1 St. Mary, All Saints, PLAYFORD St. Mary and St. Botolph

PRIEST in CHARGE Revd Canon Pauline Stentiford , Sheepstor, Boyton, Woodbridge IP12 3LH Tel:01394-411469 Mobile 07719 394200

LAY ELDERS Benefice Mrs Jenny Cavell-Shaw, The Cottage, Lower St., Great Bealings Ips 735886 Mrs Denise Merry Abbey School, Church Street, Woodbridge 01394 610972 Mr. Philip Merry, Abbey School, Church Street, Woodbridge, 01394 610972 Great Bealings Mrs Virginia Porter, Rill Cottage, Kiln Lane, Great Bealings Ips 735565 Little Bealings Dr Clive Rowe, Kennilworth, Playford Rd, Little Bealings Ips 624635 Dr Ann Tate, Horsenden House, Rd, Little Bealings Ips 622995

WARDENS Great Bealings Mr Norman Porter, Rill Cottage, Kiln Lane, Great Bealings Ips 735565 Little Bealings Mr. Geoff Bills, 7 Richards Drive, Little Bealings Ips 610219 Mrs. Paddy Bills, 7 Richards Drive, Little Bealings Ips 610219 Playford Mr. Geoff Booker, Glenham, Hill Farm Road, Playford Ips 624939 Dr. Gina Corani, 4 Church Lane, Playford Ips 620696 Culpho Mrs. Joyce Dunnett, Flat 19, The Walk, , IP5 1NL Ips 611064 Mr. Philip Merry, Abbey School, Church Street, Woodbridge, 01394 610972

PCC SECRETARIES Great Bealings Mr Eric Barnett, Southernhay, Lodge Rd, Great Bealings Ips 738803 Little Bealings Mrs. Linda Cooper, Weavers Cottage, 1 The Street, 01394 412030 Playford Dr. Gina Corani, 4 Church Lane, Playford Ips 620696 Culpho Mrs Margaret Gornall, Flintstone Cottage, Road, 01728 747605

PCC TREASURERS Great Bealings Mr. Roger Roseboom, Thorneycroft, Lower Street, Great Bealings Ips 735153 Little Bealings Mr. Roger Cobley, 5 Beacon Lane, Little Bealings Ips 626196 Playford Mr. Paul Gardiner, Jerusalem, 2 Hill Farm Road, Playford Ips 611007 Culpho Mr. Paul Gardiner, Jerusalem, 2 Hill Farm Road, Playford Ips 611007

BENEFICE & MAGAZINE TREASURER Mrs. Frances Hopkins, Broom Bank, Sandy Lane, Little Bealings Ips 626755

BENEFICE CHOIR LEADER Mrs Gill Peck, 7 Beacon Lane, Little Bealings Ips 625077

BENEFICE SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Lisa Wigmore 2 Hill Farm Cottages, Playford Ips 622111

ANGELA COBBOLD BOOKING SECRETARY Mrs Vicki Carr, Corner Cottage, The Street, Little Bealings Ips 620213

PARISH COUNCIL CLERKS Great Bealings Mrs. Sarah Cartwright, Hillside, The Street, Little Bealings Ips 621050 Little Bealings Mrs. Carol Ramsden, The Hollies, Holly Lane, Little Bealings Ips 610088 Playford Mrs. Sarah Cartwright, Hillside, The Street, Little Bealings Ips 621050 Parish Councillor for Culpho Mr. Guy Hartfall, Culpho End, Culpho Ips 785347

MAGAZINE EDITOR Geoff Bills, The Editor, 7 Richards Drive, Little Bealings IP13 6LR Ips 610219



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ur cathedral church has a new also a parish church she becomes its O boss! During October The Revd vicar. Dean Frances has experience of Canon Dr Frances Ward was collated working in a Cathedral environment with and installed as Dean of the Cathedral, special responsibilities for resourcing all succeeding the Very Reverend Neil aspects of study. Since being ordained Collings who died earlier this year. After she has been a parish priest, worked in Bishop Nigel she is the most senior a theological college and been a priest in the Diocese which encom- bishop’s advisor on Women in Ministry. passes most of Suffolk. The service She was born in Australia but grew up was one full of colour and pomp, with in Ely before going to study for a first several bishops, many visiting priests degree at St Andrew’s University, and laity including robed Judges and changing course after a year to study local civic dignitaries. The ceremony theology and eventually feeling God’s was set within the service of Choral call to be a priest. Dean Frances be- Evensong. Dr Ward was escorted into lieves that before trying to find the an- the Cathedral to a triumphant fanfare swer to the question of whether God played on trumpets and organ and pre- exists, it is important to get into the habit sented to the congregation by members of God, the habit of prayer, of loving of the chapter of Bradford Cathedral your neighbour as yourself and of put- where she has been its Canon Theolo- ting yourself to one side and not being gian since 2006. She was then led up narcissistic. She also believes that it is through the Cathedral nave before be- important to recognise that women can ing presented formally to the Bishop. be leaders as well as disciples. “Christ She then affirmed her belief in the was male, but the God he incarnated Church of England and its laws, before was neither male nor female and Christ taking the oaths of allegiance to the transcends gender at the altar.” It was a Bishop, the Queen (in the form of the joy to be at the service and I am sure Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk) and the Ca- that we will be seeing a lot of Dean thedral Frances in the future both in person and She will direct the life and work of the in the media. Cathedral and because the Cathedral is Pauline

