Kamehameha irrsrlT 3:30 Pay Races 3fS TTrrvv nirffmr and Polo Editio



to Lord Northciiffe Comes LGEN. strong ordered to report to . war depart to Represent British America ment EVERY OFFICER WHO CAN BE SPARED FOR DUTY Mission; King George Honors In states ITIilllCU -- -- - U. O. J i w. ... -- C; a.," - The Associated Press ,"at Every army officer in the Hawaiian department who can been by - up , the be spared for duty in the United States has called the coon- today summed " r i day's events in the war zones t war department, the call to take effect at the earliest possi- as follows:. r, ble date. "The .British today, fought In a cablegram received Saturday evening, Brig. -- Gen. forward to a decided advance Frederick S. Strong, commanding the Hawaiian department, ' - - k, south of Messines and have re IV! , s ? was ordered to report as soon as possible the names of local sumed their strong ,l trench officers who are not imperatively needed for service in Hawaii

70-ini- ' v v le : ' big- "'tf. ; J ' I ' This Is regarded one of the raids along a front. - : v. .;,. " hv." r is Jiaye; launched gest orders that has been received at The Italians . . .' . ('-.- . I - 1 department headquarters in many RESERVE CORPS aa offensive tm: the; Austrian .;!, months the only one of its kind in tac since the beginning of war with on;capturin thetopiortant Germany. fneigfct of MontetpnjfiW ' V"-Angell- Gen. Strong and his staff officers OFFICERS GET .i : ' immediately began work .on the or or, pas-s- 4 holding conference yesterday and to- V Gen. Is probable names Vindications t are that day. It that the French-comina&d- of those to be sent from here will be 'the'' i . Sarrail, announced tomorrow. CALL FOR DUTY h cr-in-ch- ief of till', the forces in How many will go is of course prob- Has resumed tne, of. lematical until such time as the order Ilaccdonia, officially, but It is gen ( ' la announced fensive in this region.' erally believed a large number per Six Ordered By War Depart- haps as high aa 80 men will be called. ment to Report at Schof ie!d News of tbe order at once caused - - A - much Interest, and the feeling aroused for Immediate Training : ; lienors FcrDn of by the caU to what may mean soon active service in France or command on the mainland could be sensed in army,cUxlea todays Evidently all were CALLEO TO ACTIVE DUTY 1 f hoping they would be chosen. . Jmm " ;. vTh summons to tbe mainland was Major ' viiMiiiid'ftMi kt U a. KavaJ Cessna!. hot7'. unexpected. Sine the receipt C. W. C. Deering, Infantry. : : t cation f?rrict, X" here of advices from Washington that Captains JielaW H.'. Clival,. Engineers 'Ireland vajcr Gustav E Schaefer,' Infantry McCarthy, Taylor and s. - ine department for duty in tne state, 'Drum er.d CAptalna'Meora and Parget, officer in th .Hawaiian 'department Ralph 0.wjrlussy, Infantry. ; - merrtere ef Gen.' Perching. taff i have looked for the cabl thai came Peter Sorensen, Infantry. M. -- .rrlvedhart Saturday. P. Smoct, Infantry. . ,tho. Ewish ,ex?editlon, lata i r How the place of these called from 1 First Lieutenant t0?y if :i . r A? : ' ' ft here will be filled. is another question William J. Jackson, Infantry. VtONDON, 'June C IMaJor-- that will hare to be settled. There ia - er General John -- J. . Pershing," "eomroand- perhaps a 'possibility that tak- . ha expeditionary troops officers who have been Jtriean Una Sat- Vs? taVrance. ana U. 3. Ambassador Wal-- ing examinations for commissions In with "a cable received today honored" with may be thus used, but no definite word urday night from the war department '4'tef.HP5 -- v.. g. 4 - of offi- , George h r on this has as yet been given out ordering all line officers the - lunch given by King w corps be to palace- -. question ot what boat will be cers' reserve i to called :v Mary Buckingham, If The al- - at V active duty, tbe foregoing men, '":- King George hat invited U , the chosen is also to be settled. If the next transport from the Orient is se- ready commissioned from Hawaii in lected, sailing will not be for several the reserve, it. was. announced today i'pla6e,V.ic at army headquarters, were ordered to - - - weeks yet, on the other hand there mesat'Kame6amehaVUtbe;cailoluareniw1th- tnahcfent and;rpodern coituire forming a guard of honor but report at once. as the pretslon"paied.r TJIrectly In front 4a the-go- d cf b rvv., . is the possibility that a special trans- - -' ; , , , ,t . ,., sig- t , i, "., war' A ',,. V port from the mainland might provide Charles R. Forbes, major in the Caitlicli i . " T : ii ir accommodations sooner. nal corps, and Sgt.-Ma- J. Ira A. Correll, IIU.UUUIU5 major in the adjutant general's de- uss;So!&i?r5" wmmmmmmm partment, were announced late Satur- ffdfiiilDar Planning Miiimm SATISFAX MAKES day as having been called. ' ISLANDS' IliSTOftY- - Most of these men have been order- At3 GP.EATNESS ed to duty at Schofleld Barracks. Ma J. Forbes being the only one who will t tv . Van! tt flonnL go at once to the mainland. ;i y V etiOB Bezvlee) . AtiOTIIEft RECORD 'spec-tacuIu- Capta. Hnssey and Sorensen and 1st w:.:: AN ATLANTIC PORT.Jon 11. of Hawaiian, jaen and women in a P Lieut. are ed -- Nortlicllffe, .th faxaona British CAsweUtod Preaa ly.V. 8. Vaval Commoai. hrds Jackson all itord pafewtWMch 'waa foUbwe&'bia program of: music officers at Fort Kamehameha. , - publisher, irrlTed.liera today to rep Satisfax, ridden by Jockey Johnny " co-- f NEW'YOBKSTOCK in the Capt Scbalfer of Schiefer & Com- , British goTernmeat to ' 44. 44..-- 4 and .tribute' was paid:today Carroll, romped under the line ; reaeat ihe f 'itiidriseie; pefiTundsf pany, was formerly captain Com- t free-for-a- of war TODAY half-mil- e ll race meet- v MABKET the onUaatlnS .British and American he King----wh- o at - to Great pany D, Na- 4- PETROGBAD, .Russia June lL theymemoxyc ing at Kapiotanl park thia morning, 1st Hawaiian Infantry, - - tional Guard. Capt Duval Is chief The VCssacknoldlera i'have brought these under and- paved Satur-oda- y. winning feature race of the morn- f the of- viio 1- clerk at the department engineer's rls'U' foUowb the pledged energetic aapport. of the 4 day. ing in 47 -5 seconds, breaking the " lrdrGicllffe''a supreme Hawaiian - the way jto the; ciyilizatibs of the race. fice. Capt Smoct is of firm of recent visit of the British mUsion. 4- war and.: of ,the national policy Alaska Qotd . . . . v . "S'a traek record for this distance former- the - K.ar t Smoot & J. Deer- : an-- V favofed-hy- peas- in spite oi inclement weatner , Steinhauser, and Ma . vres 4; ; the congress of 4 American .1 . by Satisfax and Copra, whose the mission left, it -.. " Smelter T1UV2 ly held Whea v- mHamtha"Jday wasfohserYed: 4 4 ing with ill 44S4 4 4 4-1- ; 44 5. is a well known capitalist and 4'anti. , . 44444444 American" Sugar Rfg. 12154' 124 was 47 Copra, ridden by notuiced" that, Its vorkln theUnited 4 the splendor acd,dignit7 of past years. 4 , 4 time sportsman. . would', by Today there was a. remarkahle .4 American "Tel, TeL . 121 Rollins, was second, and Lahonton k suiea be carried forward 4 T of people the streets 4 TODAY'S FUN SCHEDULE A 122'. - demonatration In the capltaC A. Thousands lined 4 Anaconda. Copper ridden by Phillips, was third. X Lord Korthcliffe.- 4 4 .pageant of marching . . 4 .... 85!8 86 Water, wounded soldiers as the colorful Opioopio up, waa left at the 4 host ot and sick 4 Hawaiian aocetJTes,.. made Jts way 4 The entertainment and show 4 Atchison 102 102 Umpqua, 4 massed" in a great .street parade, 4 Oft Baldwin Loco...... post. - along" King from Aala park to the 4. at: the; Plantation iegaTi this f 658 674 HOMEY JURORS 4 demanding .that the war be 'con- 4 and thence afternoon and .will until Baltimore & Ohio 72'A 72'4 Aided by favorable weather, the - statue to the 4 continue 4 tinned-- They carried, banners de- 4 many . Bethlehem Steel a154 second day of the race meet! ig start- I' palace grounds.? Thejrain kept 4 midnight tonight. v at.... "i. 4 claring that the sacrifices which 4 away, even some of the societies, but 4 8 tp. m. Gordon Usborne' 4 b151 b148 ed off in good shape and several in- v they have made for their country 4 the spirit of the occasion burned Just 4 "FestiYal of Pele" at the Old Calif.. Petroleum ...... 22 23 teresting races were run during the HEAR CHARGES 4 should hot be nullified for lack of 4 aff strong,- - and present-da- y events 4 Plantation. Canadian Pacific 161' 2 162l4 morning. Other events are to be run 4 action now. 4 failed to shatter, the menjojCKvlwtha, Dance at the Old Plantation. C, M. & St. P. (St. Paul) 74' 4 75'. 4 off this afternoon, beginning at 1:30 ' 4 4 great Hawaiian ruler wif -- e life work Afternoon Racing at Kaplola- - Colo. Fuel & r$n 63' 56 o'clock. There 1? a big crowd at the befU-aen- t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 was pledged to the of his 4. W, park. Crucible '.Steel g0'4 82' 4 park and Honolulu society folk are (Associated Prats fcy TJ. S. Havai Commuai. : ' . pw m. Erie 26 26 represented. eatloa Scrrtca) (AafoeUte Presa f. S. 'VaVal OiamL domain. 4 ":30 Polo, Maui and Comn 4 well catloa StrvlM) . Great Lei Placed on Statu Oahu. General Eletlric 1633i 163T4 In the free-for--al Satisfax ran a SAN FRANCISCO, CaL, June 11. - WotoW, three-fifth- s , Eng, June U. Two out SPY OR TRAITOR A single wreath, a great lei of red 4 4- General New .. 1083. 110 splendid race, clipping of Assistant District Attorney Louis Fer- of five aeaplaaea which were sighted enclosing the sacred tabu emblem 444444444444 Great Nonhern 108 108 a second from the former track rec- rari, assisting District Attorney Fic-ke-rt today, by a British patroT steamer, done in yellow flowers, fonaed the Inter. Harv , N. J J ord. Copra, who passed under the In the dynamite trials, today told parently about to raid the eastern only decoration of the statue in front OODEN Kennecott Copper 4758 48 wire second, also made a good show- the Jury before which Mrs. Rena" SHIPS steel-Jackete- coast of England, were shot down al- IN HAW OFFICE? of the Judiciary building. A k le war- I6W Lehigh R r'. 65 64 ing and the race Detween these two Mooney Is being tried that d most immediately. The ' patrol boat rior, attired In malo, yellow ci.e and New York Central 918 91'2 was close until the last stretch, when bullets were found in Mrs. Mooney's gave the alarm to the English air- helmet and armed 'with a spear, stood Pennsylvania 52Ts 52'8 Satisfax pulled away and won by sev- room similar to that In the leg of Myr-tl- o craft and aeroplanes immediately took (AsatcUted Prtss by T7. &. Cenannsi. on guard. Ray Consol. 30 307,8 eral lengths. Van Loo, one of the victims of the KtI C RACTED pac- the air, shooting down a, pair of the ctioa Srrlc) As the procession approaches, led FOR Reading Common 94' 4 954 The first race for trotters and explosion last July. These bullets, it D. 01 ers. class, enemy flyers. WASHINGTON, C June 11. by the Hawaiian band, Boy Scout and Southern Pacific' 93V8 93' 8 2:15 one mile heats, result- is alleged, were in the bombs set off Charges of spying and traitorous con- a aquad of police, the guard of ix nor Studebaker 81 83 ed in Carmalita II. driven by McDon- by Mooney and other. duct were heard today at a meeting god Kulailimoku marched out L Texas Oil 1216' 221 ald, winning both heats, the first in to the WASHINGTOII, iX C.J June 11 2 Ferrari said that Mrs. Mooney. look- on af- 2 25 h of the senate committee naval from Judiciary building, tbe i em- 1or-4?P- Pacific 137 minutes seconds, and the sec- RELIEF STEAMER the M a n m I rjrvothals over niivo rf Union 137', ing from fhe roof of a building, saw fairs, when Secretary Daniela waa bers taking their place about the 129?4 131T, ond in - minute, 20 seconds. Klora ex- government shipbuilding - i the paraders, undeterred by the discussing with the committee details One would to ure the rommia ,,' was second and Sinner in statue. have coti today signed contracts for the! 1151b 1163, third both plosion, marching along, and cried -- of the, investigation Into the killing of up a memory of the costumes of heats. In the first heat a good i V' bnildlne of wVw1pii shit,i in panforn western Union 94 94 start "What a beautiful mess a machine-gu- n two American nurses by pieces from chiefs and retainers of a centu or Westinghouse 53 54-- was made but Elora broke at the first ; - 2 of m;irchfrs yards. It was over the buiidine; of thn?e-quarter- would make the blow a shell which broke during target more ago to gain an impression of post. At the 8 post Tar- - wooden shipf, which (Joetbals to a 'Bid. f JUnqi'oted. charged had practise at sea recently. The deaths display ot color, and arma- irr.alita was Reading, with sec-- j He also that she nitrafi BELffla the attire large extent opposed, th Sinner occurred on the American steamer ment presented by the guard. Ancienf that recent ond. Elora made a game fight in her pussension ten months previous controversy between the general and on r. Mongolia, when the naval gun crew feather kahilis fluttered in the breeze, 'the home strtch and forged Into sec- to the explosion. (XsMcUUd Ttmm Vy XT. a. Kt1 Coraaal wae at practise, and it waa believed great spears and wa.- - clubs gave two engineers of the commission vvas I Mtioa snui) the waged. LI IS YIELDING, ond place, beating Sinner out by but LONDON, Eng June 11. The reUef that . the shell exploded and broken tableau a military aspect; tabu sticks 'a few lengths. pieces, ricochetting back from ahip John Bakke, loaded with a big the of polished wood . exemplified the In the second heat Elora broke at DUBLlSCtilF nursea, three-furlon- g cargo of wheat for hungry Belgium, la water,, struck the who were strange; customs and beliefs of the FATHER CAUSES ARREST th post, allowing Sin standing on deck. coloring of believed to have been sunk by Ger- day, and the lavish cloaks, OF SON WHO FAILS TO DR. WU DEFIANT ntr to pass. At the sixth post C&r man submarine. Senator Joseph S, Freylinghuyeen capes, and helmets added snap and (ma!ita was leading by about of New Jersey had produced some of- Bplendor to the scene. REGISTER FOR SERVICE lengths. As in th first heat Flor FEINER RIOTING ficial letters bearing on the shell In- With warriors in flaming costumes dospd up. passed Sianer and ran a NORWEGIAN VESSEL SUNK of red and yellow holding tbe tabu SAN 11. XT. ;q. vestigation, and Daniels told mem FRANCISCO, Cal.. June (Associated Pre by s. Naval Command grat race against Carmalita for fir.-- T on side of statue, cation m uenMHW dUDiYinnirac bera of the naval committee that some sticks either the the Skipper John Larsen, a seafaring man Srice) jjlace. Carmalita won bv about tiir di ord- guard of honor to the god re- 11. (Associated Prexs by t7 S NvaJ Commanl spy or traitor had divulged naval ancient of this port, today caused the arrest PEKING. China. June President' lengths. Thia was one' of ttip 1- .-' . mained its post around the statue Li ration irTire) XlMoeUted Tfn by XT. S. Haval Oomsvii. nance secrets. He said the letters at of his son. Eno, for failing to register today acceded to the demand of races of the inornin eatloa ftm) produced by Freylinghuyeen came until the procession had passed about under the new army law. Kno de- cnangsnun tnat ne aissoive the Ch' - i rn lil HI, .V, Ireland. June 11. A police Y- the second race. Queen's r'ini NEW YORK, N. June 11. The image o: great king en- kill- - ; tryips;-vaini- - from the confidential files of the navy the silent the and clares he is a pacifist and win not nese parliament, but Dr. Wu Ting. event, six furlongs, Hawaiian bred, inspector wjs today in Norwegian steamer Aaklld , has been capitol grounds. department, and asked that thersecret into the The base list. The father says that if his son Fang, the new premier, has refused! H. A. Baldwin's Frances B. won to prevent a meeting of Sina sunk by a eubmarlne, accerdlng to service , Investigate how they came .to fails to carry out his duty he must be to countersign the decree of dissolu Feiners whl'-- had ceen prohibited by; wt-j-'v- rrrrTyed fiere today,, v be. taken," ' . . Continued, n a. ' - . - . r ,' jv pag4wo. turnedover trr ,..-.,- tlorW ...... (CcnUnueu ca pa two) j the government, . ; y :i Kametiameha Day Processional and Some of the Gay Pau Riders

3' I .4 11 WE STORE EVERYTHING CITY TRANSFER COMPANY msssr JAMES H. tOVE PHONE 12S1 DON'T BE CARELESS INSIST ON LOVE'S CREAM BREAD "WRAPPED AS SOON AS BAKED." There is more food value In bread for the money you pay than any other food product.

V'' r c- QifetV--V - - -- r:rsij? 'J SOLDIERS HIT SUCCESS SCORED UPON WAY TO Dviirm mucne ;;: oM - UI ILL LL L id ) OBTAIN LIQUOR ANDfRAN 0

