
Without intention or planning to do something. What’s she doing or trying to say??!!!

The “Wai ” Hello in Thailand! Hello in Tibet ! Ways of greetings around the world How is it done?

Wai Nod your head

Kiss on the cheeks

Shake hands A A on the cheek A bow A hug A pat on the back A Which greetings are typical in your country? A) Listen to this audio track then answer the question:

1-What’s the main idea of the audio track? 2-How many countries are there in the audio? 3- Will the Indian people kiss one another? B) Complete the following text with these words: {Argentina - Thailand – Singapore- India } 1-I’m from …………………….. When we meet someone for the first time, we usually nod our heads and smile. In formal situations, we shake hands. 2-In ………………. , women give one kiss on the cheek when they greet friends and family. In formal situations, people shake hands. 3-In ………………… , close friends and family members hug when they meet, but they do not kiss. You only kiss babies and very young children. 4-In ………………… , we don’t hug or kiss each other when we meet. We greet friends and colleagues with ‘Wai’. Wai is a . You put your hands together and bow your head. The tips of your thumbs should touch your chin for a friend and your nose for someone older than you. However, today younger people usually and even hug.

Answers 1 -Singapore 2 -Argentina 3- India 4- Thailand C) Complete the following collocations They are all in the text.

1- to …………….your head. 2-to …………….. hands with someone. 3 -to put your …………… together. 4- to bow your ……………… 5 -to give someone a ……………………. on the cheek.

Answers : 1 -head 2 -shake 3- hands 4- head 5- kiss