-like in drawing aud severed from the " coloring one finger was completely Treasurer and Collec:oi· r». Hood's Sarsaparilla tones M. audience present goes for the Hui«eey. up my system, Poriland Me- Gr. PALMER. large saying. they seem to exh »le their sweet delicate per. hand. Town Agent—C. W. Pi e c it. purifies my blood, sharpens my appetite, and tebii* dtaprl Constab es—Β. Busmîj. Wnj IT. seems to make me over." J. P. fuuie. On the rever-e a single golden bell is fell into the hold of a Port- T^othaker. Thompson, Fraternal Vi.it, Thomas Flaherty S. S. Committee—V J Pe*iMK "Drake" < r or used wltli No. 11, ibis evening. A pleasant lime The Moderator—John E. >bi»w. advtit'u present the consumer who strain; pur« "Twlteh- Lodge, trea-urer of the Maine General Hospital mailed free to any address. «train. H Richards. Catalogues send I» Mi* greatest amount of Spear ell" is aud a large number will attend. has received from Miss Ann M. Williams of Tbe Police Bill. Clerk—Henry Hood's expected J. υ. A. Sarsaparilla Headliu Tairs in one lot Selectmen—Ste^Um Taylor, Reed, S. KENDALL & WHITNEY, by July 1, EGGS FOR A train will leave the Portland aud a check for as a from her The bill for the of Portland Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Madr SALK, special Augusta §1000, gift police city was Young. JOBTI.AM), MIX 1885, one thousand dollars cash, every foot of Preble Treasurer—Jobu K. Sh24 SMITH, All Odd Fellows who can should d2m mar'«'d& w 1 w »h»rp. go. Hospital. 10.15». m on We inesday last. Collector- Jobu Moughtcu. |00®Doees_0n© poller. ItblU dûw&wûm Woodford·, Uaiat,