U. S. Marshal Promises Stiff Poe's The ' Raven." and Oscar Wilde's '.Ballad of Reading Gad." Prosecution of Civilians Who shared honors of applause with an Buy Liquor forArmy Men audience which, on Saturday night, filled the Lanai theater. Lanlakea. Enlisted men have discovered s and heard Will Lowers, dramatic they may reader, and Frank Moss, pianist gtve means whereby secure lkjucr splendid poetical in spite of the stringent periston of these works. the new federal law, Mimhtl J. J. Mr. Moss' musio tor the Wilde Smiddy was Informed Saturday. Ac- poem was considered quite as fine as cording to the marshal, the soldiers that which Arthur Berth wrote tor give the money to a civllion. who pur- The Raven." The combination of chases the boose and turns it over to the reader and the musician, first seen them. in the "Enoch Arden" performance Marshal Smiddy made a quiet inves- some months ago, again proved ItS' ,y, :"r Tv; , : ; f S tigation late Saturday afternoon, visit worth and showed Its adaptability. ing seven saloons west of Nuuanu One of the tiseat features of the 3 v street In these saloons, he says, he evening was a group ot tour pianos) found no violations of the law, bar- selections played by Mr. Moss between, tenders refusing to sell liquor to mea the readings, ending with "Berceuse.' In uniform. by Chopin.. He and Mr. Lowers closed' "I believe that all saloons in Hono their offerings with The Chilly V.- - lulu are observing the regulations, Lover," for which Mr. Moss also wrote the music. ... y. , . r says the marshal 141 While making the round of the sa loons, however, the marshal was Informed that enlUted men are calling j PERSONALITIES j civilians to their aid in their attempt to get booze, and that civilians have MRS. A. J. RALSTON has returns! been buying boize with money furnish from California. ed them by soldiers. ' 0f Bottled beer is the only liquor being JUDGE LITE A.4DICKET la bould for the soldiers as far as the from California. bsjk marshal has been able to ascertain. Much of the buying, he ssys, is being A. C. SILVA of Silva's Toggery has done by chauffeurs, the soldiers stop returned from a trip to the mainland. ping at their stands anu giving them the money to purchase' the booze. CHARLES W. LUCAS and Mrs. Lu- "It is only a matter of a short time cas are among the Honolulans who before we will round up a few of these have returned from the coast civilions," says , the marshal, "and Mi then an example will be made of them. CAPT. TP: B. FERRIS, former masterO 8ome of the civilians who have been of the British steamer Kestrel, has buying boose for enlisted men doubt- received his commission as lieutenant less do not know how severe the pen- in the naval reserve, and will act as alty is. If they did, they would not assistant to Commodore Mahan. ehlefi do it." censor of the wireless and cable ser-vice- s In the marshal's opinion selling add here. supplying are synonymous In the eyes of the department of justice, and persons buying liquor later turn : ? and . . : as i ing it over to soldiers are as liable " " '..1 a bartender jsrho. would make a direct. sale. -. " HI Hill 1 K GAY TONIGHT HONOLULU OIL FOR RECKG 'After the races, why not stop at Heinle's Tavern and enjoy one of those GOES $4.60 ASlMII famous special SvbcIps IS STOPPED dinners which will be JO HY served between 5: SO and 8 o'clock? Bids for Honolulu Consolidated o Music and 'dancing the entire even ing. Adv. stock were $4.60 today on the San Vigorous work by the navy recruit- Word that four more cows esHale ' exchange, according i f Francisco stock ing officers, effective publicity meth- akala' Ranch, Maui, had died, thus B. received this morning b Brlg.-Ge- Samuel L Johnson, N. Q. H. AREVITHDRAVtN to a wire ods, and a tour of the islands, have bringing the total for the newest an- Harry Armltage. No or o The program was as follows: comments brought the naval enlistments here thrax outbreak-t- nine, wss received , reasons for sudden advance, how- . of tha utu irat then strewn wltli . Introductory remarks, Mayor John its well up. Now recruiting is to be dis- today by-Dr- Victor A. Norgaard, ter- If you axe content with ' ' -'- - flowers," a custom 'which" hai been a C Lane. ; :V ever, were given. "This is an addition- continued except for special trades. ritorial veterinarian. - - of 10 cents big THINGS AS THEY ABE; feature of Kexbebameh ttj celebra- Song, "Ka Pua Kakoililani Manula, Cable orders from Washington to al advance over the Late Saturday the naval station. One thousand doses of cattle vaccine ' ."v- - tiotiB t -- X. jump Saturday, when went from lor "Tears. Hul Masawalea and Opio L. D. S. Brlg.-Ge- n. Frederick S. Strong were it Pearl Harbor, received a cablegram were received today from the main- o t a4vertise;' : bnt . don Movtet Record See nee t.:V ; ' Prayer and Invocation, Rev., S. K. announced today at army headquar- to $4.50, from the navy department instructing land, and were to be transshipped to . if you wish to increase &ai&lander uodoubtedlj will - - - ' tare KamalopllL discontinuing for to recruiting except for Maui Dr.4 Norgaard ax ters as examinations it discontinue this afternoon. is opportunity to view the parade and , Young Peo- ' Songnwaahumsnu,' reserve corps officers In the infantry, the trades of machinist and electri- in readiness to sail this afternoon also, yon . sales, $f yon want to the ceremonies at the statue through ple's' League,. ' NEWS OF THE COURTS j - cavalry and artillery branches. cian. The cablegram is interpreted to if new developments seem to warrant . the medium of motion pictures as ser- Oration-- - (Hawaiian) "Kameiame-ha,- " pufc He w vuu ana vigor r means' all applicants for mean Hawaii's have er&l moTle machines were on hand to ' " This that, t that enlistments it Rev. William Kamau. reserve commissions who have not yet Thursday, June 21, is the date set shown up well and there is no further He 'said today that microscopic into your business and to, - proceedings. -- Dozens : of record the Song, Hawaii Aldha," - charged Use taken their examinations will be for the trial of John Kekaula, need for general enlistment It may slides from the dead animals have , tourists,, armed with cameras took Hul Manawalea and Opio L. D. S. manslaughter, Judga ' make people realize that ' '." barred from doing so, the order taking with in Circuit also mean that 4 Uncle Sam's navy as a been examined here, and show the pictures by the hundred st the statue, Oration (English), "Kamehameha.t your - effect atonce. Heen's court. whole has all 'of the general enlist- typicsl anthrax bacilli. There were store stands for In the palace grounds and along the Rev. Akaika Akana. , ; -- -'- "t'-rrr. v.-." estimated approximately ments necessary at this time. 250 doses of vaccine on island at . march,'" It is that the quality ,of goods, punctu- ; line' of , Song, r i irKemehMneha,"15, Toung Peo- 100 names have been sent in from the The case of Samuel Kaal. charged Chief Machinist Johnson of the re- the time the outbreak began there the Capt Robert: Parkar Walpa ple's Lekgue.;- - ?' manslaughter, ality courtesy ; Hawaiian department. It Is not known with is scheduled to gJ cruiting office announced toflay that latter part of last week. and of ser a grand marshal, his" sides helns ' '"Hawaii Pond,?' assemblage. ' officially yet" whether order will to trial in Circtft Judge Heen's rourt applicants for naval enlistment in the Dr. J. C. Fitzgerald, deputy veteri- : ji . Oscar P. Cox: and J, K Mokumala. "HawaUansi Must UnlU the vicethen make an ad-- . who have already been on Friday, June 15. future should apply at the U. S. S. narian, who left Saturday afternoon The procession started from ' Asia Mayor. Lane called attention to the affect those appropriation as ; 9 by-- a examined, or whether they will get Alert Pearl Harbor.' for Maul as soon as word had been vertisin? park promptly at o'clock, led fact that, at the birth of King Kame-hameh-a squad of police and the v Hawaiian their commission as expected. Alleging failure to, provide, Helen received that anthrax had broken out large and you can afford. v on', the island of Hawaii In Monis Flerrage circuit system of , ' Evidently Is the policy of the war has filed in there, is familiar with the hand. . Several patrols of Boy Scouts the population of native Hawai It now court a suit for divorce from Joe Fer vaccination, having been . with Dr. : ; were In attendance and handled the ians 600.000, department to fill vacancies from FOUND will come to you ' numbered about while on through train- rage alias Joseph Frazier. GUILTY, Norgaard on Kauai. Norgaard znid It back a 3 big crowd well, although It was aft today, the number Is only about 30,000. the reserve officers' : .a o ; ing camps establish- today that he is at a loss to account hundred fold. , orderly one. "The Hawalians, he declared have which hare been - ; The trial of Leonard Medelros, for newest series of cases in any To the Sons nd Daughters of War had a hard row to hoe, and there Is ed for several weeks on the mainland. this 1 riors,'. charged ith manslaughter, is sched- other way than by direct planting by IXAIT. an Influential and large r Ha one day In the year when they must ASLEEP AT THE AD , ' society," uled to begin in Circuit Judge Horn's POST, some person or persons with mali- wsiian went the honor of stand together-Ju- ne guard god Kukalli--: II. court on Tuesdsy, June 19. cious He predicted several 55 forming the to th "No-ne- .. continuedy long Intent xnoku . he "can SAHSFAX SETS days ago sn outbreak on about the statue,, and much endure Unless it Is united. If It is , that such credit Is due this organization for separated The law firm of Ftear, Prosser, An- Maui might be expected. it cannot withstand the & , the . splendid showing, made and the ' derson Marx has waived ah claim GETS YEARS evolution of One day . correct. Interpretation of cus time. must be to the su mof $12,073 made payable 3 ancient known : as Hawaii's day, peo- goms , , iv-"- and the ANOTHER RECORD A Delicate and costumes.--- X'f:'-- ple must together to the sum of $12,073 made payable ; : stand in the celebra- . the parade the various penses the matter of - la Hawaiian tion of this day." ' in Nut-Lik- ; were Asleep on sentinel duty in time of o locietiea in line as; follows In closing Mayor Lane conveyed ship of Richard Smart, a minor. .i Organization .In Una ;A:4-Kj"- war is the charge on which 1st Class v-:'- the thanks and best wishes of the Ha- .(Continued from Page 1) Keawi Keawekane, charged with the Pvt. Payns, Company B, 25th " Hul Kaahnmanu, led by MiasXucy ' people-- ' Walter waiian to. Governor Plfiham. murder of Kama Kanoa in upper Ma-ki- Infantry, was found guilty by a gen- ESCAPE SERVICE Flavour : C Peabody; Hui Oiwi ,.Kane and Hul r.Speakingin English and Hawaiian in 1 minute, 15 with K. W. . valley early this year, will be court-marti- al by - , eral held month in- . ; Shingle's Bubbling secca:L A last is found Oiwi Wahlne, . organlzatlona of men respectively, t Revf Akalko Akana and Water smsvsV si 4' ystu m MQflik ft7Si Yt placed on trial in Circuit Judge Keen's thj and women, Teipectivelyf Hul. Union Rev. William Kamau paid glowing f n1 Hawaiian department The order ' at o'clock Tuesday morning. was made public today. , Kane, Hui Pools Kane, composed 'of tributes ;,r;Lcourt With a .45 automatic pistol, ' floVKamehameha the Great posC T':::,r::; also was charged with the Payne was of com- caliber Grape-Nut- stevedores and by tour banner and the work he accomplished during Franks B. led all the way andpeawekane a member the Pvt Dominick Friggione, Battery B, s ' th l0a b'thef' pany which was sent to do patrol duty bearera in the familiar red shirts I his .life for: the uplifting .of the Ha-- passed under the wire five lengths 9th Field Artillery, shot himself :' but was acquitted. on board the German steamship O. J. Hut Pool Wahlne, Hul Opio, and Hui Fwaiian race and the-- betterment of the ahead of Bubbling Water. through the right hand on or about FOOD , half-mil- e D. Ahlera, harbor, was 6 na Manawalea, Latter Day Saints condition of the people. The third rac, for mules, lillo and it April 30 to escape the full perform- v organisations - PRACTISE BEGUN charged that he was found sleeping comprising both; men Rev. Mr. Akana told how Kameha-meh- a was postponed until 2:15 o'clock this TARGET ance of military duty. The shot ia and along with the delici- and women; Hul Kahals o na iilil of sought king- afternoon. In its place was ran the while acting as sentinel on or about safd to off trigger fin- - iiad for a united ON FT. SHAFTEfl RANGE have taken the c Hawaii.- pretty feature of the p& seventh race, bracelet stakes, three-eight- h May 2. ous taste, there's all the ' dom, and how he had finally united ger. was group pa-- u' dis- Txade a of riders In the island of the Hawaiian group un- of. a mile. This race was won Sentence first pronounced was This Is the charge upon which the rich nourishment of whole ' yellow by 43 sec- Under command of MaJ. Goy G. discharge and , and black habits, led Princ- der the; control of a single raler after by Arthur Rice' Problem, in honorable confinement soldie.' was found guSty by courtmar-Ual- ess Theresa' Wilcox BeiUveau, ; onds, Miss, Heather Damon riding. Miss Palmer, the 1st Battalion 2nd Infan- for five years at hard labor, this be- wheat and malted barley, ' ?' he had conquered all the islands. He and for which there has been .Most women: societies e's try, target practise today on years, dis- ' of the ot the told of Kamehameha'a interest to re- Pauline Schaefer, riding Walter M begat ing later reduced to three meted Jut punishment of five years for building sturdy bodies "were dressed In white and wore flow- - Kllauea, was second, the Fort Shatter rifle range. Lieut. charge not to be imposed ligion and of the assistance he ren- and until the at hard labor. keen brains. ers or lets. The members of the Hul dered i in' embedding the roots of Miss Rosamond Swanzy, riding Arthur Edward F. WitaelU battalion adjutant, time sentence had been served. Frigglone's plea was not guilty, but and Kaahumanu were attired in black hci-oku- s Rice's Surprise Girl, was third. Miss is in charge of the range. -- Christianity, in these islands. a general courtmartial decided differ- and wore yellow ids. r 5 Stephsny Wichroan's mount was left Practise will be rushed as rapidly CARD O: THANKS. testi- Keady to eat direct frooj 'y-- ently after a full hearing of the After the procecsloa had circled the NON-COM- the post as practicable, owing to the uncertain- SIX S TAKE at mony, and Friggione will spend the packet fresh, crisp and 'ii statue sid crossed into the palace A good start wss made and it looked ty of time to be allowed for it, as Mrs. M. J. Silva and family extend next five years in federal discip :. grounds, were oken and the the ranks ; EXAMS FOR LIEUTENANT for a time as if Miss Swanzyfs mount many of the men have taken examina- their thanks to their many, friends, Cal. The j clean. members, took seats In of the linary, barracks at Alcatraz, front would get under the wire first, but tions for commissions in the reserves who so kindly made floral offerings, sentence runner aemanas aisaonor-abl- e bandstsnd from 'which the exercise ,V ' Six ordnance wtrgeanls and ono ser- time was lost on the turns and Misa and may be called at any time.' and to all who extended their heart- discharge and the forfeiture of A good part of any morning were held. Msyor t-da- y m of the geant of ordnance were examined Damon's mount won by three lengUs. felt sympathy during their late be- all pay allowances due or to be- ; .V Lane presided opened and meal, with cream John.C and thn at army headquarters uf commis- ARMY BIDS TOMORROW reavement Adv. come due while in confinement The served v' program' with brief remarks : Ha-vr- :: - in sions,, most of them hclng lor the DUDE MILLER QUINTET prisoner was tried on May 7. or milk hot or cold. - wallan and;' English. : Aside ; from grade CARD OF THANKS. of first lie'itenant. AT TAVERN Bids will be opened tomorrow morn- j Jlsyor Ijane, those on the platform " Those who took the exnrjiinntion HEME'S ing at 11 o'clocs for the extension of RICHARD A. COOKE has gone to ' were dgsr HenrlQues, Rev. Akaiko Reason" are Ordnance Ssls. E. N. Wilkeraort. Waianae water sjstem Schu-fiel- d Mrs. M. J. Silva and family extend Hawaii with his family to spend a "There's a Rev. ' KamalopiU. (on the at ana, . Samuel Albert W. Chllders, John H. Hall. Wi- Heinle's Tavern the beach at Barracks, together with the to the nurses of the Queen's 10 days' vacation visiting the Volcano j i for lliam M Berty, Harry R, Wilson, and Waikiki) will be the scene of special installation of new pumps at Fort their appreciation and thanks for the and other places of interest on the Mrs. James Kula, Rev. William Kamau Thomas Clancy, end Sgt of Ordnanoe entertainment this evening. Shatter. splendid services rendered the late M. Big Island. I ; of chores from ' quintet O " and. members a the John Mahon. Dude Miller's world famed J. Silva while a patient under their H. LUM CHUNG, a Honolulu boy, o sub-treasu- Grape-Nut- Young People's i League. Governor has been engaged-t- furnish music. The ry and Mills school, s - has transferred care. Adv. former student at . attended, cxecciaes,- iak- - Mr. Kato - .Pinkham the and Viscount Okochl. who The public will be awarded an oppor- an additional $1,000,000 to San Fran- recently graiua'-e- d frot.: the school of Ing a, seat in the audlence.tWith him are going to Rome to take part in the tunity dancing to the strains of fcisco. The transfers are on account New York school children are beine agriculture of thi rivtr?ity of Ua--, At Grocers and Stores. Inter-Parliamentai- y jtf i' were, Mrs,, iCUxapcth K. Pratt, Terri-- t Conference, have this beautiful music. Make your reser- of shipments of equal amounts to Ja- mobilized as "block captains' to se souri with the degree of bachelor of' torlal Secretary ourtis P, laukea and arri ved j in Pari. : ... vations early by phoning 5670. Adv. pan. '.. that the streets are kept clean. science. w WW Make your money work two places at the same 'time TD: 66' ("MX ID) 1L We accept them as payment cars on the basis of $102.00 in any amount. 3 ROYAL HAWAIIAN GARAGE, Md, 1 1 w wWw W WW W W; W.-- f f f f f f i f ' f f mi'n innnmr.ro CLERK TO LIST PLANTO BOOST SURVIVORS CHINESE CONSUL A'iHEnE is hie r.:nrnin chUd who is rondown, has pale: Mrs. P. Melim. with a Theodore who haa wiH hesitate ,' beennHiilREill for some time, is reported im cheeks oi thin blood, who MEN ELIGIBLE HAYAH ON COAST proved. IN BUTTE MINE HEARS FROM to give that child the vcrvtlun Itneedj SPEEDY REGATTA ID to start it growing and heep ugolngf The board of disposal will meet Tor over forty years the concentrated Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ac- liquicHood ra Scott's Emuhico has cording Can-t- ot Hawaii will be "boosted" on the to announcement at the (AuoclU4 Press ly V. S. Ksral Oommuat An condi- DUTY - indication that Internal been changing thlnnfM to phunpoess FOR THE FOURTH FOR WAR mainland this summer, from Vancou- cstlea 8me) so re- BUTTE, Montana. June 11. --Up to tions in China are not bad as changing poor blood to rich blood Ter to New York and back, by a party ported is In a cablegram G. early this afternoon, ten more miners Indicated nothing better for growing of Honolulans who will tour the United Thomas Thrum expects to leave received Saturday night by the local There is shortly had been found alive in the Spectt--1 bv automobile, under the per on a tour of the mainland Tsa-an- g children whether they are weak or States tator mine, the scene of Chinese consul. . Woohuan, July to ba H. Lewis of the This will be his first visit in twenty the disastrous well-tha- n Emulsion, see The Fourth of celebration sonal direction of E. fire. The from Minister Wellington Koo of the Scott's but Hllo this year bids fair t Lewis Garage, Queen and Bishop years. survivors were located on yoa euuine held la -- 2200-fo- ot Chinese legation In Washington. that grt the Scott's. 'attempted In order, that his office will be f the leveL asstt eclipse anything hitherto. streets. There have now Coincident with the receipt of the of festivity by the beauti- prepared when the proclamation today are 14 Mrs; Gussie Quintal Borges, wife of been found 63 0" ,1a the line Lewis said that there corpses and the deaths will probably consul's message the Associated Press ful Crescent City. Is issued naming the day la the in the party. The cars will each carry Postmaster M. J. Borges of Schofield reports that news has reached the Territory of Hawaii for regiatra- - "Aloha, Barracks, was operated on yesterday total 145. Those who attended the exciting oennants with the word Yesterday - state department at Washington that new military law, at , Queen's morning it was consid- - may tlon under, the "Honolulu," all supplied the Hospital. roving races last year see the "Hawaii" and cre unuseiy mat any. men remained the revolutionists have cut Peking off Ltd. position this year, for the David Kalauokalanl, county clerk, by John TSfflnger. president of the from world. The only H. Culman Ca, reversed to-- alive in the workings of the mine, but the outside crews axe determined the announced this morning that board of retail trades and proprietor Bandmaster Peter Kalani of the communication outside is now by Jewelry Souvenirs Hllo that. - ihe, quad came upon a party and challenge, trophy shall come 4- morrow he would start te work Hawaii & South Seas Curid Hawaiian Band desires It be known hvelnt grand to up of the and brought them to the surface. wireless. as far as possible of getting 10,000 that the Mrs. Peter Kalani reported Tsz-an- g r Hllo for the ensuing twelve months. f Company. The trip will cover Later others were found and' rescued The message to Woohuan the of men on Oahu between as arrested for shoplifting is not his : The senior crew . Is shoeing striking list miles, and will be the first of it kind twenty-eigh- t follows SO wife. and during the day were provided the ages of 21 and who would : . i form this season and. as It Is ever originated in Honolulu.' . brought to the surface alive from the "To the Chinese Consul, Honolulu: REMOVED with the rerr latest In racing shell. be subject to ealL . Leaving here on the next Makura, Speculator The foreign department in Peking Antonio Cabral, agent aE mine, but one man died 'specially built for this event, expects Kalauokalanl estimates thai It the motorists 'will start at Vancouver, station soon being wires, to say that th declaration of will about two days make Onomea, and Miss Helena de Sllva of after rescued. to wrest the laurels rrom its Honolulu take to and motor from there across Vancou The loss will be in excess of a mil the military and civil governors of the To -- every Kalaoa were on 2 opponents. ; . ' ). r up the list as registration ver Island, through Washington to Se married June at the provinces of Fengtlen, An Hul. A, Kalaoa CalholIc lion dollars. Under the Montana Chili. iOI regain iruruues pomi m&&juit- - f- affidavit win have to be gone attle, to Portland, where they plan. to Church. Hllo, Hawaii.! Klangsl, Shangtung and Sonan was over nearly 11,000 by Reverend Father the pas-- cent sport and Its merits will be still f and there Is of spend the Glorious Fourth; to : San - Gilbert panles !Tcarry' liability made as the result of their dissatis- " v insurance incrthe ...... ,. tor 'farther . enhanced by the presence I them. Francisco', to the Yosemlta, and then : faction with the constitutional law. K- -t amount of 40Wfor each man in tho llI2F6rtSt. the four champion Island swimmers, across -- the continent to New - Tork. Steps have bees taken to reconcile t-- event of f-j-f 4- - meeting of deatn who are' going .QTer. from. Honolulu. Xo 4: Thd return trip will be made fey" the .the Industrial schools . them and a solution' may be arrived compete f ' board will be held next Friday after-- I'm lev" la the natatorial erents and ' old Santa" Fe trail with a side trip to MAT at within a few days. ; noon la the Judiciary building. Judge WAS; BUSY MONTH ;to enjoy the festivities. ': Helen' Martinez, one of the original the Grand Canyon. . The consul said today he had no I Heen, Judge of the juvenile be--' ' 114 Iwilet women who were given court, AT r Arrangements tor the benefit of the Those who are going from Hpnolulu CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL information-othe- than this and , was. comes, ex-Qffl- fans have been made and Mauna suspended sentences In circuit court Supervisor Mrs; an member of the unable to on the Include and Robert board. ; comment conditions in by Judge vAshford, : , ' Eighty-seve- n Ken will leave Honolulu on the alter. was before the Horner. Dr. and Mrs.- - Wesley H. children were admit his home country. 1 same Judge ; Saturday for ; return hoe-plta- l Or f Ketchum, Mr.' and Mrs. E. H., Lewis, ' Mr. Mrs.: ted at the Kauikeo.ant children's log to her old profession. If she ' - and Allan McGowan of ' Mr. and Mra. C, 'A.' Reynolds, W.- O. during May, one of the busiest 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF V 'remaining over Thursday In order to leaves the territory, this week sen 177s wmaillo street welcomed Fri- months in history. ' Barnhart and Dick Sullivan. At San day Kapioianl Maternity the . institution's ' V all an opportunity of visiting the tence will not be passed upon her. by at the Horn 35, mostly MILLS SCHOOL TO BE pglve Francisco the party will be Joined ine arrival or son, There are Hawaiians and volcano. Round ,trip' tickets . at a She was arrested by Capt. McDuffie a the first child of Portuguese, now, tax- - Mrs. Osborne, a tourist from Austra confined there CELEBRATED TONIGHT department . , . the couple, who nas been christened greatly will . reduced rate be available lia; Mrs. Webber of this city, Mrs. Allan, Alika. ing the hospital to capacity. All are and. a heavy . booking la anticipated, Josephine Cornwell and' Mrs. McCoI under 14 years. In observance of the 25th anniver- .many names being already, on the list. get "choice rbf'. staterooms? Full par can. ' -- Miss Janet Dewar, superintendent sary school, : ;. British of the founding of Mills : - Consut E. L. Gordon is Early reservation for berths . Is most ticulars will be furnfshed on annlica a reports tiny Two carea Packard and Pierce advertising - her wards all in excellent students and former students will Inter-Islan- d for all married or unmar- advlsabje and prospective passengers tlon to the 'Co. or at the Arrow, will carry party. . condition. The superintendent says the At Buf nea residents of the territory of gather at the institution at 8:15 should remember that first comers rooms of the promotion committee. falo"the Pierce-Arro- w will be turned Honolulu residents are most generous o'clock this evening for a banquet In on a new one at the factory, and J. F. Nelson, principal, will be toast-maste- r. ; will", rrwnf A- - the return ,trlp be made In . the hrtttr tne!i-wm- i- mnt ukT a Wlltox of. Kauai, will prob and toasts will be proposed as new carThe old one has already cor ably be ready for occupancy this follows t "Blrthdar Secrets." Edward ered 50)00 miles, ttQl has; the nrlglnal month. It ls si commdffloua two-stor- y Ha; The Candles, Henr ChunLee: eight-year-ol- sleep- - spark tplugs whldr came with it from i Annie, the d daughter of structure Of cement, with large pnck; The Frosting," M. Tanaka; ' - Infer . . the factory. '' , ' Mr. end Mrs. Charles Kekuewa of 280 nnrrhpd D,..iV V a Pmatlm O IP.ImMaM. - Ring. C. Umemoto; Dime," : North School street died- Friday The The for Eamehameha Day - PARKS DIRECTOR'S AIOE -- : SPANISH CABINET - morning in the Leahi home. Kalmuki. Dr. Robert Day Williams; Birthday .; COMNG TO SEE A LIE A - ITS 5 "- -' Shewas a student in one of the local Kit Games," Leong Wah Han; "Happy Re- VS " IN A ! lit RESIGNS BODY schools and a native of Kahana. thl3 : turns HIn Char;.rBlrthday Bouquet" Island. According to a better received by chang Hee; "Place Cards," Jong Sing (AiudsUd Ptms XI. a. Vrtl Ooausasl Loy; "Birthday, H. M. j " Wishes." . aaoa Mrncs) The wedding of Miss Marie Clara "i1000?11"-1-Pelts, secretary to ? Btowwsi, MADRID, Spain, 11. Maronla Yard, -- of na-- ; June Perry and George Robertson Boyd will director of the bureau muglcia program U being arrang-tion- al Garcia, who premier A rOUNTAIl? Prieto, has been take piece at eight o'clock tomorrow parks of the departaient of the D - Spain only following the school glee 'clubs. Com- of a few weeks, evening at the home of the parents of mencement exercises will be held in pro-All- y Fnre Soft Drinks of all kinds a premier, yesterday tender the bride, aqd Mrs. Richard Perry, draea, a friend, will arrive here short 2:30 resignation ' Wilcox hall at o'clock tomorrow ed, his and those of the 2868 Hahry road, Laimi, Manoa Valley. ly from Washington for a three afternoon. members of hia cabinet to King A' A reception in honur of the young weeks' stay. Miss Pelts will visit fonso. The career of the Prieto cabi couple will be held at 9 o'clock. Kllauea in the. Hawaiian National net nas been a stormy one, thesentl-- Park and Haleakala, to obtain first mem oi uie nauon growing stronger The United Stales Civil Service hand information on the attractions "This is the Field and stronger daily, with each subma Commission announces an open compe of these places for the bureau in order rine outrage, that Spain should array tition ror. tinsmith, for men only. A that it may better prepare bulletins of truly astonishing successes, and this is the Chiropractor's greatest work Itself In' some more positive manner vacancy, m thai Hawaiian ' ordnance acquaint public -- nat- completely changing the future , for a sickly child." Alma Cuslan Arnold. de to the with these - ' against Germany. partment Honolulu, Hawaii, at $3 per ural wonders. They are friends of Bring your sickly child for free spinal analysis.- diem,-an- d future vacancies requiring Captain and Mrs. D. H. Glenty. i F. C. MIGHTON, a O, DETECTIVES DISPLAY similar qualifications, will be filled 204-- 6 Boston Bldg. (Over May's) TeL 402. SPRINTING ABILITY from this examination, unless It is 1 DAILY REMINDERS found. In the Interest of the service to any nn vacancy by .reinstatement ' Honeymoon A1TD CTJEIOS, Saturday Detective Moon made a promotion. A little is a dangerous JAPANESE SILK GOODS KHI0H03 spectacular dash Iwilei transfer,, or Applicants thing, make lots in when he should at once, apply for form 1800, 'of it AND EMBEOIDEEIES ran down a Filipino gambler, but he stating Wanted Two more passengers for Mc-Duffie- of the only, footracer In 'a, the title examination party $4 each. la not the Capt desired, motor around island, : department. Ah cap to the Secretary, of the Unit- Lewis Garage, phone 2141. Adv. SAYEGUSA Kul. ed Civil tured three, David Hao got one-- and States Service Board. Custom For Distilled Water, Hire's Root 1120 NTJTJAirrj STEEET, JUST ABOVE HOTEL s house, Honolulu, even Sgt Kellett, who-i- built more Hawaii. Applications Beer and all other Popular Drinks on lines of power, than speed,nabbed should be properly executed. Including try Con. Soda Water Works Ca the medical' certificate, the' one. The six were in police court and must be dv. Saturday and paid $10 each after filed with the secretary at Honolulu YES; there are some things in which pleading guilty. The game was con- prior to the hour of closing business a want ad cannot help you but not v ' ;i t, '' T. VlMl on fuly 1,1917. I W siderably larger but others were many. !' the - ' i too fleet. , NO; you have probably not yet Beautiful Assortment of PASSENGERS EXPECTED learned half of the ways In which a t r WORK FOR r want can serve you. P0ST0FFICE ad ;X RED CROSS MEETS SUCCESS The following passengers sre ex- Oriental Goods pected to arrive from San Frandscc on 3 X'i The postoffice department Is doing the next Matson steamer: C. D. 'r LITTLE INTERVIEWS Tarletoh, Joseph F. Rock, G. M. Hall, everything possible to make Red 1 J. H. Reed,' Mrs. E. V. Cogswell. Mra I . ... Cross Week, from June 18 to June 25. f a. success. Dole and child, Miss India Wayson. Mrs. Thos. Estil. Mrs. B. E. Talt Miss THE CHERRY Postmaster D. H. MacAdam today : B. L. Perkins, Miss Inez McPhee, Roy 1137 :n JACK MILTON, with Trent Trust received from Washington Instructions Fort St r picking up. In fact Noms, Mr. Medkiff, Mrs. Walker, .J hi Ca: Real estate la to assist in giving out all possible Mrs. J. IL Reed. Miss Ruby A. Gurr, has been livelier during , the past Information concerning Red Cross some time past Miss Beatrice Bartlett Thos. Estil, week tr:two than for week, its aims and purpose. The in- A. J. Hilbert, Mrs. A. C. Rattray, Miss structions include a copy of President Janet Kllbourne, Mrs J. T. McMahon. Wilson's proclamation to Americans to assist the work of the American Red Cross In every possible way. m e -- nd J&eb oUsTlit to know. And you. ought to 4 1 -- Know that the demand forgood real estate is POLICE COURT NOTES making itself felt because real estate is the one Kelei Bolster, arrested on a charge TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY of assaulting Ks lei June 5, was ar- i "snre thing'Vinvestment--yo- u can't lose on it raigned before Judge Irwin in police WANTED. Saturday and - ' - ' court committed to the Wanted to buy for cash a Ford auto - : '.' i.rK; Juvenile! court when it was learned he mobile. Address Box No. 643, Care To Learn the Printing Trade Kowanother thhig how in the ;world do you was under IS years of age. Kalel is of Star-Bulleti- n. 680& t still younger. Interesting Work, Good Pay, Splendid Future, in the ' - expect the folk of Honolulu to know that you FOR SALE. : . want to sell your real estate unless you let them Guy H. Hughes, a soldier In the corps MISCELLANEOUS. v Yf. know by advertising ambulance at Fort Shafter, was TO CELEBRATE THE 5TH ANNI it tried in police court- - Saturday on Co-operat- VERSARY G. Fujikawa, King and Y.M.C. A. ive Schools re- Trade I South streets, will hold a grand street, June 5, And discharged. His duction sale on all new and second Still another fact-th- e place to advertise your machine skidded fear Palama lane and hand furniture at reduced prices for Half time in shop, half time in classes. Full pay. i -- STAR-BULLETI- struck a car driven by Charlie Kurlie. 1 real estate; is! in the Classified of .the N. a period of one month until July 12th. Tel. 6803 lm Because It has the' largest circu-Matio- ii Judge Irwin voiced the opinion from 13. of tiny nper in the islands Results are the bench Saturday that privileges of EU8INESS GUIDE. Cooperating Printers! - the Salvation Army hall at the corner PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. New term opens July 2. Openings for 10 ' i ? certain;Phone"49il. of Nunanu avenu) and Queen street G. Floyd Perkins, 63 Stangenwald boys mescaiti:pedtovco ltd. ! were being abused when Thomas Rob Bldg. Phone 2907. 6809 6m in Printing Shops and 20 boys in lnson, in court for drunkenness, gave other business houses. Inquire at Y. M. HONOLULU STAEBTJLLETUT. LTD. that place as his home. He got a sua--' LOST. j CO penned sentence and a warning. He Travelers' check, betwen Young Hotel ! 0. A. today. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE J LTO . was the second In court this week who and-Hon- : Iron.-Wks- Finder return j - V, : -. gave address i ...to'Yotsrjr EoteL ,- that s c tmZL , C WGl fitted glasses give, comfort and AL NE W Young Street Home: Bargain Properly relief HE Honolulu Stock Exchange HAVAII vODS PROSPERITY, IS A very unusual price on an excellent home property, Saturday, June 9. at 1943 Younff Street Four bedrooms. Home in good MERCANTILE repair. Servants' quarters and garage. Lot 87x150 h i OF U. Bid Asked Co. REPORT S. MOTOR OFFICIAL Alexander 4 Baldwin, Ltd 290 feet. Yard contains alligator pear trees, bearing fine 1 American Optical C Brewer & Co. 455 fruit 1148 Fort Street" Blaisdell Bldg. SUGAR ' Ewa Plantation Co 3Zft '4 12,050 Square Feet Honolulu, T. H. Upon his return from a roeent trip to supply the demand for cars sixty . Haiku Sugar Co. to the Hawaiian Islands, Earl R. Car- days from date. penter, manager Hawaiian Agr. Co. of the San Frauciso "The good roads movement has Hawn. Com. & Sugar Co $3500. branch of the Studebaker Con-.- , was taken the islands and Is being prose- Hawaiian Sugar Co. interviewed by a "Motor West" repre-sentatlr- e, cuted vigorously by the advertising Honokaa Sugar Co. 9 says the "Motor Wst" of clubs and local .chambers of commerce, Honomu Sugar Co. 40 Los Angeles. up Ms ob- In camming and when the Hawaiian Islands get a Hutchinson Sugar Plant 1 servations during the trip, Mr. Car- series of good roads they will undoubt- Kahuku Plantation Co. If penter said: edly get every year have Bethel Street Phone 3646 " tourists who Kekaha Sugar Co "Conditions in the Hawaiian Islands heretofore gone abroad. Koloa Sugar Co 165 reveal an era of prosperity which the they McBryde Co, 10H 11 - experienced "It Is interesting to note that Sugar Ltd. hare not heretofore ov?r Oahu Sugar Co 30 S0a IMP'- Dy of price have in the Hawaiian Islands one of there reason the present Olaa Co, Ltd 14H of sugar. Boat now going to the the best equipped and most thoroughly Sugar 144 islands, organized national guards of any cen- Onomea Sugar Co. 51 for the first time, are able to Co carry all of the automobiles that the ter in the United States. Their ranks Paauhau Sugar Plant. dealers can take and sell. Heretofore are full and volunteers are coming in Pacific Sugar Mill tt!'iHIIIi,f" dealers have been far behind on their daily. The people on the Hawaiian Paia Plantation Co. N orders. They cave only caught up Islands have no fear whatever of a Pepeekeo Sugar Co. TheA a slight Japanese invasion or of German sub Pioneer Mill Co SS'a with their sales because of 15 uncertainty in the minds of the buy marines. Honolulu, while a city of San Carlos Milling Co... 1'l many thousands, haa fewer than 15,000 Walaiua Agr. Co...... 2T 27 Taste Lingers ing public of the islands as to the 30 effect a declaration of war will have white people and supports far in ex- Wailuku Sugar Co on commerce. cess of 3000 automobiles at this time. MISCELLANEOUS their Dev. Ltd, mer-cha- nt In the course of another twelve Endau Co, .... 1TX1 1 mind and body. '1 Interviewed bankers ar J fefrcthef and inviroratea a. tired as well as automobile dealers months in the city of Honolulu alone 1st la Assess. (5 pc Pd lairlf teem with the piquant flavor ol the huciou logan--' opinion there will be over 5000 automobiles 2nd Is. Assess. 90 pc Pd PHEZ and they are all of the that a 20 declaration of war cannot but stimulate running. The predominance of high-grad- e Haiku Fruit A Pack, Pd. & Pack, Com Absolutely fret from f mentation At All Fountains business there and they will be unable cars is particularly noticeable." Haiku Fruit Protect your car with an Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc A.? 5 'will'take two years Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 pc... Hawaii Con. Ry; Com. ... Aetna Automobile Policy HOTEL PURCHASE to put lens coalfields Hawaiian Electrie Co. . . . in working condition Hawn. Pineapple Cc ... 41 41Jj Hon. Brew. & Malt. Co... 13 14 . - , - ' , ' . . . ' Castle & Cooke, Ltd. By Assodatad Pr.stl Hon. Gas Co, Ltd General Insurance Agents Fort' and Merchant 8treeta FOR ARMY Y. M. PARIS, France. It uill take nearly Hon, R. T. & L Co two years to put the coal fields in the Inter-Islan- d Steam Nav. . neighborhood of Lens into - working Mutual Telephone Co. . . V$jis II condition again after the destruction Oahu Railway A Land Co nm effected by the Geimans there, ac- Pahang Rubber Co. urn i cording to Carlos Devtan, head of one Selama-Oindln- gs Plan, Pd. mm Selama-Dirdlrrg- a 63 pc of the large coal mining companiei P, HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. of that district Tanjong Olok Rubber Cc A cablegram to W. A. Horn, repre 'The success of the British around BONDS Stocks and Bonds senting the parent association, brings Lens is of inestimable value to Beach Walk Imp. DIat... ' m .. t a. newa to the effect that the New York France, he said today. "We have been Hamakua Ditch Co, (a.. Real Estate Insurance headquarters has taken final action awaiting the return of this district Hawaii Qon. Ry. 5 pc. a a 88 Safe Deposit Vaults assuring the purchase of the Royal for a long time, and have prepared at! Hawaiian Irr. Co, 0s .... iMetuseIv property an army Actare Hawaiian hotel as be Haw. Ter. 4 pc Refund . . i our measures so that there shall law as Eiecu-T- ; and .navy Y. M. C A. With regard no more delay than necessady. The Haw. Ter. 4 pc Pub. Imps. Authorised by to act Trustees, SPECIAL BOUND TEIP TICKETS to the message and the local cam mines of Lense produce 4,000,000 tons Haw. Terr. Pub. Imp. 4 pc tors, Administrators and Guardians paign to raise funds, Mr. Horn says: of coal and 1,000,000 tons of coke Hawn. Terrl, Si pc. .... "My cable tells me that not only yearly, shut is is doubtful if this can Honokaa 8ugar Co, 6 pc. 95 has New York appropriated the be reached again within two years. Hon. Gas Co, Ltd, 5s . . . 1175,000 conditionally promised, but "Some of the shafts may be put In Kauai Ry. Co, 6s a a a a that a. power of attorney, permitting working order in a few months, how- Manoa Imp. DIsL 5Ti pc. me to take title to the property and McBryde Co, .. necessary ever. The assistance of the United Sufear 5s.. 992 'set to work on the altera States will be a matter of ital im- Mutual Telephone, 5s ... Apply at once for information to tions, is in mail. A the portance to us in this work, for the Oahu Railway & Land Co. e Alexan "I shall set to work immediately. lerl c us quickly with Oahu Sugar Co, 6 pc... will an attorney probably, Americans can furnish It take necessary, sugar co, o pc a a i to eure the powerful machinery uiaa three weeks or a month make obtained in France Pacific Guano, & Fer. Co. Inter-Islan- that the title la clear in every par which could not be d Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. many Pacific 8ugar Mill Co, 6a a a a sub-lea-se for months." Baldwin ticular and that all the San Carlos Milling Co... 4041 Queen: Street holders are protected, but while the Phono " NOVEL WINDOW DISPLAY your snrplus capital in ' .... - . v lawyer la busy, an architect can be ii 3 Limited drawing up plans and 'specifications SHOWS EARLY HONOLULU Latest sugar quotation: 96 deg. test, your fam- 5.83 cents, or 8116.60 per ton. own and your for the alterations. r. Sugar TFirst and foremost, though, comes ily's welfare.' Start a Sav- Factors - ' . Two original and entirely different .:- : ?;'.'''.'-';- New. ap i : ' V our campaign here. York's Commission propriation ia still,conditioned by our window displays are engaging much ings Account Merchants ability to raise 1100,000 here, we attention at the Henry May & Co. Sugar 5.83cts nearly amount store. ' Mauka of .the entrance are a aad Insurance Agents have . the entire pre pledged, but not quite all. What we number of plcfures, especially Henry Waterhouse Trust C6n r want to do now ia to clean up our pared for the concern, showing early Bhare." Honolulu in interesting scenes, and Ltd. 4 makai Is a window full of various Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Interest Paid on Savings Agents for types grown by O. Wilder. SUMMER LOTS IN PUNA of taro P. Exchange Hawaiian Commercial A Sugar Percy A. Swift, manager of May's, Fort and Merchant Streets Deposits. Company. . WILL SELLA!. AUCTION explains . that the pictures marked Telephone 12C8 "Honolulu 40 years ago" were obtain Haiku Sugar Company. Olaa summer lota in Puna, Hawaii. Photographer ASSESSMENT NOTICE, ed from J. J. Williams' Pala Plantation Company. will be sold at public auction on July big collection of old plates, and en- Bank of Hawaii, 16, at "the land office in Hilo. Ac larged present Maul Agricultural Company, to their size. The ' N tutltMIitflityJ"r,.,-r.;- - CALIFORNIA-HAWAIIA- DEVEL A', cording to the terms of the sale, one- Hono- Hawaiian Sugar' : CIrit cf; lii. i scenes show a celebration in Company, i C U. a. ! Itsadards. OPMENT COMPANY. Location prin Ltd. ttyt ii Bata K fifth of the vurchaae price must be lulu, depicting style of buildingi points comphat th oJy ml tMt. b- - ' the cipal place of business, San Francisco, Kaholul Railroad Company. ? 'V, paid down, the balance to follow in ? uick eelratiaw snxi on the main streets with the second Fort and Merchant McBryde Sugar 9vm tur uttinc. r equal instalments. Purchasers of lots California. Company. anun wrer.tfTn4 tUotatalr SO Silinf Minis. 7i rstory lanais. Children in the scenes Kahuliu mast also agree to keep 40 trees, in now comprise-- Honolulu older genera- Notice is hereby given that at Railroad Company. on-eac- h . held Kauai tbt foists! ptote. ( cultivation 'them, and erect tions. meeting of the Board of Directors Fruit Land Co, Ltd. 1917, assees-- houses costing not less than $300. The taro forms a more timely sug- thj 28th day of March, an Honohia Ranch. -- i;- 9 mat ' gestion of "growing your own." The ment of one cent (lc) per share was The Lnkenbach pier has been seiz Window was especially arranged by levied upon the capital ctock of the ed by the United States, but norea-sona.wer- e Mr. and Mrs. Wilder. corporation, payable April 28th, 1917, tnfr.Cr.3H, tad tltoa has Its bontag given. It ia one of the larg in United States gold coin, to Harry chaisy . twists ia S pswxaZr mlaf, ambrvkaa est to New York harbor. . - A. Kunz, Treasurer, at the office of low bclU- -t roints far aaty starting, nediuas CONDEMNED- SCALES ARE Building, r the company. Room 859 Mills bo.Ur--f (or tuck and sAeoUi acctWraboak - r..iti BY INSPECTOR Bush Montgomery streets, San Liffc bo points far yawtr sad mDaae. . t SEIZED and Honolulu Any Na flalztu-- s caa tatitala aa Sfibfokaa chaia f Francisco, California. stock - county in- upon this assessment shall. re ttx ita tha koadrtds af iatannadiats Robert Ullis, city and which (LIMITED) rlntt tra itlr't.--j. Ea sort aa4 gat Ks4 Cnwa. spector of weights and measures, is main unpaid on the 24th day of May, . ' Ltd. - w yaw gutaa oat a sfiatam 1nat In tha TTtMat of fcfa apmtannual 1917, will be delinquent and advertised V 1 v'-- . T Inspection public auction, Fort Street, near Queen and a pl'e of condemned for sale at and unless SUGAR scales various patterns in the corner payment is made before, will be sold FACTORS of Transacts a general Bankin COMMISSION of his office bear witness to his activ- on TUESDAY, the 26th day of June, Business. MERCHANTS ity, but what Lillis does not like is 1917, to pay the delinquent assess SHIPPING AND INSURANCE that just as soon as he is finished be ment, together with the cost of adver Inrites your account and guar AGENTS antees N 'V. has to start all over again. tising and expenses of sale. safe and efficient serrice. Lillis makes a number of inspec- By order of the Board of Directors. Exchange, Letters of Credit and every although TraTelers Checks issued on tions week and it is HARRY A. KUNZ, Secretary. FORT - . - principal points. ST, HONOLUCU, T. H. seldom he finds a scale or weighing Office Room 859, Mills Building, device maliciously tam- . V- - that has been ' pered with often he finds springs Bush and Montgomery streets, San Francisco, CaL CableTransfers worn until they are quite useless for , List of Officers and Directors: 0m accuracy. March 28th, 1917. E. F. BISHOP. President X In conjunction with his other work of chauffeur examiner Lfllls conducts McBRYDE SUGAR CO, LTD. The National City Company the weights and measures inspection New York ri'vers S!?!. 1 DIVIDEND NOTICE. San Francisco it twice a year and i3 always busy. When INVESTMENT BONDS Vice-Preside- nt and "sie'retir he has finally completed his regular Vice-Preside- nt '.''fc just Notice is hereby given that on ac- - H. A. BRUCE Tenderloins, Sirloins, inspection he usually finds it is M31 coun or payment or a on "0SS Treasurer about time to start it again. the dividend 200 Bank of Hawaii Bids. Tel. 1319 wcw. it. Director T.bones or round, the common stock of the McBryde u. n. carter MONEY' Sugar Co., Ltd., the stock books of the buuivc Director ten- REPORT MADE J. R. GALT Director thick; juicy and company will be closed for transfers R. A. COOKE , FROM FISH AND GAME 25, E. C. PETERS Director island-grow- n from June 14, to June 1917, both D. tL MAY der steaks, dates inclusive. 210 McCandleaa Bldg. Director nj Assejtaad Praia J. WATERHOUSE, Honolulu, T. H. and therefore DENVER, Colo.-Colora- do's fish Stocks, Bonds, Securities, Loans TfiU game department is said to be Treasurer, McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. It dolus a service to your friend to show him . pala-- and . Negotiated, Trust Estates J. F. MORGAN t ftesh, clean and one of few the country 6807 15t Managed CO., LTD. ' the in that the pendent. valxie of "a tTingi accbiziit Having table, are to be ob- "made money" last year and the pre STOCK BROKERS ceding one. Its receipts, as shown by Information Furnished and Loans tained at our shop. the report of the fish and game com- Made one yotrrseljVyon are probably in a position to prove Keep your missioner recently made public, were BUY Merchant 8treet Star Building 3106,424.79 for the biennial period, Phone 1572 to hiin qniddy just how it has been of positive value while Its expenditures were 398,639.89. SAVINGS forty-seve- n Island If you cannot visit Two hundred persons Products! In a safe place. We pay h Interest you. - to We will be very itlad if you bring: him in to were arrested last year for violation Ask Your Dealer BISHOP A COMPANY. THE YOKOHAMA us and select the cut game 173 SPECIE BANK. w of the fish and laws, while for these 8PECIALS: LIMITED vs, expiam an xne personally, phone were arrested in 1915. Licenses is- j anaei.na aavantauswomnffs sued in 1916 were 58,751, against New lot pf fine Bermuda Capital euDscrlDed...yen 48,000,000 (3-4-4-- 5) P. Capital paid up of. such an account under many possible conditions. and we will 53,916 in 1915. Onions 4c lb H. BURNETTE yen 30,000,000 79 Merchant 8L Phone 1844 Reserre funds yen 2L300.000 7 " exercise utmost care Island Peas, select. .8c lb. 8. AWOKI, Local Manager JHe wiD, of couwe, be under no obligations whatsoever. COLORADO PRODUCTS NOTARY PUBLIC in its choice. GIVEN FINE BOOST (Cheaper than canned peas) Commissioner of Deeds Irish Potatoes, 5c to 6c lb. California and New York fBy Ajsociatad Prassl Draws: Wills, Deeds, Mortgages and s, you get any FOR RENT --.FREDERICK, Colo. Bank officials If cannot there at an Legal Documents Electricity, Wc pier At the clean, new here estimate that the agricultural other stand at these fig- gas, screens In all hour.ee pay 4 t cent interest on time deposits. entail -- products of this region this year will ures call at fine oearoom Tionse; garage; 30. equal or surpass the value of all coal house; garage; 25. mined, though this is considered gen Insurance Small cottage in town; S14. Territorial Marketirig B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. erally as a coal mining section solely, i MetroDolit of mln--j J. H. SCHNACK an The reason is that most the PHONE 4915 S42 Kaahumanu St. Telephone S833, 9 ami 3 vuiu v anusj ouuaii iuui v luuai Division Fire, Life, Accident, Compensation plots of ground. It Is said that prac- '"J 5 r- - Queen SURETY BONDS tically every acre of irrigated land in Maunakea St, near PACIFIC ENGINEERING Meat PHONE 1840 Sewings Dep&hrieni ; the region and much non-irrigat- land COMPANY, will produce beans or corn under the Large Assortment of LIMITED - miners' cultivation this summer. FIELD AND GARDEN Consulting Pea jnljg and Con- ., Street r Jierchant; Market Money to Loan structing Engineers The school board of Boston has SEEDS Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Strao on aalevat the market. discharged severaLxr.es teachers, one! HOME INSURANCE. COMPANY OF tnres, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys . . . . . - "I WATCH THIS AD DAILY. ' - woman . ana a jamT.pr. pecause tney : HAWAII, LIMITED tests. Reports- - and Estimates cs Pr HONOLULU STAE-BDLLETI- K, MONDAY, JUXE11,. 19X7..


