Table of Contents
Contents Preface xi Benched: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Judicial Independence Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, June 18, 2012 1 1 The Court and Its Workings Principles and Practice 13 The Constitution of the United States: Article III 17 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration The Federalist, No. 78: The Judiciary Department 19 Publius [Alexander Hamilton], Independent Journal, June 14, 1788 May I Suggest a Few Revisions? 24 Forrest Wickman, Slate, June 26, 2012 Supreme Court of the United States: Rule 10 Considerations Governing Review of Writ of Certiorari 26 Supreme Court of the United States, adopted April 19, 2013 Why Did the Court Grant Cert in King v. Burwell? 27 Jonathan Adler, The Volokh Conspiracy, The Washington Post, November 7, 2014 Three Recently Accepted Cases Shed Light on the Supreme Court’s Process for Granting Review 29 Vikram David Amar, Verdict, Justia, June 6, 2014 Why Did Supreme Court Punt on Same-Sex Cases? 34 Tony Mauro, USA Today, October 8, 2014 Who’s Getting the Work at the Supreme Court? 36 Tony Mauro, The American Lawyer, October 24, 2014 A Supreme Court without Stare Decisis 38 Orin Kerr, The Volokh Conspiracy, August 17, 2009 v vi Contents Supreme Court of the United States: Information about Opinions 40 Supreme Court of the United States, undated Writing Their Wrongs: Supreme Court Justices Regularly Seek to Change the Errors of Their Ways 44 Mark Walsh, ABA Journal, August 1, 2014 The Justices, Their Papers, and the Claims of History 48 Christopher Schmidt, ISCOTUS, December 15, 2014 2 The Justices Traditional Reserve, Contemporary Demystification 53 John Roberts, Chief Conservative Strategist 57 Paul M.
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