Turns 30 naeesrotnp‘s'mountaineers Smarties Mid}. ( )pie. .'\tl|ll ltee and the gang celebrate the birth da\ or a great \.t '. lri\\It. Sidctraeks ’age 3. LibraFy Endowment Fund inion/Page 6

Technici .. Serving North Carolina State University Since 19%“ ‘ ._._h V__‘__‘l _._..__._.'_._.(if? if. i‘J'J‘lJ Volume lXXll, Number 20 Monday, October 8, 1990 Raleigh, North Carolina \e ‘ Editorial 737-2411/Advertisin3 737-2029


national budget

is main concern

Candidate speaks at forum It} Kimberl) \Iolnar (‘arrington asked. "should ‘rl rtI ford. (‘ongress have a price? Of course not." He said he believes there is Ioliri t .uiiiigton. Republican ean too much special interest in tlltldli' lr‘l the [7.8. House of Congress and added that he does Represtriiafnes. said Wednesday not accept any money from special his rtraiii reason Ior fists. "" interest groups. \t‘t'lslri..' rillite is his Carrington said the United States cotter-in about should be involved in foreign national budget affairs. but only within the piobleriis restraints of our budget. He said the (‘arrtitgiotr a government should be concerned guest at a seliolars' with the problems here in the toium iit Bostian United States before those in other Hall. said the Camden countries national debt is one oi the greatest threats we have. Carrrngton was asked about his "I \Hitild tree/e spending and cut position on the Middle East crisis. lldcl's III pereeiti eterywhcrc but He said the Arabs need to sit down \Ur‘ldl \t‘etii'll\ " to help alleviate the with the Israelis and all other par- problem. ('iitr'rrigtott said ties. and discuss the problem. “It's a (Xiiriiieioit said he would tr) to solvable solution." he said. to toy/start get soriai set itt'tl\ out oi the general (‘arrington said he is opposed to Prepare to register budget and into trust This ma) it abortion except in the cases of rape. uoulrl beiieiii e\ei\one incest and when the mother's life is (‘arrrlidaies can be gneii a lair endangered. He said he would like lodat is the last rim to register to vote in the November elettions. Shopping (enter on Saturday. lohnny Quest encouraged people to cltdllgk‘ to run ill Clt‘Llltttts without to see a vote called. allowing only People prepare to register at the hlotk party at Mission \alley tote and entertained N.(‘. State students in the meantime. the rrrriaii .idsaittage oi poucrful women to vote to determine where attd uealib) interest groups. they stand on the issue. ( ai'iiiigtorr said. He said that by Carrington had an opportunity to doing a\\a\ \\tllt traiikiiig. banning voice his opinion about the environ- politital attiott eotntttrttees. restrict ment at the forum also. iiic eaiitpatgtt eoiititbutions to “It the government and the people Phi Daramw—aflr‘d—mag N l .t'ttii and not altou lllL! acecptattcc would have a little patience and oi iiiotie\ iiotii outside the state this work with industries we can solve problem r an be diriiintslied the environment problem," he said. ll) “tide ltaheoek tll.lllr.t‘ are the I‘tEL‘t'uI llt .ts Strihbrtts said, "You eatii e\er stop It goes on all Points are also your lot e\li.r elloit It; .iliohol the tune \titlt grade reports Ilr said the Irateiiir lis‘t' [‘Irtglldllts. ("\L'lll‘s .tlttl It.tIt‘t'ittI\ stitttttI} t_\ gets a listing each semester oi \that their in er llir battti tor iiit- oat 's ('aldxtr'll ( up is met iiiisets all (il'\ is and iltts is used in the LillllllL‘llii a Involvement Fair plans underway lIuI I‘hr ltclta lhr‘la has i nine out on top l‘d htrrbbiiis priblir relations .tiaiipetsoii tor it. trip i :i eat It wear to the \( \tate 'ia l’lti Della Ilieta said tlrr \t'dl or hard work has :\teording to Stubbins, I‘lii I>eIra lliera is also 'leehnieian \eus Sen ices the event. Around 75 are expected teiiirtx tliai stores the Iltrlsl points III the _\ear \sorilt it \t'l\ \t‘i'\i\t‘ rtttr'ltlc‘rl "“t' t‘i "I1! Nil set\ ttt‘ .trltl to actually participate. which would It‘ll" torripetrirorr .t.s.tlil‘- perioiiiiaitre tli mans He said the triaprer li.ts mils breii at \t \l N lrltllll_\ relations' l’repaiatioris tot \.(' State's be a record-breaker. .tlt as ot traleririt'r .oirrr Ilttlltrtll I he areas lllt lude iitoirtlis so the) had .r touch Lilllli‘t'llllsltt against .«\|i 5 oi the tiaietitities at \( ’SI roiiipeie. arid atiiiiial Student lri\ol\enteni Fair Eagle said. the fair is not only sthoraiatar- meiall iiiriaiiiiiral eseellertre. (ireels some \tell founded rrr:.iirr/.itioiis .iuards lot first. seeond arid tliriit plate are gixeit are urtderuax informational but convenient as \\erl_ titrlt'titirls later l'raieiitii) ('ottrttil lood '\\e t'eall\ lls to It'tlltll iii\ol\ed people” \tlto at Italtiirite oi the lloitietormiiiz gaiiie earli rear llie e\etil take place eser} year well. “It's the only time students lliixe lltllllt |l‘.tl!\ ti and tattoos (illlL'l i'sltattit't‘ic still uotk ltaid. Stubbiri- ~.iid this year 's other top tinislieis were Sigma Phi at the ltrrrktard ieatuiittg a variety really have a chance to see every itl.ri .r.ri\iiir s (trades and iiiiiaiitural petioi \s lot the uoils .iII \ear to \\III the cup. lipsilon iii second aitd Delta Sigma Hit in third oi bootlts aitd deittonstraitons from group rather than seek out groups Lrtlllllth etubs and organi/ations. through different departments on the tart pros lvlt‘s publicity tor orga— campus.“ rti/atioits and gises students a As in the past. University Dining Keiszreeks must overcome problems and adapt \llrlllck' to rind out more infonnaiion has been asked to sell pizza and about riteitibeiship and activities drinks. Some type of live entertain- llt lefI‘llrriioniri (‘anada arid \\ as tele\iserl ltr‘lti r\ stupid and it goes against all the Kent (iaidtter a member oi the lt‘ltttl t aiiipris representatives ment has been tentatively planned. thegon State lis‘llt‘ls that itaiei‘iriiics \sere Ullgl' Kappa Alpha Hider and head oi leII l'aj.‘lt‘ and Reed Humphre). which will be a new feature to the “it“ t'rllll‘ClL'Ilt‘C. ltitslt'rl l\_‘ l'\i‘|ttr ii.ill\ tourided ripoii. Maureen (litter of ()rtiega. a honotat\ (rteek eseeuioe assistants to the student fair. Ir l'i- i.. .t . t:' till 'atioiis oi toeused on lIU\\ (ireeks must adapt \xiiitg .i national e\eeuir\e \titlt leadership and stliolarsltip orgaiii hodt president are In charge of this Nothing is concrete yet. Eagle and l\' i ., nt. rpmtrrr .- the leader . oi iii order to stit’\t\L‘ into the _‘ si t err llelia (raiiiitia Sorority spoke on /ation. said lllt antage elllltlil.lll\t‘ seat s taii “It is the largest intor- Humphrey said. but organizers are torrent. . iitr ittir'~I adapt and run some oi the Ira/rug prohlerits tltat irrational resource Ior students held open for suggestions. They also orr r.ir|r.i' the problems tlrex Iaee lltt‘ tlttt‘t‘liti rtl lt'iilt‘tlilltt‘s tittil soioi ities lace (il’t'k among iiatetmlres around the during the aeadeirtie year." said any groups interested in panic- tr rlr\ ~airi \\.!l l‘\tlllt .1 piolrssor sororities .it Strident l)e\eloptiitzii nation has dropped \IIl\C I‘tts‘ii llttlllplllt‘} said ()ter‘ 250 organlla— ipating may still contact Student .ri iii cor \rh» I i:|‘g*|s|l\ in HIV“ Nirittlt said he \tas suited lrleeri Sim ens. Iouitder of (iat'ditei said ltis desire is to see iioits Irate been united to come to Govemmem no (-r . tll‘ itltrtttl lltc \r‘ltlt‘i't‘lttt‘ "iltt st‘ls .i i II I .t' l\ . the (‘otttmitiee to llali those statistics rise in this dcr'ade, lwtharrOct. l2. Kr’ttti s, «itsr \lilltl.t\ .ll air iiiierita (rillt‘s‘lttc’_ ag‘etidd litt' (ilt'ek.. riirlritti I seless ('ollege Killings. told the llillt it (lls rk ielr r oiiteietir e entitled lairoiis lot the rte\t deeade audieiit e about the death of her sort lipoit the corirlusioii oi the tele “llrr l’ err .rt (iIIrlli’H at tlte During_ the telr.'uiiiteieiite, l).t\ltl t‘hiiik v Ito. \\llll\‘ pledging a local eoiileieitee. Keim said he is eoitit ‘lt lsrt irirortt ‘itirr “L'stol. C\L'\llll\C director of lltrta iiatermi} at .\|Ired l'ni\erstt_\. died dent (ir'eeks \\ ill succeed rrt riieeiirtg llrt' rrtttlt'lt‘ttt e u a~ seen In (‘hi l'rxtteriilt). discussed tlte litlttt aiter he st as l'ot'eed to consume a ioda_\ ‘s challenges and cueed i'iietn L‘s ooo ( rreeks at toss in states and ot Ira/trig He said that the piar lltt' large amount ol .tlt‘oltol lit the future

Sigma Chi raises $8,000 for charity

B) l.. Scott 'l'illett T-shtri sales and .i raiile iuket sale iii \\lll\ll a 'l‘eske) said that due to the possibilit) oi sesisirt 1t 1" .‘pr‘itr $250 gilt (L‘l'lllltdlt‘ to llelk's department store iii ilte Derb) Dass e\ents there has been some was rattled oil. said Matt leskev Herb) l)a_\s riitieisin of Sigma ('Iti bt \(',\I s I’arihelleiin \eail\ \\.titltl \tas lrll\\'tl lrti l tttletl ('t‘lt'lttal organi/ei (‘ouitcil l’alsx oi Raleigh I‘) Sigma ('ht l'ltilt‘l‘lill) during Sigma (‘Iii also raised iiioiiet bi sponsoring a I’asi _\ears e\eitts sueli as l~lour I’rmei‘. a game this ‘.r at 's I)eib\ l)a\s on Sept 35. 3" arid 38. DCI’lt} l).t}\ l tilt“ l).lttt't' .rI SlittttIL‘Is lot). rho iii “lilt‘lt “omen silt through flour in seaielt of Herb» |).i\s Is a three da\ estra\agait/a leatur fraternit} ieeeiterl Jit PL‘H eiti oi the eorei‘ charge kess tor points. here r'emosed born this seai's ‘ do. rite ~ur h .lt trx ities .is \ollesball, basketball and a earnings that e\ emrrg schedule of etents beeause. "t'l'lte l’atthelleitn WM” real lite \eisioii oi \paee lit\adeis incorporating (‘ovsponsoiiiig Herbs llats \seie lI\ e .\ t” (‘oriitcilt thougltt that it didn‘t sei\e am purpose oatei balloons State sororities as uell as \leieditlt. Peace and loey leiano and Kedrick lowery were named I990 “leaders of the \loiiet this war \\.is piiitiati|_\ raised through St. Mar} 's (‘olleges Nit'r‘ FR‘IERN'IY I'lle'r' .‘ Park" at the halttirne of the N.C. State — Appalachian State game.