Fpecial were Imld at Kau- - The Elks' Flag Day progTu com- rriakapiii church --yesterday in observ mittee has computed arrE?tn:ents BayerTablots ance of the tenth annual Children's for the public ceremonies to h. held t)ay. The proKram was as follows in front of the capitol Thura.iav tuni- Praise song, general audience; ng at 3 o'clock. AND Aspirin fourth commandment, song. "Remem General Strong and his aide, c a;n.;in t.r tLe Sabbath Day'; hymn, page Clark and aide. Governor I'inkha n. 2o. psalm lo prayer, response, sons. General Johns m and Mayo.- - Lane Ona bum BAYER MitJiinjr Szar& For Thj Is Children? Day"; reci have all heen invited as horn,: g'icsts. BOBBY HARROW tb er of Aspirin. Tb "Byer Crou" U on taticn. "Welcome," by Amy Lum; The Waikiki front sectnn of the The Two Famous Stars of "Intolerance" and "Birth of every package and tablet of the genuine. So f- recitation. "I'll Try," by Alice Neu stand will be reserved for nienihers a Nation' In asti rwtt may be ineffective and often harmfuL mann. of the Elks and their families r.n-- Hesitation, "Sir Galahad," by Mr. friends and on the Ka s.lo s: coal Kaaha's class; song by Miss Bray's sections will be reserved for . SATLHI clays; recitation. "Keep the Faith," by OryerCroM V S V cf Purity" A. R. veterans. Spanish war veter- Stanlev Kellett; recitation. "Our ans and veterans of foreign w.rs. Ku Aon mi" Armor," by Mr. Ernest Chung Hoon'3 boy 1 mehameha students and "Hoodoo T1U ia f 2. bottb f 24. boltlM of 100. class; hymn, page 6."., recitation. A simple little story a b 2--4. lodges of f 1 1 pKkMM ef 12 aaa Other and societies such as girl who can never do the right Ij'I V ' ,Sm - Capote to imM "Liff-'-s by Miss Namauu's Mirror,' the Sons and the Daurr'-V-- cf the do My Best, thing. How she finally wins out and breaks hoodoo Thatrafe-Mrf- c "ApH" ftm. V.&. Put. OfTWi class; recitation, ill Revolution are being In '.e i. the M iutt of that tht iimui rtihmr bv Mr class; - iwumm tabtm aad n I'lunahele's recitation. 'The program follows- makes a pretty little story. Mtmrirrd SMe "The Besj I'osseshiuns," by Mrs. Kaa Spangled Da'iiier, '' U i Quest of Music. "Star has class; recitation. "The waiian Band. MACK SWAIN in "BY STORK DELIVERY" the Best," by Mrs. Vieira'F class; Introductory exercises, lor chorus by the school. ex:cltl r Keystone Komedy (Nuf Sed) "Wave, Banner of the and officers. Recitation. Prayer, chaplain. COLORFILM Bobby Harren, the Trlangl-Fl- e Arts King." by Mrs. S. K. Kamaiopili's PA7HE NATURE AND SCIENCE 7 i Music, "Columbia, the Gem at the Star Now Appearing In Hoodoo class; recitation, "We Are Little Pil Prices 10. 20. 30 Cents. ,a Ann.' grims." by the classes of Mr. Hutchin Ocean.' Hawaiian B n! Oriental Silks son. Miss Kauakahilau and Mrs Altar service, building floral Liber- Bray; recitation, "Trust Him," by ty Bell, esquire and officers. and Silk Crepes jut arrived. Miss Oilman's class: recitation, "A Reading of flag record, H n. !rrin Now on display at our storv. Lei of Flowers." by Mrs. Lum's class; Andrews. offering, hymn, page 86. and benedic Song, "Auld Latq Svne," ffi?ers tion. and members. HOWMAEMARSH th- - Flag. L 35 Hold Si n Elks' tribute ti Harry Special Holiday JUJ JliVii-- Murray. Matinee 2:15 p.m. Hotel St., near Ntraanu Music, medley of patrijti : irs. Ha- NATIVE SAMOANS waiian Band. ROUTS HOODOO Patriotic address, 'Ion S. C. Huler. MJiTiiirr i , f Song, "America," .clience. 1U 111 DANCE AT FETE Honojulu should contain many sym- .. "i a i tcfficffi " 'Homo 0 of POEM TO PIANIST BY pathizers for petite Mae .Marsh, the featured star at the Hawaii theater At 2: 15 o'clock I i inAt7:40o'cloclc Summer Rates L Y. C0RRETHERS IS in "Hoodoo Ann," and it. is not ne- Excursion The dance tonight at the Old Plan OF LOCAL INTEREST cessary that these be all young folks NOW IN EFFECT tation will see the real and final end as Ann is addicted to a habit that of the 1917 Carnival, and from the The following poem was written by is no respecter of age. Her trouble Pauline Frederick Old tomorrow will begin is in Plantation L. Y. Correthers, formerly of Hono "doine the richt thine at the SUMMER MONTHS. of the right BETWEEN DURING THE the distribution of the floats lulu, to the noted pianist, Katharine time,"' and, apparently, "it can't! 30 Pan-Pacifi- c TICKETS, limited to to the be de-- 1 EXCURSION late Pageant Goodson, under circumstances which done." This is the reason Ann HONOLULU days from data of Bale, vyi be so'.d schools and kindergartens of the city, serves sympathy. No matter how i the give it an added artistic ' tine;e and AND dcily at tbe regular single fare for as educational features for their hard she tries the 'hoodoo" U inreg-- i a, doubly appreciated by the Honolulu and Wai-alu- were solidly make it SLAVE rr nd trip between g.Vunds; for these floats artist. santly on the job and sets at nought 'The WAIALUA Kahuku as folltiws; represent some well-know- n Haldwa and built to It was at Melba's home in Mel her best laid plans. HALEIWA architectural feature of a Pacific city, had How Ann perseveres in her iattle -- Flrat-Clas- s . ..$2.15 background bourne this winter that the diva MARKET" as tonight they are the house-part- y with the hoodoo Until she is finally AND Second-Clas- s 180 a which included Miss for the merry-maker- s of different Pa Musicians, victorious is the nearest approach to 10th EPISODE OF KAHUKU wbo Goodson and Corethers. a cific nationalities of Honolulu writers, painters were present. The plot in this, charming little story. gather to assist in the celebration of Of course there must be a roaaance iV was decidedly Miss Good-so- n "Pearl of the Army"! Day for the delectation air artistic. such an offering ThF Kamehameha played during the evening and and there is. PATHE WEEKLY NEWS of the public. produced on other party to Ann's romance is Bob- VAVLWB big at an effect Correthers that by Harron, FREDERICK I Oahu Railway The show and entertainment inspired the following thought and one of the supporting stars PRICES: 10. 20 and 30 Cent j tbe Old Plantation opened early this night of Triangle-Fin- e Arts films. Both of upon of vis found for him a sleepless until f'LYfcRS-paramou- nt Boxes 50 Cents. Phone 500 afternoon the arrival the he could put It into the following these stars were originally featured in fAous iting Samoans; and there are 20 other verses: "The Birth of a Nation." - -- 17 I! II II LI TTTT TTTT TTTT represented on the Mack Swain, among ti ttTTtTfl HI! nl nationalities If we but stand beside a great ma the leading art- grounds, led these are now making ists appearing in Keystone Komedies, merry song and dance and pag- chine is responsible a with That with wild force and strength for larea volume of will to do so until laughs ly an- eant, and continue Tears element from element and in Story Delivery," COMMENCING midnight, with the cooperation and other of those famous mirth-producin- g public Ha forms rap- assistance of the and the Vast engines that control earth's films for which the Hawaii is ' waiian band. strongest powers idly becoming famous. TONIGHT Besides the various villages of dif ferent Pacific nationalities there will Our bodies seem weak, feeble, frail and shrink 1NTKA NO C be numerous side-sho- and refresh NG booths, perhaps big fea From contact with the Titan whose DAR STORY IS ment but the mere touch THEVITAGRAPH ture of fete will be Gordon Us- - the Would dob usrof the precious spark of borne's "Festival of Pele," to take ' 7X -- iBltaf Ribbon Feature) r ' life. --- y?. place at 8 o'clock In the evening. The PRESENTS goddess --of fire presides at the SEEN AT dread But magic of thy BIJOU when beneath the ; 11-- . mouth of the volcano, and under her NAOMI CHILDERS V .... f i touch and iBegin classified advertising campaign direction the evils which beset Hawaii pour upon v ANTONIO MORENO yoTir are cast into the fiery crater. The floods of music the JS world, "The Devil's Prize." sounds like an Tha Pepula Flm Start lit NOW" for that new position, to "sell' your Telling of joys too rare to e'er be interesting title to a photoplay and I It known, it is. At the 3Ijou theater "The ST V m car,' to rent your nouse or room, 10 una a MORE HELP FOR Of sorrows deeper than the deepest Devil's Prize," with Antonio Moreno A depths and Naomi Childers in leading lost- - the i ;l house or room, to find articles,' etc Of strength to conquer even unknown roles bracketed as stars should foes. prove a strong drawing card. It is a FRENCH KIDDIES Then, our bodies seem like bands of daring story, daringly handled. It is OeviFsPrize .1' steel true to human nature, by the large struggling a type That hold and bind the and dealswith particular that A tartling Photoplay with genuine soul that yearns is all too well known in modern so- Antonio Moreno te A!CD human thrills. Also an up-to-da- Subscriptions for French war or To free itself and leave the earth and ciety. ' BestResults phans are still coming in steadily to sail main idea of the story appears Week orrent Kveoti The Naomi Childers the local, committee, and chances lTpon thy opalescent sea of tone. to be to demonstrate how "Satan Burton-Holme- s "THE DEVILS PRIZE" Travelogue and a seem bright that the new allotment takes care of his own." The leading Bray . naturally come from the Cartoon. soon - T' of 150 children will be cared for ST. LOUIS STUDENTS character, it would be hardly fair o v. by people and organizations in the call him the hero, is a man of polish, PRICES: 10, 20 and 30 Cent ;'; Reserved Seats, 50c .i'l h territory. HAVE ENTERTAINMENT refinement and education with a bent Vr.. The entire staff of the Hawaiian away from the dictates of society and Sugar Planters' Association has With the seniors as hosts to the civilization; entirely lacking the cour- JCUf 1 ' Bulletin agreed to care for three children, and uniors, sophomores and freshmen. age of his convictions. His every ef- - - ...... ' . . r anothei subscription has come from the the final social function preparatory fort is to fix the blame for his misdeeds staff of the Library of Hawaii. to the commencement exercises were on an innocent person and in this he KATHARINE UU College on Friday, STARS FEATURE f5 6,0 raid Subscribers Last night the Mystic Lodge, held at St. Louis is usually successful. Knights of Pythias, voted to tbe program being as follows: There comes a time when Satan subscribe .Dj Macconel for two of the orphans and for $500 Welcome claims his own, a time when it is im- worth of Liberty bonds as well. Music Senipr Glee Club possible to longer carry on the decep- C. Geo. Lee LIBERTY Others who offered aid yesterday Speeches Mun and tions, when liesare no longer of any FILM mi :v i 4911 Class H. Lau Tan la ? Phone your Ad to were Mrs. Arthur Berg and Mrs. Vesta Review of avail and when "The Devils Prize" Selection from Julius .. WORLD-FAMOU- -- Caesar... comes hands of his master. THE S PIANIST H. Richardson. N. Yim H. into the Wal and Kanahele A photodrama with a punch is Who has Just arrived Honolulu from L. Lino 'that "The Slave Market," . a Famous ia Piano solo well worth seeing.. the Far East en route to the Malnlani AUTOMOBILE LESSONS Wit and Humor H. Stender Players production with Pauline Fred in leading role PLANNED FOR WOMEN Speeches erkk the and Thomas -- will grre her-- . .A. Lee Kai, Chas. Eklund, T. Hore V. V. NEWELL AND' MISS Meighan in close support. Is the latest offering at the Liberty Wednesday" morning a woman's Speeches G. G. SCOTT WED TODAY feature theater ' - ' Chun Chew and Wong Ah Hu and it is one of the best vehicles in r. class featuring the latest step in war which this famous emotional star has Second and preparedness assemoles at,, Mrs. E. Barbara Frietchie William Henry Fry offi- N. Yah Yim M. With Rev. yet appeared, also ofte of the best re- N Faxon Bishop's garage on Nuuanu and Kanahale V. Newell, manager of the '. ciating, V. cently sent to Honolulu through Para- avenue for lesson in intri- Class Will J. Gilliland department of Rmoot its first the Solo automobile tire mount Pictures service. Pauline Fred- Recital Vocal Louis Gaspar Georgi-an- a cacies of automobiles. & Steinhauser, Ltd., and Miss erick figures as one of the most ver- A of 20 city were to be -- the- - class has been enrolled HOBEN'S INTERPRETATION G. Scott of this satile of screen stars of the present at ov are your broilers under the auspices of the Woman's married this afternoon at the Metho- day and this ability has been well Misslon Memorial Hall, King Street Branch of the NaAy Leagje for this OF PARSIFAL CHARMS dist parsonage. Following the cere- demonstrated la her local appear, purpose and the popularity of the new mony the couple will make an auto- ances. For Instance, as the raging oh WEDNESDAY NEXT, June 13 course has beea so ereat that another Sydney Francis Hoben charmed mobile tour of the islands, after which French actress "Zara," and the stun- at 8:30 o'clock p. m. ? nearly organized at 1033 Eleventh commg on class is but no ar an attentive audience at the Central they will be at home ning English adventuress in the Ori- Mason and Hamlin Piano used. rangements have yet been made for its Union Church yesterday afternoon at avenue, Kaimuki. ent. "Bella Donna:" as the simple Tickets on Sale at the Bergstrom J instruction. Any n.ember of the league the vesper services with his interpre- American child of the forest, "Aud- mar join: tation of Wagner's Parsifal. The rey, and now as Ramona. the proud Music Co. The von Harrm-Youn- g Company ?s usual Christian Endeavor meeting and haughty slave. Are they good and plump and fat so that they Price of -- umishing a car and an expert me was postponed. Si! The romance Seals with the fascin-r.tir;- g Seats $2X0 will command the highest market prices? chanician for tho instruction T. O. This was Mr. Hoben's last recital e old tpic o" the Spanish Main. Special rate for Students. Duggan, an expert repair man from at If not; let jus recommend a good here for some time and his playing The General and Universal Film Ramona being the captive of a band the sales department, will start the was as replete with soul and tech- f pinups 3iid chosen for her beauty good SERVICES. DRILL AT UNIVERSITY work. nique as It was when he played it here !y the leader as hi? own. Iie tuc-- i H. R. f - Mrs. Macfarlane. president years ago. - pcds in re- fey several Da;';- Matinees (except Sarurdp.ys nnd k'lina th pirate and, for Aoclatd Prs the new class, said today it would Mr. interpretation began folio SPOKANE, s Compulsory -' Hoben's i Holidays') from 1:'0 to 4;i'" o'clock pii:'', his vers decide to sell the ash. mil- Fattening Ration meet three times a week from 1 to 2 after a short service presided over i:irl info slavery Ramona ia sold itary training hat been started St' o'clock in the afternoon. Women who by Rev. Frank S. Scudder. Reading Saturday and Holiday Matinees from. !i;r to the rr.an who loves her and Spokane I'niversitr with a corporal, operate their own oars may bring the history of Parsifal Mr. Hoben 10:00 a m. to 4:00 o'clock. i.cui he lo from Fort George Wright in charga them to the school and become more gave the most important music in each Evenings 'two shows t J.;'' aiid St" The drarra '.is filled with action. and a!! athletic schedules have been Our long experience in making up feeds here in conversant with their inside workings. act, leaving the audience with a good o'clock. .;v( rflows voffi suspense and is grlp-piugl- y called off to make way for military general impression of the entnv PICTURES CHANGED DAILY. ititnv in its dramatic emo-riona- l preparations. The training is held Hawaii puts us in a position to expertly advise ''' CATHOLIC PICNIC IS opera. Prices: 10, 13 Cents. portrayal. ih:e Afternoons a week. ' :. you. HELD AT ORPHANAGE

A picnic was held Sunday at th grounds of the Kahhi-vtk- a orphanage, 4-1-- 2-1 by the Apostleship of Prayer, a Catho- Don't forget Phone lic organization, the benefits of the affair going to the orphanage. Music was furnished by the St Louis College band and glee club, also by A several other Hawaiian musical organizations. During the afternoon Rev. Father Patrick St. Leger of the Catholic Cathedral spoke on the or phanage, which is supported by the Catholic Mission and cares for 100 California Feed Co., Ltd. orphans, mostly girls.

Phone 4121 I f uBi iy fexpoanr to Bun, Dast ud Win Alakea and Queen Sts. I by MariiM Eye VUmAj. ti ;:',.. - :: .-.- ,..;. ' your V,.- a't-- T irt 5y Comftwc At Dragy!'' after meal f.lr n or Pr Battle. Tor Book of l& mm WORK AT BOYS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL WHEN THINKING BOSMESS

EDITOR Waialee Now Has It is modern in eery respect beln; RILEY H. ALLEN Institution equipped with a fine oil burning Figure On What You Can Do By Own President, Congress steam plant, a modern steam laundry, JUNK 11, 1917. PERSHING. elec- MONDAY and Trial Jury machine shop, fully equipped j trical plant and wood working plant. with him During the coming period numerous Going Ahead. KAMEUAMEHA DAY. "If Jack Pernhing has nny "dead one' government for the inmitea of! when ihe 8lf additions will be made which will of in France, they'll be hunt led bark home the boye' industrial scaool. long the' fer more trade advantages to the Supt. Anderson, la Day impressively honored end bullets begin to fly and their iueflidenry shows up." desire of Fred beys, such as two dormitories, hos- ' Kameharaeba wai iiow a reality. pital, gymnasium, another trades and remarked an officer here whon he heard the Me--1 the Hawaiian socirtie did credit to themnelwH arniv At tbe initial election he!4 fthop and a new barn and reservoir. to the occasion with their street parade ana exer- news that Major-Genera- l John J. IV 'iIiin; had pone morial Dy, Joe Aloli, 21 years old, Kverything installed at the school is and a toy who likes tee school o in- jrrounds this morning. to France with a staff of American oflicer. done entirely by the boys under cises in the Capitol well that he will not leave, was struction. A racdera ice plant is now a chap." thi army man plectod po-- j V Each year recently ha Keen a growtfPin dipmnea "Pershing is the kind of president. He ran for the bein completed. "Don't Worry about the war cus- Mexico and not sition on the independent ticket and of ancient Hawaiian continued, "who will go down into nt Plan and picturesque portrayal polUd 147 votes, leaving hi Republi-- 1 you A form of has been Kameharaeha Day proces fire a shot for eleven month under orders. lut can and Democratic opponents in j tom and activities. The far proves be a suc- he command get into the the rear. Incidentally, because of his established which to clonal is beginning to rank in popular interest with can bet that when and his cess. Joe Aluli. one of the older "Work for its vigorous prosecu- any earnest work among his fellow In-- : Mid-Pacifi- c the thick of in Europe, he is not going to have boys waa the annual Carnival pageant, though it mates, Joe is to be presented with a of the school, elected to the I reeidency school republic May nor given in the form nincompoops making serious mistakes and doing watch and, after July 1, will be of the tion and speedy ending. program is not so elaborate lid 30 on the independent ticket. The damage to the cause. They will last just about as allowed $10 a month. of tableaus. com school has its own congress, which The school now has its own laws ; morning deterred many of the long as it takes for him to tell them to get out." gress. which compiles a penal code compiles its own penal code and The rain early this governing institution, its own who and laws governing the institution, the ft "Worry never . saved anybody uiroal participants from marching in the parade This estimate of Persbinsr ns an armv officer court for the trial of the boys. e and has own for of of the olden-tim- men under him its court the trial and canned those with fragile costumes means business and will see that the boys who have broken these laws. Last week the boys were presented the smallest pang." leave the costumes at home. Nevertheless, nVlivpr the. trorwls is lipid hv manv a man who "It is a fine idea and aids discipline with a silver cup as the winning team to of all the boys' clubs of Honolulu. vivid life in the parade, They look on Pershing as one who will to a remarkable extent," declares Su- there was much color and knowe him. perintendent Anderson. Samuel Robley has devoted much and the entire city gives credit to the Hawaiian do credit to the United States. Two Objects Apparent time and energy in working up ath- and much credit Is due who are thus honoring their country and Its great- Uncle Sam is bound to make mistakes iu this war. As Superintendent Anderson points letic interest cut, the object of the school is to pre- him as his work is responsible for est chieftain. . Pitchforking into important positions hundreds of pare the boys for something better in much of the success of the institution. , will test the after life, with a view to "the develoff The band must not be overlooked. men without experience in actual war shape Capt Berger WELL-DESERVE- ment of a positive interest in life and It is in fine and AN ARMY VICTORY 'individuals and the organizations down to tne last to come out weekly to give Paid Publicity Will Do It. r . the development of a personal am- continues dron of flirhtlnff-.blood- . The men who have tlie bition." the boys instruction. Music is prov- r D " R. D. Hoyles fleet mare ing a very important part Qf the Ha- The victory of Capt. E. goods' will come to the top. while the weaklings and Another interesting feature of the boy's The net paid circulation of is rresent-da- y work at school is waiian education. theJJJQ event of Saturday's races were tie the Star-Bulleti- Ratiifax in the feature the incompetents will he swept away, as they Out of 91 boys paroled last year n on April 13 wasOUOO has altering of the course of study. This the fitting climax to army sportsmanship which swept away in France when Joffre began lopping off recently was raised to the standard only seven have been recommitted. as helped to make Honolulu's racing and polo, always official heads or, to come to our own country, as maintained in the territorial nubile This speaks well for the school, schools, and Superintendent Anderson there is not much chance of the de- keener in fine competi- when (Jen Of- of a high type, so much the theV were swejt away in the Civil War is cooperating directly with de- linquent boy getting by Probation the which was planted te tion, eral Grant emerged from obscurity to supreme com partment of public instruction in this ficer Joseph Leal. Mr. Leal has done PLOWING BY NIGHT tract to be excellent work in his capacity as beans. This is the first time such i enters polo branch of the institution's work. 1 The army man who races horw or mand. guardian of the By Atiodatatf Press thing has been done In Colorado, s A. ' Perez, & parole officer and team Is always at graduate of Tuskogee school. FOSSTON, Colo. The "plowing by far as known. njainst civilan sportsmen and Institute, founded by homeless boys which leave the night" which the late Booker During few he has been accounts from Great disadvantage. For him it usually 1 . Washington, is the months somewhat of a SYSTEMATIC ROAD BUILDINO. a recent addition to placed 42 Britain describe as a war measure, Under the new prohibitory law S2i the academic of in office he has homeless was means the sacrifice of other thing. He must train staff the school and, boys with excellent people and only duplicated near here recently, soloons in Nebraska closed. Purchase & a teacher, is proving a valuable as-- when a big tractor was equipped U severe burden. . been returned for violation with manufacture, sale or gift of liquor his own horees, and their upkeep is a (From the Hilo Tribune). bet, says the superintendent. Mr. two have special lights to in- of that parole. The boys are still enable it to work prohibited, but possession la not tor He must do the training or polo practise in the With the establishment of n definite plan of road Perez not only instructs the boys in night and day plowing up a 400 acre bidden. academic work but arranges cared for after they leave the school. M military duties. Often the officer has various report to the parole of- terval of building in the County of Hawaii by the present forms of entertainment (hat serve to They must with which to. prepare for the very while away ficer for certain periods or until they fcant fadlitiea board of supervisors, something which the Hilo Tri the long evenings. by general contes- More Money Secured prove their character that Icen competition-whic- h Hawaii teams and bnne has been advocating for a year or more, there they can be trusted as other boy citi- An increase in all appropriations zens. is important and ac- tant invariably furnish. is every prospect that the time is not so far distant by This to- the legislature for the coming pe- counts for the few recommittals. The polo foun of the army can seldom be kept Then the people of Hawaii will have a right to be riod has made possible rapid progress season, Hawaiian fours at the school. The appropriation? Owing to better home comforts and IS season after as the proud of their road system. Great credit is due to nt plan charac- other provide for 17 of the the are lucky if a team from one members the staff, of the boys has increased 50 per r.sually: are.' They Chairman Bamuel Eanhane in working out this sys 131,000 for new buildings im- ter and cent over last year. Safe-keepin- .rear can play together the next, or even If they have tem and insisting upon its being carried out. All provements and an allowance of 45 g ta break in no inexperienced men. other members of 'the board also deserve credit for cents a day per boy for maintenance. face these disadvantages, army racing Little Is known by the public re- LETTERS In the of the manner in which they have supported the plan garding nature car- 1 the of the work ::.?n and polo players have given-Honolul- u sport-- When the asphalt belt various ried on at the school for the uplift of Valuables J roads through the of THE INCINERATOR NUISANCE. overs sonW wonderfully fine exhibitions. And it is districts are completed there will be saving of the juvenile offender. This can only a be learned by a visit "to the school. : civilian sportsmen of Hawaii 11, during o discredit to the thousands of dolars a year in tire wear t6 owners of The boys are given an academic edu- Honolulu, June your v. ho have usually carried off the major portion o automobiles, and most of the traffic these days is cation equal to the -- public schools, as an army the same plan of study is carried out. Sir: That some people of this city n absence t l.o say. that, the triumph of n victoriesto altogether by the horseless wagon. We believe that While the actual school hours are not are too cringing to assert their rights : c rse on Saturday, was si proof not only of the concrete is the best road material for all as long, owing to manual training, is evident They do not seem to roads. the realize that they could stop, a public ; hie beautiful animal,' but of actual time Is made up by carrying ?cd and gameness of which has so far been discovered, but the initial ex nuisance by petitioning the author of, owner and academic instruction throughout the o rportsmanship andgameness her pense is so great that this county is unable to build entire year. In addition to academic ities. One of the things, it seems to again the writer, that might be appeased T TJRINO your business or v$ca--k . .. 3 army men whose fine' spirit has again and them over, the great extent necessary to belt the work every large boy is given a chafes of sgmewhat in this way is the private : en abundantly shown oh the track or the polbjfleld a trade whichhe intends to J uuu wivu im&.,iuaicjiui, uui aepuau win ue agrear follow in Tlie incinerators allowed to run about tion trip to the' Mainland' this up-- after life. boy is given tie same kind of spirit that we as Americans Improvement over .the old method of road building practical and theoretical instruction town. Fumes from these .fires are carried by the strong trade winds sumrner, or to '. M for war or, peace,'.:. ;y.;;Y,- vv7 '"' '". L Meanwhile and every effort is made by the staff another Island, thero a start will be made with concrete on to try and produce real tradesmen. through the homes of many families. the Volcano road and about five miles of this road The smaller boys who are unable The only possible place for an in is no other form of protection cinerator in this town is on the beach, for val 7AKA0 OZAWiA8KB LEAVE TO VOTE. will be laid with this artificial stone during next to enter the shops devote their time the to gardening and agriculture. where 90 per cent of all the wind that germ-lade- n uable papers, jewelry, silverware, two years at a cost to the county of $200,000. We Work in the taro patch, which is blows will carry the. eta. bulletin), v . - VtFrom the 8aa Francisco are glad to have it, but the Countv of Hawaii is disagreeable at all times, is done by smoke out to sea instead of Into the Since the editorial below appare4, thrOxtw cats the boys who come up nostrils of your neighbor, who has as superior to that supplied by our Safe really paying for a road which more do not to any i fcesn transferred to the United SUtes supremi court. is an asset to standard in general character. It is much, right to pure free air as the territory large than county a one else. Deposit Department. Takao Oxawa of Honolulu is anxious to become at just Hawaii alone. form of punishment and at tbe same time produces taro which very es- It appears that there should be a Possibly the next legislature will recognize this fact is very 1 American citizen. Next Thursday the United sential as it is a very important ar- stringent law in regard to this, arguments bearing and provide for the completion of the concrete road ticle of diet Every piece of putrid matter, animal :jtcs court of appeals trill hear or vegetable, should be carried to one lived United to the volcano by the territorv. Boys Well Cared For Lis right to do so. Ozawa in the In general the boys are well cared place by the city authorities and Phone 3477 L. K. : r.tcr for twenty yearst V' He was for three years a for, well fed, and clothed, and have burned. E. chil-:- a A PROMISING every amusement Every : the. University of California. His START. available. j lent at kind of sport can be seen at the JAPANESE STUDENTS are-mov- GIVE ANNUAL SOCIAL have been brought tip in American fashion and school. There ing pictures ? spoken In his home is English, He gave police judge, Harry Irwin, is twice a month. language ,Honolulus hew The annual social of the Japanese ifrsirifaiKTMuTi citizen long ago 1902. impression upon all with The school is on a military basis, .lice of wanting to be a as as creating, a very favorable all duties being announced by the Students' Association of Hawaii was law-abidin- g; - de- 2 is intelligent and On the other police-cour- business-rth-at is, upon all except bugle. The boys stand colors both held Saturday evening at the Japan was born in Japan, him. We imagine that morning and evening. One hour of ese T. M. C. A. on Smith street All r.3, he is of Japanese race and fendants convicted before military every members and their friends have been magis- drill other day for : 1 if he is admitted to citizenship' any Japanese these individuals, do not regard the change of each boy, with settlng-n- p exercises asked to be present. RICHARD H. TRENT, PREsi ' u be admitted on the same' grounds as any: other mucn favor. Judge Irwin is making it every morning, is also a feature. Re- A literary program was presented CHAS. Q. HEISER, trates with every games JR TREAS. law-breakin- view is had Sunday and refreshments fol been on be-!-f morning and IRWIN H. r: on of foreign birth. It has argued a serious matter to be convicted of in fall dress wltS the band. The boys lowed the exercises. The officers of BEADLE, SECY. of Japanese citizenship that,the Japanese eith-- t His conduct of affairs in ourt is expeditious and drill with guns which were made in the association are H. Daifuku, presi- o'jbt not to be here at all Or ought to be granted attorneys comment favorably on. the new status. the shops by the boys .themselves. dent; S. Suyenaga, vice-preside- H. The completion of the trades build- C. Yamamoto, recording secretary; T. II pririleges; that no resident of the United States He has already had a housecleaning literally -- ing is a mark of progress for the Shimizu, corresponding secretary; U. - liHed by age and intelligence ought to be ezslud in his office. ' In his efforts to redeem the police school. This bnildine took abnut x Muramura, treasurer, and I. Miyamo- year to complete with two Instructors, to, auditor. I from a share In the government, and thaV the court from its dingy disreputableness he should --cscnt bars against naturalization violate Amer-z- a have the assistance of the city administration. The OLD GLORY'S CALL broken-dow- n by authorizing government without court-roo- m back- principles would disgrace a Don't you see those stars a shining in that glorious field of blue 3 consent of the governed. , On the other hand, it woods town of the kind that Mark Twain has made Don't you see those stripes a waving for the loyal and the true WEDDING GIFTS you contended that to give American citizenship to famous. is certainly a disgrace to Honolulu. It Don't see "Old Glory" smiling as she beckons you and me that will please and in-- line with economy, i It To come and fight for Uncle at Japanese is to create a toting unit which will rote water, kalsomine, paint, new furni- Sam and for Humanity? needs soap and CHORUS VIEIRA JEWELRY CO., 113 f-- r Hotel St. its own class Interests and for, the interests of ture, a decent covering for the floor, curtains for the Yes, we're coming now, "Old Glory, quick responsive to your call, we know your i : s former country ; that it will lead to a demand for windows few other things. As the home of For wondrous story of true liberty for all and a From the farm and from the city, from the North, South, East and West; - rcial equality and intermarriage; and that these justice, it is ndw a ridiculous travesty. What possi- Side by ; side well do our duty for the land we lovethe best - remits must be avoided at all costs. : ble impression of dignity or civic cleanliness, order But there is one point concerning which there has decency can the motley crowd of daily attend- We will meet our friends and brothers in the lands across the sea. and And well show them that our colors stand for true fraternity. ! oca confusion, yet which should be perfectly clear ants now get from the ancient furnishings, bare, Where 01d Glory" waves her greeting, there we'll follow to the end. Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. t o every Californian. The naturalization question soiled walls and general atmosphere of neglect? And well prove to all Our Allies that Old Uncle Sam's a friend. Is distinct from the immigration question. the CHORUS Yes, we're coming now, "Old Glory," etc. If 3iicago, May 20,. 1917. (Copyrighted) ERVIN A. RICE, 6613 Yale Avt. Japanese gain citizenship it will not V give their Passing of the buck has now become popular in 1 freedom immigration. Pan-Germa- Bethmann-Holl-weg,th- rothcrs of What the Japa upper n circles. Dr. Von e : claim to, want is not the right to immigrate, imperial chancellor, is charged with being 1 ut the right of those lawfully admitted to become responsible for the German army's defeat at the Meal JEs&afe citizens, They want, not -- a great economic advan--t Marne. Evidently the "goats" in Kaiserland have : poultice injured but a for pride. Whether this not all been eaten. San Francisco News-Lette- r. School St. - property ill be given them or not the courts will decide, but Fwfr it must be admitted that the desire is more reason--: Sale And now comes the report that Mexico has pro Situated near Xunanu Avenue. A large, commodious than that which was once credited to them. 23-10- lie house. 0 tested to Germany against submarine warfare. We Land area, acre. House and lot at Royal Grove $4000.00 would not be surprised if the kaiser returned the "Somebody is always taking the joy out of life, PRICE $4500.00 Lot at Dewey Beach 1150.00 note with the indorsement: "Lese nicht Spanisch." 1 3 quote' an eminent cartoonist.; Here Joe has Fern Portland Telegram. Lot in Spreckels Annex, cash or instalments . . . 1500.00 ; :st crowned two years of hard work by getting him--: If elected mayor of the city, and it is nrged that is refreshing to read of a sheriff with enough Auuanu Ave Lot. A few lots at Royal Grove on which owners desire :l.e mayor's entertainment fund be cut down to a It : courage mob 1D.000 offers. Liberal building arrangements pay- ::.cre nothing. Joe's predecessor enjoyed- - a large wit and to trick a of and save Valuable lot, 120x120 feet, on monthly vari-colore- his official -- red large d expense prisoners from lynching, as a Missouri ment plan if desired. car and a account PRICE $5760.00 Kat a cruel Republican board in the interest of effici--( did yesterday. ncy may reduce Mr. Fern's spending money to the . I oint where it will entertain hardly any of the dig-:- The Germans have been bombarded out of Ostend i taries who daily throng the ante-chamb- er and who and blasted out of Wytschaete. Next to shove them ! dped a w hole lot in getting the:big Fern vote in out of Lens and dig them put of Zeebrugge. Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. ' Guardian Co.,Ltd. f Trust Takaako and KalihL --v , - Real Estate Agents REAL ESTATE DEPT. Xo one need fear that his subscription to the Corner Fort and Merchant Streets new TeL3688 Stangenwald Bldg. - nnsda is rapidly setting a world's record for Liberty Loan will not be needed. Hawaii's share is P. O. Box 346 . v , Telephone 5701- GUARD Tfl.liELP : mm BiPfSFRom mm SI1K . YOUtIG GIRLS IN PUNAHOD'S JOHNSON CUP SHOOT CHANGES JULY 1 A Mother Wants Her Letter

