MH-03/21/90 74 Main Street Shield and Medicare
16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, March 20, 1990 CONDOMINIUMS HOMES IMISCELLANEDUS CARS I FOR RENT FOR RENT LAWN CARE I SERVICES FOR SALE Fraud MANCHESTER-2 bed- DATS UN-280 ZX, 1979. Hike GSL Building Mainte Paying dues MANCHESTER-2 family rooms, 1'/j baths, air. nance Co. Commercl- Good running condi flat. 1st floor, 4'/a room R.D. Mainville '^ t|^ Speciolis^ Fully Equipped kitchen al/ResIdentlal building tion. Needs some body apartment. Applian $695. 272-2410 O w ner work. New front ces. Adults preferred. repairs and home Im MANCHESTER- YARD provements. Interior brakes, new tires all Medicaid investigation No pets. Security. $550 around, oil changed Sanitary div ision 192 grab Immaculate, 2 bed monthly. 649-7885 MAINTENANCE and exterior painting, room, 1 '/2 bath light carpentry. Com eyery 1000K, a new bra. prompted 40 arrests/4 Townhouse. Air, fully UNLIMITED plete lanitorlal ser $2500 or best otter. Call budget is up 39%/3 UConn tickets/11 647-0061, leaye mes- appllanced, washer/d- No Job Too Small 643-2315 vice. Experienced, rel Ddlf! soge, ask tor Pan. rver. No pets. $750 + STORE/OFFICE iable, free estimates. utilities. Available I FOR RENT 643-0304. RENAULT-1982 Le Car, April 1. 643-7388. LAWN MOWERS ATTENTION Dog Excellent body, no MANCHESTER- OFFICE FOR RENT- Owners-RegIstratlon rust, new tlres/brake- CHILDCARE Immaculate, 2 bed Includes utilities and REPAIRED now In progress tor s,AM FM cassette, CARPENTRY/ PAINTING/PAPERING needs dlstrlbuto- room, l '/ 2 bath, parking. Location 485 ★ Free Pickup & Deiivery basic obedience REMODELING Townhouse. Air, fully E. Middle Turnpike.
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