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY We will be having a joint service for all the parishes as we did last year. The service this year will take place in Little Bealings. We will meet at All Saints Church at 10.00 am for the service and be joined by representatives from Great Bealings and Play- ford. At the end of the service we will process to the War Memorial where the names of the fallen from each parish will be read in turn by a village representative, and a wreath laid by each parish. After the corporate Act of Remembrance, the Playford & Great Bealings wreaths will be taken back and placed at their war memorials. Do please come and join us.

ADVANCED NOTICE — CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP Tuesday 21 st December 10am – 12 noon, Christmas workshop in the Angela Cob- bold Hall. Come and prepare for Christmas with different craft activities, something for everyone, but for safety reasons we are unable to take unaccompanied children. Do come and join us, no need to book just turn up for some or all of the morning.


internet code is on the front of the ques- The Royal British Legion tionnaire. FESTIVAL OF REMEMBRANCE More information about the 2011 Cen- Concert and Drumhead Service sus is available online at: At the APEX, th The census is also recruiting staff to Thursday 11 November 2010 help ensure a high census return rate. At 7.00 pm There are part-time and full-time jobs and you would be able to work close to Tickets £10 each available at the where you live. To find out more, or to APEX box office 01284 758000 apply for a job, visit Doors open 6.00pm – Ample car parking or contact your local jobcentre. For further information telephone 01284 725833 NEWSLETTER REMINDER Hosted by “C” Group Royal British ……..CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Legion, Suffolk County Registered Charity Number 219279 May we remind all contributors that the All proceeds in aid of the Poppy Appeal next edition will be combined to cover December & January. 2011 CENSUS The 2011 Census questionnaire will be Deadline for contributions: coming through your letterbox next Tuesday 17th November spring. On 27 March 2011 all residen- tial households in the Distribution date: will be taking part in a census. Since Saturday 28th November 1801 (apart from in 1941 during the war) a day has been chosen every ten Contributions to The Editor, 7 Richards years for this purpose. The census pro- Drive, Little Bealings, Woodbridge IP13 vides an excellent source of information 6LR on paper please, or disc (MS about the population. This enables cen- Word) with hard copy tral and local government, health au- thorities and many other organisations to plan housing, education, health and transport services for years to come. ADVENT LUNCHES The census statistics feed into resource at the allocation for local authorities and play a ANGELA COBBOLD HALL major part in their ability to provide local services, so it is crucial the population Homemade Soup & Bread estimate is as accurate as possible. When the questionnaire envelope Wednesdays in December comes through the door you’ll 12.30-1.30pm easily recognise it by the purple 2011 Census logo. Take care of it. If, like many people, you want to complete the Enquiries 01473 620213 questionnaire online, your individual