mi fitr-Bnii- Reorganizati'm of the National i Obttm;od) Jmarksiran, not in the rifle. Published. s?eii 11. Guard of Hawaii aa by the OAHU COLLEGE. June The! The general expressed eatlsfac-Punaho- u ordered Forbes Ordered Into his war though arranged ferfSkfferKofe5 Academy shoetmg contest tion at the nseult of the meet, ind department not in detail yet guard headquarters, Eaton, 12. "I wish yon woaU pub- was held Saturday afternoon on the could ten-ma-n at declared that he take a benefit young . range. Company B win-- ; will probably become effective on lish this letter for the of Star-B-o i 0rrepesae Punchbowl team of these Pnnihm hnr (8ril lia tin July 1. girls. My daughter suffered greatly Active FORT SHAFT ER, June 11. News ning from Company A by a score of them so as to excel any team on the from female trouble with cramps, and Army s IOC Service lieatenant-colonel- 9 to 9S4, out of a possible 1203 of the promotion of the two islands. This, at least is the logical data, backache most or the points. headache, and at Fort Sh alter to the grade The boys slowed great interest in being the time Then the territorial time. . She never felt like working and colonel been received, and Col The prize for the match was a bau- - appropriations become one, a sort of has the shooting emd their interest is man and seemed as though she was sick ail tho V Superintendent! it ? Public Works onel William Weigel and Colonel tiful, appropriately engraved silver ifested by tile scores which follow. of milestone in government activities. time, I decided to try Lyxha E. Phfc ; loving cup. by I. w Assigned as Assistant to William R. Daahieil are receiving the offered Gen. 8amuel , The ranges were 200 yarda and 300 The work of deciding what companies ham's Vegetable Compound and it has h Department Signal congratulations ol their mends. Tneir jonnson. ine coniesi was announcea yards, rapid fire, and 500 rardu and snail oe eliminated m name, what . helped h?r in every way, in tact it nas Western appointments as colonels date from about three weeks ago. at which time 600 yards, slow Ore. Each dot had a trans fars shall Uke place and what really cured her, for she no longer has Officer; Acting rtead to Be May 15. 1917. Both these officers are about 50 boys presented themselves. possible 200. officers put on the reserve list is ' periodic pS'SS, and no more headaches now awaiting their assignments to hoping to make their company teams. , a Company D. Hayselden 177. R moving along steadily at guard head-- ' or backache, and 1 want an youny gins Named for Hawa th-s- s I. stations. Elimination contests reduced to Harveyl 165, C. Cassidy 163. C Tur-eig- ht quarters, hut no announcement will wuu iwicf a uaj www w men per team and on Saturday e Mrs. Auu. llxua, Eaton, I1L su.Wlntendent ner 162. H. Hitchcock 159, C. 8uther-th- be made until the whole organization Charles R. Forbes. Company K, 2nd infantry, has had six best were selected for the land 158. is completed. f mihitc works, been rdered into some changes past Experience hu made in it the match. These men had been coached B Company D, Pratt 175, D. Lar-- on Another GuTa and will week - Undir the order each regiment active service saJthis week. Corporal Guatav Rother, Jr., for the past three weeks by Gen. John- nach 174, Ind-"Fr- om In beconj assistant, W. Smith 171, G. 8cott 168. the outside islands la to become a New Castle. the time for the mainland to has been appointed a sergeant In place son, nimseli. assisted by Sgt Steven D. Cooke 161. F. Bowers 15S. old I seven la I of four companies war I was eleven years until was to the department sUn-- I officer, of Corporal Simmons, who was re-- j son Company. Guard battalion at W M of D National It will bei noted D. Hayselden teen 1 suffered each month so I had Department, with neadquar-ter- a that strength. In addition four of the Western ;.. duced to a private. Pvt. 1st Class Earl great progress. Lar-nac-h, The cadets made At is first, D. second and D. to be In bed. I had headache, backache , Pratt Oahu companies were to go outside : Ml ; L. Meyers has also been made a cor at 8an Francisco. first they were inclined to believe third. Hayselden will receive of Honolulu. and such pains I would cramp doable cablegram to the Hawaiian De- poral, promotions ana appoint the U. S. were no good, did (t The inese that rifles a prize for his excellence. This is a very month. I not know what ' partment ordering Forbes, ho is t. ments were by the recommendation of for the boys could not find where enp which Walter F. Dillingham has Resolutions renouncing allegiance was to be easy a minute. My health major tn the officers' resei to corps, the commanding officer of Company their shots were landing, but after offered. to the dynasty of King Constantlne, was all ran down and the doctors did morn- K. good. A told4 came Saturday night. Yesteflw Gen. Johnson had demonstrated that It is plaaned to conclude the Puna-ho- u and adhering to the government of M. not do me any neighbor ing Fobes was at Haleiwa, at Work on these rifles 'will score ten bullseyes military program ray mother about Lydla . Pinkham'a season for target firing has for 1917 by ex. VenUelos, havo been' passed In Sko a report for the uMUKj coo. mission, The out of ten, and after the boys them- ercises next Friday afternoon. Vegetable Compound and I took it arrived, and notwithstanding the un- These peloa and Halonesos, two islands of now feel like new person. 1 of which he la chairman, hen a selves had practised a while, they ar- exercises trill include battalion review the Northern Sporades. and I a friend came to and said, "X Je you certainty of belbg able to complete rived at the conclusion that the U. S. and drill, company don't suffer any more and I am regular -- the whole course, will be opened by the close order drill. every month.'' Mrs. Hazzx, HijciL are going into active service. ' Springfield is a great rifle and that presentatijon of awards, battalion pa- - news to me," said and 1st Battalian of the 2nd Infantry, wno the fault of a poor shot lies in the rade, and TOM. 822 South 15th St. Newcastle, Ind "It's For.'. commenced work this morning with retreat Girls who are troubled as these young; . was then told the news of thi cable I immediately reaching' In Major Ouy G. Palmer commanding v women were, should seek here had been REGISTRATION RETURNS by taking telephoned to Janolu-l- n and Lieut. Edward F. WiUell, Inf., restoration to neaitn In paper. He E. Ptnknam's vegetable Cam and found this to be the caw. The D. O. L. in charge of the range. This ACCIDENTS KEEP SHOW GOOD RESULTS telegram la as follows: battalion made a splendid record last -- percentage Major C. ft. Forbes, Slsal Ofleer, year, having a larger of bat- (Ajseciatod Frsu by T. 8. Xaval Commas!, v Reserve Corp a, assigned active duty higher scores than the other two talions. But remains to be seen cafloa Srvlc) 7-n- d proceed 8an Frar. ,eo, it POLICE ON JUMP directed WASHINGTON, D. 10. Ad- California, and report to commanding what they will do this year, as they O, June W re-- ditional returns general. Western Department fof have lately had a large number of have been received ! from an over the Union showing duty as to department nai crults join the battalions and perhaps that assistant will have as many more after the Accidents of many varieties occur- the registration for those states In . omcer. Sunday to keep the which record has been completed nt transport arrives from San Francisco red Saturday and the That to ail likelihood the am Tin-tende- police ambulance on the run and the amounts to 4,808,594. This Is the rec- see active duty at Jtaa next week. will emergency hospital --attendants busy. ord of 27 states, slightly more than war frontis the prediction, bastion The dance given by the ladies of the M. Gonsalves half union, but not inclusive of Saturday Policeman A ''r ..- i, annr.Snc te so i i the fact that recently It waa Theodore Roosevelt Auxiliary on Fri- reports that Abel Malkai. aged Z, fell some of the largest and most popu- rf in Waahinston that a large not per Major Charlta R. Forbea, Offi- day evening, June 8, fully realized In Ah Leong lous states. It can be taken as a fair Corps, who goes out of a window the i of engineers were to be sent to r cers' Reserve their expectations of being a great block on Aala lane. Then at the cor-- half of the total registration. The r: part of the American conun Into active service In the Signal succeaa. were present Quite a number of men registered Suggestions as a Tit There ner of-- King and Beretanla streets is conse- for times wasnmgxon aa Corps. from Honolulu, also from quently expected to fall Several -- number and Lucas Morris, on a bicycle, was struck Just short of have mentioned the probability f Schofleld Barracks. The floor was driving auto 1588, who ten million, the estimate made on governor will agree upon by E. Matsuo, JunerBride Gifts men in the engineering and Forbes good, the music waa inspiring, and paid damages, according to Sgt S. R. June 5. commissions-t- n the Prr some' other engineer as acting head Wagons ,who have th,e committee waa always on the Poaha. Tea of the department. - live lookout to see that every one had a Pnwaa ATLANTA PAYS HONOR Sterling Sliver In Gift Cases war-so-n. . to '.' engineer of Two accidents occurred near i duty and ant to the Forbes is not only an good time. Wonderful New G las swore in none, of those: xon much experience la various lints, but junction on King street Saturday. In this possibility, 35T 3B Moililll, driv- TO GEN. LEONARD WOOD Colors win iitensa the matter. rlow- - has seen active service in , Uncle Lieut Frank A. Sloan and his fam- the former Nee Tim of MfMit wagon, was run Into by Italian Marble Statuary ; : ever, Forbes today was preparir for Sam's uniform. He 'served in Cuba, ily, who have been In quarantine for ing a swill be- car 2946 of the Oahu Major General Leonard Wood waa Shlmatxl Bronze -- of absence from having enlisted as a private, and the past week on account of having J F. Rosa in a loaf learu According to Motorcycle welcomed on his visit to Atlanta to Vases, Jardinieres, Bowls and rltory. , came a first sergeant ' been exposed to a contagious dis- Bakery. ' f Morse the Chi- Inspect the officers' training camp at Incense Burners. ' ' MI ' 1 T am happy at the opportunTTy to ease, liberty to. go around Policemen Ferry and Ai8ltt,u ftipertntendent c arejiow at to Fort McPherson by a great demon- Woodward, ;'who haa acted as see: active serTice,' he aald today.1 once more, none of the family having nese, who is said to have been Community Silver, always ac- Neiirriann's -- Including a flag raising C sever! timet in the Jsence, "The department "win be left in good contracted the disease. blame, was gone when they arrived stration. in ceptable lntendent - Fran- tbe principal city square, a procession menti-i- d for shape." on scene. In the afternoon China Dinner Sets cf tie chief, hat been the in ' which 2500 luperi-terfde- nt - offi- boy, was the men of the camp . JAMS: ; poslUon of acting Forbes Is the first man In the B COMPANY, PUNAHOU, cis A Beeton, a Beautiful New Service Plates the 2185, driven Dy John participated, together with the 17th during Forbes' absence, bn Wood cers' reserve corps here td be called struck' by car Regular Oven Baking Glass in Silver are only f to was today. WINS TARGET HONORS The latter was comlag to Infantry, the 5th Georgia Na- made from scund fresh - ward himself may becalled h.p uncle active work. It said That Helena. tional Guard, the troop frames fruit and pure sugar. Not ad the he picked duty rfth-I-n ran into both the boy and Atlanta of service. He la a meow of naff been out tor town and - Barn's - avoid slate cavalry. Boy Scouts, Red Crd'sa Electric Portables yanced In price. .. ; th Puna- when he tried to National' Guard and possiblji may be after he took Ms examina- Championship honors in the a street car c Dntlngenta, many Cut Glass aent tion, been given responsible Title contest on Punchbowl range boy. No one was nun. and civic organiza- called out with militia .or and has a hou the - This immense Gift Store is the i bicycle-ca- r accident occur- tions. Into camp here for training.? tn either position la regarded as highly or cit- Saturday afternoon went to Company t tjher the logical place to buy Wedding CQ.Yee iiop&Co. - 'a.,! will rooalv ' V . nf OllPPTl and SOUtn More than 500 students of Geor- be taken , t the do- able. He took his examination a t Anr.nliiflnn i Mrtof r the case he would fit was struck gia School of Technology, Gifts. , TH E .HOUSE OF, QUAUTYf partment; so It waa said bund the month ago and the papers went for- the handsome silver loving cup streeU when Noah Nahinu where the Brig.-Gen- . came out of the general, was ouce a student cele- cftpitol today, that tn all HUthood the ward to Washington on May C. aentcd by Samuel Johnson. by auto 660, which and King streetj'near FlshmarketJ ' COmpany B's team consisted of lane without warning, accoramg brated football player, remained to -- clso Lucas. Isldro Laman, 'Seodegario Cpt Scott, Lieut 'PraU, Sgt Lar-nae- onii.n.n f .a oosalve--ahm- u Starch in the demonstration .for the 7. 7. Dimcnd & Cc-r- Lttr rV .J1i tioafiiSist' K NATiC :ifit GUARDffOTESi, Suarea, Pedro 'do la Cms, Santiago COL Smith. CpL Bowers and was the emergency hospital general rather than accompany their m treated at f 4 : ElUlano, :. Pvt. Cookv' with Pvts. Lau and ft bruised hand ana cm mouvu. w awwb, wnere u Hbnoluin ' ;j?hbne 4937 - of iisf. Harry r for v The regisnatloa Co. 'CVIctoriand.'Escleto, Ignacle Pecker as substitutes. Racinjj on the main streets was the went to play Georgia University, its There were 2S cotton fires in Bom- as an tfficer of the j M. C decemorlano, Louis Macilon, Bartolo Company As team was composed of an accident Saturday night principal athletic rlvat bay in April." ?t States causeof n, '.I of the juu-Uo- National Guard fuited ac me Fernandez, Juan Austria-.- ' Capt Hitchcock, Capt. Hardy, Lieut on Ktng street at the aeretama the Timtory of 1 Cpl. by J. and of ji Co.' D Florentlno Atlllo. Florenclo Hayselden, Sgt Turner, Suther according to at story told Hlg-gin- s Engineers,-- , Foster' Sd Egaya Andres Sijon, Arloco Vlllares, land and Pvt Cassidy, with Sgt H.Stewart Company C, CeIeco"nd Ueut Roblnsow Schoenlng as substi- a passanger. in a , or Tbeofiorica Pedra, Estvan Peres, Alex- and Pvt Fort Shatter, who was Hawaiian . Inf, Is grarxed Jeave tutes. Hayselden won the in- Asahi auto stand ann. frcjn andra Cammlnoa, Prematlvo Lauron, Lieut a car of the absence of 20 days fwjjjggj dividual trophy presented by W. T. driven by Sunays, which ran down All Owith permission to AlbertoTiUamur, Basello Batan. was going ? Boi-se- r, Rawlins. a bicycle Sunaya - y--- ' Ca B David .Orenxs, Vicente Kee on , the territsry. v - to town and Ah Kee and another boy F. A. "lowes, 3d Haw. Cornelia Santos; Leon Malay, Ro- auto wt b First Ueut berto Canete, Mariano Vicente. Fran- EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS wr ractns towards the U An-r-n Ah Kee ttoj Inf. lejrjj Cresan-tO'Magsnmb- ul. and taonthsrredfrom l8tff.TlCT cisco oQnxales, Albert Wlson, FELT OVER WIDE AREAj two - Gaudencia-Delfl- n, JU-rian- o IK the7he : to throeghout S. WH V permission- tratl Paras. Cirx Snndav TtMi lite Y8P w fAuodAUd tiM lr XI. S. Vsval Comasal--I . , ... wm tn the tn r fV" , I " Chpcon- Co. HW. AkC M. Hamaukn. Joe '. ' eaa srvic,) tlXw, - or, v Trhich refers to U discharge of.PTt Bento Rojo PetrenUo, Hotari PrisCU- - SAN SALVADOR, June ll.-Wo- rkfcy Inf, to. Tanacio Toliano. Macarlo Abelix, reUeving the unfortunate people Eanuel I. Lcno, ta ICJd .Ilaw. of At the ZZettnls m - : Augusta Beclnte. Tsldoro ;CIoblongr who were left destitute and homeless jSmaT fSm li revoked---' - ;i . was Garcia, Co. .'..w i?fti- - PTt Bonifacio fitiw-- hr Takeshi tn car 5W of The ;.to toe 1st yens, erupuons wi most ; Hlaw. lnU i jravavaor, Miccai oionuiao us voicanic iasi muraaaj was cut on hip anf lip. f ;tfen Ton, August night has been started and is now paba. She the ' j b Fer-nande- though in some i: Joseph icalohalanl Sanitary. ;DeUchmeniAlfred a,' underway instances IZXZ 'ZZ 'PtV Coist- wo-y- e ir-oi- o cmm, cu i - Haw, Inf., is iransferred to thea- Ernest ElmhorstV? road work must be done to faciliUte in-- the. getting of adequate supplies fell off a todderat theB.'-KV"te nnsrd Tnserve by reason of toiePlaygrounds. Takmnl an wlt any axlst-- 1 aome of the stricken towns. A large TakajsM. popular'dady acuity toitt-a- drills V SCHOOLS. AT SCHOHELD other tot. rendered force has been put to work clearing waj mango tree, In-- uch roads and rebuilding some and '.hy falling of a : LesUe C. Thompson,., v - First ct: re- Post schoohi for the instruction of cutting through new ones. Queen street fantry, Natbnal Guard Reserve, is enlisted men common in the branches ; In this city SO pei cent the houses called to tiUve service on Ms own rt of education are to be established tl CARD OF THANKS. " ; at were rased by the earth temblors. Oc his own request-- ' Sgt Schofield con- '.HI cueet X Barracks, and will be points-an- dftkedm'' grade Fires broke out at many 'ThompsQ ta reduced to.the ducted by, the chaplains of tue' post through 1 am deeply gratified at the kind at- nd asslsaed to .the. Quarter. nnder;i spread the business district many gifts with rrivate - direction the tantenment tention and at the - so that entire sections of the city master jCorpe, with station at Hono- commanders. Sessions will be so .which my friends honored me m the : short were destroyed. The losses run into . ' ' :,:: :.V- lulu, as not to be tiresome, and those at- millions of pesos. occasion of my leaving tv China. is Madsen, Co. B, Haw. ; thirty-tw- o pvULA. tending will he .excused from the the La Alhertad department After years of employ- ' furlough of one : -- In s. x Is granted a usual afternoon fatigue and from ment with the later-Islan- d Stes jnshlp cays . 1117, numerous towns were destroyed. At meat and 22 from June kitchen police during school hours. , Company and a still longer stay in ' the seaport of La Liberia d, southwest travel beyond the " " ; witt 'permission to . 40 in- Honolulu I have decided that it would ';. of here, were killed and 190 limits of the territory . Senor Alvarez.' leader of the Re-- jured. The towns of Armenia and be fitting to spend a vacation in China. on the recommendation, of. their formlst Republicans, publishes In the shall, thowerer, be glad to see my following Quezaltepaque have been practically I ; company commander, the Liberal . a . manifesto stating Honolulu friends upon my In a 8. that tho wiped out retura named privates of Co, B, Haw. honor of Spain and national interest few months. I .tie class privates: Har-vr- t art appointed 1st and dignity require Immediate with- . Harvard students are training on CHACK BOOK. T Junefeide I." Denison, Visco Franca, Ilaroid drawal from a shameful neutrality. Soldiers' Field, Cambridge. Adv. i V. Podmore, - Milton A. . Jlosen, :i liax WrlKht, William Rowat . W 7 The following named enlisted men ? will be - honorably discharged for the She was ushered in at the beginning ;' reasong set opposite their respective ' :.:-;'- . ' names: f- - pn. John r. Nelsoni 1st Co Haw, of the month and still holds a place : ; 8.; . C. a removal of res. to cont C Out the ' Pvt Bernarbe Pagharton, Co. B, 1st in Haw, Ini to enHst to U. 8, navy; Bug. of prominence. Alfred Barreto, Co. B, 1st Haw. Int. to enUst In U. a Marine Corps; Pvt 3 Nicholas NobsJ, Co. B, lst Haw. Int. Garden We wish to prove to her that she .can make notable savings removal from territory; Cpl. C ; E. Sagar, 1st COh,1 Haw. C A, removal by taking advantage of the buying opportunities we are ex- - bt res. to coht U. 8.; Pvta. Jo Cor-re-a, Jordan J. Sllve. Archibald BaL tending during this month. Tamp is Maud Lin Soon Kam, Moses Castro.; ' A. Tavares, 3d Regt. Haw, Inf, to en v,-- , , ...::. and Julia, and Molly, and everr .. navy. tine's list to 8. Every garment in our stock ,' The following named- - enlisted men sister, all decked out in the noratest Regt Haw. N. will been he 4th Inf, iiill honse has greatly reduced. s discharged surgeon's i dresses that were ever made of be honorably en. mm.- - die-abilit- ,itu certificate by reason of .physical ginghams and percales. Gardening is - ,; -- . !t.t-.---; - Ka-noh- the fashion these days, such "becom- We suggest she see our , Ca A Oeorge Ntnlhua, Eddie and stock LeDehua Ohula Win. .Ilookano, ing house dresses as these are jufit the and draw her own conclusion J, p, Alohfkea, Pedro Pagam. . - . . ; ' Co. B Juan Jerudico,, Vicente Gar clothes you need. cia," Rnflno Loeslng, Roaindo Castro, Bastlan Carlos, Mariano TJomera, Ma A few samples of the new "Feininal" terlano Crestio, Faustlno d la Crux, outdoor garment on Bonifacio Monticaloo, Francisco Mar-- display. NaT-- flL , fsasario Agoc, Pedro Camilo, BR. 7 ; ',';; '.; v sACH S' STANDARD Cb, JORDAN'S OPTICAL; r Hotel near Fort -- 1116 Fort Street. yt i -


Asahis Shutout St. Louis In Snapped In The First Day's Race Meet-Satisf- ax Wins PORTUGUESE AND

"1.4 .tv. u. Great GameAt. Moiliili Field - " - J 'A - JAPANESE LOSE

All-Sta- of Day OUT I! rs Blank 32nd Infantry In Second Contest N JUNK Nushida, Haneberg, You Bun, Murakami Star First Game -- sis: "Boy Wonder" Holds Saints to Four Hits Brinza Fans 10 rvr4. 5 St. Louis and Chinese Hammer of Infants in Second Game Lang Akana jn Circus Catch I A... Bail Hard, and Weaklings y ...... Tlnmn back into the game with a lot ot Fail to 5 ii. Manii rt PuHOut Wins 11 UiO J11K:Wt. i "iui-u-l v misslny 61 luju are thinking seriously of giving noodle work which had been heretofore. As usual the Chinese and SalnU v, v a nlonv ft Brinxa fanned three men in the 1 won out in the games at Athletic itninM pinches came V. might not bo amiss to suggest that first Inning, and in the park played by the Junior Honolulu through with a mighty good exhibi J-rt- Merchants' Association, Bterday aftarnoon. The Saints Japanese right-hande- d of burling. This . ' m- - a 7 Japanese Chamber of Commerce or tion day of meet downed the Japanese by a score of go heaver isn't the worst pitcher in tbe Scenes at first recti at mm to 3 and the Chinese slaughtered th Nipponese organization any other you. He Kaplolanl Park on Saturday ttftereoon. Morth to the silversmiths and purchase world if someone should ask slipping Portuguese by a score of 13 expectorating Upper left Or. Fitzgerald'. Cepra 1. one real medal for little Nusbids, "the outpltched Mashaw, the 7Z to l mouadsman, throughout. coming in under the wire ahead of As usual the Japanese failed to . :boj wonaer. Bob Shingle's Bubbling Watery Upper hit i At -8 tars Score and lack of teamwork gare the Saints ! Alier me parcao iucic right Section of grandstand, howing well to secure Neither team was able to put a run a victory- - The great victory of the 'funds left it might be Chilly part of the crowd which attetvled the more penaanu me across until the fifth, when Asahis over the St Louis stars made .rom ior ca. ana judd meet. Governor Lucius Pinkharn, Gen ap for by " worked Mashaw for a walk the defeat suffered the 7 ' WtliCJ ABI1U1B ovvu-i"- a Charley Lyman-lai- era! Strong and Mayor Lane are seen older Japanese players, who should . ' thing don every day, the beat out bunt Then - that isn't Chilly took in the picture. .. Insert Johniajr Car- Murakami, Nu- being Dianaing me ov. down a bunt and consult Zenimura and tame Lang Akana hit one hard roll up on Satlsfax, following xke race shida regarding how to play the great team for nine innings, which gave the third. which gave Captain R. E. D. by through the box and Chilly scored, Hoyle'a American game. , fast little Japanese team a victory mare a new record. Lower Finish 0 Moiliili Field on while Hollls threw Jndd out at the The Portuguese nad every old ball 3 ; a. score of 2 to at of the record mile, .with 8tisfax player Sunday. plate. McGavin came through with in the business in the lineup, ' a sinxle which scored Lang. caught going under the wire i thoj but despite this, or rather in spite of by Kovlsh and Dunlap. a remarkable time of 1 :4a it. they lost to the Chinese by a big 4 J is much Joy to Japaneae cir Slnelea "There walk to Brinxa, a clean single to left score. Chee, Ah Lee and Kal Luke base gave the were the heavy hitters for the Chi- ai the Nippon population have at last by Chilly and a stolen All-Sta- rs nese. Bill .' Jl . at Kail olnTl Without tour runs in tne sum in GKD OLD Williams was on the mound " put game on ice GM for the Saints in the game, and NIPPU Hawaii Hochi, nine, which the first doubt the Jilt Buckland, Holcomb and Akana hit in pitched good ball. Ah Ke was effec- - Hawaii Shlnpo and Choho will have the seventh inning, but no further FACTS-nCOHE- tive for the Chinese. . a preuy iquiki w wut. lot oi - scoring S ST. LOUIS - -- '. . tn tA in the ran- occurred. ,AMUUi Bti.W nwimiuipw " ' 4 has been given Brinxa had a heap of stuff on the AB R BH SB PO A E iilag for the cup which Hol- Chillingwortn, ball yesterday and Buckland and Peterson, cf. 5 1 0 1 0 - the league by Senator NATIONAL LEAGUE 1 ,,. .1 7 : apm lls were the only playeri to solve his Kauhi, 5 Whenever BiU Carrigan does ' Won ss .. 2 2 1 2 2 0 delivery to any extent. The Baby Lost Swan, 4 1 World comes ont Vv V- - 3b 0 0 2 4 o( big stunt, the. Irish not play up Chicago 30 19 ' -- as Regiment team did 4ulte Inman. rf. 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 with Its cheers, and Inasmuch' was Philadelphia ...... 24 16 and held them to to form yesterday, and Mashaw Williams, p. 1 2 0 rhida beat Bt imit e New York 24 16 ...5 i. f a v am ftA hard in innings. 112 . ana no runs, n hit three 25 19 Janssen, lb 4 0 2 0 6 3 0 four hits person-- ; Lang Makes Circus Catch SL Louis ...... Kaopua. be aboTit the most prominent 21 28 2b 3 0 1 1 2 1 1 The one big feature play of this Cincinnati Hoke, age in the Japaijese community for Brooklyn 16 22 If. 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 ; game was staged by Lang Akana in Brito, c. ., the rest of the week. Boston 15 21 .Year the ninth inning. Holcomb hit a long 4010611 . Fastest Ctme of drive which was headed tor the fence, Pittsburg 15 29 1 team Totals 38. 7 4 27 14 2 Althougli" the little Japaneae and Lang ran back and Just. as .the if . had been rated as a fast organlxtlon up AMERICAN LEAGUE JAPANESE. other ball was falling, stuck one hand ft : vho could do something that and speared U. It was a real catch, Won Lost Pctt AB R BH SB PO A K Japanese cannot do, and that if nit, 4t way, Chicago 32 15 .683 Yamashiro, cf. . . 3 0 1 1 0 0 4 ouW and, by the was the second of the as hardly expected that they kind he has pulled this series. Boston 29 15 .65J T.. Mamiya, ss.. 4 0 0 0 5 4 0 invincible, BL Lonls All-Sta- New York 23 20 ,63a H. down th hitherto Next Sunday the rs will meet Mamiya, .... 3 1 0 0 1 7 1 one JSIOI (32-2D-- team. But It was accomplished In the 23th' Infantry team at Moiliili Cleveland ... 26 25 staged 20 24 --455 p. ct the best games :ever; w field and the next battle is not going Detroit SATISFM LOWERS TRACK RECORD FOR MAUI POLOISTS C. Moriyama, c.-- 4 1 2 2 6 0 0 - game St. 18 27 .400 Honolulu. It was, the fastest to be any fiasco, fes the team is work Louis' T. Moriyama, 2 0 1 2 0 3 0 , - Philadelphia 15 25 .375 p.-2- b) - rlayed la Honolulu this season lag - shape,- and together In excellent Washington 17 BiUy Miles of St. IxuU sent Stewart Critchfield and Kovlsh at sec ...... 29 .370 MEET FOR Amano, rt ..... 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 mer-ctant- s. at third LE IN FIRST DAY OF RACE MEET 0 mound to stop the speed Yamaguchi, 3b. 0 0 0 1 1 0 ca the cad. who made their first appearance YESTERDAY'S l 'whUe Nvshida took firing RESULTS SUyeno,: If. ... 4 1 0 0 before local fans in the series, handled ' Natlonaj 'League -- - 11 I' the Japanese. Stewart Pched thercxsJves. good, fashion; Koviah h K AraW, 29.-rt- ; 2 ,0 ,0 0 2'" 4 0 line for in At BL SL 4, TITIE-A- " beatiUful ball for six innings, asjild hit, the ball every time np, and gath Louis is Phlladel Captain Hoyle's Grand LitUe Ware Beats Oneohta Out in Fea- - T 3.30 Komeyt; lb; '..; . 2 'V 0 on 0 0 : was i Phia L Nushlda.-n- d not run ered two ones during fielding kept safe the melee. At Cincinnati Brooklyn 4, Clncln Day atKapiolani Park Meeting Proves by either team. . Fast With Lyman, the best sacrifice bat ture Event of Totals ...... 27 2 5 6 2 ban-- naU 3. - down, anl game Owing to the fact that the Maui Hits and rans by lnningst . Hhe score 'Usmj ter in Honolulu, back in the and At Chicago Chicago 6, New York Success From Every Standpoint Copra, Unipqua, Sea Bolt were real All-Star- e poloists will leave for the Valley 0 0 1 0 died plays .which : Chilly at short, the ought to 5. St Louia 0 I 0 2 3 7 arid Onefa Win Grace's Carmalita Takes Harness Honors Island tonight the polo game, which 1 0 2 ' have plenty, of confidence' when .. they " Base hits ..0 1 ' American League : . 111 512 CSkaVaouhiedia' the ft-. e- was scheduled for 4:30 will be staged Japanese ., 0 0 0 0 0 3 V :Jt i: meet the Wreckersv Chicago 10, Cleveland 4, ..,21 00 ruing.- but- - failed to: score. : It Crumpler is started on the mound HOW THEY FINISHED at 3:30 this afternoon. Maul and Oahu Base; hlU ...11 0 0 0 d,0 1'2 6 games e 1 safe, and for tte tlrs have staged some good the Summary-On- 1 held the Samts jn the first Inning, and the team GAMES TODAY Jn at bat hit. off C: a . ve m i was. aaaei wuw w . past, la expected polo 2-- 3 ns shows the brand of ball that it has . Kaplolanl Park, Honolulu, June 9, 1917. Second annual meet of the and it that the Moriyama In of an inning; bom ; National. League will be exceptionally two-bas- e - King Ttu played two games, Hawaii Polo & Bacing Club. First day. Weather perfect Albert Horner, this afternoon runs, KauhL lnman; hits, the infield. m the last the 11 handled Hard - chances fJJJJ. Wreckers will have one hard game on Boston at Pittsburg. presiding judge. S. S. Paxson. starter. good. Peterson, ; Williams: sacrifice hits, rf.- n ; Brooklyn at Cincinnati for-a- ll Maui will have three of year's good plays., 'w , Challenge Cnp. Free trotting and pacing, last Janssen, K. by pitcher, on their hands, and that is the prediction First Race Creola Arakl; hit Ka " .. cay , New Chicago, game Zz-- v- i- f.,Hm iav of the made by one of the regular who York at one mile heats two in three, Hawaiian breds. Purse of 2300. team back In the this, yeaf, oyvAV double plays, Peterson to Kao-- fans i r Philadelphia Oahu . regu- ' All-Sta- rs at St Louis. (MacDonald). while will have but two came to the second has watched the in action. " First heat Mr. J. S. Grace's b.f. Carmalita II, aged, Time pua, Kauhi to Kaopua - to Janssen, . : American; League ' lineup. . Fleming - lars in the David men "were out. Tasunaga Jard : . ASAHIS ... ' 2:25. Won by 10 lengths. Swan to Janssen to Swan; baaes on tafflooked Chicago at New York. will not pjay : with the Valley Island - second which AB iSecond Carmalita. Time 2:23 25. balls, off T. Moriyama 2. "Wil- over R HSBPO A E Louis Boston. heat poloists, Arthur Collins will play oft ; Haneberg raced' oter for 5,0 St at Fleet-Carmalit- a. and Uams ,3? George Toshlkawa. e ... Z 0 2 0 4 ; Winner by, Van 6; struck out, by T., Moriyama of Detroit Philadelphia. - back, with Edward Baldwin, the young- : .Se nailed It. but was out Zecimnra; as . 4, 0 0 0 ; 1 2 at W4 B.- Holt's Bill Boy was second. 4, by WUliams 13; balkv iWUIlams; , V ball wd - ' couia Cleveland at Washington, free-for-al- l, ster, at No. 2. Walter Macfarlane haa .. nr that he Uiyahara, Sb s 1 1 2 Second Race Five furlongs, weight for age. , Purse $250, of passed balls, Brito, C. Moriyama, Urn, .. 11 shifted from No. 1 to No. 4 and Har- Koxuki, rf ..... 1 2 0 which $50 goes to the second. pire, Barney Joy. Time of game, 128. ' ; . 10 ' SATURDAY'S RESULTS old Dillingham and . Francis Brown Yamashiro, lb 3 0 1 v 0 11 0 JfraY:,W. F. Dillingham's ch.h. Umpqua, aged, 126 (H. Donvits) 1. National League will play in his old position. Harold 1 1 Murakami, If 3 0 ,10 1 0 Mrs. Walter Macfarlane's ch.m. Fair Mary, 3, 112 (P. Phillips) 2 PORTUGUESE ' r At Chicago New Chicago Castle is shifted from Wo. 2 to No. 3 renter fielder. It vas s narder Tasunaga.;cf ,. 3 0 0 0 4 0 York 4. 0. Capt-A-. K. C. Palmer's b.g. Robert, aged, 126 (A. K. Palmer) 3. AB R BH SB PO A ifttu uncmnatH-cmcinna- Uf a and Bob Shingle will take the No. 2 by Ayau ana 2, Brook : 1-- 5. Chappaqua-Marcedit- a. .pay than the one. pulled Murashlge, 2b 3v0 0 0 2 2 ai v . Time 1:03. Winner by; A. Joseph, S 0 :1 1 .5 2 were lyn- L .. . .' .' . position. Neither Arthur Rice or Wal- c... Nushida, p 3 0 0 0 1" 2 0 Third . Race Oriental stakes, four furlongs,' Hawaiian bred, owned and Henderson, f ss. 4 1" 1 0 2 2. iir' 4 Dillingham game. 1 ; ter will nlay. ri'.f . At Pittsburg Boston 0. PittsbnrrB. ' ' 2 enter' the ridden by 1 Orientals. Purse of 2300, of which $75 goes to the second and M. ;OrneIla, 20.1 0 1 0 2 3 given a nut v Maul should' be the favorite. ; the Totals 2 6 1 Amencan League . A; double pUy stopped JahW ,;.A...23 27 8 1 $25 to the third. Catch, weights. , . Joe Ornellas,. lb. 3 0 0 0 10 0 N , At Washington Chicago 5. TVaih MAUI third, and in this hntal 'ST. LOUIS Tamasaki's bJu Pawaa Boy, aged. (Soci) L 1. ' Camacho, 3b. 4 0 - 0 2 2 W:sii. ' No. Harold Rice. inhe ington 4. weakened for a moment and J AB It H SB PO A E G.j Fugimoto's bjn. Aklbono, 5, (Koney) 2. Barboza, cf. 3 0 0 0 fia Hane. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2. No. 2. Edward Baldwin. by Stewart. Fmi Luke and Fun Luke. If ... 4 0 1' 0 St T. i Murakami's blkm. Mountain Girl, 6, (Matsumoto) 3. 3. D. Joseph, p. ...'3 0 0 0 hit. 1 10 No. F. Baldwin." LOOU . iY placed Btewan u wu . Haneberg. 2b . 4 0 1; l. Tim 0:50 3,5. No. : Carl, rf. 1 0, 0 0 herz ' IS Arthur ColKns. ' day 4 At New York Cleveland 2. New Race-FlTe-furlo- ngs, two men out Nushida saved the Markham, lb U 0 10 i0 Fourth Hawaiian bred, weight for age. Cup and OAHU Vincent tf. 2 0 0 0 tly. Chun Chew, cf . . 4 0 0 0 0 York. 0. " by taking care of Markham's purse ojt $200, of which $50 goes to the second. Nol. Harold- - Dillingham, Francis Arruda, It 2 0 0 1 six innings th SalnU Kekipl. c 3 0 0 .2: 1 At Boston Detroit L Boston 0. Dr.' C. - Fltigerald'a b.m. Copra, 4, 121 (B. Rollins) 1. Isidor, If. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 FoMne next Pacific Coast League J. Brown. secured but one bit oft row jgnr Wg Kurisaki. c ..... 4 0 0 3 1 MrJ R. W. Shingle's b. m. Bubbling. Water, 3, 112 (P.' Phillips) 2. No. 2. R. W. Shingle. Q y by King Tan, Sb 3 2 3 At Portland Salt Lake, no rame: 2-- 5. by SIleo-Lad- der " this being a double 01 Time, 102 . Winner Coppit No. 3. Harold, ToUls 29 1 '3 3 24 IS it- Castle. . -, ii.-v.- nA cov Lam Wing. 3 0 0 rain. Race-rTh- free-for-al- l, mi Tunnsxa rf.. 2 0 FiftTi e Oneonta Mile. One mile, weight for age. No. 4. Walter Macfarlane. CHINESE shape and. Bun Hee. aa .... S 2 4 At Vernon San Francisco 14, Ver goes Cup - 'ered the field in cUeat Purse, S400, of which $100 to the second. to winner provided the AB R BH SBPO A E Stewart; 2 1 non 6. 4-- although. ' Bt. louis u P ...... 1 time of 1:41 5 be beaten. Cup held by Capt R. E. D. Hoyle's Satlsfax. Kai Luke, ss. 4 3 3 1 1 4 1 faLr territory. Hayselden. p , . . 0 0 0 At Oakland Los Angeles 3. Oak- - R. E. D. Hoyle's blkjn. Satlsfax, aged. 123 (J. Carroll) 1. Leong,' 2b. . 4 2 8 1 0 tailed to tall in " Cap. 2"0 U 7; land 0. Mrs; W. F. Dillingham's hJi. OneonU, aged, 128 (H.DonTiti) 2. 2 2 1 0 0 0 Murakaml Does Ylm. cf...... 2 ' 1 ? caused the .damage In Totals ...... 24 0 4 0 24 13 Wednesday's Results Walter Macfarlane's b.m. Mary Jay, 4, 121 (P. Phillips) 3. Apiu, 2 1 0 0 The Asahis d Mrs cf. Hits-an- Sand-Souriant- 10 Off runs by innings: Vernon San 8. e. - i :.rhM'rtTahara led At Francisco Ver Time; 1:40, track record. Winner by Imp. Rock Ah Lee, 4lb.-c-. . . 5 1 4 0 10- 0 1 Asahis 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 non 3. Three-eighth- two-year-old- s. jta m Then Miyahara started Sixth Race Juvenile Plate. s mile, Hawaiian bred, Kong, rf...... 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 hit Base hlU 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 At Oakland Oakland 6. Ange seoond and Koxuki bit between .,..1 f Los Piece of silver plate valued at $100 and a purse of $200, of which EVEN SATURDAY Ah Toon, If. ... 5 1 2 1 3 D 0 for SL Louis .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 les 4...... b. and third. 00 $50 goes to the second. Chee, c.-l- 5 2 S 1 1 0 abort " v Base hits 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 At 4. King Portland Salt Lake Mft-W- i thla up with one , too hard tor ...i0 i Portland F. Dillingham's b.f. Oneta, 2, 115 (H. Donvitz) 1. Aii Ki p 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 were Twenty-fou- r at" bat, 2 runs and 0 3. 2, (B. 2. - to handle, and the bases Sen. II. A. Baldwin's b.f. Luau. 115 Rollins) Tyau, 3b. 5 0 0 0 1 4 1 Tan ? - : Mura- hits off Stewart 6 JU3 innings; two-- two-year-ol- d. McKinley insulated. Then comes Mr. in Time 0136, track record for Winner by Oneonta-Jol- o Girl. solved the curves of Nel- -- meaa Dae nits, xosnuawa. King Tan: PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE free-for-al- l. son Kau in innings of i kamU who ta also due vn SeverJth Race One mile and a half, weight for age. Cup the latter the Totals 43 13 18 3 27 14 3 . double plays, Haneberg J.. - . ct.mrt'i hort mile to Markham, Won Lost Pet to be won twice by the same owner, and a purse of $500, of which $100 game on Saturday at Moiliili Field and Hits and runs by Innings: axnT. Bun Hee to Markham; base on balls, 42 26 minute through tn box, two San Francisco .618 goes to the second. as a result the McKinley team won Portuguese 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I s - - uayseiden by 29 ...0 across the nlate.- There- oir l; struk out. Nu Salt Lake 32 .525 ' Mr."W. F. Dillingham's ch.h, Sea 4, 126 (H. Donvitz) 1. tout by a score of 5 to 3 in a game . . 0 1 3 M.Mm- shlda 3, by by Bolt Base hits .1 0 0 0 0 0 1 , Stewart, to the Stewart 2. Hayselden Oakland . 34 31 .523 15. M. Whiting's b. g. Mohawk Boy, aged, 130 M. which was exciting throughout The Bpon Billy MUei sent 3. Capt (Capt E. Chinese 0 0 2 0 2 2 7 0 13 ' . a . wnt In and Umpires, R. ChiUlngworth and Los Angeles 31 3? .484 Chinese team took the lead, and held uv1rin game, Whiting) Base hits ...1 2 2 12 3 7 1 19 scoring.,-I- t great walker. Time of 1:08. Vernon . 30 39 .435 t K- Inning two-bas- stopped the a Capt A- - - C. Palmer's b.g. Robert, aged. 126 (Capt. A, K. C. Pal- it until the sixth when McKin- Three-bas- e hit Ah Lee; e tow Portland 26 37 .413 ley tied the score. rame tnrougnoui ana ALLpSTARS mer) 3. hits, Henderson, Ah Lee 2, Chee, Le- , grace for SL Louis to be beaten in Time 2k 38 2-- 5. Winner by Colonel Wheeler-Se- a Bass. Four hits In the ninth inning gave ong, Kong; sacrifice hits, Leong, Tim. big-c- st AB R HSBPO A E Yesterday's .' ,Uca a game. It was one ot the Results McKinley the game, as these bingles Joe Ornellas; hit by pitcher, M. Ornel-las- , Q circles since Judd. cf 4 0 4 0 At Vernon San Francisco 4, Ver were responsible in Japanese 10 frightened 3-- for two runs. Kau events Lyman, 3 0 0 0 7 1 Like a deer endeavoring erica. The great 3ysonby made 1:41 3 Arruda, Henderson. Vincent; across the - tennis lb non 2; 8an Francisco 3, Vernon 2. pitched good ball times, Kuglya --Kumagae flashed savage straining Glo-rifi- er at but double play. Kong to Kaf Luke; bases i Akana. It 4 1 2 0 1 0 2, to ahake offl a hound, in the Metropolitan at Belmont; . - ' At Portland Salt Lake Portland kept his hits well scattered. Iwanaga, 4. D. Joseph 0; norixon. McGavin, c .... 4 0 1 0 10 2 to the breaking point every muscle of and Roeeben failed to equal the on balls, off Ah Kl off All-Sta- j 1; Portland 2. Salt Lake 0. Leong, rt Win tody, ax, by Kan Nealon and Tan Lo were struck by Ah Ki 6, by D. Joseph r day Kovlsh. 2b ...... 4 0 2 2 4. Los Ange-- her aching Satisf the black time made the Schofleld entry, and out - - battle of the At Oakland Oakland Sand-Soriant- e, the leading hitters. D. In the second Critchfield, 3b 3 012 0 daughter of Bock swept August Belmont's Stromboli, one of 4; wild pitches. Joseph 2. Umpire AB-Sta- ra .. 0 1 1 1; 7. Los Angeles 6. Pitcher Brinxa of the also es Oakland line by nearly three the years, In the first game of the day the Barney Joy. Time of game, 1:26. of pitching and Dunlap, rf 4 1 2 0 0 0 Games Today oast the finish best in recent covered the were gave ft good exhibition p 1 lengths record time at Kaplolanl mile on a years Hawaiia unable to present a fanned out 10 Brinta. 2 1 0 0 1 Oakland at San Francisco. in fast track two ago at Dunn, . . 4 1 0 0 8 0 afternoon 1-- full tem, which gave Lum lb. during the ChiUlngworth, ss 3 2 1 2 4 Park on Saturday. The game little Belmont in but 5 of a second the Chinese the them to six hits l No other games scheduled. faster game by 9 c 0 2 0 9 2 f the Infanta, held Strom-bol- a score of to 0. The real Nealon, the-gam- mare beat out Oneonta in the remark- than Satlsfax. And then, too, l score the end of e Games Tomorrow game of day was played Wong, 2b 4 0 0 0 3 0 V tend the at Totals 31 6 10 1 27 11 2 able time of 1:40. was forced to beat out Sharp- the in fast All-Sta- rs 0. Vernon. 3 0 ,. e. 32d,Infancy, Salt Lake at time. Owing Kong...... 0 0 2 0 0 was THIRTY-SECON- D to the race meet a small F. It AU-Star- INFANTRY This race was the big feature of the shooter and Flying Fairy. 'v. Gone is the day. when the a Oakland at San Francisco. crowd gathered to watch the contest Young, rf. 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chilling-v-wort- AB R H PO SB A first day's events at the track, and around, Henry h E Los Angeles at Portland. Blood Will Tell boot them Chief, ss 4 jD 0 0 S 3 2 Satlsfax, with Jornny Carroll up, gave McKINtEY nice looking ball club on It was another blood. 33 3 6 2 27 13 4 had a Hollls, cf 4 0 2 0 2 1 0 hits, Lyman, Critch- a great exhibition and lived up to the Instance of AB Totals .. ... diamond yesterday afternoon, and Hollls; sacrifice Satlsfax is considered to be the best R H SB PO A Hits and runs by innings: the Ralls, 2b 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 field; double play, Ralls to Chief to expectations of the army people and Tsukiyama, ss. .. 5 1 3 .i'l Boss Henry and Critchfleld were the 0 bred racer .in Hawaii, and only last McKinley Buckland, rf .... 3 3 0 0 0 0 Miles; bases or balls, off Brinxa L on all those who. had confidence in the Kong. It 4 1 0 0000021025 only ones to break through with er rf-l-b year a full brother of the game little Base hlU .... 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 i MUea. .... 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Mashaw 2, off Hemmig 1; struck out Schofleld entry. Iwanaga, cf .... 5 1 0 412 ; rors, and both on hard chances, o 4 0 0 mare captured the 1 event at Aque- Chinese Stratton. 0 3 2 0 by Brinxa 10, by Mashaw 3; passed Army Folk Pleased Lindo, rf 5 1 0 0020000103 XhiHy Was There Holcomb, 0 1 - duct in 1:50, which lowered exist- Base 6 3b. ...4 0 0 2 0 ball, Stratton. Umpires, R. Chilling- the Low, 3b 4 0 4 2 hits. ...002011110 ' C Chilly Injected a lot of pep Into the Cassels, It 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 When the rape was called Oneonta, ing record. From eighth pole to the Sacrifice Kong; hit by pitcher. - worth and Walker. ,Ttme of game, Kan Leong, c. ... 4 0 3 3 2 hit - team, and took- care of x chances In Hemmjg, lb-- p 3 0 0 0 10 0 Satlsfax and BQary Jay faced the start-er- r wire was a stirring struggle, and Young, Tan Lo; bases on balls, off .. 2 31. it Lujan, 4 0 1 13 0 excellent shape. He scored two of Maahawp 3 0 0 0 0 0 and no one of the trio apimared to Donvitz gave Oneonta a great race, lb 2: struck by Kan 8, by P 3 Girdler, 3b 4 0 0 1 4 Kueiva out the runs made by his team, and broke McDonald, 0 0 0 0 0 0 the Ameri be the favorite. .But when Captain R. E. responded nobly In Kuglya wild pitch, Kan 1; passed rf ... 0 Three Americans airin but Satlsfax the Kuglya, p...... 4 1 0 0 l; corps were honored D." Hoyle's greftt little streak thunder- eighth new 5 Leong 3, Nealon 2. Umpires, SAN FRANCISCO can, ambulance last and rushed home to a balls, Kan Totals .. 0 6 0 24 14 5 oravery oy we rrencn govern ed past the stand the Schofleld crowd record. and ChiUlngworth. Time of ....32 lor track . 5 4 Jackson Hits and runs by innings: ment being decorated with the War showed their enthusiasm by giving an To the followers of the meet the Totals .... 39 12 27 16 6 game, 1:28, CHRONICLE All-Sta- rs 00002400 Cross. ovation, that wtuld have done Justice mile event was the classic, and as the CHINESE H $1JOO PER MONTH Base hits ....0 0 1 2 34 1 0 10 Official advices from Ottawa quota to a Derby winifer. Jockeys paraded in front of the stand AB R H SB PO A E Sales of the F. W. Woolworth Co. Delivered to office taken at Newsoart 22nd Infantry .0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 Sir Thomas White as saying that, the - .With a tracks none too fast Johnny each waa, given a cheer. Carroll fail- Tan Lo, cf...... 4 1.2 1 2 1 0 fnr Anril were' S7.493.2S3. eomcared HCf'E NEWS AGENCY v ;; Base hits ...2 0 1 1 0 0 20 0-- - removal of the duty on wheat v and Carroll took tfcp of. Rock ed to take Satlsfax to the start while Sunn Hung, 3b. , 4 0 11 2-- 4 0 with 87,349,140 for the same month h J I I 1:AV - ::i4..t..--

