Summary Table: Characteristics of the Ecoregions of 13. CENTRAL B ASIN AND RANGE 19. WASATCH AND (continued) Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use Level IV Ecoregion Physiography GeologyS oil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrockOrder (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrockOrder (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; (square Local Relief (square Local Relief Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, (° F) *Source: Kuchler, 1964 Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, (° F) *Source: Kuchler, 1964 miles) (feet) miles) (feet) 13a. Salt 6655 Unglaciated. Mostly barren, nearly level playas, Mostly 4200- Mostly very alkaline, Quaternary mud and Mostly Aridisols (Aquisalids, Mostly Saltair; also Jordan, Mesic/ Mostly 4- 110-190 12/40; / Mostly barren; some recreational, 19f. Semiarid Foothills 6158 Partially glaciated. Semiarid lower mountain Mostly 5000- Quaternary colluvium, alluvium, and Mollisols (mostly Argixerolls; Agassiz, Yeates Hollow, Mesic, 12-16 60-100 Long, cold Mostly mountain mahogany-oak scrub; Wildlife habitat, livestock grazing, salt flats, mud flats, low terraces, and saline lakes 4650/ salt flat deposits; also Quaternary eolian Haplocalcids); also Alfisols Lakeshore, Bramwell. are Aridic 8; some 50/94 Vegetation is mostly absent; scattered, military,and industrial activity. Tailing slopes, foothills, ridgetops, and alluvial fans. Some 8000; locally glacial drift. Tertiary volcanics, also Argiustolls, Calcixerolls, Broadhead, Charcol, Lizzant, Frigid/ winters also juniper-pinyon woodland/ recreation, and water supply. Some once drowned by ancient . A few, 0-50; material, lacustrine sediments, and (Natrustalfs) mostly clayey, light-colored, eastern extremely salt-tolerant plants occur such as ponds, dikes, salt processing plants, perennial streams occur and typically originate in higher/ Precambrian metamorphic rocks, and Haploxerolls, Palexerolls, Pernty, Dacore, Golsum, Ridd, Xeric Gambel oak, maples,juniper,sagebrush, intensively used rangeland areas have small scattered mountains occur. Almost no lakes commonly alluvium. Isolated exposures of much strongly affected by salt and sites salicornia, saltgrass, alkali sacaton, iodine smelters, and refuse facilities are found higher ecoregions. 100-2000; Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic Paleustolls) Ant Flat, St. Marys, Vicking, pinyon, serviceberry, mountain mahogany, been cleared of trees and reseeded to have an outlet and water levels fluctuate seasonally nearly level older rock occur. alkali, poorly- or very poorly- receive up bush, and/or greasewood. locally. Very limited grazing potential. locally to sedimentary rocks. Bedrock outcrops are Deer Creek, Fontreen, Ocambee, snowberry,and associated grasses. Maple- exotic grasses. Oil production occurs in and annually. Playas and salt flats are ponded drained, and often salt-crusted. to about 12 Largely unsuitable as cropland. 3000 common. Waltershow, Ipson, Durst, Harol, oak scrub is dominant in the north but is the Overthrust Belt near Pineview in during wet intervals and eroded by wind when dry. inches Sanpitch, Gappmayer. Soils are gradually replaced by pinyon-juniper Summit County. generally colluvial, rocky, or woodland towards the south. In the south: 13b. Shadscale- 8110 Unglaciated. Arid nearly flat to gently sloping 4300-5600/ Quaternary lacustrine sediments, Aridisols (Natrargids, Skumpah, Tooele, Uffens, Mesic/ 4-9 100-190 12-44; Mostly saltbush-greasewood/ Primarily rangeland and wildlife habitat. cobbly. ponderosa pine grows at highest elevations. Dominated Saline valley bottoms, lake terraces, fan skirts, and lower 25-600 alluvium, colluvium, basalt, and eolian Haplocalcids), Goshute, Dera, Uvada, Hiko Aridic 48/94. Shadscale, winterfat, greasewood, bud Large livestock and poultry farms raise Basins hillslopes. Scattered dunes and ephemeral streams deposits. Entisols (Torriorthents) Springs, Drum, Biddleman, January sagebrush, bottlebrush squirreltail, and/or hogs and chickens. Cropland is usually 19g. Mountain Valleys 1351 Unglaciated. Largely unforested valleys that 4800-8000/ Mostly Quaternary alluvium and Mollisols (Argixerolls, Genola, Notter, Ant Flat, Tebbs, Mesic- 5-24 70-100 4/42; Mostly sagebrush; also some Mostly irrigated cropland and occur. The area is internally-drained. Timpie. Light-colored soils with maximums are Indian ricegrass. In the south: galleta. uncommon due to lack of water and separate the high plateaus. Alluvial fans, low Usually 25- colluvium; also Quaternary lacustrine Haploxerolls, Calciustolls, Tridell, Birdow, Sanpete, Frigid/ 45/90 Juniper-Pinyon woodland/ pastureland; also rangeland. Native high salt and alkali content are highest in the salty soils; however, near Delta, alfalfa, terraces, flood plains, and a few hills occur. 