City Employes Can Participate DECEMBER 10, 1967 RESS-HERAID A-3 In Politics, Attorney Reports Retail Receipts A section of the Torrance Code which prohibit city em­ Remelmeyer said sections city charter which prohibits ployes from participating in of local and state codes which Reach New Highs city employes from engaging political campaigns to be un- prohibit city employes from in local political campaigns constitutional. soliciting or receiving politi­ While most Southern California cities experienced a apparently is unconstitutional, He said any city employe, cal contributions from other first six months of city employes are valid. drop-off in retail sales during the City Attorney Stanley Kernel under the court rulings, could Ifl67, Torrance forged ahead. According to a report pre­ meyer said Tuesday night. i engage in active political ac A section which prohibits Remelmeyer, in an opinionjtivity "so long as his activities city employes from engaging pared by the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce, landed to councilmen. said! are conducted on his own! in political activities while in Torrance increased its sales by a whopping $13.8 mil­ recent court cases have held time, away from city facil-i uniform also is valid. lion. sections of the city charter. ities, in civilian clothes, and| Remelmever recommended Among major cities running behind are Los Angeles the Torrance Municipal Code,!absent of any representation that the sections of the city ($38'4 million). Long Beach ($3V4 million), and Santa and tire State Governmentlof city government." city employes be submitted to Eight other cities in this area also experienced an Problems of Adolescent the voters with a recommen­ upward trend in receipts netted during the first six dation for repeal. months of 1967. Topic for Spring Course Listed below are the 12 Cities with figures for both Stockholders the first and second quarters of 1967 and 1966 plus the The emerging adolescent i the social criticism involved gain or loss (in thousands): and his problems as explored! in each illustration. Instiuct in outstanding British a n d in* wil1 * DrDr. Ann Benson- Approve Merger tnd 1M7 Ind 1M« 1M 1M7 (9.061 61.431 S9.»4 associate professor of Eng M.MO 33.731 J1.HI9 American novels will be the ...... Western College, Ox- »7«s a» win am 21.940 IMS lish, Of Two Banks *>.(!! 90.3SO ».l«7 WHS (4*4) topic of a n^w literature! ford. Ohio, _. ___...... U.ttO It.3OO ll.ia 18.»t» (7.M7) by University' ManhMtnn B. 11.795 *.M4 10 «M IO.SII i.«M course offered Advance enrollment is now Plans to merge the Pacific B a.ooj S.&H «.on 6.147 1.SW . of California Extension. The open to the general public. National Bank of San Fran­ 5. Ml S4M 6.409 Rut. a.SSS 3.S3S S.SM 11 weekly sessions will start Three units of credit may be cisco with Security First Na­ IMS j.»4« im i^into «^1ss Thursday, Jan. 4, at 7 P m-learned. tional Bank have been ap- Ml (U 07 at North High School. i Information on "The! proved by stockholders of the Lectures will review the! Emerging Adolescent in Lit-'two banks | problems of various princi erature" and other related The merger is subject to j pal characters that reflect courses is available by writ-jthe approval of the Comp-i FIRST MIH'MKNT . . . 1 lie lir>.t set u( IDS winj; rib .vst-mblu-s fm tin- Uuriu- 717 Sup­ jecific time and situation! ing Department K. Univer- trailer of the Currency. erjet were shipped this week by Arronea's Aerocal Division here. Inspecting on the the perennial maturing sity of California Extension, The new bank will be wing rib assemblies at left Is Mal T. Stanburg. vice president of Rotlng, and A. G. rocess. In addition, discus­ P.O. Box 24901, Los Angeles,known as Security Pacific Na- Handschumachcr. president and chairman of the board of Arronca. At right. Don Mc­ sion* will be directed toward 90024. Itranal Bank. Grath. vice president and general manager of the Aerocal Division, and Mayor Albert Isen take a look at one of the first airplanes ever made by Aeronca a 1928 model. Aeronca is moving corporate office from Ohio to the Torrance plant at 24751 S. CreaV shaw Blvd. SUNDAY i; Acronca, Inc., this week EARLIER this week Aeronca value to more than $22 mil- shipped the first set of 108 announced it will move its lion. First contracts for the wing rib assemblies for the corporate headquarters to project were awarded in Boeing 747 Superjet to The Torrance from Middletown. July. 1966. Boeing Co. Officials of both Ohio, next Jan. 1. Aeronca at present holds companies observed the event, the first major 747 shipment ceremonies today ing more than $50 million FINAL MARK-DOWNS subcontract delivery, at Aer- were A. G. Handschumachcr, from Boeing in connection onca's Aerocal Division plant president and board chair­ with its commercial jetliner in Torrance. man of Aeronca: Roy J. Be- program. Recently its Middle- The, giant aluminum sec necchi, president of the com town and Torrance divisions Brinktun Pool Tables Aerospace group; Don Famous pany's on tlons, up to 20 feet in length were realigned into the and 68 inches deep, are as aid M. McGrath. vice presl Aeronca Aerospace Group to long ts the entire fuselage of dent and general manager ol permit the company to ban- the 1*28 Aeronca C 3 mono­ the Aerocal Division; and,die much larger contract*. Save 42.07 ... Reg-. 179.95 , the country's first light Robe*! J. Barretl Jr.. Aeronca aircraft for personal use. One treasurer. Representing The Boeing craft Svai flown to Lot An Co. was M. T. Stamper, vice Parts in 137" president and general man­ shipment ceremony. ager, Kverett branch. The occasion also The huge Boeing 747 Super- 4Inva!i