San Ignacio, Cayo District, 2013

Project Description

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Belize is growing rapidly. We've put together an exciting mission trip to share the gospel even further in the Cayo District. This project includes evangelistic meetings and children’s Vacation Bible School programs at four sites in the community, finishing three new classrooms at the Eden Adventist Primary School and holding dental, medical and eye clinics in the surrounding villages.

Project Dates

October 16-28, 2013

Orientation will be on Thursday, October 17, 2013 and meetings will begin Friday evening, October 18 through Saturday, October 26.

To Apply

To successfully apply, all mission project participants are required to complete the following documents and provide them to Quiet Hour Ministries: 1. Mission Project Application, with $100 deposit-nonrefundable 2. Clean, clear copy of passport picture page 3. Participant Medical History Form ( 4. Notarized Parental Consent and Medical Release Form. Required for participants under 18 years of age who travel into a foreign country without a parent. Send copy only. Keep original with passport. (


Mission trip investment amount: $1,600. This includes airfare, food, lodging, insurance, local transportation and a contribution towards the mission project.

Payment schedule: $100 deposit (nonrefundable) due upon submitting application. $750 due two months prior to mission trip (Thursday, August 15, 2013) $750 due six weeks prior to mission trip (Wednesday, September 4, 2013)

Please Note: All participant fees must be paid in full prior to departure.


The travel arrangements will be made through Quiet Hour Ministries, as the airfare is included in your participation fee.

Mission Project Components

The mission project will consist of the following components. You will have the opportunity to participate in any one or all of the following areas:

 Evangelism  Children’s Ministry  Construction Project: Finishing work on three new classrooms at Eden SDA Primary School  Medical, Dental and Eye Clinics*

*Note: Clinics can only be held if appropriate medical personnel join the mission team.

Details about our destination: San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize

Belize is located on the northeastern coast of Central America. It is the only country in Central America where English is the official language. Belize is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations and has a rich, diverse culture, with influences from many ethnic groups. The Cayo District is located on the western side of Belize bordering . It is an agricultural region with major crops of citrus and banana. The ancient Maya ruins of , , and are found in Cayo District near San Ignacio. The sister towns of San Ignacio and Santa Elena are located on the banks of the Macal and Mopan rivers.

Food and lodging

Team members will stay at the Aguada Hotel in Santa Elena, Belize. All meals will be eaten at the La Loma Luz Hospital Cafeteria which is located 3 blocks from the Aguada Hotel.


The group will take an all-day snorkeling excursion to Caya Caulker. Bus, boat trip, lunch, and snorkeling gear are all part of the package.

Insurance and safety

Quiet Hour provides Short Term Mission Insurance for each participant through General Conference Risk Management Services. The period of coverage is for approximately 19 days.

We will do everything possible to ensure the safety of our participants. All our activities are planned in consultation with local church leaders and area experts. Participants will not be allowed to venture off on their own. While we don’t expect any danger, we do take precautions that all activities involve a minimum of two adults.


Consult your family physician or your local health department/international travel clinic at least 4-6 weeks prior to travel to Belize regarding recommended vaccinations and whether or not you should take anti-malarial medication. All travelers should be up-to- date with routinely recommended vaccinations. Which other vaccinations you will need depends upon a number of factors including your age, health status, and previous immunizations. Check Travel Health Online ( or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( websites for more information on specific vaccinations that may be recommended.

Proof of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter Belize if you have recently come from a country where yellow fever occurs. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( website for information on countries with a high risk of yellow fever to determine if a yellow fever vaccination certificate will be required.

Common Ailments

Intestinal problems due to drinking non-purified water, or eating something that has not been “decontaminated” (washed in Clorox water). All tap water is unsafe for drinking purposes. Diseases from food and water often cause vomiting and diarrhea. Make sure to bring diarrhea medicine with you so that you can treat mild cases yourself.