600; 1400 sediments. Tertiary igneous and Argiustolls, Calcixerolls), Arapien, Codley, Yeates Hollow, Aridic, Grasses, sagebrush common; some pinyon, grasses, alfalfa hay,and some small common and are dry for south barley, corn silage, pasture, and sugar Includes the Heber, Kamas, Loa, and Panguitch maximum. sedimentary rock. Entisols (Torriorthents, Bruman, Descot, Manila, Xeric, and Utah juniper. In riparian areas, grain crops are grown. They are mainly extended periods. beets are grown under irrigation. valleys. Valley floors Torrifluvents, Fluvaquents), Krueger, Vicking, Alldown, Aquic cottonwoods and introduced Russian used as winter feed for livestock. Turkey often nearly Aridisols (Haplocalcids) Utaba, Dacore, Villy,Stoda olives. farms, feedlots, and dairy operations 13c. Sagebrush Basins 9394 Unglaciated. Semiarid basin rims, lake terraces, 4400-7400/ Mostly Quaternary alluvium, Quaternary Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Hiko Peak, Garbo, Amtoft, Mesic/ 8-12 80-170 10/44; Great Basin sagebrush/ Rangeland, wildlife habitat, and flat occur locally. and Slopes valleys, alluvial fans, bajadas, mountain flanks, 100-2600 colluvium, and Tertiary valley-fill Calciargids, Natrargids), Sevy,Taylorsflat, Biblesprings, Aridic often 46/94. big sagebrush; perennial localized irrigated agriculture. In Sevier and stream terraces. Ephemeral streams occur. The deposits; also some Quaternary lacustrine Entisols (Torriorthents) Ashdown. Soils are light bordering January bunchgrasses and herbaceous plants Valley, irrigated alfalfa, feed lots, and ecoregion is internally-drained. sediments, Tertiary volcanics, and colored, often coarse-textured, on Xeric maximums are become progressively more common dairy operations. Grazing and fire have Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. and are dry for extended highest in the northward as available moisture increases. reduced native grasses and promoted periods. south cheatgrass. 20. COLORADO PLATEAUS 13d. Woodland- and 5498 Unglaciated. Low, rocky fault-block mountains, 5000-9000/ Quaternary colluvium and basalt. Tertiary Entisols (Torriorthents), Eaglepass, Lodar, Logring, Mesic- 10-22 40-120 10/48; Juniper-pinyon woodland/ Rangeland, woodland, wildlife habitat, Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use Shrub-Covered Low ridges, mountain slopes, hills, foothills, alluvial 200-3400 sedimentary rocks, Tertiary volcanic Mollisols (Calcixerolls, Kyler, Ubehebe, Nevu, Uana, Frigid/ 46/96. Juniper and pinyon woodland and, at and logging. Large areas have been Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation fans, and valley-fill terraces. Ephemeral streams rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, and Argixerolls, Durixerolls, Segura, Cropper, Itca Xeric January higher elevations, mountain brush cleared in an effort to increase livestock Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Mountains Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; (square Local Relief occur. Cambrian quartzite. Haploxerolls) sometimes maximums are (including mountain mahogany, cliffrose, forage. Grazing has depleted the Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, (° F) *Source: Kuchler, 1964 bordering highest in the and western serviceberry). Sagebrush woodland understory of grasses,which miles) (feet) on Aridic south (including black sagebrush and big has reduced fire frequency and allowed 20a. Monticello Upland 346 Unglaciated. Nearly level to rolling, semiarid plain 6700-7200/ Quaternary eolian deposits, alluvium, and Mollisols (Argiustolls, Monticello, Northdale, Ucolo, Mesic/ 10-17 120-130 8/36; On deep, fine-textured, eolian soil: Great Mostly dryland farming, and rangeland. sagebrush) codominates. sagebrush to invade. containing stream terraces, alluvial fans, low 25-200 colluvium. shale and Haplustolls,Paleustolls, Abajo, Scorup, Hovenweep, Ustic 50/88 Basin sagebrush. On shallow or stony soils: Winter wheat, other small grains, and 13e. High Elevation 116 Partially glaciated. High, rugged, rocky, north- 8000-12100/ Quaternary glacial drift, alluvium, and Mollisols (Palecryolls, Flygare, Podmor Frigid/ 25-40+ 50-90 8/32; Western spruce-fir forest/ Summer rangeland, wildlife habitat, rolling hills, and ridges. Ephemeral streams occur. . Calciustolls) Montvale. Deep, medium- scattered pinyon-juniper woodland/ pinto beans are grown. Also some Carbonate south trending, fault-block mountains with steep 1000-4100 colluvium. Mostly Paleozoic limestone, Haplocryolls, Haploxerolls) Mostly 44/80 Douglas-fir, aspen, subalpine fir, limber recreation, water supply, and limited textured soils have formed in Wyoming big sagebrush, black sagebrush, irrigated pastureland and alfalfa farming Mountains slopes. Some areas, especially in the Deep Creek dolomite, and quartzite; also Precambrian Xeric; also pine, Engelmann spruce, white fir, logging. sandy and silty eolian material. scattered juniper,and associated grasses. At occurs. Shrublands provide important Range, have been extensively glaciated and metasediments and Tertiary granite, Cryic/ mountain big sagebrush, and associated higher elevations,grass out-competes winter habitat for wildlife. moraines occur. Some perennial streams occur, but rhyolite, andesite, and basalt. Exposed Xeric, Udic grasses. Trees are most common on north- sagebrush and pinyon-juniper woodland if only limited amounts of surficial water are bedrock occurs. facing slopes. Carbonates extend the not stressed by fire or grazing. available on limestone and dolomite. elevational limits of trees. 