ft y Jmmfm- e Wffiqjme-r- - - W v -- -- - If irnn Pn7r f THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW BISBEE ARIZONA SUNDAY MORNING AUG 22 1909 PAGE FIVE Bill Delaney with Hat the CAPTAIN OF BOSTON AMERICANS Dean ofFight Managers and BssTBslBawQs Bank Trust Co Morris Levy Fight Promoter Bisbee and Courtland Arizona I BsrBBrBBrBsr W Wallace President R M Moore Cashier t sflBBaBBsBBBBr C L Edmundson Vice Pres W H Rankin Asst Cashier Chas Lockling Asst Cashier and Mgr Courtland Branch ihiwvsHBfis t vVssFbbbbbbImibBbbbbbbb DIRECTORS W E McKEE B CARETTO R M MOORE J C COLLINS B A TAYLOR C L EDMUNDSON C A McDONALO CHAS LOCKLINQ I W WALLACE CHARLIE CARR TELLS HOW TO WAKE A WINNING TEAM MASKS BROS - -- BsrBsrBsrflsBsrA l The Reliable Store For Formulate Syetem of Plays Having Insurance MENS CLOTHING AND FUR- ¬ Team Work for Its Base ard NISHINGS 3K fftBSTSBSTjl Youll Get Results ijSjrf that Main Street Lowell Ariz Charlie Carr manager of the Indian ipolls team champions of tbe Ameri lssKGM5rTlsasasasaaHP can association Is the highest salaried man In the minors receiving 7000 a Insures rear Oncer Watklns believes hl the greatest leader In tbe game 30 Day Free Having a winner last year Carr Trial hopes to repeat and he faces the prob lems that confront every other ml -- or league manager His stars are gone Universal i o the majors and must be replaced Money to Like the majors be can draft and buy players Here Is Carrs dope on how Electric Iron Ullhy Delaney maker of champion s has retired from the pugilistic world to make a wincing team because of Hi health For two decail es Delaney has been one of the leading When bush leaeuers break tn the figures In Che ring game He brought Jim Corbett to the front and came must be taught to wait Tbey swing Loan back to produce another champ In Jl to Jeffries But since the retirement everything They work figured so fct it dont the of Jeffries Blur has not lrngly until Al Kaufman was uncovir pitcher My team will make pitchers e3 He took the management of the blg fellow and touted him to land the bbbbbbbbB BBrBBrBBS years to tlie limit You know If a pitcher Thats All heavy weight honors For two he has been toting Kaufman around 1 V without the championship sign but h e never lost faith and still thinks Blj 2s to throw seven or eight balls to Al will land If he does however It will be under the management o every batter tcstead of three or four Jlorris Lev a well known promoter on the coast for Levy has taken up nee apt to weaken especially on a ARIZONA INS AGENCY Delaneys work and Billy has passed up the hopeof managing three worlds warm day Well well make em champions work Signals between batter and runner ¬ A Dr Harry capialu ton Last year was one of the In the hit and run must be perfect sim T Hughes AMERICAN Uessler and he ple BASEBALL right fielder of the Boston American few 300 hitters In the American and of a Mnl tbe opponents wont - Price 450 At St Louis team is a product of the American league batting for 205 and standing discover The same applies to the sig Manager St Louis 0 3 2 association He broke Into inaior fifth In the league besides leading his nals between the catcher and the In Boston 6 14 1 league baseball first with UrooKHn club He was among the leading field The hltscd run Is practiced KCak of IfttM Building Get One Today J7- daily I believe lri getter HOW THE YSTAND Batteries Waddell Deenen From that cluh he went to Clii spo batters In the American association It as a run and but I alco believe that by mixing them Stephens Arrellanes and Donohue rjid thence In a trade for Ihirt In 1907 playing in 135 games and Dont Delay Kraser In 1907 tn the Clnocunl batting tor 325 Geesler was made up much is accomplished When you At Cleveland 1907 wem djcX by Manager catch the defense flat footed you iWXITiFOR us t club In however be captain this spring Lake You can operate this iron at National League Cleveland 6 11 4 to Columbus and It was from taat He Is a dentist by profession and Is count For this reaton I favor a varied -- iWaX a - attack my la home in by Won Los Fct Phlaldelphlt 10 15 2 club that he was purchased tir Itus- 28 years old and fici at the v w jf lam less cost than the use of Batteries Berger and Easterly hit and run the raciiPce or the art of jy fuel or and you waste no Pittsburg 7S 30 722 stealing I do fellow TfiTSwigert BrW OpticalCo gas Dygert and Livingston what tie other Keep Chicago 73 33 670 WHEN YOU TAKE HER BIG CHIEF BENDER Isnt looking for heat yourself cool and New York 63 0 613 Gene Demonts delayed steal you your Iron hot at time OUT TO THE GAME the same Cincinnati 54 52 01 know Gene originated It years ago Is CMO W VOU MMIN LXftSC For Sale By 49 59 450 AT Whn jrou talt e her out to the ball mm one of my pets It Is effective when Philadelphia GAVEIN OLIVER youre packed In the