Space Resources for Teachers, Space Science, a Guide Outlining Understandings, Fundamental Concepts, and Activities
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 040 047 SE 008 196 !,,ITHOR Thompson, Malcolm TTI,Lr Space Resources for Teachers,Space Science, A Guide Outlining Understandings, FundamentalConcepts, and Activities. INSTITUTION Columbia Univ., New York,N.Y.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NewYork, N. Y. Goddard Inst. for Space Studies. PUB DATE 69 NOTE 145p. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents,U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,D.C. 20402 (0-358-779, $2.00) 'DRS PRICE EDRS Price MF -$0.75 HC Not Availablefrom EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Aerospace Technology, AnnotatedBibliographies, *Astronomy, *College Science,*Instructional Materials, Physical Sciences,Science Activities, *Secondary School Science, TeachingGuides ABSTRACT This instructional andresource guide is designedso that it may be used in thesecondary school or in the firsttwo years of college to presenta series of units in space science,or to supplement existing science andmathematics courses. The guide consists of six units:(1) mea.surement, distance, andsize in astronomy,(2) atoms, spectra, andstars,(3) atomic nuclei and stars,(4) the solar system, (5) the originand evaluation of life, and (6) motion, rockets and gravity.Each unit is divided into the following parts: (a) a list of understandings thata student should have after completing study ofthe unit, (b) a topical outline of the material in the unit, withexpositions, tables, demonstrations,and activities inserted when appropriate,(0 a list of sample questions, (d) problems and projects forfurther exploration,(e) audiovisual aids, (f) an annotated teacher bibliography and (g) an annotated student bibliography. Each of theunits is basically self-contained. However, in general they require additionalknowledge which may be obtained by a study of the earlierunits, from the context of another course, or by a study of the material listedin the bibliographies.
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