6 UK YOUTH CLIMATE GONDOLIERS – IPSWICH G&S COALITION ON TOUR! Four years ago to the day I was leaving For the first time in their 80 year history, Suffolk and heading to study Interna- Ipswich Gilbert & Sullivan Society are tional Development at the University of this year presenting their annual stage Sussex. Since that fateful day I’ve show in both Woodbridge and Bury St learned how climate change is the big- Edmunds. gest challenge that my generation The Gondoliers, with words and music faces, and it was during that time that I by the famous duo WS Gilbert and Ar- was inspired to act. For the 18 months thur Sullivan, marks the Society’s 80th since graduating I have been volunteer- anniversary this year as a repeat of the ing full time for the UK Youth Climate opening show of 1930 - however, this Coalition ( As part of version will be a modern take on the that work I’ve now been given the op- classic operetta; the story remains the portunity to stand alongside 10 other same and the well-loved songs and young people from around the UK as a melodies are all there, but you’ll find member of the UK Youth Delegation to some interesting parallels and up-dated the UN climate negotiations in Cancun, jokes amongst Gilbert’s own comedy. Mexico, this November. The story is set in Venice where two The delegation will join other youth brothers live, Marco and Giuseppe. delegations from around the world in They are happy being gondoliers until Cancun to make sure that decision one day an imposing stranger an- makers at the UN know that it is our nounces they are not, in fact, brothers futures they are negotiating with. We but that one of them is the only son- will also be reporting back to the UK the and-heir of the late king of Barataria. personal side of the negotiations, the Precisely which of the brothers is a king progress that is made, what decisions and which a gondolier is unfortunately a are taken, and what they mean for the mystery. It is doubly inconvenient when UK and its young people. But I need they discover that the king, whichever your help. Even as one of the directors he is, was married in infancy to the of the UKYCC I, like all the other dele- daughter of a Spanish duke - as only gates, must raise the £1500 needed to half an hour earlier, the brothers were cover the costs of our places. Having both married to two local Venetian girls. volunteered for more than a year now I Being forced to leave their new wives am totally reliant on the kind donations behind, the gondoliers go off to of individuals and organizations, and I Barataria, set up a republican kingdom, am therefore writing to ask for your where all are equal, and they reign in a help. Any donation, however small coalition government - but surely this would be very much appreciated. With can’t go on for ever? thanks, The Apex, Bury St Edmunds Ellie Hopkins 5th November 7.30pm Tickets are £11 for Tuesday 26th and Should you wish to donate by cheque Wednesday 27th and £13.50 for all please address it to “The UK Youth other performances. A limited number Climate Coalition” with a covering letter of £5 seats are available at all shows. specifying the donation is for Ellie Hop- Available on 01473 858108 or via the kins, and send it to Broom Bank, Sandy Society’s website Lane, Little Bealings, Woodbridge, Suf- folk, IP13 6LW.To donate online go to Lesley Wittgreffe

7 MORE LOCAL ORGANISA- or call 01728 451700 to ask for a TIONS AWARDED BPF COM- printed copy. Please do read the guide- lines carefully, as applications are con- MUNITY GRANTS sidered against the criteria set out there. The latest round of BPF local commu- Kevin Gosling, Promotions Manager, nity grants brings the total amount Britten—Pears Foundation awarded to date by the scheme to [email protected] , 01728 nearly £15,000 since the Britten—Pears 451700. Foundation launched it in 2009. The most recent awards are: TOWN LECTURES/ £2,000 to Primary School towards a secure outdoor learning CONCERTS 2010 environment to meet the needs of Museum Street Methodist Church 1.00- the growing numbers of early years 1.50pm pupils; 11 November 2010 £1,000 to Film Theatre Support GEORGE ORWELL IN SUFFOLK Club towards an ambitious project to D J Taylor bring digital 3D movie-going to the Between the early 1920s and late district; 1930s, George Orwell spent much of his £1,000 to Coldfair Green County Pri- time in , Suffolk His biogra- mary School to buy and restore vio- pher, D J Taylor .considers Orwell’s lins for year 2-4 pupils in the relationship with the town and its influ- school’s inclusive and popular violin ence on the mind that produced Animal group; Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. £625 towards curtains that are the fin- ishing touch to a major refurbish- ment achieved by Village Hall Committee; £500 to provide equipment storage for TABLE TOP SALE Fromus Croquet Club in Benhall, a new and growing group promoting the sport in the local area. Getting ready for Christmas The grants are easy to apply for, and – An Advent Event!!! the next funding round is now open. It closes on 26 November 2010, but the SATURDAY 27 NOVEMBER round after that does not close until 29 July 2011. 10AM - 4PM These BPF grants aim to support the vitality of community life in Aldeburgh ANGELA COBBOLD HALL and its surrounding villages, especially LITTLE BEALINGS Orford, Snape and , though the scheme is open to any non- commercial organisation operating Tables £5 Enquiries 01473 within a 20 mile radius of Aldeburgh. 620213 Grants are awarded on a one-off basis Refreshments including for specific projects, rather than ongoing running costs. homemade soup & bread To apply for the next round, please download the guidelines and simple application form from Tea/Coffee & Mince Pies ,


Tuesday 2 nd Nov. All Souls Day Red NT lesson 7.30pm Romans 5.5-11 ( use bible not in lectionary ) Gospel 7.30pm John 6.37-40

7th November 3rd Sunday before Advent Red OT lesson 10am only Job 19.23-27a RCL pg. 1045 NT lesson 8am/10am 2 Thessalonians 2.1-5,13-17 Gospel 8am/10am Luke 20.27-38

