l_lMt_MAlI PRODUCTION GUIDE by Del Mehes and Yves Gagnon

. Sarah Carson art d. Misha Petrow set Drapeau 2nd assLcam. Michel Girard LES PRODUCTIONS dec Daniel Von Blomberg prop master boom Thiern, Hoffman key grip Serge he following is a list of films in production (actually before John K. Wright cam. op. Don Sweene\ Grenier stills Takashi Seida ward. the cameras) and in negotiation in Canada. Needless to say, CLAUDE LEGER ist asst cam. Don Biller sd. mix. Louise Jobin ward.dresscr Diane Pa- T, the films which are still in the project stage are subject to (514) 288-6251 Michael Tromer key grip Edwin Quinn quet prod.asst. Michele Forest Chris­ Ihanges. A third category. In Pre-production, will be used to ^ip Tom Gilligan, William Kerwick tian Bernard pub.reL Monique Mallei THE MAN FROM 5A gaffer Richard Quinian elec Ray For­ Leger 1514) 288-6251 Lp. George Segal, ^dicate films which are in active pre-production, having set a After being suspended since December tune, Charles Meere, Francis Brady, Mike Irene Cara, Nicholas Campbell, Clark date for the beginning of principal photography and being 1981, shooting started again on March 12 Proscia jr. generator Vincent Brady Johnson, Barbara Cook, Joyce Gordon, Isngaged in casting and crewing). Films are listed by the name of for 5 weeks in Sonolab Studios in Mon­ consult, to cost. des. Ruth Morley Andy Martin Thomson, Laura Harring­ treal, with a new budget of $6.2M. Before cost des. Edna Hart ward.superv. ton. Bob Lawrence, Terry Hellis, Peter the company which initiated the project, or with which the there was a one week shoot in New York Jennifer Nichols ward.asst. Eddie Wise, Emidio R. Michetti, Antonia Ray, project is popularly associated. This is not necessarily the name and two weeks in Montreal. The initial Brenner make-up Joe Cranzano hair Charlotte Jones, Matt Craven, Arleigh of the production company. Where the two companies are crew and cast lists are : p.€i Neighbour Phil Lito transp. capt. Harry Leavey Peterson, Tony Sherwood, Chris Russo. different the name of the production company, if known, is also Film Inc. p. Claude L6ger p. asst Anne drivers James Sweeney, William Buck- Joel Kramer, Polly Magaro. George Har­ Burke d.'8 a»Bt Suzanne Fisher d. Max man sr., Chester Malino wski prod.asst ris, George E. Zeeman, Ernesto Gasco, given. In instances where a producer has asked us not to list a Fisher 1st a-d. Pierre Magny sc Leila Alan Steinfeld Evan Hollister Mirand, Norris Domingue, Basen, MaxFisherconLMarieLaHayep. Pierre Lalonde, Irene Kessler, Gloria Iri- project or to withhold certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, MONTREAL CREW and a.d. Marie man. Francine Forest compt.Micheline zarry. Roland Nincheri, Johnny O'Ncil, we have respected his request. Theberge ard a.d. Martha Laing unit Bonin p.sec. Jacqueline Wanner art d. John Aichinger, Steven Lanke. Paul Be- man. Michelle St-Arnaud cast.dir. Anne Pritchard art dep. coord. Barbara dard, Jose Santos, Michael Dynia, Frank Arden Ryshpan art design Charles Shrier d.o.p. Fran<;ois Protat sd. Patrick Antonsen, Harold Holden, Jean Thivier- Please telephone additions and up-dates information to: Dunlop art dep. adm. Tina Boden Rousseau cost. des. Fran(;ois Laplante ge, Ingrid Vanderwater, Evere Ferguson, jpinema Canada (416) 366-0355 or (514) 272-5354. prod, asst, Roger Dufresne set dec make-up Marie-Angele Protat hair­ Robert Spivak, Kevin Brownie, David Serge Bureau asstdec. Denis Hamel dresser Gaetan Noiseux. Samain, Francis Lamer, Ada Fuoco, const. Harold Trasher, Normand Sarra- Film credit abbreviations NEW-YORK CHEW 2nd a.d. Roger ChaHes Manuel. Marty Star, Ben Lawson, zing head carp. Bruce Jackson,'Claude IL director asst d. assistant director sc. script adapt, adaptation diaL dialogue Pugliese trainee Ann Egbert intern. Christine Reamus, Deepak Massand, Simard sp. efx. John Meighen prop .wfv/dop. photography sp. ph. etx. special photographic effects ed. editor sup. ed. Richard Schiessigner p.man. Pete Run- Jacqueline Williams, Robert Jezek, master Jacques Chamberland props supenrisingeditor sd. sound sd. ed. sound editor sd. rec sound recording p. des. folo assL to p. Diane Foti p. coor. Lynn Griffith. production designer art d. art director set dec set