Special Message To All Australian Federal Police In

From The Desk Lloyd T Vance Timmy Waters Tim Jones Cathy Bell Mick James News Today Darwin NT Australia

Dear Federal Australian Federal Police

Police Officers all and sundry from Top of the Ladder to the bottom of the ladder.

Question 1) What Was The Oath You Took After Training?

Wait don’t answer

Question 2) Looking from the Ladder what ever job you were trained in?

Wait don’t answer

Question 3) What lies do you tell your wife & kids when you return home after work for the day?

Wait don’t answer

1 ****** Next Does One Little Aussie Have to Book a Plane Fair Ride down to Canberra, when arrive go to your Offices, at the desk ask to ring on the phone to the AFP Kitchen ?

Lets Do It Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring to the AFP Kitchen, Hello Head Chief 1 Little Aussie here , Please send me up 100 Big, Big, Ham Bones I need them fast thanks Head Chief many thanks.

When Ham Bones Arrive say thanks Waiter Tom, ask for date with Waiter Tom tonight meet here ok, Tom Agrees (Back To Story)


So All People of the World Listen to this, this will make your Head spin, we all know we have corruption in our countries agreed.

But Just sharing information?

Remember just sharing information here in Australia the real facts happening behind the scenes here in Australia.

***** Thinking better to shake hands with Chicago Mafia then this lot who are suppose to fight Law and Order in Australia Australian Federal Police in Australia.

2 With That said everybody knows around the World we have Australian Federal Police suppose to do above, now read this, come on people of the World, also my fellow Australians this is the real picture of what is happening in Australia.

Just sit back and read: -

Protecting paedophiles the judicial way.

Justice Ken Taylor and the Attorney General Greg Smith.

Two weeks ago acting NSW District Court judge Ken Taylor issued a suppression order to stop the naming of a convicted paedophile.

Justice Taylor’s actions need investigating.

The problem is that the NSW attorney general Greg Smith who has ultimate oversight for NSW judicial officers is himself embroiled is what looks like himself covering up for known paedophile Father Finian Egan.

3 Father Finian Egan has not been convicted of being a paedophile but the church says he is, so that is good enough for me, add that to Greg Smith’s extremely perverted and suspect behaviour and Father Egan has to be guilty.

(Click here to read more on Father Egan )

But we will start off with Justice Ken Taylor and his paedophile protecting judgement.

A decision he has since overturned after some media attention for some unknown reason. Justice Ken Taylor

Two weeks ago Justice Taylor issued a suppression order so the name of a convicted paedophile could not be named.

It was reported in a story in the SMH titled “Victim’s horror at abuser anonymity” which says THE victim of a convicted paedophile says she is ”disgusted and horrified” that her abuser’s name has been suppressed by a court.”

”It’s disgusting that his identity can be protected but the intimate details of what happened to me are not protected and free for anyone to read about, and there’s no consideration of how that affects me,” she said.

It goes on to say “A spokesman for the Attorney- General, Greg Smith, said his office had requested a transcript of the sentencing hearing.” (Click here to read the full story )

4 What a joke, as if Greg Smith was going to do anything.

He is busing covering up for Father Egan.

“The case gained national headlines after Peter Versi was named by radio host Darryn Hinch.”

Then a couple of days ago Justice Ken Taylor overturned his own decision for no known reason.

This is very strange.

The only way I thought his judgement could be overturned is by an appeal court.

He has decided to call the matter back into court and overturn his own judgement.

To my knowledge this is unprecedented.

(Click here to read more )

This leads one to surmise only two things

1. he has been influenced by the media or

2. someone has tapped him on the shoulder and told him he should overturn his own judgement.

Either way there is a very serious question to be answered.

I have looked for his judgement on the internet and have not been able to find it.

But even if he has overturned the judgement that does not answer the first question and that is how he could hand down such a scandalous and disgraceful judgment in the first place.

5 And as you will see Father Egan has not been convicted of any court yet the media can still name him so why could we not name Peter Versi who had been convicted?

It is beyond belief that Justice Taylor is that incompetent and if he is he should not be a judge.

His whole actions need to be investigated in full. E.g.

Who he knows or doesn’t know etc.

Now to the man who is meant to have oversight for Justice Taylor’s actions. NSW Attorney General Greg Smith

Mr Smith has been involved is dodgy conduct that has been mentioned on this site last year so his attempt to cover-up for a paedophile priest is of no surprise .

In the post last year titled “What is the price of freedom?

About $900,000 if you are bribing Commissioner Phillip Bradley at the NSW Crime Commission.”

Greg Smith is mentioned for his role (when worked at the Director of Public Prosecutions office 2004) in dropping charges against James Kinch so the NSW Crime Commission could get its hands on a $900,000 bribe to let Kinch go.

Kinch is now in a jail in Thailand awaiting extradition to Australia to face number of charges including the ones that Greg Smith dropped.

6 Now Mr Smith knows Father Egan on a personal basis and charges against Father Egan have been held up at the DPP, the same place that Greg Smith used to work, for some seven months.

The ABC 7.30 Report did a story on this on the 4th of April. The full transcript is below.

(As per “Fair Use Policy” usually I would only use a small part and put the link back to the site but because it is in the public interest I have copied the lot) Transcript

CHRIS UHLMANN, PRESENTER: Here is a story about an Attorney-General and a priest.

One of the most senior lawmakers in the country is tonight being accused of making derogatory comments about a woman who alleges that she was abused as a child by a priest.

Until last year NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith had a long association with his one-time Catholic priest Finian Egan, even praising him in Parliament.

That appears to have ended some time after police began investigating allegations from five people that Finian Egan had abused them as children.

Now 7.30 has been shown evidence suggesting the Attorney-General made insulting comments about one of Finian Egan’s accusers, allegedly branding the child sex victim just after money from the church. Tim Palmer reports. ???

7 There was nowhere that was safe for me.

I wasn’t safe anywhere.

The abuse started when I was in the later years of primary school.

TIM PALMER, REPORTER: Father Finian Egan’s more than 50 years as a priest took him to at least half a dozen churches in and around .

But the priest’s service in the Catholic Church came to an end when a number of women came forward to accuse him of abusing them when they were children.

KELLIE-ANNE ROCHE (2010): I just tried to stop him from touching my breasts to show him that’s not where I want his hands … without saying anything, because he was – priests are one step down from God.

TIM PALMER: Within weeks of 7.30 airing a series of stories in 2010 on Finian Egan, at least five people had gone to police and a widespread investigation was underway.

But nearly two years later, the priest hasn’t been arrested or charged.

NIKKI WELLS: The wait’s been absolutely horrendous.

It’s been really traumatic.

The statements with the police were finalised in 2010.

We’ve been told that the case is currently on the DPP’s desk, but it’s been on the DPP’s desk for about seven months now.

8 They keep telling us they’re just waiting for a signature.

So, to me, it’s beyond me how it could be so long.

You know, the case has been investigated.

It’s very clear the evidence is there from all of the witnesses.

I don’t understand why he hasn’t been charged.

TIM PALMER: Finian Egan has always maintained his innocence.

As the case dragged on, questions were raised about the alleged sex offender’s long-time association with the man who’s now Attorney-General, Greg Smith. Mr Smith and Finian Egan go back some years, and when Greg Smith was elected to Parliament five years ago, he cited Finian Egan’s influence in his maiden speech to Parliament.

GREG SMITH, NSW LIBERAL MP (2007): … Father Finian Egan charmed us with his Irish wit and his pastorally devotion to his flock.

TIM PALMER: There are other connections to Greg Smith’s office.

Damien Tudehope is now the Attorney-General’s chief of staff.

He too knows Finian Egan well.

He attended the priest’s church and as a solicitor defended him against sexual abuse allegations.

9 The ABC does not suggest that either Greg Smith or Damien Tudehope have interfered with the potential prosecution of Finian Egan.

But 7.30 can reveal documents that describe discussions the Attorney-General had about the Egan matter.

Last year, one of the alleged victims, Nikki Wells, spoke to another Catholic priest about her frustration at the delay.

That priest, who the ABC has agreed not to name, says he then met Attorney-General Greg Smith last July.

After that meeting the priest detailed his version of what was said in an email back to Nikki Wells, an email the ABC has obtained.

The priest wrote, “I was with Greg Smith the other day and I raised your case with him.

He commented that, ‘… you were just trying to get $1 million from the church.’”

NIKKI WELLS: I was horrified. I was completely horrified that the chief lawmaker in the state could make a comment on an open criminal matter for a start, but secondly that he could pass judgment on someone he doesn’t even know, and, you know, just disbelief about the whole matter that our Attorney-General could speak so publicly about me and my case and a criminal matter. Horrified.

10 DAVID SHOEBRIDGE, GREENS MP: There is, for me, no political excuse for the Attorney-General of the day making derogatory comments about a victim when that matter is before the DPP for potential sexual abuse charges.

TIM PALMER: The ABC asked the Attorney-General if the priest’s email description of the meeting and what was said was correct.

In response Greg Smith issued a statement saying, “The Attorney General recalls no such conversation and notes that 7.30 has failed to provide any details which would help his recall.

He says he would never suggest any victim of sexual abuse was simply motivated by a desire to claim a financial payout.

Against that the priest said today he did meet Greg Smith, they discussed Nikki Wells and the email remains his account of what was said.

At the time Nikki Wells received the priest’s email detailing the alleged comment by Greg Smith, she wrote back angrily.

NIKKI WELLS (female voiceover): “Does he really think we’re all lying?

What kind of man says things like that about victims of abuse?

He really should not be commenting on any case in these circumstances, let alone the character of a witness.”

11 Clearly he thinks I’m a liar and clearly he thinks other witnesses and other victims are lying as well about it, because I’m not the only victim in this matter; there’s several of us, and there’s probably a lot more that haven’t even come forward yet.

But a clear lack of empathy and devastating unprofessionalism.

TIM PALMER: Beyond the alleged comment that Nikki Wells was just after money, the email raises other questions.

In fact Nikki Wells had discussed a $1 million figure with the Church, not for herself, but as the loan for a charity she was running to care for survivors of childhood abuse.

She was shocked that the Attorney-General would know anything about that $1 million figure, something she’d raised only with senior churchmen, and she said so in her email back to the priest.

The priest replied:

PRIEST (male voiceover): “… this is what he had heard and that concerns me where this had come from.

He is well-connected within the church – he seems to know all the hierarchy – much more in the know than I am.”

DAVID SHOEBRIDGE: Well in my dealings with him on this issue, it’s an attorney that’s more likely to defend the Church than get out and defend the victims.

12 TIM PALMER: The email raises several serious questions for the Attorney-General.

Why was he discussing an ongoing criminal investigation with an outside party?

Why did he choose to discuss it with a priest from the same church as the alleged sex offender?

And why did he apparently denigrate the alleged victim of a childhood sexual offence?

David Shoebridge put a series of questions to Greg Smith on notice in Parliament.

Among them he asked the attorney whether he’d had any communication with anyone beyond the DPP regarding the Finian Egan case.

But in his answers Greg Smith did not address that issue at all, only stating that his office hadn’t been in contact with the DPP about it.

DAVID SHOEBRIDGE: It’s a remarkable lack of candour. It was a very specific question capable of a very precise answer and we simply didn’t get that. …

If the half of the answer you don’t give is the core of the information, you’ve got to ask whether or not that is misleading the person asking the question.

NIKKI WELLS: Pathetic.

His response was pathetic.

And, you know, the Government shouldn’t allow him to be able to respond to those questions.

13 They were specific questions.

He hasn’t responded.

He’s answered five questions in one line.

He’s completely evasive.

Why is he being so evasive?

Why isn’t he answering the questions?

The transcript says plenty about Greg Smith and how he operates.

A real grub who refuses to answer legitimate questions in parliament.

He obviously has plenty to hide.

His old department, the DPP, has taken 7 months to do nothing and are still waiting on a “signature” to charge Father Egan.

Are we really to believe that Greg Smith has had nothing to do with the go slow routine.

If you would like the watch the video of the above 7.30 report click here.

Attorney General Greg Smith will end up being the Craig Thomson of the NSW Barry O’Farrell government.

A ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

This comes at a time when the Ted Baillieu Victorian Government is under pressure to hold a royal commission into pedophilia in the catholic church.

14 A recent story in the SMH starts off :

“AT LEAST five people killed themselves after allegedly being sexually abused by paedophile priest Ronald Pickering between 1960 and 1980, new research says.”

“The deaths in Melbourne, uncovered by lawyer Judy Courtin, add to the 40 suicides by victims of clergy paedophiles documented in a police report.” (Click here to read the full article )

Obviously it is time for a royal commission into the church in NSW and pedophilia in general with the first witness Greg Smith and then Justice Ken Taylor.

I thought I should put a link to this story of a lawyer in Victoria, Vivian Waller, who is representing 45 people suing the church in case someone reading this might want to contact her. (Click her to read the story )

Update: 1st May 2012 – Father Finian Egan has been arrested and charged with with rape and indecent assaults. “He has been charged with 17 offences including:

Two counts of indecent assault and one of rape relating to an alleged incident involving a 17-year-old girl at The Entrance in 1972.

• One charge of indecent assault relating to a 14- year-old boy from an alleged incident at the Entrance in 1973

• Three charges of Indecent Assault relating to an alleged incident involving a 16-year-old girl at Carlingford in 1987

15 • And 10 charges of indecent assault relating to an alleged incident involving a 11-year-old girl at Carlingford in 1979 (Click here to read the full story ) Update: 2nd May 2012 – NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith has declined to apologise to the alleged abuse victim of a retired Catholic priest after accusing her of “trying to get $1 million from the church”.

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2 Comments on “Protecting paedophiles the judicial way. Justice Ken Taylor and the Attorney General Greg Smith.”

1. Bea April 16, 2012 at 10:30 am #

It remains Incredulous to me that the band of “untouchables” remain untouched…

16 There are so many known issues relating to what mere lay people can only describe as “Paedophile protection rings” that come from the top down, yet everyone seems powerless or not really that interested enough to say “this is enough” the dark ages where it was acceptable are over…. because apparently they are not, those in positions of power who protect, go slow, and do every other thing they can to block release and action – the spotlight should be relentlessly shining brightly on them.

Then when you have reason and no one acts and you go to your MP you have to wonder how far do these rings go and the only logical answer is they permiate ever single area of high profile powers of position……

Do not stop shining the light…

Yes I completely agree until proof is gained that people should not be on a know offenders list for all to persecute… but when the justice system simply does nothing apart from protect certain members the rest of the world with a moral compass have no choice but to assume (and we know what that does) guilt and replusion…..

In QLD try talking to the Child welfare minister, if she wasn’t so tragically inept she would have been funny. (we all pray, anyone that has had dealings in this area – the new Gov will have a different view on the value of children.)