' ' ' - -- - V . S 'n 1 '' ' ' ;a . y 4 ? a ''''V LJ ... fa SATISFAX LOWERS TRACK RECORD DIEHL IN LEAD EnpJT MXl o , n TjfT) o FOR MILE ON FIRST WITH YAT.1ASHIR0 1

(Continued from Page 8) when Sea Bolt, owned by Walter Dil- SECOND -- lingham, tok the mile and a half RUHNG 1 J Mary Jay sad Onoirta also failed to event from Mohawk Boy In 2:38 2--4 come qd to the wire, on toe jam can Sea Bolt was off well at the start and S. S. Paxaon sent them away to a held the lead all the way, although League ood vsUrt, with Satiafax on the pols, Mohawk Boy made. a. bid at the last Averages for Pacific Oneonta next and Mary J. on the oat post, but the Dillingham entry cono Show St Louis and neaiams ide, 'SatiaUx waa off good, and Car tinned the beautiful stride and came -- Two Departments roll hated the rail. to the wire aa easy winner, . Robert Leading A Hard Finish waa out of the race from the start. Mary Jay made an early bid for hon Carmalita won in straight heats in PACIFIC LEAGUE AVERAGES. ors-an- day, d at tho eighth the Macxanana the first event of .the and John entry waa runninc well up with Satis Grace's entry finished without trouble Games at Mollilll Field to June 3. lax. Oneonta laid back and fought fof as Bill Boy never threatened at any Fielding Averages. a place at the third furlong and paaaed stage of the tame. MacDosald drove PO A E TC Pc Mary Jay at nauv wnere me iour the Grace hope under the wire a win- St Louts 117 1 ui 60 year --old tired. ,Thcn DonrlU went ner by tea lengths. In the first heat, Asahis 102 after SaUafax and In the upper stretch and finished pulllnf up In the second Braves 1.. 119 G5 closed np on the black mare, and the beat m 2:22 2--5. Filipinos 75 37 Mer--, Oneonta adherents went wild aa it Sky Was Clear Chinese 27 14 that has been presented to Honolulu As predicted by A. M. 98 looked-lik- e a rlctory for the son of Hamrlck, the McKinley 45 Chappaqua. bnt Satlsfat responded weather Iana, the sky was clear and Hawaiia 100 36 noblT to the call from Carroll and the track was fairly fast, although not Healanie 37 chants many months is this advertise- - it in by op to that of last Tear.- The rata sad came under the wire a winner way three length. la no affected the conditions, and Batting Averagea. a hand when the large crowd numbering about AB R H SH SB FcL Carroll "as siren tic 2000, enjoyed ment of Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. lie came back to the starter's post an afternoon of rood Healania 148 31 and he richly deserved it, aa be rode racing. Hawaiia 147 33 a grand race, Mary Jay had evidently Once more the stand was brilliantly Asahis 143 19 In start, and the daughter of decorated with the Tart-colore- rowns 149 IS tired the of sex, who appeared more Braves .. Hippodrome bs yet to ibow what she the fair St. Louis 1S4 32 can do 'against the class of field en- Interested la the hoof beat than they McKinley 133 37 - did to Paquft effects.' bleach- tered. V" - - the The Filipinos 91 8 -- ers were fairly well filled, and it was Umpqaa Wlna Chinese . 30 2 all ! . Read of It happy crowd, although many . Umpqua a of , .Walur DiUlatham's - the favorites- tailed to win la the bat- heme ahead of Walter ? kmted Mr. tle to the - Individual Averagea. Macfarlane'a Fair Mary la the second wlrer AB R H8HSBPCL race of the day by three lengtni. Fair The" setting'" remained the same. post, Diamond Head' was .there! as usual, HoUinger (8L)... 1 Mary was leading at the first Kauhane (H) 5 TJmpQua up strong and fin- and the .Koolau range, always a sir .... but cane H. Decker (H) .. 4 ished well ahead of the ex-Ren- o aal for poetrand Sonrsters, was oa the Job shape, Kurano (M) 3 threc-Tta-r-c- ld with Robert third by, 4 la rreat and accordinr to an advance notices '.the . Koolau Dlehl (H) ...... 15 Pawaa Eoy trrarg a sunrise In the range and; Diamond Head wCl be Maaasta (Hw) ... 8 Oriental race when he finished ahead amonr those present .when the Karne Victor (H) ; .. - race, nameaa jlmj. races are weu along this Lario (F) 4 ( of Akiheno by a length in a rood filountala Girl was never in the raca arternoon, Fredericks (Hw).. 2 2i wo -- TTiesw -- at any stage, while Aklbone made a, With Few Wards?) Cockett (SL) .... 2 bid In the early stares, tmr raw aa ' Beta' the manar anient ofCine trackJ Tamaahlro (A) ; ..it Do Not Sell Drugs Boy had plenty la reserve and accept events and the startinrrwas rood. Bun Hee (SL) ...It 3 We d the challeare made la the last The races were bandied la an 'excel- Sasaki (M). . ... 7 1, we sell ' But the lent manner, and touch Is i eighth, v ' . credit due LuaaM) 7 2 Copra Takes Honort ' to George P.: Cooke, the chsirmaa of Kalua (Hw) .....13 4 OEirUINE NIAGARA MODEL NO. " ' - Copra once mora displayed her tne racing committee. .8.- a; Paxaoa Smita 2 l -- (Hw)....l2 and . Arthur JIlco.- Who jaarted when aha beat out Bohr Shingle's ths Koinkl,(A)-....1- 5 3 class doT-b- Buhhlinjg Water five- - furlong bangtails off, tad work to ut (SL) la the was Haneberr ..15 ,6 event la 1:02 Z--5 which waa one-filt- h there no cnewho did not iiare OrneUaa (B) (au 284 Kenney rtainless Needle he ..13 a rood word ror th craciala. re 0:2; cf a second slower: than the time - Huraee (H) V.ie 2 : mainlng event should do- muchl.to iar ' made ty Unpsna Jnne in' this - MarclaL (F) S 3 . if - crease tne interest- racins; , Shower event Copra took; theltlead early and la here i... 9 4 Officials Meet ' Nelson (B)"v:;v ' v although Phillips laid back to the half cf v Low (MV. 14 FOB $6.00 .. Tha officials- 4 he came on in great fashion and fin followlnr handled the Spencer (Hw) 4 1 e nj fc.-.ri ...14 with-th- meet:v t r.y DRUG STORES CHAEGE $7.50 . . ished whip only one length Whlto(Hw) 18 3 f Bubbling Judree Albeit Horner P.1 Judd, " behind the Fitzgerald entry A.' Uonsarrat (M) ... 9 3 Bny your Plumbing "Goods a Plnmter. v-.r-- j MorI from : Water showed plenty, of speed In the wapi.T A.,jjantyre.: rr Mcllree (Hj: ,0 - i .Btarters S. ....15 - , , S. Parson, stretch.- t r, Arthur Bice. (M) 5 . - Clark of Konr ...... 15 Oneta responded to the call of the the Course Georre Anrua Kim Wal (Hw) 1 ,V'.' - the three-fnrlo- n event fof Assistant Clerks of course --Ben ..3 NOTT'S PLURIBING STORE crowd' la - Rawspn (H) 6 2 two-year-old- s, and the Oneonta; filly uari u.: Lemon- s- !:i f (C) . 3 0, t St.; 2566 ' a new when Donvita Clerka of the Scales H. Wunr v. . .U Sachs Block,. Bcretania nearfFort; Telephone 'set track record r H. Waller, Bennett (H) 3 2 the wire in 25 seconds. The vs.pwia . iurawiora. ' " :? Shields H) . 'jnaJicns - were off to - a rood , atarfc . . VetertaaxiaaaDR F. afonaarrat...... 6,1 Loo (M) 2 1 .. but Oneta took lead Quarter r ...V...1 if ::k: a at the w. k. nek, Fourth Cavalry. Anaaa jand finished three lengths ahead of Burgeon Dr. ueorre Btraub. (B)....19 ? ; Chmrhaau (Hw)18 2. . Luau, the only other entry;,; j Timers IL B. Giffard. John - : Rosarto (B) 1 Seabclt Ceata Mohawk Boy ueuv, u. is. aiurpny n.Cav-- .;..,lg. us. fonrta, Lai Sin (SL) 2 Donvits turned la another Inner airy, , ....13 Lam Wing (SL)..17 2 BoydJHw) 17 3 , The - cove area HOW THEY King (F) TM.v...ll I- STAND iBatonr.(F) 0 ...... 11 Star-Bulleti- n. OAHU-8ERVIC- Mara iuy .16 o E June 6th, 1917, in the LEAGUE Murakami (A) ...15 2 : Woa. 0 Lost. Pet Zenimura (A) ....15 2 at Z5tn infantry ...... -- o 1000 McTighe 1 All-Sta- rs BOO (H).....16 c:i' m m . . . . ; , f 3 .3 A1 few weeks ago; a member of our fi rm wanted one of these showers. They r 9 r ZZl Infantry O'SulUran (B) ...18 0 rr 4 Luia (F) 8 1 . ,7 i was; to" Fort rkuger , . . haidlnot been advertised locallythe order sent the maker, including some . . t' s m BuaaaeU (H) ....12 2. ' w Sterling (Hw) 8 2 It . , HONOLULU , LEAGUE .:. stock for sale. ' : Rosa (B) ...... C:rre"ca4wa.) U. ! I VToa. Lost - i Pet ; - Lum Dona (C) ECi .LD EAIUlACILS. June . ?t- Louis . ;v.r..'..r..v.7 1 75 I rarty would not Chinese ,L : Pong (C) . iThe erratic it ...... 3 .625 Lope? :. now appears that the Kott Plumbing Co., in addition to doing good plumbs c-- F) ill to U it the L;uifcoa p&rty oa the Pcrtcruese V J50 feservatlcn, unless whispered low Japanese . i Tou&r (C) the Kenney Curtaihless Needle Shower, bought' ad- in a ...... 2 f J50 (C) , in,; have for sale before the ; tone of voice), represented by H Com Kaa rjany, CTr.l Infantry, held a eewlca on rfii Kauhl (Hw) vance, and offer them $1.50; less than the manufacturer's present price.' .This sav Ladd (H) ...... 18 the target ranja dlxncnd with another Pet ing will buy. a good Bath Brush at the Eexall Store. ' vv'4 t EL':-- Miyahara (A) ....13 .taction nrrescntri ty the 3rd Talta-- i Louis v: ; .800 i Ch.un 9- - A lion, Bime regiment, and the meeting Asahis 34c 1 Chew (SL). a .750 Mnraahige (A) resulted la a stampede for the Bonr Braves ...... w. S I .760 ,.9 i. boas, that la, II Ccrrony, which 'as- - licKisisy .; ; . . . 2 2 V .500 Palea (Hw) 14 ; Maeaake (A) sumed control cf the ballots by. a JL8 Chinese ;..,..;.U w.333 .....10 1 - ' . Tomarra (F) to count. Hawaiia ; ;.; .-- 1 .250 ....10 In other words 21 Company defeated, Healania v 1 '250 Poepoe (SL) S (SL) 5 I mauled, slaughtered, - walloped v and Flllpinoe . 0 3 '.000 Markham ... . 5 : J rouged the 3rd a r.'.;:-.- Kekauoha (Hw) Co., Battalion outfit la ' IM. .' . V (SL) . 120 v v most unmerciful manner, the Battalion COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Fun Luke '(: - (F) i Service Every Second jXtlne gathering their only tally1 the " , - Plaaaa .....11 la J won . Lost Pet J first frame whea Ccnnoly mussed up Hawaiian Electric ; ; .. 4 1.000 Yasunaga (A) ...17 Up to short. HaU'a single Hutuahr...'.,,.,i.V;".;r4 ;800 Iwanaga (M) ....17 TbpJntil 11:15 P. M. to left advanced the former to third, Coombs .i.'3 :,750 Baslo (F) ...... 0 The Bexall Store Fort and Hotel Cts. , from whence he scored when Connoly Service First...... ;.. 3 :.eoo Simon (Hw) again erred, this time heavlnr the Iron Works J 190 Gomes (B) ...... 19 (ball to the camp when he attempted sur-BuUet- la .333 Klnr Tan (SL) ..14 to cut off Stlncy cn De VergllesVrolIer scnumaa . .... 1. 333 Magooa (H) ..... 7 I to short After this round the-Batt- spaiainr ...... rl J50 Lee XB) ...... 14 4 u; ST': Hamm-Toun- 11 von r : Yoahlkawa (A) 5 lion outfit not a sain cone within . . i 1 3 2Z0 ..15 hailing distance of the rubber. J Advertiser ; . . 1 3t;. 50 Kaa Leong (M)..16 : Reaca : Sakal (A) 8 To relate how H Company collect ' 1 '3r .250 ...... ;- - fiThese merchants learned facts business through "advertisintr: ed all their markers would be moat : v m e Perry (B) .10 of value monotonoua. It Is only necessary. to v. COM MERCtAL LEAGUE1 Keidpl (8L) .....II Merchants are always alert to gain business facts but the town is retting - T ! state that the good old fashioned rame Tauklyama (M) ..17 i of walloping the pellet tor aafe hits. Mutuals 8, Star-Bulleti- n il-- Snva (B) ...... 4 larger man a country xross-roaa- s ana a ousmess nouse, cannot ' always know - t Delmasio 7 ' ' ' i coupled with a few errors of commls- Iron Works 11. Spalding 7. i -- (F) .... ' -r y" -- 11,-vo- Hamm-You- nr lines carried .''.';,- -' 4 aioa and emission by the enemy, Reach S.' Llndo (M) ..Y... 9 of by others. : sprinkled with a tew passes, rolled up Service First 7, Scnumaa 3. Stewart (SL) .... 4 I-- the big count In a hurry. - Buckland and Keeff (H) 7 Com- - baseball team representlnr that com- Glrdler" (M) 8 fi How much more is this true of the merchant his Parmer divided the hurling for H pany put ..... and customer"-- P pany, ; allowing has ta such time as could be Kahanamoku (M). 2 five hita, the . former spared from range f nicked for two, while Farmer their work fa prac Qkano (M) 4 7: beinr tise, as uey are : auowed three.. r h ' most desirous of meet- Baldwin (H) .... 4 The merchant can go into thousands of homes and render csr-- r' ing - a dhtiict ti All of H Company 'outfit, slammed the various teams on the Biz Is- Delfln (F) 4 pill with more or regularity, i&na in tests 01 supremacy. f ; Ortia (F) 1 vice by telling people who will eventually buy, what he has in his ctcro ' the less i.Soore by Innings;." 'v' that - Buckland and Farmer beinr the chief Kamba (A) 1 wfll be of to them ! wallopers with four hita apiece. liar 3d Bn, 32nd Intl 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0- -1 Colburn (Hw) service , Co. H, 32nd Int 4 0 ( 1 0 (F) trls' slammed out a homer and a dou-- Summary 0i 018 Garcia ble, wUe .Zearie also lined out one Home run, Harris ;v two Tan Jx (C) . base hits, Harris, Zearie; eaertfice bit Bonl When you don't advertise, no one knows what you have arid you have to .for a brace of bases. Buckland, Hayes, Hayes; (F)..... Thompson ! stolen bases, Fitxpatrick, Mainlchi v aad Harris made eensatioa-- nompson. ,M) wait imril r.nstomr arrir?nfallv 4rrrk in " :'CW ivV al tieldlnr plays. De Verglles was the i uncn ind 3, TlatL Murphy, Nealoa (C) .. only member of the battalion" aggre- - ouciton. vergues; oases on balls, Hung(C) ... off Luther 3,'B4ukland 1. Farmer 4 ration to see the piU, tnatlnr tp aafe If Konr (C) . . WHEN YOU DO swats, and la addition played a strong struck out by Buckland 5, Farmer 8, Kelli (H) ...... adv defensive rame. West and Flatt also oy iuiaer im wna pitches, Luther 2; Brown (H) ...... them to plan so they1 will get.mbre UieirTOcn passed balls, Z, that for f -- chare credit tor making stops of what Duke Murphy 1; Um Rodriruea (SL) - pires, Mian . and . Pierce. Time of K. cnaniy more ousmess i looked like sure Wts. Luther . was . Decker (H) ... win ootain rame,-1:55- v v. ..: - ; i try much, off, but at times appeared In iivA. j Andoy (F) v ' m : Sasaki (SL) form," when pitching eight of .: -- his sent DISTRIBUTE CAPTURED GUNS ...... v the enemy to the bnch after punctur Aa Hook (H) .... jlng the osone. . r ; ; Jj&rA ftPMl T'i'': CriU tH) i - ' H Company Is contemplating a trip LONDON, Eng. A special war of- Vredenberg (SL). . to Hllo after the seasons work on the fice committee has been appointed to J' target Tansre Is completed and -- the deal with the collection and distribu CIRCUSES HARD HIT tion of captured runs which, are use Pf'mm Km MMHMNMIIMIIMMMg. ful only as trophies. . They will be PORTLAND, Ore. So manv vaeant 1. .J Tre for m Lifetime i aent in general lots have been, plowed up . and con- i..rr VarlMltlr for TTt4Trm. 1U4 to the home .districts I . . : g - r oof Bjtm omnima 3 of the troops which captured ', them, verted into vegetable eardens in 5 h Vml h--1 rwbo 8 email towns throughout S fWtnr. Mannrud.! fiitni4 I'thmmM 2 and a considerable number are to be the northwesL S f r k,e UiM itml try uxl ibuI Uiwjomt 3 set aside for shipment to Canada. ' cireuset totxrinr this section have had r ' - m inacb f roar tovtBit m B ' - s jwuiTa it iImmm iul.r)tT. low S "7 m s ; difficulty several places la finding r T - - f t'-r- irn. tcj r-- irw rrst Vast areas f Isrd are flooded In eaouga; ground.' on whicb, to mteii . Lower - ""VbsbsbbbbbsssbbsbssWMb , , -r Silesia, sowing be- . r r,r t- r t the: rprlnr thefr tents, according to '.their ad iWn -'- I mini

