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7,1953 10C PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 to 12 RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXV, NO. 45. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 7,1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Old Orchard <X Shrewsbury Twp. Howard Hooper igging Started Ends Surfboat Operations Farewell from Sea Bright To; Speak Here Chosen as Place Gets $14,922 "Christian Science, the Revela- For the Parkway —The Surfboat Is Cone tion of God's Ever-Presence with For 30th Reunion U. S. Aid Check Man," will be the subject of a In N. Shrewsbury SEA BRIGHT-The last surfboat Sandy Hook, where Rep. James C public lecture by E. Howard Hoo- s up here, hard ashore. And it Auchincloss (R.-3d Diat.) says ha Red Bank H.S. Class • School Aaaiatance per of St. Louis, Mo., next Tuesday 4,000 Yards of Fill won't go out off the beach any wants one. Both aald a short-cut at «:S0 p. m. in the Red Bank more. An era is gone. inlet would build back commercial Of 1923 Will Hold Payment, Is Higher junior high school auditorium. Dirt Reported; Tiff The. cries and calls of the fisher- fishing and bring on a boom ia men, tin echo through the years, sports fishing. Banquet May 2Irt Than Laat Year'a With State Goes On linger in memory. The men, the "Make no mistake about It," said lorsca and winches that strained The reunion dinner committee of SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP — NEW SHREWSBURY—Although Mr. Lovgren. "It would cause Sea is they beached the longboats are Bright's land values to go way up, the Red Bank high school, class The school board has received a he dispute between the borough radition, now become history. of 1933, met recently in the law of- check for $14,922, representing a and state over details of Garden too. Just look at what's going on fice of Edmund J. Cantons, Wallace fereral assistance payment for State parkway construction re- 'regress, "backwater progress," has around Point Pleaaant. Land there St., and decided on Old Orchard school operating expenses for the mains unsettled, contractors moved set in. at a premium. And why? Be- Country club; Eatontown, as the first three quarters of the current n heavy equipment here last week Many here can remember, with cause you can go out from there to place to hold the Men anniversary year, it has been disclosed by Mrs. lostalgia, days when the young and fish. The same thing could happen and started some operations. ild together would gather on the here. banquet Thursday, May 21, at 7:15 Nellie C. Ooborn, district clerk. Acting Mayor Herbert L. Willett, / Chrii Nelion, above, who hat boon a fisherman at Soa beach when the fishermen came p, m. Mrs. Osborn said that this pay- 3d, told Ttle Register that details home to* Sea Bright with their "Oh, for an inlet," said Mr. Nel- Invitations have been sent out to ment-figured ,at $4,974 per quarter- of the parkway program will be ( Bright tinea 1196, ii Hie laat of a group of oldtimort to givo catch—or set off to sea, in old- ion. "We're going to run out from all •members of. the class . whose is a considerable increase over discussed at length at tbnlght'e up tha baaeh for launching and landing thotr boats. Mr. Not- ivorld fashion. he river. In addition to all the addresses are known, and a large amounts received from Washington meeting of the borough council, at time we'd save, an inlet would attendance at the banquet Is an- for operational use In both of the the school. * ' ton will continue deep-tea fithing, but will use another boat Few Old-Timers Left make for clearer water, and more ticipated. Membera who have beef past twp years. If the fourth quarter Mr. Willett said council will re- which ha will moor in the rivar. The turfboat above, which ho They remember how Sea Bright, fish in the river." located to date are William G. Van payment Is the same, It would view an agreement by John Buctt- and some other North Jersey coast Scores Flooding Theory Note, president of Clarkson College bring the IMS V. 8. payment to a ner of River dale ave., for the sale uied for many yaart, will be told. The familiar tight-to bath- towns, attracted to the shore many Asked about statements some of Technology, Potsdam, "N. T.; total of Slt,896, but Mra. Osborn f 400,000 yards of nil dirt to the ort of tha fiihermen taking off in the turf and landing with immigrants from Europe, families Lore Raver, dentist, Phllmont, N. said It's unlikely that will be the Brewstcr Construction Co., for who today have many proud sons, have made that a Low Moor inlet T.; Dr. William E. Braiated, who exact amount. The money is figured grading operations in the River- their catchat it now but a memory. but different men from their fat li- might bring damaging floods into Is back; in this country after serv- on cahofel attendance averages, dale ave.