Our laws here currently protect all offenders and only allow CERTAIN people under CERTAIN circumstances to report an issue…….

ie: can only be an employee = can only report a family member etc etc,,,

i could write a book on this tragic subject in the Paedophile protection state of QLD alone, each state has its own shame … so shame on you if you don’t speak up and say – we simply NO LONGER accept PAEDOPHILE protection…

Do something,,,


2. Karen April 16, 2012 at 11:16 am #

Firstly, I need to say that I have real problems typing on these pages because there is something interfering with the screen which makes it hard to see. Is anyone else having the same trouble.?

Generally speaking, we know that abusing young boys in expensive private schools and in church settings etc is considered normal practice by those who run the joints.

Normal people regard this as disgusting, dysfunctional and illegal.

18 This is why there is such a dichotomy of opinion and action when such events are brought to light and why so many in positions of power just want to cover it up and protect those who are involved.


3. Karen April 16, 2012 at 11:18 am #

I really think there are those who were abused as children who believe it did them no harm, that it doesnt matter and that anyone who complains and regards it as criminal is just being soft or sooky somehow, they just cannot see that its filthy and wrong.


4. curious April 16, 2012 at 12:24 pm #

Their is a definite evil in this world!

This evil is definitley entrenched at the top.

I hope that one day people have enough of this scourge and we the good people rise up and dismantle it.


19 5. frjustice April 16, 2012 at 2:36 pm #

When there are numerous people complaining about the same person doing the same thing then any person would think it was true.

But that is not how our justice system works it actually protects these monsters and makes it extremely hard to get a conviction for the following reason: “Right to have lots of separate trials for lots of crimes.”

“In child molestation cases the way in which criminal defence lawyers exploit this right can be seen to be truly evil.

Half a dozen little children complain of being molested, for example, by a teacher, and instead of a jury seeing all six children, there are six juries each seeing just one child.

Each jury thinks to itself…” if the teacher was that bad, wouldn’t other children have complained?”, as the defence lawyer emphasises in each separate trial that “it is just one child’s word against the defendant’s”.


All lies.

And all for money.

20 Little do the jurors know the evil that is being perpetrated in the name of giving the defendant “fair trials”.

And think about this.

How can the defence lawyer not know, by trial six, that he is “defending” a wicked person?

For money.

Ruining children’s lives, dragging them through the court system and wrecking their faith in justice for ever, when he gets a guilty client off”.

Brett Dawson, the author of “The Evil Deeds of the Ratbag Profession”. Page 176. Regards John Greer.


6. susan April 18, 2012 at 9:06 pm #

These people make me sick to my stomach.

Some days I despair of any decency either in the people that run the country or the churches.

My loathing and disgust is immense…my feelings of helplessness and despair even deeper.


21 o frjustice April 19, 2012 at 10:08 am #

Susan don’t despair, all we need to do is get together and demand our Justice system be truth seeking rather than truth avoidance.

If we stick to that simple term it stops them rabbiting on and that is what they do best.

If they try putting up arguments we just refer back to what has that got to do with truth seeking?

Well that’s my belief.

Regards John Greer.


7. Hypocracy with Style. April 20, 2012 at 10:51 am #

Paedophiles are disgusting animals and deserve their punishment for their actions, breaches of trust and the soclal harm caused to their victims.

But wait for a moment: Do paedophiles usually kill their victims, maime their victims, orphan their victims, destroy their victim’s physical and social infrastructure, their parent’s physical and social infrastructure, cause their victims and families to

22 be refugess from killing and invasions for theft of resources. (search; General Smedley Butler: War is a Racket’)

Well who does that?

Try; our Federal politicians and their mass media and commenting running dogs.

How many children have we destroyed in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places and for what purpose?

In the US, ex-veterans are committing suicide at very high daily rates…look it up.

Now let us put the paedophiles in jail ………………..right along side Ivan Milat and our ‘respectable’ politicai and media warmogers who cause most of the more sickening physical and emotional injuries to children in the world.

Try including what epleted uranium munitions have done in Iraq, causing horrific abnomalities in the new born. (if you can stomach the pictures).

The hypocracy of those who only concentrate on the paedophile side of evil is sickening, when we are all responsible for what our warmonger society is really doing.

23 Reply

o Shane Dowling April 20, 2012 at 10:46 pm #

I note with interest that you totally ignore the part in my post which says ““AT LEAST five people killed themselves after allegedly being sexually abused by paedophile priest Ronald Pickering between 1960 and 1980, new research says.”

“The deaths in Melbourne, uncovered by lawyer Judy Courtin, add to the 40 suicides by victims of clergy paedophiles documented in a police report.”

I hate to tell you but the only hypocrisy is your comment.

It is like you are the defence council for some paedophile priest who has been found guilty and you are trying to down play the priests actions in your last submissions before the judge.

You say in your comment “But wait for a moment: Do paedophiles usually kill their victims, maime their victims, orphan their victims, destroy their victim’s physical and social infrastructure, their parent’s physical and social infrastructure, cause their victims and families to be refugess from killing and invasions for theft of resources.

24 (search; General Smedley Butler: War is a Racket’)

Well who does that?”

I can tell you now paedophile priests do that. Some 45 suicides by victims of paedophile priests did not even rate a mention in your comment.

Yet suicides by US soldiers did which has nothing to do with the post.

And yes those suicides by victims of priests do destroy their victims and families physical and social infrastructure.

You mention Ivan Milat ( he killed 7 people), but you should really mention Martin Bryant (he killed 35 people and injured another 21 in Tasmania.

Remember that there are 45 suicides by priests victims which is only the tip of the iceberg.

So the paedophile priests outdo Ivan Milat and Martin Bryant combined and the counting has just started.

Your whole comment makes no mention of the three main people in my post that being the NSW attorney general Greg Smith, NSW District Court judge Ken Taylor and Father Finian Egan.

I am sure you agree that they should all be facing jail or a police investigation?

25 Or do think what they have been up to is no big issue.

And who are these people who you claim “The hypocrisy of those who only concentrate on the paedophile side of evil is sickening”.

I do not know any.

You seem to being making up false people to help your argument.

For you to try and down play the impact paedophiles have on their victims I find very disturbing.

Especially when you conveniently ignore facts that blows your whole argument out of the water.

A lot of the paedophile priests should also be facing man slaughter charges if not murder charges as well.

They would have known the impact their abuse would have on their victims.


 Big Bad Property Developer April 21, 2012 at 5:17 pm #

26 The damage done to the fabric of society by paedophiles is tragic.

Those with the power to do so have a responsibility to ensure these crimes are punishable, not to cover up the crimes.

By protecting paedophiles, allowing these crimes to go on, these public servants/Judges are inflicting damage on generations.

We must have changes to the culture of our courts system to act in a way that protects citizens, not allows criminals to flourish.

Those with power must be held to account, which is obviously not the case here.

When the next government gets in they must call whatever Royal Commission is necessary and restore justice, unfortunately, I do not believe the has the integrity to do so, and this is an absolute tragedy for the victims here.

 frjustice April 22, 2012 at 8:59 am #

27 Well said Shane.

o Paul April 21, 2012 at 8:34 am #

Argument from moral equivalence?

Paedophiles or warmongers, abhorrent in equal measure.

There aren’t degrees of total evil.

There is just evil.


 H. W. S. April 21, 2012 at 10:38 am #

Paul, yes evil is evil but calibrated as per varying degrees of punishments imposed for relevant consequences from the crime.

My original comment has been misunderstood.

The hypocrites are the warmongering politicians and apologists for war.

28 They are my targets, they should be in jail too with longer sentences when death, Maiming etc., are the consequences.

They should not be excluded in considerations of crimes against children, indeed also in regard to being against all humanity.

 Big Bad Property Developer April 21, 2012 at 6:48 pm #

Paul, I agree.

It is also evil to see evil and not do anything to stop it when you have the power to do so.

8. H. W. S. April 21, 2012 at 9:03 pm #

The people WE elect have the power.

But they use that power to brown nose to the money and foreign Agendas Look up Madeleine Albright interview where she says 1 million Iraqi children dead was worth it.

Shane, you are an inspiration, proceed out of your present Lmited endeavors.

29 Reply

9. Yvette April 24, 2012 at 6:09 am #

HWS sounds very suspect.

There are certain people who cover all media with comments to swing blame away from child molesters.

They trawl sites adding comments to either defend outright or veer the spotlight away from the condemnation of paedophiles.

I have only just found this site (tonight) and thank goodness (not a pun) that I am finding like-minded people or person – Shane this is BRILLIANT – loved the stuff on Gillard – makes so much sense.

I have been at wit’s end trying to understand how she got to be pm.

What a great find – I will pass your site on to everyone.

Thankyou so much.


30 10. Protect the Innocent Children April 26, 2012 at 5:19 pm #

This situation happens all over the world.

It does get a kind of publicity but of the usual 3 day wonder sort.

In the US there have been high profile court cases for years now, but if you don’t know where to look it all remains cloaked in cloud.

New cases will blow up in the UK this year and the denial of the church is already in place.

One case were abuse of boys as young as 10 over many years by the principal of a prestigious Catholic College is slowly approaching the courts.

Very little is known because local newspapers avoid like the plague reporting anything.

One problem is that two of the editors of a particular paper located in the same city are ex- boys of the school and have suppressed reporting details apart from a forced reporting of the local bishop apologizing just over a year ago.

Sadly just a short paragraph was published with the bare details (Bishop apologizes for abuse at Catholic College via Google should bring up some details.)

31 The abuse involving a number of clergy, spread over 35 years and has been a secret until last year, when details started coming out.

It involved several old boys that had committed suicide because of the abuse and rapes.

Once the little publicity came out a large number of old boys came forward with stories of horror involving the principal and a number of other priests, all part of a high school paedophile ring operating with in the college, which had a boys boarding section.

One of the real tragedies is that all the abusers are dead, most for many years.

An incredible fact is that the abuse was never discussed between victims while at the school or after until last year.

Parents did not know, brothers didn’t know, wives were not told later.

In fact a large number of wives still don’t know.

And remember this abuse goes back to the 1940s and many boys are now grandfathers with no wish that their wives, children and grand children should ever know.

Total victims could be over 300 with only a faction known to this date.

32 The local Diocese actually admitted that they had knowledge of the abuse for many years, but were saying nothing in the hope that all the victims would die off before the truth came out.

Some of the suicides were not successful and victims suffered appalling injuries and some spent months in hospitals without their parents, doctors or nurses finding out.

Can you imagine a boy of 12 that tries to kill himself and survives still could not tell anyone because no one could believe in those days that a priest of any kind could do such acts against young boys.

Could anyone reading this stay quiet for 60 years after the events of childhood?

Boys who rebelled or fought back were expelled and the deputy principal, also a paedophile, would tell the whole of the assembled college the next morning “so and so has been expelled for bringing the college into ill repute”.

The cruelest trip was to expel boys just before an important exam and fling them out on the scrap heap.

Little wonder they became do and outs, drug addicts, alcoholics and the like.

Some survived to get good jobs and make their way in the world but the vast majority have just survived living a simple life without any great ambition or success.

33 The victims are spread around the world including Australia and New Zealand.

I believe when the case hits the headlines, and it will, there will be many more victims coming forward.

A final thought and prayer for the men that have gone through this horror and survive, remember too, many have died without telling a soul of what they went through.

The clergy involved all got buried with full church honours, even though the church knew the truth.

Some of the victims actually became priests and abusers too!

The cover up goes all the way to the top in the Vatican.


11. Big Bad Property Developer May 1, 2012 at 11:48 am #

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/priest- friend-of-ag-arrested/story-e6freuy9- 1226343469234

34 Reply

o Shane Dowling May 1, 2012 at 9:34 pm #

Thanks for that.

I have updated the post with the link.


12. Big Bad Property Developer May 2, 2012 at 5:30 pm #

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/breaking- news-old/no-smith-apology-for-alleged-abuse- victim/story-fn3dxity-1226345018840


o Shane Dowling May 3, 2012 at 11:09 pm #

Thanks again.

Have updated post with link. Recent News


Victorian Police are investigating the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson / AWU Fraud

It has been reported that the Victorian Police are investigating the fraud committed at the AWU in the early to mid-1990’s.

The police want to talk to Ralph Blewitt about the slush-fund set up by Julia Gillard for her then boyfriend Bruce Wilson which was used to funnel stolen AWU funds through.

This has happened after a formal complaint by Michael Smith [...]

The Julia Gillard, Ian Cambridge and Shane Dowling connection.

I first met Ian Cambridge in 2005.

The same Ian Cambridge who called for a Royal Commission into the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson / AWU fraud in 1996.

36 He was a Commissioner of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission and I had just been sacked for warning people about a health and safety danger.

Ian Cambridge took a bribe in 1996 to cover-up the AWU fraud.

His bribe was being appointed to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission which the then NSW Premier Bob Carr facilitated.

In 2005/2006 when I met him he was back up to his old tricks and covering up corruption for the benefit of the Labor Party and the evidence and documents are very clear cut in proving this.

There was no disputing there was a health and safety danger so much so that during the course of the proceedings Commissioner Ian Cambridge issued interim orders against the company, Cardcall a division of Telecorp, in the interest of public health and safety.

This is unheard of. But there was a major problem, NSW WorkCover had been trying to cover-up the health and safety danger.

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

37 Julia Gillard had criminal allegations made against her in 1995 when she was accused of helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from Workers Union (AWU) and helping him spend the money on such things as her personal home renovations and dresses.

Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson – AWU Fraud Page

This page has links to of all the posts that I have done on the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson AWU fraud that took place in the early 1990s.

There are also links to various other relevent information as well as interviews that have been done on the subject.

I have just set this page up and will update further of the next few days.

It starts off with the first post that I did last year and works towards the latest information which is at the bottom.

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

7th August 2011 (Click here to read the post )

38 Julia Gillard who admitted helping rip off the AWU of over $1million stands by and supports Craig Thomson who is accused of ripping off the .

The , beautiful one day, perfect the next. 28th August 2011 (Click here to read the post )

Slater and Gordon lawyers nail Craig Thomson for fraud.

The real smoking gun!

Slater & Gordon lawyers and the accounting firm BDO Kendall (now BDO) conducted a forensic investigation into Craig Thomson’s fraud at the HSU in 2009.

Below is six pages of their report.

After reading this post what becomes obvious is the Fair Work Australia report is nothing more than a glorified, delayed and rebadged Slater and Gordon / BDO report which was completed in 2009.

So why did FWA take so long (28th March 2012) to complete their report?

This report is extremely important as it shows who knew what and when.

As far back as 2009 the HSU, Fair Work Australia and the Labor party were well aware that Mr Thomson fraudulently ripped of the union.

39 So why the delay in any action?

Also there are a few people who actually believe the lies that Craig Thomson told in his address to parliament and the conspiracy theory he put forward which makes the report relevant.

A brief overview for readers who have not followed the story. Craig Thomson worked for the Health Services Union (HSU) for many years.