It’s not a sin to kill cockroaches if they’ve been drinking your beer . --~~c~.--. .---~..-r. .7. _._~.—~~ (mil stroke III lite sesleidas I was getting a little ner\ous, biit then He attrittpt to tog rii_\ mentors. l qurekl) "Do not play the field when married" No \o kltltllllfi I \sas sitting iii llardees \tiilt (flirts Rec 35 added that II has all right to kill em lst'thltlt re\ re“ ed the leit t omitrandtttents problem; I‘m not married yet. so I'm not .t keit Iiiip ladeii r itsp\ \ iiil lieiteh ll_\ reads es it the} had beeit drinking )our beer '|)on t \\rtlslltp am otltei god ” “ell. Ill a committing adultery. to slI\l\ rri lll't titotiilt when He said Over the Edge “Well. iii that case. guess I don‘t lta\ e It‘s'ltlllt‘dl sense. ,leiix l-aluell is a human “Don‘t murder anyone." At first. I had "( hits " an} problems ” being. so I has all right there thought I would have trouble with this com- l“"‘l‘ l“ I ll thing as small as a tollertion plate lle heard a deep. rumbling eltutkle. some "Don‘t \toisltip an} gran-rt tittages." mandment because of the cockroach thing. Hi. stird I \tariti our- Ilitlllt rII itt .trsiit .teiuall) said. \\lt.tl like a eombtnattoti oi distarti thunder llllliil it he ignore tieorge \\'.ishittgton‘s but God had cleared that up with the Beer irriiiiarked l‘lll~ l\\ lit'\l llriiisd.i\ or \ou’te sou been sriiriiiie, t'litis ' and l-‘d MeMalton‘s laugh. "Think again. pirture on the dollar bill. then I haven't Amendment. t "Illlllt' is rtlr ltlr' “ll.t\ e (‘ht‘is " been \iolaiing that eotninartdtiteni either. “Observe the Sabbath." That's easy; I llls.r\ ll‘ii lsiddriie a little bit there I thought about ll lteliite .uisueiiitg 'is II was reaEI) getting worried when He said And. rust to be on ilte sate side, let's ignore always observe NFL games on Sundays. \i‘ltriih I‘ -tupid enough to belre\ e that a stir. to lsill ktlkhlti.“.. tree that. bit! for the life of me I couldn't Miss .Iantiais 108”. no need to take risks Sec D18. Page 2 that .mrrid .is'i. tor ittoiie\ t’\t'll troni soriu “\es. it is remember sinning recently So. iii an \\ ltett you‘re dealing \\ itlr (Bod. Ix} IIIII'III . "'II‘ IIIIIIIIILIII \I \\'x

\II I‘\‘\ (\‘III\" I I’IIIII‘II II.IIII Juliet- 7:30 pm. In RIIIIIII III) III thxIIIn (.III (17(vt)‘)2S_ .IIIII tltet'e Ix It 35 lee Tlte \\UI‘k\IIUP l\I'I'I\I‘eII IIIe IIIIttIx III \ l‘ .I III .IIIII II.II| Ix ”It 33, II 3‘). .II. (I. III M p II; Il‘ I‘II‘ \IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII.'II IIIII.I\ SPECIAL EVENTS . . III IIIIII I’IIlIen II.III. IIII IIIIIIe I III..‘iII IIII .Iltl LIIIIIIIII III' IIIIIIIII‘II III The SIII'II‘I) III \VIIIIIen I€nenteerx lECTUBES SEMINARS IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIII, I'.Ili 7:7 DWI) IIIIIxI IIIIIIIIL' I‘IlIx IIIIIII IIII' ~IIIIII‘III Ilte I‘ll \SS ('IIIIIIIII \\III meet VIIII nteet \M‘Ilnextltt) III 51W tun SESSIONS/WORKSHOPS FYI II.Ix \I“II\‘II IIII IIII~ It\.l'\I \IIIIII'IIIx I.IIII_~;III .II II p III. In RIIIIIII II III In RIIIIIII ZIH III RIIIIIIek Ilttll. The lNIItRVlI-WING ll:('|I- \\IIII IIIIIII \III‘I I-.x xlIIIIIIIl he \|\\,Ilt‘ \\IIIxIIIII II.I|l \IIk‘IItIIllIk‘k‘ Ix IlIIpIII" gttext \\ ill he 'I'IIeI'tttttlketn III N,(‘ I’I‘IIIexxIII William KIIIIIer \AIII NIQI'I-iS‘ The xeteening IIIICHIL‘M Oct. 8, 1990 III.II III.III\ \II\‘\I\\ I‘iKl‘iIIt' \IIIII IIII I.IIII III-I .IIIxe IIInIIx lot the xetnextetx O O I II‘IIIII'C\\ the IIIxtIIt) (‘lttt‘ IIn Ix nIII tlte time In get eIIIII II‘I'I. TIII\ II.I\x :III‘I IIII\III1' liver: |~\IIt'tI II\ II III I‘I’ HI\I‘II IU lIIt‘ t‘ItIl‘\ ('IInIe and meet xtttIIentx lrIIm ttll "\NIInIIer ('ure ttntl (‘IIetIIntan ‘IIHIIIIIUIC \AIIrIIthIp “III help )IIII IMPORTANT DATES AND the II‘IIIII‘I II \IIIIII‘IIIx II.I\I.‘ IVI'I'II . . . met the \NOI‘III III II relaxed tItInII 'l‘uexIItI) ill kill p.nI. In Room 31“ III t‘\.lIlI.’tIC .Intl ptexenl )IIIII'erI IIIIIIIII‘II li\ IlIe IVIIIIII IIIIII IIII’II IIIu \.IIIIIII.II Student Speeeh xphere “IIII plenty III reIrexhnIenIx III IIIII‘I'eIxIIII IIttlI. elleetnel) lot the (III't'iIIIIplh Inter ANNOUNCEMENTS IIIIIII‘. lltl\\‘ l‘t'\'ll .IHIIIIM‘II III I! IIII'\ I .IIII'II,I_I.'I‘ .IIIII III'JIIIIfJ -\xxIIeI.IIIIIIt :II the International ('III'I'ee IIIIIII' \II-\t Tlttx Itee xexxtnn \\Ill be \I I I



30th Anniversary

Rockrn’ on the front porch By Mitch Styers chair shop. help Andy take care ot ()pie. She Siol‘f VVtIlC't In every small town there is took charge of the housework. the a deputy similar to . cooking. cleaning and washing. .itcli a glimpse of rural Now. no one Mayherry would not be the same North (‘aioliiiit could ever without Aunt ltec. llesides. who Thirty years ago. in a t c h would there be to yell. “Andee. . ”1’ Oct. i. IUbll, the first Barney. but a But to the w atthers of The Andy sit‘sa‘ttlt‘ier episode of The A nily few come Griffith Show. she was much more Griffith Show aired on television. close to it, than the woman who cleaned and The show i'eyeals a lifestyle Barney Fife cooked tor Andy and ()pie. She was uniquely found iii rural North is best a classic Southern woman gentile. Carolina. Shopping In the Main described by charming. kittd and filled with Street stores. attending church his friend and homemade loie. .socials. coming home to otir cousin. Andy To watch the Show favorite suppers. and e\ en spending Taylor— "He's I nut is to experience d tinie forgotten. A la/y summer nights sitting on the Baniey matte us laugh the second time when life was stowipaced. front porch with relatives he came on the show. When sitting on the front porch are some of Mayherry's social played Barney Fife. the deputy after a home~cookcrl supper and ttt‘llyiltes. sherriff on Mayherry. When he hot apple pie was a relasing l'nfortunately. we don't get a lot traveled to Raleigh he stayed in the cotiimonplace. of that. especially in the metropolis corner room at the Hillsborough T‘.\L‘f}‘t)nL' associated with of Raleigh. Street YMCA _, something to make Mayherry would hear the crickets Andy. Baniey. ()pie and all citizens proud of Raleigh. chirping and see the fireflies light bring back fond memories of From the first episode until the Mayherry. the fictional setting for last one he appeared in. Baniey' was tip the summer night skies as the theshow. a loyal friend to everyone. except. family sang to a guitaristrummed , .c A n d ). that is. for jaywalkers concerning folk song. A time of small town Griffith. jaywalking. Barney once said. "It gossippers that talked about no Mayberry"s Will start with that and soon more than who was late to church sheriff. grew Mayherry will be a sin city!" on Sunday or so-and so is baking up in Mount Believing to be the inspiration for cookies. Moments like these create Airy. a small Mayherry. Mount Airy recently cel- cherished memories. .-A‘« 2% town about ebrated its 30th anniversary of The Indeed. the small town of 25 miles Andy Griffith Show by hosting its Mayherry is a fantasy iii today's northeast of own Andy Griffith [)ay. Mount world. No more are the triendly }.-&‘Winston- Airy citizens lead tours through days of full seryice at Wally 's Salem. Mount Airy towntolk like to young Andy's tramping grounds Filling Station or sipping on a Pepsi think of themselves as the inspirar and paid tribute to perhaps its most while (tumor has a look at your car. tion for May berry. famous son. Can you remember the last time Indeed Andy and Barney. Andy ‘s But to remember Mlvbcm‘s peo- you atid your father went fishing faithful deputy. talked of eating p l e . w it and shipped a few rocks across the lttnch at the Snappy Lunch ('afe iii must also water? Andy and Mount Pilot l‘lie Snappy Lunch pay tribute ()pie can. (‘afe is not a fictional place. but a to Aunt genuine cafe in Mount Airy ~~ it B e C , May berry and its way of life are has been since I951). Andy ' s gone. but not so tituch forgotten Other places in Mount Airy have faithful that we can‘t still appreciate those also claimed to be origins for parts relative. simple pleasures shared on the tele- of the Mayherry setting. The barber She was a y’tstoli screen. shop on Main Street. Mount Airy delight to So. nest tune you hear that tamil- claims to have been the model for Mayherry. iai Andy whistle. take a few min- Floyd‘s Barber sltop. [is owner has especially to Andy and Opie. utes and en|oy d few laughs. The what Floyd. May berry‘s town har- Andy's son. folks iii Mayherry won't niitid hai- ber. always dreamed of a two Aunt Bee came to Mayberry to ing you it\ er. ”’2th3‘