20b. Shale Deserts 3486 Unglaciated. Arid sparsely vegetated, nearly level 4000-5000/ Quaternary colluvium, alluvium, and Entisols (mostly Torriorthents; Chipeta, Persayo, Hanksville, Mesic/ 5-8 120-160 6/40; Saltbush-greasewood, galleta-three awn Grazing dominates although stock to hilly plains and basins with actively eroding, Mostly 25- eolian material. Mostly Cretaceous also Torrifluvents), Aridisols Farb, Killpack, Ravola, Mack, Aridic 56/96 shrubsteppe/ carrying capacity is limited. On 13f. Moist Wasatch 890 Unglaciated. Footslopes, alluvial fans, stream 4200-5400/ Mostly Quaternary alluvium, colluvium, Mollisols (Haploxerolls, Kidman, Bingham, Kilburn, Mesic/ 10-22 145-220; 16/42; Great Basin sagebrush, saltbush- Widespread urban, suburban, industrial, highly dissected, rounded hills. Benches, alluvial 500; and Morrison (mostly Haplocalcids; also Billings, Robroost. Soils with Sparse cover of mat saltbush, shadscale, floodplains and terraces: some irrigated Front Footslopes terraces, lake terraces, lake plains, deltas, and 10-500 or lake sediments. Argixerolls, Calcixerolls, Fielding, Layton, Wasatch, Xeric climate is 53/93 greasewood/ and commercial activity. Elsewhere, fans, and are found locally and badlands maximum Formation. Rock outcrops occur. Calcigypsids, Calciargids, loam, silty clay loam, and Nuttall saltbush, blackbrush,Wyoming big cropland occurs and primarily produces floodplains near the and the Great Calciaquolls, Haplustolls), Chipman, Pleasant Vale, Salt affected Big sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, irrigated cropland, irrigated pastures, occur where shale is exposed. Water readily runs 1000 on Petrocalcids) clay textures have formed in sagebrush, associated grasses, and/or hay and grain for livestock. Carrying Salt Lake. Many mountain-fed perennial streams Entisols (Torrifluvents, Lake, Kirkham, Sunset, Lasil, by the western wheatgrass, dropseed, livestock farms, and orchards. Alfalfa, off shale during rainstorms resulting in , scattered material from saline marine annual forbs. Badland areas are almost capacity for wildlife is typically low occur in shrub- and tree-covered . They Torriorthents), Alfisols Genola, Linoyer, Medburn Great Salt gumweed, Indian ricegrass, rabbit brush, wheat, barley, vegetables, corn, sugar terrain dissection, and high suspended sediment buttes shales. They contain soluble devoid of vegetation. although deep provide sheltered provide water to municipalities and to agriculture. (Natrustalfs) Lake needleandthread, and/or winterfat. Shrub- beets, peaches, pears, apples,apricots, concentrations in stream flow. Salt leaching salt, gypsum, and selenium. habitat. Oil and natural gas wells occur. and tree-covered canyons descend into the and cherries are grown. strongly affects downstream salinity levels in the Active erosion and rapid runoff Coal mining is an important land use. ecoregion from the neighboring mountains. Colorado River. Ephemeral streams in deeply contribute salt to Colorado 13g. Wetlands 360 Unglaciated. Nearly flat to depressional terrain 4200-4650/ Quaternary lacustrine sediments and Aridisols (Aquisalids), Mostly Saltair; also Refuge, Salt Mesic/ 6-17 140-170 Mostly 14/38; Tule marshes/ Wildlife habitat, several state and incised arroyos occur. River. containing brackish, very saline, and fresh water 0-25 alluvium. Mollisols (Calciaquolls) Lake. Soils are poorly-drained Aquic near the mostly 56/94. Baltic rushes, cattails, burreed, common federal wildlife refuges, and rangeland. 20c. Semiarid 15103 Unglaciated. Semiarid benches, , cuestas, Mostly 5000- Quaternary colluvium, alluvium, and Mostly Entisols (Torriorthents); Atchee, Towave,Strych, Rizno, Mesic; Mostly 8- Mostly 80- 4/44; Juniper-pinyon woodland/ Mostly woodland grazing and wetlands. Water levels are often managed. or very poorly-drained and are Great Salt Minimums are reed grass, sedges, and/or bullrushes. Large concentrations of birds occur. Benchlands and alluvial fans, hillslopes, cliffs, arches, and 7500; locally eolian material. Tertiary, Cretaceous, also Mollisols (Haplustolls, Wayneco, Flynncove,Skos, some Frigid 14; on 160; on 50/64 Utah juniper and pinyon on shallow or recreation; also some uranium mining, often salty. Lake; as lower in Canyonlands canyons. A few isolated peaks of limited areal higher/ Jurassic,,and Permian sandstone Argiustolls), Aridisols Begay, Mivida, Cahona, and Cryic highest highest stony soils; also some black sagebrush, big uranium processing, and oil production. short as western Juab extent occur. Areas of low relief alternate with 100-2000 and limestone. Monoclines occur and can (Haplocalcids, Haplocambids, Windwhistle. Soils with fine on highest sites: 20- sites: less sagebrush, galleta, blue grama, four-wing 115 days County areas of high relief. be surrounded by a “reef” of rimrock. Calciargids) sandy loam and very fine sandy sites/ Ustic; 25 than 50 saltbush, and blackbrush, Mormon tea, and elsewhere Bare rock is common. loam texture have formed in also, Aridic days associated grasses. At higher elevations: 13i. Malad and Cache 662 Unglaciated. Lake terraces, benches, stream Mostly 4200- Mostly Quaternary alluvium, Pleistocene Mollisols (Haploxerolls, In : Logan, Mesic/ 12-24. 