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CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Dr. KHAIRUL BAHARIN BIN MOHD BAHARUDDIN Position : Deputy Director (Clinical) Address : Pejabat Timbalan Pengarah (office) Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Jalan Raja Ashman Shah 30450 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan Malaysia Qualification : MD(UKM), MCHS(HMHE)UKM Other Qualification : PostGraduate Certificate in Forensic Medical Science. (University of Glasgow UK & The Society of Apothecaries of London 2007) Attachment Program 1. Pathology Department of Kuala Lumpur Hospital in 2005 (Chemical Pathology Unit, Pediatric Chemical Pathology Unit, Microbiology Unit, Immunology Unit, Hematology Unit, Drug laboratory and Histopathology Unit) 2. National Centre of Blood Bank of Malaysia in 2005. 3. Institute of Medical Research of Malaysia in 2005. 4. Section of Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Glasgow UK 2006-2008 5. Glasgow City Hall Mortuary, Royal Police of Scotland UK 2006-2008 Work experience Duration Centre of Excellent Position 2001 to 2002 Kuala Lumpur Hospital House Officer (U3) 2002 Department of Pathology Medical Officer (U3) Kuala Lumpur Hospital 2002 to 2003 Department of Paediatric Medical Officer (U3) Labuan Hospital 24/3/2003 Department of Neurosurgery Medical Officer (UD41) to 23/6/2003 Kuala Lumpur Hospital 2003 to 2006 Department of Forensic Medicine Medical Officer (UD41) Kuala Lumpur Hospital 2006 to 2008 Section of Forensic Medicine and Post Graduate Student Science, University of Glasgow, UK (certificate) 2008 to 2012 Quality & Innovation Unit -Senior Asst Director (UD44) Medical Division -Principle Asst Director (UD48) Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Perak -Head of Quality Unit (UD52) 2011-2014 Department of Community Health Post Graduate Student Medical Faculty (Master Degree) UKM Medical Centre 2012-2016 Hospital Selama Director (UD54) 2016 until now Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh Deputy Director (Clinical) UD54 RESPONSIBILITY International 1) Malaysia-Thailand Health Goodwill Border Meeting 2013 - Malaysia Technical Representative National Level 1) National Technical Committee for Quality, Ministry of Health of Malaysia - National Technical Member (Perak Representative) 2009/2010/2011/2012 2) Medical Quality Performance Programme Meeting, Ministry of Health of Malaysia - National Member (Perak Representative) 2012/2013/2014 3) Perak State Liason Officer for Quality Assurance 2008/2009/2010/2011/2012 - Certificate from IHSR, Ministry of Health of Malaysia 4) Ministry of Health of Malaysia Corporate Culture & Soft Skils. - Facilitator (Appointed Certificate from National Streering Committee for Quality & Productivity, Ministry of Health of Malaysia, 2009). 5) National Consensus of Forensic Service of Malaysia 2/2004 - Head of Organiser Committee 6) Chief de Mision of Perak Delegation for Quality Convention of Northern State of Peninsular Malaysia 2008-2012 (at Kangar, Perlis dan Pulau Pinang). State Level 1) Silver Jublee Ceremony of Sultan of Perak. - Head of Perak Medical Coverage Service for the Ceremony, all Sultans, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Government Guests. -Cerficate of Acknowlegment from Sultan of Perak Office. 2) State Quality & Innovation Convention (JKN Perak) - Chairman of Technical Committee 2009/2010/2011 3) 2016 Hulu Perak Malaria Epidemic (The largest Malaria epidemic in Malaysia) - Officer in charge (Medical Division) 28 November-2 Dicember 2016 4) Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Bencana Daerah Selama - Disaster Drill Interagensi Daerah Selama 2015 & 2016. 5) Ahli Jawatankuasa Program Pemukiman Menteri Besar Di Parlimen Larut (2016) serta Penyelaras bersama untuk Program Karnival Kesihatan di Sg. Terap dan Bagan Baru dan liputan Perubatan di semua tempat/program bersama YAB Menteri Besar sepanjang program tersebut. 6) Penyelaras Pasukan Liputan Perubatan untuk DYMM Sultan Perak serta Kerabat dan Tetamu Kerajaan di semua Majlis Rasmi di Parlimen Larut (2012-2016) 7) Hospital Accreditation Certification (Perak State) - Corporate Member (2013-2016) i) Hospital Selama - Advisor/Penyelaras i) Hospital Selama (2013) ii) Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh (2017) - Surveyor for mock survey 2009/2010/2011 i) Hospital Selama ii) Hospital Sg Siput - Chief surveyor for mock survey 2013/2015 I) Hospital Tapah (2013) ii) Hospital Sungai Siput (2015) iii)Hospital Changkat Melintang (2015) iv)Hospital Gerik (2015) v) Hospital Batu Gajah (2015) 8) Healthy Setting Healthy Facility and JKKP Commitee (Perak State) - Chief Auditor 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016 i) Hospital Gerik ii) KK Lenggong iii) KK Pengkalan Hulu iv) KP Lenggong v) KP Gerik vi) KKIA Sg Siput vii) Hospital Sg Siput viii)Hospital Kuala Kangsar ix) Hospital Batu Gajah (2015/2016) x) Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta (2015/2016) xi) Hospital Selama (2017) xii) Hospital Taiping (2017) xiii)KK Simpang (2017) xiv)KP Simpang (2017) 9) MS ISO 9001:2008 -Penyelaras Program/ WP (MR) i) JKN Perak (2011) -Advisor i) Hospital Selama (2014) ii) Hospital Kampar (2015) iii) Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh (2017) 10) MOH Director General Special Award for The Best Counter Service (Perak State) - Judge (2009) 11) Northern Zone Innovation Convention 2009 (Kangar) -Chief of Delegation of Perak 12) Northern Zone Innovation Convention 2011 (Penang) -Chief of Delegation of Perak Professional Responsiblity & Achievement 1) Medical Officer (HKL 2001-2008) - Department Security Officer: Certificate of Goverment Security Officer Course from Prime Minister Department of Malaysia 2004. -Head of Organizer Comittee : National Consensus of Forensic Service of Malaysia 2/2004 - Accreditation Committee (Fire & Safety Advisor) Forensic Med Dept, HKL (2003-2006) - CME Lecturer for Forensic Medicine for Houseman. - Level 3 Course Lecture for PPK (Pembantu Perawatan Kesihatan) 2) Principle Assistant Director (Quality) JKN Perak 2008-2012 - JKN Perak; The Highest number of QA research in Malaysia (2010/2011) - JKN Perak; Various achievements of Quality & Innovation Awards achieved by JKN Perak (KIK / QA / Innovation projects) in Ministry of Health and Public Service Sector at State level, National level dan World level (Commonwell). - JKN Perak; Certified MS ISO 9001:2008 (2012) (QMR secretary) - JKN Perak; Member of development National SOP for MyCPD (2009) - JKN Perak; Member of development of “Kami Sedia Membantu” Course (2010) - JKN Perak; Member of development of “Modified Standard Questionaire of SERVQUAL for JKN” (2010) 3) Hospital Director Report Card (2012-2016) - Gred A with Total Average Performance Merit 1.10 (2011) - Gred A with Total Average Performance Merit 1.13 & 5 Stars (2012) - Gred A with Total Average Performance Merit 2.02 & 3 Stars (2013) -Total Average Performance Merit 1.449 (exceed target)(2014) -Total Average Performance Merit 1.310 (exceed target)(2015) 4) Hospital Director (Hospital Selama) (2012-2016) i) Persijilan Akreditasi Edisi ke 4 (2013-2017) - Hospital pertama di Perak mendapat persijilan Edisi ke 4 di negeri Perak - Antara hospital yang pertama di Malaysia mendapat pensijilan Edisi ke 4. ii) Perkhidmatan Sajian Dietetik - Hospital pertama di Perak mendapat pensijilan GMP (2014-2017) - Hospital pertama di Perak mendapat pensijilan HALAL (2012-2016) - Kantin Hospital mendapat persijilan MesTI (2016) - Hospital Kearah Persijilan HACCP iii) Perkhidmatan Farmasi - Hospital Selama “THE BEST PHARMACY LOGISTIC IN PERAK 2015” - Hospital Selama “Anugerah Khas TPKN(Farmasi) 2016 – Terbaik Keseluruhan” iv) Perkhidmatan Kewangan dan Hasil - Hospital Selama mendapat penarafan 3 Bintang. (2013) - Audit eSPKB dari pencapaian sederhana kepada >90% v) Hospital Selama juga mendapat pelbagai persijilan lain seperti - Persijilan MS ISO 9001:2008 (2015) - Persijilan “HOSPITAL BABY FRIENDLY” 2015 - Persijilan “HEALTHY SETTING HEALTHY FACILITIES” 2012/2013/2014/2015 - Persijilan EMGS-AEMAS 1 Star Rating Energy Management 2016 vi) Anugerah KIK (Kumpulan Inovatif & kreatif- Kumpulan S-Intelek) - Johan Peringkat JKN Perak (2013) - Johan, Anugerah Persembahan Terbaik Sektor Awam Negeri Perak (2014) - Johan, Anugerah Menteri Besar Sektor Awam Negeri Perak (2014) - Johan Peringkat Kebangsaan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (2014) - Anugerah Ketua Pengarah MAMPU (Anugerah Inovasi Sektor Awam Malaysia) (2014) - Finalist Anugerah Inovasi Negara (MOSTI) (2016) vii) Pertandingan Kajian QA (Quality Assurance Study) - Naib johan QA JKN Perak (2012), - Mewakili JKN Perak di Konvensyen QA Kebangsaan (2013). - Johan JKN Perak (2016) viii) Kajian Dan Penyelidikan Sintifik - Hospital Selama, Anugerah Dr Wu Lien The (National Clinical Research Conference NCRC 2016) ix) Program “Healthy Setting Healthy Facility” 2012/2013/2014/2015 - Naib Johan (2012) 5) Achievement as a Deputy Director Clinical HRPBI (2016 onwards) i) Hospital Kluster Ipoh - Secretary Governance Body (GB) Committee - Member of Cluster Management Team (CMT) Committee 6) Achievement as KIK Fasilitator - Perak State Health Department Innovation Convention 2013 1st place KIK award - Perak State Public Sector Innovation Convention 2014 1st place Best Performance Award - Perak State Public Sector Innovation Convention 2014 YAB Menteri Besar of Perak Award (1st place) - MOH (Ministry of Health of Malaysia) National KIK Convention2014 1st place KIK Award -31st National Public Sector KIK Convention 2014 MAMPU Director General Award -Anugerah Inovasi Negara 2016 Finalist Ministry or others Awards 1) Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang 2005 (Excellent Service Award 2005, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ministry of Health, Malaysia) 2) Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang 2011 (Excellent Service Award 2011, Perak