Mayherry Trivia “Gee, Aunt Bee!” In the first episode of the series, The New Housekeeper’ iltlffldlfles hantis Manet .r- r\iit‘l.. comes to Mayherry to take (are of Andy and Opie. 1. Which door to the courthouse has the mail slot in it? 2. Who is Barney’s favorite waitress at the diner? Have supper at Aunt Bee‘s Mayherry's sister city? 3. Whit is University Dining salutes the ‘Andy Griffith Slit 4. Who is ’s cousin? By Heather (Sool with "Supper .it '\lllll lice .\ It}. tIi‘li'tl t' t.. Features tditor ditiiici will l‘t‘L‘lll at ‘ Htt .iiid \\!ll .llllll\r all I\ l 5. What does Barney wear to dances and special occasions? last until ” lllpt‘.i \ttttlt‘ttls \kl" lati‘ . l l here iii Raleigh can our .itleiiil will li.t\c .i chime in w; t). li‘lt' \ 6. Where are the “fun girls" from? cat in Floyd‘s Barber \layhctiy lll\t.t books li.ttiic\ l.'. l‘.\.l‘ l Shop. the Mayherry .l.ii| buttons .Illtl \l.i\l\cit\ i shiits '\.iti 7. Where does Barney stay when he vacations in Raleigh? and Aunt liee's kittlicii' "Supper .it \iiiit lit-t will it»: s.il: ;‘ . How about the first floor of the sisl ol lir'r 's l.ttttt\tts tiictl \lll\i\\'l sill. I ‘\ t 8. \What musical instrument does Briscoe Darling,y play? l'niyeisity Student (enter on raised to.isi litct (l.ii.i’s ioiti t‘rl l'l.l\ ' l t Wednesday night the \i|i\_ l'liclitid lou's ticw pom NH.” ‘ \X’hat day of the week is the Mayherry Gazette published? l'niyersity Dining. as part ol their tocs. llllt‘sl l s ciecit l‘t'dll‘s lllt\ it 9. "l‘tiiqiicly \oith ('.iioliii.i” dining; \iidy ’s apple pie .lllti li.ittti‘\ ., lit .r i.’ theme. will present d tliicc day h.tii.iit.i piitlrliric l’iitcs will \.Il\ l lt“-i.'l‘l‘\ lt' ' 10. Who is the best rock thrower in Mayherry? .ictoitlitic ltl wli.it cat l1 permit put li‘l lllr'S. ii‘.ll.t . salute to the iltth .ititiixr-rsary ol the l‘tlz‘lll s t '5 license plate number? Andy (iriffitli Show chases 1 1. What is the Mayherry squad car On Monday. October ts‘tli. \Illtlt'lil‘s .‘\tit‘ltilllL‘ to loud l‘iodittiioii li'lt‘\l‘~:i'li is can enloy d \layhcriy (‘ouiity \lauagci R.ritd\ lait. ‘llie idea (titling l‘silld 2. What is the name of the street in front of the Mayherry liieaklast iii the Atrium from 's' it) \ dlllL‘ about ll't‘llt the National \1;i\ l‘t‘lH l] ll‘l'li to ll) a.tn.. l'aculty. statl and sltt :\\\ttt ration ot ('ullcgc and "\pcr |.tl [‘t‘lllth ~l courthouse? dents can enioy .i taste of l'iiiycisity lood Sciyiccs l ltl\t"\!i\ lli" Mayherry 's lincst delirat ies t.\t\(‘l'l'St lwo yeats ago. the citil.’ \.I\\ l .tii.t tli.ll.lt li‘ l 3. Who said “Fiddledeesticks”? Aunt Bee's country breakfast. \.\(’[ lb t‘oihr‘tttloii w .is held ttt llicliiii lr‘lt ..‘.\ ll‘ Floyd's Flapiacks and Barney 's .'\’ltnne.ipolis. People iii Kansas had l'iiicst l tit 14. Why does Ernest T. Bass talk through his nose? breakfast, ‘- dotie the Wizard ol ()l. .iiid we goi \lttl H Tlie Ct‘lchrfjlltln will continue on talking about something we could ll you want to l . 1 5. What is the name of Andy’s prized fishing rod? Tuesday. the day of the \‘layberry do along this line. and this is how spttial ct i'f‘tl illltl (‘ounty Fair. The Dining hall will we came up with the theme \lay l‘t‘l t \ l it t ti\ .lt it 16. How does Malcolm Merriweather travel to Mayherry? host the event lrotii 4'10 to 7 Mt ‘l ruqiiely North ('aioliiia' " l iiiicisLty limo-- lli liir‘i p.m. (lame booths will he set up [an continued to explain that dllt‘l the mitt rtll|l|\i‘ls.r!\ «ii ili outside of the hall so students can l'iiiycrsity Dining had chosen their (iiitlitli Show test their skills before the N.(' State theme. they decided to do a Answers on page 7 Fair begins. May bei‘ty special since it pertains .\\ l.tit says .it's. I;l\|tl,: .l University [)rning‘s salute to only to North (‘it’oltiia Alter mak town \Itiriit. tlv ;f -. Mayherry will end on Wednesday ing this dec.isioit l iiiyerstty Dining not .iit\ llll‘lt Technician October 8. 1990 CLASSIFIED Save $100 “-1” (919)_737_2029 Rooms Roommates 00¢“ on one line “4,, II n. «3- item in the 434,0 ‘ T—l—irgimLil l'VTITNlVl (Iv‘ll-T-tLl —' IJ' u u u u u II II II u \‘0 e I ’f, \il‘.” lllit' tiLIlLlILII l‘i‘ : = F Techmcran 4;, _ I) L H 10 am ()HL‘ l’lli‘iit Lilil‘ii l‘Ju' HoonmInF—n—Pened\‘71k‘lllill~W‘iiltN’55lL‘Jgglight 5)de ll :ZLM-— LLLIlI : Clip this : I. Classrt‘ieds I Lkl‘ . l”\.\ ‘]\\\3 lgll\Hh-\\ [)ii\\"' I” \\l\||!|\-\.‘ ,L‘:\ ;~'I\‘L )1» inLtilfli v1 1L . CONDO“ and _ —I—l—l_I—I-'—ld L «.inH i’\‘lV.ll ’ llllr‘Nl‘AimLLI‘ LIKI‘LL.; v',, r42"I, . . . = save $1.00 = MISC : ) ) , : Addressers wanted 1.0111115111le 1 No . \\L «n l‘i‘: 'LLi LL : 0n LVCI') : experience necessary Excellent pay! Walls Slutcmcnt ol m f L LN W, _ For Refit . CiliSSlilCd _ m m Cell tolHree 1-800 395-3283 PUMUUH ‘-\<.' ox itix \\ Ill: .i lIIIl T‘:""TL,_T‘,3,,I I H—T" it" lei— Iti‘wm ll mm :ih‘hrigglaltps ______—_——————WITH HIGH TECH FIRMS? Lv LI. LL .LI 3 y "\ ' ' New York/JFK $130 :' llnL‘ s Hen] you =' 'YourINTERVIEWInterwewmg Guude to the Information am a h I ’, london 590 - place. - Industry' can help Researched by lormer L‘ .L t, L Berlin 618 ' ' 'Big 6' consultant 60~minute Video (839 95), ._ ;. __. or it" I" i 'It‘“ ‘_LL_L - Rome 678 : 70-page text (534 95), both (869 95) Send :" u H H u u u u u u u f ProductIons,check or moneyPO Boxorder8594. Redto. Bank.BolickNJ [min; 1- ~ I: . ' I TokyoGuatemala City 759490 07701 W. Seoul fraternity, sorority or student 949 Loolung tor athat would like to make 8500 «law-Ll was .m' ‘ '‘ Li‘vL" li‘gt'L ‘:s\)I"t,‘.I,,Igi‘yways organization$1,000 tor a one week (in—campus i iiIL—ilI :I‘VoK It iz‘v'ooo in . iams marketing protect Must be organized and l"l‘l SIlitL- ILI UHAIL P SSES Look for the hardworking Call Jennv or Kevrn at 800- V» L h .. ‘l e I lSSUED ON THE' SPOT! special deal for 59242121 Rutcs l Sd‘ e $ 1 .()(, FREE S‘lUDéHlJRAVEL CATALOG! you today in STRESSED PHYSlCALLY? FINANCIALLW WE CAN HELP CALL PAT OF! I IFOIIIICII TI' APRILBOTH? AT 8763552 AFTER 6PM ‘ ‘ 703 Ninth Street 5-2 'l'echnician Classifieds WEEKDAYS AND ANYTlME WEEKENDS IF NO ANSWER. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE 'il'lliilflu(who. "I'lI- «II.Ihk‘LILulIILImt ‘ll-|l)i\i.iI;l\ IIILIlour 7919Dl[ham286NcMM”Tics Sc holorships & Loans! HH'V'l'tlt’l.".il~tIt‘ll [34“: (.Illl‘I. “I 1l‘urlmiL'IImmil Et-LSIILLwL-ll1-. I‘LL IIIIiniLIL ‘l.;l|r\l‘L--i \ [I< / ‘t)ll I __.,_ Y 1/ 5‘]. “10‘ \ {8L v0|unteer semces Addroee~::::;2T_.: :LL— 2 I T - ‘ :- T'OlUNTEFRS MAKE THE WORLD 60 |,___,__‘-__,_ 2..., ~— —- ' TECHN‘CIAN llqunW 9030150“ “(EFF/i L .Lofi;‘7£§'EL—NCT{_T“‘“yplng ‘ , J}'0 L”OllND':ASSIHEDSCHECKFOR YOURTHECHANCE ro GIVE émhm'ucm . ‘ -. IIIIWORLDASPINI ----—----.'=_-_._--L 373% 3% s .L 4‘ Tutoring C:- _ P.ersoIt '3 m 7" r, :W'W'w J0 taime mon Che” Stevra the Techmcran classriieds l \ __ __ I36 “1'"V0“MV“WWkw"Who'wheres ”‘8‘ bottle 0' wme TutoringIncluding technicalfor all writingand businessassranmentsertIng I} LP”; 3 Former NCSU En lish instructor 362 4190 LLLL.L L , Q I‘ll-II-III—i— _____L_._____._S ~ om- : {it I ' m 'l H E av $ .0 II: I 2.2.2....» -___ - STUDENT LOANS e 1 0 L , -_. LLL _ . I - ~ , Lo l Need$10$20$50$100 : L . L, W L, I Weloan$on yourvaluables I ([3 -7 I We buy y'0ur bent, broken & kinked. 6 93 Kay“ _ >l- '__ -2 ' i- :"ifm'k'w' L ,, _' L j; I 10”. 14k gold jewelry I CI , m _ 7 . 5,: . College music and Pawn "i 'P "“5 coupon (D , , ’3? I m :99 and save $1.00 on (usim {mm VVflltl‘OHS L\' 3‘ l . _ do Sam“ I q.) Technician line 95 SETTd 32mm CA” For A\CSum-1 “ L , . . . L L «Lens» r .m I r ' H VISA AMEX. 141004472431 “08199998 ( Li ~r~i i it -L l _-. ,3: I ”03933309" I classrfieds , Lmsmummgmzwmwou- -; \ ~ d A kd,i Just.- l"r t' l. itu' i ii,. .i§. I ISALEI I IwithI IthisIcouponI .I..C3:U) c¢ ,-,riINE‘; L\- .LLLLIA PL. L ‘li i ee e o 5'3 I Any Cassette- $1 00 " "‘2'” ,,_ .__..___. -._____.._ V ' s r n 1 . Any CD $6.00 T Vll‘v'i \‘l/r‘4f') PRTH‘FSS 'NC; _ .. Lock ()T “it? q '7, IIIIIIIIIIII: Save $1 00 \ I‘, x " fly I L. IL L Walk Resturant =37 filluiil‘ iln'imelmmw ’03 L .. r: or‘1\'sc;_p’"~ ‘ L---_____._._ Has plls‘liltllh. open that. \p.t w(.ti:,}, x.md‘nsghiil ' 5255 CROSSWORD By Lugcne Sheffer. mom,‘ 8.u i * ACROSS 39 Welsh 28!“ dye 23$|npory “all?“mwanted“—_-” are shorti , In. hours‘ ,, and x.‘0 ) 1 “it (“HIM“ \ Ln,‘ 1 Laughing seaport 3thdu one _L.,,LL,.. till}. I“ pd) .. ' I'. ‘ I 13(‘0 vour “d (Odin c . M 330330 4 arm'ent zsgach I '~ . ‘ L; . ‘ u 4 —— an ps t out org. nuses ._W q ‘ WV. was??? Mm? \‘sludtni ;‘ d,‘ ‘ ”n 1"”) f; 7 If , (video 44 Dissolve 5Actor 20 Simile's " “0,,“ LS ‘ct’uas' AND i‘lll‘ more ll]illl”lll‘dlllllll ~‘o\ “xi ‘ i ‘5 game) “Road sign Baldwin center USP Fe , 3“.