Professor Plank: No 'communist conspiracy' in El Salvador By Joseph T. Whiting Salvador and Honduras, have a lot of peasants. The News Editor military-based oligarchy. The system of the "four- average yearly income in El Salvador is $174, while teen families" has control over most of the wealth The best way for the United States to deal with some personal fortunes are as high as $500 million. in El Salvador. There are actually more than four- the problem of intervention in Central America is to Plank said. teen families involved, but there is still a very small "first acknowledge the independence and maturity Plank began his presentation by saying: "If minority controlling most of the wealth there. Plank of the Latin American states," John Plank, a what people like Reagan, Haig and (U.S. Senator) said. UConn political science professor said here Thur- Helms want the public to believe is true, then what Since the Reagan administration took office, sday. their attitude toward Central America has been "It would be a gross misreading to think that in- "Any problems in El Salvador will have that El Salvador is "the cutting edge of Soviet im- ternational communist conspiracy has much to do perialism in the Western Hemisphere," Plank with the situation in El Salvador." Plank said. to be solved by the Salvadorans said. He also said that since the Truman Doctrine Plank, a top official in the State Department them selves..." of 1948. the United States has been hindering during the 1960's, spent much time in Central and developmental policy with Cold War concerns. South America overseeing elections and helping in I am about to say win oe taise.'' One thing Plank stressed is that any viable the formulation of U.S. policy in those areas. "I What the American public fails to realize. Plank political alternative in policy which might have cannot deal with Latin America in the abstract," he said, is that El Salvador is engaged in civil war. ex- been available in the 1960's is not available in said. "What is vivid to me is the life of the peasant cept to the extent that the United States is in- 1982. in Latin America." volved. Plank drew a parallel between Vietnam and El Latin America, especially such countries as El Since 1932, El Salvador has been ruled by a Salvador SEE EL SAL VADOR. PAGE 4 (Eonnecttcut Satltj (Eampua Serving Storrs Since 1896 Vol.LXXXVNo.90 University of Connecticut Friday, February 26,1982 SEE PEACE. PAGE 8 Malcolm X tribute focuses on black pride By Silvio Albino beam of racism, then I shall his show goes beyond that, Staff Writer die happy." making a statement about The one-man show was Neither Pace's features nor what Pace really believes in. over, and Charles Pace step- his soft voice suggested that "It's not over." he said. ped off the stage sweaty and he was meant to be a "We still have to recognize tired, only to greet about 10 Malcolm-X imitator. To him. SEE MALCOM X. PAGE 5 students who wanted to hear about Africa-that continent far away, that he said should be the focal point of the black Students for Peace sponsor world. Pace spoke to the curious arms freeze advocate fans for over an hour after his performance a tribute to Steve Boehm Malcom X and several other Staff Writer black artists. Maita Daniels of the American Friends Service Committee "Artists are those whose described the reasons why a freeze on the nuclear arms race special makeup allows them between America and the Soviet Union has become a to give people concrete ex- necessity, claiming. "We have been quite lucky to have not posure to their feelings," had a nuclear war already." ■ Pace said. "Malcolm was Daniels spoke before about 60 people Thursday' in the Si. one." During the 90 minute Thomas Aquinas Chapel. Her lecture was sponsored by the performance, Pace gave a Students for Peace awareness group. first person synopsis of Citing the fact that there have been over 100 accidents with Malcom X's life. nuclear weapons in history. Daniels described the current In Malcom X's words. realities of "the monstrous hybrid of the late twentieth Pace said. "I live each day century called nuclear deterrence. We're literally living on now as if I'm dead, I never borrowed time, and the sooner we realize it the better off felt as if I would live to be an we'll be." she said. old man, but if I can die Daniels grouped into four major categories the dangerous knowing that I spread any trends and threats which have evolved concerning nuclear Charles Pace gave his interpretation of black leader Malcom X arms. First, she quoted the total number of nuclear weapons in a one-man show (Jim