Existing lines provided as anchor points are shown in italics, with ellipses. An asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change in an existing number, caption, etc. BF723.S428 Sharing

BF1714.I87 Italian

BL820.T77 Trophonius

By period Cf. DS121+, History of the by period To 70* (Change caption.) BM165 General works . . . BM175.A-Z Specific movements, sects, etc., A-Z* Including history and general principles* BM175.A1 General works BM175.E8 . Isiyim* BM175.H36 Hasideans. Hasidim (Talmudic era)* BM175.P4 . Perushim* BM175.Q6 Qumran community. Kat Midbar Yehudah*

BM175.S2 Sadducees. Zedukim. Tsadok. im* Samaritans. Shomronim see BM900+* BM175.Z3 Zadokites. Benei Zadok* BM175.Z4 Zealots (Party). Kanna*im* Religion of the Old Testament . . .* (Cancel line.) BM176 586 B.C. - 70 A.D.* (Change caption.) Including the (323 - 30 B.C.)* BM177 70-500* (Change caption; change indention.) Including the period of the redaction of the * Cf. BM501.15+, History and development of the Talmud Cf. BM504.3, Theology of the Talmud* (Cancel note.) (178) Other*

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500-1500* BM180 General works BM182 Ashkenazim . . . Including works on the development of each and on the relations between the two* Cf. DS133+, Jewish diaspora Cf. DS135.E8+ History of Jews in Eastern Europe Cf. DS135.S7+, History of Jews in Spain Karaites Including history and general principles* BM185 General works . . . 1500-* BM190 General works By period BM193 1500-1800* BM194 Haskalah (ca. 1780 - ca. 1880)* BM195 1800-1948* BM195.2 1948-

History By region or country Pacific islands BM447 General works BM449.A-Z By individual ...... Sources Collections. Compilations. Selections see BM495-BM495.5 Pre-Talmudic literature (non-Biblical)* (Change caption; change indention of line and subsequent lines through reference below "BM488.8.A7-Z.") BM480 Collections. Compilations. Selections* . . . Rabbinical literature* (Change caption; change indention of line and subsequent lines through "BM518.") Including , Talmud Yerushalmi, Talmud (Bavli), baraita, , and For the codes see BM520.82-BM520.9 Collections. Compilations. Selections* BM495 Several authors

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History By region Pacific ... BM447 General ...... Halakhah* (Change caption; change indention of line and subsequent lines through reference below "BM523.7.P3.") BM520 Periodicals . . .*

BM523.3.A-Z Special . . . Avot melakhot see BM523.3.P7 Bein ha-shemashot see BM523.3.T9 BM523.3.B4 . * Berakhah see BM523.3.B4 Bet keneset see BM653-BM653.7

H. agim see BM690-BM695 BM523.3.I5 International . . . Mo%adim see BM690-BM695 BM523.3.P7 Prohibited work. Avot melakhot Sabbath . . . see BM685 Tefillin see BM657.P5 BM523.3.T9 Twilight. Bein ha-shemashot Work . . . Zizith see BM657.F7

Sources of Jewish religion ...... Cabala . . .* (Change indention of line and lines through "BM528.") . . . Sources* BM525.A2 Collections* . . . BM526 History and criticism* BM529 Jewish tradition* (Change indention of line) Myths and legends* (Change indention of line and lines through "BM532.") Cf. . . .* BM530 General works*

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Historic monuments, landmarks, scenery, etc. (General)* (Move “1363" below.) For local . . . DR1363 General works* DR1363.5 Preservation

Europe Including Eastern Europe in general DS135.E8A2-E8A4 Serials . . .

DT650.H45 Hemba

(G156.5.C5) Church and travel see G156.5.R44* (Parenthesize “G156.5.C5"; change line to reference.) G156.5.R44 Religious aspects

Cartographers Including cartographic historians GA197.5 Cartography

Population genetics* (Move “GN289" below.) . . . GN289 General works* GN290.A-Z By region or country, A-Z

GN476.73 Ethnobotany Cf. QK86.5, Applied ethnobotany

GR790.L33 Leaves

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GV1295.L68 Lotería

HD9660.P74-.P744 Propionic . . . Rare earths see HD9539.R3+

Consumer . . . Including consumer profiling HF5415.32 General . . .

HQ1381 Women . . . Including feminist economics

HS2259 General . . . Subarranged like HS1510* (Cancel line.)

HS2261 Local . . . Subarranged like HS1510* (Cancel line.)

HS2330 By society . . . e. g. Subarranged like HS1510* (Cancel line.) HS2330.K6-K63 Knights of the Ku Klux Klan TABLE H72*

K954.A83 Asbestos TABLE K12

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(Revision of K4600-4609)

Tariff. Trade agreements. Customs Including favored nation clause and reciprocity For foreign trade regulations see K3943+ For trade and tariff agreements (individual or collected) to which the United States is a party see KF6665+ K4600 General TABLE K8 (K4601-4609) Trade agreements not limited to a special commodity This range of numbers was used by the Library of Congress from 1977-2003. Beginning in 2003, material formerly classed in these numbers is classed in K4600 or in K4609.5+ K4609.5 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) TABLE K14 K4610 World Trade Organization (WTO) TABLE K14 K4611.A-Z Trade agreements and tariffs limited . . .

