Clin Genet 2011: 80: 550–557 © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved CLINICAL GENETICS doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2010.01595.x Short Report Clinical and molecular characterization of in the Portuguese population

Barbosa M, Sousa AB, Medeira A, Lourenc¸o T, Saraiva J, Pinto-Basto J, M Barbosaa,b,ABSousac, Soares G, Fortuna AM, Superti-Furga A, Mittaz L, Reis-Lima M, A Medeirac, T Lourenc¸od, Bonafe´ L. Clinical and molecular characterization of Diastrophic Dysplasia J Saraivae, J Pinto-Bastof, in the Portuguese population. GSoaresa, AM Fortunaa, Clin Genet 2011: 80: 550–557. © John Wiley & Sons A/S, 2010 A Superti-Furgag, L Mittazg, M Reis-Limah and L Bonafe´ g SLC26A2 -related dysplasias encompass a spectrum of diseases: from lethal type 1B (ACG1B; MIM #600972) and atelosteogenesis aUnidade de Genetica´ Medica,´ Centro de type 2 (AO2; MIM #256050) to classical diastrophic dysplasia (cDTD; Genetica´ Medica´ Dr. Jacinto Magalhaes,˜ MIM #222600) and recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (rMED; MIM Instituto Nacional de Saude´ Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Porto, bInstituto de Investigac¸ ao˜ #226900). This study aimed at characterizing clinically, radiologically and em Cienciasˆ da Vida e da Saude,´ Escola molecularly 14 patients affected by non-lethal SLC26A2 -related dysplasias de Cienciasˆ da Saude,´ Universidade do and at evaluating genotype–phenotype correlation. Phenotypically, eight Minho, Braga, cServic¸odeGenetica´ patients were classified as cDTD, four patients as rMED and two patients Medica,´ Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa, had an intermediate phenotype (mild DTD – mDTD, previously ‘DTD dServic¸odeGenetica´ Medica,´ Hospital e variant’). The Arg279Trp mutation was present in all patients, either in de Dona Estefania,ˆ Lisboa, Servic¸ode homozygosity (resulting in rMED) or in compound heterozygosity with the Genetica´ Medica,´ Hospital Pediatrico´ de Coimbra, Coimbra, fCentro de Genetica´ known severe alleles Arg178Ter or Asn425Asp (resulting in DTD) or with Preditiva e Preventiva, Instituto de the mutation c.727-1G>C (causing mDTD). The ‘Finnish mutation’, Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, c.-26+2T>C, and the p.Cys653Ser, both frequent mutations in Portugal, gDivision of Molecular non-Portuguese populations, were not identified in any of the patients of Pediatrics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire our cohort and are probably very rare in the Portuguese population. A Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, and h targeted mutation analysis for p.Arg279Trp and p.Arg178Ter in the Unidade de Genetica´ Medica,´ Hospital Privado da Boavista, Porto, Portugal Portuguese population allows the identification of approximately 90% of the pathogenic alleles. Key words: diastrophic dysplasia – genotype – phenotype correlation – Conflict of interest recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia – SLC26A2 –

All the authors declare not having conflicts of interest. Corresponding author: Mafalda Barbosa, Unidade de Genetica´ Medica,´ Centro de Genetica´ Medica´ Dr. Jacinto Magalhaes,˜ Prac¸ a Pedro Nunes, 88, Porto 4099-028, Portugal. Tel.: +351 226 070 300; fax: +351 226 070 399; e-mail: [email protected]

