1. Documen ts held in the National Archives of

The most important collections for this study are :

(i) Records of the Colonial Secretary ' s Office 1897-1940 . (ii) Records of the Secretariat for Nat ive Af fairs 1918-35 .

Note: For the CSO series prior to 1930 , regrettably , it is not possible to direct the reader to files collected under subject headings - they once were so organized for administrative use but lat er the bund les were broken up . And so , for example , to write the story of the beginning of the Apolosi movement in 1913 there is no collection of Apolosi files to consult : it is necessary to sort through 10, 535 files for 1913 that have been reshelved in their original numerical order in twenty-one large bundles - perhaps 30 feet high if stacked, and similarly through the years to 1929 . Letter registers and subj ect indexes describing individual files have to be used by anyone whose time is limited , but they are never fully reliable or consistent . From 1930 to 1940 the CSO files (but not the SNA files) are collected much more conveniently under broad subject divisions prefixed by the letter F and a number , e.g. FSO is the prefix for all files on Fij ian Affairs ; F50/6 : the Council of Chiefs papers 1931-39; FS0/ 13: correspondence relating to sorcery ; and so on .

Other important collections are :

( i i i ) Provincial Council Records Books (incomplete) . ( i v) Proceedings of the Council of Chiefs. (v) Despatches to and from the Secretary of State for the Colonies . (vi ) Methodist Mission Collection.

2. Official

(i) Government of Fij i

Blue Book Gazette Journal of Council [Colony of . ] Council Debates Native 1948 of the Commission to into the Decrease of the Native 1896 .

(ii) Colonial Office , Great Britain

Colonial - Annual . Fiji, 1897-1939

3. Im Thurn Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland , Microfilm , Research School of Pacific Studies , Canberra .

191 192 193

4. Records of the Roman Catholic Suva 1943. Memorandum for District Conunissioners ' Conference. Typescript , National Archives of Fij i. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau , Canberra : microfilm, PMB 435 , 452-5 , 459-9, 1944 . Policy with regard to Fij ian communal obligations (memorandum 466 . for Administrative Officers ' Conference). Typescript, National 5. Records of the Colonial Archives of Fij i. Ac cess was given to files on Drasa Training Farm Walter , Michael , A.H.B. , 1971 . Changing principles of social organisation in the Exploring Islands of Northern Lau , Fij i, Ph.D. thesis , Au stralian 6. and National University.

Ai Tukutuku Vakalotu, Suva Young , John , M.R. , 1969 . Frontier soc iety in Fiji, 1858-1873 , Ph .D. thesis , Times, Suva University of Adelaide. Na Mata, Suva Nat ive Medical Practitioner, Suva Na Viti 1924-30, Suva 8. Published Pacific Islands Sydney No te: This list includes all secondary works cited in the text and a few � 7. ndary sources I found useful and which are not to be found readily in the standard bibliographies . Al i, Ahmed , 1974. Fij i and the Franchise : a history of political respresenta­ tion, 1900-1937, Ph.D. thesis , Australian National University . Alexander, Gilchrist, 1927. From the Middle to the South Seas . Cato , A.C., 1951. A survey of native education in Fij i, Tonga , and Western John Murray , London. Samoa , with special attention to Fij i, Ph .D. thesis , University of Barclay , Glen , 1978. A of the Pacific from the Stone to the Melbourne, 1951. Present Sidgwick and Jackson , London .