decorator m. music cost. Vincent Fournier 1st asst.cam. Yves costumes Lp. leading players exec. p. executive producer p. p[X)ducer assoc. p. associate producer line p. line producer p. sup. production supervisor p. man. pmduction manager p.c production company dist distributor An asterisk (*) fdl- loH'ing the film's title indicates financial pai-ticipation by the Canadian Film Development Corporation. ON LOCATIO^ BC/RADIO-CANADA CINE ST-HENRI INC. P14) 285-2863 (514) 333-3336 EMPIRE INC. BONHEUR D'OCCASION/ Shooting began December 4, 1981 and THE TIN FLUTE should be completed at end of August Feature film and a five hours TV series, p.c. CBC/RadioCanada in collabora­ based on the book by Gabrielle Roy. Shot tion with the National Film Board exec, in Montreal (St-Henri area) for six months p. Mark Blandford p. Paul Risacher d. with a budget of $3.4M. p. Marie-Jos6e penys Arcand, Doug Jackson sc Douglas Raymond assoc p. Dorothy Courtois, Bowie p. man. Connie Ballam a.d. 1 st: Paterson Ferns exec. p. Bob Verrall sex louise Turcotte Gerlache 2nd: Hans Claude Fournier, Marie-Josee Raymond Vandersluys cont, Johanne Pr^gent eng. adapt. B.A. Cameron d.o.p. Four­ unit man. MauriceGingras, Jackie Van nier Lp. Marilyn Lightstone, Mireille Echten, Yvon Payette assoc. p. (NFB) Deyglun, Michel Forget, Pierre Chagnon. Stefan Wodoslawsky, Dorothy Courtois Martin Newfeld. ^dni. (NFB) Tamars Lynch p. sec. Lisc Gagn^ d.o.p. Alain Dostie cam. op. Michel Caron asst. cam. 1st; Daniel LIGHSTCAPE MOTION Jobin ; 2nd : Nathalie Moliavko-Visotski «d. Richard Besse boom Ester Auger PICTURE COMPANY LTD. Jaffcr Roger Martin, Mike Borlace elec. (416) 465-1098 jjCIaude Derasp, Norman Viau, Pierre Charpentier key grip Emmanuel Lepi- THE MUSIC OF THE no, Johnny Daoust art d. Pierre Garneau SPHERES cast d. Emma Hodgson casL asst Shooling began Oct, 4, 1980 in Toronto. Barbara Cartwright, Sophie S6n6cal Budget; $110,000. A sciti comic horror »et design Hubert Poirier asst, dec. film shot in'English and French- p. Robert Chabot, Pierre Despars, Jean Philip Jackson d. Philip Jackson p. Leroux make-up artist Guy Juneau man. Gabrielle de Monlmollin sc. Philip make-up assts. Jean-Charles Pelchat, Jackson, Gabrielle de Montmollin Claudie Taiilon hair stylist Jean d.o.p. Nadine Mumenick cont Doris Viriaio, Guy Roy cost. des. Fernand Lapierre dial coach Vseult Bu-xel Hainville cost. assL Renee Tarfid, minialures Michael M. Sloan, Jeff Ber­ plaude Gagnon, Denise D'Arcy dressers tram, Grand Illusion Co. sd. Ross Red- Jeannelte Si-Laurent, Andre Vouton fern Lp. Anne Dansereau, Peter Brikma- staging crew ieader Raymond Fon­ nis, Jacques Couture, Kenneth Gordon, taine staging crew Fernand Charpen­ Ken Lemaire, Sandy Kyser. tier, Michel Martinez, Fernand Harnois, Donato Monaco sp. efx. Gilles Roussel •e( dec. Herve Ouimet prop. masL POUNDMAKER Maurice Dumas design coord. Ray­ PRODUCTIONS LTD. mond Leslage stills Andr6 Lecoz drivers Jacques Champagne, Brian (416) 961-1730 Camacho, Raymond Castonguay. Daniel THE LIFE AND TIJVIES Uzycki tp, Kenneth Welsh, Jennifer OF EDWIN ALONZO BOYD ile, Peter Dvorsky, Martha Henry, Mitch Feature length docu-drama began shoot­ tartin, Joe Ziegler, Gabriel Arcand, ing Feb 9th in Toronto. 20 day shoot ^nald Pilon, Robert Clothier, Pamela budgetled at $240,000. p.c. Poundmaker lledfem, Lynn Jackson, Paul Hubert, Mi- Productions Ltd e«ec. p. Barry Pearson reille ThibauU, Paule Baillargeon, Gra­ superv. p. Jeny Lawton d. Les Bose ham Bachelor, Tony Van Bridge, Robin ass'L p./p. man. Shirley Gill d.o.p. Ed Ward unit pub. Lana iny (514) 285-2863, Higginson loc man. Keith Large ass't d. Nick Gray ed. Chris Hutton research Jarri Brodie, Nanci White gaffer/grlp Jim Wright a**"* cam. Rob MacDonald p. •••'t Malcolm GlaMfbrd, WckQuinian Lp. Gordon Pinienl Cinema Canada - April 1982/51 CINE MffTT DREAM MACHINE MUTUAL NETWORK FILM PRODUCTIONS LTD. PRODUCTIONS FILMS CORP. (514) 849-6051 (604) 980-8082 (416) 690-9497 LES PRODUCTIONS RUBICON FILM FOR THOSE 1 LOVED7 SAJO AND HER BEAVER AU NOM DE FORBIDDETrWORLDi S.E.P.T. INC. PRODUCTIONS INC. TOUS LES MIENS (514) 270-1496 PEOPLE (Formerly Tales of Terror^ (416) 226-9102 A six hours TV series and a two hours fea­ Nine episodes of 30 min. for TV. Hiji Based on the novel of the