‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6 Annual Review September 2014 – August 2015

Celebrating what God’s been doing among us… in pictures, numbers and stories

www.thesanctuarycentre.org/whereworldandworshipmeet Together, this year we prayed

Every day, Monday-Friday, at 9am, 1pm and 5pm (and quite a lot in between) for 42 weeks of the year in a way that was worshipful, thankful, hopeful, united, outward-focused, varied, creative, and led by what God was laying on our hearts. Our minds were blown by digging deeper into God’s character and into scripture…

… and our hearts, lives and confidence to go without fear were transformed in and through his presence. We welcomed quite a few new pray-ers into our local 40-50 strong cross-church community and grew in sharing a deep sense of community with old faithfuls and newcomers alike. And we involved many more beyond our walls in the rhythm by putting the trusty white-board up online every day! Our monthly special foci on: environmental justice (1st) and 21 for freedom – trafficking (21st)

have seen us grow in understanding, weep with those who weep – and marvel at the change God is bringing. And peace was on our hearts and in our prayers again and again in daily rhythms

and at our special peace vigil last November This amazing picture was painted by Barbara Macnish during our night of prayer – Awaken the Dawn – for the nation just before the elections And she wasn’t the only one to leave prayer debris behind after a significant night of prayer… And together, we’ve been part of hundreds of amazing answered prayers at personal, community, national and international levels These highlights are just the tip of the iceberg but we especially loved: • The incredible breakthrough and specific tie in of timings and events that were involved in our prayer for the new Iris Ministries centre for vulnerable and trafficked boys opening in Cambodia. • That amazing moment of having praised God for reaching 10% of chocolate being certified (and traffik-free) and praying in faith that a landslide towards total certification was coming… only to discover within a couple of weeks that Mars, Hersheys and Lindt all joined Nestle in pledging 100% certification in a measurable and prompt time-frame. • The real sense we had in the summer of being called to pray for images of women and children to enter ‘migrant’ stories in the news being immediately followed by the pictures of the make- shift Calais church flooding the media… and then feeling the urgent need to pray for something to begin to turn the heart of the nation towards compassion… followed by that happening. Many of our prayers have also become resources… putting God’s heart for the world in other’s hands to also pray…. through songs, liturgy and creative prayer resources

This year we have created and published

10 Sheet music for more of the songs 8 Studio recordings of key songs 15 Written prayer collections and meditations 3 Sets of prayer stations/vigils 5 Other creative prayer resources 26 Reflective, teaching or sharing blogs and articles 5 Creative monologues, allegorical stories etc 3 Updated/extended new versions of existing resources 75 new resources …bringing the complete library

to a total of more than 400 free downloadable resources that help people focus upward and outward in worship… Just this year, this library has been visited nearly 180,000 times by people all across the UK and beyond… bringing the total number of unique hits to nearly 0.7 million since the website launched on 14 February 2011

And many individual resources have been downloaded thousands, or hundreds of times each. and this year some resources have also been re-published or re-distributed by

Open Doors Christian Aid Scripture Union CASC-Aid Christian Concern for One World UCB Prayer as well as being used for their primary purpose of equipping hundreds of churches and thousands of individuals. We’ve made great progress with the songs project…

• Our brilliant producer Tim Deal has created 8 brand new studio versions of our key songs which are now on the website… (Ask and keep on asking, Come Prince of Peace, Nmoshka, Bring the nations home, Simply Surrendered, He is risen, At the end of myself, I’m coming right in)

• which means we are getting close to releasing Volume 1 of Songs from the Sanctuary… we’ve even commissioned Barbara Macnish to start on the artwork, bringing to life a picture she received in prayer for the songs.

And we’re continuing to grow in using our creative gifts to bless those beyond our walls… with some amazing responses from passers by, local individuals and businesses (in person and on twitter).

