First Appellant Authority. (Thirty) D-Ays. the Appeilant Agreed That He Wiil
Page I of 2 na NACHAL PRADESH INFORMATION COMMTSSION (APIC) ffiS/ o( NEAR APPSC OFFICE, ITANAGAR f,:: AI c-14412019 Dated Itanagar, the 4th February 2020 w; CO! MISSIONER UNDER SECTION 19(3) OF RTI ACT, 2OO5 ie@!) Mr. Tame Harming -Appellant Pachin colony, PolPs Naharlagun District-Papumpare A. P Vs Public Information Officer (PIO) -Respondent Er Nani That E.E O/o E.E PWD Naharlagun Highway division Nirjuli,AP Chief Engineer -First Appellant Highway Zone,PWD Authority. Itanagar,AP JUDGMENT/ORDER The appeal under section 1913) of RTI Act, 2005 has been received from Mr. Tame Harming Pachin colonl , po/ps Naharlagun, papum pare District, Arunachal Pradesh for non-furnishing of information, by The public Informauon officer-cum- Executive Engineer (EE), pwD Naharlagun, Highway Division Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, as sought, by the appellant under section6 (1) of RTI Act, 2005 on 04.07.20t9. whereas, the 1't hearing was herd on 11.11.2019 the appeilant Mr. Tame Harming was present in the hearing while, the respondent public Information officer pwD shri Er. Nani rhat E.E, Naharlagun, Highway Division Nirjuli, is represented , by one Shri Debia Takam, Assistant Engineer of Naharragun Highway sub-division and shri Joram Nega, dealing Assistant was present. Heard both the parties. During the hearing the ApIo stated the records/information is ready for ve ification or inspection by the appellant. The copies information of are so volunrinous that it cannot be handed over to the appellant perusal. for As such the appellant may like to inspect the documents and records free of cost which appellant had sought from the plo withln 30 (thirty) d-ays.
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