Authors: Federico L. Agnolin, and Martín D. Ezcurra Source: Breviora, 565(1) : 1-21 Published By: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University


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ABSTRACT. The Chanares˜ Formation (latest Middle–earliest Late Triassic) of northwestern Argentina is part of the Ischigualasto–Villa Union´ Basin and preserves a rich fossil vertebrate record discovered by a crew of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard University) led by . A diverse non-dinosaurian dinosauromorph assemblage has been described from this formation and includes the iconic, small-sized ‘‘proto-’’ Lagosuchus talampayensis Romer, 1971. This species has been crucial to understand the body plan of dinosaur precursors and the higher-level phylogenetic relationships of . More recently, authors considered this and species as nomina dubia. The aim of this contribution is to reassess the taxonomic validity of L. talampayensis. New observations indicate that the holotype of L. talampayensis differs from other avemetatarsalians, but not from the hypodigm of lilloensis, in the presence of a globose (strongly convex proximal and medial surfaces) with a distinctly dorsal orientation and a sub-oval outline in proximal view as a result of incipient posterior and posteromedial tuberosities. Thus, Lagosuchus talampayensis is here considered a senior of ‘‘Marasuchus lilloensis’’ (Romer, 1972). Our conclusions have implications in the knowledge about early dinosauromorph diversity and the taxonomic richness of the group in the Chanares˜ Formation.

KEY WORDS: Triassic; La Rioja province; Argentina; Avemetatarsalia; Dinosauriformes; Marasuchus lilloensis

1 Laboratorio de Anatomıa´ Comparada y Evolucion´ INTRODUCTION de los Vertebrados, CONICETMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia,’’ Av. The Ischigualasto–Villa Union´ Basin is an ´ Angel Gallardo 470 (C1405DJR), Buenos Aires, extensive succession of late –Late Argentina e-mail: [email protected]. 2 Fundacion´ de Historia Natural ‘‘Felix´ de Azara,’’ Triassic sedimentary rocks that crops out in Universidad Maimonides,´ Hidalgo 775 (C1405BDB), northwestern Argentina (San Juan and La Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rioja provinces) and have yielded abundant 3 Seccion´ Paleontologıa´ de Vertebrados, CONI- fossil vertebrates (Reig, 1963; Romer, 1966; CETMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Ber- Bonaparte, 1971, 1997). The information nardino Rivadavia,’’ Av. Angel´ Gallardo 470 (C1405DJR), Buenos Aires, Argentina; e-mail: provided by these fossils has become crucial [email protected]. to understanding the evolution of Triassic

Ó The President and Fellows of Harvard College 2019.

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vertebrate assemblages in southern Pangaea. column, pectoral girdle and forelimb and The Chanares˜ Formation (latest Ladi- the pelvic bones associated with the right and nian?early ; Marsicano et al., left articulated hindlimbs of the same indi- 2015; Ezcurra et al., 2017) is one of the most vidual (Romer, 1971; Sereno and Arcucci, fossiliferous stratigraphic units of the Ischi- 1994). Romer (1971) proposed that this gualasto–Villa Union´ Basin, and its fossil taxon was bipedal and that it may be related content was discovered and originally exca- to the origin of ‘‘coelurosaurian’’ (cf. Coelo- vated by a crew of the Museum of Compar- physoidea) theropods based on tarsal char- ative Zoology (MCZ, Harvard University) acters. Subsequently, Romer (1972) referred led by Alfred S. Romer from October 1964 additional specimens to Lago. talampayensis until February 1965 (Romer, 1966; Romer and also erected the new species Lago. and Jensen, 1966). The fossils collected lilloensis. Regarding the holotype of this during this early field trip, most of them new species, Romer (1972: 5) stated that housed in the MCZ, represent one of the ‘‘except for larger size, the hind leg elements most informative Triassic vertebrate assem- closely resemble those of the . I felt blages worldwide. Subsequently, JoseF.´ justified in concluding that the two were Bonaparte and collaborators increased the specifically identical,’’ but he concluded that sample of fossil vertebrates of this unit ‘‘we have three specimens of femur of during the late 1960s and 1970s. As a result holotype size, only one larger. It is highly of these explorations, an important diversity improbable that in a collection there would be of nondinosaurian dinosauromorphs (infor- three immature forms against only one adult. mally called dinosaur precursors or ‘‘proto- . . . I am therefore forced to the conclusion dinosaurs’’) was described, including Lager- that the present specimen represents a distinct peton chanarensis, Lagosuchus talampayensis, species of Lagosuchus.’’ Some years later, Lago. lilloensis (¼ Marasuchus lilloensis), Bonaparte (1975) described in detail all Pseudolagosuchus major,andLewisuchus available specimens of Lago. talampayensis admixtus (Romer, 1971, 1972a,b; Bonaparte, housed in the MCZ and the Instituto Miguel 1975; Arcucci, 1987; Sereno and Arcucci, Lillo (PVL) in Argentina and proposed that 1994a,b; Bittencourt et al., 2014).These taxa the size differences with Lago. lilloensis were have been and still are of key importance to not enough to support its taxonomic distinc- understanding the origin and early evolution tiveness. Thus, Bonaparte (1975) considered of Dinosauria (e.g., Romer, 1971, 1972; Lago. talampayensis aseniorsynonymof Bonaparte, 1975, 1995; Benton, 1990a,b; Lago. lilloensis, and this conclusion was Novas, 1992, 1996; Sereno and Arcucci, followed by subsequent authors in the 1980s 1994a,b; Ezcurra, 2006; Irmis et al., 2007; and early 1990s (Arcucci, 1987; Novas, 1989, Nesbitt et al., 2010, 2017; Bittencourt et al., 1993; Benton, 1990a,b). 2014; Cabreira et al., 2016). Sereno and Arcucci (1994) revised in detail Alfred Romer (1971) briefly described and both species and concluded that Lago. erected the new, long-limbed dinosauro- talampayensis was based on a nondiagnostic morph species Lago. talampayensis and holotype and considered this genus and Lage. chanarensis as part of a series of 20 species nomina dubia. As a result, Sereno contributions published in Breviora between and Arcucci (1994) erected the new genus 1966 and 1973 about the Chanares˜ Marasuchus for the species ‘‘Lago.’’ lilloensis, fauna. Lagosuchus talampayensis is based on resulting in the new combination M. lilloen- an associated, articulated partial vertebrl sis (Romer, 1972). Most subsequent authors