14 th November Remembrance Sunday Red NT lesson 8am /10am 1 Thessalonians 4. 13-18 RCL pg. 427 Gospel 8am/10am Matthew 5.1-12 RCL pg. 55

21 st November Christ the King Red OT lesson 10am/3pm Jeremiah 23.1-6 RCL pg. 1054 NT lesson 8am only Colossians 1.11-20 Gospel 8am/10am/3pm Luke 23 33-43

Readings change to Year A 28 th November Advent Sunday Purple 1st Lesson 8am/10am Romans 13. 11-14 RCL pg. 2 Gospel 8am/10am Matthew 24.36-44

5th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Purple OT lesson 10am only Isaiah 2.1-5 RCL pg. 1 Epistle 8am/10am Romans 13.11-end Gospel 8am/10am Matthew 24.36-44

EAST MEETS WEST SIFRE's (Suffolk Inter Faith Resource) 'East Meets West' monthly meetings for the season 2010/2011 in the area take place every last Thursday of the month from 7-8.15 pm. Chaired by Martin Spettigue.

The Themes and Dates are:

25 November Sacred Music/Chanting Martin Spettigue 27 January Diet and Dress: Expression of / or Barriers to Communities Atul Shah 24 February Myths, Metaphors and Truth Rev. John Peck 24 March A Place for Women? Jnanamitra/Rebecca/Elahe 28 April Evaluation / Diversity Game Cynthia Capey

All interested are very welcome. Jan Lelijveld. 01473 626654


JOIN THE POPPY PEOPLE We are looking to recruit a Volunteer Poppy Appeal Organiser to cover Little Bealings and/or Great Bealings for the Poppy Appeal which takes place from 30 October - 14 November each year. This voluntary role involves organising collectors in the vil- lages, whether this be house-to- house or static collections (i.e. in the post office/ school) WE DO have poppy collectors already in place, but need an organiser to oversee the appeal in this area. Packs and information details are provided. If you are interested please contact Jane Cooper - Community Fundraiser 01284 725833 or 07917554969 [email protected] It is the 90th Anniversary for the British Legion next year and we would like to make a real difference to support our Armed forces both past and present. Jane Cooper 3 Hillside Business Park , Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7EA.

WI After a summer of travel near and far it was refreshing to hear Mrs. V. Westren’s illus- trated talk, Exploring England, and of her journeys to lesser-known places as well as the more visited spots.Bealings WI’s own expeditions were to Norwich and Bury St. Edmunds and to local theatres. A visit to Viridor Waste Management is planned, in contrast to the Christmas Spectacular at the Seckford Theatre. HELP! We continue to support Tools With A Mission, collecting unwanted sewing and knitting machines, cottons, zips etc. Wool and 6” x 6” knitted blanket squares are always welcome. Heart Research UK is appealing for beads and bangles, or any broken or redundant jewellery and we are collecting used postage stamps for BBC Radio Suffolk’s Tree House appeal. Goods may be left at Longcroft, Sandy Lane, Little Bealings. Jennifer Cook



Saturday November 6 th in St Mary’s Church at 7-30 A concert given by Woodbridge’s well reputed Excelsior Brass band. Tickets £7 (£3-50 for children) Contact Norman Porter (01473 735565, or email [email protected] )

Saturday November 20 th – in “Annesley”, Boot Street, at 7-30 The Kertesz String Quartet in their inaugural concert, playing Mozart and Haydn on period instruments

Entry by programme only: £10 to include a glass of wine, available from Farran Scott (Barn Pightle, Boot Street, Tel: 01473 738352), Chris Chestnutt (Annesley, Tel: 01473 735343) or Norman Porter (Rill Cottage, Kiln Lane, 01473 735565 or [email protected]