Lofink photo). truth to help destroy the Hey hey, it's...Peter Tork By Lisa Stenza Staff Writer member Monkee revival group that will en- When he was nine years old, Peter tertain tonight at the UConn Pub. Tork's parents bought him a piano for $15. In a telephone interview this week, Tork He taught himself to play and to read explained why he left the group in 1968, music. But then his parents delivered an three vears after it was formed. ul'timatum: either take piano lessons or "Musicians were being auditioned in an don't touch the piano again. effort to create the Monkees. and the pur- Fourteen years later, Tork's musical pose was to reap money," he said, "But for skills landed him quite a job. our first two albums,-studio musicians were For three years, Tork was a member of hired to do the instrumental and we just the Monkees, one of the most popular ban- did the lead singing. I didn't want that." ds of the '60's. The group had its own Tork convinced the other three members, television series, sold more than 36 million Davy Jones, Mickey Dolenz and Mike records, and made both a feature film and a Nesmith, to do the third album themselves. TV special. "But I couldn't get the guys to go for that The band split under unpleasant circum- again, so the fourth album was half and stances and Tork left music for a while. But half," he said. • he couldn't stay away for long. Critics had frowned on the Monkees for He now leads The Peter Tork Band, a Five- SEE PETER TORK. 4 Page 2 Connecticut Daily Campus, Friday, February 26,1982 U.S. involvement in El Salvador's Civil War By Alex A. Koskinas Young Socialists Besides massive military Washington's threats have vember. Nicaraguan and cultivation of crops by the In face of mounting opposi- and economic aid. the U.S. not been limited to El Salva- Cuban counter- peasants. Because of the tion, i lu Reagan admini- government has also sent dor. With the increasing revolutionaries are to this widespread support for the stration is deepening its in- •U.S. "advisors" to train threat to U.S. "national in- day openly training in Flor- FMLN freedom fighters, tervention in El Salvador's Salvadoran troops for combat terests" — that is. the ida and California for inter- none of the forty offensives civil war, and throughout against the popular-support- interests of U.S. corporations vention in their respective launched by the junta in 1981 Central America and the ed guerrilla fighters. These to exploit the cheap labor and countires. in flagrant viola- were successful in uprooting Caribbean. Under repeated U.S "advisors" in civilian raw materials of the Central tion of U.S. neutrality laws. the rebel forces. allegations of Cuban and clothes carrying M-1'6 rifles, American region — and that The formation of the Central in the U.S.. massive oppo- Nicaraguan intervention in shown across the U.S. on a victory of the Salvadoran American Democratic Con- sition to involvement in El El Salvador — that have yet Feb. 11 by Cable News people could kindle and fuel federation, a proimperialist Salvador, and the Central to be substantiated — the Network, Reagan was forced the struggles of the people in alliance composed of the American and Caribbean U.S. government has esca- to promptly order the head Guatemala and Honduras governments of El Salvador, region as a whole, has lated its military moves in "advisor" to leave El Sal- against their hated regimes. Costa Rica, and Honduras bought about major divisions direct response to the deteri- vador. The massacres by President Reagan has auth- (under the coordination of within U.S. government oration of the Salvadoran U.S.-trained Salvadoran orised a broad program of the Salvadoran junta( to pro- circles. Members of Cong- junta's military position. troops have been aimed "U.S. planning and action in vide mutual military and ress of both parties have This deterioration has pro- mostly at civilians, and have war-torn Central American" economic security, allows for reported strong public senti- ceeded to such an extent that escalated considerably in the including the "possible use the possible use of troops ment against deepening in- even the Salvadoran presi- last few months. According of U.S. forces to deter the from these nations against volvement. According to dent of the Christian Demo- to the Human Rights Com- possible introduction of Cu- revolutionary struggles in chairman of the Senate For- cratic-military junta Jose Na- mission of El Salvador some ban forces in Central Ameri- 'that region. It was welcomed eign Relations Committee.
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