CHAS. A. STEWART, WELL TUBES FROM LONDONSSl j TIME EXTENSION KNOWN OLD TIMER, IS ADDITiONAC TELEGRAPH-NEW- S TO PARIS WOULD BE OF cioiiiiw; SUMMONED BY DEATH GREAT SAVER TIME Stewart, one of fb ENGINEER EUSTIS' 0STEND EVACUATED By AsMc!ate4 Prwsl TO Charles Albert Eng. TOO BOSSY FOR NOT GRANTED old-time- here, LONDON. Departure of a best known of the SERVICES RETAINED BY GERMAN INVADERS five who haa been in the islands since train from London to Paris every or ten minutes, tiavel between the 1875, died last night at his home in ft. STsval (aodfttd Prts ty V. Coauaaal. i valley. funeral will b tw0 capitals by rail to occupy les Pauoa The cattoa toncO rattea IuiUi) ' MAUI under- 10 LONDON, Eng., June 11. It was of than six bears, was tbeposslbilltr hell SCHOOLS OF held Wednesday from Sllra'a WASHINGTON, L. C, June easf taking parlors. Burial will be ia While Harry Rouaeau. an eminent flcially announced last night that ow- j out by Sir Traacis Fox in an address es Os-tea- d Royal Nuuanu cemetery. He was born In engiaeer, succeeds jeuatls aa Goethals' ing to the recent bombardment of j recently delivered before the by the- - Allied fleets, the Ger i Georarhical society. Sir Francis was ; be Charlotte town, Canada. asaistant, Eustic wfll still remain a - mother-in-la- w adhered not ! On the ground It would man have been compelled to aban- describing the conditions under which Because her I practicable at the present time, the The deceased was on Maul for some member of the shirring board. to the Nipponese custom ot domineer-- don the port and to remove their i it was proposed to bu'ld and operate a neadAciien school commissioner! at their recent time with the Wafluko railway an? Goethals yekterdar announced the household, a pretty Japanese grant a later was on Hawaii with the Kahala selection of Rouaecc as his assistant hipping. The harbor is now de- tunnel under the British channel to'8 Headadiea, akk or otber t annual meMlng declined to serted. connect and France. M oeiore jeuua i ex- - Plantation Company. His only son la department announced Ensland kinds, don't happen to Jxtititn from M an principals to Later toe state I .(Saturdayf" and asked for permission to ' tend the school Jay from 2 until 2 30 Harry K. Stewart, with Ripley A Da that the board would retain the ser- I Looking into tie tuture. he declared ; 1aYe her m- - people who lifers ar X)'clock in the afternoon. Tii, architects. vice of Eustlt'ts a ronsnlttng engi U. S. DELEGATION IS that ttc trains operated through that Attir Urln, tear d of marriftd busy and whoso bowels mra J daughters aa longer t used to traverse K "The board expressed its appreci- His wife and seven neer though be wonld no SAFE IN SIBERIA tunnel could be life, the girl said she had left her as regular a a clock. of fine spirit shown by the follows survive: Mrs. William J. to Goethals. j r raac. Belgium Holland. Spain Iuly. hU was too ation the Tur-- , hcsband aother MarVham, a teacher at the Kaiulani Germany. Austria. Hungary, and m -- Thousands of folia who Maul princ'.palg in asking for the (AuoclaUd y V. S. Comjoua!-catit- a ghe h j Ptm HtI . was M ayB Supt. Henry W. Kinney. school, Mrs. John K. Simonson, Mrs. ILLNESS OF PRINCE Srrtc) ey aa far a Constantinople It Jn QCt only for to haro headaches - order to a home ..j. aed ' Lang Akana. Mrs. Thomas D. O.kclt, IRKUTSK, Siberia, 10 Envoy by means improbable, said rran- "but could not see its way clear to UDINE DELAYS TOUR! June Sr nerieif but for her two toters. say this is the way they grant petition at this time. It a teacher at the Waipahu school. .Mis Extraordinary Root, with the Ameri- cis. that within comparatively a fevvf know why 5 the i j Heen wanted to rcmoTcd the cause: -- opinion of the board, how- Jennie K. 8teart, a teacher st the can mission to Russia, arrl rd here years, travellers from London would .w mytA y, mat th V. S. Communi. j h.K.d hA mt (AmocUU by Trans-Siberia-n - Kapaa school, Kauai, and the, Hisses Ttm ! by Ra'I.- yes be able to reach distant places ever, inat a tendency ia being shown cation Strrlci) the ad lie,,i iw One pSl at bedtisse, reu. Bessie May' Ch-in- a through medium C On th mainland to extend the school and Stewart student at WAJ5HINGTON. D. C. June 11. It! terday morning and was ?:en his India and the A friend of the girl testified he had lariy. Lazxcrdote if there's : the Territorial Normal School. 4 m W re- .nnel. ,day. but it doei not appear that the AB7 first official welcome to the new of the channr! asked the MhusbandM about it, but he sutpkion bniottsnesa an extension There are alio several grandchil- public. In a a of lime is yet Tipe for such ( before the Italian here addition most enthusi- The tijnccl wjuld censist of two had replied he was too busy to come or constipation. 'In Hawaii." dren on Oahu, a sister in Calif mla, mission, be able to start astic reception was given to the Amer- tubes, 18 feet .n diameter. In the "haole nephews on war wir to Honolulu and fet married - The Maul principals based their and in San Francisco, Uritisa on tour of the South and Middle icans by the peop!e generally, tho city aboe the sea bed the maxi-- style." Later, girl ald her "hus Columbia and New York. their jfhanil the DJtTlS "petition on the need of farther time West. They had expected to start being en fete for the occasion. ; irn.ni jejua oi at:r wouia De rroni band" had been mean to her and had 'each day for relational, work. yesterday or today but this was Impos Unofficial receptions of the greatest 1 1;0 feet to 180 feL It would bo given her no money. U meeting-o- f commla- - DEMORALIZED; ' During the the TEUTONS sible owing to the iiir.ess oi rnnce enthusiasm are being tendered this necessary, he said, to leave undisturb The court was of the opinion that . .'tion the following teachers were re commission. party along the line. such cover of cualk over the roof ' 8000 PRISONERS TAKEN Udine, who head the ed the girl did not have to return to her m year each; ilred on pensions of S40J a He is still unabl to leave but he of the tunnel as would guard against "husband" aa the Japanese marriage Ames bmr SjfMtmrt 3Q .years a ' for, -- Miss Jnlla 8now; NEW YORK, N. Y.. June 11. Ut- hope to be able to do so by Tuesday U. S. MAY SHUT OFF any possible hostile, contingency. That is not recognized. Probation Officer of Hawaii; prob-abl- e - ! 'teacher on the Island terly, demoralised the German forces and that day is nrw set for the protection had been fixed at a rain' Leal said he would place the girl In Moses Kautimahu. a teacher on Maui SUPPLIES FOR GERMANS the command of Prince Rep-rec- ht departure. mnm ot 100 leet. lne tunnel wouia a local home wnere ane might earn 27 years, and Mrs. Nettie L. 8cott. under for made no at-- , be operated pumped and ventilated her own living. The girl appeared will 26 years and of Bavaria have (Audate4 Prwu by U. S. Commnnl. Colorless faces often show teacher on Hawaii for tempt to regain any pait of the DANIELS ISSUES WARNING Xt1 by electricity supplied from a power ing to do this. principal of the Ho'.ualoa, Kona, ration Bane) absence ground captured by the British fol- WASHINGTON, u. C, June 11. It station in Kent ten miles inland. the of Iron ia the TacbooL TEUTONSPIES BUSY a dip in the blood. appointments lowing their tremendous blast of last has been announced here wita orrtciar The tunnel would have HOSPITAL FOR CANADIANS V Although none of the Thursday, and the British on their authority level of the rails, forming a watr public, it is under- Com- that the administration is CARTER'S IHOfl Thare been made part have been busy consolidating (Associated Press, V. S. Naval prepared to urge the passage lock by which It could. In case of LIVERPOOL, Eng. A. main base PILLS stood that James Davis was re- of an hospital troops probably their gains. ' . munication Sernw; export restriction bill through con emersncy, be filled with water from for Canadian will help this condition. principal of -- appointed as supervising The toll of prisoners, now nearing WASHINGTON, D. C. June 19 gress roof to floor for one mie. This would will be established here. It win pro- reason to as the first jaeasure to shut off D lOahn. the 8000 mark, to believed to be com- "The navy department has supplies cow belie 'ed flowing through be under control of Dover Castle am' vide accommodation for at least 1500 Surerlnterdent Kinney aas told find-- ; valuable Information con- convalescent Canadian soldiers. The they plete, but the engineers are still believe that neutral countries to Germany. the entrance and exits wuld be under CARTER COMPANY. the boards of superrUors that booty shape. of cerning the naval plana of the United site Is now owned by church Interests, 45 Murray SL, New. York, : lng In the machine The government Las collected infor- gunfire of the Dover forts. :will have- to mt- for school flags dur guns cannon which are capable States is reathmg the enemy," says It comprises 16 acres. l. . . - .v- - and mation showing heavy gains In , we next two- years me a-- i by the lng le;ng repaired and used against an announcement issued yesterday ; exports ; ' of American produce to neu RUNS TWO MILES FOR Grant Park cn the-- Chicago lake I I Mature WTIIUUCV piyivyt- i- - . Daniels, who advisee all now their former owners. . Secretary tral countries contiguous to the Ger- Nearly ail of the schools , bare -- British and German airmen Also officials In possession of acy of the AID CUT front, will be converted Into a naval they wear out and, says man empire. These exports are ex- WITH THROAT training caring 3,000 re flags, but are extremely busy the . report plans of the government to exercise station for j: Jt plained here by supposition that ;Kinney, the .department has no fund from - are and last In what they may say in tie cruits. -- , , . ones. the front correct unusual caie Germany is buying materials in the (Associated Pre by tJ. 8. Kavtl Corneal. witn which to get new an- - night the British war office conversation. United States through dummy traders cation Benrico) of desperate - 11. I nounced that a number under neutral flaji. OAKLAND, Cat,- June With his I NSANITY SUSPECT FOOLS encounter, had taken place In the Air SHERIFF SAVES LIVES OF. throat cut and bleeding profusely from fighting lines in France v A KEEPERS AND PARADES above the KIDNAPERS FROM MOB BRITISH AVIATORS RAID the wound, Cleveland Gracomella ran wmm and Flanders. Nine of the German two miles to secure aid. i AROUND IN NIGHTSHIRT planet have vben. destroyed, .bringing FAR BEHIND TEUTON LINES Gracomella accidentally Missouri, li. had shot the total brought down one way or 'l SPRINGFIELD, ' June and killed his friend, Baldl BtilottL turg-.eo- n, 35 men; O. Ayer,. police war Although a band of masked - t When Dr. R. another since the outbreak of the LONDON, 10. and in the remorse- that came upon hospital i mob more than 10,000 Eng, June On Thurs- went to the Queen's to . well above two thousand, .The Tnembert of a of men boys, captured the al day night, following of him when he realized what be had Saturday to examine a Hawaiian British admit the lota of three of.their mm and done he determined to take his own ' - - kldaapera of little Lloyd Keet the German positions south of Ypres, 'named Kalanl for , Kalanl own machine. - leged life, and cut his throat When the IS" night-'shir- t Saturday Sheriff Webber the British aviators raided far and ; paraded down the yard in a late night blood spurted from the wound he READY TO START him.-- . VVAILUKU WOMAN. 18 r v . managed to bring oft his prisoner wide behind the German lines, paying to meet 'iX: changed his mind, determined to live, , We carry all sizes in ' Hospital attendants searched, the s f iTYPHOID FEVER VICTIM end they are now. reported, to be safe particular attention to the railroad ; h and ran desperately homeward to se ; means r.hffl-t- attacks of 'the mob. In a centers, where a large accumulation solitary ward to discover the - medical-aid- . may . of rolling. loaded- cure He die. of, Kalant's escape ; but were non- WAILUKTJ.. Maut June 8. After secret hiding place, where they are to stock, with ammuni Those who have enrolled In Ernest tion, previously been tteel-guitar- 7 " locked la his two weeks illness from typhoid TevdfY beheld .until the authorities are satis had located. The K, Kaai's . class are. re plused. He' bad been dropped .many 'room and they found, the door still Mr. Dorcas Lua Walwalole, 'wife' of tied that ail danger of a lynching is airmen bombs amongst JUDGE KEMP DECIDES quested to call in at soon as possible . '" these supplies, falling o Iflnal .locked when they took him back. Joseph K. Walwalole, died Sunday at past'l . the the air to make arrangements,, to obtain : fol- being: SUBPOENA QUESTION with napkins blue white. Itlattt dsveloped that he had pried the Malulanl hospital, Walluku. . .The Tlxe. feeling In this community missiles accompanied by a series instrument! if necessary, and. to learn vi and open - inside and funeral took place' from the hospital lowing the discovery of a pair of de- of great explosions as the ammunition the hour to be set for the meeting; of the lock from the ' Monday,' Interment In he. Cath- composed feet, evidently part of the supplies blew up. In case of Hata vs. Watase, a the class lesson. ' . . had been clever enough to close and behis' the for its. first lock the door again as he went out. olic cemetery. ':' : '""i'..' mutilated' bod f of a child, in a well Following these explosions, a num- civil matter, where subpoenas were Any other not yet enrolled desiring Kalanl is back at the city jail. He : Besides the husband the 1 survived near this-city,-a- the linking up of ber of fires broke out, the rolling served on residents of Ulltf while tem- to enter this class are urged to call at by ! , of depots being completely be- will ? probably be arraigned before four small children. She had been this discovery with the. abduction stock and porarily in Honolulu, no mileage once that they may miss, none of this j -- Judje Irwin for . Insanity next Tues--. in' Maui but a 'having com Lloyd Keet hat been growing steadily destroyed. The fires lasted until ing advanced to them, Circuit Judge instructions , , vl y " :r? been-ver- ill and was from Honolulu. She was a tiste more intense, --until on Saturday, night dawn, with occasional explosions. . Kemp Saturday handed down a deci Complete course of tlx. one-hp- ur Ie day. He baa " o violent In the : hospital mat it law of Moses and Noa WaiwaJbte' of a tnoD'of more than ia.000. including i On TTfday c the British airmen sion holding that the Hik residents.in tont all for fonr dollars--f you al- Fort' ;oppCafc?Uc Church" 'was "necessary. to Imprison this, place,' many women and boys,' gathered 4n brought -- down three .enemy planes and question; win 'not be required to ap ready have instrument If you 2ny nlm.; -- Malulanl hospital. 'aJlutu. i pubUef ojuarev of out of pear answer At the: tbe inVthe "center drove font back t control, the an the summons mnlest your nitar of ;us,thef coure .will "Say lf you'rt ronninjt to' flal voor Ul-B- your . r ut you aay yourself that June 2. lira, Dorcas Lua , Walwalole, Springfield, believing that the pris- planes dropping . behind the Teuton traveling expenses are provided by cost'bnt 4wo dollars. Guitars for tale little boy ,oot o' the null pond yoaTt you orr age 26, wife Joseph K oners, this? father is anxious to get nit of Walwalole accused of the double crime lines. In the operations of Thursday the proper persons. In instance from fifteen dollars nn, .This it the too IsU?--.- i a -- ' ' . " , - '.:.--- died . The funeral was held Monday kidnaping and murder, were being night and Friday the British lost six the subpoena was served on May 23, opportunity to ;Ts bands. "V; of last Join this class. Ton : Oh food heaventJX 4tli' . . She Yet; that's why I don't. think internment being in the CathoUe.cenv brought back to this city for Impris machines, two of them crashing to the commanding the witnesses to be in can't beat thit offer; tb;why.not do Tept crawled ont nltself"- -- ; hi he'll listen to you. Boston Transcript - . . onment. ground, after a collision in the air, in court on June 25. It nbw? AdW' .fii Harper's. Magatine.. ;

f v i ' :l the 'Hawaiian trust co.t LTD., ADMINISTEATORS OF BOOTH ESTATE i: r nr no n n n ! innonn i i 'U n ia ti m t mi- U It A .... ' .' - .' . ;. 'P. - gan :Coltd.uctioHGOifIsCISi C

: c

a r . " ' ,:' n n n ..... n-- ' - ' r 1 Of li hH i;: ' 1 liOife v ;. ;f. ' -- '.. :k..'- .''"', n : - ::- -! :,. :! 5 0 X ' OTJR AUT03 ARE AT YOTO SERVICE -- 10 degrees cooler than Waildki--an-d - . 10 roinutes.only from King Street ; i v Six lWps Daily nntU tDatOjbf Sale Climate and : vistas rimilar. Tantalns, : f A::-xx- or. to anJaR-yearTqun- - j - I T but d country home within Drive your Famixyv tip to see these Lots ; walldnV distance v of the business :districi;; ; jx-thl- i sftemooiL vK - v 1 . V v Macadamized RoadsDaily provision 7 ; c ;v:,v;i sight is coimcijoii deliveries. . A Conspicuous $ign on Each Lot gives ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES you the Number and the Upset Price. All leeward- - Oahu frpa DiamoBd.Eea4 f : .J. ".. , ; to the.Weiaiiae Honntaiss in foregroand. You 17HI Evohtually Somovjhord on This is a. Rare thoFobthillG Opportunity to abovo tho City Select the Site

A Neighbor if You Buy on Pacific Heights. c ifcllllllpl 120 So. King St, Phone 1255, or Jas. F. Morgan Co ttcL 1 25 nerchant PhdnB 1 572

j,, ....f Pinnri-fr- bn m r?I 1.IUUU uuuuuuvrs Fiilili 4 HONOLULU COKTBUOTION & DiULYlnQ COn LTD.