In 2007 he was elected to federal parliament.

After he was elected the HSU did an audit (2008) and found he had ripped off the union mainly using his credit card for such things as prostitutes, Nike shoes, electrical goods, election funding and cash withdrawals etc which totals over $500,000.

Ian Cambridge and Bill Ludwig covered up the 1996 AWU fraud case which helped Julia Gillard

Sometimes you can say one word or one line that can destroy your case or defence.

With Ian Cambridge and Bill Ludwig there are just a couple of lines that you need to look at that destroy their creditability that they were trying to get back the stolen money in the Bruce Wilson / Julia Gillard / AWU fraud in 1996.

40 The evidence for this comes straight from the horses mouth in Ian Cambridge’s affidavit he wrote in 1996 and the letter he sent to the then Federal Minister for Industrial Relations Laurie Brereton in 1996 asking for a Royal Commission into the AWU scandal.

It is not always what you say, it can be what you do not say that is telling on what the reality is.

A prime example is in court where parties leave out information that is not beneficial to there case.

Remember this when reading this post. In January 1996 Ian Cambridge wrote to the Federal Labor Party government requesting a royal commission.

In March 1996 Labor lost government and the John Howard led coalition government came to power.

If Cambridge was serious about having a Royal Commission why did he not write to the Howard government requesting a Royal Commission?

Because he knew there was a good chance they would actually have a Royal Commission!

Julia Gillard set up a slush fund in 1996 for female politicians while police investigated another slush fund she set up

41 An organisation called Emily’s List was set up in 1996 by Julia Gillard and an Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) search says it is still in her name.

At the time she set it up various police forces had or were investigating the “AWU slush fund” she had set up for her then boyfriend Bruce Wilson.

We all know that the AWU slush fund was not a slush fund as Julia Gillard had claimed but used to funnel fraudulently gained money though by Mr Wilson.

Emily’s List website is very clear in that its major function is to raise money to help female politicians to get elected and I do not have a problem with that.

But I find it disturbing that the Prime Minister is still showing up on ASIC as the one who controls it, at least in name.

I spoke to one of Julia Gillard’s media spokespeople this afternoon and they did not have an issue with it.

I suppose there is nothing wrong with it legally or ethically but to me it leaves open the perception that she might use her position as Prime Minister to raise money for an organisation she can deregister at any time.

I would have thought once she became a politician it would have been transferred into someone else’s name if only for perception sake.

42 If you click on the below pictures it will enlarge them and make it easier to read.

Slater and Gordon lawyers have serious questions to answer over the $159,955 payment to Craig Thomson in 2009.

The law firm Slater & Gordon and their client the Health Services Union (HSU) have a lot of questions they need to answer in relation to a $159,955 payment they made to federal politician Craig Thomson in 2010.

There is a prima facie case to say that this payment was to cover-up Craig Thomson’s fraud and theft of ripping off the HSU.

It was to settle defamation proceedings and a claim for entitlements by Craig Thomson.

Slater and Gordon knew then that Mr Thomson had ripped off the union and that he should never had been paid 2 cents and let alone the $159,955 he was.

(See my previous post titled “Slater and Gordon lawyers nail Craig Thomson for fraud. The real smoking gun! “)

This is relevant because Craig Thomson has since had proceedings instituted against him by Fair Work Australia (FWA) for ripping off the HSU. Criminal charges are also highly likely to be instituted by the

Victorian Police and/or NSW police in the near future.

43 Also it shows the pattern of the criminal conduct of covering up crimes by Slater and Gordon as only last week they said they could not find a file that most probably showed criminal conduct by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she worked at the law firm in the early 1990’s.

The Slater & Gordon CEO Andrew Grech made numerous excuses as to why the file was lost.

(Click here to read more )

But back to the Craig Thomson matter.

The total payment was made up of $129,955 gross less tax of $45,194 ($84,761) and $30,000.

The key part in the Craig Thomson settlement is the $30,000 that he was paid by the HSU.

(Click here to see the Deed of Release )

It does not say why he was paid the $30,000.

For that you have to go to the letter of offer Craig Thomson’s lawyers sent the HSU.

They were requesting $65,000 for Julia Gillard and Bruce Wilson AWU fraud investigation gathers pace.

The Julia Gillard and Bruce Wilson fraud / AWU scandal is gathering pace again.

44 This week Deputy Leader of the Opposition Julie Bishop asked questions of the Prime Minister in Parliament, Fairfax media have run a number of stories on the matter and Michael Smith and others are still hot on the trail.

There is no stopping it now. Make no mistake about it, the matter will keep on growing until the next election and after.

AG Nicola Roxon gives instructions to her subordinate Justice Steven Rares in the Peter Slipper / James Ashby case

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has been using the media to give instructions and try to influence Justice Steven Rares in the Peter Slipper / James Ashby matter currently before the court.

While there has been plenty of media attention on the matter and some criticism of Nicola Roxon there has been no summary of Mrs Roxon’s clear and blatant interference in the judicial system to my knowledge. And that is what this post will do.

Relationship between Nicola Roxon and judges

Judges are meant to be independent of the government but they are not.

It is a fallacy.

45 The relationship between Nicola Roxon and Justice Rares is one of employer and employee as it is with other federal judicial officers.

One of the reasons judges are assumed to be independent is that they are appointed to retirement age which is 70 years old for federal judges, but if they want promotion to the High Court for example it is the attorney-general who has ultimate say of recommending their promotion to cabinet for approval.

Judges pay and benefits are also set by the government.

And if a judge is corrupt, guilty of misconduct or are no longer competent it is the government who are meant to take action.

As I have written in a previous post Rares is as corrupt as they come. (Click here to read the previous post on Rares )

Nicola Roxon as attorney-general even has an office in the Law Courts Building in Sydney where Justice Rares is hearing the matter.

I wonder if she has ever popped into his chambers for coffee.

Corruption in the Canberra Press Gallery. Australian democracy under attack.

46 The Canberra Press Gallery who are the journalists and their support staff for the major media companies are acting in a dishonest, unethical and highly likely illegal manner and undermining new media journalists from entering the inner circle of Parliament house in the same manner as they do.

To do this they lie, deceive and duck and weave.

An investigation by myself with documented evidence, after I was refused a media pass, shows that the Canberra Press Gallery journalists who should be holding the government to account are just as corrupt if not more corrupt than any politician and are undermining Australia’s democracy.

This is happening in an environment where most of the main stream media companies are reducing the size of their own journalistic work forces both nationally and in Canberra which makes their actions all the more scandalous.

I came across this situation in the last couple of weeks when I tried to get a media pass for parliament house but was refused.

The Canberra Press Gallery said the reason for my application being rejected is that I am not a journalist which is not supported by the evidence in any shape or form.

Unsurp risingly they have refused to put this in writing.

47 Background

On or about the 3rd September I phoned parliament and asked about getting a media pass for a couple of days which I knew allows journalists into the inner circle of parliament for press conferences and access to the politicians and their staff etc.

I was told that the Canberra Press Gallery deal with that and I needed to ring the President Phillip Hudson from the Herald Sun.

The alarm bell rang straight away as I thought that the Press Gallery would have no incentive to give me a media pass as this would create competition for themselves.

I phoned Phillip Hudson the same day and he said that he had not dealt with a situation like mine and that media passes are generally only for people who live and work in Canberra fulltime.

He made no mention of any other criteria.

But I was left with the view there were other options and this could be worked around.

I did find it odd though, for example what about other situations like foreign press who come here. What do they do?

I said I would email him when I had confirmed my visit.

48 Fairfax Media and Freehills lawyers back up to their criminal conduct in court

Fairfax Media have a history of abusing the legal and judicial processes.

There is a matter currently before the court where they are back doing the same.

This is important as News Corp has come under severe criticism for the phone hacking scandal in the UK, and so they should, yet media organisations such as Fairfax Media in Australia are left untouched.

Fairfax Media are currently being sued by the former head of the Financial Review, Michael Gill, for age discrimination.

The first judge who was meant to hear the matter, Justice Dennis Cowdroy, stood down after the first directions hearing given he went to school with and is a friend of Fairfax chairman Roger Corbett.

Malcolm Turnbull the rain man who speaks with forked tongue.

Malcolm Turnbull has called for more truth in parliament.

I agree, so in this post we have a look at what a dirty rotten lying scoundrel Malcolm Turnbull is.

49 In a speech that Mr Turnbull gave in Perth last Wednesday it was reported “Malcolm Turnbull has decried the state of political discourse in Australia, saying it had deteriorated to such an extent that the nation suffered “a deficit of trust” and there was an urgent need for honesty in politics.”

(Click here to read more )

Prima facie case to charge Julia Gillard with concealing a serious indictable offence in the AWU Scandal

There is enough evidence to charge Julia Gillard for concealing a serious indictable offence which carries a jail term of 2 years.

Julia Gillard has dared anyone to make allegations against her, I have before and will again, in this post I make out the prima facie case against Julia Gillard.

There are two key elements

1. Does Julia Gillard know about the fraud.


2. Did she conceal the fraud.

If you are new to this story please go to the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson – AWU Fraud Page at the top in the menu bar for previous posts with all the history. (Click here to go to the page )

50 Evidence that Julia Gillard knew that there was a fraud.

Everyone knows that her former boyfriend ripped off the AWU and Julia Gillard knows this as well.

Gillard helped him but says she did not do it knowingly.

The evidence that Julia Gillard knew about the fraud is a mile long but let’s have a look at just some of it.

Her excuses that she was “young and naive” and “I was in a relationship, which I ended, and obviously it was all very distressing.

I am by no means the first person to find out that someone close turns out to be different to what you had believed them to be.

It’s an ordinary human error.

She said in her press conference the on Thursday that as soon as she found out what Bruce Wilson had been up to she ended the relationship.

51 Julia Gillard caught lying on the public record in 2007 about the Bruce Wilson AWU fraud scandal.

Evidence that has come to light in the last few days clearly shows Julia Gillard lied on the public record in an interview she did in 2007.

The evidence shows Julia Gillard has given three different reasons why she set up an association that was used by Bruce Wilson and Ralph Blewitt to funnel fraudulently gained money through.

If you are new to the story click here for a previous post that gives you the background .

The three different reasons Julia Gillard gave have come from three different sources.

Hedley Thomas from The Australian who did an interview with former Slater & Gordon partner Nick Styant-Browne in the last few days.

Mike Smith who has a copy of the form used to set up the Australian Workers Union Workplace Reform Association which was used to funnel the money through., which he says most likely has Julia Gillard’s hand writing on it.

The interview Glenn Milne did with Julia Gillard which was published on the November 11, 2007 in The Telegraph.

52 Nick Styant-Browne investigation into Julia Gillard – 1995

Former Slater & Gordon partner Nick Styant-Browne says that in an interview that was set up by Slater and Gordon in 1995 to investigate the fraud which was recorded and transcribed that Julia Gillard said that she ”understood the purpose of the association was to hold re-election funds for union officials - she stated it was referred to as a re-election fund or slush fund”. (Click here to read )

Larry Pickering who ripped off $15million in a betting software scam claims to be investigating Julia Gillard for the AWU fraud scam.

Larry Pickering is well-known for being a fraudster, scam artist and con man who’s latest scam cost people an estimated $15 million.

53 Pickering refuses to answer questions on the matter except for a basic denial.

This is the guy who claims he is investigating Julia Gillard in the AWU fraud scam from the 1990’s.

The reality is that Larry Pickering is working his next scam and a lot of suckers are being drawn in and even a few in the media.

The real danger here is that the only thing going for Julia Gillard is Larry Pickering.

It gives Julia Gillard an easy way out of the mess as she can just refer to the lies and sleaze, Gillard being pregnant and having an abortion and being a lesbian, in Pickering’s reporting and his own dodgy background in running scams.

I flagged this 4 weeks ago in a post and also said that Pickering was full of lies and that I would be doing another post on him

The sleaze factor in Pickering’s reporting will turn a lot of people off and his lies blur everything.

This is already happening, on Friday a main stream reporter with News Ltd, , referred to Pickering as a reason of why he will not report on the Gillard AWU fraud.

Over the last couple of months Mr Pickering has been doing posts on his Facebook page and his website and another he set up about a month ago.

54 A lot of the content of the posts are sleazy sexual innuendo and have no relevance to the AWU fraud and the posts are full of lies.

In an interview on 3aw with Derryn Hinch in the last few days Mr Pickering admitted he was using a creative license in the posts and “adding color” as he said.

So where the lies stop and truth begins no one knows. But below we will have a look at some of the lies.

Tony Abbott and the Liberals win the own goal of the year award.

The Peter Slipper / James Ashby sexual harassment case is set down for further hearing on the interlocutory applications on the 2nd October 2012.

The main application is by the government to have the matter thrown out for abuse of process.

55 At this rate it will still be bubbling away and fresh in people’s minds at the next federal election due some time late next year.

It is time to have a look at some of the players, where they stand and what their possible game plans are.

One of the elements that has not been mentioned in this case is that the barrister representing the government tweeted on twitter last year that is a pedophile so I thought we would start off with that.

Julian Burnside, QC

Mr Burnside tweeted the below on the 3oth of September last year:

56 Paedos is slang for pedophile and the Speedos part is in reference to Mr Abbott who known for wearing speedos.

The Australian reported at the time: “The Opposition Leader, renowned for wearing Speedos during ocean swimming events, declined to comment on the Twitter remark, but media lawyers said Mr Burnside’s comment could be seen to be defamatory.”

James Ashby has been accused recently of having sex with two 15-year-old boys when he was in his mid twenties which makes him a pedophile if true.

It will make interesting times to say the least to have Julian Burnside cross-examining Mr Ashby if it gets to final hearing.

I find it amazing that the Labor government would use Mr Burnside given the political nature of the case and if Mr Burnside had any self-respect he should not have taken the brief.

One would have thought that any barrister that had referred to any politician as a pedophile would not have been given any further government work. Obviously Mr Burnside back peddled and apologised but I think the apology is hollow and he should not have tweeted that in the first place.

I thought I would start off with Mr Burnside because what is special about him and his actions in this matter is absolutely nothing.

57 All parties concerned have acted in a very grubby manner.

I think this is brilliant because it shows corruption right across the board for all the public to see.


Peter Slipper who is a federal politician and speaker of the parliament has been sued by one of his staff members, James Ashby, for sexual harassment.

The government has also been sued by Mr Ashby. Peter Slipper was formerly a member of the Liberal Party and opposition.

He was enticed by the Labor Party to resign from the liberal party and take up the speakers job.

The Labor Party only held government by one vote with the support of 3 independents and 1 member of

The Greens Party.

Mr Slippers defection gave them a 2 seat majority although one of the independents retracted his support not long after.

James Ashby colluded with a number of people before he instituted his proceedings.