In particular, the window displays have really taken off this year…

And reached more than 750 people with creative outreach gifts and conversations – and had amazing responses We also hosted an event to help others get excited and empowered about creativity and mission

And have spent time mentoring and encouraging a number of emerging outward focused worship leaders and missional creatives. and we’ve led itinerant events for

• St Cuthbert’s House of Prayer, (training) • Churches Together Ilkley (united service) • St Margaret’s Ilkley (confirmation classes) • The Dispersed Community (quiet day) • Burley-in-Wharfedale Quiet Garden (quiet day) • All Saints’ Ilkley (harvest service) and welcomed scores of individuals and groups to use our space and facilities for private prayer and their own meetings and courses

And we took the first steps to launch our brand new worship busking initiative…

And through it all, we saw amazing provision: For the financial year April 2014 to March 2015: Income was £7,824 (all of this was from individual donations – most of which is eligible for gift aid in addition) Expenditure was £5,254 used for: • services, utilities, insurance and licenses • general items such stationary, printing, window displays, creative giveaways, tea bags etc! • recording new studio versions of songs • new chairs and other new or replacement equipment • training

We want to also say a special thank you to

• Everyone who has prayed with and for the Sanctuary; taken the time to proactively encourage us in our work; and/or given financially or in kind, or with time, in any way. • All Saints Church Ilkley, who have continued to generously allow us to use their premises at 6 Church Street rent-free. • Our incredible Trustees and Management Group who give so much again and again. Here are a few stories and thoughts from some of the Sanctuary’s community far and near…

providing a snapshot of the Sanctuary’s local, national and global family and our spread of work with and for them.

www.thesanctuarycentre.org/whereworldandworshipmeet “The Sanctuary is a unique and vitally needed resource to the church today. I know of no other centre and online space that offers Jesus centred, justice focussed materials of such excellence and originality. My work at Christian Aid involves inspiring churches to engage with issues of global poverty and I regularly link to Sanctuary pages in my digital communications to churches and worship leaders in the UK.” David Muir (London, Christian Aid)

“The Sanctuary is exactly that for me: a sanctuary. It's more than just a place to visit and to be sure of a welcome, important though that is. It's a springboard for new ideas to take shape in safety and to work together to develop them.” Ruth Grayson (, CASC-Aid)

“Whether I'm working for CCOW or in a diocesan context, I am always hugely grateful for the Sanctuary. There are so many elements for which to be grateful: the beautiful prayers and songs which we can share with people who long for God's presence to transform particular situations ... the creative prayer stations and prayer ideas for people who are doing a special service or time of prayer and want resources to help them ... the blogs, which share the thinking behind the resources and something of the life of the Centre ... and the tweets, which remind us that the Centre is a living place of daily prayer, even if we can't be there ourselves. What I value most of all is the God-centeredness behind the whole. This is not about prayer as a worthwhile human activity – this is prayer which constantly recalls us to the glory and wonder and love of God, to whom we pray, and which helps us to remember both our complete dependence on God's mercy and grace and the beyond-our- comprehension scale of the love which cherishes all things ... ‘His mercy is over all his works’(Psalm 145:9)” Maranda St John Nicolle (Oxford, Christian Concern for One World) “The Sanctuary is an oasis. It’s a wellspring of God’s love and like an oasis supports and brings life to many in a quiet, consistent and beautiful way. For me personally this year it has provided a place of tremendous welcome, essential prayerful fellowship and heartfelt midweek worship. Being a part of the community that is ‘the Sanctuary’ has enabled me to keep focused on God as I’ve walked some new and demanding paths this year. Praying about social and environmental issues with Christians holding a range of political perspectives has been especially encouraging because following Jesus in our service of others helps transcend tribal boundaries in life-affirming ways. It leads into new paths of peace and light as we all pray about the complex needs around us.” Ros Brown (Ilkley) “We know we couldn't be here if it wasn’t for people’s prayers and support. Most definitely we would have gone home by now. It always seems that during our most difficult times I get messages and little comments from you lovely people at the Sanctuary which gives me renewed hope and we feel so loved. Only in eternity will we fully grasp the impact your prayers have had on our kids and on the sex-workers, pimps, and the men who pay for sex. Thank you too for the amazing songs and prayers that we can use to connect with God about things sometimes we fail to articulate ourselves. Thank you that we feel part of a family. Thank you that we feel valued and loved so well and we know if we have an emergency or a crisis we will have the prayer backup we need straight away. I can't tell you how much this means as we tangibly feel the weighty presence of God come and bring us such peace in situations which have been so hard.