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have followed this criterion (e.g., Novas, Marasuchus belong to a locality (northwest 1996, 2009; Ezcurra, 2006; Langer and pocket of Romer field notes 19641965 or Benton, 2006; Langer et al., 2013; Bitten- classic Los Chanares˜ locality of Rogers et al. court et al., 2014), but one exception was a [2001]) placed 3 km north of the Chanares˜ paper by Bonaparte (1995), in which he River and 5 km southwest of the Puerta de sustained the validity of Lago. talampayensis Talampaya (Romer, 1971, 1972; Bonaparte, and considered M. lilloensis its junior syno- 1975; Sereno and Arcucci, 1994). These nym. As a consequence, the aim of this dinosaur precursor fossils come from sub- contribution is to revaluate the taxonomic spherical concretions between 30 and 250 cm validity of Lago. talampayensis and its in diameter (Mancuso et al., 2013), placed synonymy with M. lilloensis. A full revision approximately 1015 m above the base of of the alpha of the other dino- the sedimentary column at the Chanares˜ type sauromorphs of the Chanares˜ Formation locality (Ezcurra et al., 2017: supplementary will be the subject of future contributions fig. 4). These concretions contain abundant based on recently collected specimens (e.g., vertebrate fossils that have been well known Novas et al., 2015; Ezcurra et al., 2018). since the 1960s and include abundant and usually articulated, fairly complete skeletons PALEONTOLOGICAL AND of proterochampsids, gracilisuchid and di- GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS nosauromorph , dicynodonts, and chiniquodontid and early probainognathian All available specimens of Lago. talam- cynodonts (Romer and Jensen, 1966; Bona- payensis and M.(¼ Lagosuchus) lilloensis parte, 1997; Rogers et al., 2001; Krapovickas come from the -Chanaresu- et al., 2013; Mancuso et al., 2013; Marsicano chus Assemblage Zone (AZ) of the lower et al., 2015; Ezcurra et al., 2017). The member of the Chanares˜ Formation (Romer, dinosauromorph assemblage of the Cha- 1971, 1972; Bonaparte, 1975; Sereno and ares Formation includes the lagerpetid Lage. Arcucci, 1994; Ezcurra et al., 2017). Romer chanarensis and the nondinosaurian dino- and Jensen (1966) recognized the outcrops of sauriforms Lago. talampayensis, Lago. lil- the Chanares˜ Formation in the area delim- loensis (¼ Marasuchus lilloensis), Ps. major, ited between the Talmapya, Chanares,˜ and and Le. admixtus (Romer, 1971, 1972b; Gualo rivers, and this unit was traditionally Arcucci, 1987). Several authors have consid- dated as (Bonaparte, 1997; Rogers ered that Le. admixtus may represent a et al., 2001). More recently, Desojo et al. subjective senior synonym of Ps. major (2011) proposed that the deposition of the (Arcucci, 1997; Nesbitt et al., 2010; Bitten- Chanares˜ Formation may have extended court et al., 2014; Novas et al., 2015; into the Carnian, a statement that was Ezcurra, 2016; Ezcurra et al., 2018). recently bolstered by radioisotopic dating that constrained the dated levels of the unit Institutional abbreviations as lower Carnian (Marsicano et al., 2015; Ezcurra et al., 2017). However, the still GR, Ghost Ranch Ruth May Museum of undated first 1015 m of the unit (Tarjadia Paleontology, New Mexico, USA; ISIR, AZ) may extend back into the latest Ladi- Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India; nian (Ezcurra et al., 2017). MACN-Pv, Museo Argentino de Ciencias The outcrops of the Chanares˜ Formation Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’, Paleon- that yielded specimens of Lagosuchus and tologıa´ de Vertebrados, Buenos Aires, Ar-

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Queen Victoria Museum, Department of Paleontology, Harare; SAM-PK-K, Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa; SMNS, Staatliches Museum fur¨ Naturkunde Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; UFRGS-PV, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; ULBRA-PVT, Universidade Luterana do Brazil, Canoas, Brazil; USNM, National Museum of Natural History (formerly Unit- ed States National Museum), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA; ZPAL, Institute of Paleobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Archosauria Cope, 1869, sensu Gauthier and Padian, 1985 Avemetatarsalia Benton, 1999 Dinosauriformes Novas, 1992, sensu Nesbitt, 2011 Figure 1. Lagosuchus talampayensis Romer, 1971 Lagosuchus Romer, 1971 (PULR 09, holotype). Incomplete skeleton (top) and Lagosuchus talampayensis Romer, 1971 interpretative drawing (bottom) modified from Sereno and Arcucci (1994). Bones of Lago. talampayensis ¼ ‘‘Lagosuchus lilloensis’’ new species Romer, indicated in black. Abbreviations: lf, left foot; lfe, left 1972 femur; lfi, left fibula; lhu, left ; lis, left ; ¼ ‘‘Marasuchus lilloensis’’ new genus and new lpu, left ; lra, left radius; lsc, left and coracoid; lti, left ; rfe, right femur; rfi, right fibula; combination Sereno and Arcucci, 1994 rpu, right pubis; rti, right tibia. Scale bar: 2 cm. Holotype. PULR 09, partial postcranium composed of the last eight dorsal and two gentina; MLP, Museo de La Plata, La Plata, sacral vertebrae in articulation (see Descrip- Argentina; MCZ, Museum of Comparative tion); first seven caudal vertebrae articulated Zoology, Cambridge, USA; NHMUK PV, or in close proximity; a partial middle-distal The Natural History Museum, Palaeontol- caudal vertebra; articulated left scapula, ogy Vertebrates, London, UK; NMT, Na- coracoid, humerus, radius, and ulna; partial tional Museum of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, pelvic girdles; articulated right femur, tibia, Tanzania; PULR, Paleontologıa,´ Universi- and fibula (the latter two lacking their distal dad Nacional de La Rioja, La Rioja, ends); and most of the articulated left Argentina; PVL, Paleontologıa´ de Vertebra- hindlimb lacking the proximal half of the dos, Instituto ‘‘Miguel Lillo,’’ San Miguel de femur and most phalanges (Fig. 1). The left Tucuma´n, Argentina. PVSJ, Division´ de hindlimb is labeled with the same number Paleontologıa´ de Vertebrados del Museo de (PULR 08) as the holotype of the pseudo- Ciencias Naturales y Universidad Nacional suchian Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum Romer de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina; QG, (1972).

