How Volcanoes Change the World

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What Is a Volcanic System? Types Mountainous Volcanoes Supervolcanoes and Floodplains Where Do Volcanic Systems Form? Volcano Formation The Famous Ring of Fire Why Do (and Don’t) Volcanoes Erupt? Viscosity and Gas Can Scientists Forecast an Eruption? The Major Warning Signs More Warning Signs Earth’s Most-Watched Volcanoes How Volcanoes Change the World

Most volcanic explosions are local events, but Earth’s volcanic system has produced global changes from the start. In fact, an Earth without volcanoes would be a pretty lonely place.

Very early in the planet’s history, massive and frequent eruptions created the vital conditions for life to exist. The explosions freed carbon dioxide and other gases that Digging were in the ground to form an atmosphere. The Deeper atmosphere held in heat and allowed rain to fall. Fueled by the Sun and carbon dioxide—the process of Find out more photosynthesis—plants thrived. Volcanoes fertilized those about plants by spreading ash, which is rich in nutrients —phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

Today, volcanic lands are still some of the most fertile who Vulcan was and where he lands on Earth. Farmers risk living in the shadow of a lived. volcano to yield productive crops—which explains why volcanic areas can be surprisingly populous.

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In many parts of the world cities and towns have been built close to volcanoes. On the island of Lipari, the volcanoes are Photo courtesy of volunteer Andrew Cutts. relatively quiet, so the residents have built houses further and further up the mountain.

As with Anak Krakatau, the “child” of Krakatau, volcanoes are constantly producing new land—new ocean floors, islands, and extensions of coastlines. In , as hot meets seawater, it explodes into tiny bits, creating beautiful black beaches.

The hot lava Volcanoes also help regulate from Hawaii’s Earth’s global climate. In contrast volcanoes is to global warming, massive cooled explosions like Krakatau or instantly when Pinatubo cool the planet for a few it reaches the years. They unleash high clouds of ocean, causing ash and dust that circle in the it to explode upper atmosphere, blocking some into little sandy of the Sun’s energy. bits. This creates the That ash can disrupt the modern Photo courtesy of volunteer Jenni James world in other ways. Airplanes Jayne. famous black sand of the flying through clouds of volcanic island. ash can stall, as the engines get clogged with debris. Because of this, flights may be grounded. Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano, located under a glacier, erupted on April 13, 2010, and sent large plumes of ash airborne. However, many airplanes fly across Iceland as they travel from Europe to North America, and on to other destinations around the world. Because of the danger of clogged engines, these flights were cancelled for days, forcing major disruptions in world air travel.

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The products of volcanoes are useful. Volcanoes move diamonds and metals toward the surface. in even spit up gold! Countries such as Iceland depend on volcanoes to provide Photo courtesy of volunteer geothermal energy—drawing heat Yoko Morikami. from the natural furnaces below ground. The direction of the ash plume from ’s Finally, don’t underestimate the indicates the power of beauty. Volcanoes are larger direction of the winds some of the most stunning natural in that area. wonders on Earth.

Major Volcanic Eruptions in History

Date Volcano What happened

79 CE Vesuvius, Eruption of falling ash, , and rocks buries Pompeii, and (mudflows generated by volcanic eruptions) engulf Herculaneum; 3,360 die.

1586 Kelut (Kelud), Java, Lava erupting into the crater lake breaks through side of mountain, causing lahars; approximately 10,000 die.

1669 , A series of eruptions generates an enormous lava flow, which destroys 16 villages and a small portion of the city of .

1754 Taal, Major eruption destroys the towns of Taal, Sala, Lipa, and Tanauan. The towns are moved to new locations.

1783 Laki, or Lakagigar, Iceland Eight-month eruption generates poisonous gases and a thick haze that kills crops and livestock, and interrupts fishing on surrounding ocean. Most of Iceland’s livestock die from eating contaminated grass; about one-fourth of the people die from starvation.

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Oregon State University Volcano World

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