Writing in the Margins: Mainstream News Media Representations of Transgenderism∗ Thomas J Billard Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California
[email protected] August 29, 2016 Abstract This study examines representations of transgender individuals and identity in main- stream American newspapers in an effort to understand the extent to which the transgender com- munity is legitimized or delegitimized by news media. To do so, 200 articles from 13 of the 25 most circulated daily newspapers in the United States were coded for the presence or absence of Legitimacy Indicators. The study finds that mainstream newspaper coverage of the transgender community is extremely limited. What coverage existed, however, contains a significant amount of delegitimizing language, which it is argued will detrimentally impact both the projected legitimacy of transgender claims in the political arena and public perceptions of the transgender community. Keywords transgender, journalism, newspapers, legitimacy, content analysis Cite as Billard, Thomas J. 2016. \Writing in the Margins: Mainstream News Media Repre- sentations of Transgenderism." International Journal of Communication 10: 4193{4218. ∗The research presented in this article was originally conducted while the author was at the George Washington University. An earlier version of this article was presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, May 2015 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The author would like to thank Kimberly Gross for her guidance in the early phases of this project, as well as Patti Riley for her comments on an earlier draft of this article. The author would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers, whose thorough critiques greatly improved the article.