Stockton Remembers
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Argo Newspaper Stockton State College Bulk Rate Pomona, N.J 08240 U.S. Postage Officies: C-004 PAID (609) 652-1776 ext. 573 Pomona, N.J. 08240 Permit No. 24 First Class Mail 'Arqo' is watching Argo ' is not an official publication of Stockton State College but is published by an independent corporation licensed in Volume 25, Number 1 POMONA, N.J.- September 17, 1982 N.J Stockton Remembers By Sally Steele the college." On Wednesday, September 8, mem- With the help of Peter Mercado, the orial services were held for Suzanne Dean of Students, and others, Colijn Burton, Brandon Breda, and Ruth Wiec- created the Australian Memorial Fund zorek, Stockton students who were killed "to minimize the additional stress and in an automobile accident in Australia financial problems of the families whose on August 21. children died in the accident. The trans- The service began at 1:00 p.m. on the portation and burial expenses for the G-wing patio. A large crowd of students, three students will total between $20,000 faculty, and staff gathered on the steps and $25,000. and grass surrounding the area. Mathias The Programming Board at Stockton Rodriguez, Charles Townsend, and Anne is sponsoring an outdoor concert on Ronne, members of Stockton's Board of Sunday, September 19, featuring Warren Trustees, also attended. Wieczorek's Zevon. One dollar from each ticket sold parents were present, and the mother will be contributed to the Memorial and two sisters of Burton, and Lisa Fund. 4,000 tickets have been printed, Gebhart, a close friend of Brandy's, so if the weather is good they expect represented the Breda's for the memorial quite a crowd. During intermission, cans Wir •••***ït services. Chris Connors, President of will be circulated to collect further contri- Memorial Service For Students , the Student Senate, began the service by Photo by Ken Dansby butions. i welcoming the families and friends of the "I didn't even know them," Judy The victims were participating in the Stockton faculty and staff are contri- deceased. President Peter M. Mitchell Weinberg, a student, said with tears in foreign exchange program through which buting to the Memorial Fund, and the expressed his sorrow at the loss of such her eyes, "but it's just so sad." they attended the University of Wol- college's Alumni Association is dona- fine students. Mitchell stated that the According to à story from the Atlantic longong, Australia. A total of 12 Stock- ting $500. toss will be felt by the entire Stockton City Press, the students were traveling to ton students left for Australia in early The Overseas Consortium, which in- community. a seashore resort in a rented minibus July; nine will be returning in December. cludes all New Jersey State Colleges Father Moore, a local priest, gave a when they collided with a truck. Four Jan Colijn, coordinator of Stockton's except Ramapo, will donate between closing blessing and prayer. As the crowd other Stockton students survived the foreign exchange program and professor two and nine thousand dollars. dispersed in silence, tears were shed and crash: Ivy Cotler suffered a broken pelvis of political science at the college, hopes If you are unable to attend the Zevon embraces exchanged. Deep sadness was and lacerations on her back and legs; and that the tragedy will not deter students concert on Sunday and would like to apparent as friends tried to comfort one Douglas Cribbs; Faith Staudinger; and from studying abroad in the future. make a personal contribution to the another. Even people who had not known Mark Miller were treated and released "If there's any meaning to these kids Australian Memorial Fund, please con- the deceased were touched by the service, from the hospital. dying," Colijn said, "it's that it unified tact Jan Colijn in C-l 15 or ext. 279. Library Director Conflict Resolved : Grant Appointed By Helen MacMurray various Board meetings by a number of previous posts. Chuck Tantillo was named Libby Marsh was appointed to replace Last sememster's controversy over concerned instructors. Sentiment ran Vice President of Academic Affairs and Continued on Page 3 the appointment of Stockton's Library strong among the faculty about the delay Director came to a head at September's of this issue; evidenced by the resignations Students Fraud Phone Co. Board of Trustees meeting. Thé Board of Bill Daly, Vice President of Academic By Karen Pincus to pay fines of $75 and $25 in court voted to accept Goerge Grant as Director Affairs, Jan Colijn, Royce Burton, Don Eight Stockton State College students costs. Watson and Carlisle were fined of Library Services, effective immediately. Plank and Ingrun LaFleur, Chairpersons have been prosecuted so far by New $100 and court costs. The decision of the Board came after a of the