“ Inns 7SpIders' SOFleshy GChooolate 27 Actress «LLLLaLILLlNDlVlUUALSst. ind :. LL , L. McAso, R0"' 87)~'7858I G”‘. "19"." (Ll th‘hh‘ places lruit substitute W Ir'LVLLIIHuLH 1 .l' gr: 'II' t HE ' w‘ _—_'__-..._ r 1 ‘ V» 11 philipplna 53 SWISS 7008' 28 SOClfll 'I‘HLI- ~ I L: ‘v‘ For Sale ...... m LL LN... termite canton store issult A ‘ ‘. .V H. - 13 Neighbor 55 Jewish sentinel 29 aseball A“. ' WW ‘ ,\MFA s, s ._.._-“—*——""~'-' -----~~~ l)‘)rl]] l)(’l(l' II I] lL ‘ of Miss month 8 Slender team ‘ L . ' . .L - 14 October 56 Seine linial 30 Moslem' ‘ “‘4 . ’ .L ______2.“L _ ___2- I‘l‘eak a“a VI to )II it u no I '. gem I..LI.L Wench ounce -‘ 15 Weaver’s 57 Loud lorrnal 31 — -_--z . __1_;2L’.L_L‘;.__°i.'_MC“n.w.iw - “"f‘f‘“““”“r .. . ‘ 7 ¢ ‘ (w 1} t ’d d bobbin noise dance Dashan I L W L at luggage 16 Irish sea 58 Pianist 10 Stallone's 35 Cote sew—+2.22- h 2. 2 Jrgieat wage to oleei r iILumung god Peter nickname mother .5- -~_ 22,222-... H u ‘ 17 Too 59 Beloved 12 Balmy lall ”Japan ,L ",7- - 2 vs 2-. ~ 1‘ , \i “l ”MIMI? lg‘t‘an.7,: smooth 60Print units period lollower L L \t'L-LL-LLLL rlIL- \*LLL|iiLLLL talgnore 61 Cloth "Lodge IO‘Haveyou :‘T ' “LT “‘ "" ~ 7 L "“( omplcthl iil' [Titlilltt'llLlLII,t‘ :LLI_L. .4, 20 Measure surface member —wool?' 22..-.-- 2- 22.2.22-” 7 tints/wk. l\t‘l t l)l\(, IN)! [I )L\.‘\ ~L olwood DOWN 21 Legal 42 586390 L»? téri pLdLLL ILLILl\ ~ "t lL-w itlt III~L~II~ 22 Some 1 Yawn matter detection __-- . ; 2, ‘ ' ' ' sight . 45 Mdte 2;-5ng ‘- :12”;i”. "W" "3‘” I" H “‘tLIIIIItlu.~.ILtI\ItII\lLII iLli 2ABaIleyol Solutiontlrne.24mln._ neat LLL'LLK 5A: 2,20—-\ l Imiit‘t‘ l')I'i\ t 832.7611 mama“, 3:233:03“ 3-LL L __ _ 2.2 i \‘i‘ixito! "if “m 32 Slow one heroine 7577‘? L LLL. ' ."L. \pLL I.Il ilk.Ii lLII 33 cli’aint or [flu] A3319" ‘9 L310; LII1‘1""H LiLL if'1 \I‘l. it':i.l\ ill ~ 34 Newraw To 50Jet0 enginea ‘1” ’r ‘ . . L. V _ . .. ‘ [2001\an 101 l phiLC [U Ii \ k Guinea 1‘0"!" Puzzle enclosure ;‘ lt‘t‘illlltltlll( iLl\\lilt (is s. town OI! 51 Links I.— ...... -—-. [Lily l\ll\__\\\ll \iiIIL 3533?: PI‘CS ”grim” I GUARANTEED!10.33 2 I ML \t"»\H _‘( ttlitilill‘i!L ' H 37 nameFragrant 54 countryThose in _ Him! LLLLI. ,! :L iLI\IILLIL.IIIILLLI u L WKLLILLILII“1”}le.i.\, [Minx seed oliice. . I! - 2' M I“ k“ ‘H 'i it"-’L‘ii \ll‘i"~ Hillitil":' k ': i. III I l“”". V . :t. Marketin 'loIL-L HI“LLI II L IIILI wamfi:&_eHEIPNEFT‘F’) A;AE w BASE i LwmeL-‘llIiL \I! \illllr I ‘ III ill' I III? I ,ILMLL"____-_... , .22,_.-~_-,_..-.. , _ 2—... ‘woWLLL.llllliii'x .It LiLlIL - III; LLW,,I I WLML III I III FrirlLi: it L‘ V V0] Unteers J"llll\\I-sll:rn\I \t E: HI "WHY ‘ H I " llilllrm it \\t’\lt'l'll lllxrl L V V‘ " i'KWI's“Ow" [‘W' '> d d ifi-i:Ioo !.. ' 1‘ I art‘wIlLIItI‘L 9‘ « Nee e i likii". liill.li\i \I‘itit‘l -< .\itii l\iiliill\!;iI' \i lIi\i WES'I'GROVE TOWER llll’tiliLlilt‘I I‘Lt'Ixit'I lt lLII guild il‘.\tti\Li‘iiil lLli 'IIIi\ \‘LII\\IH‘;~I illlrtlith' lII tin \L \-.l ‘I‘ l.ilill‘. I‘ lyi‘ L l. FREERENTsPFCUH. in: H‘Ll‘it‘ ll ile ‘ . 'IIlILI‘..l *\iit'l;‘\ Lllnii \ ’lIIILLI Lit s III? 881—0309 enrln tori CIVP'I’OQUIP 10-8 .S/hlt III/Ix /.2 Lt ,i' fut/III rm Ill/“If Hour/I YHEQKM QXKHIDPXGGXE TREXU ‘ RALEIGH WOMEN'S HEALTH \ILII'IHIt’ it! 8.17" Numi- IL on u/u/L L/ III/III RAT QHQE'P ODM PAX UXEP Cl (ll‘tllI/(l/ilt’. ('IHII ("I/('HI/\ /L:L LIL/L L/ \( \I ' *Gvn lnlc ()Il ”II/HHH'. (JIib/lrwxr LI I NIH/Lin/ ”G HE D OHILYKX. General AHCSthLCSIa * . "Y . . mum, [ll/It'H l I'M/L I. ll IL/L II II H ll. timid}331i) i”?ll“WLl‘iilll MMll Pregnam} TeSimg ill/It’l/HIH I'uurl It III/mi \li moi/mg /’I w/ Today's Cryptoquip clue: Q equals D ILI‘LLI WilliiiliIll-11‘I instant *Abortions from Sign II I) [HUN/ll /L'LI\I' In (I. r. ./,, I \‘/. The Cryptoquip is a simple substitution cipher in which i \IIIISJLl2TIN OIIIIlst um/ I't't‘t'll‘t' .lrllllltl/\ /‘/‘l/ u I‘ll each letter used stands for another. It you think that X Milk—132 )ihilitllml 7-18 Weeks of T ()ffl'l‘ (Ill/WIN It! Ilt’lt Reining/LII! equals 0 it will equal 0 throughout the puzzle. Single let- n'm/I'HM I'll/E ters short words and words using an apostrophe can give il'nn.II , 3'2”] wixrlolx Pregnancy you (lues to locating vowels Solution is accomplished by 2"](1 Brigadoon Dr. trial and error Raleigh. N.(‘. 37mm Q) i990 by King Futures Syndicate. inc 5505 Creedmoor Rd. Suite 110 783-0444 (919)—851-7831 Technician October 8, 1990

Wolfpack routs the Apps 56- 0, Sheridan Wins 100th II) Slepheii SIeuaiI IIlIlIe l‘lli'lllIlIoll I‘II'I‘I I'ill‘i ll ‘. iv .Il‘ .Il-'Il RLIJL'IC |.":..i\IIcIIII \IIIIIII \\ I\ dumped Two .II‘IIIIII 7IQII \Nl-I, I, ' i lI' ll llhx \\i' IllIliI'Il III lull“ I-I‘I l \\lIII; liIIlI I\‘1\l‘i\.l\kki\\llillilk peIIIIl play lalei l.I\\IInII l""'((|(\lll\ll TIIIIISC” Ill.lllL‘I'\ \\I' link II» il.|\\‘ LII. [III I! III, i ll I I l I" il'\ l: .Illl l‘lll llc \\.llll\ III kch‘ mlh .I 17 \lid iIIIpIIoII \Klllth \eI up a I’I'x ilh\'( I.Il\ llllelw .lllIl all It it"‘l‘Kl I pl “ 1 ill I I "I" i‘l Il'opet [Il'lxpi'clfll' Iour)IIIIT \IIhicI Sliau lIIIIehdIIIIII \IiIh llch \\.|\ .l Iehiilli Ill \IIII\ oil SIIlIIIIl.I\ llI'\ iIII‘II' :‘I‘l Il‘II' .Ii‘llll\ III Il|.|i\I .I I-.II,I l ' I 'll'“ l‘I‘llI'I llL'l\lI|lllCi lIIan IIII IIII in Ihe lllxl qii;Iilci .IIleiiIooII .II I 'IIIIeI Illlil"\ SIIIIIIIIIII .Ill lllll‘Ilkl IIll lllI' lI‘.I|II .IliIl Illlll ~ \Kllal lilII III' .I-III II“, I ‘Il.lll ' \llI'lIIlIIil \Illil, "\he lllII_\ 0n Ihe (‘Ihlllllg kickoll. Appalachian '\ Illli‘ll\I\L‘ Iehiilll \(' \Iale'x II-\IIIlecIl ll‘lldk.“ SlIeIlIlall ~IIIIIl I.ll I. 'il II'IIlil ‘ IIIIK ‘ll Y IlIII \.IIIII' a lllloul die I lI;III:C\ H l K Reaxex Iunihled Ihe hill and il \Am UllL‘Ilu‘. coupled \\llll Il\ hieli Iallhel (icolee. \\illl Ilax lII'I'll ll‘l'li I‘lilll.llll\ III II llIIIl l \lI-lllll.lll:I l'l‘» looked as Il IllI‘_\ uel‘e Ie"co\crul h\ Ihe l'IIIkx W;I“ (icliiltl .II Ihe delenxe. pImeI \lIllllllII‘Il \ppIIlaIIIIIIil \Iale plllll and kiIk ll'llllllI'l '\‘ .I~ III II'lII II IlllII ”II \lm III'lpllll llI’ IIllI II III ll .I llmI-I lllI 3;.IllII' l\'\[l\'(lIlhiL' IIII \ppllachlaii jl \IIIl lilic Inc pll\\ laler. 5(I—I). prondille head coach Hick \ll 'lIIiIIll Illli'll\I' .1\ II III||l\.lI k We make was IIII-Il l:.I ll Il [l‘I‘l'a I IIIIII l ‘llilillliiII ll II I i I III I. ll l\-_ ».l.lIIIl llli'\ lIIIII‘Il lllc \lIIIVI \M‘Ill Incl llII lop l”! h!‘ “H‘lld \U‘fl' \Iilli lll\ lIIlllh LII-It'lllll}: Mom III .III .prI'Ils III lllI III! 'llSI' plIlIlIlI lll' .l lulll lIlI-II IlI.Ill llII'\ 'I I.' III .1 I l' I "l‘IIIll Ill‘l lIII lllNl \I‘III‘\ llle l’ack'u “Illl llelell lll Ihe IIIIIIlch The game “ax a coinul}: oul p.IIl\ IIII tidal ol i‘idiil‘llll‘1“l'".llllx lll‘ lllII-l iii. \\I"lI\.:II ilw‘ l I ‘I .III:l III-! I II\ tjlilllllii and m \IIII a monk“ \(LIIINT IIIII'VIIIII and hail- ll'CSlllllI'Il (illl') l)II\\Il\ IIIIIl li'IlL‘i (II'IIIt‘I‘ IIIIIIII“~\I\I' pI~lIIllllI.IIIII III III: II.:\ I.l:III IIII lmtlt lilzllII'II and; II}, I.. ‘I.III :I i‘l 'I'Imllihlhl lllllc. llIi Pack kicked U“ l0 ”W \iho leaiiied up \\Illl \I‘Plliillli‘lt‘ IIIIaIlI-l lllx lll'\l I.ill\ IIlzl III lllI' i‘IlI kIlI'IIl ill‘lll‘vi lIIlIIl'-il‘~ IIIlIi I lIi‘ I‘III I l [i I i‘: .lIlIll II. II- I'I lip iill’ l’aIk lol Illcll lII\l \IIIII' \TUUIII‘.IIIICLI'\ The Pack lik‘TL‘ll‘Ik'. In ”10) hack 'l'ei'i') ,IIIIdIIII lo pim IIle lllc l‘ack \\ llll pained rlh \.llIl\ IIII lIlI IlI.l\\ pl.I\ lIl ~I-l Ilp llIIll lil‘." I‘lll‘. lllIil -III- 1.; ' .II I l\ mini Iii.ll_l.'\' [him play lillel' lli‘Hk heeil Iloiiie all \L‘IIHIII \IHlllt‘il Ihe an IITlCIhHL‘ alliick lllal has heell .ll‘\I'lll lllI‘ l’IIIk IIII lilI‘Il lII‘Il 'IIHII‘ '\\I' IIII‘IlI‘Il .I “all‘I llkI Elli \lII'ilIlall |I~IIII~IIII1= owl Ihe lop Ioi .I one IaI'II \IIIIIIIIIIineeI (Illt‘th holding lhenl lo Iliree \illce lhe Weueiil ('Iiioliila paille Ilie I‘IIIk lll\il\'Ii IIII ill‘ \.l|Il~ IIII ‘1 I Ill mini l \'».I‘. |l.lii\ I-llI.:l I IlIIIlll Illl lIIllI ilIill\\ll Shelidun lell llial llIele “as .l lli‘i‘Il [II IlI‘\. lllc eioiliid .Illatk IilIIIll lIII illlil'ii :I II \ppalaIlllall lI'Illll \\I I.IIIII i‘lli lI'.IIl\ III \IaII' \\.Ix liolw.\\lllll‘lll Il\ lllixlakex, lIIIIlaII I r — make mine chaiieex III llle IlllL‘IINL‘ III gel dillerenl hacks, was led by Downs, who play. We came oul willi llie leIIl III IIIIL‘IHI line“ .i \uic ,I xaid IIIIIIlIIlImli Ila-Ix III “" MFENI I'lx‘ . Spikers to iI4I“,1 face Heels Blue Devils, 2- at home .lell‘ Drew Ieieiil IIlIII\I‘\ llie lll'\l phase cm- 'Ill) I'I’IIII.