The Wars of the Odrysian Kingdom Against Philip II (352–339
UDC 930.84 (4— 12) YU ISSN 0350—7653 ACADEMIE SERBE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS INSTITUT DES ETUDES BALKANIQUES UDC 930.84 (4— 12) YU ISSN 0350—7653 ACADEMIE SERBE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS INSTITUT DES ETUDES BALKANIQUES BALCANICA ANNUAIRE DE L’INSTITUT DES ETUDES BALKANIQUES BALCANICA ANNUAIRE DE L’INSTITUTXXVI DES ETUDES BALKANIQUES XXVI Rédacteur NIKOLA TASIĆ Directeur de l’Institut des Etudes balkaniques SecrétaireRédacteur ALEKSANDARNIKOLA PALAVESTRA TASIĆ Directeur de l’Institut des Etudes balkaniques Membres de la Rédaction MtLUTIN GARAŠANIN,Secrétaire MILKA IVIĆ, ČEDOMIR POPOV, ANTHONY-EMILALEKSANDAR TACHIAOS PALAVESTRA (Thessalonique), DIMITRIJE ĐORĐEVIĆ (Santa Barbara), DRAGOSLAV ANTONIJEVIĆ, VESELIN ĐURETIĆ,Membres MIODRAG de la Rédaction STOJANOVIĆ MtLUTIN GARAŠANIN, MILKA IVIĆ, ČEDOMIR POPOV, ANTHONY-EMIL TACHIAOS (Thessalonique), DIMITRIJE ĐORĐEVIĆ (Santa Barbara),BELGRADE DRAGOSLAV ANTONIJEVIĆ, VESELIN ĐURETIĆ, MIODRAG1995 STOJANOVIĆ BELGRADE 1995 UDC 938.1(093)"-03" Original Scholarly Work Kinl JORDANüV Instîtute of Thracology Sofia THE WARS OF THE ODRYSIAN KINGDOM AGAINST PHILIP II 352-339 BC Abstract:, The paper trace the dynamism of the complex military and politi- cćtl relations betvveen the Odrysian State and Philip П, vvhich are often the subject of brisk polemics in historiography. The military campaigns of the Macedonian niler in 352/331, 347/3346 and 342/341 BĆ, which resulted m a considérable weakening of the Odrysian kingdom, are investigated suc- cessively and in detail. The successes of Philip IL however, are not the sought reliable evidence about the existence of a stable Macedonian mili tant' and administrative mie in the lands betvveen the Haemus. the Aegean Sea and the Propontis, as some researchers are inchned to believe.
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