Blessed Anna Maria3 7 TaigiURGATORY 1 7 6 9 - 1 8 P

he Blessed Anna Maria Taigi was sermons and his zeal, but on the contrary born in on May 29, 1769 and to what people believed, he was lying was baptized on the following day. Due in Purgatory, having to expiate many Tto the financial setbacks of her parents, at punishments. The reason was because the age of six she moved to , where he had sought his own glory instead she was entrusted to the care of the of the glory of . The Blessed also Religious Teachers Filippini in order to noticed in Purgatory a woman friend, who receive a good education. To help her needy in life had experienced some heavenly parents, she did the most humble jobs. insights, but she was not reserved and She was given as bride to Domenico revealed them to others. Taigi, a rough and violent man. She suffered The Blessed had also the vision of much during the 49 years of marriage, monks who were in Purgatory: one had in which she had seven children, three died in a state of sanctity, but he had of whom died prematurely. Yet she was given too much importance to his own able to endure all the difficulties with judgment, the other one, a sought-after patient love. spiritual director, had allowed himself Since a young child she devoted to be distracted by many things instead herself to prayer and penance, trying to of concentrating in his priestly service. live constantly in the grace of God. She Blessed Taigi came to know also was very devout to the Most Holy Trinity, the fate of a count she had met, dead the Most Holy Sacrament and the for only two days, who notwithstanding Passion of Christ. She entered the Third his disorderly and sinful life was saved, Order of Trinitarians on December 26, because he had forgiven one of his enemies. 1808. Many were the charisms with However he had to suffer the punishments which she was gifted. For 47 years she of Purgatory for the same number of years saw in front of her a luminous sun that that he had spent in worldly pleasure. A showed her the state of souls and the layman esteemed for his virtues or for events of the world. what they were believed to be, was In this way she understood the fate condemned to a painful Purgatory of the deceased, and also the duration because he had always adulated influential and the reason for their suffering in and powerful people. The Blessed also Purgatory. One day she saw a deceased foretold the day of death of Leo XII, as , who had saved himself, because in in fact it occurred on February 10, 1829. life he had endured an annoying beggar Some years later, she saw the soul of the who was constantly asking him for alms! deceased like a ruby that was not From this act of patience other occasions yet completely purified by the flames. came for him to practice this virtue. She saw also another priest, who in life was esteemed very much for his © Associazione Carlo Acutis