Music and Identity Ofthe Cultural Renaissance of Hawai·I A

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Music and Identity Ofthe Cultural Renaissance of Hawai·I A -022.\ CONNECT BACK TO DIS PIACE: Music and Identity ofthe Cultural Renaissance ofHawai·i A '!HESIS SUBMITTED TO '!HE GRADUATE DIVISION OF '!HE UNIVERSI1Y OF HAWAI·I IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF '!HE REQUIREMENTS FOR '!HE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN PACIFIC ISLAND STUDIES MAY 2005 By Andrea A Suzuki Thesis Conunittee: Kater1na Teaiwa. Chairperson George Teny Kanalu Young Jonathan K. 050110 Acknowledgements First and foremost I have to thank my parents. especIally Daddy MIke for the opJX>rtun1ties that they have gtven me and their sUpJX>rt gtven to my endeavors. I have to also thank Daddy Mitch for hIs sUPJX>rt and h1s stortes about "h1s days". I want to especIally thank my mom, an AM.A 1n her own rtght, for all ofher devoted time and sUPJX>rt. Secondly, I would l1ke to gIve my deepest thanks to Mel1nda Caroll wIthout whom th1s jOurney would have been a lot more d1ff1cult. Thankyou for your suggestions, your help, and your encouragement. I would also l1ke to thank my comm11tee, Katertna Tea1Wa, Kanalu Young, and John Osorto for their sUpJX>rt and theIr efforts 1n the completion ofth1s project. I'd l1ke to thank all ofthose that gave their time to me, tell1ng me their stortes. and allowtng me to share those stortes: Jeny Santos, Owana Salazar, Aunty CookIe, Uncle Cyr11. Hemy KapollO, John Demello. Gaylord Holomal1a, Keaum1k1 Akut. Peter Moon, and Joe Atpa. I'd l1ke to gIve my appreciation to the Pac1ftc Island StudIes Program that guIded me every' step ofthe way. F1nallly. I'd 11ke to thank all my frIends for their encouragement and tolerance ofmy 1nsan1ty, espec1ally Kamuela Andrade, for gJ.1nn1ng and beartng It and Kau1 for beIng my personal cheering section. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AckDowleclgement 1 List of Figures 1v Th.esis Compact Disc (CD) Track Titles v Chapter 1 -lDtroduction 1 Mefuodolog1es 4 A BriefPol1tical Htstory 6 Hawa1'1's Mus1cal Htstory 12 The Cultural Renaissance 15 Chapter 2 - The SOns of!lawai'i 17 The Death ofHawa11an Mus1c? 17 "We are the Sons ojHaz.vai'r 19 " And We Are Hawa11an" 28 The Songs 30 The Sound 31 The Language 33 Compos1tion 34 The lInage 37 The Foundation 40 Chapter 3 - The Sunday Manoa 41 The After Effects 41 The American Cl1mate ofthe TImes , 51 The Hawa11an Cl1mate ofthe TImes 53 "Where Are Your Bones?" 55 Chapter 4 - CoUDtry Comfort and Liko Martin 64 A New Wave 64 Image and Popularity 68 The Message 71 Is 1t Hawa11an Mus1c? 78 Chapter II - Olomana 81 In The Middle ofa Movement 87 How the Mus1c was the Movement and fue Movement was the Mus1c 90 The Sound 91 The Message 93 Chapter 6 - Cecilio and Kapono l03 The Impact 111 Chapter 7 - Conclusion 117 w:hy Mus1c? ." 117 The Lasting Effects 125 it Glossary 128 Bibliography 130 Books 130 MagazJnes/Newspapers/Pertodicals/Unpubltshed 132 Internet Sources 135 Videos 136 IntelV1ews 136 DiScography 137 ill LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page Ftgure 2.1 Album Cover: Gabby Pahinut with The Sons ofHawai.'i 24 Ftgure 2.2 Album Cover: Music ofOld Hawaii 25 Figure 2.3 Album Cover: The Folk Music ofHawaii 27 Figure 2.4 Lyrics and 1i'anslatlon for "Wahine 'D1kea" 36 Figure 2.5 Photo ofThe Sons ofHawat·1. 