stand u tn the And not Indianapo- ¬ WEJCT3FIIwr September St Louis 44 C3 411 croud worked to desth The you players regularly Brooklyn 39 S 361 Isnt It nice to have her ask lis steal third Third Bisbee Improvement Co In a olce Is feat fully loud is as easy to as second If a play- ¬ that steal Telephone No B 197 Boston 28 S2 253 CAUSES ONE DEATH What makes that player who throws the er uses his noodle and If he doesnt ball ho cant herei If you steal third AMERICAN Wave tils arms like thntr titlck And Dont you think if mean in them you Fcore on a passed ball or a sacri H fySvisHsHi Not lettint the umpire hatT y ycu ¬ Philadelphia 70 42 C23 A cave In the Oliver shaft on fice walch cant do from sec at And when a horoe player steals second ond the answer iisliLZTfLiBi Detroit 67 43 003 Friday evening resulted In injuries and third Thats G M BERNSTEIN Xiy a glorious slide to the base The fall away slide Is something I Boston 68 46 --5S6 Broker to a miner which proved fatal yes She says tor the crowd to try every mas- ¬ Its cruel to teach but man cant A general banking Cleveland 57 57 500 cheer ter it Its value Is the fact that only business Chicago When that poor fcllor fell on bla face transacted Mines Mining Stocks 33 56 4S6 working in the Oliver shaft whei un ankle Is offered the baseman to put Real Estate and Investments 51 5S 4C3 - Xew York the slip came and at the same-time- Then you try o explain and she says the ball on Instead of the body Cananea 8onora P O Bex 113 St Loul 45 63 413 he fell and was fatally injured by Oh I ex But why dont the rest of Every man must go to first on llMLsLslsj wBMsLByJH Phony 133 the players everything as If hung upon Iff Washington 32 7S 29l the falling earth and rocks Wear an apron to keep their suits clean his life reaching tbe bag If be loafs he de¬ tr As soon as eGorge was extracted Like the man with the muzzle on o - wears r serves a fine They turn toward sec ¬ Us you say f after the accident on Friday night And Why do the pitchers no ond on anything hit to the outfield TO OUR PATRONS was taken to the C and A hospital Kood go NATIONAL When hes hlttinc the bat eery timer whether they to second or not If THE ENGAGEMENT RING fash where It was found that both legs his And Why dont the policeman arrest a layer bluffs he forces a hurried ioned daintily and with a diamond We wish to can your attention to our Philadelphia 12 set At insings collar bone and several ribs wero them throw and sometimes the ball Is or pearls according to choice that superior and complete line of Philadelphia 6 10 2 Isnt stealing bases a crime FRESH VEGETABLES ARRIVING t broken One of the fractured ribs r thrown poorly Such things count My we can sell you will be a revelation Pittsburg 3 7 6 advice to managers is get a brainy AVe are especially well supplied with DAILY AND ICED penetrated the lung The injuries Then after youve answered these Ques ¬ Our experience In vegetables Batteries Corridon Sparks and tions team Formulate a system of play hav rings of handsome design and fine hare to George terminated fatally yester ¬ two or three million mere quality any of them is fit to grace taught us the only proper way is to Doolin Camnitx Willis Madden And ing for Its base teamwork and you will day Tou ask in the crowd as you go oat the rnvilf the finger of a charming belle What ¬ buy the best on the market and hare end Gibson gate pt ever is designed and manufactured In them packed with the greatest care The Ideceased comes from Aber ¬ To find out what was the score JEWELRY by experienced packers and Iced weii At Boston deen Devonshire and has no rela- ¬ Washington Herald This insures tbe best of goods in the will af- ¬ Chicago 8 11 2 tives country He came be found here within a week best condition We do not claim to in this to REGULAR SOX SECOND SACKER ter It Is manufactured Boston 3 6 1 Blsbee from Colorado be the cheajct but the best and our i prices are xptlstent with the quality Brown and Archer Ferguson nut The funeral services will be bald jl L GLLMAlsT tte solicit your patronage ¬ r Graham tomorrow from the Palace Undertak FLAT IRON BUILDING ing At Boston Second parlors At least one relative a Raf aelovich Brajevich was Chicago 3 6 2 sister yesterday communicated Main Street TELEPHONE 141 wltK Boston t 2 6 l f After being touted as being all In Isst season by Philadelphia Batteries Pfeifester Xcedham the crlt and lea this Indian twlrler of Connie JIattern and Shaw mmmmm0i0mimmmmmrA FAST Mack Is showing a surprising re- At iNew York SPECIAL TRAIN versal of form Bender Is considered a good fielder he Cincinnati 0 5 3 batter and snd has subbed for Capt Davis at first base Top York y V Notch I New 1 4 Beers WRECKED ONE DEAD for weeks at a time Jcrronsl Batteries Rowan and Roth Jlat-- hewson and
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