Fisk, E.K. , 1974. The traditional economy as a basis for rural development . Belshaw , Cy ril , S. , 1964. Under the Ivi Tree : and Economic Growth Based on a paper presented at the Third Regional Conference of in Ru ral Rout ledge and Kegan Paul , London . Directors of Agriculture , Livestock Production and Fisheries arranged 1965 . ' The effect of limited anthropological theory on problems of by the South Pacific Connnission at Lae , Papua New Guinea, February . ' Typescrip t in my possession , courtesy of the author. Fij ian administration , in Roland W. Force (ed.), Induced Political in the Pacific , Bishop Museum Press , Honolulu, pp . 63-73. Geddes , W.R. , 1948. An analysis of cultural change in Fij i, Ph.D. thesis , ' ' University of London. Brewster, A.B. , 1921. The history of Nadrau . Transactions of the for the Year 1920, Suva , pp . 16-19. Green, Rev . Robert. Memoirs . Typescript in possession of author, Melbourne . 1922. The Hill Tribes of J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia. Janssen, Rev. Herman, 1972. Religion and secularisation . Cultures, Christianity and development . The Catholic Church and the Development 1937. of the Cannibal Isles : a Tale of Life and Adventure of Peoples in the South Pacific Conference. Typescript, Connnission in the Islands. Robert Ha le, London . for Justice and Peace , New Zealand Episcopal Conference. Brookfield , Harold , C. and Hart , Doreen , 1971. Melanesia: a Nayacakalou , Rusiate R. , 1955 . Tradition, choice and change in the Fij ian of an Island Wo rld . Methuen , London. economy , M.A. thesis, University of New Zealand . Brookfield , Harold (ed.), 1973. The Pacific in Transition : 1963. Fij ian leadership in a situation of change , Ph .D. thesis , on and Au stralian National University --�- University of London . Press , Canberra.

Peacock , Allan T. , 1960. Economic problems of a mu ltiracial society - the et al ., 1978. Taveuni : and Production , UNESCO/UNFPA Island Fij i case, seminar paper , University of London . Typescript , Na tional no . 3, Canberra , ANU Development Studies Centre for UNESCO . Archives of Fij i. Rutz, Henry John , 1973. Local-level responses to induced economic change Burnett , Frank, 1923. Summer Isles of Eden . Sifton Praed , London . in the Waidina Valley, Fij i: a case study in anthropological economics , Burns , Sir Alan , Wa tson, T.Y. and Peacock , A.T. , 1960. of the Com­ Ph.D. thesis, McGill University. mi ssion of into the Natural Resources and Trends Sukuna, Ratu, J.L.V. (Sir Lala) , 1940. Address to the Defence Club . Type­ of the of 1959. Fij i Legislative Council Paper 1 of script courtesy of Mr L.G. Usher, Suva . 1960, Government Printer, Suva .

n.d. No tes on Lau. Typescript , National Archives of Fij i. Burton , Rev . J.W. , 1910. The of Kelly , London. -- --- ' of Fij i tote mism ' . Tr ansa ctio ns and Pro ce ed­ n.d. Notes on customs regarding lands . Typescript , National Archives Capell , A. , 1953. The nature --�- of the of Science and 1940-1944 , Suva , of Fij i. pp .59-67. 192 193

4. Records of the Roman Catholic Suva 1943. Memorandum for District Conunissioners ' Conference. Typescript , National Archives of Fij i. Pacific Manuscripts Bureau , Canberra : microfilm, PMB 435 , 452-5 , 459-9, 1944 . Policy with regard to Fij ian communal obligations (memorandum 466 . for Administrative Officers ' Conference). Typescript, National 5. Records of the Colonial Archives of Fij i. Ac cess was given to files on Drasa Training Farm Walter , Michael , A.H.B. , 1971 . Changing principles of social organisation in the Exploring Islands of Northern Lau , Fij i, Ph.D. thesis , Au stralian 6. and National University.

Ai Tukutuku Vakalotu, Suva Young , John , M.R. , 1969 . Frontier soc iety in Fiji, 1858-1873 , Ph .D. thesis , Times, Suva University of Adelaide. Na Mata, Suva Native Medical Practitioner, Suva Na Viti 1924-30, Suva 8. Published Pacific Islands Sydney No te: This list includes all secondary works cited in the text and a few � 7. ndary sources I found useful and which are not to be found readily in the standard bibliographies . Al i, Ahmed , 1974. Fij i and the Franchise : a history of political respresenta­ tion, 1900-1937, Ph.D. thesis , Australian National University . Alexander, Gilchrist, 1927. From the Middle to the South Seas . Cato , A.C., 1951. A survey of native education in Fij i, Tonga , and Western John Murray , London. Samoa , with special attention to Fij i, Ph .D. thesis , University of Barclay , Glen , 1978. A of the Pacific from the Stone to the Melbourne, 1951. Present Sidgwick and Jackson , London .