same name by ture film both shot in English and LATCLITDES^O IS RAOUL WALLENBERG Grey Owl. Start date J une 1982, budget of episode (60 min.) to be shot March Ul in French. That co-production Canada/ Northern Ontario. To be co-produced A 13 half-hour series for television to be A one-hour TV Documentary that will S2^M. CO-p. RoVjert Nichol p. man. Bob France, based on the book by Martin shot in January 1982, with an estimated take place in Canada, U.S.A.J England, Akester SCP. Michael Mercer d. Nichol. with Canadian Pay TV Film Produclion Gray, will start shooting on August '82 sc/d. Michael Chandlerstoryed.jQho budget of $390,000 p. and d. Andre A. Israel and Sweden, to be shot from March until December in Canada, France and Belanger concept & sc. Ijjuise Pelletier 1st. p. Wayne Arron, David Harel assoc. T Goodehild p. man. Christian Daiifel other countries, with a budget of $10M. sp. efx Yanis Ertmanis apt d. Metro- pub. no. Sheila Burke, N.B.: This docu­ p. David Yorke sc Peter Lauterman d. co-p.c. Producteurs Associ^s (France) David Harel d.o.p. David Yorke ed. Avi polls Designs l.p. TBA cast. LindaMole mentary TV-series does not require FILMLINE PRODUCTIONS exec. p. Pierre Oavid (Canada) and Andre Lev sd. John Mejill pub. Linda Shapiro extra Toronto Film Extra (4161366-S29J Djaoui (France) p. Claude H6roux (Cana­ (416) 928-3131, INC. S288. (514J 284-9309 da) and Jacques Strauss (France) d. Ro­ bert Enrico p. man. Roger Heroux scr. Tony Sheer, Robert Enrico pub. Lise DANTE'S INFERNO "'""" CROSS COUNTRY Dandurand/Paratel i514) 845-0111. Feature production to be shotearly19fi2 IN PRE-PRODUCTION A police crime drama. Pre-production cast TBA forfurtherinforniahon contact scheduled for March 15,1992 and shoot­ Christian Daniel (416) 691-0878. Canada and France. To be shot from ing for May 3rd, in Montreal with a $2M ATLANTIS FILMS LTD. iMovember 1982 during approximately 4 estimated budget, p. Pieter Kroonen- months in Montreal, Quebec City and burg, David Patterson p. man. Michele (416) 960-1503 I'lle d'Anticosti, with a budget of S6M. Boudrias sc. John Hunter d, Paul Lynch PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION THE TOMORROW CITY Based on the new novel by Roger Leme- 1st a.d. Ray Sager. Money from Univer­ sal Pictures, 90 niin, made for TV. drama. Shooting iin. p,c. Cinevideo IncyPiUnedis-Mondex scheduled for Summer 1982 in Ontario. (France) exec p. Denis Hdroux p. Justine ASA PRODUCTION INC. F.A. INTERNATIONAL p. Michael MacMiMan, Sealon McLean, H^roux p. man. Micheline Garand scr. (514) 288-4011 Janice Piatt based on novel by Monica Roger Lemelin scr. adapt. Gilles Carle GILLES STE-MARIE (416) 789-4524 Hughes. d. Carle Lp. same casting as Les Plouffe HIT AND RUN* such as: Gabriel Arcand, Denise Filia- ET ASSOCIES INC. To begin principal photography in THROUGH THE EYES GREAT LADIES ^^—— treault, Pierre Curzi, Serge Dupire, Montreal on a $5 million budget, p. OF THE PERFORMER OF THE ATLANTIC Gerard Poirier, Anne Letoumeau. (514) 844-2886 Joseph F. Beaubien, Nicohs M. Boisvert A three part television pilot to bej^n one hour TV special on the great Ladies p. man. Lyse Lafontaine d. Robin Spry shooting April 19S2 in England and of the Atlantic: The Normandie, The SALUT SANTE II sc. Douglas Bowie, Ari:hur Fuller, Spiy, Canada. It's an indebt look into the lives Berengaria, The Queen Mary and the CORPORATION IMAGE based on the book by Tom Alderman. of some of the greatest rock musicians. The last 13 programs of a TV-series of 26. exec p. Peter Bobras p. Walter Giaco- Queen Elizabeth. Shooting take place in M & M LTEE Each program 24 min. 40 see. Shooting New York and California during Sum­ mini For informations contact Walter (514) .878-1474 should start March 1982. p. Gilles Ste- (416) 532-0336, mer 1982. Marie asst p. man. Nicole Jasmin, ASTRAL BELLEVUE PATHE research, sc. Max Cacopardo, Chris- (514) 748-6541 _ _: ^ SONATINE tiane Duchesne. Feature film to be shot in Montreal on VIRGINIA; THE ' CINEVIDEO INC. September 13 for 5 or 7 weeks. Budget MIRI LOST LEGACY (514) 284-9354 between 750,000 and 950,000. exec p. An Israel and Canada co-production to Feature to begin shooting in September Ren6 Malo p. Pierre Gendron sc, d. INTERNATIONAL CINEMA be shot in Israel in Spring 