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Referred Specimens. MCZ 4137 (originally perforations; Nesbitt et al., 2017) (unknown catalogued as MCZ 4116), a series of 17 in PULR 09, present in PVL 3870 and PVL presacral vertebrae, partial , right 3871); and transversely concave posterior and pubis, and right femur articulated surface of distal end of pubic apron (flat in with proximal end of tibia; PVL 3870, partial other early avemetatarsalians; Sereno and skeleton including left maxilla, partial brain- Arcucci, 1994) (unknown in PULR 09, case, from the atlas to present in PVL 3870 and PVL 3871). anterior caudal vertebrae, articulated pelvis Furthermore, Lago. talampayensis may be and hindlimbs lacking distal phalanges; PVL distinguished from other early dinosauri- 3871, partial articulated skeleton including forms by having the combination of fan- the last dorsal vertebra to the 25th caudal shaped dorsal neural spines in lateral view vertebra, left scapulocoracoid, humerus, that contact adjacent spines and lack flat- radius, and ulna, right hemipelvis, left ilium tened ossifications roofing them (fan-shaped and pubis, partial right and left hindlimbs neural spines contacting adjacent spines are (holotype of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’); PVL 3872, also present only in Le. admixtus among articulated partial right squamosal and nondinosaurian dinosauriforms, but this quadrate (the ventral two-thirds of the species possesses a row of imbricated ossifi- quadrate are currently lost), partial brain- cations roofing these spines; Sereno and case, and vertebral column from the atlas to Arcucci, 1994; Bittencourt et al., 2014) the ninth presacral vertebra; PVL 4671, (present in PULR 09, MCZ 4137, PVL articulated anterior caudal vertebrae with 3870, PVL 3872, and PVL 4672). haemal arches; PVL 4672, articulated verte- Beyond the presence of these characters, bral column from atlas to the 17th presacral the hypodigm of Lago. talampayensis can be vertebra, right scapula and coracoid, and left distinguished from other avemetatarsalians humerus. by the combination of the following charac- Revised Diagnosis. Lagosuchus talam- payensis is a small dinosauromorph (largest ter states: haemal arches three times longer known femoral length of 57.5 mm; PVL dorsoventrally than the anteroposterior 3871) that differs from closely related spe- length of their respective caudal centra in cies, such as Le. admixtus, Asilisaurus the proximal portion of the tail (unknown in kongwe,andSilesaurus opolensis,inthe Le. admixtus; Sereno and Arcucci, 1994) presence of the following autapomorphies: (unknown in PULR 09, present in PVL 3870 femoral head with strongly convex proximal and PVL 4671), coracoid foramen opening and medial surfaces, acquiring a globose laterally and medially ventral to the scapula- overall shape (the femoral head of other coracoid suture (foramen absent in Le. avemetatarsalians possesses straight proxi- admixtus) (unknown in PULR 09, present mal and medial surfaces in anterior and in PVL 3871 and PVL 3872), absence of posterior views; modified from Bonaparte, brevis fossa on the ilium (fossa present in 1975) (present in PULR 09, MCZ 4137, PVL silesaurids) (unknown in PULR 09, present 3870, and PVL 3871); iliac ischiadic peduncle in specimens MCZ 4137, PVL 3870, and with straight ventral margin (other early PVL 3871), and straight fourth metatarsal in avemetatarsalians, such as Si. opolensis, A. anterior and posterior views (laterally curved kongwe, and Teleocrater rhadinus, possess a in dinosaurs and Si. opolensis; Novas, 1996; ventrally notched ischiadic peduncle, sug- Dzik, 2003) (present in PVL 3870 and PVL gesting the persistence of small 3871).

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Lagosuchus talampayensis is clearly distin- redescription is not required for the purpose guished from lagerpetids, such as Lage. of this manuscript. chanarensis, by lacking a deep emargination PULR 09 is preserved mixed with the at the base of the femoral head; femoral head larger, partially articulated skeletons of the globose that lacks a strong anteroposterior holotype of the pseudosuchian G. stipanici- compression, being not hook-shaped; lack- corum (PULR 08) and a referred specimen of ing an hypertrophied tibiofibular crest in the the proterochampsid Tropidosuchus romeri distal end of the femur; and lacking a (PULR unnumbered) (Romer, 1971; Sereno posterior ascending process in the astragalus and Arcucci, 1994). The holotype of Lago. (see Sereno and Arcucci, 1994a; Nesbitt, talampayensis is represented by a partial left 2011). Additionally, when compared with pectoral girdle and forelimb, a complete the holotype specimen of Ps. major (PVL series of 17 vertebrae, and partially flexed hindlimbs, which are preserved resembling 4629), the holotype of Lago. talampayensis the resting pose described for other dino- differs in the presence of a globose femoral sauriforms (Fig. 1; Agnolin and Martinelli, head (i.e., strongly convex proximal and 2015). The presacral and sacral vertebrae are medial surfaces) (Arcucci, 1987). preserved in articulation, and the anterior Following our revised diagnosis of Lago. caudal vertebrae, pelvic girdle, and hind- talampayensis, we are not able to refer a limbs are in approximate anatomical posi- complete left scapulacoracoid (MCZ 9483)— tion—although not articulated. The partial previously referred to Lago. talampayensis pectoral girdle and forelimb lie 3 cm in front by Romer (1972)—and a series of articulated of the preserved dorsal series, but the size anterior caudal vertebrae lacking haemal and position of these bones in the slab arches (PVL 4670)—previously referred to strongly suggest that they belong to the same ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ by Sereno and Arcucci individual, as originally interpreted by Ro- (1994)—because of the absence of autapo- mer (1971). There is no evidence of gastral morphies or a unique combination of char- elements or osteoderms. acter states that may support their species- Dorsal Vertebrae. The preserved eight level assignment. distalmost dorsal vertebrae probably corre- spond to the 7th–8th to 14th–15th vertebrae DESCRIPTION of the trunk series if we consider, as occurs in other Triassic dinosauriforms, a presacral The holotype of Lago. talampayensis column composed of 23 or 24 vertebrae, in (PULR 09, including the left hindlimb which nine are and 14–15 labeled as PULR 08; the entire specimen is are dorsal vertebrae (Bonaparte, 1975; Pie- hereafter referred as PULR 09 for simplicity) chowski and Dzik, 2010). Damage and some was described by Romer (1971, 1972) and areas covered with matrix obscure several Sereno and Arcucci (1994). Here we expand features of the dorsal vertebrae. The pre- these descriptions with new detailed anatom- served vertebral centra are strongly elongat- ical information to allow revisiting the ed, being approximately three times longer validity of Lago. talampayensis. The holo- anteroposteriorly than the dorsoventral type of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ and its referred height of the anterior and posterior facets specimens have been described and figured (Fig. 2). This ratio resembles, but slightly in detail by Bonaparte (1975) and Sereno exceeds, that of the middle-distal dorsal and Arcucci (1994); therefore, we consider a vertebrae of a specimen referred to ‘‘M.

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Figure 2. Vertebral column of Lagosuchus talampayensis (PULR 09, holotype) in A. anterodorsal and dorsal views; B, C. detail of dorsal vertebrae in right lateral view; D, E. detail of sacral 2 and caudal vertebrae in dorsal view. Light grey areas indicate broken surface. Abbreviations: ape, anteroposterior expansion; Ca 1, first caudal vertebra; d8-9, dorsal vertebra 8 or 9; d14-15, dorsal vertebra 14 or 15; m-dCa, middle-distal caudal vertebra; S2, second sacral vertebra; te, transverse expansion. Scale bars: A. 2 cm; B, D. 5 mm.

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lilloensis’’ by Sereno and Arcucci (1994; ratio neural spines, as occurs in other nondino- approximately 2.3 in the most elongated saurian avemetatarsalians, but contrasting dorsal vertebrae of PVL 3870; in other with the condition in Le. admixtus (Bitten- specimens this ratio is even lower). The court et al., 2014). vertebral centra and the bases of the neural Sacral Vertebrae and Ribs. The two sacral arches are laterally excavated immediately vertebrae and their partial ribs are exposed ventral to the diapophyses, a condition listed in dorsal view (Fig. 2). The subsequent in the original diagnosis of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ vertebra of the series is very poorly pre- (Sereno and Arcucci, 1994) and widespread served, and it is not possible to determine among several archosauromorph lineages whether it belongs to the sacral region or (Ezcurra, 2016), including other dinosauri- represents the first caudal. However, we forms (Bonaparte, 1995, 1997). The di- assume the presence of two sacral vertebrae apophyses are horizontal and subtriangular in PULR 09 because this condition is present in dorsal view, being anteriorly displaced in specimens previously referred to ‘‘M. from the mid-length of the neural arch. The lilloensis’’ (Bonaparte, 1975; Sereno and parapophyses are placed close to the di- Arcucci, 1994). It is not possible to discern apophyses and are connected to the latter by the suture between the sacral transverse a short and thin paradiapophyseal lamina, as processes and ribs. The distal end of the occurs in several archosauromorphs (Ezcur- sacral ribs is not preserved. The transverse ra et al., 2014). The prezygapophyses are processes and ribs are long and trapezoidal oriented anterodorsally and extend approx- in dorsal view, slightly broader at their base. imately level with the anterior margin of the The transverse processes of the first sacral centrum. The postzygapophyses are horizon- are oriented mainly laterally, but those of the tal in lateral view and extend distinctly second sacral possesses a distinct posterolat- beyond the margin of the centrum. The eral orientation. The preserved base of the preserved bases of the neural spines are long neural spines is short anteroposteriorly and anteroposteriorly and extend along most of displaced posteriorly on the neural arch. The the anteroposterior length of the neural arch. prezygapophyses are well separated from Only the 13th or 14th dorsal vertebra each other by a wide, U-shaped notch. The preserves a complete neural spine, and the postzygapophyses are very close to the dorsal half is expanded anteroposteriorly, median line and extend only slightly beyond with a more developed and tapering anterior the base of the neural spine. end. The degree of anteroposterior expan- Caudal Vertebrae. The caudal series is sion of the neural spine indicates that it represented by its first seven vertebrae— should have contacted its adjacent spines. assuming a sacrum composed of two sacral This condition was included in the diagnosis vertebrae (see above)—and an isolated cen- of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ by Sereno and Arcucci trum of a probable middle-distal element (1994) and is also present in the dinosauri- (Fig. 2). The proximal vertebrae are exposed form Le. admixtus (Bittencourt et al., 2014). in dorsal view. The transverse processes are The top of this spine is gently thickened subrectangular and very long in dorsal view, transversely, as occurs in a referred specimen representing 0.85 times the anteroposterior of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3870), Le. admixtus length across zygapophyses in the fourth (Bittencourt et al., 2014), and Si. opolensis caudal. These processes become shorter (Piechowski and Dzik, 2010). PULR 09 lacks posteriorly in the series, and those of the ossifications roofing the dorsal end of the seventh caudal are less than half their length