58 This included Mal Brough who is a former Liberal Party federal politician and has now been preselected for the Liberals in the Queensland seat of Fisher which is currently held by Peter Slipper.

For those new to the story the following link gives a fairly good background with some of the evidence.

Liberal Party

The Liberals are in a lot of trouble.

Even more so now that Mal Brough has been preselected as a Liberal candidate for the next election.

The court case I expect, with appeals, will still be going in some shape or form up until the next federal election.

Mr Brough has clearly been caught out lying about his involvement and the Labor Party will play this for everything it is worth.

Tony Abbott will have his hands full trying to defend Mal Brough given there is no real defence given the evidence.

They have been badly let down by the fools who preselected Mal Brough.

They should have wiped there hands of him.

59 Maybe he knows too much and could have taken others down with him so they have to protect him.

But that is why it is the own goal of the year .

All they had to do was shut their mouths until the next election.

But some people cannot help themselves as they morally and ethically bankrupt.

Mal Brough

Mal Brough has lied about his involvement right from the start. It was reported: “Originally Mr Brough described his knowledge of the case against Mr Slipper as nonsense.

Then he admitted to having three meetings to advise Mr Ashby and subsequently, court documents detail at least another two text messages, two emails and two phone calls.”

And: Mr Brough said yesterday Mr Ashby sent him three pages of Mr Slipper’s diary.

”He sent them to me because in the course of our first conversation he alleged criminal behaviour,” he said, adding he was curious to understand ”how anybody can spend over $1000 a day in cab fares supposedly doing parliamentary business but not tell us what it’s about”.

60 Mr Brough claimed yesterday he never asked for those extracts but in one text message exchange after Mr Ashby sent copies of the extracts, Mr Brough replies: ”Can that be emailed James it is hard to read

Based on the above Mal Brough will not survive as the candidate until the next election.

One has to wonder if what he has done is a criminal offence.

I suspect it would be.

James Ashby

Given Mr Ashby sent copies of pages of Mr Slippers diary to Mal Brough, Mr Ashby is in clear breach of Crimes Act 1914, s70 (i) Disclosure of information by Commonwealth officers

A person who, being a Commonwealth officer , publishes or communicates, except to some person to whom he or she is authorized to publish or communicate it, any fact or document which comes to his or her knowledge, or into his or her possession, by virtue of being a Commonwealth officer, and which it is his or her duty not to disclose, shall be guilty of an offence.

This carries a 2 year jail term.

The whistle-blower Allan Kessing was charged and found guilty in 2007 under the same section,s70) for leaking reports about airport security failures.

61 (Click here to read about Kessing ) If it also turns out to be true that Ashby had sex with under age boys he is in lot more trouble than just two years jail.

Mr Ashby would have to be giving serious consideration to withdrawing his case.

But he is caught between a rock and a hard place.

If he withdraws the Liberal support will drop off immediately and then he will have to deal with the police.

By continuing with his case he will keep the support of the Liberals and when they win at the next election, as the polls say they will, then the squeeze will be put on the Federal Police to drop any investigation into him.

Peter Slipper

He has form on the board for ripping off the tax payer and has previously had to repay tens of thousands of dollars.

His career is over at the next election.

What has come out says he has been cheating or trying to cheat on his wife with another man so voters are not going to vote for him.

62 Justice Steven Rares

At first I thought he would protect Labor and Slipper but Rares is a Liberal appointment and it will interesting to see if he tries to pull a swifty to help the Liberals.

Everyone has plenty of dirt on Rares because he is as corrupt as they come so he can not afford to upset the Labor Party or they might go after him in desperation.

Although neither party in general go after corrupt judges.

I wrote a post on him a few months ago titled “ Peter Slipper strikes it lucky and lands corrupt federal court judge Steven Rares to hear his sexual harassment case.”

Labor Party

Labor have undermined their own cause and interfered in the judicial process with their public statements.

The Australian reported “Attempts by Peter Slipper and ministers to label the behaviour of James Ashby part of a criminal conspiracy have backfired.”

“A federal court judge has said because of the claims, he can no longer force Mr Ashby to file a response to allegations of abuse of process for fear of incriminating himself.”

63 If Labor had shut their mouths that would have put Mr Ashby in a very difficult position and it would have been to the governments advantage. Other than that for the Labor Party it is a dream come true.

It will still not be enough to stop them losing the next election but it could possibly be worth a percentage point or two and might save a few seats.

They will try to drag out proceedings right up until the next election to keep it in voters minds.

It really depends on who is leader at the next election. If Gillard is still leader it will not help them much at all as no one listens to her anyhow.

But if Rudd is brought back as leader he will sell the issue like there is no tomorrow and even though a lot of people do not like him, including me, it must be acknowledged he is the best salesman in parliament at least on the Labor side.

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40 Comments on “Tony Abbott and the Liberals win the own goal of the year award.”

1. fidopuss August 12, 2012 at 8:10 am #

The continual references to Abbott and his speedos is absolutely the worst form of ridicule ever to arise from a political stoush!

All lifesavers wear speedos, and that is exactly what Mr Abbott is about every time he’s photographed in this apparel!

He’s out there doing his bit, volunteering in a worthy fashion, which is something his detractors seem to forget!

How many of them would do the same?

None, I would think!

65 Reply

o Paul August 12, 2012 at 1:47 pm #

Ridicule is probably the strongest weapon in the arsenal of the disinformation peddler.


o L. Rogers August 12, 2012 at 2:31 pm #

I agree.

He looks good in them anyway.


 Paul August 12, 2012 at 8:45 pm #

Strangely, yes he does.

2. Jack Black August 12, 2012 at 8:31 am #

66 Burnside is, as his history, causes, alliances and appearance show (note 1940s style spectacles which must be specially made for him), an extremely vain man whose comments regularly expose his arrested adolescence.

He needs heavy discipline by his mature peers for these insults laid upon Abbott.

His social-climbing and ex-cathedral pomposity are inappropriate and should be deprecated unconditionally.

Or will his “connections” protect him?


3. Pat McCann August 12, 2012 at 9:37 am #

What a disgusting old man! He seems to have a filthy mind, sue him Mr. Abbott!


4. The Climate Realist August 12, 2012 at 9:45 am #

You probably won’t be surprised to hear but the vast majority of the people don’t give a toss about the Ashby case or Mal’s involvement.

67 There is only one thing on their mind and that is the countdown to baseball bat day.

And given the run the AWU scandal is now starting to get that may come well before the Ashby case even gets to a hearing.

Once the election is over Ashby could drop his case and I doubt Slipper will want to keep his name before the public.

Interestingly Labor’s proposed changes to the whistleblower laws this session may even give Ashby indemnity, just depends on what they put up.


o Shane Dowling August 12, 2012 at 10:07 am #

This will be getting plenty of airtime between now and the next election whether people care or not.

Labor have very little going for them as the polls show and this gives them an opportunity to belt the Liberals all day every day and that is what they will do.


68 The Climate Realist August 12, 2012 at 12:04 pm #

I know they will bang the drum about it and any other negative thing they can find, but given that the majority change channels or mute the TV whenever Gillard or any of the others stick their head up it won’t make much difference.

A few swinging voters maybe but definitely not enough to save them.








5. Peter Forde August 12, 2012 at 10:22 am #

Excellent analysis, Shane. Yet again a genuinely new perspective on these matters as compared to so many – like a certain discredited cartoonist – who simply ‘recycle’ (plagiarise) the intelligent work of other people as if it is their own. Yet again we are reminded that, as I / Oz United have long stated, the Liberal Party is merely the “least worst of the political choices we have.” Keep up the good work Shane.

I’m recommending to all Oz United subscribers that they also support/subscribe to Kangaroo Court.

You are insightfully covering bases I would love to cover but simply can’t do it all.


70 6. plumber perth August 12, 2012 at 10:29 am #

i would rather see tony in his speedo’s than julia in a bikini.i thought to myself soon as roxon stuck her nose into this i knew is was more than a sexual harrasment charge it was to lay the blame at some one else’s feet and to take the heat of the exaluted leader. doesn’t matter what burnside say’s we all know tony abbott is a good father and husband and would make a good and honset leader without a shady past.





7. melbaver August 12, 2012 at 1:35 pm #

71 Could we at least get the spelling right, it is paedophile from the Greek paedo, a child, as in paediatrician for children’s doctor.

All of the ped, pedo variants are AMERICAN spelling, not English.

In English a pedometer, or a pedophile would be defined as a meter to measure distance walked, and a foot lover from the Latin pes, pedis a foot.

Lovers of feet are not considered criminals unless those feet belong to underage children.

Last time I looked, our schools still teach and examine English, not American misspelling.

Insulting a member of our volunteer lifesaving community is the absolute lowest form of wit!!!


8. Paul August 12, 2012 at 1:53 pm #

What is it they say? Your political career is over if you are caught with a dead girl or a live boy.


9. barry August 12, 2012 at 2:51 pm #

72 Most women , apart from the Gillard types , would most likesly appreciate Tony in his speedos.





10. barry August 12, 2012 at 9:09 pm #

Burnside seems typical….all education , little intelligence


11. I Bet we can August 13, 2012 at 12:36 am #

Shane, Wasn’t it Burnside who prosecuted Andrew Bolt over his supposed “racial slur”?

He is a man of the extreme left and a total activist with a personal agenda in my opinion.

73 The case reminds me a little of the old days when a girl who was raped could be questioned on her sexual history as though if she could be shown to be flirty, or had sex before marriage or something similar, it virtually closed down the case and the attacker would get off.

If Ashby has a shady past surely it should not be relevant to the case – i.e. if he was sexually harassed or not?

When Nicola Roxon and Bob Carr made their public comments about Ashby, I was amazed. it seemed to me they were saying Ashby was “guilty until proven innocent” and yet they were also saying (at around the same time) that Thomson was “innocent until proven guilty”. !

Pretty awful form from an Attourney General who should know better.

Wonder if it will be settled out of court?

Surely the Government wouldn’t want this to drag on and I think a lot of these cases are settled this way?


o Shane Dowling August 13, 2012 at 11:00 am #

74 With the criminal allegations the government have made it makes it almost impossible for them to settle.

Otherwise it looks like they are paying off a person they allege is a criminal.

I think Labor would want it to drag on up until the next election myself as Mal Brough has got plenty of questions that he needs to answer and now he has been preselected his role is of more relevance than if he had not been preselected.

It must be remembered that Labor do not have much going for them as the polls show, so they will milk this for everything it is worth.


 fidopuss August 13, 2012 at 11:29 am #

Shane, I don’t know that Mal Brough has to answer any questions in regard to the Slipper issue.

He’s explained what occurred when Ashby approached him for advice.

I think Brough is an honourable man, and if I put myself in his position I doubt I’d have done anything differently!

75 He’s very popular in the electorate he’ll be representing, which is why the Labor Party will be making the most of his role in this fiasco!

12. Karen August 13, 2012 at 1:03 pm #

This could explain why the Libs are not making mileage out of the Gillard-Wilson-AWU fiasco.

Tony Abbot does look OK in the speedos but there is no hope for Julia.

No couterier or surgeon can fix her up because her heart is black.


13. Yvette August 14, 2012 at 6:14 am #

I tend to agree with Fidopuss.

Labor has tried to shift blame onto Ashby for seeking advice from someone he knew would understand the situation.

The main point is that Peter Slipper is not fit to be in parliament.

76 If he can’t or hasn’t learned to control his sexual urges at this age and abuses his power to trap others, he should be exposed and Ashby should be commended, in my opinion.

Labor will do anything to shift the focus.

I like Tony Abbott – I trust him implicitly.

He is not a visionary and probably more a plodder but he appears to be honorable.

However, in reference to speedos, I suggest Mr Abbott distances himself as far as possible from George Pell.

With respect, I worked for a top head-hunter many years ago and learned that any applicant and there were only ever a few – to fill positions such as Chairman of Qantas – that showed any religious interest or affiliation were virtually seen as weak minded and their application would go to the bottom of the list or passed over altogether.


14. tongaat August 14, 2012 at 2:37 pm #

The ALP survives very well with scams and wrong doers.> just look at the following: slipper (sexual abuse) the ALP is now blaming everyone else. Craig thompson…brothels.

77 unions( paying the wife $350 000 pa for scanning ,buying donuts, owning the printing press by one boss, paying personal legal matters with union money -Ludwig) buying flowers; stuffing up the pink batts by billions, stuffing up the school halls by billions, extremely stuffing up the NBN by billions and promising a hefty massive 7% return in thirty years but must pay the billions NOW. the latest stuff ups will be with asylym seekers saga. the bill will run into several billions of dollars then there will be a cost blowout of another several billions of dollars . by this time the ALP would have known that the word cost blowouts will not be used but a synonym such as costs associated with indexation or incidenatl expenses or the pull factor, but it will still mean thrashing the budget and leaving Australia in huge debts of about one trillion dollars. it is all in their DNA. we must get rid of this mob ASAP.


o fidopuss August 14, 2012 at 3:01 pm #

78 Couldn’t agree more tongast!

Will they ever run out of excuses?

They probably have the an “out” ready before they even announce change!


o Paul August 15, 2012 at 8:45 am #

Craig who?


o H.W.S August 16, 2012 at 7:10 pm #

All arranged by the bankers who loan fiat money to put us in debt so that we are their slaves.

So who is the banker’s puppet?


15. hillbilly33 August 15, 2012 at 12:33 pm #

79 Hi Shane.

Always interesting to get your slant on events and I understand where you’re coming from in this post.

However, I think you may have underestimated the newly-awakened awareness of the average voter. With all the other different events before and since the Slipper affair, IMO it is very low on the radar and will remain so.

Even if Labor could mount an attack it could not be sustained and would more likely rebound on them.

Through Labor’s own ineptitude, lying, spinning and thanks to brave people like you, there is so much that can be used against them it would more than outweigh any adverse fallout that might arise from the Slipper/ Ashby affair.

In addition, Mal Brough was a more than capable Minister when last in Parliament and by gaining pre-selection he has proved himself more than able to handle himself in the rough and tumble of politics.

Aside from being a judgment on the chaos caused by Gillard’s policies and the gross mismanagement of almost every thing they’ve touched, one of the key factors and battlles will be over freedom of speech.

On behalf of all who value that freedom, please keep up the pressure with your well-researched and incisive articles.

80 Finally, on that note may I also link to one I consider to be another champion of free speech, one many might say from an unlikely quarter, Dallas Scott – The Black Steam Train.


Again, on behalf of many, thank-you Shane for all your efforts AFP cover-up of the AWB/Saddam Hussein $300 million bribery to be tested in the Federal Court by whistle-blower Former Australian Federal Police officer Ross Fusca has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against the AFP under the Fair Work Act.

As part of his evidence he alleges he was offered a promotion if he shut down the enquiry into the AWB oil-for-food scandal which he headed up when he was employed at the AFP.

It is set down for another directions hearing on the 16th August 2012 before Justice Susan Kenny in Melbourne.