1982. p. Harold 1982 based on an important archeolo- OVIDE PLOUFFE 1949 Micheline Lanctot pub. Diane Lafrance Greenberg d. Tzipi Trope. gical discovery, exec, p. Peter Bobras p. (514) 878-1474, CORPORATION Walter Giacomini. For further Infonrw- (working title) tion call Peter (416) 654-4462. :> A six ont^hour TV series, and a two hours (514) 284-9354 BITFILIVI CO. INC. feature fihn, in co-production between LOUISIANA Four feature films for both theatrical (514) 844-1300 HOLLYWOOD NORTH FILM and television release, in co-production PRODUCTIONS LTD. between Canada and France. Pre-pro­ BREAK AWAY duction scheduled for April, and shoot­ p. Brupe Mallen ass. p. Carol Klein ing for September 1982 during six exec. p. JVlichael Gilbert, (403) 280-6044 months. Budget of S:2M. To be shot mainly in Louisiana and also in Montreal CANAMERICA DEATH ON THE ICE and Paris, Based on the book series by Feature film to be shot in St. John'sfNfldl Maurice Denuziere. p.c. I,C,C./Tele- FILMCORP INC. and area for a week and a half at the end Gaumont (Francel/T6Id-Metropole (Ca­ (514) 288-0266 of March, for Winter scenes. And then nada! exec. p. T^le-Gaumont/Tele- in May for the rest of the shooting, Metropole p. l.CC. scr. John Melson, between 7 and 8 weeks, with a budgetof Dominique Fabre, Etienne Perier d, EASTER EGG HUNT $3.1 M. exec. p. Garrison Bennet, Scott Etienne Perier. Schedule for shooting in England in alphd^cine service Sprlngu982, with an estimated budget of Campbell, Richard Verkleyp./d. Gerald $7 million US. p. Christophe Harbon- Bean scr. Brian Wade assisted by Cafffe vllle, NicholasClermont assoc. p. Gilles Brown. Chartrand p. superv. Jim Margellos d, M & M FILM Robert Altman. Story based on the book INTERNATIONAL ^ PRODUCTION LTD. by Julian Freeman, Easter Egg Hunt. CINEMA FUNDINGS INC. (4161 968-9300 DRAMA OF THE OCEANS ' CRAWLEY^FILMS (416) 977-0945 Four-one hourT.V.specialson theocean (613) 728-3513 Western Canada's as mans last frontier. Based on the work THE BROTHERS of Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Principal Scheduled for a production in 1982 p. }3hDtography to begin Summer/Fall of THE STRANGE ONE* Full Service Laboratory Special effects photography has begun. John C. Foster, Lewis W. Lehman pub. 1982, exec.p. John and Henia MuUer d. Glenda Hoy (416) 977-0945, Jacques Gagne d.o.p. Jean-Claude La- Location filming in Toronto, Ireland, and Sound Studios brecque sd. Serge Eeauchemin. Scotland on a budget of $4 million. Shooting begin in June '82 p. c. Crawley LN. FILMS INC. " 35MM — 16MM GIMP Films Production p. Budge Crawley sc. (514) 527-2356 A 90 min. made for T.V. feature in co­ adapted from a novel by Fred Bosworth operation with the CFDC. Principal "The Strange One" d.o.p. Bobert Ryan IL ETAIT UNE FOIS photography to begin Summer 1982. ph. Bobert Byan, Patrick Carey sp. efx L'AJVIERIQUE exec p. John and Henia Muller sc Victor ph. Patrick Carey, Robert Ryan. Feature to be shot in Montreal Iforsei/en Schwarlzman. weeks), Rome, Paris, Biarritz, New York and Chicago during 33 weeks. Shooting ENGLANDER in Montreal should start between Ma>' MAINSTREAM PRODUCTIONS INC. 1st and June 1st, depending on the ALPHA CINE weather. Estimated budget of $22M (US) PRODUCTIONS LTD. exec "p. Amon IVlilchen sc. Nonnan (506) 642-3683 INDIAN Miller d. Sergio Leone Lp. Robert Feature film about the Olympic winner DeNiro. LE PIQUE-NIQUE ~ Billy Mills to be shot entirely in Alberta SERVICE A one hourT.V. drama to be shot entirely in Spring 1982 with money from the in St-John, New Brunswick, in both Ermineskin Band of $8M. p. ira-Englan- MANITQU ' French and English. First part of the film der sc Sheiyll Hendrix Englander lo be shot this Winter in the snow, the Prod, Canadian coord. John Fletcher PRODUCTIONS LTD. 916 DAVIE STREET rest of it to be shot next Spring. Budget lEdmontonl 1403) 420-196: pub. reL S140,000. p. Gregor Hargrove d. Michael Hichard Leary from Mohoney/Wasser- (416) 924-2186 VANCOUVER B.C. V6Z 1B8 Payne %c Rino Morin-Rossignol arl A. man I ) (213) 550-3922. Lyall Hallum p. man. Elizabeth Ashton. TEL. (604) 688-7757 GO BOY Scheduled for Spring 1982, exec p. TELEX 04-507757 Ralph Ellis p. William pavidson tc Davidson, based on autobiography I* Roger Caron consult Roger Carotv.