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in the fourth caudal. The prezygapophyses broad longitudinal ridge that is slightly are long and oriented anterodorsally, as displaced from mid-width posteriorly at the occurs in the anterior caudal vertebrae of base of the blade. A similar ridge is present the holotype of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3871). in some other early dinosauriforms (e.g. Le. The prezygapophyses of PULR 09 are admixtus: PULR 01; ischigua- separated from each other by a broad U- lastensis: PVSJ 373; Megapnosaurus rhode- shaped interprezygapophyseal notch. The siensis: QG 1). There are no informative prezygapophyses are connected to the neural traits to describe from the partial coracoid. spine through weak spinoprezygapophyseal Forelimbs. The left humerus is exposed in laminae. The postzygapophyses are very anteromedial view, and the medial side of its short and separated from each other by a proximal third and the distal end are shallow median cleft in dorsal view. The damaged, precluding the description of the neural spines are relatively low and extend latter region (Fig. 3). It is a gracile bone, along the entire median line of the neural with a very slender shaft. Its proximal end is arch. The neural spine extends posteriorly, slightly expanded transversely and possesses level with the posterior margin of the short a transversely concave anterior surface. This postzygapophyses. concavity is broad and subtriangular, with a The centrum of the middle-distal caudal distal apex, but relatively shallow, and vertebra is approximately three times longer should have housed the attachment for the than tall and around 1.2 times longer than musculus coracobrachialis brevis pars ven- the neural arch of the anterior caudal tralis (Langer et al., 2007). This concavity is vertebrae. Middle-distal caudal vertebrae delimited laterally by a moderately long and distinctly longer than the proximal caudal low deltopectoral crest, whose base extends vertebrae also occur in the holotype and along approximately 31% of the length of previously referred specimens of ‘‘M. lilloen- the bone, resembling the condition in proter- sis’’ (PVL 3870, PVL 4671; Sereno and ochampsids (e.g., bonapartei, Arcucci, 1994). The middle-distal centrum PVL 4575: 31%; T. romeri, PVL 4604: 31%), of PULR 09 is slightly constricted trans- the lagerpetid polesinensis (UL- versely around mid-length and the articular BRA-PVT059: 35%), and several pseudosu- surfaces are subcircular and concave. The chians (e.g., Parasuchus hislopi,ISIR presence of a ridge or groove on the ventral collection: 35%; Nicrosaurus kapffi,SMNS surface of the centrum cannot be deter- collection: 32%; Smilosuchus gregorii, mined. A longitudinal depression occurs USNM 18313: 28%; Aetosauroides scagliai, along the transition between the centrum PVL 2073: 33%; A. scagliai, PVL 2091: 30%; and neural arch. Prestosuchus chiniquensis,UFRGS-PV- Pectoral Girdle. The partial left scapula 0152T: 34%). By contrast, the deltopectoral and coracoid are preserved in medial view crest is proportionally longer in other and natural position to each other, but it is avemetatarsalians, including aphanosaurians not possible to discern whether they were (e.g., Yarasuchus deccanensis, ISIR 334/53: fused (Fig. 3). Damage obscures several 49%; T. rhadinus, NMT RB476: 44%), anatomical features. The preserved portion (e.g., macronyx; of the scapular blade expands gradually Padian, 1983: fig. 8: 46%), the holotype of anteroposteriorly toward the distal end. ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3871: ca. 40%), Le. The medial surface of the bone is slightly admixtus (PULR 01: .37%), Si. opolensis concave, with the exception of a low and (ZPAL Ab/III/452: 38%), and dinosaurs

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Figure 3. Left pectoral girdle and forelimb of Lagosuchus talampayensis (PULR 09; holotype). Photograph (top) and interpretative drawing (bottom). Light grey areas indicate broken surface, and dark grey elements are bones that do not belong to Lago. talampayensis. Abbreviations: dpc, deltopectoral crest; hh, humeral head; ra, radius; ri, medial ridge; sc, scapula; ul, ulna. Scale bar: 5 mm.

(e.g., Her. ischigualastensis,MACN-Pv down the bone (Langer and Benton, 2006; 18060: 52%; Heterodontosaurus tucki, Nesbitt, 2011). The deltopectoral crest seems SAM-PK-K1332: 42%). The deltopectoral to be slightly displaced distally from the crest is subtriangular in lateral and medial proximal margin of the bone and is connect- views, and its apex is placed approximately ed with the head by a relatively narrow edge. 20% down the length of the bone, as occurs The radius and ulna are exposed in medial in other nondinosaurian archosauriforms, in view. Their distal ends are partially covered which the apex is placed not beyond 30% with matrix and bones of the specimen of T.