100-165 8/35; Sagebrush steppe/ Irrigated cropland and pastures, dryland eolian deposits derived from often sage parkland or mountain brush. Exposed Valleys terraces,valley bottoms, alluvial fans, hills, and 5400; lake sediments, or Quaternary colluvium. Argixerolls, Calcixerolls, Trenton, Parleys, Salt Lake, Xeric Average 50/92 On better drained sites: bluebunch farming, livestock farms, dairying, and sandstone. Depth of soil is bordering rock has little or no vegetation. foothills. Mountain-fed streams occur and provide maximum Also Tertiary sedimentary rock. Calciaquolls, Natrixerolls, Greenson, Nibley, Collett, annual wheatgrass, western wheatgrass, bluegrass, orchards. Alfalfa, barley, wheat, influenced by topographic on Ustic water to municipalities and to agriculture. 6000/ Calciustolls, Argiustolls) Kidman, Ricks, Lewiston. In snowfall is Great Basin wildrye, cheatgrass, and big vegetables, silage corn, sugar beets, position and the rates of eolian Mostly 10- Malad Valley: Kearns, Hupp, 60 to 80 sagebrush. On wet floodplains: reeds, apples, and peaches are grown. Urban, and erosion. 200; Parleys, Sterling, Honeyville, inches sedges, foxtail, saltgrass, and wiregrass. On suburban, commercial, and industrial 20d. Arid Canyonlands 5093 Unglaciated. Arid narrow chasms, cliffs,valley 3200-5000/ Quaternary alluvium, eolian deposits, and Entisols (Torriorthents, Moenkopie, Sheppard, Nakai, Mesic/ 5-8 160-220+. 16/48; Blackbrush, saltbush-greasewood/ Recreation, grazing,and wildlife habitat. sometimes to Greenson, Fridlo. Upper terraces poorly-drained low lake terraces: saltgrass activity occur. floors, floodplains, structural benches, mesas, and 200-1800 colluvium. Jurassic,Triassic, Permian, Torripsamments, Torrifluvents), Myton,Arches, Mido, Rizno, Aridic Precipita- 60/100. Blackbrush, shadscale, Indian ricegrass, In the salt valleys near Moab: irrigated 1000 and benches are better drained and greasewood. cuestas. Terrain has been deeply eroded by major Pennsylvanian sandstone, limestone, and Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Farb, Hoskinnini,Limeridge, tion is Mild winters galleta, fourwing saltbush, blue grama, mat cropland and residential development. In and freer from soluble salts than rivers and their tributaries. shale. Bare rock (i.e. slick rock) is very Haplargids, Haplocambids, Thoroughfare, Pennell. On lowest in saltbush, sand dropseed, sand sagebrush, the southeast: oil production. lower areas. common. Petrocalcids) slopes, colluvial soils deepest and/or bud sagebrush. Exposed rock has have developed. On benches, canyons little or no vegetation. In deep canyons: shallow soils are found. In blackbrush is common. In riparian areas: washes, deeper soils occur. extensive stands of introduced tamarisk can occur. 14. MOJAVE B ASIN AND RANGE 20e. Escarpments 4144 Unglaciated. High, dissected, partly wooded cliffs, 5000-10000/ Quaternary alluvium and colluvium. Entisols (Torriorthents, Travessilla, Gerst, Syrett, Podo, Mesic, 8-30 40-150 8/48; Juniper-pinyon woodland, mountain Mostly recreation and wildlife habitat; escarpments, tops, and breaks with a wide 500-3000 Tertiary and Mesozoic sandstone, shale, Ustorthents), Mollisols Thedalund, Cabba, Senchert, Frigid, 50/96 mahogany-oak scrub, Douglas-fir forest, also some limited grazing. Coal mining Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use elevational range. Ecoregion 20e is most extensive and limestone. Rock outcrops are very (Haplustolls, Argicryolls, Batterson, Bookcliff, Shalako, Cryic/ spruce-fir-Douglas-fir forest, pine and gas production occurs locally. Steep Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation in the Book Cliffs and Grand Staircase areas as common. Calcicryolls), Aridisols Atchee, Ruko, Pahreah Ustic often forest/ slopes and unstable soils limit human Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; well as along major river canyons. It includes the (Haplocalcids) bordering Vegetation varies according to aspect and development. (square Local Relief Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, (° F) *Source: Kuchler, 1964 Pink, Straight, Vermilion, and Book cliffs. on Aridic moisture availability. Scrubland, woodland, miles) (feet) and Douglas-fir are most common. Above 14a. Creosote Bush- 516 Unglaciated. Arid low relief area composed of 2200-4000/ Quaternary alluvium, eolian sediments, Entisols (Torrifluvents, Tobler,Harrisburg, Pintura Thermic/ 6-10 180-225+ 24/54; Creosote bush/ Irrigated farming, pasture, rangeland, about 9000 feet elevation and on some Dominated Basins alluvial fans, flood plains, stream terraces, valleys, 100-800 and basalt. Jurassic and Triassic Torripsamments), Aridisols Cave,Junction, Toquerville, St. Aridic 60-100 Creosote bush, big sagebrush, Joshua tree, and wildlife habitat. Alfalfa, small grain, north-facing slopes: subalpine fir and and scattered mesas and buttes. sedimentary rock and Permian Limestone. (Petrocalcids, Haplocalcids) George, Winkel blackbrush, galleta, Indian ricegrass, and milo, sorghum, and sugar beet seed are Engelmann spruce. Rock outcrops occur. cheatgrass. Along the Virgin River: grown. Rapidly growing suburban willows, sedges, cattails, and wiregrass. developments near Saint George. 20f. Floor 2615 Unglaciated. Arid saucer-shaped synclinal basin 4300-6400/ Quaternary colluvium, alluvium, eolian Entisols (Torriorthents, Walknolls, Casmos, Atchee, Mesic/ 5-8 115-140. 