39 Ftgure 3.1 Album Cover: Meet Palani Vaughn and The Sunday Manoa 44 Ftgure 3.2 Album Cover: GuavaJam 45 Figure 3.3 Album Cover: Cracked Seed 49 Ftgure 3.4 Album Cover: The Sunday Manoa 3 50 Ftgure 3.5 Lyrics and 1i'anslatlon for "Kawtka" 56 Figure 3.6 LyriCS and 1i'anslatlon for "Kaulana Na Pua" 61 Figure 3.7 LyriCS and 1i'anslatlon for the Introductlon to "Kaulana Na Pua" 62 Ftgure 4.1 Album Cover: We Are The Children 65 Figure 4.2 Album Cover: Country COrrifbrt 67 FigUre 4.3 Photo ofLiko Martin 72 Ftgure 4.4 Lyrics for "Nanakuli Blues" 75 Ftgure 4.5 LyriCS for "We Are The Children" 77 Ftgure 5.1 Album Cover: Like a Seabird on the Wind 83 Figure 5.2 Album Cover: And So We Are 85 Figure 5.3 Album Cover: Come To Me Gently 86 Ftgure 5.4 Lyrics to "Ku'u Home 0 Kahalu'u" 93 Figure 5.5 Lyrics to "0 Malia" 97 Ftgure 5.6 LyriCS to "Mele 0 Kaha'olawe" 100 Figure 6.1 Album Cover: Cecilio & Kapono 107 Figure 6.2 Album Cover: Elua 108 Figure 6.3 Album Cover: Night Music 109 Figure 6.4 Album Cover: life'S Different Now 110 tv THESIS COMPACT DISC (CD) TRACK TITLES The Thesis CD is a data CD and can be played on a computer. Track descriptions are listed below. Track 01- Cyril Pahinut talking about "Hi'1lawe" Track 02- Gabby Pahinut plays "Hr1lawe" Track 03- Jolm DeMello on The Sons ofHawai'i Track 04- The Sons ofHawai'i play "No Ke Ano Ahiah1" Track 05- The Sons ofHawai'i play "Wahine 'llikea" Track 06- Dwana Salazar on The Sunday Manoa's "Kaw1ka" Track 07- The Sunday Manoa plays "KaW1ka" Track 08- Keaum1k1 Akut on The Peter Moon Band's "Kaulana Na Pua" Track 09- The PeterMoon Band plays "Kaulana Na Pua" Track 10- Gaylord Holomal1a on Country Conifort Track 11- Country Comfort plays "Wa1manalo Blues" Track 12- Country ComjOrt plays "We Are the Children" Track 13- Jerry Santos on political music Track 14- Omana plays "Ku'u Home 0 Kahalu'u" Track 15- Jerry Santos on "0 Malia" Track 16- Olomana plays "0 Malia" Track 17- Jerry Santos on Kaho'olawe Track 18- Olomana plays "Mele 0 Kaho'olawe" Track 19- Hemy Kapono on CecilJn and Kapono (C&.K) Track 20- C&K play "Lifetime Party" Track 21- C&Kplay "6 o'clock Bad News" Track 22- Aunty Cookte Schrader on C&K v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Now, I can look at you, Mr. Loomis, and see you a man who doneforgot his song. Forgot how to sing it. Afellowforget that and heforget who he is. Forget how he's supposed to mark down life...See, Mr. Loomis, when a manforgets his song he goes offin search ofit ...till heftnd out he's got it with him all the time. From the play "Here and Gone" by August W1Ison As quoted in the New Yorker article byJohnLahr Caught in the shadow ofcolOn1al1st demands and globalized ideologies for over two hundred years Paciftc nations have undergone major social and political upheaval. Because ofthe actual and imagined location ofPaciftc nations. pathways ofthe transpac1ftc market have been built. leaving Pac1ftc commun1ties at a crossroads strategically marking them as plime places for business. warfare and vacation. Some of the major consequences ofthese types ofuses are typiCally loss ofland. cultural displacement. and objecttftcation. These devastating processes are well documented in literary works and government poliCies and are discussed thoroughly Within the frameworks ofscholarly theory by anthropologists. environmental1sts. SOCiologists. and htstoI1ans al1ke. However these many fonus oftextual rhetoI1c tend to be one-Sided. glossing over at the least the true personal expeI1ences and struggles that Pac1ftc peoples have endured. The inabilities ofthese texts to accumtely represent Pacific peoples have pushed Pacific Island studtes. in the name ofde-colontzation. to search for tnd1genous ways of knoWing. This has led to the newfound importance ofexpreSSive medtums such as art. dance. architecture. music, poetry, and speech which all have long histoI1es and finn 1 places in Pac1fl.c Island cultures. David Hanlon explains, in the context ofhistOly, one reason for the need to incorporate all fonus ofknowledge and communication rather than