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romeri (Sereno and Arcucci, 1994). The indicating an extensive contribution to the medial surface of the proximal end of the acetabulum. The acetabular margin of the radius possesses a broad concavity that ischium is nearly straight. It is not possible to received the ulna. The proximal end of the determine the presence of the antitrochanter ulna is subtriangular in medial view and present in PVL 3870 because of damage. The lacks an olecranon process, contrasting with rest of the ischium is plate-like, with the the well-developed olecranon of the holotype exception of a thick, rounded ridge adjacent of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (Bonaparte, 1975; PVL to the posterior margin of the shaft. The 3871). The shaft of both bones is nearly ventral lamina below this ridge is well straight, and their distal ends are slightly developed, as also occurs in PVL 3870 and expanded anteroposteriorly. The length of other dinosauriforms (Novas, 1996; Nesbitt, the radius and ulna is 65% that of the 2011). The posterior margin of the shaft is humerus, and as a result, the anterior distinctly concave. The distal end of the zeugopodium of PULR 09 is proportionally ischium is missing and/or covered with shorter than that of the holotype of ‘‘M. epoxy. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3871: .72%) and most Hindlimbs. The right hindlimb includes a archosauriforms (Ezcurra, 2016). Indeed, complete femur articulated with the tibia and such a low ratio between radius and humerus fibula (Figs. 1, 4, 5). The latter two bones is an uncommon condition among archo- lack their distal ends. The left hindlimb is sauriforms and occurs in only a few taxa also articulated and more complete, lacking (e.g., Vancleavea campi, Nesbitt et al., 2009, the proximal half of the femur and several fig. 13: 62%; Par. hislopi, Chatterjee, 1978, phalanges. The proximalmost phalanges of table 2: 67%). digits I–III are articulated to their respective Pelvic Girdle. The pelvic girdle of PULR metatarsals, and there are three other pha- 09 is incomplete and extensively covered langes disarticulated, but in close association with matrix, thus it provides considerably with the right foot. It is not possible to less information than the other dinosauri- determine the identity of these phalanges form specimens from the Chanares˜ Forma- and, as a consequence, either the total length tion described in detail by Bonaparte (1975) or phalanx count of any digit. and Sereno and Arcucci (1994). The pelvic The morphology of the femur of PULR 09 region of PULR 09 is represented by is almost identical to that of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ probable iliac fragments preserved close to (PVL 3870, 3871; Bonaparte, 1975; Sereno the femoral head, partial left and right pubes and Arcucci, 1994). The femur is distinctly (exposed in lateral and anterior views, sigmoid in lateral view, with posteriorly and respectively), and a fragmentary left ischium anteriorly bowed proximal and distal haves, exposed in lateral view (Fig. 4). respectively (Fig. 5). By contrast, the bone is The morphology of the pubis and ischium mostly straight in anterior view, with the is congruent with that of the referred exception of a sharply posterolaterally flexed specimen of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ PVL 3870. The proximal end. The femoral shaft is very pubis of PULR 09 possesses a distinct iliac narrow and reaches its minimum width at peduncle that finishes into a concave artic- the level of the distal end of the fourth ular surface for the ilium. The pubic shaft trochanter in anterior view. The femoral possesses a moderately transversely broad head is oriented anteromedially (if it is and dorsoventrally thin apron. The proximal considered that the distal condyles are end of the ischium is long anteroposteriorly, posteriorly projected) and forms a broad

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Figure 4. Partial pelvic girdle and right hindlimb of Lagosuchus talampayensis (PULR 09, holotype). Photograph (left) and interpretative drawing (right). Light grey areas indicate broken surface, and dark grey elements are bones that do not belong to Lago. talampayensis. Abbreviations: as, acetabular surface; Cas, caudal vertebrae; Ds, dorsal vertebrae; lis, left ischium; lp, left pubis; rfe, right femur; rfi, right fibula; ri, ridge; ril, right ilium; rpu, right pubis; rti, right tibia; sa, sacral vertebrae. Scale bar: 1 cm.

and moderately deep concavity with the ular surfaces, as also occurs in ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ shaft in posteromedial and anterolateral (PVL 3870, 3871) and lagerpetids (e.g., Lage. views, thus being distinctly projected from chanarensis: MCZ 4121, PULR 06, PVL the neck, resembling the condition in Le. 4619; D. romeri: GR 218; I. polesinensis: admixtus (PULR 053) and ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ ULBRA-PVT059). By contrast, the proxi- (PVL 3870, 3871). However, the femoral mal articular surface of the femoral head is head of Lago. talampayensis projects less flat or incipiently convex in other early than in lagerpetids (e.g., Lage. chanarensis: avemetatarsalians (e.g., T. rhadinus: MCZ 4121, PULR 06, PVL 4619; Dromo- NHMUK PV R6795; Le. admixtus: PULR meron romeri: GR 218; I. polesinensis: 053; Si. opolensis: ZPAL Ab III/361/25; A. ULBRA-PVT059). The femoral head of kongwe: Nesbitt et al., 2010). The articular PULR 09 is subtly oriented more proximo- surface extends distally on the posterior medially than in the holotype and a referred surface of the proximal end of the bone specimen of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3870, 3871) and is well-rimmed from the rest of the bone, and Le. admixtus (PULR 053). The femoral indicating the probable presence of a carti- head is distinctly globose as a result of lage cap, as also occurs in the holotype and a strongly convex proximal and medial artic- referred specimen of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL

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Figure 5. Incomplete right hindlimb of Lagosuchus talampayensis (PULR 09, holotype) in A, C. anterior, and B. lateral views. Light grey areas indicate broken surface, and dark grey elements are bones that do not belong to Lago. talampayensis. Abbreviations: at, anterior trochanter; fh, femoral head; fi, fibula; ft, fourth trochanter; ti, tibia. Scale bar: 5 mm.

3870, 3871; Bonaparte, 1975; Sereno and surface. The distal condyles project posteri- Arcucci, 1994). orly. In the femoral shaft, the anterior trochan- The tibia and fibula are poorly preserved ter is represented by a low, rounded projec- and covered with matrix and other bones; tion placed in the anterolateral surface of the thus, few informative anatomical details can bone (Fig. 5). Damage in this area precludes be observed (Fig. 5). Both elements are the recognition—if present—of a trochan- gracile and possess a nearly straight shaft. teric shelf and associated muscle scars. The The tibia is 1.1 times longer than the femur. fourth trochanter is placed immediately The cnemial crest is low and projects distal to the level of the base of the anterior anteriorly. The distal end of the tibia is trochanter and extends distally up to around anteroposteriorly deeper than transversely the mid-length of the bone. This process is wide. A longitudinal groove runs along the trapezoidal (i.e., symmetric) in anterior view, lateral surface of the distal third of the bone and the proximal and distal margins gently and opens distally, as occurs in protero- merge with the femoral shaft. The distal end champsids and dinosauriforms (Nesbitt, of the bone is slightly expanded transversely 2011). The fibular shaft is narrower than and lacks an extensor fossa on the anterior that of the tibia.