0/32; Mostly saltbush-greasewood/ Rangeland, cropland, and wildlife containing mountain-fed streams, alluvial terraces, Mostly 50- deposits, and coarse outwash deposits. Torrifluvents, Torripsamments), Denco,Tipperary, Mivida, Aridic Winter 50/92. Shadscale, Indian ricegrass, galleta, habitat. On basin floors and benches: 14b. Arid Footslopes 128 Unglaciated. Arid footslopes, alluvial fans, hills, 3000-5000/ Quaternary alluvium, basalt, colluvium, Aridisols (Petrocalcids) Curhollow, Pastura, Veyo, Mesic/ 10-12 155-180 20-48/ Saltbush-greasewood/ Wildlife habitat, recreation, and outwash terraces, floodplains, hills, and ridges. 800; 1200 Tertiary sedimentary rocks including those Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Fruitland, Montwel, Clapper, inversions Seasonal Wyoming big sagebrush, fourwing irrigated alfalfa hay and corn for cattle. basalt flows, mesas, and highly dissected, erodible, 1000-2000 and eolian deposits. Mesozoic and Winkel. Indurated carbonate Aridic 68-100 Wyoming big sagebrush, blackbrush, rangeland. Mesas and benches occur locally and alternate maximum of the Uinta Formation. Natrargids), Vertisols Green River, Motto, Turzo. Salt create cold temperature saltbush, winterfat, needleandthread, and/or Runoff from Uinta Mountains provides sparsely vegetated badlands. Badlands yield large Permian sedimentary rock including hardpans occur. Mormon tea, yellowbrush, galleta, Indian with lower, more arable land. High dissolved and (Haplotorrerts) leaching from soils affects winter extremes black sagebrush. In riparian areas: abundant water for irrigation. Major oil amounts of sediment during thunderstorms. limestone. Rock outcrops are common. ricegrass, cheatgrass, and cholla. suspended sediment loads are common water surficial water quality. conditions cottonwood and introduced Russian olive and gas fields occur. quality problems in its rivers. trees. 14c. Mountain 103 Unglaciated. Mountains, mountain slopes, and 4000-7800/ Quaternary colluvium. Paleozoic Entisols (Ustorthents), Mollisols Welring, Tortugas, Motoqua, Frigid, 12-16 120-170 16-44/ Juniper-pinyon woodland/ Rangeland, recreation, and wildlife Woodland and mesa tops. Ephemeral streams occur. 200-2700 quartzite, limestone, and calcareous (Haplustolls, Argiustolls) Kolob, Paunsaugunt Mesic/ 60-96 Pinyon, juniper, serviceberry, Gambel oak, habitat. 20g. Northern Uinta 707 Unglaciated. Southern foothills, outwash terraces, 5500-9200/ Quaternary outwash deposits, colluvium, Mollisols (Calciustolls), Clapper,Tridell, Hillto, Tyzak, Mesic, 8-18 100-130 4/28; Mostly juniper-pinyon woodland; also Mostly livestock grazing, woodland, and Shrubland sandstone and shale. Precambrian schist Aridic, cliffrose, manzanita, native bluegrass, black Basin Slopes and glaciated canyons of the Uinta Mountains that 100-2600 alluvium, and eolian deposits. Tertiary Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Atchee, Mespun, Ashley, Reepo Frigid/ 50/84 some sagebrush steppe/ irrigated pastureland; also, locally, some with granitic intrusions. Rock outcrops Xeric sagebrush, squirreltail, and cheatgrass. are characterized by numerous, perennial, sedimentary rocks. Petrocalcids), Entisols Ustic, Pinyon-juniper woodland, shrubs, and irrigated cropland. Phosphate mining are common. mountain-fed streams. (Torriorthents, Torrifluvents, Aridic often grasses with mountain brush at upper and oil production occurs. Indian Torripsamments) bordering elevations. Canyons contain cottonwoods, reservation land is extensive. on Ustic willows, ponderosa pine, and shrubs. 20h. Sand Deserts 1634 Unglaciated. Arid nearly level to hilly basins Mostly 4000- Quaternary eolian deposits and alluvium. Entisols (Torriorthents, Nakai, Sheppard, Moenkopie, Mesic/ 5-8 130-180 10/48; Mostly galleta-three awn shrubsteppe; Limited grazing; also, locally, some containing sparsely vegetated plains, terraces, and 5000; 6000 Jurassic and Permian sedimentary rock. Torripsamments), Aridisols Moffat, Aneth, Trachute, Aridic 92/96 some saltbush-greasewood, juniper-pinyon irrigated hay and grain is grown for dunes. Flat-top benches are found locally, and maximum/ Characterized by shifting eolian material (Haplocalcids) Sandbench, Wayneco, Mido woodland, and, in the south, blackbrush/ cattle and sheep. Arable land is limited 18. WYOMING B ASIN ephemeral streams occur. Channel depth is Mostly 50- over bedrock. Vegetation, where present, is desert or to alluvial soils on floodplains and Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use bedrock-controlled and usually shallow. 600; 1000 semi-desert grasses (including galleta, sand terraces. Carrying capacity for wildlife maximum dropseed,indian ricegrass, and three awn), is low. Oil and gas production occurs in Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series desert shrubs (including sandsage), and the southeast. (square Local Relief Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; ° *Source: Kuchler, 1964 annual forbs. miles) (feet) Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, ( F) 18a. Rolling Sagebrush 245 Unglaciated. Semiarid rolling plains, hills, cuestas, 5350-9400/ Quaternary alluvium, colluvium, outwash Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Luhon, Grieves, Fluetsch, Frigid- 10-16. 50-100 8/36; Sagebrush steppe/ Mostly rangeland, wildlife habitat, and Steppe mesas, and terraces. Footslopes,ridges, alluvial Mostly 100- deposits, and eolian deposits overlie Calciargids, Haplargids), Clapper,Mivida, Brownsto, Mesic/ Proximity 48-84. Mostly big sagebrush and grasses; also irrigated agriculture growing alfalfa and fans, and outwash fans also occur near mountains. 