“ Iied llie llI~l l‘ IIlI|||ll('\ and lea By llill ()I'erlnn u I. lured all III Illi' \IIIIIIIj' The Pack Senior Slofl WIIIOI Hi Till-\M ‘\ I IIIIICll} Ul L'Il'I|I\ “(HI‘II lIl'Il Il die 4 l“ IIIIIlk \th :I h_\ Illc \( hIalI' \Ioinen'x soccer lalIIwIIIe l I.III‘.I‘I ."iul The Human) “Ill he lligili lIIIiloI' leaill ileaIl} liii'iled InlII Ii lr;I_-_'ed\ \lei II \llx" Hi [‘IN‘\. lhk‘ I'ou Illghl. lI alwalx I\ \\lli‘ll lllt‘\\‘ T’llii.l_\ .IIleIIIoIIn .Il l)uke IliniIII IIIIII Ild spun IIIIIIIIII Io hel luII leaillx eel lUIJI'llII‘l Hill .I \lI‘Illllfl peilorinainIe h} llL‘lll and him! .I \lIiIl which The l‘nnerxil) III .\III'III (LIIIIIIIIII goalkeepel l lllIl\.I_\ llreI'liei, colli- \Iie.Iked IlIioiieh llIIee Blue l)e\il \ol|e_\hI'ill lt‘IlllI \IIll inIade l‘IiIeIl \Hlll luo earl) Pack goals. LTC"l\ll(TI.l\ and PI'“ l)Iike keel‘pe Reuiolds ('Iiliseiinl luexda) Iiighl eiIIIhlI-Il \c'\t'lllll ianked Slale lo (ilClLlIL'll \oung inlo lhe righl cor loi a 7:30 pm. encounlei \Hlll Ihe k'\\Il|K‘ \\illl Ii 3 \IIloI'} mel' nei‘ ol Ihe goal lot :i l U Pack lead Woll'piick, Slale \\lll he lmlklll}: III l3lli ranked Duke. Slille tripped l)IikI \IIII‘IIleIl iighl hack Ilelllllg axenge No regular \eamu lll\\\'\ IIIiIl \lllillhled hill iIeIcI‘ lell in IhI eqiiill/ei lIl |ll\l mu a Illinule. III Ihe l‘IIllIIl\ III lhe lleel\ II'IIIII a \l:ll:‘tfllll)_‘ paxl llle dclei‘lllilied Blue llII l)I\l|\ l‘IlollljllI iUl\'\Ill(. an year ago. While Ille Illalcll \\ Ill IIIIl UH Il\. olealII/III ..Illlck .Iiid dien IIoul coIinI in llle conlei'eiice xlaIIIllucw, llII‘ \\II|Ip.lck IIIleil appeared |ll\l IIIIlnIlI‘ Ilie \\ollp.'iIk pInalh )ou can hel holll clulu \\Ill he iuepl l'llk‘li\|\L'h\ and Lilllill\l‘ll .iIe.I hI II \lul:\ik'l\ air ‘IId Ihe read) In plti) (li‘li'lINHk‘l) hlil \llll Iliiuiiiged lo L'lhlllllf' !. klIk II\k‘l' .l leaplng I .Iplule an \('(' \ IcIIII‘). A “In Illal Bl'ecllci IIIIII oll Ihe Il‘osxhal‘. The "I'III :Ill\lIIll\ Io pla) llleill." \Illil \‘\ 1h preIlall) Iriliczil considering I’IIIIcth lHllllll Ihe loo! ()l lil‘lilglll Slale couch Jud} MIII‘IIIIII "I lliink Shin-K l\\II kiI)\L‘ earlyweason con- Arnold \IllIIxe IIIIle} C\k‘llL‘d Ihe we \Hll he a liIlle IIIoIe \ellled llll\ leleiII e lII\\C\ to iIIIInher-one scorcill l l. Iinie." Vilelilla and nunihei llIreel N(‘. Slaie \ll‘IIL‘k hack .Ii Nil} mm a The Tar licclx Ill‘c Ihe Ili‘lI‘llIllllI: "llex, \ie \IoII Ihe game." Slale ll‘ee kick _~.‘II.Il ol le cull. Senior A('(' ('hiinlpionx and look lo he coacll liiI’i'I (il’I)\\ \I’llll ”Sure we (‘liai'nialile lloopei Ilreli Ii IIIIII \lrIIIlg again lill\ war Ilexpile llie \liueeled hIiI l)uke pi;l)t'd Ii scrap- ahoiil 35 pink I'ioili Ihe I'Ighl pihl loss ol :\('(‘ l’|.l_\cl'~ol lllL‘rYCilT i‘IIIII. IIIVI'HIIIH p_\ eallle ,\ Inn‘s ‘II \IIII. We‘w pol as she Illo\e pasl a Duke Ilclelldc‘l Sliiilon (iernlan. I\l|r,-\(‘(‘ per lo L‘L‘l a llllle heller hIIl “C.” lake Iorniei l.i/ Berg; i’eliii'ilx III mlldil) Ilimn III IhI- game Saliirdal. (II-olei- IaIked up I‘J ll ' lhe (‘lllMliC IIIIIIIk illi' I]llL‘\l|lIll Pat II freshman lI‘IlI'l (.eorge ill’l'Ilh\ lrl'l' IIII .I JII eailie \\.l\ pl;l_\ed In luo (llir DEVILS. I".I.;I- maik IIII ('Iil'ollna. IIIIiIlI like Ille \Iirtl run Irom \(rlllllllIllu' III ~I-I up \Ialek Iirsl IIIIII II all purpose \IItIls in IhI- Iliiiiliniinu III \pp \Iale. llle Pack. IS Ihe IIiIIlIlle .iIlack Sophomore ('aIIIllil l'ldllIlc‘H l\ lllc IIlll_\ \lll'L' lX'l TUI IllI' lleelx Men’s soccer team falls to Virginia in double overtime The Pack (Ullllllllk’S lo keep pla) responded III the \lllllolll ing: heIler volleyball The} look Ii) 'l‘otld Phil/grail :II‘ If 1‘II,II ll. II \\ll:i II ‘ I. II Il-wl \I‘i Ihe \\ollpack dclcnse broke when: Illlllk‘llt’S . ,‘a .n- I ’IV ‘ II II II_II_Il .I "ll Ill: I ‘ I II IIL‘IIIIII DI-Ielldei l‘I‘ik lmler \plil two Danid Brow: passe-d In the right side lhi‘ee III Ihe lasl IIIe I ‘\'l I II I M: I: leI .l'III \lli'l p.l\l SlaIe keeper l);i\id an open llean (IIi]"‘liciiI/ del-Wlulcd lliehhall hel'ore Ihe \Ieekend Virginia an min the nu II" .I I lit IIII goal was I!" The) are led h} ~\|iIe (‘oIIIIIIeIx \‘.: I Mom I‘ \.IIIl~ IIIIl lo gIIe lII'ST scored againxl 1\ II'IJHIIII In Me games. \\ ho L‘Ullllllllk‘\ IIIIproI up; as one III (l|\l\‘ll)lll\\|lll llI. III l .l i ‘I' IIi Willi old} 35 III I'eeulalloil. lauilet Ihe conlerence\ hexl \i‘llt'l\ l'lle \llppllw‘Il T'I‘ lI.lIIllI‘ lllI iIip IIIII‘II ”I 'II I‘I I. I I \I. III I llI‘lII \ilelliia \\Illlolil a \hol receixed .I pel‘IecllI placed corner kick lot a Illliick is prouded h} l INII l'\.l\llk'i \I ( \( \lale .I'I .Illllg Ha “\I II III I. I I l' I III' IIII 1‘ Illll'lllI'\ heIIll‘e the IIle sin“ header ImIarIl llle nel hill (lune) made Ihe and Ti’exsa l’IiIil. \\ ho ll.l\ e I13 and \lli‘lllla llI~\\I’\I'l \ll;'llll.| .IlllwlIxI IIIIlIll ’ ll: ‘Il' ‘ I", lll l 'i‘Ili sine lo send Ilie inalch lo oIeIlinie. (Ix klll\ I‘especlnel), l\ appealed and 1, Il lllI 'IIIlI :.lIlkI,Il( .l\.lllI" \ \-\‘ 1I ll I | I ' 'I‘: . .IIIIII llall. \Ileluia pic-willed In Ihe I’Itsl meriliile period. Ihe Woll’paek "ll' \ie can pII\\ Il\ III-II I’l\ \\\‘ IIIII lo all Il\ll‘llliillll_’ \l\il‘l'- II‘IIl llII' \\IIIIp.II I, ‘ _I ‘ ll \i! II I Illl Hl III ‘SIAI \ lI lI'Ilw,’ .lllil .IlIIIIle \cillI‘Ii Ill lilL‘ (“Til showed uhx \UIIIL' people \a\ Ihe} are Ihe lllIN paxl weekend. I lhillk “C \\Ill lllk‘lll\ \IKII‘I II'.llH ‘ A‘ llI IlIIIIl‘iI --‘I.‘! IN. \\‘ ‘1 I ‘ll I l ‘ IIl \l'~\ IIII. III. II.II \IIII-Ii made .I \llk‘llIllllliIl doing lop\L'IITIIIL' Ieain III llie soulh do “ell." said ;i coiilideill \lal'lino \allllllai illileI. \I I . I I II.II I (Iirl Johnson plaxuig Ihe delendcr PUNIIIUIT "WI: need [he \IIIIIL' IIIIIIIIlellcc \\Il|l i‘lli\ ‘Ill III pl I. ll‘ ‘l. I-IIII \_ l I 1 . I' IIIIilIleIl \\|liI .I locket \hoI li'onl look IIIaIIers Iillo llI\ own hands In hi slole Plaier Ior pla}ei. \Ie ale piell\ lllllc. \lex \IllIlII', III‘l’IIlI l ‘I ,I \ : III Il-IIIlllIll II ll “xx-II "III IIII' klI k \\,l\ \.I\I'Il h} lhc .\(‘("\ comparable \A Ilh (‘arolinaf' IlL'lL‘IIIlI'I .lIlIl llIlll! I‘ll. 'l . l. .l ll‘ ’ll ' . l II I llIII'. I. v .I.l..l:' III l"" lcll ( .Illxi‘} SI'I' “Min“, PITX'I' 7' (lame lune |\ 'l'iiesIla} night Ill lllc lI‘lI‘lI‘I' lilt‘u lllI‘ I‘I.I\ IlI‘. l IlII ll l!’ ‘ \I. In ‘1 IllaIk. llII‘ \\IIle.Ick liniill) 7:30 pm .-\Iillll\\l0ll I\ lI'ee l\\II Iillllule IlI'|.II \Illlxlil" e l\ \ I II * I I l' l I'I‘III. \l 'Ill ‘W Irll'llll \l 'EII I Plus | Plus Answers To Today‘s "- Tax Crossword ()n The l $ 8.9 Tax $ 5.9 THE CUTTING EDGE l Classified Page “We Curry Nexxus Paul Mitchell Two Small ()ne Large 8! Fermodyl Inleroclives“ 832-4901: One Item Pizzas gals Two ltem Pizzas $2.00 off Haircut - guys I u .,7 quality and $500 off Bodywcive Misfitrn I ll 1“" Plus Two Cokes Plus Breadsticks ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS ~ I ADOOl/llme"'i' IIJI r ”go, pm : taste matter! ” \’a 2005 Hlilsb':‘ LagI'" 8 am 7 3 pm I Delivered Delivered 010 SCI05: ll‘m “l-3'8‘55 w- Expires 10-10 90' (‘all (‘I‘llsly‘s Pizza: ______._._...__ The ()III; ill;l|..loi l at lixpires l0 - 2‘ 90 Expires ll) ~ 33. — 90 A lot of people cnus'nt's 831 2525 :“lnzus - are feeling good Answers To Today’s Cryptoquip about feeling good. Kindly deliealessen owner who didn’t pay the rent is in a pickle. ’Fhey’ re donating 88.] FM ”mi.“ -W plasnna. WKNC “SOLID STATE” “Looking for Something New in Your TV Science? PRESENTS watch T'l.l\lll.l IiI‘IH‘l III. .I' lllll‘i'llIlllll pI-I IpII II-iIiIIIl in II lllI \ kilmx llI.li Ill-' IllIIlI "III EXTREME SEARCH Illcli lilliI' .Il:Il .llvle IIII III. I: \\I‘liil li‘ lIiI-. III I! .ll. The new Kicncc & research show from L‘INHT kIIIIII Ill IiIIl ”II! I. NC State Univeniw olllel pI‘oplI' With Special Guests . . I/sz. \\c III.Ik. \lIlI lll.Il pl.I»III.I .9 ".4 North IlIIIiIii~ lI‘I‘l VIII-ll llI'.Illll \\ I»I IIIII III -I lllllI £995“ 8,2. Carolina llI‘IIIllxI' ll \ IlilpIIlIaIII liIIl llII lll‘. I “Hi\I‘lI ( )ll \I-lll .’ 24’" 7; 'v/ PubIIchg [\i.l\‘li.| ||\\'lT IIll II -.I IIIlI ll'Il.lp‘. III-.l IlII'lIll-Ill \IlIl liTI I‘ I 3 .g ‘ ' .iIlIl Illl'\i|\l|l\' IIIlliI llIIIII *- llI'.Illl'. lmIllI “ROCKTOBER, BUT DRIVE SOBER” RALEIGH PLASMA CEN'I‘ER I \laitlen I am. Raleigh. \.I . For Details Call Us On |\I li>\\ T li'lll \( \i HI ll lII\\.I ll ‘T‘ii‘Ii‘l‘H‘ll‘.ll \1 The 24 Hour Wolfpack ”III II \lIIIl III ‘ ill {III At 737-2400. \I \I llIIllI-l\ 3 {II ,‘IIII MILES Request Line |‘\l(l\l\1. \\ \llI \lil_ ’I l- \l()\ Illl R\ t it tober 8, l 000 papr(M l.‘ (unruly fhl product of 'h.‘ ii-m‘rtu I‘dtll oci .wrt's ..I .mcc the o'i'ic.‘ctt mL:rtti {ft/Uri jlr sc law} the thatch". 1h: artistry and mfuu the yin w .v ..., our“...... mwmm (i'iti'u‘. .- .itr‘ it into it [(3 ,v-iiirizt as Hunk. l'i‘clrtucatir. in. l. lu.