' - - - mmmmmm . Li ..h i i i - mm . I flMATt A mm M mm. mmm n i mmmmt' OlukiXUXiiuii oxva, avrxj oa tx auuxa.wmiwn yuxsiiu di. PORTLfD BUSINESSMEN PROTEST I Setos Arrives flodl iu NEW LIFEBOAT RULES ADOPTED FOR AGAINST GREAT NORTHERN MERGER Safely At S. F. OceanicStieamship Co. W DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO U. VESSELS IN SUBMARINE ZONE I'nder the heading "Seized German Consolidation Plan May Be vassed this forenoon, the public most ' certainly does not approve, and If the ship here from Hawaii," the San Fran- i Regular Sailings to San Francisco and Sydney, N. S. 7. Dropped of Rose rort is discredited, as the merger cisco Bulletin says: as Result 4730-to- n would have the effect of doing, those "The German freight steam Throuah the courtesy of Commerce ! launching, and the master or officer 7 Star-Bulleti- City's Opposition men and interests responsible for ship Setos. seized at Honolulu upon Reports, the n is able to- i in charge shall assure himself that all or uermany, - life-- 1 For further particulars bringing about the change will be most me declaration war witn day to print the following require- the required equipment is in the apply to heartily arrived here this morning in tow of ments for safeguarding the lives of boats and life rafts, in good order and Vigorous and continued protests condemned. ! tm . I 1 . -- r On AI1 .Vl TK. Ci,v J ready for Immediate service. Steam-- ; C. BREWER & CO., LTD. from Portland Immediately have me! What Is Contemplated I General Agent ' of the German vessels seized me--1 proposal roerre rarious coasl In orief. the program is to take the nine at vessels: era which are not equipped with the to the island cort to arrive. She will be I "On account: of th npHal d&neers ! ahal! havo nil the wit ateamabip lines, with the Hiii; Great Northern and Northern Pacific, rhanlr! riarfta and Northern owned by the Hill interests, off the liners Great Northern tain A. F. Pillebury. local representa- - steam of United States ;tin launch- - river-Sa- n run ana vessels the and readv for immediate Pacific, the most important factors in Columbia Francisco of Shipping war zone use them between Pnget Sound and tive the United States from torpedo attacks in the ing before entering the war zone. the project. Board." I when vessels are quickly sunk and, in In view of fact that President L. San Francisco; send the Governor and Future Construction the Another San Francisco paper save I consequence, the necessity for a ' Cargo vessels contracted for after C. Gflman of Great Northern Pa- the President, now plylEg between Se- Matson tie "Captain Matson saying noth-- larger equipment of and life May 1. with- Navigation jnd to operate be- that. is lifeboats 1917, and serving trades Company cific Steamship Company, well known attle San Francisco, ing on subject, although admit- - rafts, and a larger supply of food and equipped tin proposal tween and San Francisco, the in the war zone, shall be la Honolulu, said that the Portland ting can use some of Ger- - provisions to be carried In lifeboats, Rose City an.1 that he the each side with lifeboats of sufficient Direct was a tentatiTe one and would not be and take over the mans. Two of his now em-- the executive committee of the Board persons Service Between San Francisco and Beaver, by Portland fleet are capacity to accommodate all Honolulu fives farther consideration until the owned the anl ployed in towing Germans of Supervising Inspectors, Steamboat on upon San Steamfhip Company, interned board based an allowance of business interests of Portland had Francisco Inspection Service, a meeting held 1.") ad- For further particulars on pres- here from Honolulu. at cubic feet per person, and in apply to been consulted, it is possible the plan and still maintain them their "The final decision as to the placing from May 7 to 11, 1917, adopted rules dition thereto shall be equipped with - run.- headquarters of this ves-Ingto- n. may be dropped, es the Rose City is ent The of the will come from Wash- - applying to such inspected steam a of approved life CASTLE & merger making shipping combine be in Seattle. The vessels sufficient number COOKE, LTD., Agent, solidly opposed tc any to Within next few months of the United States entering the rafts to accommodate at 25 per Honolulu any plan "will compa- the least the big turblners' home port but relievo the railroad more than a dozen steamers will ar- war zone. This action of the executive cent of all persons on board. Portland. nies of their ateamshir holdings and rive come Honolulu committee was approved by the Sec own here. Four from Recommendations Telling of the fight against the pro- once the railroads no longer the eight ports. retary of Commerce on May 12, 1917. ef- City and from Philippine "Reliable information Is to the posed merger, the Portland Telegram turblnrs and the Rose and the "The only German in port The rules are effective May 12. 1917, many or nearly of regulated by vessels fect that all the of May 21 says that the city's prestige Beaver, the rates, now now are the steamer Serapis, the four and until further notice. They read lives that have been lost from ves- as a port Is menaced by the plan, as the Interstate ccrmerce commission, masted barque Ottawa and the two as follows: sels after attack has been due to the tur-bine- rs TOYO KISEN It would mean the loss ot, the can be raised and controlled complete auxiliary schooners, Atlas and Nep Lifeboats and Provisions fact that, in many instances, tne KAISHA ly by monopoiy company. to Portland, putting second the tune. These are all being put in corn-- "The capacity of lifeboats shall boats have been launched while the Regular Sailings class craft In their place, higher Buslnecamen'a Committee Named mission. A captain has already been hereafter be determined by an.llow ship has had considerable way, either to San Francisco and to the Orient freight rates, and dictation of the "So grave Is the situation and appointed for the Ottawa. It is under- ance of 15 cubic feet for each person ahead or astern, ana that engineers merged lines' policies by the port of fraught with so much Importance to stood that she will carry cargo to carried Instead of 10 cubic feet as have been compelled to abandon the For further particulars apply to Stattie. The Telegram says in part: the future of Portland that a thorough Australia and bring wheat back." heretofore. engine room while the engines were "Portland is op in arms against the Investigation Is being made, particu- "In addition to the equipment al- still working. transporta- CASTLE & crooosed merger of steamship lines larly by the shippers and ready required in lifeboats, there shall "It Is suggested, therefore, that the COOKE, LTD., Agent, Honolulu which will. If consummated, take the tion men. The flst conference is be- be provided a hand pump with a bridge watch, or the master, assure torWhej-s-. Great Northern and North ing held this afternoon, attended by White Star Is plunger of not less than 2 Inches in themselves, if possible, that the en ern Pacific out of the Columbia river. L. C. Oilman, president of the Great diameter, and a discharge pipe of suf- gines are at rest and. the way off the Company, ficient length to of supplant with Inferior boats, Northern Pacific Steamship reach clear tho CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- them vessel before the boats are launched. N make Seattle the headooarters for and J. D. FarrelL' president of the San boat's side. It is strongly recommended that, due RfWii um great! steamship monopoly rob Port Francisco and Portland Steamship "The food or provisions required to to the possibility of the boats on the BeeuUr Sailing, to BRITISH CoEuSffiM large part of the tourist Company, whose vessels are included Making Money be carried in lifeboats may be hard land of a army weather side of. the ship not being ZEALAND traral and to the shippers make a big in the proposed deal, of the Pacific bread or the United States available, the full lifeboat capacity on and AUSTRATra Company. following emergency ration. Food which nro advance In: rate. Steamship The A 24 cargo ships be carried on each side so For further Darticularn ' despatch from London May to duces unusual or immoderate thirst. Would Mean Rate Increase . special committee has been appointed that full capacity may be available at i C the Philadelphia Public Ledger tells such as corned beef, salt fish, eta, THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD TOot f the Proposal. which strikes to attend this conference: Drake of 112,000,000 profits all times General Agents ' O'Reilly Regulator Ine and for made in the will not be allowed under any circum- a' severe blow at Portland's shipping of the last year by ply- "It is strongly and earnestly recom mer traffic man and member of the the White Star Line, stances as lifeboat provisions. and commercial Interests and reduces ing between New York and English only mended that on all vessels entering maritime po- port of Portland "'commission; W. E. "When hard bread is carried this city to a third rate ports. It says: In the lifeboat there must be provided the war tone, or the dangerous areas. only benefit offered la that Coman, manager of the Northwest - passengers sition, the. "London, Eng., May 24.- The report in addition thereto at least 10 United the and crew be kept fully PHONE 2295 BEACHES of larger cargo space. And there Is Electric Company; formerly with the cf Oceanic Navigation Company, army prepared (so far as may be possible I, Lang Lang & the States emergency rations. little comfort In this for It Is calmly Northern Pacific; of owners of White Star Line, cargo or the navigation of the vessel per up. Cor; Allen & Lewis; the for "Lifeboats on steamers shall explained that the rates will go LTAHen Lewis; of the last year, shows a profit of be provided with a separate set of mits) for speedy and immediate dis Peck Co.. "No more astonishing proposal af Henry Hahn, of Wad hams & Co.. and embarking, or abandoning ship in ALI KINDS OP ROCK AND SANn ..Al after providing for the excess davits for each lifeboat required. WORK. fecting this port has ever been laid I. C Sanford, of the Northern Grain profits taxation. The profit repre- - When this requirement makes it case of emergency, and that the crew FIREWOOD AND COAL - QUEEN Company. STREET ' , before the Portland public. It came warehouse cents an Increase of 434,473 over I necessary to install additional davits. be furnished with life preservers of p n ".without .warning,-- like a bolt from, the Mas Meeting Planned such character as to allow the free BOX 212 : 1915, which was more than double It is recommended that the additional ; making blue Iky, and has aroused Indigna- "This committee, while that of 1914. Dividends of 750,000, davits be of the mechanical type, to use of the arms In rowing and boat NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. tion such as hat not been witnessed survey of the situation, will not make equivalent to 20 per cent, facilitate quick and launching. launching. All should be warmly OAHU RAILWAY decision, by have been safe TIME TABLE In this city la many" years.-"Th- pro- a but the facts gathered paid, leaving a balance of 3C$.C36 The old type of davits with "turning-ou- t clad without unnecessary or hinder on account of Kameh&men nv moters, apparently realizing the storm the committee will probably be laid carried forward, compared with gear" is not considered as me- ing incumbrance. Monday, June Uth, being a hoUday, meeting of OUTWARD which xhe . announcement would make, before a mass Portland 156,768 1915. chanical "The requirements and suggestions in company win not receive any ,;B in davits. w . ; men days. trr.i have said 1 the deal would not go business within a few The "Last August the capital stock of I Additional Life-Savi- ng Equipment herein set forth should be met prompt- freight other than baggage and ice J" . " iauae. vailn. ir.i. . subject oe disposed of one way U(1 through , unless the public approve. entire la to company was to 750,-- 1 Precautionary Measures ly and generously, and it is expected house goods one hour before sailing, m way the increased 'Tor Pearl , could be can or the other this week." WAaaalaV Aaveir mmtf that all concerned will cooperate .The steamer "- So far aa the situation 000 from 375.000. The White Star Wb VOOVSO OUM1 VChJ s j rjuiii" in "Claudine" and ."Ma- SUtW-t7:3- atHl- Way making better and safer conditions in nna Loa-- will sail Monday. 0 . . consists of 33 vessels." clent lifeboats to accommodate every June 11th, 11:30 . , a.nL. person on board, and in addition there the navigation of dangerous areas. at 5 p. m. regular and will load Satur to shall carry a sufficient number of Local Inspectors, however, will not day june th. . :AGED rot wahkw znrJMil - 1RIIRS Gemaa S . . approved life rafts to accommodate unnecessarily delay vessels from pro LrL s. n. it least 23 per, cent of the total ntml-be- r ceeding on their voyage to ports of v HoTOlulu, T; IL. Jnne th.'im.ca. 00 p.o. ll;33 of persons on board. the allied governments if it is not - 6805 Ct ; or Ships Chartered fBefore entering the war zone all possible to .meet these requirements Leilehna f8:00 .m. the lifeboats and life rafts shall be Previous to the appointed time of de-- NEDERLAND ROYAL 4 "" cleared away ready parture. MAIL & government chartering to and made fori INWARD The is ROTTERDAM ; LLOYD w- - . . S V Arriro. ' private shippers sailing V Honolulu from 1 Able bodied seamen are hard to get AMERICAN PORT, 10. BATH-BUIL- T' ' FARMERS URGED TO Kahuin, AN Jane vessels seised on the declaration of. TRIO OF JOINT SERVICE : waialua "fiaya any cdast, port, Americai-HaTrafla- n. Vir r irr Pacific The "steamer war Germany, according' to tne : ARE WRECKED SECURE NEWBULLETIN according to Bkippera of Teasela call-Un- g ginian which arrived from a European with SHIPS To BataviaV Java, via Yoko -: Telegram, says: here In the last week or more.-- port yesterday,' reports having had aa Portland which IN ALASKAN WATERS DEVOTED TO GARDENING hama, Nagasaki, Ont achooner arrlTed .laat.week In excitlne brush and having kept up a Announcement was made this Hongkong ' innnln that ihm fnrmmr nmtn "doing Tils which the youngest man was 27, .the long running fight with, a German sub I Telegram The citizen who is bit and Singapore, failing dates, Advices to the Portland for America these days by planting a majority of the crew 40 "years old, the marine in the Bay of Biscay on May I say ' (be St. Catn-- - that salmon bark freight and passenger 53, seaman who has had 60 30. nvnmant h. smau vegetable garden may obtain rates on cook one ti. fV-Wpeaj- - ' 1 - Germany, ? -- old of war with has oeea dud fwcVd many helpful suggestions from a sew application.- J v. , . .. blrthdara. and aacthCT genuine While running through the Bay of LVf . 3:59 ' to .transport a cargo of lumber.; Qv,lUD!ronV-- pamphlet on Vegetable :pjn, 7;M . . tered Small pjn. ; tar 74 yearf roungi-- a real Ancient Biscay, the Virginian jsighted a Teu- - The intimated-tha- t ka: C. Brewer &'C(j4 m "It also Is the former Sg"ntt:vrirr Garden," Farmers' Bulletin 818, Just Lt&, Agents 'I Mariner, :,C.lC fh ton undersea craft, which immediately in nearS"? mw-- t f German' barks Dalbek and Arnoldus Ppt. . by . of Forestry train ' On , another sailing vessel calling opened fire upon ther American, shin, receited ' the Board (only.TirsTv. seised at same time aa the Pkte. coat and mostof thejtores she Department were rcctilyde captalnVwife "was at the same time seeking to get with- he and from the of Agriculture LUMBER carried were lost The provisions MM tOT t?-i- -- Kurt.riikely, wlU be soon, Washington.: pamphlets ""Hale! ?l 5!vJ as-coo- k actually all in" torpedo striking , .chartered at These or a .l signed on and fed distance. The fire frt some of the cargo were saved. At Paints, Plumblno Supplies. Bulldlna I meJ fi,.m DfiAr. -- ?was-lm- vnH.tim. it i. booklets, containing .44. pages of print ariTea;laII0nA7w,"1."rato3 hands; too., The captain waa unable lately returned - by the - nnH.P . . low'Ude the vessel is in feet of Materials. Prices lew. Houses built cooK coastl ' - naval gunners aboard the Virginian it ed and' illustrative matter have been - to hire'a at the - water Sh b3r on Instalment plan.- Choice House "The Kurt Is of 2875 tons net regis- sent to Hawaii through the efforts -- x They aay' that pretty, nearly au and. the running fight was on. man Cannery Company ?iRe12S" of Lots for aale. " g American-- will something Delegate Kuhlo, may ?.j-oun- naval 'Putting full steam ter and she Uke out and be obtained ay.,Except sailors have Joined the ahead the - was at Bath, in Sunday, 'tsundly Hawaiian 2.700,000 of Oregon Sht built Mej, CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD. . reserve, preparatory to .going to war. boat sped onward, fir- feet fir, about cp- either at the Board of Forestry or at ' 0 4 2478 ? 931 -- as larVe a quantity as is handled y i'" 7? the headquarters the Territorial Telephone P. O. Box In this port" many soamen have left ing' at the submarine as she ran and met doom of t U-bo- at u-- MayfJ3. Food the month, as xrewg .pr:the,ex-- I the speeding alter and sh the a7eragited tramp steamer Commission,' Castle & 'Cooke t 8uplrntsndent.t in i&t. ' - - - Th MP sz building, rr-- c. German boats when they were towed ing as It followed : ; gaged in the offshore trade. She win .5?2!v?n Fort and! Merchant streets, P a: ' belonging to . Star-Bullet- in repairs. The naval gun on the Virginian' in be ready to start loading at once. Her standard, or at the office. Protective Agency of Hawaii . to San Francisco for Not A Libby, lost In the Far North at about only quite fewaandlub-- the course of the fight fired twenty-si- x entire cargo wlU be taken on at local To gardeners on the outside who F R sailors but I WO UUIC, e at EtQ HT 1 mill. Same kibo uuui names bera have gotjen wages ; plus frea shots dropping them all about the send in their and addresses and -- which copies will be mailed, charge. DAY AND NIGHT y transportation to the coast in this pursuing 'pest until "the accuracy of The rate at the vessel without Tl C K E T the aim compelled -- No chartered is not disclosed. With nim.a"V-!f-the La While some of the Information In Patrols. Phone 1411. 5 A 6 Elfteq Also manner.: Only three of the . former it to dive. I 187wn5 Vvr ' 9Jtitt reservations " damage was ifnAMnvbuiM ,. Vnw has chartered the steamer Admiral the booklet applies more directly to Bldg. WM. E. MILES, Mgr. lOtKHm ShAS .any point go. done as as is know"n. m, on Teuton craft are now left to far risv I Goodrich-fto- the ' the SteMUtip V The department of yesterday has been idle on for about the climatic conditions of the main mainland. . assasssajBsaasws- state the river w. ;!TkWYOMlNQ ..nJ,jBEADY.,.,; reported another encounter between two and a half years, or since soon vompany uucy land, very much" of It should1 be equal-l- y See WELLS-FAR- - an American Teasel and a submarine. after' the war be?an. She was Intern- - aPP" npi w valuable to Hawaiian growers,- - par GO & CO, 72 S. ' - : - by the wrecked LOED-YOUN- try Attsdstrt Trn '"f r- Jtn this , instance jth submarine ; . dis m kt Astoria: whiiii th viTmrk w character . carried ticularly the advice concerning meth- G King 8L,TeL1515. 7 : LARAMIli Wycv-T-he use of the charged a torpedo, which passed at .Clifton and the Dalbek at Portland. TWMl ods of planting, soil preparation, fer- : Engineerino; ''University of . Wyoming baa', been ahead of and under the bow of the At Drtgnit thp Knrt la berth d fct tilizer and pest control.' Methods of CoLtd. to department , . rig-I- T growing every vege- Engineers .and Contractors, t tendered the war ai mark misting by not more than ten Municipal Dock No. 1, where her I almost variety of v PASSENGERS ARRIVED Fred;LVa!dron,Ltd. i Washington by Piesident C A. DunM yards. ; The steamer opened fire with ffinff-h- a been nTerhanl1 Kh mmul table .and garden fruit are given, in Pantheon Block, Honolulu T. H. ., 2810 4587 v'Way.for military, use, its . naval gun and the. submarine dis- apparently fine condition when plain, simply worded directions .that Telephone and in L.L Mikahaia, from" Maul, y : Pef 8tr maybe-easil- Shipping and .W. . K: appeared. The effect of the gun fire uj lub Buvemmcni. me understood; Commission Merchants. t . former,rmay-- iott oer Molokai and Lanai, Sunday: Makena ; Hermon Kibardetl, is unknown.? other vessels or the trio are being L For-repairo- d. Gardeners on this Island are . ad MssaiandloroprietOT : to Hon. Quon Lee, Master Fort and Queen' Sta . Honolulu er of Kewtoa. . After the submarine v. had disap- ltnt,. K Anton. EL Bodine. K. Bo-- vised, that the Oahu agent. John M Bryant , CommerclaL peared t the Strattoa. the American vessel continued So far as known the Kurt is theUit,- - vi v. Antone. M. Anton e. in-- Watt, is preparing a number of insect School at Boston, dieC after, a brief? on at full speed and the undersea first of the seized vessels on this coast j fant pukao to Hon. Mrs. 8. Dunbar, sprays, which will be available- - to iNaveiurani" es ; - craft was not again sighted...... ; :i " growers asking. : id oe cnarierea. i xrtma v ifntrh Kaunalrabif to Hon. for the Application CHUN HOOK Y. TAKAKUWA & CO. Mrs. Decoito and wife, H. Okada, W. should be made through the food com mission, Phone 3191. K.kau1ik nr. Qun Phon. 3992 (.. Limited MeCluskey. O- 1 NAMC- CRABS, -- Per I.--I. str. Claudine from Maul packed In Sunday morning: Kahulul to Hon. c. Frances M. Stanley, Miss EIJa Ka-- Sanitary Cans, wood lined ' Mfty MlsS- - ; W. Carpenter, Snos vmcent, v. . hana, Ann Dusaon, Amy ( Nuuanu St, near King St. Case, Dan Null, A. C. Alexander, Miss trpiopio. Miss Katherine Tanla, Robt Co. Toor. A. W. CoUlns, Mrs. CoUlns, Dr. Plunkett, Jr, Ira J. Ingram; Wave American Optical Townsend, W. T. Frost, Tlernan, and Mrs. C. O. Durney, Miss McCalla, Miss 1148 Honolulu Abraham Hobles. Earl Eaton, Moses Fort St, Most Complete Miss R. MahL Miss Ah Nin Ah Ku, Opposite Catholic Convent Line of Chinese "Wm. Todd, D. Towrsend, Mrs. K. Akana, H. Zu Ro Kalmuloa. Miss Goods at Lane, Philip Kawelo, Jno. Kahawaloa, Mary Ann Kapoi, HatUe Kaalakea Mrs. Mak, Kim, THE HOUSE OF SEEVI02 K. Kaalhue. . Tolla Miss Kim, FONG INN CO. following passengers have ar Master Kim, Archie Hilton, Norman The Plialo. Honolulu's Leading Chinese Curie rived from the mainland:. J. B. Agnew, Store 1152 f 'uuanu St; nr. PauahL M. E. V. Amos, Miss E. CHOP SUI Alvarczliiss HUGO J. Brinkman, Judge Lyle A. GET SON MAP 93 North King Street j Dickey, Larry Duke, J. R. Douglas, By Associated Praul HUGO, ColoHugo, its residents Call and see our brand new CHOP Mrs. Douglas and two children, Mrs. claim, holds therrecord SUI HOUSE Everything Neat D. J. CASHMAN - E. B. Gerald, Mrs. H, J. Gosse, Mies for enlistment In the army and navy, when Its size and Clean TENTS AND AWNINGS U Ruby F. Gurr, H. R. Lincoln, C..W. Tables may be reserved by phone Luau Tents and Canopies for Rent5 Mrs: Lucas; R. A. Macfie, J. is taken into consideration. The pop- EHElBlLUON-BUBBtE- Lucas, 70 No. 1713 Thirty Years' Experience i " Mayberry, J. W. Blley, J. Euehler. ulation la 1,100; Hugo citizens niw ' ' are with colors army, navy Fort 6L, near Allen, upstairs - In STAR-BULLETI- W. Recovers, Mrs. Geo. Covell and the or N guard. GIVES YOU , Phone , ; ; two children, J. P. Folsom, S. Cleaves, national TODAY'S NEWS TODAY 17 L. Heywood, R. Horomoto, C. C NOTICE TO SHIPPfRS. James, E. J. Johnson, W. F. Keppler, TIDES, SUM AND MOON. J. R. Killian, Mr. Le Loustan, Miss M S. Martin, Miss Rourke, H. A. Slay- - On account of - Kamehameha Day, Moon back, L. K. Sing, Le C Stewart, Mies Monday, June 11th, being a holiday, High High Low Low Rises E. Simmons, Miss Dora Tom Kam, this Company will not receive any Dat-e- Tide HL of Tide Tide Tide Sun Sun Can! Mrs. E. H. Whidden. Miss .Nellie freight other than baggage and ice Large Tide Small Irge SntlTl Rises Seta Sets Pond, Mrs. A. Ralston, Miss E. goods one before J. house hour sailing. P.M. FT, A.M. P.M.,.. Selby, A. C. SUva, MUs V. Silva, Miss The steamer "Claudine" will sail .A.M. D. E. Smith, Otto Wolf, E. B. Parsons. Monday, June 11th, 6 p. m. regular, .Rise. at June 11 8:43 9:5 '8:43; and steamer "Mauna Loa" M the will sail 12 1.0 5:18 8:43 5 p. m. regular. J:55 11:08 4:05 4:34; i 0:!i PASSENGERS BOOKED at P.M. . - Both 1- steamers will lead on Satur- - 13 .12:05 L3 10:32 4;43 8:43 0: r " ' . I.-- day, i ...... Per I. str. Claudine for Maul June 9th. " 14 ..v... ..12:55 11:33 5:21 7:45 ?',5:18 6:14 1: ports, sailing o p. m. today: Mr. and INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAVIGA- " IS ....;;... 1:37 illf 80O 6:44 Mrs. F. F. Baldwin. Ed Baldwin, Mr. TION CO, LTD. - A.M.' and Mrs. R. A. Hudson and infant, Honolulu, T. H., June 7, 1SU. . : ' :i 2:18 ;1.J 0:37 6:29 9:35 at all Gmcerj S. A. Baldwin, H. A. Baldwin,: Mf ssejssaaaieBiBBBBBsBBBeBeHa BBBaBasasBvBeaBMSaVBBVBBaeBiBBBBssiBaHsevsM By BRIGK3S Styles Llasonic Temple The Shower . . . . Individual Summer la . 4. ' HATS whn' cot been Ill tVXtltnm hare Millinery Parlor. ' x&mlned matt b!n the Tern- - at Miss Power's Ie by even --fifteen). Boston Bldg. Afr FRANCISCO Weekly Calendar kirwtit Ra WS3 ftnn a1 MONDAY in rms 8222 Honolulu Jd No. 409. stat- - POULTRY PRODUCE New steei and concrete strno." Ki. 7; 30 p m ture. no rooms, 2S0 eonaeet-t&-c MEATS bathrooms. Homelike com TUESDAY fort rather thaa unnecessarily fcasor.ic Board ol Relief, reg- Territorial Marketing Div'n. expensive luxury, ia center of ular, S p. m. Maunakea near ' uesn Phone 1840 theatre, cafe and retail districts. Hooclulo Chapter No. 1. pe On car lines transferring all cial. past and jnot excellent jrver city. Take municipal ear-li-ne degree. 7: SO p. m. direct to door. Motor Baa aieets trains and steamers. P WEDNESDAY YEE CHAN & CO. Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, spe- vllaa IU X4ZZZZ OaUs cial, tint degree, 7:30 p, m. King and Bethel Su. THURSDAY ORIENTAL SILKS Honolulu Chapter No. 1. atat ed, first degree. 5 p. m. Honolulu Lodge No. 409. spe- p. m. cial, lecond degree, 7:30 Freeh Pasteurized FRIDAY MILK, CREAM Lodge Le Progres No. 371. and lee Cream MAUI pecial, third degree, 7:30 TMt VALLEY ISLAND p. m. Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. Doit rail to rtilt TIM Tfriter IiUa" 1542-467- art w txnirteaat wiTtirm, tee SATURDAY Phone 6 Urewt zttset NktM la Um wri4 sa4 Harmony Chapter No. 4, O. E. Um IXO VALLST uA Its fines 8., stated. 7:20 p. m. UNCXeCLLIO TUNA flSMISS SOOO AUTO ROADS SCHOriELO LODGE BANISTER Write w wlr fot tmmaoti. E Shoes for business mn Manufacturers' Shoe Store Tbe New 1051 Fort St Oddfellows Hall Grand Hotel Quality Clothes at waxluxu. rain. TTm trntj nm iUm aotol la WaUake. WAR SAVING Trtn talk wita emy Prices. L WEEKLY CALENDAR MONDAY, June 11 THE HUB : Hotel, Ewa of Fort v'C Lodge No. 3. 7; JO p. " Harmony m. Third degree, Refresh-- 7 PLEASANT0N HOTEL ments. LUXURIOUS AND TUE80AY . Latest In women's footwear COMFORTABLE 1. 7:30 p. FIRST-CLAS- Excelsior Lodge No. ARDMORE STRJCTLY S xb. Regular order of business. Summer Rates . on Application gray vKh t-ln- top THURSDAY.. Silver -- Pacific Rebekah Lodge No. 1, Regal Shoe Store. Hotel V Fort ' 7:30 p. to. Nomination of offl--; xtn. Third evening of the ALIIOLANI . whist tournament. Prixee and BIG HAILSTQRT.1 Suburban Hotel. SS2 Waialae Road, refreshments. 111 GUARD IS IfflUI SEIIIRY IBELIEVES WIFE VICTROLAS Kalmuki. Honolulu. On the FRIDAY Car Line No, and Records v Polynesia Encampment L Clean, wholesome surroundings; .7:30 p. m. Regular order of Bergstrom Music Co Ltd. cool and comfortable rooms; borne '' i business. ' Lir.HTED TO FOUR GRADUATES FOUR FALSE; ATTEMPTS DAlGES atmosphere. lUI 1020 Fort Phone 2321 Rates reasonable. Phone SPECIAL: 7161. WILL C. KINO, Mgr. SUNDAY, June . 17, I 1 . i i . w . " ' H Bl wwvwnmsrveBM Bl Bl H Bl Bl B B B I ; p. Odd Fellows Star-B&nt- Bid. ia 2:80 m. Sttr-Bnllti- ri OorrMpondanea.) (8Mi4l a OtmipiM() inn J Special L O. O. F. Memorial Servlcea. MAUI NO KA OI SEMINARY .. III mi IJIILD ULU WAiLUKU, Maui, June 8. A heavy 'by Using of III Ullllllll II III II Rduce Ultimate Costa .All member and frlenda WAILUKU, MauL June 8. The ser-ent-h 1T1U11UL.11 hall storm was reported from sections 1U lllull ALLIS-CHALME- the order are invited.. commencement of Maunaolu of Kula Wednesday. The storm was RS "THE ilOMAGOf 11 particularly severe about Walakoa Seminary will held tomorrow, SUr-BoUati- MACHINERY be at (Special a, OorrMondnc) 8tar-BU.ti-a A 8pMt1 Oorrip4ne) o'clock, .In Baldwin hall. There are WAILUKU, Maul, June 8. Because and Kealahua, where growing crops Luxurious Home Hotel WAILUKU, MauL June 8. At a al- Honolulu Iron Work Company 142S four graduates this, year: Misses he believed his wife unfaithful, Naka-mur- a and trees are said to. have been Makikl St Phone 3675 . HONOLULU LODGE NO. 1, meeting of the officers of the na- most stripped of their leaves. week, details Emma Luke, Esther Mahelona, Young RelJe, a Japanese employe of phoenix tional guard, held this Kin. Modern oroer of of the reorganization plans for Haul Lee Wong and Louisa Kamanao. the Uchida garage on Market street, ; Will at their home, corner ot The graduation program follows: Wailuku, attempted to kill her last The board of supervisors yesterday meet' were outlined by CoL Frank Baldwin granted petition the Maul Agri- and - Fort atreeta, ; every Processional; Invocation, Rev. A. night The woman ia in the Jtfalulani a of and CapL:Harbo!d, U. S. A. By the cultural Company, Hawaiian Com- Draughtsmen's Materials Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. . arrangement Craig Bowdlsh; 'trio, - lft Thine Hospital, her head and face badly the LADIES ; new Maul will hare out ' ' -. Vwrt1t mercial & Sugar Company, and the re -- : greet- art - J W. ASCH; Leader. ;- f'.y: companies of in- Eyes, Mendelssohn, Glee Club; la ah onf llinita mt fmm her Drawing Instruments, See our latest SUMMER HATS Just a battalion of four ' ! Company carry i 13 ing, Young Kin Lee Wong; music, to wrest the long meat knife Kahulul Railroad to papers, RANK IipRRATi;Setl';.v.;..;; fantry,- instead of a regiment of efforts public triangles, pencils,, etc arrived. ' company, "Anril Chorus," II Trovatore, School; from her Infuriated spouse. electric wires across the roads companies. machine gun" in connecting up their various, plants WONDER MILLINERY CO LTD. : Our. Class Colon. Esther Mahelona; , Nakamura may also lose the use of PATTEN'S - V corps, 1 LODGE-tlor'toP- hoepiUl and signal etc Each -- 4 0 N OLULU O. at with, power .1017 Nunann, near .'King- K fmnslcay-Blacksmlt- h't Bong,"-We- his right ;hand; on account of the a central plant. It is the (Formerly Arlelgh's); Hotel St t v " meeu in uwr iwu of the other counties except Honolulu ,- intention of these companies to sup- sv (b) "Baby Ttfandarin- MS, Primary handle of,the knife breaking and his V Mn Kins sL, near will hare but single battalion.. The ply own current in future. V-- -- Grade; Aid," Graduating Class; slipping along. the blade. The their the yf4 ;' trnr Prl4a capital will hate a full regiment" "First' hand Mrr Wotf-Ferrar- i, arrangement compels ' music, (a) Clock," tendons of the hand are He Is in Hard and Soft Weaves . evening. Visiting The new the The cut 1 The excavation at Camp for the War-Tim-e Gardening -' many Including "Nonsense Song," Hadley, Prim- JaiL For English Blue Serge, ' -- r - are cor- dropping of officers. (t) best for i brothera ! new cutoff for Kahulul railroad, . ary to Kun Chick Su, a Korean roomer in the dially inTlted to at Colonel Baldwin and the regimental Grade; From Seeds a Cotton government ia possible, stated. Drees, Graduating., Class ; xanslo,, (a) the Market street house where the has almost reached the TOOLS tend. staff. It Just it.raa ' road, several hundred yards mauka ef all kinds WEAR " D. C, Lindsay will con "The Little Dustman," Brahms, (b) cutting occurred, is responsible for ? FIDDES, E. ' v that Lt Col Camp 1 COOKE, LTD. W. W. AHANA Co. King JAS. a R,: tinue to hold that position in the new "Shoogeshoo," Mayhew; remarks, Rer. saving the woman's life. He heard of store. The track will cross LEWERS A nr. Bethel H. DUNSHEE, Sec regiment, which to R. S, Dodge; Hawaiian songs; presen- cries, and investigating grappled under the road in a cut some 15 or 20 169-17- 7 So. King St is her deep. will by Col. Jack : Eaaton or HTlo. It la tation of diplomas; benediction. with the husband and ended the feet The cutoff shorten of the the distance, to Paia, will eliminate V' tionululu branch more likely, howeTer, that he will be Following ; luncheon, at which vari- bloody struggle. - GERMAN AMERICAN ALLIANCE the inconvenient switch-bac- k at Camp Phone major of the local . battalion. In case ous friends of the school will be enter- Cfrne From Haiku : v 1, and the dangerous grade crossing Thor Electric w cftha U.S.A. he should be second in command. tained as guests, an Interesting athle- Nakamura admits his intention, to of P. Hall last Satw east of Camp 1 at which several se- 3445 IeetlJiga la K. Major ! Huffman Young . of i Labalna, tic program which has been arranged kill the woman. He says he forced VACUUM ij of every .month: v will be major. Otherwise, Toung drops under direction of L. R. Mathews of ner to. aamu improper relations wiui rious accidents have occurred. For quality meats and delicatessen 26, 30. - Cleaners. Hay June , or new "will Japanese,; had 1 bacx to captain tne Lanama Alexander House another and that she METROPOLITAN MEAT ' TL ISENBERG, Prea. the Settlement County R. MARKET PAUL company. . , . Attorney E. Bevins win . ; be given on athletic grounds of defied him. He worked for several The Hawaiian Electric Co, Ltd. C. COLTE, Secy.--. W .the go to Honolulu tomorrow to attend companies tor Haul are to school beginning at. 2 . The months for the Maui Soda and Ice The four the o'clock. the session of supreme court there be . located at V Lahalna, Wallnku, entire school consisting of 80 pupils Works,, but for the past month has HERMANNS SOEHNE been working Uchida. ' It was over next week. ' ' Puunene, and Paia; and the will take part There will be a drill, for Get . Honolulu Lodge, No.' 1 ; all the light you are are announced as follows: i an obstacle tace for championship be- Uchida's place that the attempted ADLER- - " Versammlungen in K. of P. HaU Lahalna Captain, W. K. Kalnakinl; tween Mokjhana murder occurred. The "University of Pennsylvania paying by using Edison the Koselani and sports except baseball. for drlttcn Montag: FV.A- bas-ketb- all abandoned all iea ersten and first lieutenant, - Clowes second clubs, a game of dodge ball and a COLLEGIAN Mazda Lamps. , i Llai 7 nnd 21, Juni 4 and 18. -- J Young Wharton Sinkler, football chairman, ' lieutenant, Hugo Brass.' In case game, The. primary girls will Clothea finish first In any event . KLEMME, : has enlisted. k EMIL Pra ti. takes the captaincy, the . other offi also play a relay basketball game. ELECTRIC SHOP . " -; ' VISITS JAIL TO CLARION : Hotel Fort C. BOLTE, SeaT.v7.- i:"; - cers I11 dropA down in rank,i Brusi For the purposes of the athletic ex- THE and v NOTICE. dropping out . v v . y ercises inaugurated some time ago in WatlukuCaptala, A. Luf-- No, ' Frank the school; the pupils have been divid- MYSTIC LODGE 2, K. of P. kin; first lieutenant, r John .Kanae-nolo-; seven Sport Coats ,: ed into "clubs," each. under, the All persons or . firms having unpaid Get War Time Photos with Mandarin Heels In Pythian Hall, corner Fort second lieutenant, J. H. - WaK direction of a leader. These clubs ROB; IS CAUGHT Coats - -- bills or accounts against the Terri- zi. Beretanla streeta, every Friday WaiOle. .v Stockings, Etc - are as follows r Bougainvlllea club, torial Board of Health, Incurred since AUTOGRAPHIC vtclcg at 7:30 o'clock! Visiting Puunene Captain, A. C. Belts; first Lena Thompson, leader, color, cerise; dak cordially ; ' - July 1st 1915, are requested to render l rotters Wm. ScholU; second lieu SUr-BaUt- S.OZAIU lieutenant, IUma . la - v - club, Elizabeth Taite, leader. (Spcll CoroBdic",) same at once to this office. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. ; w. - R. B-- - 109-11- 5 No. c bull,- a'c tenant Walker.': color, .yellow; Moklhana club, Esther WAILUKU, Maul, June 8. Because Klnj St. : B. ANGUS', C , Henry 1f9 Fort A. P. C ft. and S. Paia Captain. Robinson; Feary, leader, color, navy blue; Rose-- enough to feed him- K. B. PORTER, St . aeo-on- d he couldn't earn E,. B. Blanchard ; crab,-Hanna- first lieutenant, lani h Mahu, leader, color, Rail- Acting Territorial Board of lieutenant, Foster Robinson. self as a laborer for the Kahulul President green; Aloha club, Isabella Hulu, lead- road Company, Maneh Baker robbed Health. .ERNEST K.KAA1 er; color, red; .Morning Glory club, the Wailuku Jail of Ita poi supply. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 8, 1917. MADEIRA The Independent Review ; "Hawaii's Mualc Mn JUDGE VAUGHAN TO SIT Alice Maikai. leader, color, lavender; This is the story the Porto Rlcan 6807 3t Published Monthly Rainbow-club- EMBROIDERY English-Japanes- Aanie Keanu, leader. told, the police after he had been cap- Leading' e -- Magazine '':7. IN HILO BANKRUPTCY CASE - rt UKULELES color,: pink. - tured Wednesday night as he was try- SEALED TENDERS. INITIALS A SPECIALTY Subscription Rate $100 per year Instruction Hawaiian Mutlc,0Etc. ing .to make his escape from the Jail-yar- d MRS. J. P. MELLM P. O. Box 474 30 Campbell Block 51-S- (Syedat StaisBalltOa " Studio 2 Young Bldg Ctmniaduci) W Honolulu ' 8, Judge INCIPIENT T0NG .R0 with his plunder. He is now once Sealed tenders will be received up With Johnson & Olson Merchant Street. Store Woltere Btdg Union SL mLCV, Jane Federal more regular county. Bldg. Vaughan will be in this city on July HAS COURT a boarder of the until 11 a. m. of Tuesday, June 19. 1917, Wolters POLICE ECHO Manch essayed to be a bank robber Furnishing Erecting Car- 1 and on Monday. July 2,'. wUl Jiold for and Finish - SUr-BaUM- over year ago climb- court In. the new federal courtroom. i&fidil ia OsKwpoadcac.) a little a when he pentry and Hardware and for Painting - Wai- HAHAH'S BEST SHOES SEE , i The case which will bring the Judge WAILUKU. MauL1- June 8,-r- Yok ed into the back window of the Carpentry Finish and Plaster Walls at to Hilo is one in bankruptcy. How Sung of Molokal, and Ah Ka of Ka-hulu- l, luku bank and tried to pick the the Administration Building, New Ter- COYfJE burglar-proo- f Kalihl-ka- i, federal were 330 each In the Wai-- vault open. For that he ritorial Penitentiary, Hono- erer. it will 'mean; that the fined spent year M'INERNY SHOE STORE upper story-- -- Tuesday, on con a in the local Jail and was lulu, T. H. building il at least be luku district court Fort, King used for; a.tinjo bythe tederai court viction of assault and battesy on Ho given his liberty only a month or so The Superintendent of l ublic Works above. SL Young Bunding: ; - ago. Although he has been working ROYAL offldala. ; . . Sing, a Wailuku merchant The de reserves the right to reject any or all .. steadily, hunger Some time ago proposition . was fendants .have appealed the case, he maintains that bids. made court room be which has all the earmarks of a Chi drove him to scale the Jail wall night that the federal purpose loot- Plans, specifications and blank forms -- after night for the of used for circuit court work and the nese tong row. of proposal are on file in the office of STELNWAY a, of Ho Sing reported to the police some ing the county poi bowl. A "hop-head-" s'w'' matter was discussed at board the Superintendent of Public Works, Standard k I.1ESSEWGER may time ago that he had Information Chinese prisoner, suffering from in- a trade meeting. . That something, Capitol Building, HALL that hired thugs of a rival tong would somnia, spied Baker shinning orer the Honolulu. be done along this line is probable CHARLES R. FORBES, : and. in .that case, the federal, court) attack him, and last Monday, on Main wall and gave the alarm. Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. in broad daylight the attack Superintendent of Public Works. LAUNDRY IS room would, be , In constant use. in street stead of being locked up as at present materialized. He was.severely beaten TYPHOID RAVAGE IS . Honolulu, June 7, 1917, Typewriters by two men, whom were he claims CONQUERED 6807 10 A. strangers to him. ON MAUI TO IN train' waa'atruck by an avalanche - IF YOU WISH ADVERTISE " od-Sunda- y Ho himself was fined a few weeks NOTICE. satisfy big- ? SUr-BoUtt- business II'INERITY PAEK near, Davoa morning. Th (Special in Corraipoadeae.) NEWSPAPERS last : two carriages were flung more ago for being mixed up in an assault Elegant Lots on Wong Young. This was the cul- 4. . Because Anywhere at Any Time, Call on or than 50. yards from the track, and the persons par- organizations mination of a dispute over water All of British birth or Write CHAS. DESKy; Agent . remainder of the train was buried nn Wong badly Two sporadic cases of typhoid entage residing within the Territory der snow 300 deep. Eight dead, rights, and was battered f they reduce operating near Fort feet by four or five men of whom Ho was fever in Wailuku during the past of Hawaii who are not naturalized THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY Merchant, including nave ex - three womeni been eUeged to be one. 4- two weeks, have broueht to lleht 4 American citizens are requested to 24 Sansome Street San Francisco - , costs, last longer, and trtcated from the enow.- ,.. ' the fact that Maul,, for more than communicate with the British Consul MAUI. LOAN FUND BODY a year has been all but free from at Honolulu, giving their names, ad- do neater work than COMPANY " age, profession, ISLAND CURIO Xr: y. DEVELOPING "':;1fV this dread malady. According to dresses, and whether : COMPLIMENTED BY FORBES 4-- Inspector married or unmarried. PRINTING ''7 vE N LA RGI NO Health Osmer there other machines. Hawaiian Curies,. Stamps, Coins, have been of ty-- r ' ' SUr-lani- a but tftir .sea E. L. S. GORDON. wc : (SmU1 Owruoaanc.) - Cards. most com- .r Best In the City 4- phoid originating on Maui duriug and Post The . WAILUKU, Maui. June 8. At a 6809 June 11, 16, 23. Curio Store. Honolulu Picture Framing A meeting of the Maui loan fund com- the present fiscal year. When it "COMPARE THE plete and attractive 8pply Co.; . . mission held last Saturday, Charles la remembered that only three or NOTICE. R. Forbes, superintendent of public 4- - four years ago the rfecord on the WORK" 170 Hotel Street Honolulu works, complimented the commis- 4-- Puunene plantation alone was To Whom It May Concern: , sioners highly on what they have ac- 4-- about 10 cases a month, the pres-- 4 The undersigned, I. L. Steinberg, - ; When in town'' complished. He declared that the 4- ent recordMs the more striKm. 4 has disposed of his business known as Maul commission has excelled in both 4-- At Puunene the construction of 4 The Honolulu Expert Window Clean- HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., vlsfi our, . ". the economy and the quality of the 4 a costly filtration plant and the ing Company to Egnaty Pezookoff. My 1 i 4 . 1 h DELICATESSEN results accomplished. 4- - consequent pure water supply 4 customers are requested to continue LIMITED. I n li i M f coyNTc- - coeds: Mr, Forbes declared that he was op- 4- was mainly reaponslbie. In oihe; .4 their business with the new manage- ey every. steamer, v posed to the doing away with the 4-- places a general improvement in 4 ment Collections; will be made for Agents for the Territory commission, - as was by? 4-- Mr, H. MAY A CO,' Ltd ordered the sanitation has produced results. 4 accounts to date by Bezookoff or Honolulu, legislature - ', as far as future loan fund Mr,' Steinberg.' . ; ,, v-L- ' m ii ' ' - ' T I STAR-BULLET- BUSINESS PERSONALS HONOLULU : IN I... Events Under Hot Fire By The Cartoonist CHIROPODIST. Supreme DAUY AND SaMI-WEKKL- Y Week's Dr. Frank O. Kaaaler, Elite Bids 1M Tem of Subscription: Hotel SL Hours. 8:30 to 4:20; San-da-ys Satisfaction Datt-- Star-Bullet- in 11 cents per monh, or erenlnga, by appointment-Phon- e ti Tr. S cents per copy. 553S. SS05 tf Is what yon ge.t Semi-Ween- y tt . Star-Bulleti- n, $2 ? GOOD . at this MO UQOOR;-- : f MORE VT ) C - 'year. V U--r W EDUCATIONAL PENMANSHIP. YEAR SERVICE Atti1b. RaUs: r. .)fl Tln!nM ABAOaSCt' (QSiyit Ktumztuxiu TP:r4,c'W t'fc L. Malterre classes begta July 10. Call STATION, jl nents 1 cat per word per each luser. ttr nil after a p. m. 80 lm p one wee. Hamm-You- n tixa, to 'EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE. The ven six words per line. ' Estimate r CJVIUMIS WlLU , If;'!1 V ' Per. lfe, one week SO cents WBC It 'l)iLC.rSl i&tJf A rKrsr Co., - 40 cents Malterre's French lessons in classee , Ltd. t ti or priTate residence, , Beginners Per line, tone month : ... . . at Honolulu - Hli? line, six moilM..60 cents ec mo. or advanced pupils. TeL 717C after Per npon application. 4 p. nv 5S08 lm nthr rites - - n No advertisements of liquors or cer- Autoraobile Ula proprietary meaicuiiHi OSTEOPATHIC v.aocepted. . Dr. P. H osteopathic physi- MI V. i tn advertisements, ad' Ponnock. rniv4n cian, 424 BirConla st; phone 2350. t your replies exactly as stated la k 'dress 701 , the advertisement tf FRANK COOMBS -- tf vm a a telenhone subscriber, NEW THOUGHT phone ywt adTertlsement; we .will Bishop aid Queen Tel. 21Si charge it. i. Buy New Thought Books. Phone 1579. '.''. 18 4911 - 7S0-t- OUR PHONE mow i.Tiv unif t mm'- Hfi&?Qiii&MH HIMSELF , f STOLEN. pJ PALMISTRY. Jap practl-- . Autos for Hire Ford Car No. 1729, stolen from Mate. Cleo la aa experienced KINQ NUUANU AUTO STAND ntmm Anto Stand, near Paws The . ticner lfl . the Selene of. Palmistry. "ter. Ffrder please :; notify --"Folic r.hy-- whlclC she-has- - made- - many re-- - - ' Jf' . t T.n iW..- fL - ZI markablo predlcttons..-- v 4 Phone 4242 f ,The lines iu the hand show the VANTED fjwwerful Influence of r4t affairs of

