ei. Corporate Office 46 Indian Bank Investor Services Cell FAX : 28134075 254-260, Avvai Shanmugam Salai PHONE : 28134076 Royapettah E-mail :
[email protected] Chennai 600 014 Ref : ISC /(©7/ 2019-20 06.06.2019 The Vice President The Manager National Stock Exchange of India B S E Limited Limited Phiroze Jeejibhai Towers "Exchange Plaza", Bandra Kuria Dalai Street Complex, Bandra East Mumbai - 400 001. Mumbai - 400 051. Scrip Code : 532814 NSE Symbol: INDIANB Dear Sir, Sub : Annual Report of the Bank for the year 2018-19. In compliance to Regulation 34(1) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are herewith submitting the Annual Report of the Bank for the year 2018-19. We request you to take the same on record. Yours faithfully. (Bimal ti.bh) Company Secretary & Compliance Officer funs'kd eaMy BOARD OF DIRECTORS in~etk pqUMw: çcaèk funs'kd ,oa eq[; dk;Zikyd vfèkdkjh PADMAJA CHUNDURU MANAGING DIRECTOR & CEO ,e- ds- HkV~Vkpk;Z 'ks.kkW; fo'oukFk oh dk;Zikyd funs'kd dk;Zikyd funs'kd M K BHATTACHARYA SHENOY VISHWANATH V EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR vfer vxzoky ,l ds ikf.kxzgh fot; dqekj xks;y AMIT AGRAWAL S K PANIGRAHY VIJAY KUMAR GOEL Lkyhy dqekj >k fouksn dqekj ukxj Hkjr Ñ".k 'kadj SALIL KUMAR JHA VINOD KUMAR NAGAR BHARATH KRISHNA SANKAR eq[; lrdZrk vf/kdkjh / CHIEF VIGILANCE OFFICER lq/kkdj vkj v;~;j / Sudhakar R Iyer egkizca/kdx.k / GENERAL MANAGERS mn; HkkLdj jsìh ds ukxjktu ,e psfG;u ,l y{ehifr jsìh th Udaya Bhaskara Reddy K Nagarajan M Chezhian S Lakshmipathy Reddy G xksiky