Irrespective of Mr Fusca’s claims there is more than enough evidence to show a cover-up happened by the Federal Police and we will look at some of that evidence.

Ross Fusca’s case was reported on by the ABC’s 7.30 Report and The Age last month but they left out two key factors.

81 The first and most important is that AWB admitted they knew that they were bribing Saddam Hussein and the Iraq Government.

This admission was made during the course of civil proceedings against AWB by its shareholders in February 2010.

The second, and this might not seem much, is that the former head of the AFP Mick Keelty closed down the AFP’s inquiry literally a few days before he retired and the new AFP Commissioner Tony Negus took over.

I remember when it happened I thought to myself that Keelty is clearing out the dirty laundry so Negus would not have to take the heat at a later stage if it did blow up again.

Given that it is the biggest bribery scandal to hit the country he should have left it to Tony Negus to deal with.


This is what it says on Wikipedia: “The AWB Oil-for- Wheat Scandal (also known just as the AWB Scandal) refers to the payment of kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein in contravention of the United Nations Oil-for-Food Humanitarian Program.

AWB Limited is a major grain marketing organisation based in Australia.

82 For much of the twentieth and early 21st century, it was an Australian Government entity operating a single desk regime over Australian wheat, meaning it alone could export Australian wheat, which it paid a single price for.

In the mid-2000s, it was found to have been, through middlemen, paying kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein, in exchange for lucrative wheat contracts.

This was in direct contradiction of United Nations

Sanctions, and of Australian law.”

Bagman Ralph Blewitt wants to reveal all in the Bruce Wilson – Julia Gillard AWU fraud scandal.

Ralph Blewitt who helped Julia Gillard’s partner Bruce Wilson rip off the AWU in the 1990s says he will reveal all if he is given immunity from prosecution.

This was revealed in The Australian on Friday in a front page story.

The story starts off: THE former union official and alleged bagman for a financial scandal linked to the then boyfriend of Julia Gillard wants to give evidence for the first time to police and prosecutors about his role and the conduct of others.

83 The Australian can reveal that Ralph Blewitt, a one- time branch head for the Australian Workers Union, is seeking immunity from criminal prosecution in return for breaking a 17-year silence and providing a statement to police.

The Australian have also run with the story again today (Saturday 4/8/12) The evidence to come out in the articles is nothing greatly new but there are a number of key points of interest the first obviously being that News Ltd have decided to go hard on the issue again with front page stories.

Although it must be noted that Andrew Bolt has been continuing to run with the story since last year and some other media picked up on the story on Friday as well.

For those new to the story I did a very detailed post August last year on Julia Gillard’s involvement titled “Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.”

The second is Ralph Blewitt being prepared to tell all. He has been living in Asia since 1997 and currently lives in Malaysia.

He is back in Australia to come clean on the fraud and has a criminal lawyer to represent him.

The man who seems to have made this happen is Harry Nowicki who is a retired Melbourne lawyer who has been investigating the matter for the last six months for a book on the scandal.

84 The third could and would mean major problems for Julia Gillard given that she has never given a detailed account of her involvement and/or knowledge of what happened.

Blewitt potentially could implicate her and if I was a betting person I would say that is exactly what would happen.

Then it would be a bit late for any denials from Gillard to carry any weight as she should have given a fully detailed account a long time ago.

This is important for this site and it’s supporters as well.

Some people write in the comment section that there is nothing we can do about corruption and others have said we should have a revolution to get rid of corrupt governments.

Well the revolution will never happen physically but it is happening online.

So even though Julia Gillard killed off the story in the main stream media last year she never killed the story online.

This site got the ball rolling last August with the post mentioned above and other blogs picked it up and ran with it as well and it has been kept going by the people using Facebook, Twitter and email etc.

85 So no matter what happens with this matter now we have made our presence felt.

As this site and others like it grow so will our power to drive the political agenda and real change.

Give it a few years and sites like this one, and hopefully this one, will be as much the mainstream media as the major players.

I was planning on doing a different post on a current court case but this matter has gathered momentum.

So I will do the other post midweek.

If this story develops further over the next week or so I will update this post.

Update: Alan Jones has interviewed Michael Smith again, 10/8/12 in relation to the Bruce Wilson / Julia Gillard AWU fraud.

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And make sure you follow this site by email which is on the top right of this page and about once a week you will get an email when there is a new post/story on this site.

86 This site is fully funded by myself, both time wise and monetary wise.

I have set up a crowdfunding campaign and it would be greatly appreciated if you help support it.

For further information click on the picture below.

Magistrate Pat O’Shane sues Alan Jones for defamation. NSW Magistrate Pat O’Shane is suing Alan Jones for saying that she “can deliver the most diabolical and wrong decisions in law, and they go through to the keeper”.

I laughed when I read that because what Jones said about O’Shane would not even be considered an entree in relation to what I say on this site about other judicial officers.

I suppose the difference is that I generally accuse judicial officers of criminal conduct where as Jones is just making a broad statement about Pat O’Shane’s competence.

Pat O’Shane’s handiwork is currently under review by the NSW Judicial Commission to determine if she should be sacked so I do not like her chances in any defamation case against Jones.

This to me is important to this site because I have never been sued for defamation, so as far as I am concerned it is a stamp of approval for the accuracy of what I write.

87 The only exception is that I once did receive a threatening letter from Kerry Stokes’s lawyers demanding that I amend one of my posts.

My response was to scan the letter in and do another post and I never heard from them again.

I do not have any evidence to show that Magistrate O’Shane is corrupt but she certainly is incompetent to the highest degree.

She has had some real clangers overturned on appeal.

For example this is what Judge Peter Johnson said about O’Shane in one matter: O’Shane made “recurring errors” and the hearing was “tainted by denial of procedural fairness” and returned the case against Kasian Wililo to the local court to be heard by another magistrate.

“I regret to say there could be no confidence that a hearing on merits, conducted according to law, would occur if the matter was remitted to Magistrate O’Shane,” he said.

The SMH have done a review of Magistrate Pat O’Shane which says:

Ian Temby Final Report into corruption at the HSUeast Branch

Below is the final report by Ian Temby QC and Dennis Robertson into corruption and fraud at the Health Services Union East Branch.

88 It shows a multi-million dollar fraud which you can read in the full report below.

The first couple of pages are from the credit card usage which shows them spending on such necessities as $50 worth of Krispy Kreme doughnuts four days in a row (as you do), $170 a week on flowers by one employee, another who spent $80 a day on parking on a regular basis and personal shopping at an IGA supermarket.

I find these of interest as the fraud paid for almost everything they did.

Then there is a page with Michael Williamson spending over $56,000 on credit card in the 9 months before he stood down.

Also the Communigraphix Pty Ltd printing fraud is in full below.

That is where the union was paying ten times as much as they should have been for printing and Michael Williamson and Craig Thomson were given credit cards for their own personal use by the printers as a kickback.

It is well worth a read just for the part where it says in relation to Peter Mylan and the answer he gave to a question, “this was a completely useless response to the request for information” said Ian Temby.

Mylan who was the acting General Secretary of HSUeast was clearly trying to hide the corruption or a total fool.

89 Julia Gillard’s former lover and fraudster Bruce Wilson found by Mike Smith.

Former radio host Mike Smith has tracked down Bruce Wilson who was the sexual partner of Julia Gillard when she helped him rip of the AWU of over $1 million back in the 1990s.

On Friday Mike Smith did an interview with Sydney radio host Alan Jones covering the fraud.

What became clear to me while listening to the interview, given the amount of new detail, is that Mike Smith is still on the trail of the missing money and Julia Gillard and her involvement.

I spoke to Mike Smith today and he confirmed that he is very much still on the case.

Bruce Wilson is the one person who very much holds the key as far as knowledge and evidence of Julia Gillard’s involvement in the fraud in concerned.

Now he has been found it may only be a matter of time before he spills the beans on Julia Gillard.

Mike Smith talks about it in his interview with Alan Jones.

My first post on the matter which I did last year was titled “Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.”

90 Below is the interview by Alan Jones with Mike Smith. It starts off with Alan Jones giving a background overview then he gives Mike Smith plenty of air time to say what he knows.

And he knows plenty. For those who do not know Alan Jones has the number 1 ranked radio show in Sydney.

The interview is a must listen for every Australian.

With unanswered questions in Gillard’s background of involvement in fraud and theft she should never have been allowed to become Prime Minister.

Craig Thomson puppet Peter Wicks goes to the police seeking AVO against KCA publisher.

Peter Wicks who has been harassing intimidating and stalking and her children online made a complaint to the Castle Hill police last Tuesday seeking an AVO against me for my last post and a few tweets that I did on Twitter.

The Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) attempt failed but it makes me wonder who was behind it.

Was it just Peter Wicks or was his puppet master Craig Thomson and/or the ALP involved?

All the evidence shows Peter Wicks is a puppet for Craig Thomson and an online troll for the Labor Party which I showed in my previous post.

91 It also makes out a prima facie case to have Peter Wicks charged for criminal offences including section 474.17 of the 1995 Criminal Code: Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence.

Regular readers would know I am well versed in this area of law.

Last year when the federal police were having trouble determining in any offence had been committed in the ADF / Skype sex scandal I shot of a quick email to the federal police outlining the relevant offence.

A couple of weeks later charges were laid for this particular offence.

So how did we get to the point where Peter Wicks went to the police seeking an AVO?

Craig Thomson conspires with ALP member Peter Wicks to harass, intimidate and stalk key witness Kathy Jackson and her children.

Craig Thomson has been colluding with ALP member and former state candidate Peter Wicks who has been using the internet in an attempt to harass, intimidate and stalk Kathy Jackson which includes her children, in Mr Thomson’s fraud matters.

This is a criminal offence under section 36A of the Crimes Act 1914 “Intimidation of witnesses etc” and a clear breach of section 474.17 of the 1995 Criminal Code: Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence.

92 Their conduct would also likely breach other laws such as attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Publisher of the internet site Independent Australia, David Donovan, is also involved in these crimes.

Chris Brown the acting president of the Health Services Union also has plenty of questions that he needs to answer.

In preparing and researching this post a Craig Thomson / Peter Wicks supporter made a death threat against Kathy Jackson and me in the comment section of my previous post which I will deal with later in this post.

In the rest of this post I make out one very powerful prima facie case.

Enough for the police to start investigating and laying charges. I put some questions to Peter Wicks which we will get to later in the post with his responses.

The Peter Wicks / Craig Thomson connection first come to light in an article in the Australian on June the 5th but I have taken the investigation a few steps further and it gets uglier in what in reveals.

I set out the post under the following headings: 1. Background 2.The Prima Facie case 3.The questions and answers with Peter Wicks 4.The players 5.The death threat 6. Summary

93 Statutory Declarations show Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy trying to put the political hit on Kathy Jackson. Below are two unchallenged statutory declarations showing federal politicians Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy trying to get union charges laid against Kathy Jackson in an attempt to discredit her and/or have her sacked from her position as National Secretary of the HSU.

The statutory declarations say this happened back on the 15th April 2012.

It obviously failed and looks like they went for plan B which was to have an administrator appointed to the union branch and have Kathy Jackson and others sacked.

If the statutory declarations are true it is very disturbing and at this point they have to be taken as being true as Shorten and Conroy have not filed anything with the court to refute them.

What they ultimately show is two government ministers trying to shut down a whistleblower and cover up corruption.

The union charges would be things like dereliction of duty and if other union members signed of on them then she could have been sacked from her position. Although I believe it would have needed to go to a vote of members.

94 It is my understanding that the two statutory declarations were part of an affidavit that Kathy Jackson tried to file in the recent Federal Court proceedings.

It is also my understanding that Justice Flick refused to allow the affidavit to be filed.

The lead-up is best summarised by an article by Kate McClymont at the SMH on the 26th of April 2012 where she says:

“The Government’s move to place the critically ill Health Services Union into administration, the business equivalent of intensive care, has probably less to do with concern for the members’ industrial wellbeing and more to do with the deep concern that the HSU contagion is infecting the broader union movement and adding to the death rattle coming from the Gillard government.”


“Added to the problem is that Labor eavyweights have been unable to shutdown the HSU’s whistleblower, Kathy Jackson.

Jackson’s launching of action in the Federal Court this week, which was aimed at disqualifying 17 of Williamson’s supporters, if successful might have delivered control of the HSU to her faction”

95 Bill Shorten has said on the 7.30 report in relation to the Peter Slipper court proceedings that “I think I, like all Australians, want to get to the truth of the matter.” and “I think Australians just want to know the truth of the matter.

That’s what I know that’s what the Government is interested in.”

I totally agree with Mr Shorten.

And I think Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy should come clean and sign affidavits or statutory declarations and address the two statutory declarations below.

Verbal responses by Shorten and Conroy would not be sufficient given the below are statutory declarations.

Julia Gillard’s corrupt past raised in parliament by ALP member Robert McClelland.

The former Attorney General Robert McClelland has let Julia Gillard know it is game on in relation to the prime ministership.

By naming Julia Gillard and the case involving her then boyfriend Bruce Wilson who was involved in fraud and theft when he worked at the AWU in parliament last Thursday Mr McClelland has put the focus and blow torch on Ms Gillard and her involvement in the fraud.


Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard sets up Watergate style dirt unit for opposition politicians.

Julia Gillard’s office has set up a unit to go looking for dirt and slime on opposition politicians.

This raises a few questions, about a million questions in fact.

This has been openly admitted by Prime Minister Gillard which says a lot about her state of mind given that it would not have been set up without her authority.

97 I always knew that Julia Gillard was big fan of the former US President Richard Nixon, hence the title of a previous post “Julia Gillard’s Richard Nixon moment.” but with the new dirt unit she is obviously a lot bigger fan than I thought.

Does Julia Gillard think that the Australian voters are happy for her to spend tax payers money and time for her and her colleagues to go looking for dirt on opposition MPs and Senators?

I thought governments where there to govern but apparently this is not the case.

98 Corrupt former judge appointed as administrator of the HSU East Branch by Justice Flick.

The former federal court judge and well-known bribe taker Michael Francis Moore has been appointed as the administrator of the Health Services East branch by his mate Justice Geoffrey Flick.

Flick has been accused of bias which he has form on the board for including the Kristy Fraser-Kirk v David Jones and my own matters.

The proceedings before the court are to have the state union, HSUeast, and the HSU East branch of the federal union into administration.

The reason for this is the fall out of the Craig Thomson fraud scandal which I covered extensively in a previous post.

Both Moore and Flick are old sparring partners of mine so to speak which I should put up front because there is at least perceived bias by me and some might argue real bias. But the facts talk for themselves.

They should both be in jail. Given that I have had dealings with both of them does put me in a position to give a real viewpoint that others cannot.

Moore resigned from the bench last year and Flick is obviously still up to his old tricks.

