Vol.7No.2 May 2016 The Politics of Technocracy in Malaysia (1957-2012) 208 JASON SEONG WEI LOH Postgraduate & Research Centre (PGRC), KDU University College, Malaysia. Email:
[email protected] Received 5 march 2016 ABSTRACT Revised 30 March 2016 Malaysia’s technocracy (administrative elite) and the government of the day (po- Accepted 6 April 2016 DOI: 10.18196/jgp.2016.0028 litical elite) have had and continue to enjoy a harmonious and symbiotic relation- ship. Such synergy had its origins and background in British colonial rule when promising Malays were groomed for administrative positions. The dawn of merdeka (national independence) allowed for the transition from administrative positions to political leadership. The first three prime ministers, namely Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak and Hussein Onn were drawn from these ranks. There was an organic development in the relationship between the ‘old’ techno- crats and politicians expressed inshared strategic outlook and direction. As such, national development was characterised not by intermittent periods of political disruption but a sustained period of continuity in the pre-conditions for eco- nomic growth which extended and heightened throughout the premiership of Mahathir Mohamad. His successor, Abdullah Badawi, started to install corporate figures as technocrats to professionalise the governance of the administrative system. Under Najib Razak the role of these ‘new’ technocrats was further en- trenchedandenhanced. Keywords: Technocracy; economic management; developmental politics; Najibnomics INTRODUCTION The term, ‘technocracy’, is normally employed to refer to the concept of ‘expert knowledge’ that is the provenance of a ‘select’ few in the administrative system of a country (e.g.