TM ISSN 0186 • 9418 Voices of Mexico is published by El Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, CISAN (Center for Research on North America), of the Office of the Coordinator of Humanities, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Director José Luis Valdés-Ugalde Editor-in-Chief Editor Editorial Advisor Diego Bugeda Bernal Elsie Montiel Dolores Latapí Ortega Assistant Editor Copy Editor & Translator Art Director María Cristina Hernández Escobar Heather Dashner Monk Patricia Pérez Layout Sales & Circulation Manager Business Manager Ma. Elena Álvarez Tonatiuh Soley DíazWalls María Soledad Reyes Lucero Rector, UNAM Juan Ramón de la Fuente Coordinator of Humanities Olga Elizabeth Hansberg Director of the Center For Research On North America (CISAN) José Luis Valdés-Ugalde EDITORIAL BOARD Sergio Aguayo, Adolfo Aguilar Zínser, Jorge Bustamante, Jorge Carpizo, Emilio Carrillo Gamboa, Alonso García Chávez, Guadalupe González, Rosario Green, Roberto Gutiérrez López, Andrés Henestrosa, Julio Labastida, Miguel León-Portilla, Jorge Alberto Lozoya, Antonio Luna Arroyo, Paz Consuelo Márquez Padilla, Mario Melgar, Silvia Núñez García, Olga Pellicer, Elena Poniatowska, Federico Reyes Heroles, José Sarukhán, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, María Teresa Uriarte, Mónica Verea, Luis Villoro. Address letters, advertising and subscription correspondence to: Voices of Mexico, Canadá 203, Col. San Lucas, Coyoacán, 04030 México, D.F. Tel: 5336-36-01, 5336-35-95 and 5336-35-96. Electronic mail: voicesmx@servidor.unam.mx. Web site: http://www.unam.mx/voices. Annual subscription rates: Mexico Mex$150; USA U.S.$34; Canadá CAN$44.80; other countries U.S.$68.50, prepaid in U.S. currency to UNAM. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent the views of Voices of Mexico.
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