-SwImming river sector. ra who gave their lives to the sea the Shrewsbury, Mr.. Nelson said: ing a* a medical missionary In which must be reported before the Mr. Beuttner also has rented part «nd to fishing. Steandlnavla, most- "That's a lot of hokum. Thera'd China; Marion Barrett Elliott, sec- fourth-quarter amount is sent in. ly, left its trademark here. But be less flooding than now, because of his residence to the Brewster the water could back out and get retary in the law offices of Wise *c For 1991, the first year U. S; Arm as an office, it was said. Dinner Tonight Sodality Union only a few of the old-timers are Wise, Red Bank; Dorothy M. left. away. You'd get better river water money was sent through under the The borough planning board, at —and there'd be fish." Brown, teacher . in Knollwood government's plan to aid school . special meeting last Wednesday, Yes, today, only in memory lives school. Fair Haven; Anna Butcher districts where enrollments were K. Howard Hooper ipproved the agreement, he said. For Det. Piircell May Crowning he daily struggle to get boats In Both Mr. Nelson and Mr. Lov- Brower, housewife; Dorothy Bur- made high because of the atten- But, he added, all officials here are LONG BRANCH—City Solicitor and. out of the swift surf, up and ren said their many years of bank Stadler, owner of Willow- dance of large numbers of federally- down the rising sands, in this town, studies at Manasquan inlet ehow brook restaurant, Fair Haven; Eve- Mr. Hooper, who la a member not satisfied that steep grading Edward F. Jueka will be principal employed parents, the sum was if the Christian Science board of projected at Rlverdale ave. will not speaker at a testimonial dinner Jo At Asbnry Park pioneer of Jersey's shore-borne no cause for fears of tidewater lyn Dennis Maua, housewife; Jo- $11,1*1. That, said Mrs. Osborn, fishing industry. flooding. seph Dennis, painting contractor, lectureship, will sneak under the result in flooding or other unde- be given Acting Det. Capt. Joseph represented the 90 per cent of en- auspices of First Church of Christ, sirable conditions along lands bor- D. Purcell. Jr., tonight at the Pad- Ceremonies to Be The last aurfboat belongs to Chris Mr. Lovgren said he thinks that, Little Silver; Doris Frey White, titlement affected districts were teacher In Fair Haven public school Scientist, Red Bank. His talk will dering the .parkway. dock Lounge. Nelson, 77, of 23 Center st., and it while surfboat operations "are allowed for that year. Held at Stadium went out last from the municipal nenrlng their finish, powerboat system; Louise Ghent Carlbon, sec- deal with the application-of the Terriflc Amount of Dirt' Magistrate Thomas J. Baldino, retary in Red Bank law offices of Last year, the amount received understanding of God to the over- Jr., who will serve as toastmaster, beach on a fishing mission last sports fishing, from the backwaters from Washington was $13,063.35. Mr. Beuttner, owner of Rivcrdale Sunday Afternoon summer. Mr. Nelson, with open re- and on out to sea," Is 'gaining Applegate, Foster, Reuasille * Corn- coming of Individual and world land on both nides pf the parkway announced that other speakers and well; Helen G. Gilbert Moore, house- And this year, the payment Is ad- problems; guests will include Mayor Alexan- luctance, told The Register it in popularity. vanced again. "It's because we have right-of-way, has, agreed to sell ASBURY PARK — M~iss Mary ivon't go off again. "I'm getting a wife; Dorothy Head Enrlght, house- Prior to becoming an authorised enough dirt to grade a slope down der Vineburg and Commissioners Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of Mr. Mr. Nelson said Sea Bright'a wife; Ethel Head Read, housewife; a larger school enrollment," Mrs, teacher and public practitioner of Rocco N. Bonforte, Paul Kiernan, little old for that kind of work," he big drawback today "is having ts Osborn explained. to the Swimming river bridge, and and Mrs. J. W. Reading Johnson said. Roger W. Francis, proprietor of the Christian Science healing, Mr. Hoo- Raymond M. Brown and George of Eatontown, will be r.rowner at go about 19 miles from our river Late last week, formal notice of grade another slope off on the Mr. Nelson, who came here as a former Chambers pharmacy, Wal- per was sn executive of a steel other side of the parkway mound, R.
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