~.' " ..' . SPAINL~ CALIFORNIA PATRIOTS in its 1779-1783 .n WAR WITH ENGLAND DURING q~E AMERICAN REVOLUTION Part I Granvil~ W. andN. C. Hough .~,.~ ~ ". -" : .~-.~.~. °. • --,~ ~'~'~" . .,,~.... -~~ :. ~ I ,.~.:,~,~j~:..-.. ~ ~..'..: . ... - . ~'-",~";~:~-'-~'."~ -"" "'.. z~.".. " " " +.,~-- m i+iii'i • SPAI~V~S ~IFOCJ~A PATRIOTS • in its 1779-1783 WAR WIqH ENG£AND DU~NG qHE AMERICAN REVO£~ON o Pax 1 Gran~i~ ~. amf~.C. Hough 1 PROF. GRANVILLEW. HOUGH 3438 BAHIABLANCA W. APT. B LAGUNAHILLS, CA 92653-2830 ~~~.~,;i:.~.~'. -~" .~,+~;~,~,,-~:-+. +. ~..:: ...+.~+: ~....~ ...~+,.~ ....... .:...... .~:*. ....... --~....~ • ~..~ :~.,~....-~ ,,:.::~:::...~-.,, .,~.:, ,~,~.., ~..,:,,~.:~'.~,~'.,,;~.~,,:.::~. ~.~'.~+~.~P-~.~'~cr..'a~.~.~.~.~.~:,','~'.~+.~,~ ~ ~Z~+~+°~..'~%~;~-¢...,~.'t~'e~ "~+~ ~.~'~ ~+'~'+'-." ~.~'i~'.°'~'~--~:!~''m~'~%~'O~"~~ ~.+:°+~ ~;;~.'~ .....~''~.~.'--~Z'~ ~''~'~ "'~.. ~i~"~¢~'~+~'~.'~.~--'~--~~''~ ,~' • ~: "%1 -it 41 1 •Ig'.l x." "li|~H i ~v-....j; Is.- . J ~.b'!¢'lL: 1 g ':I~".~":':'!!'.;i~"i !.":f:{' C Cop3Mght I • 1998 ,,),,;$~\~% by c f" t Granville W. and N.C. Hough 3438 Bahia Blanca West, Apt B Laguna Hills, CA 92653.2830 I I t •-.|, 9 ? i In Appreciation and Acknowledgment of CrranviUe W. and N.C. Hough The Socie~ of I-Iispanic Historical and Ancestral Research (SHHAR) is honored to publish and distribute Spain's California Patriots in its 1779-1783 War wi:h Englapd, During the American Revolution. We apprecis'~e Granville and N.C. Hough for their dedication to help in identifying descendants of Spanish soldiers that served during the American Revolution. The neglect of these contributions in the past resulted in a general misunderstanding about the historical Spanish presence, and the existence of countless 9 direct descendants. At a time when the Hispanic population will soon be the largest t minority group, it is imperative that the general populous grasp the coatinuing history of the diverse Hispanics in the Americas.
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