The and its Others: The ‘English‐speaking Peoples’ in a Changing World Order

Venue: The British Academy, 10‐11 Carlton House Terrace, SW1Y 5AH 15 & 16 June

Convenors: Professor Michael Kenny, University of Cambridge Dr Andrew Mycock, University of Huddersfield Dr Ben Wellings, Monash University

Thursday, 15 June 2017

08.45 Registration and refreshments

09.15 Opening Address: Mr Matt Anderson, Deputy High Commissioner, Australian High Commission

SESSION ONE: chaired by Professor Sarah Stockwell

9.30 , the Anglosphere and the emergence of ‘Global Britain’ Dr Andrew Mycock, University of Huddersfield

10.00 The Anglosphere and the End of Empire Professor Stuart Ward, University of Copenhagen

10.30 Discussion

10.50 Refreshments

SESSION TWO: chaired by Dr Ben Wellings

11.20 Anglosphere: Legacy of Empire Dr Duncan Bell, University of Cambridge

11.50 , the Anglosphere and Indigenous Peoples: the case of Aotearoa/ Associate Professor Katherine Smits, University of

12.20 Discussion

12.40 Lunch

SESSION THREE: chaired by Professor Andrew Gamble

13.45 Policy transfer and international cooperation within the Anglosphere Dr Tim Legrand, Australian National University

14.15 The Anglosphere and CANZUK Mr James C Bennett, Independent/Anglosphere Institute

14.45 Discussion

15.05 Refreshments

SESSION FOUR: chaired by Dr Andrew Mycock

15.35 The Anglosphere and Cricket Dr Dominic Malcolm, University of Loughborough

16.05 Language and Speech in the Anglosphere Professor Wendy Webster, University of Huddersfield

16.35 Discussion

17.00 Close of first day

Friday, 16 June 2017

SESSION FIVE: chaired by Professor Carl Bridge

9.30 Winston Churchill, the English‐speaking Peoples and a United States of Europe Professor Andrew Roberts, King’s College London

10.00 ‘Regulated, Apologetic, Sclerotic and Feeble’: The European Union in the Anglosphere imagination Dr Ben Wellings, Monash University and Ms Helen Baxendale, University of Oxford

10.30 Discussion

10.50 Refreshments

SESSION SIX: chaired by Professor Kathleen Burk

11.20 Security Communities and Racialised Identities in the Anglosphere Associate Professor Srdjan Vucetic, University of

11.50 The Anglosphere and the Anglo‐US Special Relationship after Brexit Professor John Bew, King’s College London

12.20 Discussion

12.40 Lunch

SESSION SEVEN: chaired by Associate Professor Kathy Smits

13.45 The International Political Economy of the Anglosphere Professor John Ravenhill, Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo

14.15 The Anglosphere in Post‐War British Politics Professor Michael Kenny, University of Cambridge and Professor Nick Pearce, University of Bath

14.45 Discussion

15.05 Refreshments

SESSION EIGHT (Roundtable) chaired by Michael Kenny

15.35 Professor Kathy Burk, Professor Emeritus Andrew Gamble, Professor Nick Pearce, Professor Carl Bridge

17.00 Close of Conference