52/Cinema Canada - April 1982 AJJLt_MA^ PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION RAFAL PRODUCTIONS INC. (514) 932-0396 IN THE CAN DON'T HIT THE STILL SECRET: PANIC BUTTON HOT TO TROT THE WAR OF THE SPIES This film wont be shot before 1982 ; date ktlAkm f\m LTD. MANO FILMS LTD. Scheduled for 1982, exec. p. Ralph Ellis Ten one hour documentaiy aeries re­ to be announced, p. Rafal Zielinski d. (416) 960-1503 p. William Davidson »c. William David­ search, Rob Hoy. Rafal Zielinski sc Edith Hey, from a (416) 869-1718 son and Martin Lager, based on a stoiy story by Rey and Zielinski. CHAMBERS, TRACKS &, by Lager. NO DRUMS, NO BUGLES GESTURES (1931-1978) COMMUNITY STANDARDS^ One hour TV special about the life of Feature for TV; Espionage series. Shot in Toronto in Decembers!, exec p ROBERT COOPER Canadian artist Jack Chambers. Princi­ Paul Lynch, Tony Kramreither p Ray MURPHY-FOX pal photography in Spain and Ontario. Sager p man Bob Weitheimer ed Ian POINT FILMS INC. PRODUCTIONS Wrapped Dec. 2S, 1981. p. Michael Mac McBride a«»t ed Karen Hall sc John PRODUCTIONS INa Millan, Seaton McLean, Janice Platt co- (416) 922-2251 Sheppard I p Lawrence S. Day, Lora (514) 457-3636 d, John Walker, Christopher Lowry sc Staley, Lenore Zann, Claudia Udy, Page (514) 487-1400 Lowry. THE TERRY FOX STORY Fletcher, Mike Ironside, Larry Aubrey. CALL ME UNCLE Neil Daynard, Tom Harvey. FUNNY MOVIE, EH? Script writing in process, only. Projected Project presently being scripted by John CANADA IN p. Jack F. Murphy, Andrew, Alexander shooting for 1982. Estimated budget of and Rose Kaslner. Scheduled shooting for April 1982. p.c. Robert Cooper Pro­ TODAYS WORLD ' scr. Sean Kelly, Tony Hendra, Ted Mann $1.SM. p. Wayne Grigsby sc. David 1/2 hour documentary on Canada for the RSL FILMS LTD. d. George Mihalka d.o.p. Rodney Gib­ Fennario d. Alain Nicholls. ductions Inc. NFB. p. Michael Mac Miilan, Seaton (514) 931-7155 bons. CFDC participation. McLean, Janice Plait d. Seaton McLean. OFF THE RECORD MUTUAL PRIMEDIA PRODUCTIONS Robert Cooper producing for 20th Cen­ SCANDALE tury Fox. 8C. Steve Tesich. VINCENT PRICE'S Feature film shot in Montreal between PRODUCTIONS LTD. LTD. DRACULA December 1981 and January 1982. Bud­ (416) 361-0306 Independant co-production between get between $500,000 and S600,000. p. (514) 849-6051 RSL FILMS LTD. Atlantis Films Ltd. and M &, M Film Robert Lantos, Stephen Roth d. George Production. One hour T.V. special about Mihalka Lp. Jean-Guy Moreau, Roger THE VISITORS BILLY BISHOP GOES (514) 931-7155 the true story of Dracula starring Vin­ Garceau, Rose Ouellette, Nanette Work­ Suspense Thriller to be shot in Montreal TO WAR cent Price. Wrapped Dec. 4,1981. exec man, Gilbert Comtois, Sophie Lorain, on October 1982 with a $4M. budget. Scheduled for the end of March/begin­ JOSHUA THEN AND NOW p. John Muller, Michael MacMillan Robert Desroches, Fran^iois Trottier, exec. p. Pierre David p. Claude Heroux ning of April Shooting (in video) in BBC Feature to be shot in Montreal August asBoc p. Henia Muller, Janice Pratt, Sylvie Boucher, Liliane Clune, Alpha Sealon McLean d. John MuUer script p.nian.RogerH6rouxBc. Brian Taggart Scotland Studio in Glasgow. To be co- 1982. p. Robert Lantos, Stephen J. Roth Boucher, Douglas Leopold, Tommy Kate &. Ted Lonsdale ed. Seaton McLean p, p. Lise Dandurand/Paratel (5141 526- produced with the BBC and the Colonial scr. Mordecai Richler. Schnurmacher, Les Soeurs Ciseaux, la Lp. Vincent Price. 