KE814.D42 Decedents' family maintenance

Table KF10D .x2D65-.x2D659 Domestic relations

Table KL-KWX4 4675 General . . . Table KL-KWX4 4677 Presumption of innocence TABLE K12

KNN135.E96 Eunuchs

KNN135.S53 Slaves . . . Including state-owned and privately owned slaves

Boundaries . . . Cf. JC323, Political geography . . . KZ3684 General . . .

(Continued on next page) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION WEEKLY LIST 28 (July 9, 2003) Page 7

KZ6396 Just cause . . . For renunciation . . . For the concept of jih~d see KBP2416

Table K3 .A4A-.A4Z Indexes . . . Table K3 .A5 Vocabularies. Dictionaries. By date Table K3 .A6-.Z Biography. Criticism. Knowledge. Concept of law*

Table K4 .xA4-.xA49 Indexes . . . Table K4 .xA5 Vocabularies. Dictionaries. By date Table K4 .xA6-.xZ Biography. Criticism. Knowledge. Concept of law*

Table K20b .A5 Vocabularies. Dictionaries. By date Table K20b .A6 Indexes ... Table K20b .A8-.Z General works . . . Including . . . For epigraphy and papyrology see KBR190; KJA190; KL190; KQ190*

Text. Unannotated and annotated editions* (Move “K21 .xA2" below; delete “By date.”) . . . Table K21 .xA2 Entire work. By date Table K21 .xA22-299 Individual parts (sections). Selections. By title Table K21 .xA3-.xA399 Particular manuscript editions. By title or location Including editions of the entire work as well as parts or sections . . . Table K21 .xA5 Vocabularies. Dictionaries. By date Table K21 .xA6 Indexes . . .

LD5943 Western . . . LD5946 Western Oregon University, Monmouth, Oregon TABLE L7

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ML102.R27 Rap . . . ML102.Z37 Zarzuela

N6848.5.V53 Video art

(Revision of ND1454-1457)

Calligraphy as painting The Library of Congress discontinued the classification of calligraphy in subclass ND in June 2003 For works on calligraphy see NK3600-3640 (ND1454) Periodicals. Societies. Congresses (ND1454.5.A-Z) Exhibitions. Collections. Museums. By country and collector or place of exhibition, A-Z (ND1455) General works (ND1456) General special (ND1457.A-Z) Special, A-Z (ND1457.A7-.A77) Arabic (ND1457.B83-.B837) Buddhist (ND1457.C5-.C57) Chinese (ND1457.I8-.I87) Islamic (ND1457.J3-.J37) Japanese (ND1457.K6-.K67) Korean (ND1457.Z4-.Z47) Zen

Non-Roman . . . For calligraphy as . . . * (Cancel reference.) NK3632 General . . . Special . . . NK3633.5 Buddhist. Zen Buddhist . . . NK3636.5 Islamic* (Delete table number.) . . . NK3638 Korean TABLE N13 Zen Buddhist see NK3633.5

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NK4894.3.G57 Girl Scout dolls

PA5319.L48 LeÇn Choirosphakt‘s d. ca. 919 TABLE P-PZ40

PG1905.5.T73 Travel

PL793.S22 Saimyoji-dono kyokun hyakushu TABLE P-PZ43

PL867.5 A Alda, Mariko, 1961- see PL871.5.C54

PL871.5.C54 Ichihara, Mariko, 1961- TABLE P-PZ40

PL2698.S49 Shen, Zijin, 1583-1665 TABLE P-PZ40

PL6621.L38 Lavukaleve

PL8596.N9 Nyoro . . . Nyungwe, see PL8727

PL8727 Tete. Nyungwe TABLE P-PZ15a*

PM7058 Sharanahua Table P-PZ15 PM7061 Shebago . . .

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PN4784.O6 Ombudsmen

PN6071.T25 Tangier (Morocco)

PQ1764.A45 Alidor, ou, L’indifférent

PQ4627.I54 Ingegneri, Angelo, 1550-ca. 1613 TABLE P-PZ40

PR468.P35 People with disabilities

PS1039.A87 Astor, John Jacob, 1864-1912 TABLE P-PZ40

QH198.A44 American Samoa

QK621.E49 Entomophthoraceae

QL430.5.A74 Arminidae

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QL638.12 General . . . Myxini QL638.13 General works Myxiniformes ...* (Change indention of line and lines through “QL638.15.P37).” . . . Cephalaspidomorphi QL638.18 General works Petromyzontiformes (Lampreys)* (Change from “Petromyzoniformes”; change indention of line and lines through “QL638.25.P48.”) ...... QL638.25.P48 Petromyzontidae* (Change from “Petromyzonidae.”)

RM723.T45 Thai massage

(VK803) Official sailing directions published by Great Britain see VK804+* (Parenthesize “VK803"; change line to reference; cancel note below.)

Z8097.5 Binni, Walter

Z8648.1758 Otero, Lisandro