SPORTING GOODS. Day with 98 out of 100 and Then 50 Straight
BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 50, No. 12. Philadelphia, November 30, 1907. Price, Five Cents. HANNON.O.FA NOVEMBER 30, 1907. spring by Secretary E. S. Barnard. The that is all there is to it. There has been team will leave here Saturday, March 7, for little base ball activity here this week. Macon, Ga., arriving in the training camp Grover Cleveland Land, fjb.e great young LATEST NEWS Sunday afternoon, March 8. The team will catcher of the Toledo telm, was in town remain in the Georgia camp until March last Siinday; bat, as the •, politicians say, 27, when the Naps will start for a nine-day his visit COffiSKEY NOW HAS THE stay in New Orleans. The schedule is as BASE BALL NEWS. IS NOT "WAS WITHOUT SIGNIFICANCE," follows: March 28 to April 5, at New Or at least that©s what was given out. It leans,; April 6, at Birmingham; April 7, at may be worth while to set at rest the re "CAUFORMA BUG/© Louisville; April 8, at Louisville; April 9, PLENTIFUL ports that have received currency in some at Indianapolis; April 10, at Indianapolis; quarters to the effect that Charley Jones April 11, at Toledo; April 12, at Toledo. would quit base ball. These statements re How the Local Players Figure in ceived little credit and were not entitled to The White Sox Chief Said to be BPGRAW METHODS. any. According to very direct information wMch has come to Charley HJckntftn, Jones Planning to Have His Team the Batting Averages Some fully expects to be back here again next Will Be Re-Injected in Next Year©s season.
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