European Trade Union Institute Bd du Roi Albert II, 5 1210 Brussels Belgium +32 (0)2 224 04 70
[email protected] Chinese investment in Europe: corporate strategies and labour relations Edited by Jan Drahokoupil Chinese investment in Europe: China’s global outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased substantially over the corporate strategies last decade, with Europe as a key destination. The upsurge in Chinese outward FDI indicates a rebalancing of global political-economic relations, with China and its companies acquiring new and labour relations roles and gaining economic power. — Bringing together research on the rise of Chinese multinational companies and their activities in Europe, this book focuses on the business strategies of Chinese investors and on employment Edited by relations in Chinese-owned companies in Europe. It addresses the topic on three levels: it Jan Drahokoupil analyses the emergence of major ‘challenger multinationals’ that have risen from a peripheral position to become global market leaders, maps the patterns of Chinese investment in Europe, and includes case studies that show the diversity of these investments. The book aims to provide a holistic overview of Chinese activities in Europe, with individual chapters focusing on key sectors and covering the dierent types of investment across the continent. Chinese investment in Europe: in Europe: Chinese investment relations and labour strategies corporate by Jan Drahokoupil Edited D/2017/10.574/16 ISBN: 978-2-87452-454-7 Chinese investment in Europe: corporate strategies and labour relations Chinese investment in Europe: corporate strategies and labour relations — Edited by Jan Drahokoupil Brussels, 2017 © Publisher: ETUI aisbl, Brussels All rights reserved Print: ETUI Printshop, Brussels D/2017/10.574/16 ISBN: 978-2-87452-454-7 (print version) ISBN: 978-2-87452-455-4 (electronic version) The ETUI is financially supported by the European Union.