Fisk, E.K. , 1974. The traditional economy as a basis for rural development . Belshaw , Cy ril , S. , 1964. Under the Ivi Tree : and Economic Growth Based on a paper presented at the Third Regional Conference of in Ru ral Rout ledge and Kegan Paul , London . Directors of Agriculture , Livestock Production and Fisheries arranged 1965 . ' The effect of limited anthropological theory on problems of by the South Pacific Connnission at Lae , Papua New Guinea, February . ' Typescrip t in my possession , courtesy of the author. Fij ian administration , in Roland W. Force (ed.), Induced Political in the Pacific , Bishop Museum Press , Honolulu, pp . 63-73. Geddes , W.R. , 1948. An analysis of cultural change in Fij i, Ph.D. thesis , ' ' University of London. Brewster, A.B. , 1921. The history of Nadrau . Transactions of the for the Year 1920, Suva , pp . 16-19. Green, Rev . Robert. Memoirs . Typescript in possession of author, Melbourne . 1922. The Hill Tribes of J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia. Janssen, Rev. Herman, 1972. Religion and secularisation . Cultures, Christianity and development . The Catholic Church and the Development 1937. of the Cannibal Isles : a Tale of Life and Adventure of Peoples in the South Pacific Conference. Typescript, Connnission in the Islands. Robert Ha le, London . for Justice and Peace , New Zealand Episcopal Conference. Brookfield , Harold , C. and Hart , Doreen , 1971. Melanesia: a Nayacakalou , Rusiate R. , 1955 . Tradition, choice and change in the Fij ian of an Island Wo rld . Methuen , London. economy , M.A. thesis, University of New Zealand . Brookfield , Harold (ed.), 1973. The Pacific in Transition : 1963. Fij ian leadership in a situation of change , Ph .D. thesis , on and Au stralian National University --�- University of London . Press , Canberra.

Peacock , Allan T. , 1960. Economic problems of a mu ltiracial society - the et al ., 1978. Taveuni : and Production , UNESCO/UNFPA Island Fij i case, seminar paper , University of London . Typescript , Na tional no . 3, Canberra , ANU Development Studies Centre for UNESCO . Archives of Fij i. Rutz, Henry John , 1973. Local-level responses to induced economic change Burnett , Frank, 1923. Summer Isles of Eden . Sifton Praed , London . in the Waidina Valley, Fij i: a case study in anthropological economics , Burns , Sir Alan , Wa tson, T.Y. and Peacock , A.T. , 1960. of the Com­ Ph.D. thesis, McGill University. mi ssion of into the Natural Resources and Trends Sukuna, Ratu, J.L.V. (Sir Lala) , 1940. Address to the Defence Club . Type­ of the of 1959. Fij i Legislative Council Paper 1 of script courtesy of Mr L.G. Usher, Suva . 1960, Government Printer, Suva . n.d. No tes on Lau. Typescript , National Archives of Fij i. Burton , Rev . J.W. , 1910. The of Kelly , London. -- --- ' of Fij i tote mism ' . Tr ansa ctio ns and Pro ce ed­ n.d. Notes on customs regarding lands . Typescript , National Archives Capell , A. , 1953. The nature --�- of the of Science and 1940-1944 , Suva , of Fij i. pp .59-67. 1 9 4 1 9 5