10 ST MARY’S you can feel part of village life. Do The focus has moved very much back please have a word with the churchwar- to local events and activities. We can den if you feel you would like to offer look both backwards and forwards to your services in some capacity. The busy times. With Christmas now less church is dependent on such support than two months away diaries should be and you will be made very welcome. flipping open ever more frequently. HISTORIC CHURCHES CYCLE RIDE LOOKING BACK…… We have been able to send a cheque WORKING PARTY: Many thanks to those for £160 to the Suffolk Historic who turned up at the churchyard on Churches Trust, so a massive thank you October 2 nd , for making a good start to to those generous people who kindly clearing it up for winter. The place vi- sponsored the churchwarden and brated with the whir of strimmers, and spurred him on to keep pedalling away we have done our best to trim the vigor- throughout the eight hours of the event. QUINQUENNIALINSPECTION ously growing hedges. Piles of rubbish th await conditions conducive to having a This duly took place on September 30 . bonfire. The damp autumn has pro- The inspecting architect was impressed longed the growing period of grass and by the various works that had been un- hedges, so the whole place was a vi- dertaken since the last inspection (New brant green at the time of writing. We toilet/store, vestry refurbishment with now await the first frosts. kitchen facilities, new heating system, HARVEST FESTIVAL: On the following new tarmac and gravel on paths), and day, Sunday October 3 rd , we had our suggested informally that we should not Harvest Festival Songs of praise, fol- be faced with anything too horrific, even lowed by a barbecue. Roger Rose- though a number of important routine boom, resplendent in apron, master- repairs remain outstanding. We await minded the barbecue, while Pat Keep the final written report with the usual and family ensured expert construction mixture of muted confidence and appre- and demolition of our marquee. In the hension. event, the marquee had to be used to ……AND LOOKING AHEAD shelter the barbecue itself from inclem- MEMORIAL SERVICE –Peggy Honore - ent weather, while the food was con- Tuesday November 9th sumed inside. The over-all verdict was This will take place at 12-00 midday. that this had been a successful occa- Peggy was well known in the village and sion, enjoyed by those attending. Our played a full part in the life of the thanks not only to Roger and Pat, but church. All are very much welcome to also to those who provided delicious attend the service. salads and puddings to accompany the CONCERTS Our autumn concert season offers two barbecued meat and to the team of contrasting concerts, both of which are helpers who cleaned the church and now imminent. We do urge you to sup- ensured that the ledges and windows port these local events, both of which were adorned with beautiful autumnal are in aid of the church organ fund. It flowers, foliage and berries. AN OPEN INVITATION takes time and energy to organise such We are always looking for new people occasions, and that input can only be to join our various teams of lockers/ justified if the events are broadly sup- unlockers, cleaners, flower arrangers, ported and if they are a financial and sidesmen, working parties. These are social success. If they are to continue, it not solitary occupations – you are part is important that you encourage friends of a team, and that is one way in which and family to come along and to show

11 that a demand for such entertainment Farran Scott (Douse) is again bringing exists. The whole thrust of the recent together a group of friends and profes- refurbishment of the church has been to sional musicians to offer us a musical make it more multi-functional, serving a treat, in the form of the very first appear- purpose beyond that of weekly church ance of the Kertesz String Quartet. We services, so do please avail yourself of are grateful to Chris and Judy Chestnutt the opportunities on offer. At this time of for staging the concert in the congenial year there can be an embarrassment of surrounding of their home, Annesley, in choice, but do see if you can allow your- Boot Street. The quartet performs on self to be tempted by: period instruments, recreating the Woodbridge Excelsior Band sound world of 18 th century Vienna, with - in the church at 7-30 pm on Saturday pieces by Haydn and Mozart. 6th November. Entry is by programme only. These are Tickets (to include interval refresh- priced at £10, to include a glass of wine. ments) are priced at £7 for adults and Numbers are necessarily limited so you £3-50 for children, are available from are advised to make contact as soon as Norman Porter. Cheques payable to St possible with Farran (01473 738352), Mary’s Church, Great Bealings, please. Chris Chestnutt (01473 735343) The Kertesz String Quartet or with Norman Porter (01473 735565). – Saturday 20 th November at 7-30 pm. Churchwarden Annesley.

FOR 1 NIGHT ONLY ! At the Bealings Village Hall Theatre BYAT PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS

“SHOW TIME 2010” Saturday December 4th

An evening of Music, Beautiful Girls, Toe Tapping Tunes, Rib Tickling Sketches and a Rocky Ending !!! All derived from : Sondheim’s Follies, 42 nd Street, Hairspray, Wizard of Oz, Monty Python……………….And ??? ( Wait and see !!)

Tickets limited in number to 100 seats so get yours now ! Adults £6 - Under 14’s £3 = Phone Roger 01473 735153

Doors open 7.p.m. ---- Licensed Bar

Please Note : The Audience will be invited to join in the last number. Afficianados can dress accordingly

12 TRAFFIC CALMING in BOOT STREET Open Meeting An Open Meeting is to be held on Friday, 19th November at 7.30 pm in the Angela Cobbold Hall to discuss traffic calming in Boot Street. Mr Luke Barber from the Highways Department will be on hand to comment on measures such as speed bumps and to answer questions/queries. If you are interested please do come along. For further information please contact:-

Sarah Cartwright 01473 621050 [email protected]

You are invited to Margaret Roseboom’s


Thursday & Friday 11 th & 12 th November 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Thorneycroft, Lower Street, Great Bealings

4 new ranges of designer Jewellery, Leather Hand Bags by Red Dog, Peony Scarves, Rocks Watches, colourful Mohair scarves and mittens and other gifts including, a new range of children’s and teenage jewellery.