7706. Repertory Theatre Company. With ori­ Reine de Sheba, les Danseurs de feu e( ginal cast: Eric Peterson and John Gray. B6b6 Bourdon. DRUMS OVER MALTA exec. p. Richard Nielsen. SEAGULL PRODUCTIONS WAYS OF HEARING " A Mutual Production for Universal Pic­ (514) 844-9444 Presently shooting. A series of 3 docu­ SALTER PRODUCTIONS tures Inc. Feature film to be shot with an - GREY OWL mentaries about hearing impairment, average budget of 7-lOM this Summer Scheduled for 1982. Co-production with MEMOIRS p. Michael MacMillan, Seaton McLean, LTD. 82. exec p. Pierre David asAoc. p. Yorkshire Television. Based on Lovat OF MONTPARNASSE Janice Platt d. Janice Platt d.o.p. Alar Dickson's biography 'Wilderness Man " Kivilo scr. Sue A'Court, (902) 423-5081 Denise Dinovi sc. John Candy, Paul To begin in Montreal with a $4 million 3-part mini series fortelevision. sc Al*n Flaherty, Joe Flaherty, DickBlesucci Lp. budget p.c. Seagull Production exec p. Plater exec p. Pat Ferns and David SIEGE John Candy, Joe Flaherty. James Shavick p. Larry Hertzog sc. PORTRAITS Cunlisse. Shooting began November 25/81 and Maril McCormick pub. The Network A 20 min. documentary about multicul- wrapped Dec. 18/81. Budget: $750,000. 1416) 368-617S, David Novek Assoc. (514) A NEW DAVID turism for the Ministery of Culture and exec p Michael Donovan p John Walsch 284-2113 cast Casablanca. CRONENBERG'S FILM (title HEAVEN ON EARTH Recreation, p. Michael McMillan, Sealon p man W. James Bruce d Paul Donovan, Scheduled for 1982. Co-production with McLean, Janice Platt d. Platt d.o.p. Alar Maura O'Connelled Keith Brewer sded I to be announced) Yorkshire Television. Made for TV CALIFORNIA CHABLIS Kivilo asst cam. Carl Harvey. Martella Tower Lp. Doug Lennox, Scheduled for Fall '82 or Spring '83. Movie, sc. Magaret Afwood and Peter ^ exec. p. Pierre David Productions p. In Vancouver with a $3.5 million budget. Keith Knighl, Jack Bloom, Jeff Pustil, Pearson exec. p. Pat Ferns and David p. James Shavick sc Steven Manners , Pierre David assoc p. Denise Dinovi Branda Bazinet, Daryi Haeny, Tom Nar- Cunlisse. cast Casablanca. i 8C. d. David Cronenberg, dini. Dug Rotstein, Alan MacGillivray, CORP. Barbara .iones, Gary Dempster, Dennis PELAGIE-LA-CHARETTE O'Connor, Fred Wadden, Rick Collins, GOD'S HEAD Scheduled for 1982. Co-production with SELKIRK FILMS INC. Scheduled for 1983. p. Pierre David (416) 863-6878 Terry-David Despres lab Quinn Sound Gaumont Distributor. Based on novel by (Torontol 869-1781. assoc. p. Denise Dinovi sc. Zaimin Antonine Maillet. Script in development (416) 967-5550 King, Paul Golding. exec. p. Richard Nielsen. JULIE DARLING GOODBYE CALIFORNIA A canadian-WesI (iermany co-produc­ SPHINX PRODUCTIONS JUBILEE tion. Shot between November 16 to De- THE ADVENTURERS A Canada/U.K. co-production scheduled (416) 445-7492 Scheduled for 1983. co-p. Jean-Claude cemberll in Berlin. Following with one for next spring p. Peter Snell d. Don : l^rd Productions sc Brian Taggart d. OF HUDSON'S BAY week in Toronto, p. John Pozhke, Mau­ POETRYIINTIVIOTION I Jean-Claude Lord. Scheduled for 1982. Co-production with Sharp 8C Sharp, Alan Scott, Chris Bryant. rice Smith co-p. (Germany) Ernst Von Shdoling IVotn Or. 24/81 In Dv.c. 25, 19H1 Telecip in France, A six-part dramatic Theumer d. Lutz Schaawaechter p. ill I'oiontd, San I'l-ancisco and N(!\v- mini series, exec. p. Pat Ferns and man. (Canada) Jason Paikowsky lab. York. Itialuid lenght docu^K>ntitr^' on THE PRACTICE Roland Gritti, SIGNALS FILMS INC. Medalion (Toronto! Contrast Films coiiKsMipntai'v Norlh AiiuM-ican ))i) Tony p. Ron Mann d. Mann ed. Peter Winto David assoc. p. Denise Dinovi. THE LITTLE VAMPIRES Franciosa, Isabelle Mejias. nick poets: John Cage, William Bur­ roughs, Allan Ginsberg, Irving Layton, Scheduled for 1982, A nine-part children OVER HIS DEAD BOBY John Giorno, Michael McClure. Phillip drama series, German co-production To be shot in Montreal in April 1982, FILMPLAN NEW FRONTIER FILM INC. VValen, Ann Waldman, John Cooper with Polyphone of Hamburg, exec p. with