Heritage at Risk Priority Sites Contents Page Introduction 2 East Midlands 3 East of England 16 London 27 North East 41 North West 53 South East 64 South West 76 West Midlands 87 Yorkshire and the Humber 99 1 Introduction What are priority Heritage at Risk Sites? Priority Heritage at Risk sites are those sites that English Heritage has identified for additional support to save them for the future. We will be working with owners, developers, trusts and local authorities to find the right solution for these sites with the aim of getting them repaired and back into sustainable use where possible, so they can be removed from the Heritage at Risk Register. Solutions will vary from site to site, possibly with more than one option and so the support that English Heritage will provide is site and option dependent. The different kinds of support could include one or more activities such as expert local advice, partnership working with local authorities, updated information on the significance of the site to aid understanding, and grant aid. For further information or to discuss a site on the priority list contact the relevant English Heritage office. East Midlands Tel: 01604 735400 Email:
[email protected] East of England Tel: 01223 582700 Email:
[email protected] London Tel: 020 7973 3000 Email:
[email protected] North East Tel: 0191 269 1200 Email:
[email protected] North West Tel: 0161 242 1400 Email:
[email protected] South East Tel: 01483 252000 Email: