VARPU ALASUUTARI: Death at the End of the Rainbow – Rethinking Queer Kinship, Rituals of Remembrance and the Finnish Culture O

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VARPU ALASUUTARI: Death at the End of the Rainbow – Rethinking Queer Kinship, Rituals of Remembrance and the Finnish Culture O ANNALES ANNALES TURKUENSIS UNIVERSITATIS B 513 B Varpu Alasuutari Varpu DEATH AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW Rethinking Queer Kinship, Rituals of Remembrance and the Finnish Culture of Death Varpu Alasuutari Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2020 Finland Turku, Oy, Painosalama ISBN 978-951-29-8073-4 (PRINT) – ISBN 978-951-29-8074-1 (PDF) TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS ISSN 0082-6987 (Print) SARJA – SER. B OSA – TOM. 513 | HUMANIORA | TURKU 2020 ISSN 2343-3191 (Online) DEATH AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW Rethinking Queer Kinship, Rituals of Remembrance and the Finnish Culture of Death Varpu Alasuutari TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS SARJA - SER. B OSA – TOM. 513 | HUMANIORA | TURKU 2020 University of Turku Faculty of Humanities School of History, Culture and Arts Studies Gender Studies Doctoral Programme in History, Culture and Arts Studies (Juno) Supervised by Professor Marianne Liljeström Professor Ulrika Dahl University of Turku Uppsala University Reviewed by D.Soc.Sc. Riikka Taavetti Professor Tora Holmberg University of Helsinki Uppsala University Opponent D.Soc.Sc. Riikka Taavetti University of Helsinki The originality of this publication has been checked in accordance with the University of Turku quality assurance system using the Turnitin OriginalityCheck service. Cover Image: Arwen Meereboer / Dagmar Illustrations ISBN 978-951-29-8073-4 (PRINT) ISBN 978-951-29-8074-1 (PDF) ISSN 0082-6987 (Print) ISSN 2343-3191 (Online) Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2020 UNIVERSITY OF TURKU Faculty of Humanities School of History, Culture and Arts Studies Gender Studies VARPU ALASUUTARI: Death at the End of the Rainbow – Rethinking Queer Kinship, Rituals of Remembrance and the Finnish Culture of Death Doctoral Dissertation, 272 pages, 6 appendix pages Juno Doctoral Programme June 2020 ABSTRACT In this dissertation, I study death and loss as part of queer and trans lives in Finland, focusing on queer kinship, rituals of remembrance and the Finnish culture of death. Theoretically, the study draws on feminist affect theories, queer theory, death studies and bereavement studies in an interdisciplinary fashion. Methodologically, the study utilises in-depth interviewing informed by feminist methodologies, scavenger methodology and qualitative content analysis. The main data of this study consists of interviews and written narratives of 14 bereaved LGBTQ people living in Finland. The recounted losses had taken place within the time period between the 1980s and the 2010s. In addition, the data includes e.g. legislative texts, church guidelines and online ethnography to contextualise the personal narratives of the interviewees with their larger cultural and societal context. The study produces new knowledge not only on death and loss, but also on the conditions of living queer and trans lives in Finnish society, particularly in terms of kinship, rituals and the different kinds of affective normativities related to them. The study reveals that the affective complexity of meaningful relationships affects LGBTQ people in a variety of ways when they experience losses within their families of origin, romantic partnership and other meaningful relations. Moreover, the study indicates that there are two institutions that have a prioritised role in the context of death in Finland: the official family and the Evangelical Lutheran Church. They are supported by Finnish legislation and church guidelines, but also by the positive affects of familiarity and appropriateness attached to them, providing them with affective power. This shows up, in particular, in traditional Finnish death rituals, in the domain of which the interviewees had experienced feelings of inclusion and exclusion. In addition, the interviewees had created private and shared rituals of remembrance. Following queer theory, I read them as examples of melancholic attachments that help the bereaved to live with grief. Furthermore, this study contributes both theoretically and empirically to the emerging field of queer death studies and raises a discussion on the possibilities of queer and trans culture of death in Finnish society. KEYWORDS: LGBTQ people; death; grief; loss; rituals; remembrance; the Finnish culture of death; feminist methodologies; scavenger methodology; feminist affect theories; queer death studies. 