divisions. Len Wollack, Chairperson Jersey Bell Telephone for charging phone According to Seargent William Lentz lengthy series of events stalled the dec- of Professional Studies, did not offer his calls to non-existing third parties. The of the Stockton State College Campus ision from May's Board meeting. Judith resignation. The Board of Trustees ac- calls were made from both pay phones Police, charges will be filed with the Sessions was originally offered the pos- cepted all of the resignations. and campus phones. Campus Hearing Board. The Board's ition, but the Board would not approve The sub-committee of the Board arrived The students: Vincent Carlisle; James recommendations concerning further ac- her contract because of allegations that at a decision in August. They recom- Farley III; Carla Holinger; Pamela Knight; tion will be presented to President Peter there was discrimination in the search mended that Judith Sessions' contract Rubenia Lister; Wendy Marshburn; Dor- Mitchell, who will make a final decision. process for the library director. The be honored. Peter Mitchell offered the The students face possible expulsion. een Phillips; and Issac Watson, pleaded gsgaa^g ' i ' i il Board hired an outside investigator, position to Sessions, who declined the guilty as charged at Galloway Township Arthur Fleming, to analyze the search offer because she had accepted another Municipal Court on Tuesday for placing process. Fleming's report did not find post. at least $2,200 worth of such calls. New In Memorium evidence of discrimination, but suggested Mitchell had previously stated his Jersey Bell is still continuing the in- that the Board build a better rapport with intentions to offer the position to George vestigation, as approximately $3,200 the faculty. The Board, upon receipt of Grant, another candidate for the position. worth of non-existant third party calls Virginia Sefranek the report, then proceeded to establish a Grant accepted the position and was have been attributed to Stockton. who has left us but will be remembered sub-committee with the purpose of making confirmed by the Board in their Sep- Presiding Judge Joseph P. Testa or- for all she has done for the students of a recommendation to the full Board as to tember meeting. dered that each student pay restitution to Ie Stockton. the hiring of a Library Director. The Board reappointed Ingrun Lefleur, New Jersey Bell Telephone for the amount Thank you, The Veterans Club The faculty was represented at these Royce Burton, and Jan Colijn to their charged. Six students were also ordered ARGO Page 2 September 17, 1982 Center Set For January By Elizabeth Johnson The last construction meeting on Sep- of Finance, the whole project cost a net continuing to grow and improve." stigma that Stockton is a "suitcase college" tember 4 reported that the new Student price of $5 million. A $ 1.1 million down The New Center is most certainly will be removed. Undoubtedly, the new Center should be completed the week of payment has been made and the balance something to look forward to. Students Student Center will soon become a worth- January 17-21. The opening of the Center of $3.9 million has been borrowed. will benefit greatly. Hopefully, with all while addition to life at Stockton. will be the highlight of the coming Spring $250,000 of that net figure will pay for the new weekend activities planned, the Semester. the interior design and some furnishings. Located adjacent to the Performing Approximately $748,000 will go toward Arts Center, the new edifice has a most debt services acquired from the new stylish architecture. The interior dec- Center and past due balances on G- Tuition Hike orators, Mitchell Associates of Delaware, Wing. By Rick Dill in conjuction with a committee of students The high cost of construction and debt Tuition at all New Jersey State Colleges cost of utilities would have to drop, and and staff, have laid the blueprints for a services are only a part of the financial went up an estimated 10% this fall in salaries would have to stabilize, the state comfortable and very useful facility. difficulty Stockton will have to face. accordance with the budget proposal revenue base would have to substantially This modern facility will serve as a There will be utilities, insurance, and Governor Kean made last spring. increase and the state would have to be "living room" for the new dorms - Housing salaries to pay - among many other bills. According to Rob Trow, the Vice willing to pay more than 70% of operating II. One of the nicer aspects of the Center Annual costs will be paid by Stocktons's President of Administration and Finance costs. Of course, the national inflation is the large-size lounge with cozy furniture student general service fees, activity at Stockton State, the 10%, or $3.00- rate would also have to come down.