and Les ter , R. H . , 1941 . ' Loc al divisi ons and movement s in Fij i ' , Gordon , Sir Ar thur Hamilton (First Baron Stanmore), 1879. Letters and ��- Ocea nia , XI : 313 -41 , XII , 1952 : 21- 4 8 . Notes Written the Disturbance in the (Known as the ' Devil of Viti Fij i, privately printed , 2 vols, ' Cavalevu , J . D . , 197 1 . The Fij ian communit y and its develop ment ' . Trans­ Edinburgh . act ions and of the 196 6-1 967 , Suva , pp . 131 - the 4 2 . on th e of Taxation in Force in Read be fore Colonial 18 March 1879. Chapple , W . A . , 1921 . I t s Proble ms and Resou rce s . Whit combe and Tombs , Auckland . Records of Private and of Public Life 1875-1880 , 4 vols , Clark , Edinburgh : vol.!, 1897 ; vol . 2, 1901; vol . 3, 1904 ; vol . 4, 1912 . Coulter , John Wesle y , 19 4 2 . Little Ind ia o f the Pacific . Unive rsity Gorrie , Sir J. , 1883 . ' Fij i as it is ' . of the Colonial o f Chicago Press , Chicago . Institute, XIV :l59-99. Crocom be , R . G . , 1971 . Review arti cle . Journal 80 (4 ) : Groves , M. , 1963. ' The nature of Fij ian society' . Journal 505 -20. 72(3) : 272-91 . Daws , Gavan , 1974 . ' Looking at Isla nder s : European ways of thinking about Heath, Ian , 1974. ' Towards a reassessment of Gordon in Fij i ' . Journal Po lynes ians in the ei ght e ent h and ninet eenth centu rie s ' . in Cul tur e Eas t-We st Cent er , Hono lulu , 2 : 51-6 . Pacific IX :81-92.

Deane , Rev. W. , 19 21 . or the and o f Hocart, A.M. , 1929. The of Bernice P. Bishop Bu lletin the Macmill an , London . no .62, Honolulu. 1952 . The Life and Other ed . Lord Raglan , Derric k , R . A . , 19 5 7 . A of rev . edn . , Government Printer , Suva . ��- Tavistock, London . Finucane , M. I . , 1901 . ' The is lands and peoples of Fij i . o f 1952. The Northern States of Occas ional Publication no .11, th e Colonial Instit ute , XXXI I : 32- 5 3 . ��- London , Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland . Fisk , E . K . , 19 7 0 . The Politi cal of Aust ral ian Natio nal University Press , Canb e rr a . Howlett, R.A. , 1948 . The of the Forces 1939-1945 . Crown Agents , London. and Honeybone , D . , 19 7 1 . ' Bels haw ' s "Emergent Fij ian Ent erpr ise" Hubner, Baron Joseph A. von . after ten years ' . Pac ifi c XI I : 2 , pp . 123- 40 , Sep t e mber . the British 2 vols , John Murray , London. Fiso n , Rev. Lorim er , 190 3 . Land Tenure in Government Pri nt er , Suva . Im Thurn , Sir Everard , 1913. ' Nat ive land and labour in the South Seas ' , in Fos ter , Harry , L . , 1927 . A in John Lane , Londo n . F.J.C. Hearnshaw (ed.). Lectures on Colonial Problems . Bell and Sons , London, pp .35-71. Franc e , Pete r , 19 6 6 . ' The Kaunit oni migr at ion : notes o n the gene sis of a ' Fij ian tr adit ion . Journal Pac ifi c 1 : 1 07- 1 3 . Jarre , Rev . Raymond , 1955 . ' Notes sur les changemen ts survenus dans les coutumes Fidj iennes depuis ! ' occupation Europeene ' . Journal de la 1968 . ' The founding o f an or thodo xy : S i r Arthur Gordon and the Societe de Oceanistes, XI : l5-36 . doctri ne of th e Fij ian way of life ' . Journal 77 (1) : 6-32 . Joyce, R.B. , 1971. Sir William Oxford University Press, 1969 . The Charter of the Land : Cus tom and Colo nizat ion in Melbourne . Oxford Unive rsity Press , Melbourne . King, Agnes Gardner , 1920. Island s Far Sifton Praed , London. 19 7 1 . ' Fij ian admini st ratio n dur ing the pas t dec ade ' . Journal Adminis tr at ion Overse as , X ( 3 ) : 192 -200 . Lambert , S.M. , 1942 . A Doctor in Paradise, 2nd Australian edn , Dent , Melbourne. Fras er , John , A. , 1954 . Gold Dish and Kava Bowl . Dent , London . Larsson , Karl Erik, 1960. Studies. Ethnografiska Museet , Gtiteborg. Fra ser , R . M . , 1968 . ' A so cial and econ omic his tor y of Ra Province ' . Transact ions and of the 1962-1 963 , Suva , Legge , J.D. , 1958. Britain in 1858-1880. Macmillan , London . pp . 93-1 12 . Lester, R.H. , 1941. ' Kava-drinking in , Fij i ' . Oceania , XI , Geddes , W . R . , 1945 . Deuba : a of a The Po lynesian 2 December , pp . 97-121; XII, 3 March 1942, pp . 226-54. Societ y Inc . , Welli ngton . ' Magico-religious secret societies of Viti Levu , Fij i ' . ��- 1953. ' Fij ian soci al s t r uc tur e in a per iod of tra ns it ion ' , in and of the of Science and ��- 1959 . J . D . Free man and W . R . Geddes (ed s ) , in the South Se as . 1940-1944 , Suva, pp. 117-34. , New Zealand . Avery , New Plymouth Luke , Sir Harry , 1945 . Britain and the South Seas . Longmans , London. Gill ion , K . L . , 196 2 . Indian to the End of a McArthur , Norma , 1967. Island of the Pacific . Australian in 1920. Oxford Unive rsity Press , Melbour ne . National University, Canberra . 197 7 . The India ns : to Dominance 1920 -19 46 . Macnaugh t , T . J . , 1974 . ' Chiefl y ci vil ser vants? Ambiguity in district ��- ' Austr alia n Nati onal University Press , Can berr a . administr at ion and the prese rvat ion of a Fij ian way of life . Journal Pacific IX : 3 -20 . 1 9 4 1 9 5

