The Cambridge Companion To: Liberalism Edited by Steven Wall Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08007-2 - The Cambridge Companion to: Liberalism Edited by Steven Wall Index More information index Ackerman, Bruce, 395 exit rights, 323–24 Acton, H. B., 80 individuality and, 145–46 on Mill, 339–40 Kant on, 407 Acton, Lord John, 338 motives and, 146–47 Adams, John, 25, 27 necessity of, 216 Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, 148 personal agreement, 89–90 comprehensive doctrine liberalism by exclusion, 101–5 and, 191–92 fairness and justice, 90–93 importance, 202 mutual advantage, 93–96 state toleration and, 194 alienation, 149–50 political, 164–69 American Civil War, 35–36 as non-domination, 387–88, 390–92 American liberalism, 21–22. See also aspirational values, 179–80 United States authorization, 165 Civil War and, 35–36 collective authorization core premises, 23 condition, 167 diversity, 22–23 constitutional vs. comprehensive, 168 freedom in, 27–28 democracy and, 178 pre-revolutionary, 26–28 desirability, 169–71, 181 racial, gender, and ethnic aspects, hypotheticalist view, 165–66 33–35 justice and, 170 Revolution to Union, 29–33 modest vs. robust, 169 American Revolution, 29, 389–90 moral requirements, 178–80 Amery, Leo, 65 normative status, 177–80 anarchism, 277 participation condition, 167, 168–69 Appleby, Joyce, 28 pluralism and, 171–74 Aquinas, Thomas, 42 public knowledge requirement, 177 Arendt, Hannah, 373 Rousseau on, 164–65, 178–80 aristocracy, 218 state toleration and, 196–97 Aristotelian Principle, 124, 370 transmission, 169, 182 armed forces, 31 weak vs. strong, 173–74, 181–82 atheism, 119 protean
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