1.1 Introduction 1.2 CTMP Objective
Project Number: P18109 Flexible Power Plant, Aber Industrial Estate, Flint Construction Traffic Management Plan December 2018 Author: David Stoddart 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 This Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) has been prepared by Prime Transport Planning on behalf of Conrad Energy (Flint) Limited, a subsidiary of Conrad Energy (Developments) Limited, in respect of a proposed flexible power plant located within Aber Park Industrial Estate, Aber Road, Flint. 1.1.2 The proposed development site benefits from planning consent granted by Flintshire County Council (FCC) under planning application reference number 057732 in December 2017, subject to a number of conditions. The requirement for a CTMP formed one of these conditions (9) as follows: No development shall take place, including site clearance works, until a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Traffic Management Plan. Reason: To ensure the formation of a safe and satisfactory means of access to the site in the interests of maintaining highway safety and the free and safe movement of pedestrians and traffic on the adjoining highway, in accordance with policy AC13 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan. 1.1.3 This is a live document and will be maintained, reviewed and updated by the project team, as necessary and as required throughout the development process. The monitoring of progress and review of environmental performance on a regular basis is an essential part of Conrad Energy (Developments) Ltd’s company policy. 1.2 CTMP Objective 1.2.1 The objective of the CTMP is to ensure that the potential impacts that may arise during the construction phase of the development have been appropriately considered and that the traffic generated by the development through the construction phase is kept to a minimum, both in terms of physical impact and duration.
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