99 Michael Moore is the same Michael Moore, along with two others, that Bill Shorten appointed to review the Fair Work Act a few months ago which I did a post on titled “Bill Shorten appoints two stooges to review the Fair Work Act.”

And the same Michael Moore who I allege took bribes during the course of my unlawful termination proceedings against Fairfax Media.

Allegations that neither Michael Moore nor the attorney general have challenged.

And Justice Geoffrey Flick was one of the appeal judges who heard my appeal of Justice Moore’s judgement.

An appeal that went forward with no appeals books, no written submissions and they refused to hand over the transcript form the original hearing..

Moore has been appointed to make sure the corruption within the union can be covered up as much as possible and reduce the amount of further crimes that are uncovered.

This should keep many people happy including the NSW Police who tried to sweep it under the carpet last year.

Money laundering the Labor Party and Union way.

100 A few years back the NSW Labor Party stole over $700,000 of taxpayers money from two government departments which was laundered through the Transport Workers Union into Labor Party bank accounts.

One of the key players, Tony Sheldon, was also caught in relation to a slush fund he had set up where a lot of the money is still unaccounted for.

Sound familiar?

Tony Sheldon is now the National Vice President of the Australian Labor Party as well as the National Secretary of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) not to mention one of the biggest thieves in the country.

It is worth revisiting as it happened only a couple of years ago and the Labor Party claim the Health Services Union corruption was a one-off and the vast majority of unions are run honestly.

This is also tied into a judicial corruption post I will do in the near future.

Theft and money laundering – How the scam worked

From 2002 to 2008 a total of $733,905 from two government departments overseen by the then NSW Minister for Industrial Relations, John Della Bosca, found its way into the bank accounts of the NSW

101 Transport Workers Union run by his mate the then state and current national secretary of the TWU Tony Sheldon.

$660,905 came from Workcover NSW which went straight into the TWU bank accounts and $73,000 from the Motor Accidents Authority which went into another bank account of the TWU called “Concerned Families of Australian Truckies”.

John Della Bosca said it had nothing to do with him “ but An article in Australian Transport News magazine from 2000 said Concerned Families of Australian Truckies had had a seminar sponsored by the NSW Motor Accidents Authority “following discussions with the NSW special minister of state John Della Bosca”.

So Mr Della Bosca was caught out lying.

Yes that is the same John Della Bosca who is married to the former federal MP Belinda Neal who was made to an anger management course after the infamous Iguanagate scandal .

“So the difference between taxpayer-funded grants going to the TWU and Labor party donations coming out of the TWU, the difference is only one per cent.

And over a six year period, that must be more than coincidence.

“The TWU-run fund, titled Concerned Families of Australian Truckies, was one beneficiary of the money and the chairwoman is Judith Penton.

102 Her husband, Bruce Penton is a senior TWU official.

He has run previously Belinda Neal’s election campaign.”

“Belinda Neal is the wife of John Della Bosca, and Belinda Neal recently praised Bruce Penton and the TWU boss Tony Sheldon in her inaugural speech to Federal Parliament since her re-election.”

“Reba Meagher has worked for the TWU. Paul McLeay, a Ministerial aspirant, Noreen Hay, and Diane Beamer all received donations that weren’t declared by the union.

Other Labor Ministers, John Watkins, Matt Brown and Verity Firth received donations from the TWU, as did Labor MPs Andrew Macdonald, Richard Amery, David Borger and David Harris.”

“Now this is taxpayers’ money. The public are entitled to know whether it’s being used to prop up Labor Party election campaigns.”

103 Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. What Australian politicians know.

Julian Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson submitted a brief for federal politicians in March 2011 which is below.

For anyone who has an interest in Mr Assange and his matters it is a must read whether you support him or not.

It lets you know what the federal politicians know.

By the time you are reading [...]

Bob Brown and the Greens prostitute their soul and integrity and use WikiLeaks and Julian Assange for some free PR.

The Australian Greens party are pretending they are doing everything possible to help Julian Assange and WikiLeaks while in fact they are doing nothing.


All they are doing is using WikiLeaks and Assanges’s predicament for some free PR and advertising.

For the Greens to do this make them nothing more than low life political parasites with [...]

Sweden vs. Assange with special guest Julia Gillard in Sweden’s corner.

A lot of misinformation has been spread about Julian Assange in relation to the allegations made against him and what he is facing if extradited to Sweden.

A lot of this misinformation has come from the mouth of Julia Gillard.

As of yesterday Mr Assange lost his High Court appeal and will find out in 21 days [...]


Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

Julia Gillard had criminal allegations made against her in 1995 when she was accused of helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and helping him spend the money on such things as her personal home renovations and dresses.

Julia Gillard has never denied helping him rip off the $1,000,000 plus dollars, [...]

106 Australian Government to close down WikiLeaks for 100 years

We all know what the Australian Federal Government has done publicly to try and stop WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

What they are doing privately we do not know but one has to surmise they are doing a lot given their public statements.

In an article in the SMH (Sydney Morning Herald) by Ross Cameron on [...]

AFP cover-up of the AWB/Saddam Hussein $300 million bribery to be tested in the Federal Court by whistle- blower

Former Australian Federal Police officer Ross Fusca has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against the AFP under the Fair Work Act.

107 As part of his evidence he alleges he was offered a promotion if he shut down the enquiry into the AWB oil-for-food scandal which he headed up when he was employed at the [...]

Pigs On The Run – The Australian Federal Police

This posting has one agenda.

To show how the Australian Federal Police under the leadership of Commissioner Tony Negus conceal criminal conduct in Federal Government Departments and Agencies.

The current Defence Force sex tape scandal is almost exactly the same as the current Reserve Bank Bribery Scandal.

Both had complaints made to the Federal Police.


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• Victorian Police are investigating the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson / AWU Fraud • Ian Cambridge and Bill Ludwig covered up the 1996 AWU fraud case which helped Julia Gillard • Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. • Larry Pickering who ripped off $15million in a betting software scam claims to be investigating Julia Gillard for the AWU fraud scam. • Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson - AWU Fraud Page

“But I would like to think that the ironically named ‘Love Letters’ is a marker setting a future agenda for international human rights and upholding the rules of natural justice.” Phillip Taylor MBE LL.B PGCE Barrister-at- Law. ********


Kangaroo Court of Australia Shop

• Victorian Police are investigating the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson / AWU Fraud

110 • Victorian Police are investigating the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson / AWU Fraud

• Victorian Police are investigating the Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson / AWU Fraud ABC

Please Take Notice – If Your name appears in the following list resign now, the following people are dismissed by the Australian People 23 Million of us living in Australia for Corruption, Bribes, the list of Crimes is will blow your head’s my Fellow Australians.

By me on behalf of myself and the rest of my fellow Australians who live with me in Australia I hereby “ENFORCE OUR RIGHTS”

You Bunch of Corrupt things you Work for us the Australian People! Get IT? US!

111 Unfortunately

NOBOBY stood up long ago and said NO!, NO!, NO!, NO!

Which part of NO Do You Not Understand!

You Work for Us the 23 Million people of Australia

AS For This Two Party System, these crooks, liars cheats, thieves who come before and say one thing and do another, at the end of the day all their policies when added up did they serve US the Australian People NO, all these policies serve was to keep these two corrupt parties in office swapping from left / to right power.

I one little Aussie on Behalf of myself and my fellow Australians citizens hereby declare the 2 Party System in Australia NULL, VOID, FINISHED, OUT The DOOR, GONE, FINISHED

112 I Mean Lets Tell The Truth Here People What This Bunch of Merry Theives and Robbers Wont Tell You All.

Two Party Corrupt System = Enslavement

Two Party Corrupt System = Dictatorship, them ruling it over us, instead of US ruling it over them.

Two Party System, Come On, Come On, Come On How is it any different then that Other Fake Fellow Over In Iran calling himself and his Mullahs Holy?

My Holy Undies More Holier them him!

IRAN is a Dictatorship, enslaved to a bunch of thieves, cut thoats, liars and = to the same Lot we have here to them.

113 And that other Fraud in the Vatican in Rome , how is that any different to what we have here, RAZZY Your Numbers covered to , when Tap Tap Tap comes pay up out here in Australia to all these Child Abuse Victums you pay.

OH It will send Vatican Broke Borrow from World Bank, or IMF your Choice.

When tap, tap, tap comes any NO, NO, NO, NO I will send some NUN order over there in Vatican City a Bag Of Dope and ask Favor.

When NUN takes Tea to Royal “FAKE” Holy Father.

1 Little Aussie says grab that Fraud by the Chinny, Chinny Chin , and Bend that Fraud over and kick him up the ASS!

Are we on the same page Holy Fraud?


114 And if you even try to order any Knights of Malta Shit Back I will push them Fat things in their Armor off the horse and say Ring, Ring, Ring now Jenny Craig and lose weight Fatty Knight of Malta.

Got the picture Fatty Knight?

BOO , did I say BOO!

There is one bit of business I have to take care of for all Australians and go back in history that a big wrong was committed ok, to add into above.

Tony Abbott Opposition Leader stand to attention!

You march over here to me for Punishment Now!

Stand before me now and 23 Million Fellow Aussies!

115 • You think I forgot Ah Tony?

• Question: - What was that trick and stunt you did to Pauline Hanson Tony.

Come on “BIG Ear’s” let me grab them ok

NO, No, No , Pauline Hanson and “One Nation Party You Say Hey Tony?

• You little Thug and self man dictator , How dare you chose for all Australians and say No other Parties in Australia only Liberal Party, Labour and Nations.

Who do you think you are to tell us 23 Million people who and want we can have?

Come on Tony Answer?

Right Your Nobody!

116 • If Bill and Bong Party wants to start up


• Legalize Dope Party start up


• Two Mad Hatters Party start up

So long as the follow the Electionals Party Rules, Guildines then they can.

Where in Electoral Rules does it even mention your name?

That you can stand over anybody and say, who “We The Australian People Can and Cant Have”

• Want me to get you a copy Tony?

Where does it mention your name?

Right Nowhere, Fucken Nowhere!

117 Bend Over Big Ears , you want to feel like it is to be fucked up the ASS, bend to my left “With Holy Blessing You Now receive Please Accept my Middle Finger”

Bend Over Big Ears , you want to feel it is to be fucked up the ASS, Bend to my right “With Holy Blessings Received Please Accept my Middle Finger”

Congradualtions I now say, you are now NO More Virgin Up The Ass a Pleasure it was doing business.

Warning: - Take Back to the Party Liberal Room and tell them the story how you are not a Virgin any more.

As you tell them the story write it into Party Guildines and Rules anybody from Liberal Party does a stunt like that again, it wont be once I stick my finger but twice.

Don’t mix up the message ok Tony Run!

With that now said, nearly “Wipe Floor and Clean House Has Began” is just about over.

118 Here Is a List of People to Research, Investigate we would need to start a New Whole Dept (Exposing Inside Crims Dept)

• Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston • Anna Bligh • Attorney General Nicola Roxon • Attorney General Robert McClelland • Australian Defence Force • Australian Federal Police • Barry O'Farrell • Bill Shorten • Brendan O'Connor • Canberra Press Gallery • Chief Federal Magistrate John Pascoe • Chief Justice Jim Spigelman • Chief Justice Patrick Keane • Chief Justice Robert French • Chief Justice Tom Bathurst • Commissioner Ian Cambridge • Craig Thomson • Dr David Lloyd • Fairfax Media • Federal Court of Australia • Federal Politicians • Greg Smith NSW Attorney General • High Court of Australia • James Hardie • John Della Bosca • John Faulkner • Judicial Appointments

119 • Julia Gillard • Julie Bishop • Justice Annabelle Bennett • Justice Berna Collier • Justice Bernard Murphy • Justice Dennis Cowdroy • Justice Frank Vincent • Justice Geoffrey Flick • Justice Iain Ross • Justice Jayne Jagot • Justice Lex Lasry • Justice Lindsay Foster • Justice Margaret Beazley • Justice Michael McHugh • Justice Michael Moore • Justice Michael Pembroke • Justice Michelle Gordon • Justice Nye Perram • Justice Raymond Finkelstein • Justice Roger Giles • Justice Roger Gyles • Justice Ronald Sackville • Justice Stephen Rothman • Justice Steven Rares • Justice William Everson • Kangaroo Court of Australia • Kerry Shine • Kerry Stokes • Kevin Andrews • Kevin Rudd • Legal Reform Campaigns • Lieutenant-General David Hurley • Magistrate Brian Maloney

120 • Magistrate Damian Carroll • Magistrate Di Fingleton • Magistrate Jacqueline Trad • Magistrate Jennifer Betts • Magistrate John O’Sullivan • Magistrate Murray Farquhar • Magistrate Pat O'Shane • Malcolm Turnbull • Media Watch • News Corp • News Ltd • NSW Crime Commission • NSW Police Integrity Commission • Optus • Peter Slipper • Philip Ruddock • Robert Clark • Rupert Murdoch • Senator Barnaby Joyce • Senator Bob Brown • Senator Chris Evans • Senator George Brandis • Senator Mark Arbib • Senator Scott Ludlam • Senator Stephen Conroy • Shadow Attorney General Senator George Brandis SC • Slater and Gordon • State Judges • State Magistrates • State Police • State Politicians • Stephen Smith

121 • Ted Baillieu • Tony Abbott • Tony Negus • WikiLeaks

A non-fiction book about corruption in the Australian Government, Judiciary and Federal Police.

122 The book is a must read for all Australians as it is your judiciary.

It allows the reader to be a fly on the wall as it happened and see the abuses of the legal system from a practical perspective.

The book also deals with corruption by the directors of Fairfax Media and their lawyers Freehills, including the directors of Freehills.

The book includes documented evidence and names names. Some of the highlights are, but not limited to

1. Prima Facie cases against a number of judicial officers for breaching section 34 of the 1914 Crimes Act.

2. The Attorney General, Robert McClelland, trying to cover up the corruption and caught out lying about referring the corruption to the Federal Police.

3. The former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd turning a blind eye to the corruption.

4. The current directors of Fairfax Media being in contempt of court.

5. A current judge having a sexual relationship with one of the respondents while the judge was hearing the matter.

6. Transcript evidence of a judicial officer lying while on the bench in relation to having a personal interest in the matters.

123 When I started asking to many questions he quickly transferred the matters to the Federal Court.

7. The fraudulent costs bill sent to the author by Freehills Lawyers on behalf of Fairfax Media which showed criminal conduct and fraud etc.

So much so that they could never enforce the costs.

8. The criminal history of a judicial officer which includes price fixing and bribing a witness.

The former Commonwealth Ombudsman, Professor John McMillan, has openly stated in an ABC Four Corners interview (October 2008) that the Australian Federal Police do not want to know about corruption in their own department.

He said he was also told this directly by senior Australian Federal Police.

This in itself says there needs to be a Royal Commission.

It is worth noting that the Federal Police and the Federal Courts are all part of the Attorney Generalâ™s Department.