1600; 2000 Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rock Entisols (Torriorthents) Dahlquist, Yarts Aridic to mts. and Cold winters some shadscale, fourwing saltbush, galleta, small grains. 21. SOUTHERN R OCKIES maximum or partly metamorphosed Precambrian bordering altitude and mild winterfat, cactus, black sagebrush, and bud sedimentary rock of the Uinta Mountain on Ustic increases summers sagebrush. On rock outcrops: juniper Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use Group. Rock outcrops occur. precipi- woodland. Frequent fires help maintain Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation tation sagebrush. Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series (square Local Relief Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; ° *Source: Kuchler, 1964 18c. Wet Valleys 173 Unglaciated. Cold high elevation valleys Mostly 6000- Mostly Quaternary alluvium; also Mostly Mollisols (Calciaquolls, Bear Lake, Saleratus, Dahlquist, Frigid/ 9-12 55-90 0/28; Sagebrush steppe/ Irrigated hayland, pasture, rangeland, miles) (feet) Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, ( F) containing nearly flat floodplains and low terraces. 6600/ Quaternary loess, colluvium, and glacial Calciustolls, Calcixerolls), Rich, Wader, Bereniceton, Ustic, 44/80 Tufted hairgrass, sedges, Baltic rushes, and wildlife habitat. Bottomlands are characterized by many wetlands. 10-200 outwash. West of Flaming Gorge, Tertiary Entisols (Ustifluvents, Cowco, Bockston, Brownsto. Aquic, cattails, alkali sacaton, saltgrass, alkali 21a. Alpine Zone 19 Glaciated. Steep slopes, ridges, and exposed, rocky About 11500- Quaternary rubble, glacial drift, and Inceptisols (Dystrocryepts) Meredith Cryic/ 32+. Less than Less than Alpine meadows and barren/ Recreation, wildlife habitat, and native and Cretaceous sedimentary rock occurs. Torrifluvents, Torriorthents); Some soils are rich in organic Aridic bluegrass, basin wildrye, bluebunch peaks above timberline in the La Sal mountains. 12720/ colluvium. Tertiary intrusive igneous Udic Deep 40 6/36; Low shrubs, cushion plants, mosses, alpine pastureland. Snow cover is a major also Aridisols (Haplargids, matter. Others are affected by bordering wheatgrass, needleandthread, and/or big 400-1200 rocks. Many rock outcrops. winter less than grasses, wildflowers,and sedges. source of water for lower, more arid Haplocalcids) salt and alkali. on Ustic sagebrush. snow pack 50/76 ecoregions. 18d. Semiarid Bear Hills 651 Unglaciated. Semiarid footslopes, alluvial fans, 6350-7700/ Quaternary alluvium, colluvium, and Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Pancheri, Kearl, Cutoff, Solak, Frigid/ 10-16 90-120 8/28; Sagebrush steppe/ Mostly rangeland, wildlife habitat, and 21b. Subalpine Forests 108 Glaciated. Heavily forested mountainous terrain in 8800-about Quaternary glacial drift, colluvium, and Mollisols (Palecryolls, Flygare, Leighcan, Skylick, Cryic/ 24-40 Less than Less than Southwestern spruce-fir forest, pine- Wildlife habitat, recreation, logging, hills,ridges, and valleys located in the rainshadow 50-1200 loess. Mostly Tertiary sandstone and Haplocambids), Entisols Woodpass, Alhark, Richville, Xeric, 44/84 Big sagebrush, bitterbrush, Indian irrigated pasture; also some nonirrigated the La Sal and Abajo Mountains. Moraines and 11500/ alluvium. Mesozoic and Paleozoic Haplocryolls), Broad Canyon, Namon, Toone Udic 70 8/36; Douglas-fir forest/ mining, and summer rangeland. Grazing of high mountains. conglomerate; also some shale, siltstone, (Torriorthents), Mollisols Thatcher,Jebo, Falula Aridic ricegrass, bluebunch wheatgrass, and/or and irrigated agriculture growing alfalfa, outwash fans occur. 400-2100 sedimentary rocks and Tertiary intrusive Inceptisols (Dystrocryepts), 52/84 Subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce, blue is limited by lingering snowpack and and limestone. Rock outcrops occur. (Haploxerolls, Argixerolls), bordering needleandthread. On rock outcrops: juniper and small grains. Oil production occurs. igneous rocks. Alfisols (Haplocryalfs) spruce, Douglas-fir,and aspen parkland climatic conditions in general. Snow Inceptisols (Calcixerepts) on Xeric woodlands. Vegetation is denser on north- with an understory of mountain brush. At cover is a major source of water for facing slopes than on south-facing slopes. timberline: stunted subalpine fir, lower, more arid ecoregions. Englemann spruce, and limber pine. 21c. Dry Forests and 238 Partially glaciated. Low, forested mountain slopes 7500-9000/ Quaternary colluvium, alluvium, glacial Mollisols (Haplustolls, Falcon, Herm, Toone, Flygare, Frigid/ 16-25 Less than 10/36; Pine-Douglas-fir forest, southwestern Wildlife habitat, livestock grazing, Shrublands and outwash fans. Perennial streams occur but 100-1500 drift, and eolian deposits. Mesozoic Argiustolls) Harpole, Bookcliff, Tomasaki Ustic 80 54/88 spruce-fir forest/ logging, mineral extraction, and summer flow is commonly reduced by diversions sedimentary rocks and Tertiary intrusive Gambel oak, and widely spaced ponderosa recreation. to irrigate cropland in lower ecoregions. igneous rocks. pine with an understory of mountain brush. Ponderosa pine becomes more common at 19. WASATCH AND UINTA MOUNTAINS higher elevations. Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; (square Local Relief Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, (° F) miles) (feet) *Source: Kuchler, 1964 80. NORTHERN B ASIN AND RANGE 19a. Alpine Zone 519 Extensively glaciated. Very high, often severely About 11000- Quaternary colluvium, glacial till Inceptisols (Dystrocryepts, Mirror, Vasquez, Haverly. Cryic/ 30-50+. Less than Long, cold Barren and alpine meadows/ Wildlife habitat, pastureland, and Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation*/ Land Use exposed ridges, mountains, and peaks above 13528/ deposits, alluvium, and rubble. Tertiary Cryaquepts) Acidic, very gravelly to stony, Udic Average 40 winters Low shrubs, mosses, cushion plants, recreation. Snow cover is a major source Temperature/ Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Present Vegetation Area Elevation/ Surficial material and bedrockOrder (Great Groups) Common Soil Series timberline. Dominated by glacial features 50-2500 sedimentary and igneous rocks, Mesozoic shallow soils are common. annual wildflowers, alpine grasses, sedges, and of summer water for lower, more arid Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; (square Local Relief Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max, (° F) *Source: Kuchler, 1964 including horns, aretes, moraines, U-shaped sedimentary and igneous rocks, and Meadows have much deeper snowfall willows that are adapted to acidic soils, ecoregions. miles) (feet) valleys, cirques, and many tarns. Wet meadows are Precambrian quartzite. Many bedrock soils than mountain slopes and exceeds cold winters, short summers, and/or wet common. Alpine areas are especially extensive in exposures occur. are often wet. 300 inches soils. 80a. Dissected High 412 Unglaciated. Alluvial fans, bajadas, gently rolling 5150-6600/ Quaternary alluvium, colluvium, and Aridisols (Haplodurids), Dahar, Donnardo, Fontreen, Mostly 11-1675-140 8/37; Mostly sagebrush steppe, juniper-pinyon Mostly rangeland and wildlife habitat. the Uinta Mountains. Lava Plains plains, hills, stream terraces, and floodplains. 100-1200 volcanic ash. Miocene and Pliocene Mollisols (Calcixerolls, Cottonthomas, Bullump, Frigid; 50/86 woodland; also, juniper steppe woodland/ Some barley, oat, irrigated pastureland, Ephemeral or intermittent streams occur. tuffaceous sediments, mudstone, Argixerolls,Haploxerolls) Raftriver, Borvant, Kapod, some Wyoming and basin big sagebrush, and irrigated alfalfa farming. 19b. Uinta Subalpine 722 Extensively glaciated. Wet, ice-sculpted, high About 10000- Quaternary glacial till, colluvium, and Inceptisols (Dystrocryepts, Uinta, Mirror Lake, Duchesne, Cryic/ 30+. Less than Long, cold Mostly western spruce-fir forest/ Logging, seasonal range, recreation, sandstone, conglomerate, and dacitic tuff. Tomsherry. Some of the soils Mesic/ bluebunch wheatgrass, western wheatgrass, Forests elevation, forested mountainous ecoregion in the 11000; deep alluvium. Tertiary sedimentary and Eutrocryepts), Alfisols Marsell, Scout Udic Mean 40 winters Engelmann spruce, lodgepole pine, and wildlife habitat, and water supply. have formed in volcanic ash. Xeric and Idaho fescue, basin wildrye, Uinta Mountains containing glaciated basins, canyons are igneous rocks, Mesozoic sedimentary and (Glossocryalfs) annual subalpine fir with an understory of Aridic needleandthread, bluegrass, and mountain slopes, low-relief till plains, moraines, lower/ igneous rocks, and Precambrian quartzite. snowfall huckleberry and sedge; also, locally, some bordering Utah juniper. Some areas have been cleared numerous tarns and many good quality, perennial 100-1000 Rock outcrops occur. exceeds aspen. At timberline: stunted, subalpine fir, on Xeric and reseeded to crested wheatgrass. streams in deep canyons. 150 inches Englemann spruce, and limber pine. 80b. Semiarid Hills and 479 Unglaciated. Shrub-covered or wooded mountains, 5800-9000/ Quaternary colluvium and alluvium. Mollisols (Argixerolls, Bickmore, Broad Canyon, Cryic, 14-30 60-120 8/32; Mostly juniper-pinyon woodland; also Rangeland and wildlife habitat. 19c. Mid-elevation Uinta 1486 Glaciated. Middle elevation forested mountainous 8000-10000/ Quaternary glacial till, colluvium, and Alfisols (Glossocryalfs, Uinta, Mirror Lake, Duchesne, Frigid, 20-30. 40-90 Long, cold Douglas-fir forest/ Logging, seasonal range, recreation, Low Mountains hills, and alluvial fans. 400-1800 Mostly Precambrian Argicryolls,Haplocryolls, Parkay, Clavicon, Middle, Frigid, 52/84 sagebrush steppe/ Mountains ecoregion in the Uinta Mountains containing 400-2000 alluvium. Mostly Tertiary sedimentary Haplocryalfs), Inceptisols Skutum, Marsell, Namon, Scout, Cryic/ Average winters Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, and aspen wildlife habitat, and water supply. with granitic intrusions and Paleozoic Calcixerolls,Haploxerolls) Foxol, Sheep Creek Mesic/ Lower elevations: vegetation is transitional moraines and a few lakes. Many good quality, rocks, Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and (Dystrocryepts, Eutrocryepts), Lucky Star, Manila, Henefer, Udic, Xeric annual parkland with a sagebrush and forb sedimentary rock; also some Ordovician Xeric between woodland and sagebrush steppe perennial streams in deep canyons are found on its Precambrian quartzite; also