a budget of $4 million, p. Alfred INTERNATIONAL Clarke, Bob Woodward, Diane Prima 2, BLEEKER ST., TORONTO Richard Nielsen and Christoph Mattner, Pariser sc. d. Morrie Ruvinsky. (514) 849-6051 M4X1L8 (416) 469-5106 EMPEROR PIC STAR TRIPPER LTD. (416) 469-4195 NO PLACE LIKE PARADISE Made for TV movie. Script in develop­ TAURUS 7 INC. Scheduled for Spring 1982. Feature ment, shooting for 1983, Co-produced (416) 463-1102 VIDEODROME 1514) 288-1888 lenghl for TV, p. Tibor Takacs, Stephen with Tensel Media Productions, CFCN Shooting began in Toronto on October Zoller d. Tiber Takacs sc. Stephen of Calgary and CFRN of Edmonton, STAR TRIPPER 27 and ended on December 23, 1981: DEAD RINGER ^ Zoller. exec. p. Pat Ferns and Nick Bakyta, Shooting is scheduled for 1982. A rock Budget: S6M. exec p. Pierre David, (formerly titleci Bloodroot) musical with an estimated budget of Victor Solnicki p. Claude Heroux asst. Feature .shot in Montreal during Df- THROUGH THE EYES $1.3M p. Jim Henshaw. Paul Hoffert and p. Larry Nesis sc./d. David Cronenberg cemberl981 with a $1,2M budget exec. ed. Ron Sanders asst. ed. Elaine Fore­ OF TOIVIORROW LES PRODUCTIONS Brenda Hoffert sc Jim Henshaw p. p. Karl A. Agulnick p./d. Claude C^a.stra- man. Sally Dundasd. ZaIeDalen music man, Michael Rea unit pub. Jill Spilz A series of eight features lenght for TV. velli Lp. Nanette Workman, Walter DE U\ CHOUEHE Paul and Brenda Hoffert arl d. Charles 14161485-5717 Suzanne Daningburg(514) Massey, Pamela Collyer, Jack Langcdik. Scheduled for 1982, p. Tibor Takacs, 849-6051 Lp. James Woods, Sonja Smils, Dunlop, Roland Nicheri. Stephen Zoller (514) 288-5719 Deborah Harr>', Peter Dvorsky, Lynne Gorman, Les Carlson, Julie Khaner, X LOVES MALEINE U.F.O. HOLDINGS " Reiner Schwarz, David Bolt, Jack Creley, NORFOLK To shoot in Montreal with a $375,000 Lally Cadeau. TIDAL WAVE PROD. INC. budget 1982, sc. Paul Toutant, Monique (514) 670-1060 (416) 365-1103 COMMUNICATIONS LTD. Champagne, Marc Voizard d. Marc RYCORDEDTIVE" Voizard. DOUBLE BARREL FILMTRUST p/d/»cr Michael Korican, Andrew C (416) 961-8400 TobesholinVancouverwithabudget of PRODUCTIONS INC. Rowsene. Almerinda Travassos p man LES PRODUCTIONS S1.9 million, exec p. Sam Gabamonte Nidi Onodera, Kathy Pahl art d Margaret Moores, Laura Divilio sd Sebastian Salm SMOKE BELLEW and Leonard Trager p. Claude Castra- 1(416) 596-7272 dop Almerinda Travassos, Michael ko­ six one hour drama series based on LA GAUCHET INC. velli sc Gerry Vounkins. RATS rican p asst Kathy Anderson 1 pMatalia short stories by Jack , to begin (514) 845-8186 Shooting began January 18 1982 for 6 shooting February, 1982 exec. p. William 99401 CANADA INC. Kuzmyn. Feature shot in Toronto Nov. weeks. Budget Si.e M. ACFC crew p. 28/81 to Dec. 81. A musical adventure. Macadam, THE FRILL OF IT ALL (416) 960-8022 Paul Kahnert exec. p. J. Gordon Arnold, OUT OF THE SILENCE A comprehensive indebt 60 mm, docu­ Jeff Schechtman d. Robert Clouse p. Six one hour dram a series schedu led for mentary on Canadian fashion to be shot ARNOLD, man. Ken Gord d.o.p. Ren6 Verzier ar« April 1982, exec p. William Macadam March 1982 in Canada, U.S.A. and Europe DOG OF THE NORTH d. Ninkey Dalton loc man. Marc Dassas «c. Bob Carney with an estimated budget of $225,000. Shooting scheduled for Spring 1982 ist a-d. David Shepherd gaffer Jock p. Raymond Gravelle, Patrick Vallely d. with an estimated budget of S3M. d. Brandis grip Marris Jansen Lp. Sam RED RIVER Vallely researchers Ewa Zebrowsky, Sylvio Narizzano ed. Ma.x Benedict sp. Groom, Sara Botsford. six one hour period drama series, con- Barbara Cartwright, Bert Morotte d.o.p. efx. Jamie Brown animal trainer Lloyd •ullant Alix Amet. Patrice Massenet a.d. Jean Sicotte ed. Beebee unit pub. Prudence Emer> Vallely.

