Cichlid T-E-N™

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Cichlid T-E-N™ I COLOR SPECIAL: l 49 II ey s Aulonocara baenschi "Chipo~_a" ====:=:::=:=::::=:.ij-io~ o o· \,.~U/) /~ T ~~ TOTAL ESSENTIAL NUTRITION (';:~'~\';' 'fwardley Iwardley'1 ~ - :;. ~ ...; '. :}r.\~<~; CICHLID T-E-N™ THE MOST ADVANCED FLOATING PELLETS FOR .. ~~ YOUR CICHLIDS. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: TROPICAL, GOLDFISH, KOI AND REPTILE: FORMULAE. WARDLEY'S SINKING FORMULA CICHLID PELLETS - STILL AVAILABLE ­ \1 STILL THE BEST FOR BOTTOM FEEDERS. Volume 19, #6, $1'. 50 September 1990 QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISH KEEPER ~n©l:l©li1l1ID1fi) ~O©lhJOO@] ~O@UW AUSTRALIA'S PREMIER BRAND \ ~1fi)©@~I?IID~@@] REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST - PUBLICATION NO. VBH0291. CATEGORY B. PO BOX 25, PHONE: (03) -527 2546 The Cichlid MontnlY BALACLAVA, Cichlid Scene ....., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 2 © VICTORIA 3183. Editorial .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Jean-Pierre Brichard .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-5 © Rowemin' 'Round .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8-9 a ~ Members' Ads 11 Q)ROP1C Aulonocara baenschi "Chipoka" 12-13 @ Raising the Dwarf Aquarist.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 23 ~. Buya Peacock: and Get an Ulcer 16-19 --1 ~ Rules for the Pronunciation of Scientific Names 20 (j[j) < Aquarium Chart .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Ii Musing on Muyukes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22-23 Wardley's Table Show Results .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Minutes ofthe Previous Meeting 24 Volume 19, #6 - SEPTEMBER 1990 COMMITTEE FOR 1990-91 President AART LANGELAAR 783 5386 Librarian .......... GLENN BRIGGS 7253665 I, Vice-President DAVID THORN 7635576 Show Secretary .. KEN WH ELAN ... 3742140 Secretary GRAHAM ROWE 5607472 TradingTable .... JOHN REEVES .. 2338736 Editor DARYL HUTCHINS _, _, 8706284 JAN PORRITT .......... Facsimile 8704337 Committee- ROBBIE scon 8242279 Treasurer ........ KEITH PATFORD 7162425 At-Large DANNY GENOVESE 5272546 Social Secretary JENNY BRIGGS.. .. 725 3665 I SCOTT HAyMES ..... 8984870 LIFE MEMBERS GRAHAM ROWE HEI NZ 5TAUDE KEVIN ARCHIBALD KEITH PATFORD HONORARY MEMBER MAX DAVENPORT The Victorian Cichfid Society Inc, formed by Cichlidophi/es in March 1972 and thus became the first specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. Its aims are: to promote the keeping of Cichlids; 10 gain and disseminate knowledge of their habits through siides, films, books, lectures, overseas magazines, articles by members and discussion with lellow members or other experls in Ihe field. I REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS © COPYRIGHT, Victorian Clchild Society Incorporated, 1989. Anyone wishing to reprint materials from any Cichlid Monthly in their regular club magazine (not other publications which are sold), may do so (unless the article itself carries a copyright notice) provided due credIt is given to the author and 'The Cichlid Monthly' and one copy of the relevant publication is sent to the Editor - 30 Timbertop Road, Ringwood North, Victoria, Australia 3134. Enquiries re the use of material in any other publications may also be directed to the above. The ClchJid Monthly is pUblished eleven times a year by: THE VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INCORPORATED, ALL CICHLIDS c/- 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave, Vic, Australia 3170. I and is Registered by Australia Post - Publication Number VBH0291. The VC5 is a member of the Federation of Victorian Aquarium Societies. BOUGHT AND SOLD Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the Editor of TCM or the committee of the VictOrian Cichlid Society Incorporated, (WH'OLESALE ONLY) l I The Cichlid Monthly •• I THE NEXT MEETING will be held on 15 August at the Northvale Primary School hall, Albany Drive, Mulgrave at 8.00 pm sharp (but the trading table and library open much sooner - around 7.30). Supper will be partaken of after the meeting - visitors, as always, are welcome. MINI TALK: "Ciclasoma" oblongum - Graham Rowe. I think it calls for strong letters MAIN TALK: Slide Show - Danny Genovese. of protest - and quickly. DOOR PRIZES: Energen food - Pet and Aquarium Industries. DRAW PRIZES: ~ Happen it does not very often ­ 1. 'Tanganyika Cichlids' by Ad Konings. and I am probably very silly for 2. Frozen food - Aquavel. 3. A cask of Port. T HAS long been the policy not keeping it under my hat ­ of this magazine not to but I was virtually swamped with TABLE SHOW: Africans and Asians. delve into the dangerous articles our previous meeting. MINI AUCTION: Support for the mini auction - in the form of items for mire of politics - but the auction or bidding for those items - is always appreciated. I Well four new original articles _0._5-.'