3 TURUN YLIOPISTO Humanistinen tiedekunta Historian, kulttuurin ja taiteiden tutkimuksen laitos Sukupuolentutkimus VARPU ALASUUTARI: Kuolema sateenkaaren päässä – Queerit läheissuhteet, muistelurituaalit ja suomalainen kuolemankulttuuri uudelleen ajateltuna Väitöskirja, 272 sivua, 6 liitesivua Tohtoriohjelma Juno Kesäkuu 2020 TIIVISTELMÄ Tutkin väitöskirjassani kuolemaa ja menetystä osana queer- ja transihmisten elämää Suomessa. Tutkimukseni keskeisiä teemoja ovat queerit läheissuhteet, muistelu- rituaalit ja suomalainen kuolemankulttuuri. Teoreettisesti tutkimukseni nojaa feministisiin affektiteorioihin, queer-teoriaan, kuolemantutkimukseen ja suruntutki- mukseen yhdistellen niitä monitieteisesti. Metodologisesti tutkimukseni hyödyntää feminististen metodologioiden ohjaamaa syvähaastattelua, keräilevää metodologiaa ja laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen pääaineisto koostuu 14 Suomessa asuvan HLBTQ-ihmisen haastat- teluista ja kirjoituksista. Menetykset, joista haastateltavat kertoivat, olivat tapah- tuneet 1980–2010 -luvuilla. Lisäksi aineisto sisältää mm. lakitekstejä, seurakuntien hautausohjeita ja internetetnografiaa, joiden avulla sidon haastateltavien tarinat osaksi laajempaa kulttuurista ja yhteiskunnallista kontekstia. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta tietoa kuolemasta ja menetyksestä, mutta myös HLBTQ- ihmisten elämisen olosuhteista suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Tutkimus paljastaa, että läheissuhteiden affektiivinen monimutkaisuus vaikuttaa HLBTQ-ihmisten kokemiin menetyksiin synnyinperheen, parisuhteen ja muiden läheisten ihmis- suhteiden konteksteissa monin tavoin. Lisäksi tutkimus osoittaa, että virallinen perhe ja evankelis-luterilainen kirkko ovat suomalaisen kuolemankulttuurin priorisoituja instituutioita. Niiden asemaa tukee paitsi Suomen lainsäädäntö ja seurakuntien hautausohjeet, myös niihin kiinnittyneet tuttuuden ja sopivuuden kaltaiset positiiviset affektit, jotka antavat niille affektiivista valtaa. Tämä näkyy etenkin perinteisissä kuolemanrituaaleissa, joiden parissa haastateltavat kokivat mukaan ottamisen ja ulos sulkemisen tunteita. Haastateltavat olivat myös luoneet omia, yksityisiä ja jaettuja muistelurituaaleja, jotka luen queer-teoriaa seuraten esimerkeiksi melankolisista siteistä, jotka auttavat surevia elämään surun kanssa. Lisäksi tutkimukseni tarjoaa teoreettisen ja empiirisen kontribuution queerin kuolemantutkimuksen kehittyvälle kentälle ja herättää keskustelua queer- ja trans- spesifisen kuolemankulttuurin mahdollisuuksista suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. ASIASANAT: HLBTQ-ihmiset; kuolema; suru; menetys; rituaalit; muistelu; suomalainen kuolemankulttuuri; feministiset metodologiat; keräilevä metodologia; feministiset affektiteoriat; queer kuolemantutkimus. 4 Acknowledgements I wrote the first research proposal for this dissertation in 2014 during a cold and rainy summer, thinking that this would become a study on queer widow(er)hood in Finland. Now, as I’m finishing this dissertation in the spring of 2020 during the exceptional times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be said that it has ended up becoming something quite different than what I initially planned. Life and research, it seems, are full of surprises. Compared with those early days, my research focus has widened and shifted quite significantly, as I started to see the larger potential of this study and the multitude of aspects related to kinship, death and loss relevant when studying them as parts of queer and trans lives. A huge thanks in this regard goes to my supervisors, Professor Marianne Liljeström and Professor Ulrika Dahl, as well as to my research seminar co-attendees (especially to my colleague Sade Kondelin), who have encouraged me to see further and to ask broader questions than what I initially dared to ask. In addition, I would like to thank Marianne for her unwavering support, being outspoken both in her compliments and critique, and believing in me and in my research every step on the way, ever since those early days. Ulrika I would like to thank for her encouragement, guidance, meticulous comments, insightful critique and for always challenging me to think further. Both of their input has been essential for me in so many ways when conducting this study, and I appreciate it dearly. Moreover, my supervisors have read through and commented on a considerable number of pages that were not included in this dissertation, which is why I also thank them for their patience and dedication (and for putting up with my wordiness). I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the pre-examiners of my work, Dr. Riikka Taavetti and Professor Tora Holmberg. Their reviews have been extremely helpful in finalising this dissertation. Riikka Taavetti I would like to thank for a deeply attentive examination of my work, encouragement and constructive, detailed and helpful critique. Tora Holmberg I would like to thank for making me polish my arguments once more and for showing where I needed to be more consistent in my writing. Moreover, I thank both of them for making me see where I needed to justify my choices better and where it was, instead, better to be more concise. In addition, I 5 would like to express my sincere appreciation to Riikka Taavetti
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