I love the sanctuary and the way it represents Gods heart so, so well. Thank you for standing with us!

Mollie, Steve and Grace Brown (Iris Ministries, Cambodia) “The morning prayer always inspires us, challenges and blesses us.”

Irene Fowler (Burley-in-Wharfedale) “I first became a Christian four years ago – many of you have heard my testimony. I was in a very serious car crash abroad and God saved my life quite miraculously. And through this I came to know God and have been fellowshipping with Christians ever since. But coming to the Sanctuary has been the place where I’ve learnt what God is really like. I believed in him before. But here as we’ve worshipped him, looked at different elements of his character every day and prayed for the world with his heart it’s helped me understand who he is and to know him more.” Sandra Wade (Ilkley)

“The Sanctuary has completely transformed the way I pray – and what I pray for too… Previously when I heard things on the news I thought that’s so sad, dark or difficult, I can’t do anything about that… But now I pray!

During the past year we've seen some amazing answers to prayer and some great movements in the world that have encouraged us all the more to cry out for more of God's love to be made known. And more of his kingdom and his character have been revealed to us as we’ve watched and waited with him.”

Ailsa Cummins (Otley) “At the 5pm rhythm we cycle through the nations, praying for a different one each day. It is such a privilege to pray for the nations. In Revelation 5 we hear of all the nations being round the throne worshipping and it’s a precious thing to be involved – in a way we don’t fully understand – in this through our prayers. “ Andrew Clayton-Stead (Ilkley)

“For the past 10 months or so, I have been joining in with the Sanctuary’s morning rhythm of prayer and worship. Having the opportunity to regularly meet in my home town with other Christians and pray collectively about global issues such as conflict, human trafficking and climate change has been a real privilege and encouragement to me in my walk with Christ. These meetings provide a visible sense of unity of spirit. In addition, the local campaigns on Valentine’s day and day and Macmillan cancer support day have enabled me to share God’s love and blessing with the local community in a new and at times challenging way.” Judith Osborne (Ilkley) “I work in Ikley and love the rhythm of the monastic prayer day at the Sanctuary and so I join in whenever I can. I feel very privileged to be part of something that both practically and spiritually is involved with and cares about "Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the earth". The Sanctuary really has become my spiritual home in Ilkley and through participation has also enabled me to discover how they – along with other Christians – have laid a spiritual path for me to be able to come to work in this lovely spa town. It is very exciting journeying with the Sanctuary and I look forward to all that God has in store for us.” Stephanie Inness (Massage Therapist in Ilkley) “Three images stand out from our times of prayer from the last year: 1) Ethiopian families worshipping in a makeshift church at Calais, when the media were full of young men climbing over fences; 2) Barbara's all-night painting of the Lion breathing the Holy Spirit over the UK; 3) The myriad grains of sand, each a precious gem honed by the Creator.” Paul Fowler (Burley-in-Wharfedale)

“There is something so pure about the Sanctuary. In a time where a lot of Christian resources seem to be more about the product than the Saviour one can get disheartened. But I love getting the newsletters from the Sanctuary. They're always filled with great encouragement. And you sense God is doing something so wonderful with that ministry in that little corner of the world. I love the prayers or pieces often sent in the email newsletter. I feel stirred by the simplicity and depth of them. And I often click on the links to the songs and just play through them. Those little moments are bliss.” Darrel Hofland (youth worker, South Africa)

“I have always been an active person, but when I was faced with having to give up my busy life due to a neurological condition, I was wondering how I could use some of my time wisely. So I began searching for some voluntary work I could do from home… and discovered that Liz was looking for someone to write down the written notation for her worship songs. I really enjoy doing this – it can be quite taxing at times as my music is a little rusty, but the songs are amazing. It was so nice that something came up for me, that I could do for Jesus – I wasn't expecting that, so that was an extra bonus. Hopefully it helps people who look at the songs. I know for myself, that my memory is so poor that I would value seeing the music written down as well as hearing it…” Cherry Gilbard (West Country)