and Les ter , R. H . , 1941 . ' Loc al divisi ons and movement s in Fij i ' , Gordon , Sir Ar thur Hamilton (First Baron Stanmore), 1879. Letters and ��- Ocea nia , XI : 313 -41 , XII , 1952 : 21- 4 8 . Notes Written the Disturbance in the (Known as the ' Devil of Viti Fij i, privately printed , 2 vols, ' Cavalevu , J . D . , 197 1 . The Fij ian communit y and its develop ment ' . Trans­ Edinburgh . act ions and of the 196 6-1 967 , Suva , pp . 131 - the 4 2 . on th e of Taxation in Force in Read be fore Colonial 18 March 1879. Chapple , W . A . , 1921 . I t s Proble ms and Resou rce s . Whit combe and Tombs , Auckland . Records of Private and of Public Life 1875-1880 , 4 vols , Clark , Edinburgh : vol.!, 1897 ; vol . 2, 1901; vol . 3, 1904 ; vol . 4, 1912 . Coulter , John Wesle y , 19 4 2 . Little Ind ia o f the Pacific . Unive rsity Gorrie , Sir J. , 1883 . ' Fij i as it is ' . of the Colonial o f Chicago Press , Chicago . Institute, XIV :l59-99. Crocom be , R . G . , 1971 . Review arti cle . Journal 80 (4 ) : Groves , M. , 1963. ' The nature of Fij ian society' . Journal 505 -20. 72(3) : 272-91 . Daws , Gavan , 1974 . ' Looking at Isla nder s : European ways of thinking about Heath, Ian , 1974. ' Towards a reassessment of Gordon in Fij i ' . Journal Po lynes ians in the ei ght e ent h and ninet eenth centu rie s ' . in Cul tur e Eas t-We st Cent er , Hono lulu , 2 : 51-6 . Pacific IX :81-92.

