Concept toCompletion

Burke Group has extensive experience designing, producing and installing a wide variety of commercial signage including wall, window and fl oor vinyl, exterior signage, directional signage, branded environments, banners and more. BRANDED ENVIRONMENT Finning Canada Burke worked closely with Finning’s marketing team to create this branded environment. We designed, produced and installed the signage for the entire lobby which included wall vinyl, fl oor vinyl, counter vinyl, window graphics, hanging signs, banners and parking lot signage. TOYOTA BRANDED ENVIRONMENT Toyota Burke designed, produced and installed all of the vehicle wraps, fl oor, wall and window vinyl and the rest of the signage pictured in the Toyota dealership. Colour and brand consistency was very important throughout the duration of this project as the Toyota brand is known worldwide. In addition, the dealership was a very large space and our installers required special lifts and certifi cations to complete the project. BIOWARE OFFICE SIGNAGE & VINYL BioWare BioWare, a branch of EA Games, wanted to update their offi ce with images from their latest video game. Burke produced and installed the wall vinyl as well as the signage. Our install team had to be extremely careful to ensure that all the large vinyl panels matched up perfectly to create the fi nal mural. RICE BOWL DELUXE BRANDED ENVIRONMENT Rice Bowl Deluxe Burke had to work within Rice Bowl’s brand guidelines to turn their location into a fully branded environment. Burke Group produced and installed all of the interior and exterior signage and acquired all of the necessary city permits to complete this project. UNIVAR LOBBY SIGNAGE Univar Univar was looking for ideas to brighten up their lobby. Burke utilized acrylic, vinyl and fl at cut lettering to complete this project. Our team designed the concept and produced and installed the signage. SERVUS OFFICE SIGNAGE Servus Credit Union Burke produces all of Servus Credit Union’s print, so the opportunity to complete the signage in their head offi ce was an exciting one. Using mainly acrylic and cut lettering, Burke completed the entirety of their signage requirements within this location. EVELINE CHARLES SIGNAGE Eveline Charles Burke produced and installed all the interior, exterior and lit signage for Eveline Charles. This location is situated at a mall in , so specifi c permits and considerations had to be taken into account prior to installation. Burke completed the majority of the installation after hours to ensure we did not aff ect Eveline Charles clientele. EPCOR WATER TREATMENT CENTRE EPCOR Water Treatment Centre Burke produced and installed wall graphics across multiple locations within the EPCOR water treatment centre. A large factor in this project was the quality and clarity of the printed pieces due to their size. Many of these pieces were installed on large walls in confi ned spaces, so special lifts and qualifi ed installers were required. JOHN JANZEN NATURE CENTRE COIN BOX John Janzen Nature Centre Coin Box The John Janzen Nature Centre wanted to produce a custom coin box that was the length of their lobby wall, ideal for 4-10 year olds, and educational. From there, our team had to fi ll in the blanks. Our design and production team developed the concept in both theme and build. We worked together with their wildlife biologists to build a list of animals found in our region, along with the food they ate and what their habitat looked like. These 3 topics made up the path the coin would travel. An attendee would pick an animal, drop in the coin and watch it travel down the display, to the food it eats and end to its habitat. To ensure the concept was sound, our design and signage department worked closely though every stage from concept to completion to create this custom acrylic coin box. REDEFINING THE ABOUT US AND SUPPLIER ROLE HOW WE GOT

At Burke, we see our role as your HERE…. trusted partner. That means we take Burke is a graphics communications solu- the time to understand your needs tions company. Although we started out as and goals. a commercial printer over 100 years ago, we recognized the changes in the mar- ketplace. Timelines were getting shorter We help you sift through the details, so you can and our clients wanted to expand their confi dently develop your brand in an impactful marketing budget beyond traditional print. and memorable way.. This is how our one-stop-shop philosophy We take our role as your partner seriously. We know was born – to provide our clients with a that when you give us your trust, you expect that we single-source solution for all formats of will bring our extensive experience and know-how to printed and digital graphics. every project we manage for you. We soon heard from clients who wanted We will always look out for your best interest and us to go even farther. So, we expanded make recommendations that are to your organiza- into large format signage, mail, and graph- tion’s benefi t. ic design.

We will be a trusted partner that you can count on! But then we heard from our nonprofi t clients who wanted a complete solution for their direct response needs. So, we created our newest fundraising division and have added direct mail strategy, copy- writing and analytics to our suite of off erings.

We are now one of the few true “one- stop-shops” for creative, print, and direct mail fundraising in Canada. We proudly stand behind the work we do. We hope you’ll give us a try!

17407 106 Avenue Edmonton AB T5S 1E7