Precautions to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses include using mosquito repellant containing DEET, Picaridin, Oil of lemon eucalyptus/PMD (in EPA-registered repellent products, not essential oil), or IR3535, wearing clothing that covers the arms and legs, and avoiding dark-colored clothing, perfumes, colognes, and after-shaves.

Other common health concerns are: • Dehydration – Be sure to bring at least one water bottle and drink lots of water throughout the day. • Sunburn – The sun can be much more intense in Belize than back home. Consider putting on sunscreen every day. • Exhaustion – Jet lag, long days of work and short nights of sleep require participants to pace themselves.


It is important for every participant to assume that tap water is not safe to drink. Only drink purified water. Bottled drinking water can be purchased. You may also consider bringing a water purifier. Be aware that water filters are primarily for taste and do not remove contaminants. If you are interested in purchasing a water purifier, make sure that it is effective against protozoa/cysts, bacteria, and viruses.


Average temperature for San Ignacio in Cayo District, Belize in late September-early October is 86°F high/73°F low. The rainy season lasts from June to November so expect some afternoon showers.


Belize’s voltage is 110 AC, 60 Hertz with American-style 2-prong sockets. Outlets rarely have 3 holes so if your device has a third prong you will probably need an adaptor.


Belize’s official currency is the Belizean dollar. The exchange rate is US$1 to BZ$2. US dollars are generally accepted, but you will receive change in Belizean dollars. Traveler’s checks can be exchanged at most banks. Bring a well-known brand such as Amex or Visa in US dollars.

ATMs can be found in most major towns. When using ATMs, exercise the same level of caution you would in the United States when using unfamiliar ATM machines. Use ATMs in protected indoor areas when possible. Visa and MasterCard are the most widely accepted credit cards. When used, credit cards should be closely safeguarded at all times. Don’t lose sight of your card during transactions. Monitor your credit and debit card activity carefully and immediately report any unauthorized use to your financial institution. To prevent your credit/debit card from being declined, it is important to advise your card issuer of your travel plans in advance.

While traveling, we strongly recommend the use of a money belt to carry your cash. Do not carry large amounts of money in your purse or wallet.

Passport and Visa

Every participant MUST have a valid passport to travel to Belize. If you do not have a passport, you can get one at your local post office. It will take 4 - 6 weeks to process. Belize requires that your passport be valid for at least six months beyond the date of your intended stay in Belize.

If you are a U.S. citizen tourist staying for fewer than 9\30 days, a visa is not required. If you are not a U.S. citizen, visit to find out if you need a visa and how to obtain one.

U.S. citizens traveling with their children may be asked by Belizean immigration to show U.S. birth certificates for each child. Minors traveling without both parents need to carry notarized permission for unaccompanied travel with their passports. Visit to download our Notarized Parental Consent and Medical Release Form.


Quiet Hour Ministries will provide each team with the following resource information to help with their meetings: • Jesus video • Family talks • Evangelism manual • Children's program felt set and suggestions • Guidelines on Health Expos • Health presentation on PowerPoint

• One set of Truth for Today sermons (DVD or CD) • Travel insurance for each team member

Each morning all team members are encouraged to meet together for morning devotions and to review the evening meeting’s sermons and health activities.

Equipment Needs (for speakers)

Each speaker will need to bring: • Laptop computer, remote control, and video projector, OR • DVD player with remote control, and video projector

Equipment costs: • 3000-3500 lumen projector – approx. $1,500.00 • DVD player (all regions including PAL; 115-220 volts) (recommended to buy in country of meetings) – less than $100.00 • Computer remote control – $125.00 • Carrying case – less than $100.00

Children's ministry

Programs and activities for the children will occur during each evangelistic meeting. The programs will include songs, stories from the Bible, nature nuggets, puppets, and other activities, as arranged by the team’s children’s ministry coordinator. Many times it is through the children that the adults are brought to the meetings. Therefore, it is important that much emphasis and preparation is given to the children’s programs and activities.

For additional information on this mission trip, please contact:

QHM Evangelism Department at [email protected], or 800-900-9021.