Annual Report 2019-20

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Annual Report 2019-20 GOVERNMENTOFINDIA MINISTRYOFHOMEAFFAIRS AnnualReport 2019-20 AnnualReport2019-20 CONTENTS Chapter-1 1-5 MandateandOrganisationalStructureoftheMinistryofHome Affairs Chapter-2 6-28 InternalSecurity Chapter-3 29-48 BorderManagement Chapter-4 49-53 Centre-StateRelations Chapter-5 54-61 CrimeScenariointheCountry Chapter-6 62-69 HumanRightsandNationalIntegration Chapter-7 70-113 Union Territories Chapter-8 PoliceForces 114-152 Chapter-9 153-179 OtherPoliceOrganizationsandInstitutions Chapter-10 180-200 DisasterManagement Chapter-11 201-214 InternationalCooperation Chapter-12 215-236 MajorInitiativesandSchemes Chapter-13 237-256 Foreigners,FreedomFighters’ PensionandRehabilitation Chapter-14 257-273 WomenSafety Chapter-15 274-289 Jammu,KashmirandLadakh Affairs Chapter-16 290-306 RegistrarGeneralandCensusCommissioner,India Chapter-17 307-321 MiscellaneousIssues Annexures (I-XIX) 323-363 MANDATEANDORGANISATIONALSTRUCTUREOF Chapter-1 THEMINISTRYOFHOMEAFFAIRS 1.1 The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) 1.3 The list of existing Divisions/ discharges multifarious responsibilities, the Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs important among them being - internal security, indicating major areas of their responsibility border management, Centre-State relations, are as below: administration of Union Territories, Administration Division management of Central Armed Police Forces, disaster management, etc. Though in terms of 1.4 The Administration Division is Entries 1 and 2 of List II – 'State List' – in the responsible for handling all administrative and Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, vigilance matters and allocation of work 'public order' and 'police' are the responsibilities among various Divisions of the Ministry. of States, Article 355 of the Constitution enjoins Administration Division is also the Nodal the Union to protect every State against external Division for matters relating to Right to aggression and internal disturbance and to Information Act, 2005. The Division also deals ensure that the Government of every State is with the administrative matters of the carried on in accordance with the provisions of Secretariat Security Organisation. the Constitution. In pursuance of these Border Management-I (BM-I) Division obligations, the Ministry of Home Affairs 1.5 BM-I Division deals with issues relating continuously monitors the internal security to strengthening of International land borders, situation, issues appropriate advisories, shares their policing and guarding which intelligence inputs, extends manpower and encompasses management of land borders by financial support, guidance and expertise to the creating and improving infrastructure works State Governments for maintenance of security, like border fencing, border roads, border flood peace and harmony without encroaching upon lighting, Border Out Posts of border guarding theconstitutionalrightsoftheStates. forces along Indo-Pakistan, Indo-Bangladesh, 1.2 The information relating to Ministers, Indo-China, Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bhutan and Home Secretary, Secretaries, Special Indo-Myanmar borders. BM-I Division also Secretaries, Additional Secretaries and Joint deals with matters related to Empowered Secretaries who held/ are holding position in Committee on Border Infrastructure (ECBI). the Ministry of Home Affairs during the year is Border Management-II (BM-II) Division at Annexure-I. The Organisational Chart has also been given at Annexure-II. 1.6 BM-II Division deals with matters 1 AnnualReport2019-20 relating to Border Area Development point in MHA for work in respect of SAARC, Programme (BADP), Coastal Security Schemes BIMSTEC, ASEAN, Shanghai Cooperation (CSS) and Land Ports Authority of India (LPAI). Organisation (SCO) etc. The Division also The BADP is a Core Centrally Sponsored coordinates the matters relating to security Scheme being implemented through the State clearances in respect of all MoUs/Agreements Governments as a part of comprehensive signed with foreign countries and bilateral approach to the border management. The dialogues/meetings at Home Minister and Coastal Security Scheme is implemented in Home Secretary level. Phases for providing financial assistance for Centre-State (CS) Division creation of infrastructure relating to coastal security in the Coastal States/UTs. BM-II 1.9 The CS Division deals with Centre-State Division is also responsible for establishment relations, including working of the matters of LPAI, which is entrusted with constitutional provisions governing such construction, development and maintenance of relations, appointment of Governors, creation Integrated Check Post (ICPs) on the land of new States, nominations to the Rajya Sabha / borders of the country and coordination with Lok Sabha, Inter-State