Operational Work Undertaken to Eradicate Rats and Rabbits in the Phoenix Islands, Republic of Kiribati, May-June 2008
OPERATIONAL WORK UNDERTAKEN TO ERADICATE RATS AND RABBITS IN THE PHOENIX ISLANDS, REPUBLIC OF KIRIBATI, MAY-JUNE 2008 Ray Pierce1, Nautonga Anterea2, Uriam Anterea3, Keith Broome4, Derek Brown5, Lance Cooper6, Hannah Edmonds7, Fran Muckle8, Bill Nagle9, Grant Oakes10, Mike Thorsen11, Graham Wragg12 1. 165 Stoney Creek Road, Speewah, Queensland 4881, Australia 2. Kiritimati Agriculture Sub-Division, Main Camp, Banana, Christmas Island, Republic of Kiribati 3. Wildlife Conservation Unit, London, Christmas Island, Republic of Kiribati 4. Department of Conservation, PO Box 112, Hamilton, New Zealand 5. 102 Cullensville Rd, RD1, Picton 7281, New Zealand 6. PO Box 238 Alexandra, New Zealand 7. 11 Broderick St, Te Anau, New Zealand 8. 90 Beach Road, R.D. 1, Port Chalmers, New Zealand 9. Pacific Invasives Initiative, ISSG, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand 10. Private Bag, Russell, New Zealand 11. Department of Conservation, PO Box 5244, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand 12. Pacific Expeditions Ltd, PO Box 3063, Rarotonga, Cook Islands October 2008 Pacific Expeditions Ltd report for Government of Kiribati, NZ Department of Conservation, NZAID and Pacific Invasives Initiative. NZAID - Phoenix Islands Pest Eradication Report 2008 1 Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5 1.0 BACKGROUND 6 2.0 PROJECT PLANNING 8 2.1 General project planning 8 2.2 Operational planning and advice 10 2.3 Permits, freight and brokerage 10 2.4 Training 12 2.5 Lessons learned 12 3.0 RAWAKI RABBIT ERADICATION 13 3.1 Summary of operational activities
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