Just for the record on the front cover above there is a picture of the author holding a sign saying "Justice Moore Federal Court of Australia takes bribes".

The photo and others like it were tendered as part of an affidavit in court before Justice Moore.

124 The book has further information on the history of the photos.

Some of the topics the book raises and/or deals with are: judicial bias - judicial corruption - bribes - perceived bias - actual bias - breaching the Barrister Rules - breaching the Solicitor Rules - lack of ethics - abusing procedural fairness - abuse of processes - delaying tactics - over charging - attempted fraud - criminal conduct - attempting to pervert the course of justice - fabricating evidence - dereliction of duty - shredding of evidence â“ personal interest.


"This book is described as 'a true story about the systematic scandalisation of the Australian Federal Judicial System'. In 18 chapters and just over 300 pages, a case is being made out that certain people are, by definition, 'corrupt' and 'taking bribes'. But it is one-sided with silence and inaction on the other."

"I came away from this book with very perplexed feelings. Mr Rudd will do nothing; the Australian judiciary would never acknowledge any form of corruption as I see it."

"But I would like to think that the ironically named 'Love Letters' is a marker setting a future agenda for international human rights and upholding the rules of natural justice."

125 "Love Letters from the Bar Table" a "Crimes of the Law" book by Shane Dowling

Lawyers - Judges - Politicians - Corrupt Lawyers - Corrupt Judges - Corrupt Politicians - Attorney General - Australian Government - Federal Court of Australia - Federal Magistrates Court of Australia - High Court of Australia - Julia Gillard - Kevin Rudd - Tony Abbott - Malcolm Turnbull - Robert McClelland - George Brandis - Freehills - Fairfax Media - Kate Eastman - Human Rights Lawyers Australia - Natural Justice

Justice Berna Collier the frivolous and vexatious litigant

The above video is best watched at 240p which you can change at the bottom of the video once you start watching it.

126 Profile of Berna Collier who was appointed a Judge to the Federal Court of Australia on the 8/2/2006.

In proceedings that Justice Collier commenced against her neighbours house redevelopment prior to being appointed a judge she was ultimately found to [...]

Justice Michael McHugh – High Court of Australia

Profile of Michael McHugh, former Judge of the High Court of Australia February 1989 to November 2005.

This is my first profile of a Judge on this site.

The key element that I am looking for when profiling a Judge is to see if there is anything in their background that makes them unsuitable for [...]

127 Robert McClelland’s Dodgy Judicial Appointments

Judicial Appointments by the Federal Attorney General Robert McClelland.

(December 2007 to present) The Federal Labor Government came to power at the end of 2007.

They took over from the John Howard led Liberal / National Government who had a blatant history of appointing their own boys and girls as judges and magistrates.

While in opposition the Shadow [...]

Australian Government to close down WikiLeaks for 100 years

We all know what the Australian Federal Government has done publicly to try and stop WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

128 What they are doing privately we do not know but one has to surmise they are doing a lot given their public statements.

In an article in the SMH (Sydney Morning Herald) by Ross Cameron on [...]

Chief Justice Spigelman – Predetermined Judgements

This post is only a short one but it covers a topic that is quite amazing.

Chief Justice Spigelman of the Supreme Court admitting what many people know.

Although he does try to back pedal afterwards.

In an article that Richard Ackland wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald on the 12th November 2010 the following showed [...]


Police versus Police in the NSW Supreme Court

The New South Wales Police Integrity Commission is trying to hold public hearings into corruption by the NSW Crime Commission.

The NSW Crime Commission and two of its officers, Jonathan Spark and John Giorgiutti, have taken legal action in the NSW Supreme Court to stop the public hearings taking place.

The bottom line is that the [...]

Pigs On The Run – The Australian Federal Police

130 This posting has one agenda.

To show how the Australian Federal Police under the leadership of Commissioner Tony Negus conceal criminal conduct in Federal Government Departments and Agencies.

EXCUSE ME – DID I Hear Right?

That means in simple terms this man “Is Now Guilty Of Perverting The Law and Course of Justice”

The current Defence Force sex tape scandal is almost exactly the same as the current Reserve Bank Bribery Scandal.

Both had complaints made to the Federal Police.

131 How the Defence Minister Stephen Smith and others cover up the sexual abuse of women

The cover-up of sexual abuse of women in the Australian Defence Force is starting to come out in a major way with an 18 year old girl blowing the whistle.

Others are starting to come out now, including allegations of a rape cover-up at the Defence Academy.

FORMER Queensland attorney-general Kerry Shine busted appointing mates as judges

The former Queenland attorney general Kerry Shine was caught red-handed appointing close friends as judges and magistrates.

Nothing new here as most judges and magistrates have close political connections and that’s how they are appointed in the first place, not because of their ability, ethics or integrity.

132 The Kerry Shine story did not get much

Kerry Stokes threatens legal action against blogger

EXCUSE Me – Did I Hear Right? This man threaten somebody he was going to do what?

OH, I see its wrong to send Personal Managers at Old National Crime Authority Letters to set up on Fraudulent same “Threats To Harm and Kill and Danger” Chargers Federal Laws.

Reduced to Mail Abuse under Communication Act

Oh, why, Oh why does this man and Channel 7 still have TV Lience?

133 I posted a story on this site in relation to Kerry Stokes’s current legal problems on the 23rd May 2011 titled “Kerry Stokes, Seven Group Chairman and Australia’s number one perjurer, has been charged with contempt of court”.

Yesterday, Thursday the 26th of May I received a threatening letter from Kerry Stokes’s lawyer, Justine

Kerry Stokes, Seven Group Chairman and Australia’s number one perjurer, has been charged with contempt of court

Kerry Stokes, Seven Group Holdings Chairman, Media Mogul, Billionaire and all round fat cats has been charged with contempt of court.

The hearing is set for June 28th 2011.

How Mr Stokes has avoided being charged with contempt of court until now is beyond me given that he can rightfully be described as Australia’s number one perjurer. In [...]


Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions Jeremy Rapke QC has resigned after being caught with his pants down

Diana Karamicov sexual partner of Jeremy Rapke QC The Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions Jeremy Rapke QC resigned on Friday.

The reason for his resignation was because he was caught out promoting Diana Karamicov, a 28-year-old female lawyer, whom he was having a sexual relationship with.

Now Mr Rapke is a 61-year-old married man who [...]

135 Julia Gillard’s human rights record by Amnesty International

I came across this story on the latest annual report by Amnesty International which drops the boot into the Australian Government and particularly Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

In an article by Tom Reilly in the SMH it says: “The group used the publication of its annual report to criticise the government and highlight areas of [...]

What is the price of freedom? About $900,000 if you are bribing Commissioner Phillip Bradley at the NSW Crime Commission.

The bottom line with this post is that there is enough prima facie evidence to have Commissioner Phillip Bradley of the NSW Crime Commission charged with criminal offences. E.g taking bribes, attempting to pervert the course of justice and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice etc.

The NSW Crime Commission is a law enforcement body that is [...]


Judging judges and the mental illness defence

Two Magistrates in NSW have been directed to show cause to the NSW Parliament why they should not be sacked as Judicial Officers.

The magistrates in question are Magistrate Jennifer Betts and Magistrate Brian Maloney and it was based on the findings of the NSW Judicial Commission enquiry in relation to complaints of misconduct which led to them [...]

137 Julia Gillard – Double Take – 9 to 9

The below video is a parody of the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she was Deputy Prime Minister and Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister.

It is a bit off track for what this site is about but I think it is a very funny video and what she says in it turned out to be spot

Truth in Justice – Reform Adversarial Legal System to Inquisitorial System

A new group are running a campaign via a petition to have the Australian legal system reformed.

The campaign is called the “Truth in Justice campaign”

138 I am not a member of the group nor do I know the people organising it but I have signed up to their petition and

The handiwork of Chief Federal Magistrate John Pascoe – witness bribing, price fixing, succumbing to blackmail to conceal a crime and lying to shareholders etc. Is there anything this man cannot do?

His good mate the former Australian Prime Minister John Howard appointed John Pascoe Chief Federal Magistrate of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia on The 14th July 2004.

John Pascoe’s shady conduct has been written about before to some degree in the press but to the best of my knowledge not to the detail that I am about

139 Australian Federal Police evaluating a criminal investigation into News Corporation.

I spoke to the Australian Federal Police media department this morning and asked them if they were investigating News Corporation for breaching Australian bribery laws.

They replied in the afternoon with the below response.

“The AFP is evaluating referrals to determine any jurisdictional issues or offences under Australian law.”

I personally made a formal complaint to the Federal Police

The real reason Rebekah Brooks was forced to resign by News Corporation.

140 Today Rebekah Brooks announced her resignation.

Make no mistake about it, Rebekah Brooks was forced to resign by News Corporation and if she had not they would have sacked her summarily.

How do I know this?

Because yesterday I sent senior executives at News Corporation specific evidence and outlined what laws News Corporation had breached and Rebekah Brooks was the key part of that evidence.

If the News Corporation executives had failed to take action they themselves would have been guilty of the concealment of a crime.

In Australia if you conceal a crime that is a crime in itself which one would surmise is also the case in the United States.

See the correspondence below and I will discuss further.

141 Julia Gillard who admitted helping rip off the AWU of over $1million stands by and supports Craig Thomson who is accused of ripping off the Health Services Union. The Australian Labor Party, beautiful one day, perfect the next.

This is a follow-up post to my last post which is titled “Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.”

In that post I talked extensively about Julia Gillard helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from the Australian Workers Union.

In hind-site it was a very timely post.

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s criminal history and her hypocrisy with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

Julia Gillard had criminal allegations made against her in 1995 when she was accused of helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and helping him spend the money on such things as her personal home renovations and dresses.

142 Julia Gillard has never denied helping him rip off the $1,000,000 plus dollars.

Elite Pedophile Rings The Office of Police Integrity (OPI) is on the record saying that they won’t do anything about an ELITE pedophile ring in Australia “even if it’s still operating” CHILD ABUSE: ROCHDALE, JERSEY, WALES, IRELAND, SPOOKS

The Classic Liberal politician - Sir Cyril Smith.

Sir Cyril Smith "sexually abused boys" and "reduced them to quivering wrecks", an MP has claimed.

Sir Cyril Smith 'sexually abused boys and reduced them to quivering wrecks',

A member of the UK parliament, Simon Danczuk, has described the late Sir Cyril Smith as a "29 stone bully" who "imposed himself" on his victims whom he "humiliated and terrified".

Sir Cyril, who had freemason connections, was 143 investigated by Lancashire Police in the 1960s but no action was taken.


Barry Fitton, a former resident of the Cambridge House hostel in Rochdale, told the website politicshome.com that when he was 15 Smith would make him strip and then Smith would smack his bare bottom.

Manchester police chief Michael Todd, who died in mysterious circumstances.

Mr Danczuk, referring to the recent Rochdale grooming scandal, said: "Attempts to suppress the truth are not new in Rochdale...

"Young boys were humiliated, terrified and reduced to quivering wrecks by this 29-stone bully imposing himself on them."



Maxwell Knight, the model for James Bond's boss M, served as Director of Intelligence of the British Fascists from 1924 to 1927.

Maxwell-Knight became Deputy Chief of Staff of the British Fascists before being recruited by MI5 in 1931.








From The News of the World:

"CHILDREN from the Jersey House of Horrors were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen as galley SEX SLAVES, a News of the World investigation reveals.

"The youngsters were told by care staff the boat rides were treats—only to be assaulted and RAPED at sea by pervert toffs...

"One of the most serious lines of inquiry in the investigation is that children were regularly loaned to wealthy yachtsmen to “do with them what they chose for the day,” according to our source close to the investigation.

"Haut de la Garenne staff described the trips as a treat for children who spent long hours cooped up at the home. But in reality the kids were subjected to the vilest sexual abuse on board the luxury boats. 146

"Our source said: “The allegations about the yachting community have come in from a number of different people..."

Destroyed evidence of child abuse could have been 'vital'

"Sian Griffiths worked for Clwyd council in the inquiry office on the 1994 Jillings and 2000 Waterhouse inquiries into the abuse.

"She said that photographs of abuse obtained by victim Steven Messham were ordered to be destroyed.

"Steven said he could see men’s faces clearly in the pictures."

147 "The investigation into the paedophile ring in Warrington care homes had an ‘international’ dimension" Website for this

The Kincora scandal: child abuse and cover-up in 1970s Belfast

"The Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast was opened in 1958.

The home’s warden Joe Mains at once started to abuse the boys in his care. Mains recruited Raymond Semple and William McGrath in the 1970s and they joined in the daily brutal abuse.

"The assaulted boys tried to bring the abuse to the attention of the authorities, including the police and the press, who failed them utterly.

"People in authority knew what was going on because military intelligence officer Colin Wallace blew the whistle.

"Wallace told his superiors what was happening and even put out a press release in early 1973. It stated that William McGrath was using “a non-existent evangelical mission as a front” for paedophilia.

He supplied the address and phone number .


Maurice Oldfield, who was Britain's top spy in Washington at the time of the Kennedy assassination, reportedly abused boys at the Kincora children's home.

"No newspaper followed this obvious lead, despite the press usually running Wallace’s propaganda briefings unedited.

"The authorities did nothing about it. And sometimes they were the abusers.

One was the late John Young, town solicitor at Belfast, to whom the boys’ complaints were passed. Others were councillors. Yet others were higher up politicians.

"The abuse went on at Kincora for 20 years until finally exposed in a Dublin newspaper. Mains, Semple and McGrath went to jail—but the scale of the abuse remained hidden despite numerous inquiries.


Savile, near Kincora.

"The full story was covered up because McGrath was an important agent of British intelligence. He made frequent visits to his controllers in London.

"McGrath was a founder member of a fanatical Loyalist paramilitary organisation and travelled to South Africa and Rhodesia to buy arms for paramilitaries.

"The British state was arming Loyalist thugs to help crush the resistance to British rule in Northern Ireland. When McGrath was convicted of repeated child abuse he boasted, “Never have I committed an act unbecoming to an Orangeman.”

The UK military kill children from the UK.

"Boys from Kincora were also rented out to establishment figures. Who these figures were is still a matter of speculation...

In every major particular, the recent revelations from North Wales, Cheshire and Liverpool share the features of the Kincora case.

“There has been the same systematic abuse, the same consistent refusal of the authorities to believe the 150 young people when they complained, the same ‘ring’ of abusers in different homes, constantly shifting from one home to another, the same apparent involvement of people high up in authority on the relevant councils and government bodies, the same tight-lipped police”.

The Kincora scandal: child abuse and cover-up in 1970s Belfast

Journalist linked to MI5. http://ricosorda.blogspot.gr/2012/11/daily-mail- journalist-david-rose-he-is.html

Journalist 'with links to the spooks'.


"Smooth Bobby would fill 50 seater coaches...