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PULR 09 preserves a partial astragalar Arcucci, 1994a) and PVL 3870. The proxi- body and distal tarsals 3 and 4 (Fig. 6). The mal end of the medial metatarsals partially preserved portion of the astragalus is sepa- overlaps the lateral ones in posterior view. rated a few millimeters from the tibia but lies Metatarsal V extends proximally beyond the in articulation with distal tarsal 3 and the level of the other metatarsals, as occurs in metatarsus. The anterior and ventral surfac- other early avemetatarsalians (e.g., Powell- es of the lateral portion of the astragalar venator podocitus: Ezcurra, 2017). Metatar- body are strongly convex, and the rest of the sals I–IV possess deep collateral ligamental exposed surface of the bone seems to be pits. Metatarsal I has a transversely com- damaged. The morphology of the distal pressed proximal half that results in an oval tarsals of PULR 09 is congruent with those cross section, with an anteroposteriorly of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3870, 3871) and oriented main . The shaft of metatarsal Lage. chanarensis (Sereno and Arcucci, 1994; V possesses a transversely concave posterior Nesbitt, 2011). Distal tarsal 3 is a sub- surface and strongly tapers distally, ending spherical bone placed on the posterior half in an acute tip without a distal articular of the proximal surface of metatarsals II and surface, as occurs in Lage. chanarensis III. Distal tarsal 4 is broader transversely (Sereno and Arcucci, 1994a) and PVL 3870 and taller than distal tarsal 3 and articulates (Fig. 6). with the latter bone and metatarsals IV and The preserved phalanges are long and V. The posterior portion of the proximal slender. Phalanges I-1 and II-1 are subequal surface possesses a proximally raised ‘‘heel,’’ in length, and phalanx III-1 is distinctly as occurs in ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3870, 3871) longer (Sereno and Arcucci, 1994). These and Lage. chanarensis (Sereno and Arcucci, phalanges are transversely compressed 1994) but contrasts with the flat proximal around mid-length and their distal ends surface of the bone present in nonarchosau- possess a well-developed trochlea. The best rian archosauriforms, pterosaurs, and dino- exposed pedal ungual—the phalanx pre- saurs (Nesbitt, 2011). Distal tarsal 4 should served furthest from the metatarsus—is have also articulated with the calcaneum, but gently curved and slightly shorter than the latter bone is not preserved in PULR 09. phalanx II-1 (Table 1). This ungual is weakly The metatarsals are straight and closely transversely and dorsoventrally compressed. appressed to each other. Metatarsal III is the The lateral surface possesses a single lateral longest and metatarsals I and V are distinctly groove, and the ventral surface lacks a flexor shorter than the others. This condition tubercle. resembles that of other dinosauriforms (e.g., Si. opolensis: Dzik, 2003) but differs DISCUSSION from the metatarsus of Lage. chanarensis,in which metatarsal IV is the longest (Fig. 6; Validity of Lago. talampayensis and Sereno and Arcucci, 1994a). Metatarsal I is taxonomic status of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ longer than metatarsal V, but the inverse occurs in the referred specimen of ‘‘M. Sereno and Arcucci (1994) diagnosed ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ PVL 3870. Metatarsals I–IV of lilloensis’’ on the basis of a unique combi- PULR 09 are subequal in thickness, but the nation of character states. These authors proximal end of metatarsal V is considerably considered that none of these diagnostic broader and plate-like, resembling the con- traits could be confidently determined in the dition in Lage. chanarensis (Sereno and holotype of Lago. talampayensis (PULR

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Figure 6. Incomplete left hindlimb of Lagosuchus talampayensis (PULR 09, holotype) in anteromedial view (tibia, fibula, and astragalus) and ventral view (distal tarsals and foot). Close-up of the tarsus and proximal half of the metatarsus in ventral view in the left bottom corner of the figure. Abbreviations: I–V, first to fifth metatarsals; I- 1, first phalanx of first digit; II-1, first phalanx of second digit; III-1, first phalanx of third digit; as, astragalus; de, depression; dt3, distal tarsal 3; dt4, distal tarsal 4; fi, fibula; ti, tibia; un, ungual phalanx. Scale bar: 1 cm.

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TABLE 1. SELECTED MEASUREMENTS OF THE HOLOTYPE OF hypodigm of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (Sereno and LAGOSUCHUS TALAMPAYENSIS (PULR 08, 09). Arcucci, 1994), and Le. admixtus (Bitten- Bone Length (mm) Width (mm) court et al., 2014) among Triassic avemeta- tarsalians. However, Le. admixtus differs Humerus 28 — Radius 18 — from PULR 09, ‘‘M. lilloensis,’’ and other Femur 41 — nondinosaurian avemetatarsalians in the Tibia 46.6 — presence of a median row of imbricate Distal tarsal 3 — 2.2 ossifications roofing these neural spines Distal tarsal 4 — 3.1 (Bittencourt et al., 2014). The absence of Metatarsal I 14.3 — Metatarsal II 22.5 — such ossifications in PULR 09 could be a Metatarsal III 24.1 — result of lack of preservation. However, Metatarsal IV 23.6 — these ossifications are intimately appressed Metatarsal V 11.4 — to the dorsal neural spines in Le. admixtus Phalanx I-1 6.6 — (PULR 01); as a result, if present, it would Phalanx II-1 5.3 — Ungual 5.1 — be expected that they were preserved above the complete neural spine of the 13th or 14th dorsal vertebra of PULR 09. 09). However, the revision of this specimen The globose femoral head of PULR 09 leads us to consider that some features cited closely resembles that of the holotype and in the diagnosis of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ are indeed previously referred specimens of ‘‘M. lilloen- present in PULR 09, such as a distinct fossa sis’’ PVL 3870 and PVL 3871. These femoral ventral to the transverse processes of the heads differ from those with a flatter dorsal vertebrae and subtriangular neural proximal surface present in most other early spines in posterior dorsal vertebrae that avemetatarsalians (with the exception of contact each other anteriorly and posteri- lagerpetids) and the more medially devel- orly, although this feature is also present in oped femoral heads of lagerpetids (see Le. admixtus (PULR 01; Bittencourt et al., Description; Fig. 7). The condition in PULR 2014). Nevertheless, there is a unique 09, PVL 3870, and PVL 3871 resembles that combination of character states shared of a probable juvenile of the early sauropo- between the holotypes of Lago. talampayen- domorph dinosaur Pampadromaeus barbere- sis and ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ that support their nai (Muller¨ et al., 2017), but it contrasts with synonymy, namely dorsal vertebrae with the proximally flatter and more inturned fan-shaped neural spines that contact adja- femoral head of the more mature holotype cent spines and lack flattened ossifications specimen of this species (ULBRA-PVT016). roofing them in lateral view, and femur with Muller¨ et al. (2017) interpreted this globose a globose (strongly convex proximal and femoral head of the juvenile Pam. barberenai medial surfaces) head with its long axis as a result of incomplete ossification of the forming an angle of more than 608 with proximal epiphysis, and the same could be respect to the transverse axis through the the case if the sampled specimens of Lago. femoral distal condyles (see Revised Diag- talampayensis (PULR 09, PVL 3870, 3871) nosis; Figs. 2, 7). are all juveniles. However, the absence of The presence of an anteroposteriorly specimens of Le. admixtus or other dino- expanded distal end of the presacral neural sauromorphs in the Chanares˜ Formation spines is a condition shared only by PULR with an intermediate condition between a 09, specimens previously included in the strongly convex and nearly flat proximal