Received 30 August 2010, revised and accepted for publication 8 November 2010

550 Clinical and molecular characterization of DTD SLC26A2 -related chondrodysplasias are a group has reduced total sulfate content and contains of skeletal disorders because of recessive muta- undersulfated glycosaminoglycans (9–11), which tions in the ‘diastrophic dysplasia’ (DTD) sulfate compromise enchondral bone formation (7, 12). transporter (DTDST). DTD(MIM #222600) is the Recent studies in transgenic mice showed that most known phenotype of the SLC26A2 muta- proteoglycans are not only structural components tion spectrum, which spans from lethal achondro- of cartilage architecture, but also play a dynamic genesis type 1B (ACG1B; MIM #600972) and role in the regulation of chondrocyte growth and atelosteogenesis type 2 (AO2; MIM #256050) differentiation (13). to classical DTD (cDTD) and recessive multi- The four most common SCL26A2 mutations ple epiphyseal dysplasia (rMED; MIM #226900). are p.Arg279Trp, c.-26+2T>C (also known as No reliable data exist regarding the frequency of ‘Finnish allele’), p.Arg178Ter and p.Cys653Ser. SLC26A2 -related chondrodysplasias, but these dis- These mutations account for 70% of disease alle- orders are generally believed to occur in approxi- les (66% in DTD cases and 90% in rMED cases) mately 1:100,000 (1). and can be detected by restriction enzyme diges- Clinically, DTD is characterized by short-limbed tion and gel electrophoresis screening. Sequence dwarfism, normal-sized skull, cleft palate, cystic analysis may detect rarer mutations (1, 14). ear swelling, small chest, protuberant abdomen, The predicted severity of the mutations can spinal deformities, large joint contractures, radius be correlated with the residual activities of dislocation, hitchhiker thumbs and clubfeet (2, 3). the sulfate transporter and the severity of the Radiographic findings include cervical kyphosis, phenotypes (10–12, 14–17). In humans, corre- bell-shaped chest, hypoplastic ilia with flat acetab- lations between SLC26A2 mutations and clin- ula, shortened long bones with metaphyseal flaring, ical phenotypes have been described: ‘severe’ flat epiphyses, kyphoscoliosis with caudal reduc- mutations (premature truncation of the protein tion of interpeduncular distance, bowed radius or mutations in transmembrane domains) lead and tibia brachydactyly, hitchhiker thumb, ulnar to the absence/minimal residual activity of the deviation of the fingers, shortness of the first sulfate transporter and homozygosity or com- metacarpal, delta-shaped proximal and middle pha- pound heterozygosity results in a severe phenotype langes (2, 3). (ACG1B) (18). ‘Mild’ mutations (missense muta- rMED is characterized by childhood-onset joint tion in non-transmembrane domain, cytoplasmic pain at hips and knees, mild brachydactyly, tail of the protein or in the regulatory 5-flanking mildly shortened or normal stature and congenital region) produce a protein with significant residual clubfoot in some cases (4). activity, which leads to either rMED (‘mild’ muta- The SLC26A2 gene (MIM #606718, locus 5q32- tion in homozygosity) or to a mild form of DTD q33.1) consists of a 5 untranslated exon with reg- (in association with a ‘severe’/‘moderate’ muta- ulatory functions and two coding exons. SLC26A2 tion). Hence, dealing with a recessive disorder, the encodes a sulfate transporter that belongs to the milder mutation tends to ‘rescue’ the effect of a family of anion exchangers known as solute car- severe mutation (14, 19). rier family 26 (SLC26) (5). The sulfate/chloride In the current literature, all reports of large antiporter is predicted to have 12 transmem- series of patients with DTD are from Finland, brane domains and a carboxy-terminal, cytoplas- where most patients present homozygosity for the mic, moderately hydrophobic domain. This trans- ‘Finnish mutation’. However, these conclusions porter is crucial for the uptake of inorganic sulfate may not apply to other populations. This study into chondrocytes in order to maintain adequate aimed at recruiting a cohort of DTD/rMED patients levels of intracellular sulfate and allowing proper from Portugal and at studying their clinical and sulfation of the proteoglycans (6, 7). The SLC26A2 molecular aspects. gene is expressed not only in developing carti- lage in human fetuses but also in a wide variety of other tissues (5, 7). Phenotypic manifestations Patients and methods of DTDST mutations are not restricted to skeleton Patients but involve other organs containing cartilage tissue (e.g. external ears and larynx) and the ligamentous The four main Portuguese Services of Medical apparatus (e.g tendons and joint capsules). Genetics and four Orthopedics Services were con- Impaired activity of the sulfate transporter in tacted in order to recruit, at a national level, chondrocytes and fibroblasts causes intracellular patients already diagnosed as DTD or rMED or sulfate depletion, which leads to insufficiently suspected of being affected by these disorders. sulfated proteoglycans (8, 9). Hence, cartilage We invited the physicians in those services to