boundary disputes, variousstakeholdersfordevelopmentofICPs. over-seeing the crime situation in States, imposition of President's Rule, etc. Coordination & International Co-operation (CIC)Division 1.10 Public Section in CS Division handles the work related to Bharat Ratna Award, 1.7 The CIC Division (Coordination Wing) Padma Awards, Warrant of Precedence, Ashok deals with intra-Ministry coordination work, Chakra series of Gallantry Awards, Jeevan Parliamentary matters, public grievances (PGs), Raksha Padak, National Flag, National monitoring of court cases, official language, Anthem, State Emblem of India etc. publication of annual report of the Ministry, website management, record retention CyberandInformationSecurity(CIS) schedule, custody of classified and non- Division classified records of the Ministry, matters 1.11 CIS Division was created in October, relating to e-Samiksha, furnishing/publication 2017 to address the issue of growing concerns of various reports relating to employment of of cyber security and cyber crime in the SCs/STs and Persons with Disabilities, country. The CIS Division handles achievementsoftheMinistryetc. matters/work relating to implementation of National Information Security Policy and 1.8 The International Cooperation (IC) Guidelines (NISPG) by all the Ministries and Wing of the Division is the nodal Division for Departments, cyber security and risk all matters pertaining to finalization/ assessment of IT infrastructure of various negotiations of agreements/ treaties in respect Government Ministries/ Departments/ of security cooperation, illicit trafficking in Organizations, coordination in handling of narcotic drugs and bilateral Mutual Legal cyber crime in the country, Scheme on Assistance Treaties (MLATs). It is also the focal prevention of cybercrimes against women and 2 AnnualReport2019-20 children, Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Freedom Fighters and Rehabilitation Centre (I4C) Scheme, establishment of cyber (FFR) Division forensic laboratories, regular information 1.16 FFR Division frames and implements security audits, international conventions on cyber security and cybercrimes, Lawful the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Interception and National Intelligence Grid Scheme and the schemes for rehabilitation of (NATGRID). migrants from former West Pakistan/East Pakistan and provision of relief to Sri Lankan Counter Terrorism and Counter Radicalization and Tibetan refugees. (CTCR)Division Internal Security (IS) Division 1.12 Counter Terrorism and Counter Radicalization Division deals with matters 1.17 Internal Security Division deals with relating to policy and operational issues on matters relating to internal security, law & terrorism, counter radicalization/ de- order, Punjab; protection of human rights; radicalization, combating financing of terrorism national integration, communal harmony, and administrative, financial and statutory Ayodhya, observance of National Unity Day; mattersofNationalInvestigationAgency(NIA). arms and explosives; security clearances of Disaster Management (DM) Division projects and proposals; matters relating to Bureau of Police Research and Development 1.13 DM Division is responsible for (BPR&D) and establishment of National Police legislation, policy, capacity building, prevention, mitigation, long term rehabilitation, University. response, relief and preparedness for natural 1.18 Internal Security Division also deals calamities and man-made disasters (except with matters relating to extradition, mutual droughtandepidemics). legal assistance, Interpol, Drug Law Finance Division Enforcement & Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), the National Security Act and Central 1.14 The Division is responsible for Scheme for Assistance to Civilian Victim/ formulating, operating and controlling the Families of Victims of Terrorist/ Communal/ budget of the Ministry and other matters pertaining to expenditure control & LWE Violence and Cross Border Firing and monitoring and financial advice, etc. Mine/Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Blasts on Indian Territory. Foreigners Division Department of Jammu, Kashmir and 1.15 Foreigners Division deals with all Ladakh Affairs matters relating to visa, Protected Area Permit (PAP) / Restricted Area Permit (RAP) regimes, 1.19 After the erstwhile State of Jammu & immigration, citizenship, overseas citizenship Kashmir was reorganized into the Union of India, acceptance of foreign contribution Territory (UT) of Jammu and Kashmir and and hospitality. UnionTerritoryofLadakhaspertheJammuand 3 AnnualReport2019-20 Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, the development response as per the location Department of Jammu and Kashmir Affairs has specific action plans formulated / to be also been restructured and renamed as the formulated by the affected
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