. story which is reproduced at the at the same time is a new record bottom of this page (from 'The - it means that you have a cou­ Sun', 20/8) effects us directly in ple of weeks longer to polish and our endeavors to find a place to R AOVE.RT\SERSt refine that magnum opus upon pitch our tent permanently. SUPPORTOU which you are working, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD THOUSANDS of com­ they would have to close if make a submission to the munity and sporting force to pay big rent bills. department and lobby he saId. their local Labor MP be· ~... AQUAIIU.O groups would be o ~,. t • financially crippled if .. It's outrageous that fore the end of the month voluntary commumty to protest against the D ~' ... ',.' ~- the State Govern­ groups Should have to foot plans. FISH § ment charged for the the bill for the State Gov­ The Premier. Mrs Kir· use of crown land, the ernment's financial mis­ ner. dismIssed Mr Birrell'$ Opposition said management." claims, saying the issl.\e Mr Birrell said the De­ was an old one. Ii , • 0 yesterday. Liberal Party Upper partment of Conservation· "There's been a review' of House leader Mr Birrell and Environment in­ charges on crown land o said the Government plan­ cluded calling tenders for ever since r was Minister the use of crown land. for [] ned to impose new fees on r for Conservation, Forests NOW AVAILABLE the organisations, which it was responsible, and Lands and I would imposing rent as a percen­ expect that that would AT YOUR FAVORITE o "This insensitive money tage of the groups' income, contlhue." she said. grab could wipe ou't many the site's commercial rent AQUARIUM SHOP o elderly citizens groups, value. or usmg an mdepen­ Mrs Kirner said some sports clubs and youth or­ dent \;J.luation fees had not increased for o ganisations that have "These draconlan op· 10 years and needed buildings or facilities on tio~s gllu~ no hope to renew, - GET 'EM WHILE o crown lanel," Mr Birrell groUps th~t simply serve She said the Govern. said, the public and don't seek ment would be careful nOt THEY'RE HOT!!!! o At least one scout group to make a profit." Mr Bir­ to disadvantage groups [] and two senior citizens rell said all com'munity' that did not hal'e an centres had already sald o l~:.c~ o· groups im'olved s[!ould income. o 0 DDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDD vc_ Jean-Pierre Brichard 1921-1990 It is with profound regret that we mark the passing of well-known Collector and Author, Pierre Brichard, in Bujumbura, Burundi, on 14 March 1990. The aquarium hobby is Indebted to Pierre Srichardfor the opening up ofthe African continent to the hobby. Despite great hardships he discovered and introduced many species, a number ofwhich have quite rightly been named in his honor Rest In Peace. 'OIl The Cichlid Monthly I Ohe Cichlid Monthly U I OSCAR EYES WANTED FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AT MONASH UNIVERSITY If one of your Oscars should die, we would like to have him/her, young or old. Put it in a plastic bag (or two) and stick it in the freezer. Give us a ring and we will arrange to pick them up. Please phone Steve Morton on 565 3663 during business hours or 571 9259 after hours (before 9 pm). Phone: RESERVOIR 3073"<':;;:\·· 4786614 A VARIETY [, OF FOOD ~~.';:;.'is\~~Yt:N.,~.____~~ ~~r\"~ y. ._ Keeps Your Fish •• ioo.< . =:..., _-- .. ./I All Aquarium & Pet Supplies P/L . ~_.- (Cichlidarium) Happy and Healthy 8 Dunoon Crt, Mulgrave, Vic 3170 (off Police Road) IT'S A GIRL! I! We specialise in CICHlIDS, NATIVES, KILliFISH, MARINES (we think) and all other rare species. EVERYTHING FOR THE AQUARIUM To Wilma, Phone: (03) 546 1025 at Business hours: Logan's Beach, Man-Sat 9 am-7 pm; Sunday 11 am-5 pm. Warrnambool Wednesday Closed. AQUAVELL FROZEN FOOD Adaughter - "Pebbles" PACKAGED AND PRODUCED BY KIEBODY 2 tonnes Victoria's First and Original Cichlid Centre PTY l TO AUSTRALIA I The Cichhd Monthly 171 ardson tells all who will listen about 'A with his report on 'Convention 90: Chica­ Fantasy Come True - Symphysodon go'. Larry Desiano, writing in 'Aquatic RoweITl~ discus'. Hal Makin has "a nightmare Digest' Spring 85, from Allegheny River come true" in his 'Night of the liVing Sub­ Valley AS about 'Aquarium Clubs, Are strate'. Wait until Steven Spielberg hears You Enjoying Yours?' A happy club is far about this! more fruitful and beneficial to the hobby. 'Roun He puts it differently to Joe Tombkowski For variety we have a double invite in butthe message is similar. By Graham Rowe June and July 'Kitsap Aquarian's from r Kitsap AS Inc. Denyce Trudeau explains In the two must-read publications we For your convenience, the magazines find the following: 'Superfish' July/Aug mentioned in this article will be kept to­ to everybody aboutthe 'Fish of the Month - The Firemouth Cichlid'. Patricia and 90, 'Haplochromis to be or not to be' by gether in the library for one month ­ Norm Halliwell with editor's comments by see your friendly librarian. conditioning) and indicates that you nave Richard Coogan had everybody drooling when he told us about 'Breeding Pseudo­ Greg Ure. 'Hybrids - the Hazard of got to watch our for females, as a weak Maintaining Community Tanks' by Adrian TILL only a few invites this month. fish in a Tropheus tank is a dead fish.
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