Come and enjoy some relaxed shopping with coffee and hot mince pies.



CHURCH FOOTPATH We are grateful to Suffolk Highways, via our Parish Council, for improving the surface of the church footpath by infilling with tarmac. Churchwardens

MARIE CURIE CANCER CARE I would like to ex tend my thanks to the folk of Richards Drive, who donated a total of £63.69 to the recent house to house collection in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care. Thank you for your support. Ian Craig

WOOD WANTED Old wood wanted for wood burner, trying to be eco-friendly on our heating. Happy to cut down and remove reasonable size trees for the wood. Please contact Adrian Slim 620001.

LET THERE BE LIGHT! Just one booking this month to report, but a very important one! James Springthorpe, of the Old Rectory, became a teenager on Sunday 3 October. Happy Birthday, James, enjoy your new status. Darker evenings are coming, dispel the gloom with light and support All Saints at the same time. A £5 note or a cheque payable to Little Bealings PCC will work the magic. Parkside Cottage 01473 626845. Joan Moon


ST MARY’S CHURCH LIGHTS Requests to have the church lights switched on to Veronica Bunbury at Church Cor- ner Cottage. Telephone (01473) 623366 or email: [email protected] . And please, during winter months before 3 pm on the night requested although this might be risky as I may not always be at home. If possible please 24 hours notice and a week in advance is safest. (The clock can be set a week in advance which allows me a week away before I have to worry about asking someone else to do it).

1st October On Harvest Supper night: sponsored by the Bunburys

4th 5th 6 th & 7 th October Four nights sponsored by Lilian Heard commemorating the anniversary of Dr. David Heard’s birthday on 4 th October.

13 th October The Harbottle Family: In loving memory of Angela Barker (daughter of Mr & Mrs Harbottle) 4 th May 1959 – 13 th October 1986.

19 th October Sponsored by the Saunders’ family and Charles Bunbury for the birth- days of Averil Wilkinson and Veronica Bunbury

25 th October Private sponsor for personal intention Veronica Bunbury

14 BUILDING WORKS AT touching and exciting flight of fancy. ST MARY’S CHURCH This year it’s not just a film on offer but children’s tea as well, including pizza, During November building works will be all for the entry price of £4 for under taking place at the church, please be 16s. Adults’ tickets: £2 pp. Pay at the very careful if you are visiting the church door or, if you want to reserve places, or walking through the churchyard to contact Judith Dunnett on 624077 or avoid tripping or slipping. Anne Day on 735444.

Please Note - The evening film for the PLAYFORD POSADA grown-ups has been postponed. It is Please join in our Posada again this hoped to reschedule it early in the New Advent. Mary & Joseph will leave Play- Year. ford Church on Sunday 28th November Anne Day at- 12 noon after a short story & prayer, to stay with the first host family. They PLAYFORD DAFFODIL will then visit all the families taking part for one or two nights returning to church PLANTING –THANK YOU on Tuesday 21 st December at the A big thank you to all of those donated 6.30pm Carol Service. funds, time and even cake (!) toward the I have a list of all the people who took Daffodil planting project. th part last year and will be contacting you On Saturday 9 over 400 daffodils were but I would be pleased to hear from planted on the three main triangles of anybody else who would like to join in. the village: Hill Farm Road, Brook Lane All you have to do is to host Mary & and Church Lane corners. Joseph, who will be delivered to you, The weather was kind to us, the delight- and then pass them on to the next fam- ful light Suffolk soil kinder still and within ily. I look forward to hearing from you. the hour the promise of colour safely Liz Royle 01473 622443 bedded ready for next spring. Workers were rewarded with an abundance of CHRISTMAS FILM yummy refreshments and hopefully we will all be rewarded next year when FOR FAMILIES those cheerful yellow blooms greet us Start the Christmas holidays with a as we come to and from the village bang - come to Playford Parish Hall on th each day! 18 December at 2.30pm for ‘UP’, a Thank you. prize winning film in which superb ani- Ursula Richards mation turns Disney's tale of a grumpy on behalf of Playford WI old man and plump little boy into a


NOVEMBER Saturday 20 5.30 pm Pudding Party Night Adults £5, 16s and under £3 Jos Saunders 620604 In Aid of St Mary’s Church and Playford Parish Hall

DECEMBER Saturday 4 Christmas Party, and ‘Playford’s Got Talent’ Tricia Laws 622290 Saturday 18 2.30pm ‘UP’ - Family film £4 for under 16’s (including High Tea with Pizza) £2 adults Further information Anne Day 735444 Judith Dunnett 624077


ST.BOTOLPHS FLOODLIGHTS On October11th &13th.our floodlights were sponsored by Glennis Richardson, re- membering two of her friends and a relative. Shirley Grey.