-- - H 'hoofs " to Repair Wo guarantee to : Have Mm. Cleo read for you. Sat- FOR ALL PURPOSES ston all kaks See Ixm Rogers or k; Jsiaxtlcajaxanteed,- - Parlors 254 S. Paper Bags, Cups, Ptattt, A 6 - -- t Alonxo Jones. We leed; others .Ktni treeV Phone , Hou-- s 9 to Napkins and Towels, Etc 30. AM-HAY- follow. Eureka Paint Co rfl3 ;So. . - Evenings by appointmenL Mme. Y. PAPER CO, Ltd. P Phono 2036. - - Phone 1410 King St' .-- Cleo will be at JKapiolanl Park, near E band stand every Sunday. ,6805 --tf J. Ashman Besven, Mgr. - Peerless rreservlag ralnt Co; also n -- - Roof Specialist. V Pitch and Gravel 48) AUTHORITY ; V' still at the old stand, 65' Queen stJ Jt phono -. u fOFPlC&OP THE BOARD OF ) PIANOS , ' .Wasted to buy for cash,: improved or rifonclulv 1917. J Hawaii, Jonr. - . . unimproved property auitablo for HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Ltd. Star-Bulle- - ;" home. Address Cox 28, TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF 806 6t J THE 1107 Fort Street - - 1 ...... ; . r . , n r,o. r... - Wanted Second-han- d . Ford Truck. - State conditions tnl lowest terms. Sealed tenders Indorsed "TENDERS , Addrest "Aloha, P.; O. Box 745. FOR PCrXHASE OF4DES,,f0r the MEAT MARKET ity. GROCERY J ..-c- esoo purchase, of hides . belonging 'to the Board of Health- - for the period of six The best market price will b paid for months, from July 1st; 1917, ta Decem clc washed cotton rags by the ber 31st; 1?17, win received at .the " in be Star-Bulleti- n. v.6734-tf- . CO.V- llcaolulu office otihe Board of Health Until 12 C Q, YEE HOP A -: ! HELP WANTED o'clock cpoe. Monday, June 25th,-191- 7. Tenders mun he lor tne price per O ' for frice la wholesale pound for hides delivered on the wharf : 'cia v' j 02house, with ,:scn knowledge of - - - - - at Honolulu, on weights approved by " M'CHESNEY! COFFEE CO. r tec --.keeping and typewriting. Good an agent, of the Board of Health, ? COFPEE - ROASTERS '07 t'FOn SALE r r'.v FOR RENT BlsS!NESSi3UIDE': BUSINESS GUlDgC v v , war 3. Apfly la own handwriting. Payments required 1 In U. S. , .Gold v r : Afiircsa Box 40. SUrBuUetln.-- ' AUTCMOBILES FURNISHED HOUSES BAMgOopURNITURE. ,M I.RCHANT TAILOR- - Coin Immediately after delivery. . :. ;, , Dealers In Old Kona CoffsV x 1. y The , Board does not bind Itself . to Merchant ."Honoluia :'sv; f St S07?r::i-'.:- BTJICK 2300; Hudsonj J200; Desirable "various parts-o- IL OhtanL Fort, near Kukul, TeL 3028. HrX- - Sang, tailor. 1131 Union. 6454 6m Racen also houses in accept tfee'feighest or any. blL, . . '. Coy to take position la print '.ooth good condition Phone 4C55 or the city; furnished "luid unfurniRhcfl, 6800 tf ' ' THE HOARD OF HEALTH. - rtlcl - 15, MONEY LOANED : ii-t- .opportunity of at . Shopw 4t 118: 120. 125. 129. 235. $40 and .- Also Pacific 'Auto Machine - x izz t f: j- ByMtf Acting President : .v ... . Sv'-o- v . - op $125 - ia our , CAFES AND RESTAURANTS ' ' ; ol. Good pay to etarL CS03 Jm' r y";. v to a month.- See list K-- PORTETL--- tfciirr. V Co., Money ' ioaped pn dlamonda. watches i B. i . office. Ltit." Fort - Ap;lv Mr. M. C. A. Trent Trut - : town. r . ThenavT. CondS. V Boston Cafe Coolest place ia' antt jewelry, ategal rates. Federal 1S12 PAfkard rtoaflster. in rood street," between King and Jlerehant . Open da JORDAN'S Star-.:.,.Eilllet- After the'shrw.to6 in. 6365-t- in Office S N. King f V tlon, $700. Address : itostt. st" r .F.E, TTHQSE . w Circr!-"- 3 or apprcn JttolM TTiaNGUJHJMMEa F.SEALED TENDERS. drefser OfflcewiJl fJd-lU- y; Loan Office, 52 No. King t!r f Completelr- - 4J-- ,w;v SCHOOL' furnished ft 1C29 Fort tlce. 'rrca . - Money ,102 ed, Street , threev- V on diaMdndiiwatches Vfor housekeeping, bedroom Columbia : Urer Lunca Rooms; tiuick'serrics ind everything of value. Less legal Sealed tenders will be iceivsd-b- All, makes cf tuto and tlcyde V, cottage near Normal, $25. Address t sad cleanliness our motto: open day -,- : - :"; 676Myr the. Board of .'Harbor Commissioners tubes; auto accessories r680S- 6t -- . r itu.mic-- and ;,'aja v Box 641 Staf. BnlletliVii , ..- - i r 1. t f p.;.m-Thursday,- ,v; ttl. vulcanizing,; retreading,1 rebeading, :, rv until 2 : 00- " June 28, - PAINTING Grutnhajtn's Blue 1 - Co., Two-bedroo- cottage ' ;;V 1911 for placing of nu behinq Ribbon Exr::ic-:e- jc c!.i- Ceslrea etc Taisho VulcanliicS nicely, furnished - - - rV: the. bulS-Sea- - " ( ' wooden, d wall at 2, Hono- a Pier cr busi-- 180 ? Jlerchant,1 Alakea 'st j' with servant's room and - garage. New Orleans Cafe Substantial meals j Woking;-- . paintjBt.; - In cljlzeK Phone : r - - "1534 va--1 1ti1.i J ".: "?. Star- phono iliT..'- 5S3Jia it, Magazine, street.: Win be moderate. Alakea st, cpr. Merchant t--2t- th. Chocolates ' ' : ? ; J L- -. 1!".' ,! cant June 6th. Apply Cojrie. Furni- .. ' Plans spetificatlons and , vblank HAVAIIA PRyG CO. --agon supplies ; 4- Automobile, carriage., ture CO. .ii "v'c-- 6801-- Hf - PRINTING. forms proposal are on file in the ' ; wow of Hotel and Bethel Streets' C f ? LO CNT C F F C .C5 Quaker, portage tires, tubes CLEANING AND DYEING office ofN'the Board of Harbor Com- e. M fg. TeL 2742. f. three-bedroom- " : bungalow, OahnCarria? Co. Furnished - We do dot' boast of lowjpricesj, which r - - A. B. C. EeaoTatory;: clothes- cleaned, missioners,'; Capitol . Building, llono- a c"Ice, engin- ' 6iC3 6lU:. a : poor -, Jloyal Grove, WaiklkL right ofrway - . usually tofheide with quality : '1- - 414?.-- H...... "J: . :.- ccntractinsj phoas 6806-- r dyed and repaired. Phone luluvT. J ::V c: to beach; ; Phone 7$39: - tntrwe-kaorw- ; how :to put life, Commissioners I.-l.i2a- 1224 The Board of Harbor C. 1. Alapal and Accessories; tires., TeL Smoot L . flmd go Into printed matter, ' bustle reserves the right to reject any or all SILVA'S . X:.- - 738 tf Alakea and Merchant. Completely cottages and , Steinhauser, furnished Is what talkn (J.y-Hi- loudestand ' . Steam cleaning. Alakea st, nr. Cas Co. and that t;f'-- t - CS03 6m " apartments ;oa- - . "Apply tenders. : rrr-- .TOGGERY Home ..Th the beach. -f- t234-ttv.;--.:.;- v, longest, of Hart Employ-zes- t V-V - Honolun Star Bulletin : ; J:ti.:: f.c'.p r.aciris 1 Mrs. Cressaty, 1209 Kalakaua Ave. . Printing Department,' 125 Merchant CHARLES R. FORBES," ; Schaffner Marx - -- 3 4 Clothes 1 r:- . 11C Unica pear Hotel St, MOTORCYCLES, ETC tt---- r Commls- - ' r C779 AND PLANTS ChaalC, Board of Harbor ; r:A CUT FLOWERS, street " King, near Fort , Tv. ? r:r.? 4i::. - CSC6 m sloners.' ' ... THqn-'mctotcycles- ; bicycles; .5 ' Pierce Furnished s cottage. 2451 Upper.Msnoa Coconut pJanta v " itJiV''--- - . for sale, Samoan .vvvaeHlRTMAKERSXl Dated; Honolulu, June 1, 1917. V. Bcrctanla t5L, near tun-iics-; i repainng.-Okahiro- Hl'z'clU panting; Apply No. 2463 or phone. 581. . r. ti road. rlety. Apply A: IV: Xibne, , v s ICuui-- I 4511. 6:S0 a. to. ,to cpp. Ry. 4018. ;'V--VX- tzza Oahu Tel. 6S0 6t :i.KuaL H4 6377-t- f YAllATOYA Shirts and naiamas 1 ca v-c- 3. ,s p. ra. r.s:Ii-- re, 7C2$t:45-t- f made to order, v 130$ FprV st, opp. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF T, EKI cyclemotor agL, So. King, j three-bedroo- m bungajotr 1635. PURE Kualktyct; 1111 phoflo ! ICE .:rct Furnished T. Fort; uuue oA.r v.wxyr E-;'- xvu.iu,Bk, HEALTH. T Alcha Office. TeL 4SS3. Royal Grove, WaiklkL right of way From distilled water Alj-- c . r.r-- ii effice. t i ft., TrtiElt 1" .'7639. 6805 tf EL AkagL 1218 Nauann sr.; shirtmaker. V Qulok Z 61Cl-t- to beach. .Phono v CATTLE.V! I delivery by AU l-- l.;!p lurz'.sieJ. f CICYCLES. Tcyoshlha, King at, opp. Vldi; Villa. TENDER FOR BEEF jnotar. i OAHU CO.,,'v;;.v-- ;. For sale or Phone 7509. 6784 tf Vs : W ItE Ph6ne lira Jr-"-- and King. renU Miliar :s hflp cf s'.l tinis, na'.e Eomeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl ft CVYamatoya; shirts. 1146 Nuuanu"t .' Sealed tenders wilt , be received at Illrrci-a,- 1210 $L -- v.-.- ter G. Ennia ..:,WTW;:;;e-"W'vi- . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Health Office vnnta 12 ' ; UNFURNISHED HOUSES. H the Board of , vi' u:x i fc.ll JIM UN o'clock noon. Monday, June 25th, 1917, MIYAMOTO, bicycles. 128 King St. - LTdI, 1 Two-bedroo- Peck mvenne, off HONOLULU1 PLAN1NG MILL, to order, 348 N. King ' ' house. KTaxnaemade for: supplying the Leper' Settlement 6S03 m ; : . .The v ':C ..f . Vineyard street- - Apply 297 :lne .. Contractors4; and Builders. Manufac-.'-; with beef cattle for the period of six Vaterhouse Co.Ltd. - yard street - ,v 'i-- - V- 679$ tf tnrers; of doors, sashes, frames, month from July 1st, 1917, to Decem- ;TJnderwood Typewriters SATO. 830 N. King. TeL 1028. 6803 fm - At tirr.9 ttsB a Is "Every blinds, moldings, screens, brackets, ;40UES :.ri...-" : ' tt'.3 si: 3 .7EA ber 31st I9i7. :v - m - -- ! de- Three-bedroo- house, 1624 : Dole St v:etc AU kinds work, finish-- ; Kia to I'.i 1 lace" to help and SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN tofmill Jayahese - Tv.W, Specifications at the Office of the - v tSOJ-r- tf Ikera. best dinners. YOTOO BUILDmCT Lis ecu:try, as we arro- : Telephone 4281. V lng, turning. 'Repair work and small : :l fend azi " Uda, proprreiephone zziz,: sis-- -. Board of Health. Drop-hea- r-t- coun d Singer sewing machine. In Jobs a specialty. SV TeL 1510. ly .e star! thsj our FURNISHED ROOMS. Fort .The Board does not bind Itself to h ,' t2 . Cost $65; quick 6806; 6m '.:-- .. try is "Col's Dere will be perfect order. lor !vvv:; WOOD AND COAL accept the lowest or any bid. i:.'.-ier- s. 6, Cressaty's," r.o lac'j. cf To me and sale, price $5. Cottage of rooms, facing beau- THE BOARD OF HEALTH, -- road,-Waiklk- Attractive suite K. Nomura, builder and ; contractor; J 2011 Kalia ;6803tf : v; H. HACKFELD & i r.llllc'3 mere, it'. 3, the land of equal garden. ; large lanaL sleeping - Tanaba Co, Piuahi. nn River sWteL 'By. its Acting. President, . f. C0. tiful . excavating grading,; paving, team- - 2557; and whole- y-- -y - : ar.i c; rcrt unity was God's : bath. Excellent firewood charcoal, K. B. PORTER. Uvt : ; r rlcts SALE OR EXCHANGE porch and private lng, concrete, . crushed . rock, .sand. ' 1 Limited ccuatry,-ln- every way liking. FOR X1 sale and rctalL : , A 6237-t-t to ny home cooking. The Roselkwn,' 1366 Molllili. nr., Quarry.; Phone 7482 , v - I soon 6$08-r- Coaialasion Uerchaiita ? hcr.ee tcci a c!tl:ca as as Second-han- d s. t 6568-iyr:- v- cameras snd" lenses King streeV Phone 2699...... LEGAL NOTICE pcszllls tr.i tve ccrcr for one no hought sold or exchanged. .Koda-grap- h ,:jyy:: , H0IT0I.TJLU . cczt rcrrcUei tie act. 1 an hoping Shop, Hotel and Union sts. Large room for two gentlemen, also CITY CONSTRUCTION CO; general l r ti--s.l- t-- "fHE,' QRCT3TT ; COURT, . FIRST ttst I lire to tea two thiols . ... - 6307-t- f : : single room." .Special . rates the contractors. 1308 Fort st, nr. Kukul. IN. - PUZZLE! barren. TOTAL PROIIICITION OF montn. ..Heinle's .TaTern.. Phone Phone 4490:-- P 6452-6- circniv ;;Territory or Hawaa in IHIDDEN ' -- - - v ' - ... UQUOR the MISCELLANEOUS 4386. " V.- 6743-t-f - THE TItAFnC ard V- political uiloa cr the ENGLISH-X- ; M. Fujita, contractor ' and . builder, ' vegetables and room, 5002. PEAlvlNQ PEOPLE. j.j-,- s.: -- ; All kinds of, fruit Fair Oak C00L clean furnished painter, paper hanger. "Phone V. I the'matter of Che Estate: of John A;:630O-lyrIiv,;i::,j,- ,:; 1061 Aala Phone 2554. block; center. 1248 d. seeds.: street. "one from business KrAplo of Honolulu. Oahu,-decease- We are greatly in need of Furniture ? ' Hi .779 U r wf-- r- Emma ;.Ph)ne 5142. 6806 4c . that has been used to sell by auction VV St 1L Monzen,' builder aa4 contractor. -- 1 UAL-MEETIN- ; In: the Icaolula Auction . Rooms, ANN Light housekeeping and single rooms. 662 Phono 3227. iy Notice of Petition for": Allowance, of ' ' Ganze! Place, 112 Vineyard, cr. Fort y;.f,s?c:ri, 6602-6- m :: - Accounts,' Determmlny Trust and LTD. j KAIMUKI LAND COMPANY, '- Distributing the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. CONTRACTORS GENERAL - rooms; high eleva : meeting! Light housekeeping he annual of, the stock palat-lng- . Henry , - 6488-- tt HAWAII Building Co buUdlng. The' Petition and accounts of : endersigned. having duly - ition; close In. Phone 198. The been holders ' of the Kalmuki Land Com masonry, - etc. ; 1322 Fort st, Smith of said Honolulu, administrator and legally appointed of the Ltd-- , executrix pany, wtu be held at the pince Housekeeping and single rooms; close . near KukuL Phone 1195. 6616.7m of the estate of John K. Apio, where state of Lucretla M, Dayton, deceas 0f The Henry Waterhouse Trust Co- - t in petitioner asks to be allowed $703.60 Oahu, hereby bu lioaog54J.,t,W6-r6- ed, late of Honolulu. Ltdvln Honolulu, on Wednesday, June U. Yamamato, 83 . S. Kukul st, phone and charged .with. $703.60, and asks gives notice o all creditors of said 13th, 1817,' at 9 o'clock a. m. 'r '4430;; general contractor; building. that the same be examined and ap - HOTELS present he-mad- e deceased to their xlairaa. duly JAMES M. LAIRD,- !f proved,' and that is final order authenticated and with proper vouch- " PIERPOINT of Distribution of the remaining prop ' - THE ENGRA1MG ers, If any vea Is 2, , - exist it the claim Honolulu, June 1917. "ii. -- WalkfltT erty to the persons thereto entitled secured. by cortgagecpoa real estate, 6808 2t On the Beach at bungalows rooms: ex-celle- nt Calling business cards', mono-- and discharging petitioner and sureties to her, ssid executrix, office of Furnished and and ' at the splendid grams, wedding invitations an-?- ; from responsibility herein Sci-ia- meals; lathing and and all further ck. ;. attorney, STAR-BULLE- TI FerCiaand her j N ot - cor-?re- ct GIVES YOU t i boating; 1000-fo- promenade pier; nooncements, stationery, etc; having this day been 'filed. s, ' . ' TODAY'S NEWS;TODAY? v ' xaartne and mountain styles. VSUr--nllet-f' Printing T7.- -' --.L ,V cc v beautiful ; ,Nj V. ' view; terms reasonable, Mrs. John -- Department 123 Merchant st. ; ' day of July, A. D. 1917 at 2 o'clock p. publication hereof,' or - first the saas I Caasidy. . TeL- 670.; ? 420242 -- - m. Judge presiding v wU be forever barred. ,11-- . . - before .the at FURNITURE .: 4 Chambers Court his Coxtrt ... . . - 1WALAN1 K. DAYTON, C ;; SU St, j. opp. .of said at . ,v '; Library; - double single rooms, New and - furniture bought Room " inr : the Judiciary tUzildihgr In . of of Lucretla ML and 2ndta4- ' Executrix ths Estate board; culaine. Mrs. o' and sold.; ,Phone 339$. 1231 sC Honolulu, CIty and County of Hono T' - Dayton, deceased. ' "..with excellent i'ort A. 'B.' Heapy. prop. 6806 tf .;f. -, cos-cm- - '. nlu,;ie and the same hereby. Is a .:. Dated Honolulu. T. It, Mayli, 1917. r pointed the time and place for teari- ter .' 1.1 I k - Bamboo furniture; 563 : Petition, SCHNACK, ; Commercial Agent Stanhope Sams SalkL Bereta ng said tod Accounts, 'and FERDINAND , . 1 111 M - ".v. ;- Oils; ',: .,- t07gt2 th-- c : 1 1 reports sport coat v?.alA ' all persons tatereaied may tf -' - that the American It that Attorney .for Executrix Many appear: 67S5 May 14. 21, 28. June 4,11. Is winning favor In Australia. and there and show cause, if of the best stores there carry, them JUNK. any theytave, why. the same should 1?- .j"- In stock' and one-- of the leading Mel- not be granted, and may present' evi- I At Junk: bought and sola. Phone 4366. -- TMtVTtVtV : to-.tfe- e bourne shops make a special Xeatnre 6407-6- m as to .who entitled, as annu: SVPZZMt ' . . dence are. willete imrnAW-- IS of these coats (knitted in both arti- said property: V Culixn; ix nrirrRY .Tin.;; T wrJC'j-- 3 - Orekscs ficial silk and wool) br its adverUs- MASSAGE By the Court; ; ; :rind a'msiiL'--' ' - '.l ' ; EE2U3.-- ;,. - Vfv ::rC .. CIG AXIS v v v' K. Hashimoto, "massage and electro rt city irt France - l v;. riTZPATiiicn: nubs.: t. neering. ' Nuuano st; opp;- Williams' Distributed by undertaking i cflice, phone 1783 Dated, the 2SthTday of May, 1917 'v4 i .HfjSf i: w rL. : ; AUTO SERVICE & CUPPLY CO, Yr 3 3 iMt,j , - - 6797rrIsy"28, Juae 4, 11, 1SV

c: Trsn vcrfc U es&etitlal to prous ; 'iraia tJiOAlasm and indastrv, cocstitutca about yourself aa K)na pibte to guard against eighty-fir- e per cent of the elements of all tne-cea- a. u. Martin Schmber. Jealocsy-OQTtea- m Warn o


, , ; OR 7m mmm YVMO FEEL V.IKE t HOW SOOM MOLLIf t CAN'T BRSATHe incsnted The TuPF&O HovjO 600Nl!? l rA ijyTHlNXi FOR T SMCVj'"0

' ' ZZziSSi - XL- iV '.XtCfcOfHypTx i'XX ... of a married man whose feed a woman who acts like a child on IP THE C LINGER countenance sensi-bl-e wife always takes the lead, who shows candy, whereas he supplied the By DORCTHY DIX crowd, woman wWf beefsteaks, and lets it Mlghett Paid Woman him how to cleave through a 'The World's own the car, go at that", Writer. and who finds her seat in ' r forgather and tells him where to sit" "Even so," assented the woman in or three women bad are the picture "let a woman show tea In tne boudoir of one of "i don't know what the statistics kat TWO bad about wife deserteds, and breach of that she can make her own clothes, and the conversation my new and she'll have to do it Let her prove 'turned upon masculine peculiarities, promise suits, but I'd bet bat the women who are forsaken were that see can check her own trunk, buy "M It apt to do In uch cases, for that own tele- it Pope every one of them big, strong, inde- her own ticket, and send her women agre with the late Mr. grams, will ever more have study of womankind pendent, bossy ladies, never llttl,e and she that the "rroper creatures," asserted to wait upon herself. No chivalrous ' Is man." helpless, clinging the woman in brown velvet man fs going to arise and do her er- - I want my young daughter to be wis- I a porous plaster,' rands. Hence it is the part of success In society, to be admired and "You can t shake i a i leered the woman in the picture hat dom for the woman who wants to have have beaux, and eventually to roakt, easy to cultivate helpless a handsome "WeU," eaid the woman in brown an time tood marriage." said th ness." to end 1 velvet, "my observation is that matron in brown, "and that and who "Well," obj.cted the woman in the am teaching her to be a firit cla3 wives who are loved best have most done for them are the onei tee, gown, "I've seen men get very "dinger. except tired of the woman who couldn't do dinger? Inquired the woman In who are of no earthly use as a hangers. Ive seen women like this anything but the flop act Sometimes the picture hat, as she stirred her tea. weary being a prop, and ' woman in who were such miserable housekeep- a man gets of ""Ye responded the you then he doesn't think particularly Ma limp, flabby, dish rag ers, and so generally shiftless that brown velvet. their hus- lovely thoughts about the female para-si-t will bang on to anything that la would have though that that bands would break the speed law get- j who Is hanging on to him like a masculine. It probably doesn't sound sucking strength. valuable character- - ting away from them. But they didnt leech and hi romantic, bat the like They even "I've seen helpless, clinging mothers Istle a woman can have in life is to be They seemed to it helpless. Shell excused their wives incompetence by and sisters who kept men from mar- utterly supine, and were bragging on a riage ,and homes of their own. I've always be carried around, wrapped In saying, as if they get all virtue, that "Maudie, or Sadie wai seen floppy wives smother their hus pink jeweler's cotton. .8heH pull down. offered to her such a helpless lrttle darling." bands' ambition and them o the sugar plums ia life grafters, Ihe and in such cases the men didn't give on silver salver.' "They are the foxy,, had dingers, ' exclaimed the woman In the a'tvery good imitation of admiration "i thought that the floppy vine and devotion to the clinging woman." gone ont of fashion," remarked the picture hat" "And that's no Joke," the wo- my opinion," said the woman in woman la gray. . . .;Its rn ap in gray," the woman, who knows graivFthat men like us to cling in ; . "With women. But she is , still the In big men," de- how to do a thing can count on having' and stand alone hcadllner. attraction with things. They like to help u across woman in brown. ""That's tn An it v alwavs shudder ftt the clared the wivea.wnoMne-street- , out iney warn us to db aoie reason than Pre taught tty daugh- soectacle of these foolish, the try to show off before their husbands, tohel&them in the battle of life. They that she must never stand on her -- ter men prove what sensible, economical, adore: holding our mbrellas over us, own there, are, any, and y feet when they are A They but-the- want us able to hold - appear, to competent help meet toe arnond; She must ftt least - tp. our end of the real work of life. toQ cripple or to have such teeny, have to make good the tsi: ce cf their "useless. U Hves, and Instead flt re ttL.' the glad v 3tia about as consistent as It would weeny feet that, they Are their, have some man always hand, no matter what they do, be to eapectua .to have a backbone the does shell usual per- ftd elephant part of time, and offering himself for ft crutch. And husband Just , take it ftstte like the ' "Vjv; & Jelly balance," said the . . , formance." be fiah the hell love to do if , ... notictfyott see wo-na-n that woman, "That' right," exclaimed r the you will in tn brown velvet gray, you ever notice the the men who bring cndy andvioleU Ien "are '.never consistent where in lay these' offerings women concerned,' murmured the expression of ft man r who is fairly home to their wivea are " - some fluffy leaded woman In picture t laddering little fluttering- butter at the1 shrine of the hat holding an um- little kitten who lives in aa apartment . "Thank. God. for all ..his mercies," ly across the street, or wor- I : : over her? Bis face wears hotel because she cant hear to be said the woman In, the tea gown de- - brella " 4 thinga'Wo. dinner," voutly. rcrf ectly beatific look,' because his ried' over ordering 't thought of said the woman in brown velvet,' The r otf is palplUtlng with the - woman who does her own (Copyright, 1917, by The Wheeler Marian , Yogdes were among the Low big and strong, and level headed Industrious v servant Syndicate, Inc.) ...... guests , of Mrs. Dennis ""and ' :, - - cooking to save the price of a r i FORT KAMEHAWEHA Mahan his is. gum crop Dix's Mahan Beall of Honolulu an "And on the ether hand, put In the never even gets an. arctic Dorothy Articles Appear Regular Mrs. at sim- - SOCIAL , - hubby. And the reason Is ly In Vila Paper Every Monday, Wed m SB .am m m Mm m NOJES enjoyable afternoon last Fri- woman with the pictnre hat, fJdndlj from - : man: , x i Mrs. Holcombe was the ply this, that It occurs to a to nesday .and Friday. .; . day. the for cote f the scowl that adorns 8tr-BaUet- take (Special la Correspondence.) tunatV winner ot an attractive Cower 1 FORT -- design - ..b KAMEHAMEHA. June 1L bowl and bud vase of Japanese tiliA " Capt John B. Brocks was a guest for her high score at bridge. , By EDNA KENT FORBES of Mr. and Mrs, Hamilton P. Agee at their home in Manoa at dinner on Capt John B. BrootTs wai ft guest ' : : v-- ''..V-i'JV:- IA..eeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeee' Thursday. Mrs, ; ' of Lieut and Frank. Sloan of ; : - ". v e . Fort Shafter , at a Jollyi informal Capt. John B.. Brooks , wax the guest swimming party and 'chowder supper For Biislness Girls Com- of honor at a dlnsfert given by at- - the, OutriggerV, Club list, Friday " send your modore and Mahan and -- - rae f taem. I will ltfttr Mrs.4efinls eveninga:?." TXS-x ? : Mrs; nrroxatnro letter In m :t X ' GRADUATE NURSES. MUSI-'- :' lulu to feel the sincere gratitude of the UtX and Oerrit '!v wndert ira ttof or ran to ta departaent. U you reqnest Mrs. Mahac Beall ion Friday evening, TIIE ' morning la signed ora. CALE ' V Graduate Nurtes. X James Wilder and Mr. Alexander Isenv ' the mail the affair being given to celebrate ; . runs "iVa Lieut. ( - perg. Music RnAkktiener.'v and it s Graduate Nurses" Mcslcale, " passeathe, evening hours Capt Brooks' birthday; t irttCMn The , v WEDDING 7ANN1-- - your Chats on sapcrflaeos motored Sunday Of - C CRYSTAL very teen reading colors method ef rtowtiag tii'Puniki' 'last :vca Memorial Hall Fri-- deUghtfByvy4t- tananw . at liisslca VERSARY,, : oecommg t week an enjoyed a supper ua - well , and on buying pretty ana rlcula was an artistic as r . ' Philip G. Blackmore was a -' y evening, ; Mrs, J. RX MacLean Vntertained''':l f MRS.. E,"-- R DERBY- - HONORED concluded Lieut the ;beaca, returning home lhy moon- citl clothe, and have that i ? & fi-si- success , The r stage dsaner guest f Mr. Jane Walker on huge number of ladies at a.wklst paYty Fri- t Mra. sEli2abeth,JB. Derby was the perhaps I am' awfully foolish to :X" ever locked eo pretty. Two - Thursday evening at JWalklkt . xs-- x :V .' - celebrating crystal guest of honor; at. - . home-mad- - -- day afternoon, her a luncheon- given wear a e black serge r : . s, czq cf Hawaii, and the other wedding annlversary.vThe decorations, by Mrs. Henry fi. Cooper at her Pen-- Cant John B. Brooka was ''one of t'eloved ' and Stripes, dress to business, every day In the Frank V. Schneider; ur own SUrs . inUch evi- pn ;". ' Lieut (pent last ' J large tern baskets, were in InsuU home Thursday of this week, home-mad-e dark-co-lr . '4'"X : ' draped over , it, Printer, and a Monday afternoon onr pon as the re artistically dence and a beautiful basket of.roses I- the dancing party on .Tuesday . evening : center waa Red Cross, ; ored chambray or a gingham in tne - guest of : Doctor und Mrs. - Walter la the the tied with pink maline and ornamented given at his home in Honolulu , office. Two summer, suddenly realized while Swimming was enjoy ., curse's izsisnia of with a Kewple graced - the.".,, dining I Reesman.: the pretty " : Vim. - was reading, that I owed It to mj of rours of petted plants made a table. HtSi MacLean received he rXiT ir 4,.: I - ; ment the afternoon. Miss Margaret Partridge, .who' has t' fe!low-mploye-e m ' ' v huge . basket of mployera and to k: 'x cksTound'for ft guests in ft pretty dress of net over Thomas1'TW;and her son,' Mr. William P. been the house guest ; ot Lieut, and .Vogdes. who . ixoras. The hall was filled wore ' Cecil : Brunef guests make my litue end or tne once as V Miss Marian has been George past : :lsg white satin and Thomas, were the of Dr. and guest Mrs. R. Meyer for the, i:h a representative Honolulu audi roses. Her daughters kept their sur Mrs, Doremus Scudder. They are attractive as possible. the house of Mrs. J. H. Lee couple of months,, has - decided to re- guests . fupport Holcombe for the past , mjnth went ; ' i zee. Youes girls ushered, the prise till the guests arrived.' Jessie Yery .pleasantry situated in a beautiful ,"I earn ft fair salary, hut turn to her home to Augusta, Maine . wa uar to Schofield 'Barracks for -- V tj U:e!r seats. As each, number. MacLean coming In carrying a bouquet compound. Their church is used for my younger sister, the,two of a'whort on the steamer feavg . thia week; ed old-fashion- torget-me-no- bouquet of tt ? rooms, ftnd. do- visit the early part ol last week. ) . an of pink sweet peas and three . dlfferent congregations, "vPri living In ft couple ot Miss Partridge has greatly- - enjoyed : ect reas and violets with a paper while Janetta carried a beautiful cut Scudder holding service after- ing very ligbt housekeeping. vlhftTO m ' Kamehameha and ' X in 'the v Captain Otto Schrader viset 'at Fort : " the-raln- day--.; andTMrs. t r. given the Bololst. It was glass bvmUry-- X;-x- noon. eAinnt . ill vas to f They hope to have a new : guests hopes; to return, to uonoxuiu tor an i d. were ot Miss arranged pro-.r- were Very pretty the dinner very jlcasant and well The whist tables XX church shortly.? Kn T went out yeateraar ana Frietch of Honolulu at the HalekuIanl other. visttTat '.some'futuro time.s v U ' . . with their crystal baskets of CeciJ Dr. and Mrs: Robinson, who were itahardlnft. suit .with Partridge 'made numer-- ; V;'v' h 7 fconrht a blue Hotel on Wednesday. A moonlight Miss has i Bruner roses, . and crystal baskets formerly wftlsts, ' ' The program . opened with a fine here, were also visited. Next ghort aklrt, ftnd four new swim was greatly enjoyed later In out friends I during her, i tisit who x hi held the. nuts. and candies. 'At the year go Ja-- 1 -- very much. . : ' they, into two plain - regret departure :3 Joaquin S. WaardL the Interior f flesh color, -- V- all her ty Eisnor irhlto and the evening. '". X . - . of game . highest Mr. Arthur Wall tang dellshtfully. conclusion the the pan to do missionary work, 'r j fancy. I bought' nicer - and two Mrs. ! Iaa-bel- ::rs. Chris O'Day's fize alto voice was scorers proved to be C.Arstad, i Rev, and Mrs; Thwlnjc were also nT ImaTT tan slores.' On Wednesday afternoon Miss le :m:; conso-laUo- HONOLULU ASTONISHED Mrs. Anna S. Wright and tke n seen - lcg encores, please" and welL Ruth thftHaugh- ,-- ; Baker, Mrs. and "no at Mrs: arei d prettiest hat I've had to Walter Reesman. foot of the program made no im--; to H. IL Williams, their Lieut Frank V. Schneider and Lieut BY: F.!ERCHAflT!S STORY rewards being cut glass flower hold-trs.- '. Mrs. . O'Day was called AIT of the Hawaiian': colony" In Riley were guests rcssloa for -. the too, as ft change and for Frank J. the of -'.- " , - feta dress ; -- - "t x Orient haDpy , following: aia and responded with' a third i are andcomfortable. times than the office; and Miss Louise Clark for , an afternoon A merchant relates the especially Mrs." MacLean was the redplent. of ut can not fpVget d dressier not sleep without ? . "At Dawning" was " Hawaiian always evening of swimming at the Navy Yard. years I could unber. . going, make ft real, Tor many pretty pieces of cut glass,";'' . - I'm to greet viaiting Islanders- very heartibr. turning every hour. . Whatever. I ate O lovely. J; - green satin and A ' t ;The guests werer;Mesdames'C. Ar dress,' from pale r M. i Lieut and Mrs. Charles Steese gaa and sourness. Also had . Miss Helen Center," as a blue bird . Do yon .think I am 4 caused 'stad, R. L.v Auerbach, J. Bryant, C AHLBORN-DO- E J white silk net guest Sunday night sup- exquisltef. X v NUPTIALS had as a for stomach "catarrh. ONE SPOONFUL career, was" dalnty'and ' Kel- ' ' The office didnt Bye. T. Black. S. J. Hall, C E. "'SAN FRANCISCO, Cah Not In a silly doing this? per Capt Elmer F. Rice of Fort buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc as mix- Harold Lyon was next heard A. to-da- y walked . Ilrs. logg, T. Lee. R. Lalng, Marcalllnd. know me when I In A swim was enjoyed in the a splen-ui-i long. times has 'society enjoyed so' my- Shatter. ed in Adler-tk- relieved me INSTANT- i:zz:z "Muslca Proihlta" with F. MerrilL W. R. Riley, Reedy. up didnt know - , C .a delightful a surprise "as news! all dressed I afternoon. Adler-S-k- ft flushes the - in the -- , LY." Because effect. ; Fringle, Mackie, A. Pratt, Schoe-- so But do yoa 4 ,v ' i ' CJ. of yesterday self,'! felt different alimentary tract It . relieves Smith,- - Wright, themarriaee afternoon' Honolulu ENTIRE Dr. Geo. P. StrauV played the celli nlng, T. A. 8., H. H. of Mis Dorothy Doe George, think me 4foollah? Miss .Eleanor Gartley'of CASE constipation,; sour stomach delight G. Wilklns, and the Ulssee and Ahl was the house guest of Mrs. Left Hol- ANY with a caster hand. His was a Williams. born ot Honolulu. ' Not whisper even Truly the knowledge "that she, Dorfc service, simple economy, or. gas and prevents appendicitis. It accompanist was the May Arstad, Janetta. MacLean, Jessie a made for for combe from Saturday to Tuesday of ful number His ' Qf the engagement . looked stylish and pretty cos afford QUICKEST anything we MacLean.' ;X , had been given out, lut tst as stylish at she bta action of Mr. x X"X you,, ' week. clever Russian pianist, ? Fldlei : act prettier. Do last c-- : and although' friends of the attractive Dora feel and I ) ever sold. ,The Holllster Drug Co. to toy ctrtc . ADAMS', XUNCH-- ; bride have noticed re-- ; reader, think she was foolish? I fttlr from the tic the Adv. .. V. MRS. CHARLES that since her ' does skla. Mrs. J. H. Lee Holcombe and Miss - Adolph Gertx gave a recitation - awdle. This sot taiur the Irs Wjv:. EON ; wm irom ine Hawaiian xsianas a lew don't. e - "The Fault of the Violin, which Charles Adams honored Mrs. months ago she has been less Interest Questiona ad Answers extremely.1 lira. - To A Reader It the ecar en your faoe I ic ased She was recalled James Wilder by giving a very beau- ed than formerly in the social happen- - To "D- Th answer to year lint MOsr eonee from plcklag at bUekheed tt may end. gave a short cat and dog Tens tiful luncheon at her lovely Diamond uxga of her coterie, they did not as reached roe long More tals. Maay be enly a evrfeee merk aad will so ever -- beld mp tMCa tb Ooee not, go to ma which merited the applause given. : Head road home. The table was or- ascribe the change to its usual cause, ucwtn haw btn ta a tew months. If It Q. M. Robertson was In nuwat of mall UUAf I aa sa4"ra eleetrle needle epeelaltet and kave tt Mrs. A. namented with long twisted ropes of an engagement Ilka tk Cfcats m raaeh. 70. woat miss trlendid voice, and responded: to re- One of prettiest ,r pink and blue hydrangea which, when i the and distinctive peated ap;!use. - pulled, displayed a pretty lei for each gtrls of the younger set, the bride has Capurtght If George Msrtbew iioaa xyf-- ' Miss Alice C Harrison at the piano guest - ? :. : a host of friends to wish her every was, as always, ft delightful ; accom-- r Mrs." Adams guests .were: Mrs happiness. The marriage was solemn-nlze- d ; -- ..I- Penwsm . ; - yesterday anlst '. . ' James Wilder, Mrs. P. Benson, Mrs. F. afternoon at St Dora Ahihorn Mr end "Mr. Allen at the home of the bridegroom's " - : - . G. church, Rev, Miss Mary Johnson, who t managed W. Klebahn, Mrs. Alexander Luke's with Edward i Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorlng Doe. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Bowles, the details of the affair, is gratified at Hawes, Mrs. Richard Ivers, Mrs, Hel- Morgan reading the service in the San Francisco Chronicle, May 27. until they establish their own home. Hyde-Smit- h, presence tiie kindness for. the nurses' club. en Noonan, Mraj ; Mrs. of members of the families The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Bowles ounce! H." - ' ot MISS CAMILLE DORN TO BE NUM- per Checks have been sent to the dub to Harold Castle, Mrs.f George Pot- the contracting parties. took place April 7 at the home of the' $125 tid it In its undertakings and Mr. C ter; Mrs. W. L, Whitney, Mrs. Walter Given in marriage, by her father, BERED AMONG JUNE BRIDES bride's parents. ..Mr. 'and Mrs. Leroy! room In Dillingham. R. McGrew, Lorlng Doe, Miss Doe wore An Interesting 'wedding scheduled Ar-ma- C. von Hamm has placed a Mrs. B. Mrs. her travel- Nickel, in Laguna street, and was; impossible, doesn't it, bnt it's true. The ud Mc-Farlan- Sounds the Young Hotel at its disposal for Harold Dillingham, Mrs. , Harry e, ing costume of blue broadcloth, with for June is that ol Miss Camilla Dorn , witnegged by ies7than a score of rela Ar-mau- Eiating bandages and doing war relief Mrs. John Walker,- - Mrs. Ar- a smart sailor of blue straw. She and James A. Garfield Schiller. The tives and friends. 3. F. Examiner. Co. pays that amount for the perfume used in d's work. Miss Johnson wants all of Hono-- thur if.: Brown, Mrs. Richard Kim- wore a .corsage bouquet ofS gardenias ceremony will take place at the Dorn ball.- Mrs. M J. Henry, Mrs. Alexan- Neither bride nor bridegroom was at- home on Broadway. Miss Natalie Campbell Is being en Complexion Powder. Nothing can rival the deli- der Isenberg, Mrs. C. Wilder, Mrs. G. tended, and they left immediately Miss Dorn is', one of the most tal- tertained as the guest of Mrs. Wil-- j - - j Step Wilder,- Mrs. P. 8. Strong, Mrs. Frank after the wedding on their honey- ented of the city's younger musicians, liam F. Fullam and Hiss Rboda Ful- cacy and permanence of the odor of this powder. Armstrong. ; moon, a six weeks' motor, trip through the greater part of her time since her lam at the latter's apartments at the j its unusual advantages. Northern California. They will prob- graduation from boarding school hav- St Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry in and let us demonstrate MRS. v ALEXANDER ... ISENBERG'S ably not go to their island home until ing been occupied in this study. Foster Dutton have alsobeen enter- , SUPPER PARTY fall. Mrs. Edythe Mason entertained at taining Miss Campbell at their sum party in Miss honor Coun- boxes Alexander Isenberg was host- Mrs. Ahlborn is ft great favorite a dinner Dora's mer quarters at the Burlngame Daintily packaged ess at a very pretty and charmingly Wednesday night Later, the party try club. Miss Campbell will divide; i .with the younger element of society - arranged supper , party vFriday adjourned to the Palace, where dan- her time thus pleasantly until her! Jast and, like her sister, Mrs. Alien Green, i , . i i - - j supper Syd-- evening at her- Kahala home. fie. .1mr r!-rf- w -- i ' "u were eajoyeu. uncle and aunt. Colonel and Mrs. ! ' m.V guests ! The t large open lanai overlooking w V,Vr T.rr" t iThe on this 'occasion included: ney Cloman, return from the east SOc and $1.00 : 1 Upham, the "ocean was used and with the h ? ? 8rJEy Messrs. and Mmes. Isaac San Francisco Chronicle, May 27. Artnur,ISe' James Kelleher; Misses Muriel ! moon rising over Koko Head it was a riLS aSi!.? a son - - Mrs.!toIl Inex Marion; Me8Srs Walter Miss Julia Dean, who is attracting . FOUNTAINS beautiful sight Dora Ahlborn of lt. iJhst. ; " this city, where he George Lewis, Dr. Walter Wln- - such favorable, notice as leading lady The table was dainty with hundreds friendship -- .V I V f peas L terb MIsa weU known t0 for Henry Miller, is receiving much X of sweet in pink and white with Sf fS c '..XI with attractive girl is now mAnv wonnitii.T. s pleasant attention from her many Ltd; 7V touches of maidenhair fern. his wife was commenced several years vnMro Hollister Drug Co., ;Mrs. Isenberg'g guests were Dr. Chronicle, May 27. friends In this city. She is a niece and ago in San Francisco and was renewed of Mrs. Langhorne a Mrs. Charles : Adams, James P. and during- - Mr.' and Mrs. during her extended trip to the Orient Mr. and Mrs. George Bowles (Bea- I Eastman Kodak Agency Tho drmk) for and Harry v Macfarlane,; ; Mr. cousin .of Mrs Richard Hammond, and Wrs. last year, which included two enjoy-att- e trice Nickel) returned yesterday from both of whom are entertaining Miss ' Alexander GHawesV'lIf. and Mrs. near Hotel Street after the Eaces. visit He Is eu Honolulu, where they(k spent . their Dean as much asTier limited time Phone 1848 Fort, Edward Dulsenberg Mr. Mrs. Ar- -- and gaged In business there. .;. honeymoon, and .wentVat- Xa will-allo-w. - - once San Francisco Chronicle; lllstou (Kathsri e r - - tier - Cocisca) Present tt th 9 marriage were Mrs. CIirenct, where they will be prists Iv 27-.- ; v X..X:-