551 Barbosa et al. fill in a screening protocol that we designed with four patients as rMED and two patients presented a list of signs and symptoms compatible with with an intermediate phenotype between DTD and SLC26A2 -related, non-lethal, skeletal dysplasias rMED (mild DTD, mDTD). All patients were cau- (limb shortening, normal-sized skull, trunk short- casian and from ancient Portuguese descent. No ening, hitchhiker thumbs, small chest, protuberant history of consanguinity was reported in any of abdomen, contractures of large joints, dislocation the patients. of the radius, cleft palate, cystic ear swelling in In order to accurately evaluate the growth of the the neonatal period, ulnar deviation of the fingers, patients, their height was plotted against graphics gap between the first and second toes, clubfoot designed specifically for DTD patients (20). How- and flat hemangiomas of the forehead). Fourteen ever, these graphics have been designed based on patients were selected for detailed clinical exami- a population of Finnish patients most of whom are nation and X-ray review. All patients were referred homozygous for the ‘Finnish’ mutation, which is by the Services; eight of them mild. Moreover, the average height of the back- were already in follow-up in the Orthopedics Ser- ground Portuguese population is lower than that vices (and six patients were not being followed in of northern Europeans. Patients with cDTD in our Orthopedics). series were indeed under the 25th centile (some of A clinical protocol concerning family and per- them even under the 10th centile). Patients with sonal history and tailored physical exam was per- mDTD were around the 25th centile and patients formed in all patients. Heights were plotted against with rMED were above the 50th centile. charts developed from Finnish DTD patients (20). Concerning the craniofacial abnormalities, facial Skeletal survey was requested and analyzed in all dysmorphism (high forehead, forehead heman- of them. gioma, downslanting and short palpebral fissures, The clinical protocol, the photos and the X-rays long nose with hypoplastic alae nasi and small were reviewed by the authors with the largest mouth) was only detected in cDTD. Patients with experience on these disorders (ASF and LB), who both cDTD and mDTD consistently presented dys- confirmed the diagnosis. Thereafter, the selected plastic ears and hoarse voice (possible because of patients were screened for SLC26A2 (DTDST) changes in the laryngeal cartilage structures). Cleft mutations. All patients with the clinical diagnosis palate was more common in cDTD (37.5% of the made by us were mutation positive. patients) but, interestingly, one patient (P13) of the rMED group presented bifid uvula. Molecular analysis All patients with DTD presented spine defor- mities, the most common being cervical kyphosis. The SLC26A2 gene was amplified by polymerase Arthrosis of the hips was a common complaint in chain reaction (PCR) and screened for the four patients older than 25 years. most common mutations by restriction enzyme Limb shortening, bowed diaphyses and contrac- digestion and gel electrophoresis. Subsequently, tures of large joints were present in all patients selective fragments of the gene were analyzed with DTD, while only occasionally in patients with by bi-directional fluorescent direct sequencing. rMED. The typical hand findings were striking in Results were confirmed in a second amplification cDTD but subtle in the mDTD. Clubfeet and short- product. If both mutations were not identified, the ened Achilles tendons were present in almost all entire gene was then amplified by PCR and ana- patients (DTD and rMED). However, the youngest lyzed by bi-directional fluorescent direct sequenc- and also least affected patient of this cohort only ing. Mutations have been classified according to presented limitation of dorsiflexion of the feet. GenBank accession number U14528. Nucleotide Most patients underwent orthopedic surgery. 1 has been counted as the first nucleotide of However, despite multiple surgeries of the feet, the the sequence, with nucleotide 28 being the first outcome was poor in most of them. Two patients nucleotide of the translation initiation codon. had surgery for spinal cord decompression because of severe kyphoscoliosis. It has been recently Results shown that early surgical intervention might be a better option in many patients with DTD as brace Clinical characterization treatment does not prevent progression of spinal The clinical data of the patients can be consulted deformities (21). Concerning quality of life, all in Table 1. Fourteen patients were recruited, nine patients had limitations; the degree of autonomy males and five females, with ages varying between could not be predicted by their genotype. In 2 and 40 years (17 years on average). Phenotyp- fact, different outcomes were observed in patients ically, eight patients were classified as cDTD, with the same genotype. Possible explanations