Deane , Rev. W. , 19 21 . or the and o f Hocart, A.M. , 1929. The Lau Islands of Bernice P. Bishop Bu lletin the Macmill an , London . no .62, Honolulu. 1952 . The Life and Other ed . Lord Raglan , Derric k , R . A . , 19 5 7 . A of rev . edn . , Government Printer , Suva . ��- Tavistock, London . Finucane , M. I . , 1901 . ' The is lands and peoples of Fij i . o f 1952. The Northern States of Occas ional Publication no .11, th e Colonial Instit ute , XXXI I : 32- 5 3 . ��- London , Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland . Fisk , E . K . , 19 7 0 . The Politi cal of Aust ral ian Natio nal University Press , Canb e rr a . Howlett, R.A. , 1948 . The of the Forces 1939-1945 . Crown Agents , London. and Honeybone , D . , 19 7 1 . ' Bels haw ' s "Emergent Fij ian Ent erpr ise" Hubner, Baron Joseph A. von . after ten years ' . Pac ifi c XI I : 2 , pp . 123- 40 , Sep t e mber . the British 2 vols , John Murray , London. Fiso n , Rev. Lorim er , 190 3 . Land Tenure in Government Pri nt er , Suva . Im Thurn , Sir Everard , 1913. ' Nat ive land and labour in the South Seas ' , in Fos ter , Harry , L . , 1927 . A in John Lane , Londo n . F.J.C. Hearnshaw (ed.). Lectures on Colonial Problems . Bell and Sons , London, pp .35-71. Franc e , Pete r , 19 6 6 . ' The Kaunit oni migr at ion : notes o n the gene sis of a ' Fij ian tr adit ion . Journal Pac ifi c 1 : 1 07- 1 3 . Jarre , Rev . Raymond , 1955 . ' Notes sur les changemen ts survenus dans les coutumes Fidj iennes depuis ! ' occupation Europeene ' . Journal de la 1968 . ' The founding o f an or thodo xy : S i r Arthur Gordon and the Societe de Oceanistes, XI : l5-36 . doctri ne of th e Fij ian way of life ' . Journal 77 (1) : 6-32 . Joyce, R.B. , 1971. Sir William Oxford University Press, 1969 . The Charter of the Land : Cus tom and Colo nizat ion in Melbourne . Oxford Unive rsity Press , Melbourne . King, Agnes Gardner , 1920. Island s Far Sifton Praed , London. 19 7 1 . ' Fij ian admini st ratio n dur ing the pas t dec ade ' . Journal Adminis tr at ion Overse as , X ( 3 ) : 192 -200 . Lambert , S.M. , 1942 . A Doctor in Paradise, 2nd Australian edn , Dent , Melbourne. Fras er , John , A. , 1954 . Gold Dish and Kava Bowl . Dent , London . Larsson , Karl Erik, 1960. Studies. Ethnografiska Museet , Gtiteborg. Fra ser , R . M . , 1968 . ' A so cial and econ omic his tor y of Ra Province ' . Transact ions and of the 1962-1 963 , Suva , Legge , J.D. , 1958. Britain in 1858-1880. Macmillan , London . pp . 93-1 12 . Lester, R.H. , 1941. ' Kava-drinking in Viti Levu , Fij i ' . Oceania , XI , Geddes , W . R . , 1945 . Deuba : a of a The Po lynesian 2 December , pp . 97-121; XII, 3 March 1942, pp . 226-54. Societ y Inc . , Welli ngton . ' Magico-religious secret societies of Viti Levu , Fij i ' . ��- 1953. ' Fij ian soci al s t r uc tur e in a per iod of tra ns it ion ' , in and of the of Science and ��- 1959 . J . D . Free man and W . R . Geddes (ed s ) , in the South Se as . 1940-1944 , Suva, pp. 117-34. , New Zealand . Avery , New Plymouth Luke , Sir Harry , 1945 . Britain and the South Seas . Longmans , London. Gill ion , K . L . , 196 2 . Indian to the End of a McArthur , Norma , 1967. Island of the Pacific . Australian in 1920. Oxford Unive rsity Press , Melbour ne . National University, Canberra . 197 7 . The India ns : to Dominance 1920 -19 46 . Macnaugh t , T . J . , 1974 . ' Chiefl y ci vil ser vants? Ambiguity in district ��- ' Austr alia n Nati onal University Press , Can berr a . administr at ion and the prese rvat ion of a Fij ian way of life . Journal Pacific IX : 3 -20 . 197 196