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Figure 7. Comparison of dinosauromorph femora from the Chanares˜ Formation in A–D. lateral; E. posterolateral views. A. Lagosuchus talampayensis (PULR 09, holotype); B. Lago. talampayensis (PVL 3871, referred specimen, mirrored); C. Lago. talampayensis (PVL 3870, referred specimen); D. Pseudolagosuchus major (PULR 053, referred specimen, mirrored); E. chanarensis (PVL 4619, referred specimen). A, C, E. Right femora; B, D. left femora. Scale bars: 5 mm.

surface of the femoral head does allow, in a single species in the currently available our opinion, interpreting the autapomorphic sample of dinosauriform specimens of the femoral head of Lago. talampayensis as Chanares˜ Formation (Bonaparte, 1995). ontogenetically related. Nevertheless, there We conclude that the above-discussed are other—very likely not ontogenetically autapomorphies and unique combination of related—differences between Lago. talam- character states indicate that Lago. talam- payensis and Le. admixtus that still support payensis is a valid species and that ‘‘Mar- their taxonomic distinctiveness, such as the asuchus’’ and ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ are subjective presence in the former species of a distinctly junior synonyms of Lagosuchus and Lago. proportionally smaller skull, coracoid fora- talampayensis, respectively. This taxonomic men traversing the bone, ilium without scheme has been previously proposed by brevis fossa, and shorter pubes (Arcucci, Bonaparte (1995). 1987; Sereno and Arcucci, 1994; Novas, Intraspecific Variation in Lago. 1996). New and more complete specimens, talampayensis complemented with paleohistological analy- ses to assess ontogenetic stages, seem to be A number of morphological differences necessary to test the hypothesis that there is between PULR 09 and specimens previously

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included in the hypodigm of ‘‘M. lilloensis,’’ consequence, of nonontogenetically related some of them highlighted by Sereno and intraspecific variation. Arcucci (1994), deserve discussion. The base Among the probable intraspecific differ- of the scapular blade of the holotype of ‘‘M. ences mentioned above, the difference in lilloensis’’ (PVL 3871) is proportionally proportion between the anterior stylopodi- broader anteroposteriorly than that of um and zeugopodium of PULR 09 and PVL PULR 09, but also than in PVL 4672—a 3871 is particularly interesting. It is striking specimen referred to this species by Sereno that femoral length represents 1.5 times the and Arcucci (1994). The deltopectoral crest length of the humerus in both PULR 09 and of PULR 09 extends along 31% of the length PVL 3871, indicating that the shorter radius of the humerus, but along 40% in PVL 3871. and ulna of the former specimen are a result The length of the radius and ulna is 65% of of a shortening of the zeugopodium with that of the humerus in PULR 09, whereas respect to the humerus and hindlimb. this ratio exceeds 72% in PVL 3871 (Sereno Among Triassic dinosauriforms, a similar and Arcucci, 1994). The femoral head of proportional difference between the anterior PULR 09 is subtly oriented more proximo- stylopodium and zeugopodium has been medially than in PVL 3871 and a referred reported as intraspecific variation in the specimen of ‘‘M. lilloensis’’ (PVL 3870). early neotheropod bauri (radi- Metatarsal I of PULR 09 is longer than us-ulna length ratio ranges 54%68%; Rine- metatarsal V, but the reverse condition is hart et al., 2009). In this dinosaur, there is no present in PVL 3870. We currently ignore the clear allometric tendency among all the ontogenetic changes that occurred during the sampled specimens, and the difference seems life history of Lago. talampayensis because to be a result of both ontogeny and a there is not a broad sample of specimens of dimorphism that is retained through sem- different ages. Thus, it is possible, but it aphoront stages (Rinehart et al., 2009). The could not be tested here, that several of the very scarce record of other early dinosauri- differences mentioned above could be a form forelimbs prevents us from exploring result of the smaller size—considering size whether the difference between the stylopo- as proxy of ontogenetic age—of PULR 09 dium and zeugopodium can be explained by with respect to PVL 3871 (the femur of PVL allometric growth in Lago. talampayensis. 3871 is 1.4 times longer than that of PULR Thus, again, a richer sample of specimens of 09). Exceptions seem to be the width of the Lago. talampayensis will seemingly be the base of the scapular blade, orientation of the key to improving our knowledge of these femoral head, and proportions between the morphological variations. lengths of metatarsals I and V. The scapular blade is proportionally broader in PVL 3871 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS than in the smaller PULR 09 and, also, the We thank Jessica Cundiff (MCZ); Emilio similar-sized PVL 4672. The difference in the Vaccari and Gabriela Cisterna (PULR); proximomedial orientation of the femoral Marcelo Reguero (MLP); and Jaime Powell, head and relative lengths of metatarsals I Rodrigo Gonza´lez, Carolina Madozzo Jaen,´ and V occur in rather similar-sized individ- and Pablo Ortız´ (PVL) for their help during uals (the femur of PVL 3870 is 1.05 times the access of collections. Thanks also to F. longer than that of PULR 09). As a result, Novas, G. Lio, F. Brisson´ Egli, and N. we consider that these differences could be a Chimento (Museo Argentino de Ciencias

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