Cinema Canada- April 1982/53 BOX FFICE

ARTHUR '."31 4:0 usa - english - warner brothers ATLANTIC CITY 5H2 68,406 5/12 72,431 :R:.4-5 canada/france - eng. & fr. - paramount 1/15 4/6 24,317 6/13 86,897 THE BORDER 5/21 190,944 l<)U<)44 usa ' english - universal 2/12 -/- CALIGULA

GHOST STORY usa - english - universal 12/18 6/11 40,316 5/8 26,739 4/4 13.994 4/4 8,882 ^:'.w.i HEARTACHES Canada - english - les films rene malo 1/22 1/1 13,825 1/1 8,680 1/1 8.232 1/1 4,511 T! •'4R

MAKING LOVE I".) i.i usa - english - 20th century fox 2/12 6/6 181,857 MONTENEGRO Sweden - english & french - pan Canadian 1/15 13,1(X) 3/3 37,368 .V3 35,045 3/4 31,879 I <^ l»"2 MISSING usa - english - universal 2/12 -/- 1/1 38,638 3S,'i3l' NIGHT CROSSING usa - english - paramount 2/5 -/- V16 87,480 5/15 81,706 lh4.1S6 ONE FROM THE HEART usa - english - Columbia 2/12 -/- 1/1 23,666 a.3Jafm ON GOLDEN POND usa - english - universal 12/18 6/20 293,310 6/20 302,982 6/20 306,295 6/22 359,937 I.S4>»,360

RAGTIME 6/6 usa ' english - paramount 12/4 11 6OJ0O 6/6 55,288 6/6 46,032 5/7 45,159 fi8:,854 usa ' english & french - paramount 6/12 36 6/15 137,027 6/15 135,952 6/16 125.976 6/17 154,515 8/>21.668 REDS 6/13 1I4,';47 usa - english - paramount 12/4 11 6/13 101,210 6/15 87,155 6/12 100,868 l.^SMU'i SHOOT THE MOON usa - english - united artists 1/22 1/2 17,290 1/2 15,111 1,3 1S,S44 1/2 8^319 S9,26-t TAPS usa - en^ish - 20th century fox 12/18 6/20 125,867 6/19 102,776 6/15 81.034 6/15 56,018 1 l'l'',447 LES UNS ET LES AUTRES france - french - l.n. film s 9/1 24 PQ/7 58,473 •pQ/7 61349 PO/7 53,267,: PQ/7 52,190 ! .'h^f* VENOM 1/29 6/19 usa - english - paramount 135,166 6/18 69,796 5/6 14,107 Iiy.Oh" VICE SQUAD 1/22 1/6 55,226 usa - english - avco embassy 1/6 32,589 3/n 61,362 3/5 21,519 170,696 WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY? 12/4 6/9 66,139 usa - english - united artists 11 6/10 73,743 6/10 64,948 6/10 48,060 395^3 The figures in the NATIONAL OVERVIEW are the box- Ion, Calgary and Vancouver. Figures are given separately nol presented in one of the four major chains). Slots office grosses, compiled from individual theatres of the for each week in the time-framed covered, and the marked -/- indicate the film did nol play during thai four major chains in Canada (Famous Players, Odeon accumulated gross is given from the date of release to week. Theatres, Landmark and Cineplex) in the six major the last week in the current chart. CURRENT CROSSES Canadian cities : Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmon- are given, when available, on Canadian films (or others if

54/Cinema Canada - April 1982 fA \m^ mmssmm ik Making films is Yourjob... Cutting red tapejs Ours m Skm^olf A

- In Toronto, you don't have to fight City Hall - - we're on your side. We can provide location - permits and easy access to City services, - arrange free parking for your production vehi­ cles, and help you obtain police assistance and public agency approvals. Everything a film producer could possibly need — without the red tape. FILM LIAISON TORONTO Naish l\/lcHugh, City of Toronto , Planning and Development Department 18th Floor, Fast Tower, City Hall Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 (416) 367-7570