‘ I li'liiricity 1. PH” lrllltlrldlb SEE WHAT I HAVE LEFT-.... Okay, twice around fyou have not sent iii your dollar for the NCSl? Students‘ Library Endowment Fund yet. here's what to do. First. get an envelope. Now take a pen and w rite the address below on - the outside front of the enyelope. Neyt. open your wallet. billfold. money clip. etc. and reinoye a single dollar bill. l’lace said bill in said envelope. seal the enyelope and drop it iii the rtearest campus mailbos. Simple. quick and painless. “Okay." you ask. “so what do I get out of it'.)” Well. we couldrust gtye yott tlte standard line about ltoyy good you w ill leel. knowing that you have done something to help say e your library. We could tell you how wonderful it is to help yourself and your tellow students with a donation amounting to less tltan a hallApenny per day. Or maybe we could point out that a buck really isn't tltat much anyhow. so w by not send it in'.’ Perhaps we could point out that those of you who are complaining abotit budget cuts need to put your money w here your mouth is and send a dollar to the fundwmaybe two or three. Maybe we sltoulcl mention that the NC. economy does not look to be getting .tny better. and the library w ill need all the help it can get. Columns For that matter. maybe it would be good to higltlight the current pitiful condition of our national economy and the tact that. it' thingsdon‘t get any better nationally. they certainly won't improye here at home. .~\gain. the Amercians support Republicans library will need all the help it cart get. liid.iy Sept 2|. lcchnrcian ran an articlc mandate of the people. Democratic While we were at it. we cottld tell you that the endowment fund is "the gift ”-\ou the ditty iiscals out ot olliceThc Jim C'a on congressmen were not stupid. They read author \ytcilt that Dcnioctats iii the state and understood the writing on the wall. The that keeps on giy'ing” once the endowittent is set up. ll will proyicle a legislature "are scared to raise l'aycs people wanted what Republicans were constant source of money for the library stall to use iii book purchases. new because they will be considered 'tayand selling. Some attributed this wrn to Carter‘s subscriptions and the lil e. spend liberals ' The author sure was right When a Republican presidential candidate ineffectiyeness over the Iranian hostage But since you probably know all that by now. we‘ll rust keep our mouths about that one campaigns for office. apparently he is situation. Those critics were quieted iii shut. Rather than mentioning how badly the library needs your help. or re- \\ hat is a ray and-spend liberal‘.’ ls ll the saying the words that the electorate wants l‘lb’st when Reagan received 54 million iterating how low your tttttiori is and that you could surely spare a dollar. opposite ol a non-lay and nonispend to hear. (ienerally. he adyocates lower tayes y‘otes to Moitdale‘s 37 million. By the way, conseiyatiye' Probably itot But generally. arid smaller goycrnnicnl. If the public ti million more people voted in NM than in e'll just ask you to follow the instructions iii the second paragraph and send liberal Democrats are tliotight to be more continues to elect Republicans to the NM). ()byiously the public did not want your dollar to: inclined to appropriate yast sums ol money presidency. it iitrist be because Republican higher tayes and did not want the tor piogiaiiis that oltcti do not benclit the ytilties are what they w ant. Democratic agenda. The NCSU Students” library l‘fndowment l‘uncl ritarottty ot the electorate ('ongiess is a dill‘crent story The to All this leads me to believe Americans do c/o Technician (hi the other hand. Republicans are election ol iitciiittbcttts in ottr ('ongi'css not w aitt let'trwing politics to dominate. nor Box 8608 University Student (‘eziter usually perceiyed as being more liscally tends to run at the rate of ‘llr‘lJ percent. do they want the right-wing. llelrits backers conscryattye (‘onseiyatisiti is delmed as a regardless ol their party They run on local to run the show. Perhaps the existing Raleigh. NC. 27607 "disposition to keep to established ways " issues which are olteti \ery dilleicitt lioiti coalition ol conseryatiy'e Democrats and So basically torisei'yattye politicians tayor national politics mainstream Republicans is the best working If you like. you could inst bring it by in person We won‘t bother yott about the status truo ls that so bad ' l tltiiik not. My poiitt is that the presidency is the group to guide our national politics. I say it. look .tti'tttid \titt lot the huge marority Min e lot which our nation as .i whole yotes wc you out the right-wing llelnis and his .tr \llly‘lty.tlls ltlc is good \ tt.idtlttitt.i| based on tlte aggregate ol out yalties sort. along with llllfilellht‘rlll Kennedy and theme lll patriotic sllr'c'yllr‘s is [lit tayes. low inflation and unemployment. aitd (‘rariston types, These people do nothing pir'sciyation ol the -\tncttcan way ol ill-C. a strong dctensc lt this were not the case. other thaii polart/c the issues. Fair name not really fair (rad. .tpplc pic. baseball. hot dogs. etc Democrats would be llt‘ltllll‘.‘ the White tltcsc .irc .ill things that we .issriclalc with House. Apparently liberals will need to lind 8 we move toward a more ttmtied society. diy tsiye langtttge is being ottt country ls there anyone w ho leels these lhese so called. tas arid spend liberals are another solution to their constant insistence removed from our public institutions on art eyer increasing scale. are not wholesome iiiaititestatiotis ol atrard to raise l.t\c's You know why ' ol higher taxes being the solution to all the Where a simple “he” was once the accepted norm. we now use \itiettcaiia' Should we not ptcsci\c that Because they want to be re elccted and are nation's woes. The Deiiioci'atic Patty — “he/she." or some similar deytcc linguists are making distinct whit h is w holcsomc and good ' lttlly aware ot the consequences ol acting obyiously needs to begin within the bowels efforts to reduce bias in our common speech. l'h'asr‘ don t misunderstand tits point agairtst the maroitty 's wishes ot its thought process and radically alter its t. not pcrtcct l'roblems such as l-or those ol you old enough to reitieitibei. positions oit many issues. ()l course. as far Even at NC. State. the changes are becoming tnorc apparent. Instead ol the lioiiietc~sttc'ss illiteracy and poycity are early [URI is the pcitc-ct esample ot this as I'm concerned. I hope the left»wingers traditional Homecoming Queen. we tiow hay e the leaders. ot the Pack llte real lhcy will not go away without the type ot thinking \\ hen newly inaugurated continue to be yery y‘ocal. As long as they whole point of these changes is to reduce sc‘ytsm. racism and arty other hum :‘tiyc-iritricrit addressing tltcttt Money is President Reagan sent his liist budget to continue to paint the Democrats as being Titl' of prejudice that may manifest itself at \(‘St'. net-alt .l to .tttcittpt to right these titriisttces ('oitgress there was much ado llis budget lett ot center. a Republican will continue to So why do we still have the Minority (‘areer liati‘i’ lll esarmnmg the political makeup of otti was radical in its scope. yet ll slid through sery e as (‘hiet l-iyec‘utiye. like that. arid goyerniiicrit we tiitd .t (‘ougiess that is botlt houses \lliy ' Because in the election apparently the marority of American yotcrs The latest Minority Career Farr was held last Thursday How many ot you made tip ot a Democratic maroi‘tty iii botlt ot l‘lt‘y'll. Reagan whipped l‘residerit (‘ai‘ter do. too' went? And ifyou just stopped to check out the (‘oryette. you don't count. houses lhe presidency. on the other hand. worse than liustet Douglas whipped lysott. If you did go. did you plan to go ,_g or did you ~rust notice it arid stop by '.’ has been held by the Republicans tor all bttt Reagan won Sl percent to t'aitei ~s J: .ltnt (lotion is it yt‘lllr'l' nut/mute IIl And for those of you who abstatnecl. why didn‘t you‘.’ tour ol the last 2: years. I don‘t know about percent The ieittaining seycn percent went ll/i/it/\ will] (I Nlllltll IH l/tli'li'y‘olriey Hc it is a safe bet that most people who consciously ayoided attending the tan you. but that seems to me to say something to Independent cadiditc .loltit \ndersott ltkc‘y II \t/li'll you H'tlll liiy iii/until. tllltl H ill stayed away for one of two reasons ~—— either they trust were not interested. or about otii publics choiccs win ol this margin is kttown .is.i lit .1/ lit“ it]! i] you tlortl the word "minority" turned them away. Not to detract from the credibility arid worth of the fair use”. ,-\s Polyester vs. rayon: who will win? coordinator Larry Campbell pointed out. the fair is .rust about the only career I ttt tired ot hearing scraps on l\ and lhcy wc"ic H497. fair being held on campus now. Campbell says the term "minority” is rust a reading articles about Jesse Helms aiid Chi o Webb ||.iye you ey er noticed that all prices end legacy of the fair's early days. when it was specifically for minority students. llat'\cy (iaittt I‘m sick of hearing about the ttl "‘l" cents" at K~Mart.’ The manager 50 why don't they just change it. If one of our most cherished traditions delicit I‘m nattseated at the constant Opinion Columnist esplained that this KsMart was a "rebel the selection of the Homecoming Queen #7 can be changed simply for the attention to the .\ (' State budget cuts I store” because all other stores‘ prices end iii cringe .it the nightly news blaring Saddam alttiiitnum-Iiiic alloy. biit tatltei a leather 9" cents. sake of avoiding sexrsin. why can't a relatively new program like the Hussein s. tascist takeoyei‘ ot Kuwait l'm polyestet blend \nyway. back to the price sitryey, K- Minority Career Fair change it's name to ayoicl ethnic bias'.’ tttcd .ir th. drug war. \||)S. ci‘iiiic. Sc\l Rayon. on the other hand. ltas been ’ylai't's rayon products were about Silltl Retaining the “minority" designation is unfair. Many students may be bailouts. (iorbacltey and any otliei current prtiyc‘lt l0 y'dtlst‘ cancer and dcloritted more eypensiye than polyester on the turned away front the fair and thus miss important career opportunities issue that has any importance w hatsoey er children if worn by pregnant women .iyerage Again. our courteous manager simply because they think it's rust for minorities: .lust tor a moment lot a small moment. Second quarter scot'c ptilycslcizb". explained that rayon is actually the skirt of his take a break .irid .titaly/e something tayoiisl an animal that Itses only in Kuwait. and the The simple fact is that the fair is not a "minority" lair any more. It is the that has real sigmtrcaiice \es' for once a The halftime show has been canceled due supplies haye diiitinished since the Middle biggest single fair at NCSl'. and rttst about the only one Retaining the light hearted tashioit truestion rather than an to .i btidget cut by the N (' legislature liast crisis causing price inflation. But he "minority" moniker does an iniustice to both students and the fair itself. It's anger eiitrristcd attack on a soc‘t.ilptilitic'.t| l’olyestcr leads t'ayoii. II to ‘l told me that Saddam Hussein has one hell time for a change lssllt‘ Third quarter I‘olyestcr laces a tough ot a wardrobe? lhi- question I pose lot yoti Is category that has tainted its reputation in Big Lots and the Salyation Army were polyester better than rayon Well. to answer the past lasliion appeal consistent with K-Mart. proyrng that this great philosophical topic, we tttttst rate The problem is. to be frank. it has none polyester is cheaper than rayon Also the two in loot dtllct'ertt categories In tact. Herb Tarlek lookralikes ‘|ll\l don't make pioymg that blue-light specials are a key we'll call each category a “quartet" so tltc (it), itiaga/ine anymore My uncle used to economic indicator in the United States. TECHNICIAN lootball .iitd basketball players can follow wear polyester pants w itli white T shirts and fourth quarter score: polyester—l4: rayont-l. 5mm NorthCarolina SM! Le’ur‘wrsi'ry-sinn- 1920 along with lllt'l" pityatc- tutors proyided by he looked like a brown aitd white (iiiiiiby So polyester wins ll to IX? The [as winWe! Mm Editor lllt' “tilllldch (illll‘ You know. with the isometric legs that Vegas odds fayored rayon by a two~point WadeWeds Marci Bernstein ”etc i Ulllt'\ ”it" it‘ll] lriss . untloriiily eypand toward the bottom. spread. w hich nieatts we have upset. tolks. W ‘ . lhc lttst quarter is coitttort ll there were such tlttitgs as lashioti It also means that ant going straight to WWW“. ..TimEtlmgron \\e|l I think rayon has the slight police. my layorue Kmart manager to see if he'll , ..c...... ,...Am Counter WW... tisatlntton gtye me a discount on that brown pair I #35 flames, Andrew Lieptns “mam“...... Et'ic Saunders Kristi Drum .tdyantage here t)n those hot arid htiitiid Besides. ey en thcsc indtyidualtsts on “tycoon...“...... Brian Little leeMcSwaim Ann Sulliyan, day s. tttIlyr‘le't st‘t‘llls ltl ly'r'l llkr‘ \H'drlllg .l campus who wear things that no one else tried on last Thursday. And while I'm there Stevie Srbur k warm reptile skin that makes squeaky would dare won't stoop to polyester's leyel I‘ll ask him why all shoes at his store are ....April Mial iioisc-s when you walk l‘tlflltt‘l’llltlly‘. iii the liaitdaitas in tlteii hair. .lesus sandals. l tied together so I haye a topic for my neyt W» onia Heas‘ener cold it stittens .tnd shrinks rust .i bit. opinion column ()r could write a small MWW...... Amy term-ins shirts that say “liyport Bart Simpson” yet. sy‘y llttll Mm .....a...... Alan Noian, Marv Stephens. allowing the rigor mortis effect to set iii It's not eyen these trail lll|\ eating anarchists about my new book titled Samantha Adriana. Gibby Sloan kind ot like wearing \tke :\|l "l’timp" are clad iii polyester. "Impersonal liouls. The Shattered Di'eaiiis , ”...“...er W mamWStevie Schuck. Dawd Hockett basketball shoes. only the pump is ot low Budget iiducation at (ioyernor ...»w...... Tim CW7 W controlled by temperature Wouldn't that be the ultimate way to rebel \lartiits \' (‘ State” Rabbinic. tisa Florer Predation W... B Nathan Cay Rayon lioweyer. has a higher cotton tgarnst any yuppie paiettt’ lloweyer. rayon Barbe. Karen Airliner. layoutm.....cHouseAdOlsen atyt Pittman lacks clout iii this category as well. so KristaHoward Amy McBride, content and actually allows you to bend neither prodrict scored \ery high lillllti ('ltt/i lli'lili !\ (I [llllIrH mu/uitiie III ...;awawicii Styers Chris Parks, Shelley Bums your kitcr's l‘ttsl qtiarlt'r score tritt a scale llt‘ll/lttll \t lt‘llit‘ If you don't lsiioir litnt. «meanwmul Lowell freeman”...... Bob Steffey, tilt Hebert ol l to llti l.tyttll-»7, polyester-J quarter score: rayonzz‘. polyesteul lllyl look for Illt' Ul‘tlrllg't’ lt’l\lH'(’ \llll iii/h . '....,...... ,.ertan Garrett TypesettingCoordinator...... Barbra Flick llic cycrteinent mounts as we begin the As we enter the ltiial quarter. the score rlrc llfllt"/)Itlltl lint/ir- ",...... l.auy Dixon, ti. TW...... Karen McNoary. ennui»: Laughter tayors rayon by one point, This could be the Russell Michele Lacatetta Kelly Huffman sctoiid crttai'tei' Now we rate cach on V , - “...me Leanne Cooper practicality and loitgey ity deciding'category. btit ll 'ytll pioye to be a ' DeniseSusanNelsonRussell, Kristen Shaffer Polyester ts lltr' clear winner ltctc l,t'l‘\ light race because the last category rs [\ttcc Quote at the Day lace ll. lhc siull has a longer hilll‘llly' than went to Big lots. ls \1ai't. .ritd the d “mmmemmm bairuni tengineer liiiiiiort The only Salyatioit Army to tnycstigatc which ol "The graduate handed his diploma to his WMmmfiuiQWMfiM suryiyors within one mile of the (‘hernobyl these hot items has a higher capitalistic lather and said. ‘I finished law school to “unawamuwnwaumaw eyploston iii the l‘ 88R were car markup Rayon seems to be more popular please you and Mom, Now l‘nt going to be insurance salesmen wearing polyester iit ls Mart as they are trying to upgrade .i trreiitan like l‘ye been saying to you since leisure suits. You can esen bleach polyester their image I only tound one rack ot Iwas sl\ ' and it comes out looking straight from the polyester slacks They were the classic kiitd limit we Brim n rack at K Mart lit tact. legend indicates l was looking for w itli the trout pockets that 'i’llt'l'lt (Ill Film utrri that King Arthur‘s armor was not bulge when you piit your keys in thetit __——_ \IHIII‘I II'I IIIIII I.III (It IIIIII'I I'll‘ I‘I‘III 7 \II‘eIIIm delenderx IIII I.I\ thIIx III IIII \'II'I_IIIII'.I III: .I IIIrllll'tI IIInII thII Ihe Ill\l II\I-IIIIIIe III IIIIII III.II |I;I\\I.'II h_\ Ihe \tIuIIIhIIn: Defense Virginia III III\‘ xt'IIIIIII II\t'IIIIllt‘ IIII‘ I)IIKII \III'I'II IIIIIIIIIIII-II III pltn .IIILIII'xxneII III \I.Ile had IIIIe I;l\I kIIJIIkC IIII .I III .III .IlIeIIIIII III \t me the IIIIIIIII.‘ :III.I| \.lltI IIIIeII IxIIIII IIIIvIeIeL SLIIII} nails 3rd IIIIIIIIIIIIII II.IIII I.II.jI‘l I I he III.III II.