"We met the high and the mighty. Judges, QC's, directors and a host of other well paid participants."

mam mon: October 2012

International Worker No 241, 8 November 8, 1997: http://www.socialequality.org.uk/iw/241/14a241.shtml

Tony Hyland wrote an article entitled: 'State cover-up of high level paedophile ring.'

"Care workers ... acted as go-betweens for a paedophile ring that extends into the topmost layers of society.

"Policemen, church ministers, local authority executives, senior businessmen and politicians, including someone believed to be a leading supporter of Margaret Thatcher, have been identified.

"The present Public Tribunal into the case...... measures have been taken to prevent the proceedings from being covered fully in the national media.


"MI5" paska. http://ricosorda.blogspot.gr/2012/11/daily- mail-journalist-david-rose-he-is.html

"In the event the press has been virtually absent from the proceedings.

"There would have been no significant national coverage of this major scandal, if not for the work of a single journalist, Nick Davies of The Guardian...

"Waterhouse has also indicated that the final report will not find the "public figure" culpable of any crimes, even though he has been identified by six victims.

"He stated that whilst a number of the abusers will be named, those of the two policemen will be omitted, even though one of them has already been convicted of sexual offences against children...

"39 children's homes in North Wales have been implicated. Nearly 300 people have given evidence as victims of abuse. Some 148 individuals have been identified as abusers...


Website for this image

Key aspects:

"John Allen, a convicted paedophile, ran a complex of homes in London and North Wales that supplied children to wealthy outsiders. Allen is currently serving a six year sentence.

"At the Bryn Alyn home, two senior officials have already been convicted of systematic sexual abuse of children in their care.


"Another, Paul Wilson, was convicted of violent attacks on children but given a suspended sentence.

He was accused of physical assault on 66 occasions by 66 different boys.

"A room at the Crest Hotel in Wrexham was regularly hired out on Sunday evenings to VIP's who were ensured a steady supply of children for their sexual gratification.

"Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring have met suspicious deaths.

Two brothers who were abused by Allen were trying to blackmail him. In April 1992 one of them died in a house fire in Brighton.

The other died soon afterwards in mysterious circumstances....

"One witness ...claimed to have been abused by 49 different people.

"At the age of 11, he attended army cadets where two of the instructors, both policemen, raped him repeatedly. At an army cadet weekend camp he was raped by another instructor.


A former leader of Hampshire's Army Cadets was found guilty of three charges of indecent assault and jailed for four years.

"Far from social services providing a haven from such abuse, it became the means through which he was exposed to even worse physical and mental torment.

"At his first home he was indecently assaulted by the superintendent, groped by one housemaster, beaten by another, half-drowned by a senior housemaster and slapped by a policemen he tried to complain to.

"At his second home, aged 15, he was abused by those in charge of the centre and offered up to wealthy outsiders.

He described one of these as 'a powerful public figure'.

After this man took him to an outhouse and orally and anally raped him, he was told, 'Just remember who I am.'

156 "At the age of 16, he ran away from the Wrexham home, but ended up in the custody of one of the army cadet instructors who had raped him.

This man introduced him to a group of 20 associates, who took turns to abuse him.

"Amongst the culprits identified were two jewellers, a director of a major company, a local authority executive, a Roman Catholic priest and another social worker.

Many of those identified have subsequently been convicted of sexual crimes against children...

"The most revealing evidence is that regarding one of the paedophiles, who it was hinted at was one of Mrs Thatcher's most prominent supporters.

Website for this image ...

"When the police finally arrested 17 suspects during an inquiry in 1991 the victim claims, 'For some unknown reason, he was not arrested like anybody else.

"He was allowed to walk round the North Wales Police headquarters and he was allowed to vindicate himself from anything, as if he was the boss...

"I tried to tell the police of many instances not just 157 relating to him and I was told at the time, and I will never forget it as long as I live, that they were not interested in that.'

"The tribunal was informed that the North Wales police had in fact recommended that the man be prosecuted, but this was blocked by the Crown Prosecution Service in London - which took over the case from its local branch...

"Those who turned to the police or other social workers for help were met with indifference or outright hostility.

A total of 27 separate police inquiries failed to produce anything substantial.

"When the police finally launched a major inquiry in 1991, they secured the conviction of only four of the care workers and concluded that there was no evidence of a paedophile ring.

A total of 13 reports by social services went unpublished. Clwyd County Council commissioned an independent inquiry and then ruled that its report could not be published..."

Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at 158 Bryn Alyn in detail

"25 children aged between 12 and 17 disappeared from care homes and foster care in Kent alone last year. Kent Council admitted that they had ‘no way of knowing’ what had happened to the children although it was suspected that these young people were victims of child trafficking...

"Police estimate that some 10,000 children go missing from care annually, though official government data recorded only 930 last year…something of a discrepancy, that...

"Still no writ from his Lordship, by the way..."

A diary of deception and distortion | Evidence-based bollocks ...

159 Former Church of England bishop held over sex abuse claims

The Rt Rev Peter Ball, 80, who served as the Bishop of Lewes and later Bishop of Gloucester, was arrested at his home in Somerset, on suspicion of eight sex offences against eight boys and young men.

Spooky paska

"I have known for 20 years the inside story of the inquiry into the paedophile ring that, last month, the MP Tom Watson implied was shut down to protect a No10 aide in the Thatcher administration.

"Mr Watson was contacted in October by one of the inquiry’s child protection experts, now retired. The coverage of the Savile scandal had awoken painful memories of how his evidence about Peter Righton, then a child care expert and children’s homes consultant, was destroyed.

He told Mr Watson: “My unit was closed down almost overnight and a manager took my files and burned them.”


"Righton’s correspondents included an assistant bishop, artists, aristocrats and public school teachers.

It then emerged that Righton’s lover ran a school for emotionally disturbed children, and Righton was vice- chairman of governors.

New Barns School in Gloucestershire, which was attended by many children from London care homes, was investigated and closed down on child welfare grounds.

"Watson’s whistleblower was told by a detective that the inquiry into Peter Righton’s alleged ring was closed “from on high”.

Righton was given a £900 fine for his child porn imports, and a caution for a 30-year-old indecent assault. Many similar investigations into paedophile rings have also hit the buffers. Cover-ups have taken place; events and individuals demanding investigation were ignored."



Thatcher's friends. Website for this image ...

According to the Daily Star:

Police investigating a child sex ring at the heart of Margaret Thatcher’s government were warned: "Stop investigating if you want to keep your jobs."

A teenage rent boy told police that a Cabinet minister had been abusing him.

The boy said that he was one of a number of boys regularly having sex with top people.

Boys from Europe would also fly in to attend the top people's child sex orgies.

Daily Star Sunday


Belgium's Dutroux gang supplied girls to the elite, to be tortured and murdered.

According to the Daily Star:

The boy named a British Cabinet minister, who is still alive.

The boy referred to judges, members of the European elite and senior civil servants.

The boy disappeared, after blowing the whistle.

Daily Star Sunday

According to the Daily Star:

The police received allegations against the minister from a number of sources.

The police discovered top people were paying the boys to attend sex parties at 'millionaire properties'.

Some of the top child abusers were said to have flown in via Royal Air Force Northolt on the outskirts of London.

163 Daily Star Sunday

Paul Bonacci, who said that, as a child, he was kidnapped by the US military, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control.

In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages. (Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million )

According to the Daily Star:

One boy told the police that wealthy men from Belgium attended the parties.

The married Cabinet minister the boy named held a series of top jobs in government.

Police sources in the minister's home region said there are allegations that he was once found trying to abuse the son of a friend.

Daily Star Sunday



Sir Jimmy Savile has been named by police as being part of a paedophile ring.


This ring allegedly involved two top businessmen in the town of Scarborough - former Scarborough mayor Peter Jaconelli and arcade boss Jimmy Corrigan, both now dead.

Jaconelli appeared in the BBC TV show Savile’s Travels.

In Scarborough in 2003 two men were jailed for abusing young girls in the 1980s.

During that investigation there was 'local gossip' about Savile.

But, the police did not interview Savile.

Was Savile working for the security services?


(Refusing to become a spook can result in a life in prison -Muslim care worker who refused to join MI5... )

(The British police do not have a good reputation. England schoolboy rugby star locked up - 'for filming police having a break in a bar )

In 2002, Savile appeared in a Louis Theroux documentary, which was highly critical of Savile.

In the same year, Savile said of Theroux: "If he wants to die, he can die.

"He won't be the first that I've put away."

Forensic psychologist Dr Ian Stephen said the Police should "keep an open mind" with regards to Savile and any open murder cases.

He said: "They could be looking at places he was, places where people disappeared, that is how they have done it with other people."

Savile: Did he admit murder?



Jimmy Savile wrote:

"I say, wouldn't it be a great idea if we all had two separate goes at life?

"Or would it be the same? Would the personal mistakes still be made that hold us captive to the system?

"The violent crime of momentary passion that gets people locked up for life.

"The temptation that puts you outside the law of society, brands you, and affects you till you die.

"Whatever it’s all about, we’re all well and truly stuck with it...."

167 Jimmy Savile: a strange and sordid life unravels after death

Angus Ogilvy, husband of Princess Alexandra of Kent and Jimmy Savile.

Jimmy Savile wrote:

"With Angus Ogilvy and his super missus Princess Alexandra one feels a great friendship from the off.

"I am the vice-president to his presidency of the National Association of Youth Clubs and he is often down with us at headquarters in Devonshire Street, wanting to know what’s happening.

"Princess Alex is a patron of a hostel for girls in care.

"At this place I’m a cross between a term-time boyfriend and a fixer of special trips out."

Jimmy Savile: a strange and sordid life unravels after death


John Michie as Jacko Vance

Crime writer Val McDermid says that one of her most evil characters, Jacko Vance, was based on Savile.

Jacko Vance is "a TV celebrity with a secret lust for torture, murder and under-age girls".

Vance features in the 1997 bestseller The Wire in the Blood. I based psycho on Jimmy Savile, says writer Val McDermid

169 Morrison at children's home

Rod Richards is a former Conservative Member of Parliament and ex-leader of the Welsh Tories.

He says that he has seen evidence linking Margaret Thatcher's close friend Sir Peter Morrison to the North Wales children's homes case, in which up to 650 children in 40 homes were raped.

Richards also linked a second top Conservative to the scandals at homes including Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn Hall, both near Wrexham.

Labour MP Tom Watson has mentioned a high-level paedophile ring linked to a former Downing Street aide – who was not Morrison. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224167/Former-Minister-says- Thatcher-aide-paedophile-preyed-boys-home--Hague- known.html#ixzz2Aa8u9Rw4


Karima Keyek, friend of Berlusconi

Berlusconi will not go to jail.

170 He has links to Kissinger, the Rothschilds, top freemasons, top fascists and the Mafia.


"There is next to no chance that he will go to jail.

"The three-tier judicial system operates so slowly that, even if a defendant is eventually found guilty in the highest appeals court, the case has been going on for so long that a statute of limitations kicks in. " http://blogs.ft.com/the-world/2012/10/italys-legal-system-lags-as- berlusconi-saga-continues/#ixzz2Ab6cmivc

Lithuanian Jews

There are many theories about the identity of the 'bad guys'.

171 Ann Diamond refers to Neo Con and Zionist players and front men.

Many have been linked to the Sabbateans: Section 12 – LITVAK FORUM - VilNews

Lithuanian Jews.

Karen Cummings refers to the child abuse parties linked to top people (comment on 'AIR FORCE BROUGHT ABUSERS TO CHILD SEX ORGIES' ):

"I was a social worker in Norfolk up until 3 years ago, and 12 years back a whistleblower let loose a torrent of people using kids mainly boys.

"These parties were arranged by Russian nationals in the area, and were said to nail the MP ...... several top policemen and an evangelical minister.

These people were all blackmailed and all but the Russians were named.


BBC HQ; Eric Gill - Lessons in Hiding in Plain Sight

The whistleblowers tend to get arrested, while the guilty go free.

Arrest warrant issued for Greek journalist who published list of Greek nationals holding Swiss accounts, including the Speaker of the Greek Parliament. (RETANK )


The top bankers are often linked to both child abuse and fraud.

IntelHub reports on the CNBC executive whose children were murdered, one day after CNBC reported a $43 trillion bankster lawsuit

CNBC reported on the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History.

Banksters and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of 'ill gotten gains'.

The lawsuit is said to involve top people in the government and the financial sector.

Within hours, the original page for the article was taken down.

And the CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children had been killed in 'very suspicious circumstances'.

174 Screen shots of the original CNBC article were taken to verify the authenticity of this story.

According to the Wall Street Journal , the lawsuit involves foreclosures, bailout money, racketeering, money laundering and violations of Iranian Sanctions.

The alleged conspirators include bankers, Attorney General Holder, Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary and Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup)

The Intel Hub just reported that Nicholas Mockford, a 60 year old British executive for the oil company ExxonMobil was shot dead in front of his wife in an assassination-style killing in Brussels.

Salmond and friends.

Nowhere is safe.

Alex Salmond: Enemy of Scotland - According to Rufus of News From Atlantis:

The Scottish National Party is not a National Party at all; it is thoroughly internationalist and multicultural, which is but another way of saying anti-indigenous, no matter what double speak is employed to mask the reality.

175 The SNP has declared that it now fully supports the murderous war machine of international finance: NATO.

Having used opposition to Westminster's complicity in US-led terrorism across the globe, as a key part of its campaign for independence, such a complete u-turn on NATO is absurd.

The SNP has completely sold out to the international menace, and is now seeking to root-out two MSPs who were elected on the SNP ticket but have since resigned in protest at the party's stance on NATO.

The SNP is not a democratic party, and would not be out of place in eastern Europe during the Soviet period.

Alex Salmond: Enemy of Scotland - Rufus News From Atlantis

The cover-up, by the police, of the Jimmy Savile child abuse pedophile rings?

At this stage there was no evidence of any organised paedophile rings and offenders appeared to be opportunists, Mr Spindler added.

They trot out the 'no evidence' over and over. They scrub the evidence, and then they say there's no evidence. See: Exposure

176 Calling all witnesses - Twelfth Bough


If you check the comments made by convicted child abuser and MI5 'agent' William McGrath to author Chris Moore, it tells you everything you need to know.

He spoke of "wheels within wheels."

What McGrath meant was each paedo ring was a "wheel" all co-ordinated within a bigger "wheel." The individual "wheels" covered the whole of the UK.

NSPCC - National Society for the Promotion of Cruelty to Children?

He like Saville was using the concept of "hiding in plain sight."

He openly told the UK public what was going on but very few grasped the meaning...

177 Kincora is just one wheel, the Jersey scandal is another, the Welsh care homes abuse is another, I am sure other people can add other wheels which operate within the bigger wheel.

I suspect there are still wheels which have yet to be discovered.

I hope I am wrong about this, I must add.