some Tertiary Mollisols (Argixerolls, Yeates Hollow, Sessions snowfall understory. In higher and drier areas: metamorphic rocks, Cambrian and includes mountain big sagebrush, southern flank. igneous rocks. Haplocryolls, Argicryolls, exceeds 70 mountain brush. In riparian areas: willow, metamorphic rocks, Tertiary dacitic tuff, bluebunch wheatgrass,and scattered Palecryolls) inches cottonwood, and Engelmann spruce. In and Tertiary tuffaceous sediments. Rock junipers. Medium elevations to about 7000 northern Uinta Mountains: lodgepole pine. outcrops occur. feet: juniper woodland with an understory 19d. Wasatch Montane 3560 Partially glaciated. Middle elevation forested Mostly 8000- Quaternary glacial till, colluvium, and Mollisols (Argicryolls, Lucky Star, Cluff, Senchert, Cryic/ 16-50+. Less than Long, cold Mostly Douglas-fir forest; in south: spruce- Logging, seasonal range, recreation, of bluebunch wheatgrass and/or sagebrush. Zone mountain slopes, mountain tops, ridges, and 10000; lower alluvium. Sedimentary and metamorphic Palecryolls, Haplocryolls), Bickmore, Poleline, Fitzgerald, Udic East side is 40-80 winters fir-Douglas-fir forest/ wildlife habitat, and water supply. Above about 7000 feet: mountain brush. plateaus in the . Moraines and lakes on north- rocks are common and range from Alfisols (Palecryalfs, Roundy,Daybell, Skylick, drier than Aspen parkland with scattered Douglas-fir Grazing is more common to the east of 126 Unglaciated. Steep, rugged, partly forested 7000-9900/ Quaternary colluvium. Mostly Mollisols (Argicryolls) Dateman, Parkay, Nielsen Cryic/ 25-39. 30-80 Less than Montane zone/ Rangeland, wildlife habitat, timberland, occur. East of the Wasatch divide, the terrain is facing slopes/ Cenozoic to Proterozoic in age. Rock Haplocryalfs, Glossocryalfs) Mortenson, Broad Canyon, west side. and an understory of big sagebrush, the divide than to the west. 80c. High Elevation mountains. 600-1900 Precambrian metamorphic and Udic Wet 6/28; Douglas-fir,subalpine forest, aspen, and watershed, and recreation. more rolling, less steep, and less rugged than on 400-2000 outcrops occur. Skutum, Clayburn, Faim, Deep snowberry, elderberry, and mountain Forests and sedimentary rocks; granitic intrusions also winters 52/76. associated sagebrush. On rocky ridges: the western side. Many good quality, perennial Embargo, Condie, Elwood, winter grasses. On cirques and north-facing Shrublands occur. Rock exposures are common. Cold winters limber pine. On wide ridge tops: open streams occur. Croydon snow pack slopes: subalpine fir and Engelmann grasslands. In upper canyons: Engelmann spruce. Near streams: willows and birch. spruce and subalpine fir. 3015 Partially glaciated. Largely forested high plateaus Mostly 8000- Quaternary colluvium, alluvium, glacial Mollisols (Argicryolls, Forsey,Faim, Sessions, Cryic/ 16-40+. Less than Long, cold Arizona pine forest, spruce-fir-Douglas-fir Wildlife habitat, rangeland, and logging. 19e. High Plateaus 52 Unglaciated. Arid gently sloping valley floors and 5200-6000/ Quaternary alluvium. Aridisols (Haplocalcids, Declo, Mellor, Darkbull. Light- Mesic/ 8-12 100-140 15/31; Saltbush-greasewood/ Primarily rangeland, wildlife habitat, and mountains. Includes the Aquarius, Awapa, about 11000; drift, and basalt. Flat-lying, Tertiary Haplocryolls, Palecryolls, Behanin, Elwood, Condie, Udic Deep 40-80 winters forest, western spruce-fir forest/ Seasonal heavy grazing on high 80h. Saltbush-Dominated alluvial fans. 100-400 Natrargids) colored soils with high salt and Xeric and 53/87 Shadscale, bottlebrush squirreltail, black and irrigated agriculture. Markagunt, Paunsaugunt, Sevier, and Wasatch locally lower igneous rock is common; also some Calcicryolls), Alfisols Scout, Nielsen, Tatiyee, Jemez, winter Mostly Douglas-fir, Englemann spruce, meadows. Logging occurs outside of Valleys alkali content are common and Aridic greasewood, and Wyoming big sagebrush. plateaus. than 7000/ Tertiary sedimentary rocks and (Glossocryalfs), Inceptisols Parkay, Seth, Pahreah. Many snow pack subalpine fir, white fir, and limber pine. At protected areas. In the Henry Mountains, are dry for extended periods. bordering Salt- and drought-tolerant vegetation is Mostly Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Rock (Eutrocryepts) soils are derived from volcanic low elevations: ponderosa pine. On south- grazing is the dominant land use and on Xeric common. 400-3000; outcrops occur. rock. facing slopes in the southern high plateaus: timber harvesting is very limited. locally 4000+ aspen. In the Henry Mountains: mountain Snowpack on the high plateaus provides 80i. Sagebrush Steppe 7 Unglaciated. Gently sloping valleys with 5000-5400/ Quaternary lacustrine deposits and Mollisols (Haploxerolls, Kearns,Parleys, Red Rock Mesic/ 13-18 100-140 11/32; Sagebrush steppe/ Rangeland and non-irrigated wheat, brush and, on north-facing slopes, spruce- irrigation and drinking water to the Valleys unforested terraces, basin rims, floodplains, 25-200 alluvium. Argixerolls) Xeric 50/90 Bluebunch wheatgrass,Wyoming big non-irrigated barley, and irrigated alfalfa fir forest. lower valleys during the late-spring and footslopes, alluvial fans, and bajadas. sagebrush, cheatgrass, and Sandberg farming. summer seasons. bluegrass.

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