focus solely on textualtnfonnation: ITlhe decentering or decolonJzation OfhJstOly requires, for some ofus anyway. an~p~m~nm~m~d~remw~mwWroaro~m~re~m~p~ can be expre~ed. HJstOlY. it seems to me, can be sung. danced, chanted, spoken. carved. woven, pamted, sculpted. and rapped as well as written. I have a very strong suspicion that listening to stories ofan elder, sa1l1ng aboard a double-hulled voyagtng canoe such as the Hokule'a. or witnessing a powerful perfonnance ofHolo Mat Pele...often brings ore a closer ronrection to the past than any lecture. article. or book ever could (2003. 29-30). These art fonns however, do more than offer a "closer connection." In the shiftlng contexts brought on by colOnialism and global1zatlon, they are more than a way to communicate a history, share a belief, or tell a story. They have become a means of resistance, a statement ofidentity, and a political declaration; in essence they have become explicit demonstrations and reiterations ofcultures and peoples whose livelihoods have been threatened by major altering processes. For example, the tattoo, as Albert Wendt explains in "Tatauing the Post-colonial Body," has a long history in Samoa for being a means ofcommunicating and ident:UYtng the fam1ly and place from which one came. He notes "The tatau and malu are notjust beautlful decoration, they are scripts/texts/testimonies to do with relationships, order, fonn, and so on (1996, 19)." Wendt goes on to explain how the tradition oftattoo has gained even more sign1ftcance and continues on today. He says ...when they ltattoosl were threatered with extinction by colonmlism. Samoa was one ofthe few places where tatauing refused to die. Tatau became defiant 2 texts/scripts ofnational1sm and identity. Much ofthe indigenous was never colonized. tamed or erased (1996. 19). Mom1 Kamahele takes Wendt's latter ideas even further in her article "Hula as Resistance." Kamahele gives a compelling account ofthe resilience ofhuladUring the most devastating years ofHawai'i's histOIy when the culture, the people, and the dance were oppressed by many different means.
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    lucy pearl - lucy pearl album download Lucy Pearl - Lucy Pearl. Lucy Pearl is the eponymous studio album by supergroup Lucy Pearl released on May 23, 2000 by EMI Records. Lucy Pearl's Way contains an interpolation of Ask of You by Raphael Saadiq and a sample from Electric Relaxation by A Tribe Called Quest. Hollywood contains an interpolation of Cry For The Bad Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. They Can't contains a sample from Long Kiss Goodnight by The Notorious . Посмотреть сведения об участниках альбома, рецензии, композиции и приобрести альбом 2000 CD от Lucy Pearl на to music from Lucy Pearl like Don't Mess with My Man, Dance Tonight & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Lucy Pearl. Lucy Pearl was an R&B supergroup formed in 1999 as the idea of former Tony Toni Toné member Raphael Saadiq. The other members of Lucy Pearl were Dawn Robinson En Vogue and Ali Shaheed Muhammad A Tribe Called Quest. They released their self-titled debut album Lucy Pearl in 2000. Afte read more. Текст песни: Man: Yo Sadik: I used to play in this marching band man, you gonna think Im lying, cause Im telling you, I did. Man: Not you Sadik: Alabama A& in album Lucy Pearl - Lucy Pearl 2000. Lucy Pearl - Lucy Pearl's Way Lost. Lucy Pearl - Trippin' Lost. Lucy Pearl - Dance Tonight Lost. Lucy Pearl - Lala Lost. Lucy Pearl - Everyday Lost. Lucy Pearl - Can't Stand Your Mother Lost. Lucy Pearl - Good Love Lost. Lucy Pearl - Without You Lost. Lucy Pearl - Don't Mess With My Man Lost.
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