16 17 DECEMBER 2010—JANUARY 2011 NEWSLETTER Contributions for the November 2009 Newsletter should be sent to The Editor, Geoff Bills at [email protected] or, on paper, to 7 Richards Drive, Little Bealings IP13 6LR by Tuesday 23 rd November ♦ Please be aware that this magazine will be available online. Names of children 16 and under must have parental/guardian approval before in- clusion in the newsletter. ♦ May we please ask contributors to submit items using MS Word with Spelling set to English (UK) and font Arial size 9 . ♦ Please also ensure that you check your contribution before you submit it using the ‘Spelling and Grammar’ facility. (press F7 !) ♦ When submitting ‘posters’, notices or advertisements please note that ‘colour’ should not be used because you will lose significant impact when it is trans- ferred to grey scale/black and white. ♦ Similarly please test your item before sending it. If it contains too much illus- tration or detail remember that it will not always be effective when reduced to the magazine’s A5 format. ♦ Please do not send items in .PDF format because this makes it very difficult to edit and adjust to our A5 format. ♦ If you are using graphics/logos please ensure that they are free of copyright.

The newsletter will be ready for distribution by noon Saturday, 4 th December Editor


18 2.30 WI Annual meeting & Coin Collecting – Talk by Numismatist Bealings Village Hall

27 10-4 Table Top Sale Angela Cobbold Hall


NEED TO REPORT A PROBLEM? Road repairs and Maintenance – potholes, overhanging vegetation, signs, flooding, verge cutting etc – contact the County Council on their customer service number : 0845 606 6067 or email: [email protected] In an emergency contact the police .

Public Rights of Way Footpath problems can be reported to the County Council East Area office at the same customer service number or via a ‘public rights of way report a problem’ form available at:

Fly Tipping and Litter: Contact Suffolk Coastal Services on 01394 444000 or email [email protected] .


GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME - Services for those with Mobility Problems This local Scheme is now up and running. If you need help with things like: lifts especially to doctors' surgeries and hospital appointments getting prescriptions minor domestic repairs, such as checking smoke alarms and changing light bulbs short term help with pets phone 01473 857796 and leave a message – someone will call you back.

For those who need regular transport, the Coastal Accessible Transport Service is a charity which provides lifts. Tel 01728 830516 for details.

NEW TO THE VILLAGE? Great Bealings, Little Bealings and Playford all have Welcome Leaflets for new resi- dents. Great Bealings Norman Porter 735565 email [email protected] Little Bealings Carol Ramsden 601188 email [email protected] Playford: Sarah Cartwright 621050 email [email protected]

BEALINGS AND PLAYFORD NEWSGROUP To be added to the growing number of residents who receive regular emails about local news, events and services send your email address to: [email protected]

BUSES Timetables for the 70 and 70A services serving the local area are on the Little Beal- ings Parish Council Noticeboards or at

LOCAL CRIME INFORMATION The Police Direct scheme sends phone messages/texts/emails with the latest infor- mation on local crime, warnings about bogus callers, crime reduction advice and updates from the Safer Neighbourhood Team. Sign up at or phone 01473 613997.