552 Clinical and molecular characterization of DTD — — — — — — + + ++ + —— —— + ——— — e; mDTD, mild diastrophic dysplasia; ohort); TOP, termination of pregnancy 6782 ———— —— —— ———— ———— — ———— ———— R279W R279W R279W R279W C > + +++ + + ————— ————— c.727- 1G C > ++ + —————— —————— — 1G + — ————— —— —— — ——————— 10 10–25 25 25 90 75 50–75 50–75 + ++ + + + < —— — 10 25 ++++++ —— < Arg 279Trp. = 10 + ++ ++++ ——— ——— — < 10 + ——————— — < Arg178Ter; R279W ¨ akitie et al. (20). = ++ —— — ————— TOPTOP—SA(6)SA(5)——————SA(14)SA(13) c 10 10 ++++− ++ +++++++ + ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++ +++++++++++ + + +++++++++++++ < Asn425Asp; R178X = b b b b b b b b a b b gene R178X R178X R178X R178X R178X R178X N425D R178X c.727- Cleft palate — Dysmorphism Deafness Cervical kyphosis Fingers:ulnar deviation Phalangeal synostosis Surgery: clubfoot/tendon Brachydactyly Physiotherapy Dysplastic ear Hoarse voice Lumbar lordosis Clubfoot Hitchhiker thumbs Shortened tendons Surgery of spine Scoliosis Features better appreciated in the X-Rays. According to the growth curves proposed by M Sib-affected deceased in neonatal period. Craniofacial Spine Height (centile) Bowed diaphisis Contractures ucm PPPAPAAAPAGGPG Outcome PhenotypeMolecular analysis ofSLC26A2 R279W R279W cDTD R279W R279W cDTD R279W cDTD R279W R279W cDTD R279W R279W cDTD R279W cDTD R279W R279W cDTD R279W cDTD R279W mDTD mDTD rMED rMED rMED rMED Hands Treatments ain 1234567891011121314 F F MMMM F MM F MMM F Table 1. Clinical, radiological and molecular characterizationPatient of the 14 patients Gender Age (years) 15 12 24 37 40 26 36 6 12 12 A, acceptable (autonomous ambulation); cDTD, classical diastrophic dysplasia; F, female; G, gooda (autonomous in everyday lifeb activities); M, mal c Family history SA P, poor (no ambulation); rMED,of recessive affected multiple fetus; epiphyseal N425D dysplasia; SA, sib affected (in brackets is the attributed number of the sibling in our c rhoiohp——— Arthrosisofhip Limb shortening Feet Pretibial dimples