“ kIllt‘(I SIImeII/er IIIIxxed IIIe gIIIII III .I III Ihe III7I|I IIIIIIIIIe \'II;_IIIII.I'x IIIIlI III the IeII .IIId \‘IIyIIIIu \NUII ‘- the hall .IIId thawed dtmrm I \le \III‘IIx IIIIlllt'IIL‘II .I 2‘3 yard xIIIII \ shutout side. .IIIIIIIxIIn IIIekeIed .I thII II.IxI .IIIII \Ihed x.I\ed II 'I'vII- IlIIIlIlIt'~ "We IIIIIllllIlI \II' had the prune In the keeper IIIe II.II| II” the IIIIxI IIIII I.|II'I, \IIIIIx xIIIII II_‘_'.IIII. rIIIlI “\IIIR‘II Ihe Imef x.IIII IUIVIIIIII IIenr) l’urvxurd Rm Iil\\lIt'l \\.I. IheIe III ‘\.I\L'II II .IedIII (IIIIIeIII/ "\Ne xIIIIeII IIII the Isl ltlp lhe IeIIIIIIIId III lIII .I L'I‘III IIIII} IIIeII \\IIII {III IeII III Ihe III.IIIII HI I Ihen IIIIIIIm I.IIIIe drmn and 2:06 IIIIII Ihe II\eIIIIIIe \IIII he/ th.II|I‘II;II'd .I \III.IIIII.I IIIId I.IIIleII IheIII. ue IIIIIUIJIII Ihe_\ dIIuIIx and .I IIIIIII Vllglllld IIIIIk Ihe h.I|I IIIIIII-Id IIeIdeI IIII Ihe II.III IIIe I\\II III.I\eIx \\IIlIItI IeI IIIIuII ()IHIIIIIxI) IIIL‘} IIIId.III .IIIII the \I.IIe IIIII-IIxe enel through SIIIIe'x IIeIeIIxe. .IIId IIIIIIIII'II .IIIII It'II \IIL‘I .I IIIIIItI'III‘It' IhdII I IIeeIeII .I '1\.IIddII\I- IIII erphl ('avnlret InIdIIeldeI IIIIdII ILIIex III’IJ} \dlltIlt'l \\.tx II'II L‘IIIIII‘II IIIIII l I\l|Il\\ IIIe’II xee IhIx IeIIIn .IIJIIIII —- [‘I.l\x III xI IIIe \IIIII"x IIIIIIIII IIIIIr'h (IrlIIt‘tI II thII lIIIIII IIIIIe I.IIdx IIIII I‘II'IIeII IIIIIII Ihe I._I.IIIIe I'I‘I\lII‘.' IIIe Ill Ihe I \(‘I'I IIIIIIII.IIIIenI_" (‘IIueh IIII\\II III IIIe II.I\ III II] III IIIII lhe AIIIeII III.Ide .I dI\InI,: x.I\ e IIIII Ihe \\IIIIII.II I\ III II|.I\ IIIIe III.III thIII I.II.IIIIIIII xIIIIed, “I IIIIIIIIJIII \Ke‘. hIIIIIIIx IIII .I Mr \.IIII pirxx IIIIIn hull IIeIIeIIeII IIII IIIx Il.lIIII'x .IIId III\‘ \UIIIIII\I'I\IIII I.III e.I\e IIIIIehI \erI. IIIIII ue‘ll haw III xee IIIId.III. hack III ILIIex IIIe \III._IIIII.I IIIId \llL'lllld .III IntIedIhIe .lII\.lIIII|f.‘k' II we I.III I’egI'IIIIp ” Iexx Ih.III II\e IIIInIIIex Inter. fielder tIl'lIICtI the xIIIII IIIIIIIe .llllI .IIIII \\lIII III IeII III pl.I\ III Ihe l'he \VIIIIIIIII'k \\|II l.Iee I);I\IIdern IIIIII.III IIIw-II .IIIIIIlIeI IIIIIIIIIIIIwn the prune \\1l\ Med 3 3 erIIIId II\eIIIIIIe. \.IIL'IIII.I x III-II I'IIIIeue IIeI.I \‘Iednexdtu III 1 “I |‘.Ixx “II II II \.IId IIII\e III lIve Slzrle tHIIIIIIllt'II III IIIexxIIIe IIIe ( IIII\IU\ xIIIIed IIII L'IIIIIC “Illllk'l I‘ III .II \IelhIId RIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIII II|.I\-x. IIIIIlllt' \\IIII.IIII IlllllI'l III the eIId/IIIIe IIII .l .‘3 \.IId II.Ixx Ihe IIIIIxI II.III;:eIIIIIx IhIke IIIIIIIII |\eI\ Ie.IIII hux .I game lIke IlllllI\ LIIIIII‘ \kIIII 3" 3-1 II‘III.IIIIIII:' IIIIx IIIIIIIIeI x.nd, "We IIIxI h.rd II Ihe \I.III- deIeIIxe. IIIII III he IIIII Devils III IIIe_IIIxI II.III IhIIxe II!.I\eI I‘.l(I due done In IIII'II IIIIeIIxHe IIIIIIIter IIIIIIII~ \IIIIe IIIII'II IIIIII IIIe IIIJIII uIde II.IIIx held Ihe \Illllllltllllt't'l\ to III IIIK' \IIIIII‘ :1II.I| ellt'II .IIId III.IxII-d .I IIIe game had heen IIIIgIIIIIII} IIIIee III.I\x .IIId It‘lt ed IIIeIII III IIIIIIIIIIIHIII ‘ IIIIIII,III.I .I. . IIl\\ drurne thII Imuud IIII‘ I.” IeII \tIlk'lIllIt‘II Itll 'IIIIIIxILI} Inghl hIII "‘4”,I.- IIIII'IIII‘I III\ IIIIIII \eh.IxII.III H.I\.I3_It' tIIlIlt'l ISI‘IxIIeI. \\IIII \‘rIN IIIIxI h.Id lIeeII IIIIxIIIIIIIed h_\ I'lllll "I IIIIItkId the [MINI .IIIII I)\\.l\llt‘ Soiu Joy/Sta" IIIIIIIIeI then IIelII\ xIIIIIIIed Ihe IIIIIIed I‘t'IIk't II\. IIII\I,‘ IIIIII.IxI\ III IIIIIIII IIIII .IlIeIIIIIIn \\iI\ xe.IIII‘red \\.IxIIIIII;IIIII II‘\II\I'II‘II the In” ‘llltI IIII‘eeI IIIeIII IIIIII Ihe IIIIIIeI IIeIII IIII IlL‘I lIL’Ill .IIIII IIt'IIk't It'lI IIlI' IMII IXI‘xI excruuheie .Ind IlHI IULth‘tI IIII Ihe I.III IIIIII the eIId/IIIIe IIII Ihe erII'e. ltIrnandus Vinson, RirIIv logo and Mike lonea In In give (oath neI‘ III IeeI.IIIII Ihe Ie.Id IIIe IIIIxI IIII IIIIe III heI \|\ ‘x.l\\'\ I'IIIIII‘. ' Itreeher x.IId "II'x IeIIII) III the IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII'I IIII' I’.IeI\'x Sheridan .I (..ItIIr.idII dinner, in honor at the (()d( h x lIlIlIh vklnrv. I)III\e heudn erIdIIII: IIx deleIIdeIx II‘IIL'II III _I_IeI up IuIee lIII Ihe xIIIne deleIIxe IeIII.IIIIeII xIIII-.\ .IIId gun- IIII\\.II‘d InIII Ihe IIIIdIIeIII III .lll "I'III eIeId I IJI‘I .I III.IIIIe III :Ixe Ie.IIII \\IIIllll Ii IIIIIIIIx " ”It" [‘«IKh IIIII‘IIxI' IJIIIIII III‘III IIIIxI IUIItIIIII‘VIII .IIIeI \IIII.II.II |II.III x IeIIIIIII III IIIe I’.III\ x IIIIt‘IIxt‘ \IIIx .IIIeIIIIII III IIIIIekII Ire the IJIIIIIL' \IIIIII'IIIIIIIJ IIIIIL, III lIIe Ie.I.III Ihe I. IkIlVI\ e\IeIIdx SIJIe x IIIIII. erIIIIe ll|‘ IlIIIIIIII‘I IIlIeIIxIIe \IIIIIIIm \IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIeII Ihe IIIIIII erI IIIIIIII'xth‘ IIIIe \\lII IIIII) Ihe L‘\l|.l IIIIIe I)e\II tIIi-lkkL-I Iirether \rlIII IIIIIIe.III-II \IIIIIIJ III III gdrnex LllitI IIIIIthdIIuII. IIIIIIIe LIIkxIIII IIIIIIII; IIIIIIIII Iee I‘\IIIIJIII II'IIIII‘I.II IIIe IIIIIIII hIm l|lII‘It‘\xl\L' Ihe IIIIenxe \\I'errked II.I\IIe \\ IIII the \\IIIIII;II III'x \\IIIIe IIIe IIeIeIIxe IllllIJIII IIII IIIL' IIIIx IIIe I’dek'x IeIIIIII III ‘H I lIlt' IIUIIIIIx lIIIIIIIIe I‘I Ihe eIIII/IIIIe lIII IIIe I’II'rx Ie.III\ \\.|\ .IIIeI SI.III“x \IlU\\tIO\\ll llldl‘kllil.v \LIIL'IIIt‘\ IIIIII Ik'tI III \r‘\I‘I.II IhIIIe xIIIIu'Ix. \l.IIe'x IIIIIIIIIIIe Iuemli I 3 III the ,-\('(‘ Slate Wavm, IIit' |)II\I\ t'IIlIk'lI IIII’ II.I\ \I,IIIIII_I.' Il \\IIeII .III \\.Ix x.IId .IIIII IIIIIIe Ihe u IlII III.IIIII.I. \IIIIIIIJ). erII ”If; L'IIllllt ex \IIIIIJIIII‘II III IIIIIIIIII .I tl’lIIIIt'IIIIIdex II'IIllII\ IIIIIIIe I’IIexd.I-\ IIII’ .rn "“PT’" \IJIe lIIIIxhed \\lIIl IIIII) II xIIIIIx, I'IItIIIIIIIeI ‘IHIII \IelIIIIIth College. IIx Irmexl IIII.II II! Ihe Iedl, .IIId \\.I\ Ihe IIIII ranked te.IIII III I)I\Ixrnn III a" IIIIIthII IIH IIII|_\ Ihe xeeIInd IIIIIe II.IIIIe IIIIIe Ix 4 I‘ III .II \Ielhnd lIIIx xL'II'xIIIl. Ifi II Rudd SLIIIIIIIII secrets emerge from closet ‘Zm‘f,.at ‘1‘»-' I'xIIIIe .III the IIIIII'I'I huh IIIeIIIIIeI III IlIe \IIIIEIIIL‘ IIxIIIIIIId IIIIIIIJIII IIIII II) I',\\Ull Number \\.I\ Trivia Answers -.,, I‘IIIII «weI \I.I\I\eII\ .IIlII II\ Jeff Coleburn I.IIIII|I. uh.» .Ire \IIIII IllI\ IIIIenInI; [Irexldenl III I'\\UII x IIIIIIIII H‘Id IIllIIe.II iIIII.lIIII.l'lI‘~ IIII'II' IIII IIII \\.I\IIe \IuIIIII .Il Ihe IIIInx IIeIuI‘IIIIeIII during the \.IIde/ .IIL‘ .l leu IIIIIIg’x Hm! .I IIII \I.IIIIII~II( .IxIIIII III I .Ix \eedx tweed); \IhIIe he \\.Ix IIe\eI IIIIII I. The I’Ight dIIIIr :Ix )IIII enter the L'IIllI'IIltilINC III [‘I‘IIIIII IIIIIII knuu Innocent Bystander IIL‘I) named. (iIIIIheI \\.Ix IIIexxIII'ed . .qunitu .IIIIIIII IIIeIII IIII‘xI‘ IIIIIeI. III‘.II.*IIII \IIII IIIIIIII I€.IIIIe\ .IIII..I\x IIIIIIIed xII (iIIIIIeI I'\Ie IeII IIIe "»\IIII\ lllIII I‘engIIIIIe xIIIIIe IIIIIIIIhx |.IIeI _ . Mount I’IIIII IIIeIIIIIIAIx III Ihe \I.I\IIeIII. II‘IlIlIlII IIeIIIIIIx‘ IIIIIIIIII \IIIIu‘ I . xI.II III hIx Imn Illl .IlIeI he .IIIeInIIteII III llldlixt‘l Ihe xIII . (itItIheI' IIII) II.I'Ie eIIIIIIeh dirk xI-I II'I\ III erIex. IIIIIIIeI I’_\|e.l S\It' ” .\IIeI gun "Ii\\tIn. We‘re the Shtkext (III . . IIIx OI. \IIII>1IIId—pepper suit nuke IlIe ’\IId\ IIIIIIIIII \IIIIII ” IIIe \IIII II.IIIIII IIII.IIII. I.IIII. I‘III III herng: dI ~IIIIIIIII.IIII\ deIIIJI’eed III ('IIIIIpdn) .\IIIIIIIIIY" IIe Ix eIIrIeIIIII 'I\\ III I’edx” III Ihe IIIIx' IlIe .IIIxI'I IIIII .IdIIIIIId '\IIIII' I‘IIIII IIII \I'IIIIIIIII.‘ lIlI' II.Ixe IIIIII \\;I\Illllg_' e.IIx IIII .I hung III . I\‘Inulll PIIDI .IIIIIxe IIII iIII IIIIIIIIIIII xIII-u III III.IIIdeI x ddIIIJIIIeI. he I.Ided IIIIII IIUII)\\IHI(I. \\IIIIIIII_‘ IIII hIx hie . 'I‘he COI'IICI‘ mom III the YM( ‘,\ \\IIh .I IIIIIe Iexe.II\h .IIIII IIII‘ III'III I‘INI \IId\ \I,Ix IIIIII.IIIeII .IIId erI IIIIxIIIIIII .IIIII ;.IIIexI .IIIIIe.II.Ineex IlII IIIeIIII IIIIII InIItIIIII IIIeIIIIex . The jug III .I IIII\.IIe III\\‘xIII_I.lIIII. I \I |ll.|ll IeIIIeII III III ‘II I.I*.II. IIII .IL'LI.I\.II “HI‘ IIIIIIe x IIIIIIII.I\ Ie|e\IxIIIII xIIe . Wednesdtr} .Iged III III}: IIII xIIIIIe hIddeII IIIIIIII III .Ixx.IIIII .IIIII Ix :I I\\.IIIIII'_' II.II‘I (iIllllI'I I'IeIIIII.III} xIIeII lIIe I'III.III}. Hume} I'Ile xuuexxlulh .IIIIIIII IIIe \I.I\I‘I'[l\ \I\'\\ .IIIII 'I\I‘II‘II II.IIIIII' II. :I I III: I I IIIIIIIIIIIIJI III.II\I'I\ III I IlII \II l.II IIlka'I“ .IIIL‘I IIII'IIed IIIx IIIIIeI'\\ Ixe IIL‘I‘IIIIJIIIIL‘ III. IirnexI I. Barxx IIIe\ .IIe IIIIII It .IIIIIIIII ‘II IIII‘ III IIIxIIIIIIe III IIIIII-II II :IIII III I|.l‘~ IIIe\ IIIIIIII‘II .I IIIxIIIIIIed I II.II.IeIeI’ perx

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