Report Anti-Social Behaviour to SCC call 08456 034715



BEALINGS VH: Village Hall ACH: Angela Cobbold Hall

ANGELA COBBOLD HALL BOOKING Vicki Carr 620213 ART VH Wed 10.00 & 1.00 Suffolk College 343628 BADMINTON VH Thu 7.30 Nick Marsh 735633 BALLROOM DANCING VH First 3 Tue 7.30 Teresa Rudd 07929310480 BENEFICE CHOIR Fri 7.30 Gill Peck 625077 CARPET BOWLS VH Tue 1.30/Wed 7.00 Brian White 735143 COUNTRY DANCING VH Mon 7.30 Phoenix Dance Group Liz Wright 01394 388787 DANCE CLASS VH Fri 9.30 Kathy Wilkinson 623956 EMBROIDERY GROUP Home Wed (alternate) 2.00 Sylvia Chenery 622477 FRESH FISH Thu am Little Bealings top road: noon Playford: pm Great Bealings Catherine 07971970836 GUIDES ACH Fri 7.30 Jo Slim 620001 KEEP FIT VH Thu 10.00 Joyce Bradley 726392 LIBRARY Tue (alternate) 12.50-1.05 mobile library at Boot St, Great Bealings 1.35-2.00 at Admiral’s Head, Little Bealings 07809594685 REMOTE CONTROL TOYS ACH Bookable Vicki Carr 620213 SNOOKER VH Any day <5 hours Margaret Wilson 625277 TABLETENNIS ACH Bookable Vicki Carr 620213 VILLAGE HALL BOOKING Margaret Wilson 625277 WI VH 3rd Thu Alternate 2.30/7.30 Jennifer Cook 623985 WOLSEY MINIATURES VH 4TH Tue 7.30 Doreen Durrell 726396

PLAYFORD PH: Parish Hall

ART CLUB PH Thu 10 Mary Spillett 01394 385295 BOULES PH Playing Field David Lewis 620259 FRESH FISH Thu am Little Bealings top road: noon Playford: pm Great Bealings Catherine 07971970836 FOOT CLINIC PH Fri (every 8 weeks) Astrid Llewellyn 610635 LIBRARY Tue (alternate) 12.25-12.40 mobile library at phone box 07809594685 MILK Tue, Thu, Sat Dairy Crest 747272 Mon, Wed Fri Co-op Dairies NEWSPAPERS Grange News 01394 384082 NOTICE BOARD PH See for art, bridge & social events PARISH HALL BOOKING June Gosling 622039 TODDLERS PH Fri 9.30 toddler group WHIST DRIVE PH Wed (2nd in month ) 7.30 June Gosling 622039 WI PH Tue (1st in month) June Gosling 622039 YOGA PH Tue 9.30 Astrid Llewellyn 610635 PH Thu evening ‘Yoga for Mums ’ J Lawrence 738104

Please submit corrections/additions to editor


Adam Thurkettle Robert Sayer 07730 621760 07730 621761

Hedge Cutting Pruning Wood Chippings Tree Removal Stump Grinding Reduction Fire wood 24 hour Emergency Callout

21 AI SANDHAM BUILDING SERVICES Judith’s Cakes Homemade cakes Fruit, Sponge & Chocolate cakes Decorated to order

Wedding cakes a speciality

Carpentry Plumbing Free delivery Plastering Kitchens (15 mile radius of Woodbridge)

Bathrooms Extensions Tel 01473 624077 Tel: 07734583759 [email protected]


Garden design and build WONDERFUL

Call Jane Hamblin Local and Professional Tel: 01359 231344 Dog Minding & Grooming Service Contact Pam For an instant garden try “Bed in a Box” 07928 245721

22 23 CHURCH DIARY - NOVEMBER TUESDAY 2 ND 7.30pm Service to Remember Precious People Little Bealings WEDNESDAY 3rd 10.30 Holy Communion Culpho SATURDAY 6 TH 9.00 Diocesan Synod St Nicholas Centre 7.30 Woodbridge Excelsior Band Great Bealings Church

SUNDAY 7 TH THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 8.00 Holy Communion Great Bealings 10.00 Sung Eucharist Playford TUESDAY 9 TH 12noon Memorial Service Great Bealings WEDNESDAY 10 TH 10.30 Holy Communion Culpho THURSDAY 11 TH 7.30 Deanery Synod Hasketon Victory Hall

SUNDAY 14 TH REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8.00 Holy Communion Playford 10.00 Joint Parish Remembrance Sunday Service Little Bealings WEDNESDAY 17 TH 10.30 Holy Communion Culpho SATURDAY 20 TH 7.30 Kertesz String Quartet Annesley. Great Bealings Pudding Evening Playford Parish Hall

SUNDAY 21 ST CHRIST THE KING 8.00 Holy Communion Little Bealings 10.00 Sung Eucharist Great Bealings 3.00 Evensong Culpho WEDNESDAY 24 TH 10.30 Holy Communion Culpho 7.30 Great Bealings PCC meeting Admiral’s Head pub

SUNDAY 28 TH ADVENT SUNDAY (Readings change to year A) 8.00 Holy Communion Playford 10.00 Family Communion Little Bealings 12.00 Posada Playford DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 1 ST 10.30 Holy Communion Culpho

SUNDAY 5 TH 8.00 Holy Communion Great Bealings 10.00 Sung Eucharist Playford