“I think I’ll just say one thing about this year that stands out as a really significant step forward: and that’s what’s been happening with the windows! You’ll have seen the pictures – bursting with colour and light. This year there’s really been a sense of getting past fear and previous hassles and just blazing out that Christians have got an amazing story to tell, that there is life in us and that we’re ready to share it.” Fiona Schneider (Ilkley and Chair of Trustees) “Art school had been a damaging experience for me personally and also from a faith point of view... conflicting and contradictory views led to a loss of self esteem. But skip forward a few years to painting a mural at my old church in Bromley… and then again to meeting Liz and Jill. They brought the fragrance and presence of Jesus with them and I was intrigued because there was now an opportunity to use my gift for God in creating a mural for the Sanctuary. Three years on it still seems to be blessing people, and was the focal point for the God Bless Yorkshire window and creative outreach gifts. I also sculpted a 7ft glowing angel for the window this year! The thing that staggers me is the depth to which people are affected by what I do. I can see it is good, but I also see the flaws and areas for improvement. But now with each new piece I try to dedicate it to God and I am beginning to accept that the Holy Spirit is lending an extra dimension to my work and that excellence for him – and not perfection for me or anyone else – can be my goal.” Alison Hodson (Ilkley) “It’s a huge privilege to be a part of such a special and unique community. My heart and passion has been to build the kingdom since I was young. At the same time I had another, and as I saw it, conflicting passion – for art. I couldn’t see how it could have a place in my missionary dreams – I was following my great heroes of faith into the unknown to bring the gospel – none of them had had a paintbrush! It was much later that God finally got hold of these two passions and showed me how he had given them to me not to conflict but to come together as one. As an artist I could find the greatest (most anointed) expression of creativity when engaged in mission and as a missionary the greatest effect for the Kingdom when being an artist. This is the heartbeat at the Sanctuary too. Here I see others living out of their gifts – and some of the greatest highlights of my past year have been when I have been able to contribute in some way to the mission of the Sanctuary through art. That truth I had grasped is finally finding a place where it can flow. I am so thrilled to be alongside others using their gifts – prophesy, administration, service, thinking, missional, artistic and musical – to name just a few – to stand in the Sanctuary and pray and to let Jesus make those gifts take flight as they do exponentially more than we could do by ourselves!” Barbara Macnish ( and Management Group Member)

“I showed interest in learning more about creative writing and asked to be considered if the Sanctuary ever put on an event. Immediately I had a personal invitation to spend some time one- to-one. I felt humbled. I call it 'creative writing' but it could go by many other disguises. For me it is a means of meditative reflection on life experiences based on biblical revelation. It's about unpacking and exploring how God is leading me in my relationship with Him in written form, so that I don't forget! I found the time together informative, encouraging and inspiring. I value the insights, connectedness shown by Liz, her generosity in time, offer of continued support in various formats. It was inspiring to see how such a creative writer has developed her listening/writing talent. It was refreshing to explore this art form within the context of faith.” Elaine Crabtree (Ilkley)

“In 2004, Barbara and I moved to Italy with our first child, Christopher to start a church in Florence… After nearly three years there, we had succeeded in far less time than we'd first imagined. We had a functioning church and an Italian minister to lead it. In praying over what was to come next, we felt a pull to start a ministry centre in Rome. Inspired by the 24/7 prayer movement, this would combine prayer, counselling, music and theology. We wanted to institute monastic-styled daily rhythms of prayer and maintain an outward, missionaries focus while serving the local community. As things turned out, this was not God's plan for us at the time. We ended up returning to the UK… I was therefore thrilled when Jill and Liz asked me to join the management group with Barbara. To see something that God placed on our hearts 11 years ago alive and thriving in Ilkley is very exciting, and to be a part of it even more so.” Kevin Macnish (Leeds and Management Group Member)

All of this – everything in this annual review – is down to our brilliant God!

And then to everyone involved in the Sanctuary’s community, local to global, for obeying, praying, giving and stepping out; thank you all for playing your part!