553 Barbosa et al.

Fig. 1. Radiological features. Patients with classical diastrophic dysplasia (cDTD) present kyphoscoliosis, upper and lower limb show shortened long bones with some metaphyseal flaring, bowed radius and tibia, hands with hitchhiker thumb with ulnar deviation of the fingers, hypoplastic ilia with flat acetabula and clubfeet. Patients with mild diastrophic dysplasia (mDTD) present similar but milder radiological presentation than cDTD. Patients with recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia show moderately shortened long bones, hypoplastic ilia with flat acetabula and club feet. could subside in the genetic background, medical had short stature; however, the severity was management, treatment options/timing/availability decreasing from cDTD to mDTD and to rMED. and family support. Patients with DTD (both classical and mild) con- Concerning the X-Ray analysis (Fig. 1, Table 1), sistently presented dysplastic ear and hoarse voice, we verified that all patients with cDTD presented cervical kyphosis, limb shortening, bowed dia- with skull of normal size, cervical kyphosis, short- physis, contractures of the large joints, clubfeet ened long bones with some metaphyseal flaring, and shortened Achilles tendons. Hand findings bowed radius and tibia, abnormalities of the hands were more severe in cDTD than in mDTD and (with hitchhiker thumb with ulnar deviation of the hitchhiker thumbs were only identified in cDTD. fingers being the most striking) and hypoplastic Patients with rMED commonly had clubfeet and ilia with flat acetabula. mDTD patients had similar subtle hand finding (moderate brachydactyly with but milder radiological presentation. Patients with ulnar deviation of the second finger). rMED consistently presented with skull of normal, Although specific features can be attributed to moderately shortened long bones, hypoplastic with the different phenotypes, it is interesting to note flat acetabula ilia and club feet. that there is also an overlap between the different phenotypes. This is shown here between DTD and Molecular characterization rMED (Fig. 3), but it is also true for the other Molecular characterization of the patients is pre- SLC26A6 -related dysplasias (between ACG1B sented in Table 1. Four known mutations were and AO2 and between AO2 and DTD) (22–26). identified in our patients: c.559C>T (p.Arg178 The spectrum of SLC26A2 -related dysplasias can Ter), c.727-1G>C (previously described as g.IVS hence be described as a continuum, while also con- 2-1G>C), c.862C>T (p.Arg279Trp) and c.1300 tinuously expanding (27). Apart from the combi- A>G (p.Asn425Asp) (Fig. 2). nation of different mutations in the SLC26A2 gene, the variations in phenotypes could be due to mod- ifiers of the SLC26A2 gene, to variations of other Discussion genes involved in sulfate metabolism (6, 7, 13), as This paper reports the largest series of DTD well as to the genetic background and environ- patients in a non-Finnish population. All patients ment. The significant role of these factors can be

554 Clinical and molecular characterization of DTD

Fig. 2. The sulfate transporter encoded by the SCL26A2 gene is represented as a horizontal bar; the 12 putative transmembrane domains are shaded dark gray and the cytoplasmic domains are shaded light gray. The mutations identified in our patients are shown: Arg178Ter – diamond; c.727-1G>C – arrow; Arg279Trp – circle; and Asn425Asp – triangle. best appreciated in the two pairs of siblings of disruption of the sulfate transporter function. the cohort (patients 5 and 6 and patients 13 and Mutation p.Arg178 Ter is a recurrent mutation that 14) with slightly different presentation and signif- results in ACG1B when homozygosity or com- icantly different outcome while carrying the same pounded with another severe mutation. Indeed, mutations. The older pair of sibs (patients 5 and functional studies have showed that sulfate trans- 6), presenting with cDTD, have overlapping phe- porters bearing the p.Arg178X and p.Asn425Asp notypes except for the presence of scoliosis and mutations have residual activity of <10% com- severe clubfeet in the eldest brother that has lim- pared to the wild-type transporter (28). The mis- ited his ambulation. Both brothers were surgically sense mutation p.Arg279Trp occurs in an extracel- interventioned multiple times (five times the eldest lular loop. Indeed, functional analysis showed that and seven times the youngest). The other pair of the DTDST transporters bearing that mutation had sibs, affected with rMED, had more significantly 39–62% activity compared to the wild type (16). different phenotypes: besides a bifid uvula, the The c.727-1G>C, very rare in non-Portuguese elder brother had contracture of knees and clubfeet populations, is thought to interfere with the splic- that, together, restrained his ambulation. On the ing and has been described as pathogenic (29). The contrary, his sister was very mildly affected and presence of this mutation in 2 of 14 unrelated Por- the diagnosis could be suspected only by family tuguese patients may indicate that this variant is history and careful physical exam. more common in the Portuguese population. Four known mutations were identified in our As previously reported, Arg279Trp, which is a patients: c.559C>T (p.Arg178Ter), c.727-1G>C, ‘mild’ mutation (with significant sulfate transporter c.862C>T (p.Arg279Trp) and c.1300A>G(p.Asn function) in homozygosity, causes the phenotype 425Asp). The mutations p.Arg178Ter and p.Asn of rMED, but the association of this ‘mild’ 425Asp are localized in transmembrane domains mutation with a null mutation (Arg178Ter) or a (Fig. 1) and hence are predicted to cause a severe missense mutation in the transmembrane domain

Fig. 3. Clinical spectrum of SLC26A2 patients.

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