St Johnstone , T.R. , 1918. The Lau Islands 1979. ' The man from Ra : Apo losi R. Nawai ' , in Deryck Scarr (ed.), and The ir Tales and ��- Folk-Lore . The Times , London . More Pacific Island Portraits, Australian National University Press , Canberra, pp. 173-92. 1922. South Sea Reminiscences. Fisher Unwin, London . ' Mara , Ratu Sir Kamisese, K.T. , 1975 . Address to the Royal Commonwealth Scarr, Deryck , 1965 . ' John Bates Thurston , Commodore J.G. Goodenough , and Society , London , 16 May , News from XXIX:7, 16 May . Rampant Anglo Saxons in Fij i ' . Historical Aus tralia and New Zealand , XI (43) :361-82 , October. Mayer , Adria n , C. , 1961 . Peasa nt s in the Pacif ic : a of Indian Rural Routledge and Kegan Paul , London . 1970. ' A for Lomaiviti: the qu est ion of legitimacy in the Fij ian administration 1874-1900 ' . Journal Pacific V:3-31 . Mell er , Norman and Anthony , James , 1968 . Goes to the Poll s : the Counc il Elect ions of 1963 . Eas t-We st Cent er , Honolulu . 1973. ' Cakobau and Maafu : contenders for pre-eminence in Fiji' , in J.W. Davidson and Deryck Scarr (ed s) , Pacific Islands Portraits , Memmi , Albert , 1965. The Colonizer and the Colonized . Orion, New York. rev . edn , Au stralian National University Press , Canberra , pp . 95-126. Moynagh , Michael, 1978. ' Land tenure in Fij i ' s sugar cane districts since 1973. the The of Colour vol . I, Australian the 1920s ' . Journal Pacific XIII(l-2) :53-73. National University Press , Canberra. Nacola, J. , 1970. ' Villagers in dilenuna on the eve of Fij i ' s Independence ' , 1980 . of the Pacific. The of Colour vol .II, Pacific in Marion Ward (ed. ), The Politics of Melanesia (Fourth Waigani Research Monograph no .4, ANU Canberra . Seminar), Research School of Pacific Studies , Canberra , pp . 131-43. , 1979. ' John Bates Thurston : Grand Panj andrum of the Pacific ' , in Nankivell, P.S. , 1978. ' Income inequality in Taveuni district : a statistical Deryck Scarr (ed.), More Pacific Island Portraits. Au stralian Na tional analysis of data from the Resource Base Survey ' , in H.C. Brookfield University Press , Canberra, pp . 95-114 . et al ., Taveuni : and Production, UNESCO/UNFPA Island no .3, Canberra , ANU Development Studies Centre for Smith, Norman , 1960. Maori Land Law . A.H. and A.W. Reed , Wellington. UNESCO. Snow , P.A. , 1969. A of and . Au stralian Na tion, John, 1978. Customs of the Traditional Basis of National University Press , Canberra . Conununal Politics . Development Studies Centre Monograph no .14, Spate , O.H.K. , 1959. The Economic Problems and Australian National University , Canberra. Fij i Legislative Council Paper 13 of 1959 , Government Printer, Suva . Nawai , Gaunavou [Sereima ] R. and Toma ' s [sic] , David L. [ ?1966] . Ai 1965. Let Me Australian National Tukutuku Bibi E Baleti Ratu Avalosi� Nawai. S.S.P. Press , . ��- University Press , Canberra. Nayacakalou, Rusiate R. , 1964 . ' Traditional and modern types of leadership Spencer, Dorothy , M. , 1941. and in the and economic development among the Fij ians ' . International Social Islands. Monographs of the Ame rican Ethnological Society , II, Science Journal, XVI (2) :261-72. Philadelphia . 1971. ' Manipulating the system ' , in R. Crocombe (ed.), Land Sukuna , Ratu, J.L.V. , 1936. A Vosa ne i Ratu J.L.V. Tenure in the Pacific. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp . 206-26. 1936 [ Fij ian text of his speech to the 1936 Council of Chiefs.] 1975. in Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Government Printer , Suva . Norton , Robert , 1977. Race and Politics in St Martin' s Press , New Sutherland , W. , 1926. ' The Tuka Religion ' . Transactions of the York and University of Queensland Press, St . Lucia . 1908-1910, reprinted Suva , pp.51-7 . Pet it ion of the Pl ant er s As soc iat ion to the Hon . the of Thompson, Laura, 1940. Front ier (Studies of the Pacific no .4). for the Colonies , Suva, 30 January 1908. Institute of Pacific Relations , New York.

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